500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (17 in general)
See clearly the people's heart
2024-06-09 00:07:32
fourth grade

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (1)

Time passed like water. In the blink of an eye, the Mid Autumn Festival came quietly. In the evening, the family sat in front of the window, eating moon cakes while watching the moon. The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is big and round, hanging in the sky like a jade plate, adding a ray of brilliance to the originally dark night sky. "People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times.". Yes, there are always some regrets in life, just like the moon, where there is perfection, there are regrets. But why pay too much attention to these shortcomings? It is because of these shortcomings that our life becomes wonderful, isn't it? Let's learn from the moon, and face the ups and downs of life as calmly as the moon. When we can calmly face the ups and downs of life, then our life will be more perfect, and we will also be closer to success. However, the most important thing on this Mid Autumn Festival night is to get together with your family. How happy it is for the whole family to gather around, eat moon cakes and enjoy the full moon outside the window. Maybe you can't go back home to accompany your relatives, so don't be sad, because in the evening, not only the bright moon will accompany you, but also your family will appreciate the beauty of the same moon. Mid Autumn Festival, this festival gives us a lot. Maybe it's the joy of reuniting with family members, or it's the sadness of being in a foreign country. But we all have this moon, a big, round and beautiful moon. So, what are the reasons for us to be unhappy? However, the happiest part of the day is not us, but the lonely moon. On this day, it is finally no longer lonely, because many people on the earth will pay attention to it and watch it, hehe

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (2)

The moon is the roundest and brightest tonight, because today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. It is also a time for family members to have a reunion dinner.

My parents and I came to my grandparents' house to have a reunion dinner. When we had dinner, the whole family talked and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. After dinner, my parents suggested going to Qiandeng Lake for a walk to watch the moon.

When I came to Qiandeng Lake, the first thing I saw when I went abroad was a dark area, with heads surging, which looked like a group of ants moving from afar. And from a distance, I heard the hawkers on the roadside shouting and selling. We came to a grassland with the lake, sat on the lawn, and enjoyed the moon quietly. When I looked up, a bright moon hung high in the sky, like a passionate girl enjoying herself with others. The bright moonlight was like a girl's eyes, spreading her love and joy on people. Look, there was laughter everywhere. Several shining kites are racing to fly into the sky, shining in the night. They want to fly into the sky and dance with Chang'e sister. At this moment, I look at the moon in my mind. There is a shadow in the moon, like a mountain and a person. Does Chang'e live in it? This reminds me of the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. It is said that in ancient times, there were ten suns in the sky at the same time, which made the crops wither and the people live in poverty. A hero named Hou Yi saw this. He climbed up Kunlun Mountain and shot down all nine suns. Soon he married a woman named Chang'e. One day, the fairy in the sky gave them an elixir. Someone knew about it and forced Chang'e to hand over the elixir. Chang'e had no choice but to eat the elixir, so she slowly flew into the sky and could not get down again.

The moon is so beautiful. On the lawn, some people enjoy the moon while eating moon cakes. Some people can't help taking pictures of the moon with their mobile phones as souvenirs. Others enjoy the moon with binoculars. What's more interesting is that some people sit in boats and put Kongming lights in the middle of the lake. Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but think of Li Bai's poem "Looking up at the bright moon, looking down at home"

Tonight's night is so beautiful that people are reluctant to leave. I hope the beauty of this night can accompany me to a sweet dream.

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (3)

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China, and it is also called the Reunion Festival. It represents reunion and auspiciousness. On this special day, every family has set off firecrackers to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, and people are looking forward to the coming of the annual Mid Autumn Festival night.

In today's night, the moon is the largest and roundest. Every family will take out some tribute to the moon in the yard. It is said that this can bless the safety and happiness of the family!

In my home, you see, Grandpa and Grandma also put a lot of tribute! They first put a small round table in the yard, put a censer in the front, lit a few sticks of incense, and prayed a few words. Then they took some apples, oranges, and water caltrops, and put a big round moon cake in the middle with a big word "Fu" in the middle, and put some taros and a big lotus root in the back.

