Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (18 in general)
Mature men
2024-06-06 04:04:53
primary school

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (1)

Family customs refer to the customs of a family or ethnic group, which is also called family customs. As a Chinese nation, we have the custom of stressing family style, stressing morality, diligence and thrift, valuing friendship, and being more strict than teaching children. With the change of the system, it is very important to maintain and carry forward this fine tradition under new conditions. The predecessors counted the family style as five constancy and eight virtues, five constancy: benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and trust; Bade: Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, faithfulness, righteousness and peace. There are different opinions about what the family style of modern people is.

Be diligent and thrifty, not extravagant and wasteful, low-key, noble, filial, kind-hearted, honest and sincere... In the information column, reporters interviewed a customer of Pingliang hotpot restaurant and said: "There is a custom in our family. It's not good to eat a bowl of rice with only one rice left.

”He also visited the noodle stall owner and said: "Be simple and honest. Be honest. It's impossible for me to be hit on the head by a big cake from the sky.

”Very good, very sincere. When I saw this, I couldn't help asking my father: "What's our family style?" My father said: "Our family style is not to take advantage of small things, but to understand comity. You must return other people's items to others, and no rules can make a difference." Family style, you can float into thousands of families! Let's talk about our family style!

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (2)

Family is a nursery, children are seedlings, and family wind is like rain. It sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently. Only under the moisture of rain and dew can young seedlings grow healthily.

When I was a child, my mother always told me not to quarrel with my classmates when I went to school. My mother was afraid that I would have conflicts with my classmates. My teacher gave me a "politics" class to teach me to get along well with my teachers and classmates at school. Under my mother's earnest instruction, I seldom had conflicts with my classmates.

My father also told me that only those who can endure hardship can be successful. Only those who can endure hardship can cultivate real talents. But now I am a junior high school student in the city, and I have already formed the habit of hard work and plain living, which is inextricably linked with my family style. My father told me about the traditional virtues of diligence and thrift when I was having dinner. I was very happy to listen.

It is a national culture worth carrying forward to establish a correct family style and inherit good family rules and family instructions. Now some bad habits in society have gradually disappeared from people's sight, and "positive energy" has been passed on. Let's build a good family style together.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (3)

Family is the best school, parents are the best teachers, a country without virtue does not thrive, people without virtue do not stand. Family is a warm harbor and an umbrella for children to shelter from wind and rain. Home breeze, like drizzle, moistens our hearts. Only under the influence of good family style can you stand out. Recently, with the popularity of the word "family style", I can't help thinking of pictures of my mother's education.

When I was young, my mother always said: No matter what kind of weather you meet, no matter how bad your mood is, don't forget to take the sunshine with you. My family style is to be a person full of sunshine.

I remember once, when I just finished school, there were two people at the door, one was Uncle Zhang, the other was Uncle Li. Their expressions were full of hesitation, and they said intermittently: "Your mother accidentally sprained her foot in class today, and has been sent to the hospital. Your father was on business today, and your mother asked me to pick you up." At that time, my whole person was silly, and my mind only wanted to keep my mother safe. In the process of going there, I secretly wiped my tears while praying to God. Although the uncle next to me kept comforting me, I was still afraid. When I walked into the ward, I saw my mother's face covered with vicissitudes, but her mother still said with a smile: "My daughter, you are here, my mother is OK, don't worry about me!" In a moment, my tears poured down like a downpour. My mother kindly said to me, "Do you still remember our family style? To be a child full of sunshine, my mother wiped my tears, kissed my forehead, held me deeply in her arms, and she smiled so happily and brilliantly!

Later, my mother said to me, "When difficulties come, only when we face them with a sunny and optimistic attitude can we overcome them. If you are always sad, you will be knocked down by difficulties."

From this incident, I understand that the sun can not only overcome the darkness, but also illuminate our way of life. Only when your heart is full of sunshine, life will be full of brightness.

