Composition of pillow fight (7 compilations)
valiant and heroic in bearing
2024-06-09 09:06:54
primary school

Pillow Battle Composition (1)

Today, my cousin and I thought of a fun game - pillow fight.

First, take out all the pillows in the house and put them on the bed. Then take away all the "superfluous" things and call my sister, sister and brother to play pillow fight. The younger brother is the referee, standing aside, shouting: "Three, two, one, start"!

We quickly picked up the pillow and guarded our "camp". Suddenly, my brother launched a surprise attack on my sister. Because my sister was not strong enough, she was defeated by my brother soon.

The battle was very fierce. My brother opened the pillow to shoot the shock wave. My sister and I did not agree and threw the explosive package forward as much as we could - our big pillow.

The elder brother's firepower was too fierce, and the elder sister was finally eliminated. Next, there was a war between my brother and me. I charged to my brother's camp and found that I had forgotten my pillow. I returned to the camp in the "hail of bullets", picked up the pillow and ran to my brother's camp. On the way, my brother hit me with his pillow, which made me lose the war.

The pillow fight - a new game that my brother and I came up with casually, brought me great joy in winter nights.

Pillow Battle Composition (2)

I joined an autumn camp. In the evening, our four friends arranged to stay in one room. Because on the top floor of the hotel, our room has two floors, one double bed below, two single beds above, plus the sofa, there are countless pillows! It happened that everyone else was asleep at night, and everyone was also sleepy. Using the complex "terrain", a pillow fight was launched.

I slept on it with classmate Zhang, for the first team; Wang, who sleeps below, has become another pair with Monkey. The next team is slightly better than us in terms of "materials (pillows)", but the "terrain" is favorable to us.

The battle started when the first pillow fell from my hand. Everyone used pillow as a melee weapon and pillow as a long-range weapon to fight with each other. On the top, we make full use of the "terrain" and throw pillows down, while the enemy hoards "goods" in the middle of the stairs to fight with us. Zhang held a pillow on the top of the stairs and beat desperately. It was really "one man is in charge of the pass, ten thousand people can't get away", and the enemy would never want to come up. I was not idle either. I pulled up the pillow and threw it down, throwing them back again and again. I kept blocking my head with my hands, and I could not resist it immediately.

The enemy was badly beaten, but we only had two pillows left. We had to rush down with pillows on our shoulders. The enemy immediately tried to throw away the pillow. Pillows rained down on us. We have no desire to fight. We pick up the "goods" thrown by the enemy, cover each other, and smuggle them up. However, the enemy grabbed several pillows at random and climbed up. We fought back desperately. The pillows we just grabbed were all used at once. Even the pillows were thrown out, and the enemy still rushed forward tenaciously. We can't help it. We are unarmed and run to their "old nest" directly. After grabbing a pillow, we fight fiercely and happily.

"Bang, bang, bang!" We were having a good time when there was a knock at the door. God! The teacher came to check the room! All of us suddenly became "first class orderlies". In less than half a minute, we turned off the lights, put away the pillows, covered the quilts, and then we were done. Three pretended to sleep, and one went to open the door. But the teacher scolded us when he heard us making a loud noise inside.

Alas, I didn't know the winner and got scolded. It's better to sleep in peace and welcome more interesting activities tomorrow!

Pillow Battle Composition (3)

The battle began. My cousin held a sausage pillow and a dog. I hold a pillow in my left hand as a defense shield, and a cosmic cube in my right hand as an attack weapon.

My cousin took the initiative to attack first. The sausage pillow rushed towards me like a leopard. At that moment, he seemed full of victory. Who would have thought that I resisted his attack with a shield "whew". My cousin didn't hit me and showed a disappointed look. After a while, he began to get angry, grabbed things and threw them at me like a hail of bullets.

When it came time for me to fight back, before he could respond, one of the Monkey King jumped over, jumped behind my cousin, grabbed a teddy bear and threw it at him, pushed him with his shield, and fell on the bed. I shouted, "Yes!" I won! I jumped up happily.

My cousin, who refused to admit defeat, showed dissatisfaction. In order to make him win, I comforted him and said, "Although I beat you, you are smaller than me and you throw more times than me, so you are the real winner.