I lie in front of the window and look at the big and round moon. It's really beautiful! It is shining with yellow light, beautiful and moving. It is crystal clear and pure, like a big crystal ball. It shines green and bright, like a bright light... You must have heard the myth of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon". I don't know whether Chang'e sister is lonely in the moon palace. She must be thinking of her family with her pet Yutu!

June 17 this year is an extraordinary day. The Shenzhou 9 spacecraft was successfully launched, and Chinese astronauts Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang and Liu Yang successfully boarded the "Heavenly Palace"! When I grow up, I really want to take a spaceship to the moon to see Sister Chang'e and her little Jade Rabbit, to see how tall the osmanthus tree is, and to smell the fragrance of osmanthus on the tree

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (4)

On the occasion of celebrating the 52nd anniversary of our great motherland, we also ushered in the Mid Autumn Festival night.

When night fell, the stars filled the night sky and winked at us. The bright moon seemed to have already guessed our thoughts. She opened the night and opened her smiling face. At this time, the moon is so gentle, she gently sprinkles the yellow light on the earth, pouring into every corner.

I have been looking forward to it for several days. Today, I finally look forward to the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. After the reunion dinner, my parents and I came to Yuexiu Mountain to watch the lanterns. As soon as I entered the gate of Yuexiu Mountain, I was deeply attracted by the colorful lights and the people who came to watch them. Here is a bustling place, full of people, singing and dancing. It's a beautiful southern scenery. Ah! We entered a world of lights, a sea of flowers, and this paradise on earth.

My parents and I walked along the colorful light corridor to the place where the colorful lights are most concentrated. Those colorful lights dazzled me, as if I had walked into a maze. Some of the lights here are like rabbits, some are like big planes, and some are like the sun. At this time, a string of happy laughter came from the crowd, and I ran over to hear the sound. There was a big colored light hanging high. There are Guilin landscape paintings on both sides of the lantern, and on the front of the lantern is an imposing pig Bajie. He shakes his fan, crosses his legs, exposes his belly, and eats watermelons in a big way.

On the other side, a powerful Monkey King is painted. He holds the golden stirrup high, and the golden light shines from his eyes, as if to beat up the greedy pig Bajie. Looking at this interesting colored lamp, I couldn't help laughing. The sky is getting darker and darker. At this time, the moon is hiding somewhere. Maybe it's sleeping in the clouds? But the lights in Yuexiu Mountain are brighter! You see, the "Dragon and Phoenix Lantern" kept waving to us; "Avanti" smiled at us on his donkey; The "Space Shuttle" is spinning fast and seems to be about to shoot into space. The fragrance of flowers came to my face, and people's songs and laughter echoed in the valley of Yuexiu Mountain for a long time.

At this time, the moon seemed to wake up and came out of the white cotton like clouds, revealing a gentle smile. She accompanied us with soft yellow light along the tree lined path and walked to the deep of the park. At this moment, I looked up at the bright moon. A round moon like a big jade plate was high embedded in the dark blue night sky. "What a beautiful Mid Autumn night!" I couldn't help shouting.

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (5)

The night of the Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful and peaceful night. Every family gathers together to taste moon cakes, melons and fruits and enjoy family happiness. Today is the 15th day of the eighth lunar month and the annual Mid Autumn Festival. In the evening, after we had dinner, we went to the roof barbecue! We moved all the prepared materials, chairs and tea machines onto the roof and started the barbecue!