Small to home, big to country. The prosperity of a country is not only the abundance of materials. In my opinion, what is more important is its ethos. The customs of a country and a dynasty determine its rise and fall. Only a country with a good social atmosphere can make its country rich and its people strong and truly be regarded as a powerful country.

This is my family style, which makes me develop many good qualities! Good family style is worth spreading!

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (4)

Family style is a moral standard of a family. Like water, it is an essential component of people. In our family, there is also family style, which is how to behave.

Be kind. In a word, "You must have a heart of harming others and guard against others". My parents taught me the same way when I was young. I remember when I was young, my sister and I were very naughty. We went shopping with my father. It just stopped raining, and it rained on the road. We went downstairs in slippers. My sister and I stepped on the rain together, splashing all the passers-by with rain. My father said angrily, "Don't step on the rain again." I heard this lesson seriously.

Of course, I should also be punctual, although my mother didn't tell me about this problem. But my mother is punctual every time. For example, when my mother goes on duty, she has to go a few minutes earlier.

Some actions of parents can always affect children. The excellent 'quality' is cultivated from it.

This is my family style, from which I have developed many good qualities. This family style is worth spreading.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (5)

In our family, the most important family style is honesty, kindness and filial piety. Since I was sensible, my parents have told me that we should be honest, kind and filial to our elders. Now let me tell you about honesty.

Integrity I

When I was not in kindergarten, I once played in the park outside my home. I saw many children drinking drinks. I wanted to drink too, so I went to the shop and stole a bottle. Just as I was about to open it, my father came to me. He asked me, "Where does this come from?" I bowed my head and dared not answer. My father asked seriously again: Where does the drink come from? I said softly: from the shop. My father was very angry and started to beat me. This was the first time my father was so angry. He asked me to return my things and told me that I should not take other people's things casually in the future. This is a thief's behavior and we should be honest. I remember that I will never dare to do this again.

Filial Piety II

Father said: filial piety comes first. That means we should be filial to our elders. Our parents raised us hard. When we get old, we should support and take care of them. When my father was young, his family was very poor. His grandfather tied a broom and took it to school to pay for his tuition. His grandfather became blind when he was old. My father often washed his grandfather's feet, carried water, and delivered food until his death. Later, his grandmother was blind, and his father took care of her until her death.

My family style is so simple, and I will abide by it and pass it on.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (6)

Sincerity means honesty between people, honesty in doing things, and honesty towards the people and the motherland. In society, honesty is the most important thing. Only when the society is full of honesty can we talk about other things. For our family, honesty is the most important thing. Without honesty, our family will lose all its color.

Let's talk about honesty between people first. Having a sincere heart is the root of kindness. Sincerity towards parents is filial piety, sincerity towards friends is friendship, sincerity towards elders is respect for the elderly, sincerity towards younger generations is love for the young. In one night, we witnessed the arrival of sincerity. On that day, I suddenly had a high fever, and my healthy appearance became gaunt. My mother and father ran before and after, wiped with alcohol, soaked with hot water, took medicine, and covered their sweat. Finally, with the joint efforts of my parents, I finally stopped having a fever, but my parents were already tired and felt that there were more wrinkles on their faces, as if some of them were born for me. It is precisely because of the sincerity to my family that my fever is cured. Without sincerity, our 'society will become disgraceful, our life will become pale, and everything will change. Therefore, family style is the first.

After talking about honesty between people, let's talk about honesty in doing things. We pay attention to honesty in business. Without honesty, we will lose everyone's trust in you; We pay attention to honesty when we buy things. Without honesty, we will lose our character as a buyer; If you can't be honest in your job, your work will become extremely difficult. My grandfather is a businessman. He also has some understanding of honesty. When I was young, I saw my grandfather once sent some small change back to the shopper. I was puzzled. I thought that I had changed the money, so why should I send it? It turned out that it was his extra change. It is in this that Grandpa deduces the meaning of integrity. Therefore, family style is the first.

