Sunset in Composition (7 Practical Articles)
See clearly the people's heart
2024-06-22 03:58:29
Look at the picture

The sunset in composition (1)

The sunset is a pessimistic beauty. Although it is fleeting, most people can't resist its beauty: in the short moment of dusk, the rays of the sun poured down heavily, it was so magnificent! Soon, the sun set in the west, and the night covered the earth gently.

Another summer night has begun

Perhaps, when you are busy in the sea of people and on the road of time, you haven't stopped to enjoy the beautiful sunset! This passing moment, I was deeply attracted by the setting sun. I can't help leaning against the window and watching the sunset. The calm and carefree feeling is incomparable! When you are busy in the crowd, when you are busy in the time, you might as well spare some time to see this beautiful sunset. When you are sweating and exhausted, please stop! This sunset will release your heart.

Gradually, I had an indelible impression of the sunset. Its bright red rays dyed the white clouds floating on the reddish sky into a striking red.

Many people are pessimistic that the sunset has ended the day, but I think that the sunset has gone down, but it means the beginning of a new day. I suddenly smiled and remembered Shelley once said such a sentence

The sunset in composition (2)

One day, mother took Xiao Liang and Xiao Ming to see the sunset.

The setting sun is about to set, just like a little girl blushing, Lian Yun has also been infected with a thin layer of red gauze. After a while, the sunset will fall in half, like a cut moon cake, and the other half will be in the sky, orange, clouds will be red and orange. Even seagulls don't know when they put on their red scarves. At close sight, they look like the inverted word "people".

After a while, the sun disappeared, as if to say: "Let's play hide and seek." Mother said to Xiao Liang and Xiao Ming: "The sun is home, let's go home." So they went home reluctantly.

The sunset in composition (3)

Look at the sunset

Yesterday afternoon, my sister and I, as well as Miss Li, went to the seaside park to watch the sunset.

When we arrived at the seaside park, we saw that the sun in the west also gave out a strong light, shining on the boundless sea. The sea surface exposed to the sun was sparkling, but the sea surface not exposed to the sun was gray and black.

After a while, the sun fell a little, and the light was no longer so dazzling. But the sea is still sparkling. The orange glow on people's faces turns orange red.

After a while, the sun set a little, like a big orange ball. After a while, the sun closed all the afterglow, like a light red balloon stopped in the sky. At this time, the moon also rose.

At this time, Mr. Li asked us to build a castle together. First, build a round sand pile. This is the castle. Then I piled the wall with sand, and finally poured the water into the castle. I put a bag of water into it, and the water seeped into the sand.

We were having a good time. I don't know when the sun has gone down. Only the western sky still has some pink sunset, which makes people feel nostalgic.

Praise the sunset

Key words: praising the sunset composition praising the sunset is like a painting, in which the golden frost is put on the house. From a distance, it is the golden wall, and from a close view, it becomes the Golden Mansion.

The girl watching the sunset

The sun is setting in the west and the sky is full of brilliant clouds. It's really beautiful. I went to the balcony, looked at the slender and shy mimosa, looked up and suddenly found that the girl living in the opposite building was looking at the sunset, saw her face covered with the sunset with a pure smile, she found me, smiled at me, and we became a pair of good friends.

Every week, she invited me to her balcony to watch the sunset. Her balcony is so big! Facing the setting sun, she was infatuated every time she looked at it. I asked, "Why do you like watching the sunset so much?" She moved her mouth and said quietly after a while, "The sunset is because of the sunset. The sunset has inspired me. It can calm my disturbed heart, appreciate its beauty, and feel its beauty."

For a week, she still didn't ask me to go to her house to watch the sunset, so I went to find her. I knocked at the door, but it was not she who opened the door, but a stranger. I stammered, "Please... ask the one who used to live here..." Before I finished, the man glared at me and said, "Little girl! Move away." Then he slammed the door. "What? Moved away?" I came home with tears streaming down my face, opened the window, stared at the beautiful sunset, and cried

Less than a week later, I received her letter and said happily, "Friend, I'm sorry! I moved away and returned to my hometown in the north. How are you?......" I cried again.

Winter has gone and spring has come, summer has gone and autumn has come. The sunset is still beautiful every day. The soft light has covered the windows time and time again. That's the most beautiful time! (January 2003)

Look at the sunset

Composition: Watching the Sunset

One day, mother took Xiao Liang and Xiao Ming to see the sunset.

The setting sun is about to set, just like a little girl blushing, Lian Yun has also been infected with a thin layer of red gauze. After a while, the sunset fell half, like a cut moon cake, and half in the sky, orange, clouds will be red, orange. Even seagulls don't know when they put on their red scarves. At close sight, they look like the inverted word "people".