This year's Mid Autumn Festival, I specially learned how to barbecue chicken wings online. So, my first barbecue food is chicken wings! First, I put some oil on the chicken wings and barbecue them for two minutes. Then I turn them into golden brown and turn them upside down. Then I put some oil on them and continue to cook them for two minutes. After two minutes, the chicken wings have matured! Then cut flowers and add some soy sauce and seasonings to make the chicken wings more delicious. Cook for another five minutes or so, and put a little oil in. Because the head of chicken wings is the most difficult to burn, it is necessary to stand up the wings and cook them for one minute! At this time, the chicken wings are almost ripe. Add some seasonings to make the chicken wings taste more delicious. Cook for ten minutes. Ten minutes later, put soy sauce, cumin powder, chili powder, barbecue sauce, salt pepper powder, oil, and vice versa. Put soy sauce, cumin powder, chili powder, barbecue sauce, salt pepper powder, oil, and burn for one minute before you can eat! In this way, I roasted several chicken wings and ate one myself. I didn't believe in my ability. It was really delicious! We ate, talked, and watched the moon for hours! I was tired of playing with my brothers and sisters and wanted to go to bed. When I thought of another year of childhood, I cried silently. However, at this time, I asked my mother whether I would cook barbecue tomorrow night. When my mother said yes, I smiled and smiled sweetly, forgetting the sad things just now!

The Mid Autumn Festival night is really fun. You can not only enjoy the moon, but also barbecue. It was really fun, really fun, really fun! I'm looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival next year!

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (6)

"Fat fish, look at the fireworks!" I turned my head excitedly and looked in the direction my brother pointed. "Wow, it's really beautiful!".

In my eyes, some of them seem to be scattered, some are blooming, and some are like rockets that "swish" up into the sky and disappear without a trace. I am intoxicated with these beautiful fireworks. A group of children downstairs, like me, see the crazy fireworks, and they cheer excitedly from time to time

I watched and played. Of course, I couldn't forget to eat moon cakes. My father had known my mind and had already fed me a piece of moon cakes that had just been cut into my mouth. "Wow, it's so sweet and delicious, thank you, dad!" The ginseng and cinnamon moon cakes sent by my aunt were really different. A unique flavor of ginseng slowly penetrated into my heart.

Today is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival of our Chinese nation. After dinner, my brother and I lie on the balcony to watch the moon today. Dad put a small table on the balcony and put moon cakes on it. My mother was busy in the kitchen. Less than ten minutes later, an ingenious fruit dish appeared in front of us. My mother was so creative. The red and green fruits with different shapes make my mouth water.

The moon is a little shy today. It is very small and half hidden. It cleverly covers itself with a layer of gauze, which makes people feel hazy. I began to daydream. I was thinking about the story of Chang'e flying to the moon. I don't know what Chang'e sister is doing in the sky today. There are still cars coming and going downstairs. The lights of Jizhi Island and some shops in the distance intersect each other, which is particularly brilliant today's Mid Autumn Festival night.

My father and mother miss their hometown and relatives most at this time. My brother and I also think of their grandmother, cousin, cousin and others in the distance. We look at the sky together and pray sincerely. It's really "missing my family every holiday!"

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (7)

The long-awaited Mid Autumn Festival has finally arrived. At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, my parents were busy making a big dinner. At sunset, the whole family sat around and had a happy reunion dinner!

After dinner, I hoped that the sky would get darker and the moon would climb up the treetops faster, so that I could eat thick and sweet moon cakes.

It was dark at last, and the moon showed its round face through the clouds, and poured its bright light on the earth, which seemed to be covered with a layer of silver yarn. I shouted excitedly: "Mom, the moon is coming out, quickly place moon cakes!" My mother smiled and said: "Little greedy cat, come to help!" I was ordered to help my mother quickly carry the tea table to the balcony, and put moon cakes, pomelos, peanuts, sweet and sour lotus root slices

Looking at the table full of tempting food, I couldn't help but stretch out my hand. But my mother took my hand and said with a smile: "My child, make a wish to the moon. It is said that if you make a wish to the moon tonight, your wish will come true!" After listening to my mother's words, I made a small wish to Yueliang piously and silently. After making a wish, my father happily suggested, "Tonight, let's have a poem contest to chant the moon!"

"The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground." As soon as my father finished speaking, I blurted out the answer.

"The moon rises in the sea, and the horizon is at this time." My mother is unwilling to fall behind.

"The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river. When will the moon return?" Dad shook his head and recited, really like a great poet.