My cousin listened to my words of encouragement, and his heart was full of fighting energy. Then you throw me and return to the pillow fight.

A few days later, I'm still looking forward to another pillow fight with my cousin. Next time I must let my cousin win more, because I am my brother.

Pillow Battle Composition (4)

On that day, the sun shone into the school window, and the sound of books gradually spread across every corridor of the school. "Ding ding", school was over, and I was just leaving school when I heard one of my friends say, "Xiao Wang, your mother agreed, and today you go to my home to sleep!" I jumped three feet high! "Today, I can finally go to my friend's house! In the past, every time I went home, I just wanted to write a paper or sleep. It was boring. But today, it's different. No one cares about me at my friend's house. I can write if I want to, and I can't write if I don't want to."

When we came to my friend's house, we both knew exactly what we were going to do after dinner. So, after we wolfed down our dinner, we went into the room without wiping our mouths - we were going to play "pillow fight". Because his bed is covered with sheets, we can cover it with sheets and hide it as "lucky clothes"!

"I will win this time!" I felt happy in my heart. After we agreed on the rules, we began to hide in one place and started the "pillow fight". "I must fight first to be strong, and let him lose the first pass to my powerful 'veteran'!"! When I was ready to charge and "kill" him three times, what I never expected was that he had already lay down beside me, with a "cannon" in his hand and a "lucky suit" on his body. He was like a fully armed soldier. After he fired three shots at me, I hung up before I could react. God! What happened to me today? I lost to a novice who had never played before! I used to win every time I fought with others, but today, how could I lose? It must be a mistake, it must be a mistake!

The second world war began. I will never be soft handed this time. I picked up the "shell" and went straight to kill him. However, I suddenly found a problem, where is he? If he rushes out now, I will hang up again! Suddenly, I found that the curtain just behind me moved! Ha, novice, you can't hide from my sharp eyes! If you want to avoid me, wait another hundred years!

"Ah, I killed you!" I cried angrily when I found him.

As I roared, I picked up the "pillow cannon" and flew to the small round thing. "Bang", I am secretly happy. "Yeah, my marksmanship was so accurate that it blew my head out!" I ran to it and opened the curtains. "Ha ha ha!" I burst out laughing, and saw that he could not see the road clearly. Every step he took, he shook westward and eastward, just like a drunk "drunkard"!

Ah! This "pillow fight" is really fun! Although, we all failed. However, this play will definitely arouse waves in my mind and never stop.

It's been a long time since this happened, and the time I can play with my friends is getting less and less. Not only that, I have no homework to write, do not want to write time to write. I really want to return to that happy time. I really want to have many friends to play games with me again. I really want to fly like a bird without pressure. Time is so fast! Time, let us never forget our childhood! Time, it is you who turn your beautiful memories into beautiful albums!

Pillow Battle Composition (5)

It was a sunny Sunday. At noon, the sun was like a shy girl, hiding behind white clouds and quietly looking at the earth. Just when I was bored and wanted to turn on the TV to watch TV, a knock of "dong... dong... dong" was heard outside the door. I opened the door and had a look, eh? Isn't this my good friends Chen Jiuqiang and Chen Jun? And their parents, I excitedly asked my parents to come over, so they soon talked in the living room. Every time parents talked in the living room, the bedroom became our game paradise. The three of us first took all the pillows to one bedroom, locked the door, and then a "century level pillow fight" kicked off.