Let me say again that I am sincere to the motherland and the people. The prosperity of a country is the basis for the happiness of a family, and the patriotism of the people is the basis for the prosperity of a country. Therefore, only with a sincere patriotism can we live a happier and better life. My family also has such patriotism. I remember that on May 12, when the Wenchuan earthquake happened, I heard my teacher talking about the tragedy of the Wenchuan earthquake in the kindergarten, and I resolutely took out the 20 yuan I usually saved and donated it. Later, I learned that with the efforts of all sectors of society, the injured were treated, and the houses were gradually standing up. I felt that my only 20 yuan saved people's lives and built high-rise buildings. This kind of sincere heart of loving the motherland and the people has saved a land and water area. Therefore, the family style is the first.

It is because of this family tradition - honesty. He taught me how to behave, and drove me to the other side of the light!

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (7)

Long time, long journey, people will always have wind and rain in their lives. My home is a solid and warm haven, where there are amiable grandparents, respectful parents and mothers. I am the big treasure of the family. I accept the moisture of love every day, feel the warmth of love, and my home is the paradise of my life, It is the place where I can always live.

The most important thing in my family is the code of civilization. We value family harmony, stress filial piety, strictly teach children, understand etiquette, and be close to neighbors. The secret of our happiness is to be tolerant to others, not to care about trifles, and keep a healthy and positive heart.

There is an old saying: filial piety comes first. Filial piety to parents is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and filial piety to respect the elderly is the cornerstone of building a happy family. My father is a big filial son. He is very filial to his grandparents. He asks for warmth and comfort. If he has something delicious, he should first pay tribute to his grandparents. Once my grandmother was ill, my father stayed with her in the hospital every day. My mother thought of ways to make her favorite meals. After they were busy outside and at home, I asked my mother: "Are you happy living such a monotonous life?" My mother smiled: "Being needed and dependent by your relatives is a kind of happiness in itself. It's worth working hard for your family, no matter how tired you are. "I was deeply influenced by them. I saw it in my eyes and remembered it in my heart. Grandpa was tired and I beat his back. Grandma was tired and I talked with her.

My grandfather's practice is my example. My grandfather is over 70 years old this year, but he is still very concerned about public affairs. In the cold winter, the streets were covered with thick snow. He took the initiative to help the property to sweep the snow together to remove obstacles for everyone to travel. When he saw the handrail of the community corridor was damaged, he quickly found tools to repair it. Under the influence of my grandfather, I never litter in the yard of the community, never destroy flowers and trees. When we meet our neighbors, we take the initiative to say hello. When we have difficulties, we help each other, live in harmony, and build together safely. Our community has also won the honorary title of harmonious community.

My parents attached great importance to my education and asked me to read more since I was young. Through reading, I learned to respect my parents and elders; Understand the correct treatment of elders and parents of critical education; Know how to be polite to people; I have learned how to be an honest and trustworthy person... These education and edification have saved me a lot of detours on the road of growth. In school, I study hard, strictly abide by discipline, respect teachers, and unite with my classmates. I am a good student liked by teachers and a good partner praised by my classmates.

Although my parents' income is not high, their family life is very warm; Although parents' cooking skills are not very good, the food is very delicious; Although the clothes of our parents are not fashionable, we are very well dressed. They discuss things together, solve problems together, support each other in business, and never quarrel over trivial matters in life.

Civilization is a beacon light, leading us out of the vast sea; Civilization is a word of caring for people's hearts. It sends us warmth in the snowy December. The family is a small society, and the city is a big society. Family harmony is a part of urban civilization, and a civilized family is the basis for the construction of a civilized city. Today, when we vigorously promote the construction of a harmonious society, family harmony is even more important. Everyone yearns for happiness. Let's show our openness, tolerance, and love, and truly care for our relatives, respect the elderly, treat our peers, and care for the younger generation, In this way, every family will be happier, and our world will become a world full of love.

I love my family, I love everyone.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (8)

Long time, long journey, people will always have wind and rain in their lives. My home is a solid and warm haven, where there are amiable grandparents, respectful parents, and I am the big baby in the family. I accept the moisture of love every day, feel the warmth of love, and my home is the paradise of my life, It is the place where I can always live.