"The hour does not know the moon, called white jade plate." I continued.

Before I knew it, the night was deep. Looking at the full moon hanging high like a jade plate, I can't help saying: "This year's Mid Autumn Festival night is really unforgettable!"

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (8)

My mother said that the Mid Autumn Festival is our traditional festival and also a family reunion day. My aunt is going to bring two little cousins back from Hong Kong for the festival. I'm so happy, but I have to go to school today. It's really disappointing.

When I came home from school, I saw that my aunt and two younger cousins had returned. I said to my elder cousin, "Do you have any homework? Let's finish our homework together and play again." We both began to do our homework carefully. My aunt saw us and praised us as good children. We were very happy, very proud and proud. After finishing our homework, my mother told us to eat quickly, saying that we would go to the roof to watch the moon later. After we finished eating, we watched cartoons for a while. Mother asked us to play on the rooftop. (We) went to the rooftop to see that Grandma had already prepared the food for enjoying the moon. There were moon cakes, apples, pomelos, oranges, raisins, snails, water chestnut, etc. on the table. I was dazzled and wanted to eat at once. But when everyone was not there, I had to compete for lanterns with my cousin, My cousin's lantern is a house, my cousin is a flying dragon, and mine is a lamb paradise. After a while, everyone was together, and the moon came out. The moon tonight was really round, big and bright! We surrounded the table and ate while chatting. How happy we are!

Time flies. I have to go to school tomorrow, so I have to go home early. I wonder what will happen to the Mid Autumn Festival next year?

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (9 words)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. I'm so happy that I don't have to go to school or do my homework. Ouye

My father read the words on his mobile phone: "When I was a child, I couldn't hear the story of Chang'e. I always wanted to eat moon cakes. Now I can't eat moon cakes after the Mid Autumn Festival, and I always think about Chang'e..." I thought to myself that it was better to have fun with moon cakes and Chang'e than watching TV and playing computer.

We went to the supermarket early in the morning to buy moon cakes and other holiday gifts, and then went to Grandpa's house.

Once I got to my grandpa's house, I went to the fields with my brothers to make a fire. I also picked an orange. My brothers started to burn a fire. I climbed up the tree to watch them burn. The orange in my hand fell into the fire, so I had to wait until the fire was out before eating. I waited and waited. It was a long time. I had a dream in the tree. The oranges were finally cooked. I picked them up and tasted them: "Wow, they taste great. We have also prepared "fire extinguishers" - each person can hold a bath of urine. The oranges were cooked. One, two, three, we took out our weapons together. How big the water was, and the fire was extinguished by us. It's really funny. It's better than Chang'e's story.

When we were full of roasted oranges, we ran wildly in the fields. Sweat soaked our clothes and we didn't feel tired at all. Running I ran into the mud and fell a big butt. My clothes were all muddy and smelly. But I am so happy and have been laughing. You see, my Mid Autumn Festival is no more fun than eating moon cakes.

Time flies. It seems that I will return to Loudi after playing for a second.

It was dark, but I didn't see the moon. Late at night, I dreamed of the moon, and Chang'e sister, she smiled and said to me: "Come up quickly, come and play with me."

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (10 words)

"Being a stranger in a foreign land alone, I miss my relatives every festival." The Mid Autumn Festival has always been my yearning day. However, the 15th day of August this year was not beautiful. It rained all day during the day, and the moon was not round and bright in the sky at night as usual.

After dinner, it was still drizzling outside. The three of us sit together watching TV. After a while, my mother took out a piece of moon cake and cut it into three pieces. She said to everyone, "Come on, eat the moon cake!" I took the moon cake and thought, "How boring it is! My grandparents are all in my hometown hundreds of miles away, while my uncle is thousands of miles away in Shanghai. Today is supposed to be a day of reunion, but my family is so far away. I pulled my face down and was very unhappy. My mother seemed to see my mind and said, "You can make any phone calls today." "Ah! That's great. Mom knows me!" I put down the moon cake in my hand and ran to the phone cheering.