First, I grabbed the pillow. Fortunately, my eyes were fast and my hands were quick. I pushed my feet hard and quickly grabbed a pillow. I turned my head and saw that they were fighting for the same pillow. I was overjoyed and thought that they really had no skills and tactics. So I got several more pillows in succession. Except the one they were fighting for, other pillows became my "bag", just when I was looking at my own booty and complacent. Suddenly, I saw four "dark claws" stretched out to me, and then they joined together to scratch me. I giggled. When they stopped, I found that my loot was shared equally by them. I sat on the bed like a deflated ball. In the next fight, I lost my main weapon, but that doesn't mean I lost the game, because the game rule is that players can make up by picking up pillows. Although they have "aligned" with each other, I can still find the pillow. But in the next battle, I found that they were still targeting me. Finally, I saw a "fish out of the net". Look, a white plump pillow is waving to me! I rushed over desperately and shouted that I could finally "turn over the salted fish". I raised my pillow and adjusted the angle. At this time, I saw Chen Jun squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, looking like "I'm afraid". However, I have been cheated by their extraordinary acting skills once. This time, I didn't fall for it. However, just as I did not hesitate to hit him with a pillow, a "rogue" attacked me in the back. I turned my head and was about to hit this "rogue" who attacked me in the back. I was attacked again. They threw the second, third, and fourth to me, I lay down on the bed and said, "Don't play, you can only play goofy, boring." "No, no, this is called tactics." The three of us bickered with each other, and finally we all laughed. Indeed, I lost the pillow fight, but it gave me infinite fun.

Whenever I think of it, my face will overflow with a happy smile.

Pillow Battle Composition (6)

My parents both went to work that day, and only my brother and I were at home. Although he was young, he challenged my authority to be the leader and grabbed the remote control for me. Seeing him not give up until he reaches his goal really makes me angry and makes people lose sight of him. Suddenly, a shadow hit him on the head, and the younger brother fell on the bed and shouted, "Ouch! It hurts! Can't you be weak?" The pillow fight began.

Seeing that my younger brother was going to fight back, I took a pillow as armor and looked at him contemptuously. The corners of my mouth rose slightly and smashed the pillow into my younger brother in a flash. But I had not had time to celebrate my victory. Several pillows flew to me like bricks. One of them hit my handsome face, which was unbearable!

I was totally enraged. At this time, I was like a crazy lion. I quickly picked up my "fighting weapon" and threw it on my brother's head again. However, my brother came to "wipe out thousands of troops" and swept back my "Taishan Overwhelming". I was really discouraged. I saw my younger brother's bomb coming around again. I was quick to get my wits together and made a horizontal split. As I expected, my younger brother was not careful, and his pillow fell on the ground. "Yeah! Victory!" I jumped three feet high.

When we were fighting more and more fiercely, my parents came back and thought that there was a "world war" when they saw us. After asking why, they learned that the trigger was the remote control, which really made them laugh and cry.

It seems that the truth of a gentleman's words without action is not suitable for us brothers!

Pillow Battle Composition (7)

"Look at my 'Xiao Li Throwing Knife'!" He picked up the "Banana Throwing Knife Pillow" on the ground and threw it at me. I was still proud of the success of the sneak attack. The knife hit me hard in the face. "Wow, people don't beat their faces. They eat by their faces!"

I quickly retreated to the position, prepared enough "ammunition", and staged a "war of revenge". Look at my "18 Dragon Subduing Chops"! All of a sudden, many pillows fell on him and I almost beat him to death.

Oh no, our "explosives" are exhausted, but the enemy is fully armed! The enemy picked up a "huge bomb pillow" and was aiming at me. My flexible god moved so that he could not aim. I quickly picked up two good guys who were still on the ground, and threw them at him with full strength before I could take aim. Wow, my god's right hand is really god! One fell on his forehead, the other on his knee, and I almost knocked him to his knees!

"Ha ha ha..." I laughed proudly, "scrambled eggs with purple potatoes, revenge war"! To everyone's surprise, he came back to life with all his blood and picked up a "grenade pillow" to hit me. Suddenly, my eyes were dark. "Wow - ooh -" I almost died. "This is the end of bullying me!" Cousin seemed complacent.

No, I have to outwit! I took a box full of equipment and weapons and ambushed in the "highland" (kitchen) occupied by me. "Hey, coward, don't hide, I've seen you!" Hum, you think I'm a three-year-old boy, how can you cheat me so easily?

I snickered. When he came near the "highland", I threw out all the "explosives" in my hands with the speed of lightning. Unexpectedly, it hit the mother behind my cousin!

Sobbing, the last scene is cruel. I was knocked to the ground by my mother, frothing at the mouth, rolling my eyes, and "sacrificed" honorably. Sobbing, you bully the children, and you play rascal! It's not fair!