The most important thing in my family is the code of civilization. We value family harmony, stress filial piety, strictly teach children, understand etiquette, and be close to neighbors. The secret of our happiness is to be tolerant to others, not to care about trifles, and keep a healthy and positive heart.

There is an old saying: filial piety comes first. Filial piety to parents is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and filial piety to respect the elderly is the cornerstone of building a happy family. My father is a big filial son. He is very filial to his grandparents. He asks for warmth and comfort. If he has something delicious, he should first pay tribute to his grandparents. Once my grandmother was ill, my father stayed with her in the hospital every day. My mother thought of ways to make her favorite meals. After they were busy outside and at home, I asked my mother: "Are you happy living such a monotonous life?" My mother smiled: "Being needed and dependent by your relatives is a kind of happiness in itself. It's worth working hard for your family, no matter how tired you are. "I was deeply influenced by them. I saw it in my eyes and remembered it in my heart. Grandpa was tired and I beat his back. Grandma was tired and I talked with her.

My grandfather's practice is my example. My grandfather is over 70 years old this year, but he is still very concerned about public affairs. In the cold winter, the streets were covered with thick snow. He took the initiative to help the property to sweep the snow together to remove obstacles for everyone to travel. When he saw the handrail of the community corridor was damaged, he quickly found tools to repair it. Under the influence of my grandfather, I never litter in the yard of the community, never destroy flowers and trees. When we meet our neighbors, we take the initiative to say hello. When we have difficulties, we help each other, live in harmony, and build together safely. Our community has also won the honorary title of harmonious community.

My parents attached great importance to my education and asked me to read more since I was young. Through reading, I learned to respect my parents and elders; Understand the correct treatment of elders and parents of critical education; Know how to be polite to people; I have learned how to be an honest and trustworthy person... These education and edification have saved me a lot of detours on the road of growth. In school, I study hard, strictly abide by discipline, respect teachers, and unite with my classmates. I am a good student liked by teachers and a good partner praised by my classmates.

Although my parents' income is not high, their family life is very warm; Although parents' cooking skills are not very good, the food is very delicious; Although the clothes of our parents are not fashionable, we are very well dressed. They discuss things together, solve problems together, support each other in career, and never quarrel over trivial matters in life.

Civilization is a beacon light, leading us out of the vast sea; Civilization is a word of caring for people's hearts. It sends us warmth in the snowy December. The family is a small society, and the city is a big society. Family harmony is a part of urban civilization, and a civilized family is the basis for the construction of a civilized city. Today, when we vigorously promote the construction of a harmonious society, family harmony is even more important. Everyone yearns for happiness. Let's show our openness, tolerance, and love, and truly care for our relatives, respect the elderly, treat our peers, and care for the younger generation, In this way, every family will be happier, and our world will become a world full of love.

I love my family, I love everyone.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (9)

If home is a candle, then home style is like the wick of a candle; If home is a path, then home style is a street lamp to illuminate everyone's progress; If home is a ship, then home wind must be its rudder.

My family wind is like the stars in the night sky shining forever. In my heart, Grandma is like the brightest star in the sky - the Big Dipper. She often teaches me to be diligent and thrifty. At home, I can always see Grandma pouring laundry water into the bucket. At first, I didn't understand Grandma's intention, but later I learned that Grandma wanted to wash clothes with laundry water. Once, when I had a meal, there were many rice grains left in my bowl. Grandma punished me to recite "Compassion for Farmers" five times when she saw it. Since then, I have never had any rice left.

My mother loves reading, so do I. She often said that "there is a golden house in books" and "books contain the crystallization of Chinese children", and often taught me to read more and read good books. Mother seems to have read more books than everyone uses, and the overflowing books always make people have an unspeakable poetic flavor. Mother cherishes books very much, and almost every book has colorful clothes on purpose.