First, I dialed my grandfather's phone. "Hello!" I said excitedly after hearing my grandfather's kind voice, "Grandpa, I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!" "Thank you, thank you! Are you tired of studying these two days?" "Not tired."

When I put down the phone, I immediately called my uncle: "Happy Mid Autumn!" "Thank You!" My uncle said happily. "Uncle, can you see the moon there?" "Yes, the moon is very big and round!" "Can you come back on National Day?" "Too busy with work, I'm sure I can't go back." "What about Spring Festival?" "Spring Festival must come back!" "Good Bay!" "Bay!"

In modern society, everyone has his or her own career, and doing something needs to pay. This Mid Autumn Festival, although our family did not sit together talking and laughing, the telephone connected us.

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (11 words)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. The moon is like a desk lamp, which will never go out. The lanterns, like candles, will disappear after time!

Now my home is bustling and bustling, which can be called a sea of people. Sister Qianxin and my smelly brother and I jump around like rabbits at home, playing games and eating, like pigs, lazy, and doing nothing at home.

Ding ding dong dong, the doorbell rang. I used Liu Xiang's speed to run to the door and opened the door. Sister Xiuzhen, my aunt, my uncle and sister Xiaoxue came in. They poured up like waves. Now our home has become a bustling "food market"! The adults are chatting, the sisters are watching TV, the children are playing in the room, the mother and grandmother are cooking in the kitchen, tonight we are eating hot pot, we can't wait!

Before long, the fragrant hot pot came out. Adults sat on the table while children ate at the tea table. Our territory was occupied by adults!

Sister Xiuzhen, sister Qianxin, me and stinky had finished their meal. We were about to go downstairs to play. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I hadn't bought lanterns yet. So I took my pocket money with them to go for a walk and buy lanterns.

We ran to the bottom of the platform like crazy dogs, where they worked out and played games. I went to the supermarket myself and bought a beautiful firefly lantern with my pocket money. At the touch of a button, the firefly would flap its wings, walk underground and sing. After I bought the lanterns, I returned to the platform and went to the lawn with my sisters and brothers.

After walking for a while, we arrived at the lawn, where my sister and I played on the swing and my brother played on the seesaw. We also watched the stars on the lawn. The stars twinkled, but the most prominent one was the moon shining like beads.

The Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable!

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (12 words)

Do you know what day it is today? Don't know! I tell you I like the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15. People come to welcome the Mid Autumn Festival. Some children come to see the moon with love lamps, and some barbecue at home.

My mother and I watched the moon on the roof of my uncle's house. The moon was really round, like a round jade plate embedded in the black sky. The stars sparkle like children's eyes. We put moon cakes, tea and chairs on the moon. We spread the newspaper into a square. There is a small square with moon cakes and teapots in the middle. We ate mooncakes while drinking tea and chatting. We talked and laughed. My sisters looked at the moon and saw a small circle moving around in the night sky, so I had to. Very strange. I heard my sisters say, "It's Kongming Lantern, have you seen it?" It's the first time I saw a kite flying to a child, but it doesn't need anyone to fly it. As long as you ignite the Kongming Lantern, it can float in the air, but how beautiful the color inside is! Others say that Kongming Deng can make a wish to keep peace. Another sister told a joke: "There are two sausages in the refrigerator. One said," It's very cold. "The other said," How can you talk? "

After that, everyone laughed because they could talk and asked if others could talk. Next, we will answer riddles, tell or talk about our own jokes. The more you say what I say, the happier everyone will be. We will also take photos of the shadows. Our sisters will take photos of the shadows with their high-tech mobile phones as cameras. Big sister held her hair in two hands. I felt like a big ear of "Pig Bajie", but my mother felt like a "big hat". How funny! A fresh breeze blew again.

This year's Mid Autumn Festival night, we are very unforgettable ah!