After a while, the sun disappeared, as if to say: "Let's play hide and seek." Mother said to Xiao Liang and Xiao Ming: "The sun is home, let's go home." So they went home reluctantly. Watching the Sunset

Watching the sunset on the plane for the first time

When I was 6 years old, my mother took me to Singapore for a month. It was three o'clock when we boarded the plane. When I got on the plane, I wanted to open the window and watch the plane fly up into the sky to see the sun and white clouds... Because it was very hot in Shanghai that day, the sun was hot and the sun was very strong. "Alas, I can't look outside," I said and closed the window.

After a few hours, my mother suddenly said to me: "It's dusk now, look at the sunset!" I immediately opened the window. I thought the sun would be very dazzling, but the truth is not. The light red sun gently sprinkled on me, and I felt very comfortable! Now look at the sun, it is not dazzling at all, making people feel gentle and peaceful. Look at the clouds around the sun, which have been dyed pink. It occurred to me that these clouds are like marshmallows! I can't help but want to take a bite. I thought again: this cloud is really like a pony, and the pink pony is really strange! That cloud looks like a child. The child in pink is really cute I exclaimed, "How beautiful and interesting the sunset is!" Gradually, the sunset ended and the sun disappeared. I said: "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is near dusk!" My mother also said regretfully: "The setting sun is too short!"

The first time I watched the sunset on the plane, I couldn't help admiring the beauty and fun of the sunset!

setting sun

I like to watch the beautiful and moving sunrise in the morning, but I prefer to watch the quiet and spectacular sunset in the dusk.

Someone said, "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it is near dusk." I think he is one-sided. He only noticed that the setting sun left the best scenery, but forgot that the setting sun left us hope for a better tomorrow.

I like the sunset in spring and autumn. Because in the evening of spring and autumn, looking out of the window, a round of sunset is held in the clouds, quiet and beautiful, turning the evening sky into dark blue. The sunset slowly sinks, only showing half a face, like a naughty child.

I like the sunset in summer and winter. Because in the evening of summer and winter, what hung in the west was a flaming sunset, which looked very bright, like a big red balloon suspended in the air, burning the clouds around red. Suddenly, black clouds came. Although the setting sun hid in the clouds, it could set a golden border on the black clouds. Even black clouds smiled happily because they became beautiful.

The setting sun is beautiful. When the setting sun stops shining and sinks to the west alone, it also leaves a residual light in the sky, leaving people infinite beauty. I love sunset.

Sunset in Xijiang River

Composition: Sunset in Xijiang River

General comment: Looking at the full text, a strong feeling is that the little author's observation is really meticulous! We are not only watching the sunset with our eyes, but also tasting the magnificent and graceful sunset with our heart! It's not easy to write a scenery essay to be brilliant, but I'm glad to see that the little writer's scenery essay does not fall into the traditional framework of scenery composition. He writes his own observation of the sunset in a narrative tone, and unfolds his composition content with the changes of the scenery in the observation. This kind of writing seems smooth and natural, and pays attention to the expression of his feelings while painting the scenery, In particular, although the closing language is few, it expresses his love for the sunset. Reviewer: The sunset can be seen everywhere in qzzl, but it is the most beautiful to see the sunset in Xijiang. (A very attractive beginning.)

The scenery of Xijiang River is very beautiful. On the broad river, ships of all sizes are busy shuttling back and forth. (,) With the wind, the river waves like fish scales. The "Pa, Pa" waves kept beating the rocks on the bank to make a beautiful song (, layer by layer, they floated from afar, like shining silver frames on the vast West River;). Countless birds on the bank are "chirping" for food. Many green trees are planted on both sides of the long river bank (in the bush, there are always groups of birds chirping for food;). A leisure square has been built here (in the evening, the sun quietly moves towards the deep part of the river). People often go to the square to watch the sunset and enjoy the beautiful (beautiful) moment. (Look at the beauty of the setting sun and the beauty of the setting sun below, forming an overall relationship.)

You see, the setting sun (at first) is so dazzling, like a big golden ball (pearl), shining golden on the river, the river bank and the earth. Before long, the setting sun turned into orange, it was no longer so dazzling, it took off the brilliant light, and slowly landed like a parachute (with a bunch of soft and beautiful orange to show their gorgeous). Suddenly, mischievous clouds secretly covered the smiling face of the sunset, and the sunset turned bright red, like a fresh ripe apple. The red rosy clouds surround the setting sun, closely accompanying the setting sun, as if reluctant to leave the setting sun. (At this time,) The sky is dark red again and again, and the river is facing the sunset with a brilliant golden light. (The ripples are sparkling, shining with golden light in the setting sun, like countless golden fish jumping happily.)