In my impression, my father is a warm-hearted person. The neighbors never refuse to ask for help if they have anything to do with him; At home, as long as there is something new, I will not hesitate to share it with my neighbors.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (10)

I once heard a saying: "There are national laws and family rules." I understand that it means that if a country wants to be stable and united, it must control the behavior of its citizens. My mother told me that we should obey the law outside and have rules at home. Without rules, there is no square.

Everyone has family rules and customs, and our family is no exception. My family customs are honest, hardworking, filial to parents, and respect for elders, which is also our ancestral motto. Mom said that since she was young, she was asked by her grandparents to be honest and kind, and not to do bad things. The mother obeyed their teaching and became an obedient and sensible child in the eyes of her neighbors. Dad is the same. In the eyes of relatives and colleagues, he is a famous filial son. He never offends his grandmother and takes care of her life meticulously. At the same time, he is also a real person in the eyes of others. He is warm-hearted, and his father always helps his friends when they have something to do. It is precisely because my parents have these excellent virtues that have played a very good role in teaching me by example. My greatest advantages are filial piety, good manners and love of labor. I often help my parents do housework, wash my own clothes, and take the initiative to greet my elders when I see them, so the neighbors around me like me very much.

I am still young. Although I don't know much truth, I know that people should be kind, honest, filial and polite. Good family style has played a very important role in our growth. Thanks for my parents' education and influence. I will remember our family style and always be a good person!

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (11)

State owned laws and family rules; School motto, family style. Speaking of family style, Mr. Yang Shutong believes that family style is a kind of traditional fashion and virtue inheritance formed by a family or family for a long time that can affect the spirit, morality and behavior of family members. Every successful person's family has a good family style.

My family is simply not a scholarly family, inheriting the family; But my family has always maintained a good family ethos - filial piety first.

Since I remember, my mother has taught me to be filial to my elders and parents. My mother not only educated me like this, but also she and my father did so.

There are four mothers and sisters. She is the third in the family. Although she is not the oldest, she is the one who gives the most. Grandma said that her mother dropped out of school before she graduated from primary school. When I asked the reason, Grandma always smiled and said, "Your mother was in Grade 5, and when she handed out a certificate of merit for the Spring Festival, everyone else had it, but your mother didn't have it. Your mother would not be angry." Now grandma and aunts still believe her mother's white lie.

But who knows mother's difficulties? At that time, my grandpa was a soldier in the army, and my grandpa was alone with four children. The oldest child is about to go to high school, and his study is tight. It is also the time when he needs money. The youngest child has just started primary school and knows nothing. Grandma supported her family by making and selling tofu. Every day, she gets up early and goes into the dark. She is so tired that she can't stand it, so she drops out of school. She makes and sells tofu together with Grandma to support the three sisters.

Mother has been infecting me and the whole family with her own actions. My mother always taught me: "Crows know how to feed back, and lambs know how to kneel. People, too, should know how to respect their parents and elders." In fact, I have always done so.

When there was work in Grandma's field, I went to help with my parents; Every time I went to Grandma's house to play, I would help Grandma wash dishes, wash clothes, carry water, and do something within my power.

Grandma died in the early years. Grandpa worked outside alone. Dad always visited him in his spare time, brought him some vegetables and fruits, and chatted with him.

This is kinship, this is love, and this is filial piety. People living in the world should remember that filial piety is the first.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (12)

Family style is the moral standard of a family, which seems to be an indispensable part of our life. My family also has a family style, which teaches me how to behave correctly.

Since I was young, my parents have taught me to be trustworthy and not to promise others what I can't do, because if you don't do it in the end, people will be disappointed, and you will also break your promise. Next time, no one will ask you to help, and no one will help you.

Once, the teacher asked us to check the information about Lu Xun. My deskmate didn't have a computer, so he didn't know what to do. I volunteered to help him. But after returning home in the evening, I only focused on playing games and forgot to check the information. I didn't remember until the next day of class, but it was too late. My deskmate and I were punished by the teacher for standing in a class and called the parents. The first thing my mother did after hearing about this was to educate me: be a man of faith, and never promise if you can't do it. If you can't do it well, you should take responsibility.