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (13)

The cold moonlight is mercilessly covering every wounded poor person. Tonight, I am doomed to sleepless. I flicked the dust off the calendar and turned it over - Mid Autumn Festival. Hehe, Mid Autumn Festival? Tonight's moon will only add a few more wounds to my heart. Mom and Dad, haven't you come home for a long time, is it a day? a week? Or a month? Alas, I can't remember clearly.

Sometimes I wonder if my birth was a mistake? If you don't love me, why do you give me life. Let me taste loneliness and loneliness under one cold moon night after another.

Fifteen years ago, on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I fell like an angel in the silver of the moon. Ten years ago, on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I listened quietly to my grandmother's "Chang'e Flying to the Moon".

Five years ago, on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I lost my grandmother, the only person who loved me. So I held the black cat to avoid the full moon, and let tears rage in the darkness. Today's Mid Autumn Festival night, I was alone in the big empty house. I'm scared.

Mom and Dad, do you know what's on my mind? Do you care about my mind? Come back and accompany me, even for a minute! Mom and Dad, I have prepared many dishes you like. I just hope you can come back earlier and spend a reunion night with me, can you?

To the world's parents, we don't need too much money, but we need too much love from you—— Postscript

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (14 words)

Today is the Mid Autumn Festival.

Night has already come. The water like moonlight shines through the windows into the houses of each family, illuminating people's hearts. At this time, how many people are reunited with their relatives, eating moon cakes in the joy of reunion, looking up at the round moon in the sweetness of moon cakes.

Also at this time, how many wanderers are standing in front of the window, also looking at the 15 moon. However, what appeared in their eyes was not a round moon, but the smiling faces of their relatives. What burned in their hearts was not the joy of reuniting with their relatives, but the deep feeling of homesickness.

The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of homesickness.

I have never experienced such deep homesickness, because I am with my relatives every day. In my opinion, every day is the Mid Autumn Festival and every day is the 15th day. Whether it's sunny, cloudy or rainy, I can always feel the warm affection and see a full moon. But I hope to experience the feeling of homesickness. Because I understand that when I am homesick, my family is also missing me, so what I feel is not the sadness of homesickness, but the warmth of family ties.

Those wanderers! On this Mid Autumn night, as long as you can feel the warmth of home in your heart, I believe that a round moon will rise in your heart, and a joy of reunion will also burn in your heart.

The moon of 15 is still hanging in the sky, which is so bright against the night.

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (15 words)

A wisp of soft moonlight shines through the window and spreads on the windowsill, which looks like silver plating. The moon must be beautiful at this time! I suddenly remembered the Mid Autumn Festival

So I went down to watch the moon. What a round and full moon! There are several twinkling stars in the distance, which add a bit of poetry to the moonlight.

Along the path leading to the garden, I walked aimlessly, and the whole world seemed to be immersed in the silver sea of light, setting off a warm and quiet night. I am also in the sea of moonlight.

Moonlight sprinkles my clothes and warms my heart - I think the warmth of the sun is too warm and unrestrained; The starlight is a little lonely and cold again. Only this gentle and quiet moonlight can be so just right. The moonlight permeates the whole earth. My surroundings are bright with moonlight, and the world is completely shrouded in a holy atmosphere. My senses are blurred, and my heart is sublimated in this holiness.

I didn't realize that I had come to the gate of the garden and walked along the garden path to a pond. The pond is very small, and the usually lively goldfish are still there now. Maybe I fell asleep. In the middle of the pond is a mountain stone with uncanny workmanship. Under the moonlight, it is more interesting and picturesque. The moon is reflected in the dark green bottom of the pool and washed by water. It looks extremely clear and lofty, just like the charming eyes of the Mona Lisa.

A gust of wind blew, and made a slight ripple on the calm pool water. The pool water rippled slightly, kissed the rocks, and made a gentle metallic impact sound, which seemed extremely light in the quiet night

Along the path, large chrysanthemums bathed in the moonlight, and were blown by the wind in their sleep also revealed a happy smile.

Turning around the pond, I sat under the mushroom pavilion. Raise your head and look up at the infinite sky and the bright moon in the sky. Thoughts are like runaway wild horses galloping in the endless fields - this pure moonlight! I finally realized your vast natural flavor tonight.