The sunset continued to sink slowly. (The setting sun gradually slants to the west and slowly approaches the mountains in the distance with a soft glow all over the sky.) After a while, the rolling mountains cover half of the setting sun, like an apple being bitten by someone. In a blink of an eye (soon), the sunset left only a curved Phnom Penh hanging in the sky. At this time, there was a breeze, and the branches swayed with the wind, as if waving goodbye to the sunset. People who were fascinated by the sight immediately gave out a loud exclamation, and quickly grabbed (raised) the camera to keep this gorgeous picture. (Although these two paragraphs still have shortcomings in terms of diction and sentence formation, it can be said that the description of the sunset is really good. The alternate use of personification and metaphor makes people full of reverie.)

The sunset is infinitely beautiful, and the sunset in Xijiang River is even more memorable. (The ending is short but full of charm.)

Sunset in the West River

The last scene of "Red Fuji"

Datong Primary School Liubing Guihongzhao

Today, I had nothing to do and just played on the balcony. I looked up at the sunset in the sky and couldn't help praising: Ah! How beautiful you are! Like a little girl's face; Ah! Sunset, you are so red! Like millions of fire into a cloud; Ah! Sunset, you are so beautiful! It's like the colorful cloth woven by the Weaver Maid hanging beside you.

My balcony faces south, but I can see it in the west of the balcony, because there is also a window in the west, so I can often see the red sunset.

The sunset is the reddest and most beautiful. There is a big tree in the west. In front of the tree is the house. When the sunset falls on the branches, my brother says, "Look, look, what a big red Fuji!"

I was dazed and intoxicated by the sunset. I thought, why does such a beautiful sunset only come after it gets dark?

I have seen the antique Beijing and the beautiful Zhangjiajie, but I have never seen such a beautiful sunset. The setting sun is wonderful. Why am I so careless? I didn't even find such a beautiful scenery. At this time, I seemed to see a rabbit and a calf in the sunset. They were happily eating grass.

The setting sun is fiery red, like a fireball. The clouds were all dyed red by the setting sun, like fireworks exploding one after another.

The sky gradually darkened and the sunset became more and more red. I think the sky is more and more beautiful and colorful. Some are like big white fish, some are like guns, some are like dogs, some are like eagles... I watched the sun set eagerly, and at this time, I felt a wave of enthusiasm coming to me.

The sky is slowly getting dark, and the sunset is smiling at me at the edge of the sky, smiling

The sunset in composition (4)

After learning the text "Fire Burning Clouds", looking at the description of the beautiful sunset scenery in the text, I couldn't help thinking that I would like to see the charming sunset and appreciate the colorful sunset glow from the sunset. Mother seemed to have guessed my mind. That evening, she took me to the Binjiang Ecological Park to watch the sunset.

More than 5 p.m., we set out from home. As soon as I left home, I couldn't wait to raise my head and look for the sun. At this time, the sun was still shining in the west sky, which made me unable to open my eyes. I quickly lowered my head and closed my eyes. My mother warned me that I could not look at the sky for the time being, or I would hurt my eyes. Soon, we arrived at the Binjiang Ecological Park. At this time, the sun in the west began to slowly move down in the sky. There were already two or three tourists in the park. We hurried to find the best viewing point. I saw a sign beside the lawn in front of the pavilion, on which was written "Que Jiang Hua Yue", and beside it was the poem "The beautiful scenery of the Xijiang River at sunset, the crape myrtle flowers are gorgeous and intoxicating". I thought: This must be a place for tourists to watch the sunset. Great, I can also experience the feeling of watching the sunset.

My mother and I sat on the lawn and looked around. The sun had turned into a big red ball, which was beautiful and soft, like the face of a little girl with makeup on the stage, without the dazzling light just now. The clouds around the sun have been dyed orange, golden yellow and red, but the outermost layer is a pale gray cloud, half hidden in the sun. The clouds closest to the sun emit golden light, which extends to the sky and forms pillars of brilliant rays. The sky is also mixed with some unspeakable and unseen colors.