Since that incident, my mother's words have been imprinted on my heart, and I have never broken my promise.

Punctuality is mother's pet phrase. She is not only punctual herself, but also often reminds others to be punctual. Every time I meet someone, my mother always arrives early and often teaches me to be trustworthy and punctual. I am also influenced by it. Every time I go out with my classmates, I always arrive ten minutes early. And I can do many things in these ten minutes.

The family style of a family always guides a child's way forward, and also affects his every move. Parents are the biggest mentors of children, and also the most influential.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (13)

The so-called "family style" is the atmosphere or style of a family! As the saying goes, "There are national laws and family rules." I know the family style, which is that the elders have taught me what kind of person to be with one sentence, one action, one blame, etc., bit by bit since I began to learn.

When I was young, I liked to eat snacks. I often couldn't help eating before meals. When it came to dinner, I didn't want to eat. I often chose food that I couldn't eat to my father's bowl. Every time my father was not happy, but he loved me, he always reluctantly accepted this "fact". Once again, I did the same thing without restraint. My father finally couldn't help but seriously said to me, "Xuan Xuan, do you know the sentence 'Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself'? It means: don't impose on others what you don't want. People can't selfishly consider only themselves. You should think more about others, even though I am your closest person, I should also consider others' feelings. " I learned from my father's education that people should not be too selfish.

I remember another time when my parents went to work and I was doing my homework at home alone. At ten o'clock in the morning, I had finished all the homework assigned by my teacher. I hadn't watched TV for a long time, especially my favorite variety show. So I called my mother and said I wanted to watch TV for a while. My mother considered it and agreed to watch TV for half an hour. I turned on the TV. In the fascinating programs, time passed by minute by minute, but I had no idea that half an hour had already passed. Until my mother came home from work and opened the door, I turned off the TV hurriedly, but it was too late. Mother came up to me, looked at me sternly, and said to me: "Xuan Xuan, honesty is gold, and the most important thing in life is honesty and trustworthiness. Now that you have said it, you must do it, and you must understand that 'if you have a promise, you must pay for it; if you have a promise, it is not easy.'" From then on, I learned that "if you can't do it, you should not promise, and if you promise, you should do it with all your strength." Honesty and trustworthiness.

Family style is the silent rain and dew. In the process of my growth, the elders gave me the guidance of "truth, goodness and beauty" through words and deeds, and let me develop various good habits. I believe that these good habits will accompany me to pass on.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (14)

Family is like the sky, I am like a bird, without the sky I cannot fly; Family is like the earth, and I am like it. Without it, I cannot grow; Family is like rain. I am a sapling. I cannot grow without rain. Family is like sunshine, and I am like flowers. Without sunshine, I will no longer be beautiful.

State owned national law, school rules, family style. Everyone's family has family discipline, family rules, and family customs. This is to urge us to be educated, disciplined, polite, and learn well. We should abide by these family customs and be a law-abiding person.

I remember one time when I was playing during the break, I suddenly saw something on the ground. When I came closer, I found it was a beautiful bracelet. Because I liked it very much, I picked it up, put it in my pocket secretly, and ran back to the classroom. When I got home, I put this bracelet aside. At dinner, I was worried that if I was discovered, my mother would say something about me. I lowered my head. My parents looked at me while eating, but I didn't find anything. At this time, I was suddenly afraid. If I was found, the consequences would be bad. I'd better tell my mother! Thinking like this, I saw that my mother had not cleared up the dishes and chopsticks, so I ran to help her. My mother was a little curious, but let me help her clean up. When I finished cleaning up, my mother suddenly came to me. I was immediately upset. My mother asked me, "Are you hiding something from us?" When I heard this sentence, I quickly lowered my head. After a few minutes, I said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I lied to you. I picked up a beautiful bracelet and brought it back." Mother said: "Now that you know it, I will not pursue it. Tomorrow I will go to school and give it back to the owner. If I know my mistake, I will be a good child. In the future, I must have the spirit of returning money without greed." After my mother said something, I went to the room to reflect. From now on, I will never do this again.