"When will the moon be bright? Ask the blue sky about the wine... People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs. This is a matter of ancient difficulty. I hope that people will last for a long time and share the joys and sorrows for thousands of miles." My friends who are far away from home, I must also look forward to the moon at this beautiful night!

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (16 words)

The Mid Autumn Festival has quietly come close to us. How can I not be excited at this time? Faced with a three-day holiday, my eyes were full of tears.

I come from the countryside. There is some distance between my hometown and my school. It is impossible to go home every day. I can only go back once a Saturday. Facing the new school, the moment I entered Xinjian No. 1 Middle School, I was unfamiliar with the surrounding environment and confused about my future. Looking at the faces of new students, I knew they would be my classmates.

Oh, count the days. I have not returned home for nine days. At this time, I realized how warm and happy home is. Lying by the bed every night, facing the situation of eight people living in a house, I experienced the happiness of home. Whenever I miss home, tears will fall down.

As your teacher said, if you come from the countryside, you should study harder, otherwise you will always live in a small gully. I heard your words, which always inspired me, and my parents' instructions urged me to move forward.

On that day, I heard a stirring news, that is, the Mid Autumn Festival holiday. I cried and was very excited. The Mid Autumn Festival means to reunite with my family. I can go home now. It is no longer a day, and I don't have to go and come in a hurry. The thought of the moment when I could eat moon cakes at home and enjoy the moon with my family could not be described in words. Mid-autumn festival feeling 600 words

However, I also experienced high school life. Sometimes I hated why I was not assigned to a key class. Studying in Class 10 of Senior One, I learned that the atmosphere of the class was so bad that it was a foregone conclusion and could not be undone, and I redoubled my efforts.

The Mid Autumn Festival on August Day always brings tears when I read the word "Never". Anyway, when this day comes, I will experience the joy of the Mid Autumn Festival.

500 words composition on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival (17 words)

According to legend, there was a beautiful woman named Chang'e in the bright moon in the sky that night. Some people wanted to see her appearance, so they put out several plates of moon cakes in the round moon on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15. Our family did the same, but not for that, but for??

On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, my family and I took a small stool and a piece of moon cake to the roof. We enjoyed the bright moon at night while eating delicious moon cakes. Only my grandparents, uncles and aunts at work, and two naughty brothers who won't make me lonely are the only ones who enjoy the bright moon on the Mid Autumn Festival night with me. What seems to be missing from my empty heart? Looking at the moon, I seemed to see the two wrinkled and haggard faces of my parents, who were smiling at me happily. My eyes were full of tears, but I tried hard not to let the tears flow down.

My parents left me to Zhejiang when I was six years old, and occasionally came back to see me once a year. At that time, I hated them so much. Why did I leave me? Now that I have grown up, I am ashamed of my attitude towards them when I was young. Sorry. They went there and worked hard to earn money, leaving early and returning late, in order to study for me. They didn't want me to grow up without a job and work as hard as they did. Their love for me, I can understand that they are so hard, I am very distressed, more distressed that they send money every day, that money is his hard-earned money, is stamped out with a sewing machine. My parents often call me on weekends and ask me about my stay here. I will tell them everything and hope they don't have to worry about me. I'm fine.

Grandma told me that we should study hard and not let our parents' hard work go to waste. Looking at Grandma's gray sideburns, I think she should miss her son very much! Maybe his father will also look at the moon, see me, and see his mother who yearns for so much. He may also sigh: "The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river, when will the moon return?" Dad, I will certainly study hard, and will not disappoint your expectations for me and the hard work of getting out early and returning late, but please take care of your health.

Standing under the bright moon, the breeze caresses my face and flushes my hair. I slowly looked up at the moon again. Ah! The moon please pass on my thoughts to my parents who work abroad, and hope you can pass on their concern to me, so that I can have the motivation to learn. I hope you will send everyone's deep love for their loved ones here.