The river is very wide. In the distance, the tree lined Jiangxinzhou seems to be next to the sky. The red sun just sets on the big tree. From afar, it looks like a torch and a big lamp. The river is sparkling. There is no boat on the river. The sun is reflected on the river with sparkling waves. A gust of wind blows, and the sun in the water spreads around. The golden river ran towards us from afar in waves, beating the shore rhythmically. At about 6:30, the red sun slowly set. I opened my eyes and watched the sun gradually become smaller and smaller, and finally it sank into the water one by one, leaving only a bright red glow in the sky. Then an uncle simply took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Does he want to see where the sun sets?

The sunset on this day has a special flavor. If this is a painting, the artist's skill is really amazing!

The sunset in composition (5)

As time goes by, the sun slowly sets. The towering mountains in the distance, under the sunshine, put on a golden coat, looking particularly beautiful.

I saw that the sunset was like a shy girl, with half of her face hidden, gazing at the world affectionately; It is also like a drunken poet who staggers, moves step by step, and gradually falls down

The sky is full of red clouds. The red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, which gushes out of the agricultural clouds. Suddenly, the golden light shines brightly. Its extraordinary strong light is like thousands of white silk shoots from the top of the trees, dyeing the white clouds into blood. The twilight is dim and the setting sun is like blood. At this time, the light is shining everywhere, like a dream, like a fairyland on earth.

The sun was almost setting, and the sunset in the sky had not passed away. It was so red and dazzling. At one time, it runs like a steed, at another time, it roars like a lion, and at another time, it roars like a flying dragon... It's really diverse and changeable.

The quiet river is like a mirror, reflecting the brilliant sunset and all the charming eroticism in it. This "painting" seems to be a famous hand painting of the Tang Dynasty. The old people enjoying the cool by the river waved their fans and enjoyed the "famous paintings", as if they were drunk into a fairyland on earth.

When the wind rose, the night wind blew again and again like a playful child, pulling up the mirror like water surface to stir up ripples, making the reflection in the water shake into a piece, and destroying the "famous paintings".

With the ripple shaking, flickering, rolling, disappeared.

Night fell and it was pitch black. Only a few naughty stars are still blinking, and a fresh breeze is blowing, refreshing, and everything is so quiet and serene.

The kind dark blue sky looked at all this and smiled happily.

The noisy sun finally fell asleep.

The sunset in composition (6)

The sky in the west was light red, very light. I knew that the sun was going to set, so I looked at it intently. By this time, the sun had set in the west. It converged the dazzling light, like a shy girl with a red face, leaving a soft halo around it. The cloudless sky was originally light blue, like clear lake water. Now, the color is gradually increased. It is thicker and bluer, just like a painter using a blue brush to deepen layer by layer. At this time, the rolling mountains inlaid in the sky reflected the glittering golden light under the sunset, which seemed particularly magnificent, like a beautiful picture.

I couldn't help exclaiming: "The scene before sunset is so beautiful! It's so beautiful!" After a while, the sun suddenly turned red and sprayed red light into the sky. When it was close to the horizon, it was completely a fireball. The bright light was very red, not dazzling. The sunset glow around it is constantly expanding, constantly changing the royal clothing - bright red, bright red, orange red, pink, purple... colorful, extremely beautiful. In a moment, everywhere the red glow goes, yellow things become dark red, even the green trees and red flowers are dyed red. The ground is like a thick red carpet. At this time, Even I became a red child.

Isn't this a great spectacle?

The sunset in composition (7)

I have always disliked the description of "setting sun like blood", and I can't understand the beauty brought to me by this bloody picture. For me, the sunset is the box of crimson rouge on Xizi's dresser, which has dyed the sky red and the river red. The setting sun is the bright red sand mole written by Zhang Ailing, which is imprinted in the heart and becomes a permanent concern of scholars and writers. The setting sun is still the bright red mother of pearl in front of the beauty's forehead, which makes her beautiful and brightens her life.

In the voluminous poetry books, the sunset brings people a sense of sadness and sadness of parting... It is the so-called hero stranger, beauty is late, we are always afraid that we will grow old one day, afraid that our life will be eclipsed. As time goes by, why don't we treat ourselves with the attitude of sunset for the rest of our lives? Review your past calmly and calmly, and dedicate your present to the best of your ability. In your twilight years, you can make the most brilliant summary of your life with the rosy clouds all over the sky like the sunset, leaving a bright color in the hearts of others.

The setting sun slants and sets a layer of gold border on the earth. The sea level is sparkling, like shining stars. The wild geese coming back from the north cut through the sky and left a series of silhouettes under the sunset, which aroused my infinite reverie: one day's life is about to end, but the sunset is pregnant with a new start of tomorrow in its own way! When we grieve that "the sunset is infinitely good, but it is near dusk", why not wander in the "sunset is infinitely good, why not dusk"?