Good family style, family education and family discipline require everyone in the family to work together. The bad aspects should be corrected in time, and the good aspects should be continued.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (15)

I always think that she doesn't love me enough. She only provides food and clothing for me, but she never cares about me seriously. Even if I hurt and feel sad again.

I always express my maternal love in others' articles: my mother covers herself in the middle of the night and delivers umbrellas to herself in rainy days... But I never see her figure in the gloomy rainy days. I remember one rainy day when the torrential rain seemed to submerge the world. The school road was jammed by parents' cars. Looking at their anxious faces, I wish she could wait at the door for me: I forgot to bring my raincoat again. So I had to rush home against the bone chilling wind, eager to feel the warmth of home.

I imagined that she would be surprised and distressed when she saw my embarrassed appearance. I even think I will see her anxiously waiting in the back at the next corner. I complained to her and told her that I wanted her to pick me up. But my request was always interrupted by her cold words: "It's just raining, and other children who have no parents to pick up are also back..."

Yes, everyone else can, but why can't I? It's just that I'm too hypocritical.

Just like that PE class run, only a group of children are running against the wind in the huge playground. Five or six laps down, we are very tired. Back home, she was still busy going in and out, not noticing the sweat soaked bangs on my forehead and the dust on my shoes. I told her about the tragic experience of physical education, and she just said, "I thought what happened. You look so tired. You just run and eat."

Thereafter, no matter how hard or tired I would not say a word. I want to prove to her that I can.

Later I saw a diary she turned: "Being strong is a great wealth for a person and a family. No matter what difficulties and pains you have, you can face them with a smile. Learn to be strong, and you won't get hurt..."

I understand in Jingying that she loves me only in another way. She is teaching me how to be strong, because she is afraid that I will be hurt. I finally understood why my sister didn't allow her to cry when she fell down. She never said pain when she was sick: everything was just because of the so-called strong family style.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (16)

"There are school rules and family rules" is a phrase that people often say. But when asked "What is your family style? What is your tutor?", the students would be dumbfounded.

My family style is "filial piety", showing filial respect to parents and elders. My parents have always told me: filial piety is the first! Family custom is a motto that should be kept in mind. With it, we can have a foothold in society and go further! Remember the family style, lay a solid foundation for your life, take a firm step, and become the 'pillar of the country'!

I remember when I was young, every time I went to play with my good friends, I would forget the time set by my father or mother to go home, and I would go home late when I had fun. The adults were very worried, so my mother said to me seriously: "How did you set the time? Why did you always disobey the rules and come back so late? Now everyone stipulates that you can't make the same mistake three times. Do you agree?" I nodded, and promised my mother that we would abide by the rules and go home on time next time.

The good times are not long, and I have made old mistakes again. One summer vacation, when I finished my homework, I went to play with my friends. My mother told me to go home at 6:30 at the latest, so as not to affect the time of others' meals. I agreed. Everyone had a great time. Her mother invited me to have dinner at her house again and again, and I gladly accepted. After a while, my mother called to ask me to go home, so I had to go back quietly, because it was more than half past seven. Upon returning home, she was severely criticized by her mother. I know my mistake is not going home on time, and eating at other people's homes not only bothers others, but also brings burdens to others. Make up your mind and never do it again.

Now I finally understand what "family style, family discipline, family education" is. "Family style" is the ethos of a family. Once the ethos is corrupted, the ideological and moral character of the family will also be corrupted, and it will be difficult for the family to cultivate excellent offspring. If there is no "family instruction", the offspring will be spoiled. Only let him (her) know his (her) mistakes and then change them, and then slowly educate (her). I think this is "family style, family discipline, family education"!

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (17)

In fact, family style is a family style, that is, the attitude and criteria of dealing with people. It includes honesty, friendliness, diligence, frugality, unity and fraternity... My family also has its own unique family style - that is, love your job.

My father is an engineer. Because of his work, he went to work in Zambia, Africa, and often stayed away from home. Sometimes he stayed at the construction site there for half a year, so as to keep abreast of the progress of the project and solve problems that may arise at any time.

My mother is a primary school teacher. She is as dedicated as my father. As a teacher in charge of a class, sometimes because of students' problems, when she comes home, she is busy contacting parents through QQ on her mobile phone to tell parents about the child's specific situation; Sometimes students have questions that they don't understand, and their mother always patiently answers them online.

One winter Friday night, it was more than nine o'clock. It was raining outside, and it was chilly, but my mother could not rest. After I went to bed, she took out the class unit test paper she brought back, sat in the study and began to correct it. I read books in bed, and I would look at my mother from time to time. She was holding a red pen, and kept on "sand, sand, sand" on the test paper. She sometimes ticks, sometimes draws circles, sometimes smiles. Maybe this student did a very good job. She is happy about that! Sometimes she frowns. Maybe this student is not so satisfactory. She feels sorry for it! I don't know how long it took. When I was about to fall asleep, I found my mother was still busy. I couldn't help asking, "Mom, when can you rest?" My mother replied quietly: "Dear baby, my mother still has a long time to go. Students are looking forward to seeing the results tomorrow! Go to sleep first!"

In this way, my mother did not know how long it took to rest.

My father and mother are so dedicated and devoted to their work. I also want to be like them. From now on, I will work steadily and conscientiously.

Composition of Jiafeng Primary School (18)

"Master Shen, I need to trouble you again. Please help me fix the electric fan. Thank you!" "Well, you can rest assured that it will be fixed by Friday. Remember to take it!" As soon as the voice came down, there was a sound of "ping ping ping" in the room. Hey, that Master Shen is my grandpa!

When he was young, my grandfather learned the ability to repair electrical appliances by himself. Up to now, although he is over seventy years old, this technology has not been affected at all. The garage became Grandpa's "free repair station", which was full of all kinds of tools. Grandpa put on his presbyopic glasses, sat on the small bench, took out his "treasure chest", and we knew that Grandpa would start "surgery" again.

As soon as Grandpa sat down, he always forgot to eat. I always wondered, "Grandpa, aren't you tired of working from morning to night like this?" Grandpa smiled happily and said to me, "Not tired. Don't you often say 'help others and be happy yourself'?" Yes, my family style is "helpful". As the head of the family, grandpa gave us a good start, so that I learned from childhood to help others actively. Since grandpa has set an example, his father, who is also an elder, is no exception. He is also a "warm-hearted king".

I remember one time when we went shopping in the supermarket, there was an activity on that day: 10 yuan discount for payment. When waiting in line, we heard a couple behind us say: "Ah, I have no money." "I don't usually have money in it. Forget it, pay in cash." Dad's "enthusiasm" came up again: "Or I will transfer it to you on the top, and you will give me the cash?" "Well, thank you, so that we can enjoy the discount." The couple said happily. I saw my father's behavior in the eyes, but also in the mind: for my uncles and aunts, my father's easy work not only benefits them, but also makes them feel the warmth between people. Maybe they will do their best to help others, and keep circulating

Growing up under the influence of good family style, I am naturally very willing to help others. I will continue to pass on the good family style.

"Let's make an equation for this question. It will be simpler. Set the number of students in the class to X..." As the class study committee member, I am very popular with my classmates. After class, I often have classmates coming to me to ask questions, and I will patiently answer them. Sometimes, after the teacher assigns the homework, I will also take the initiative to see if my "acquaintances" have anything they don't understand and help them solve their problems in time.

Grandpa, Dad and I are all doing small things, but these small things reflect our family style. I am proud of my good family style! My family style is like the spring rain moistening my heart, like the spring wind caressing my cheek, taking root and sprouting in my heart. This young plant has accompanied me through 11 spring, summer, autumn and winter, and is gradually growing into a small tree. In the future, it will grow into a towering tree, and then blossom and bear fruit