Read life composition (16 recommended)
Old trees blossom
2024-06-24 07:20:12

Reading Life Composition (1)

Life is like a page by page diary. Every day is different. Only by reading it carefully can we understand its meaning

When I was young, I seldom met my grandmother, but I saw her in photos. Therefore, her position in my heart is not very high. The first time I saw my grandmother was when I was five years old. It was my first time to have such close contact with my grandmother. I felt that she was so strange and strange that I dared not even look at her directly. Grandma seemed to think I was very strange, just smiled at me and hurried out. Since then, Grandma has lived in my home. Grandma, as usual, doesn't like talking or going out. She stays at home every day to read books and never likes watching TV. Only when I want to watch TV, she comes to see it and never grabs it from me.

Whenever I want to ask my mother and grandmother why they are so indifferent, my mother will deliberately interrupt me or find an excuse to leave. At this time, I couldn't help it any longer. When I returned to school, I always spoke ill of my grandmother to my classmates behind their backs. In fact, most of the bad words are made up because I think my grandmother is very indifferent to me. She doesn't care about me and doesn't love me.

Grandma, however, had no idea what I was doing. Every day, as usual, she did not like to talk or talk to others.

However, this matter changed three weeks later

That day, I went to school as usual. However, in the second quarter, the teacher told me that my mother asked me to go home immediately and go to the hospital with my mother. hospital? Is that Dad? Well, maybe, no, no, dad went on a business trip yesterday and hasn't come back yet! Who could it be? I think. After several stops, the bus finally got home. When I opened the door, I found nobody at home, so I went straight to the table and sat down. I saw two breads and a bottle of my favorite milk on the table. I found a note under the milk, which said: Yaya, I'm grandma, you must not have eaten breakfast. Eat them quickly. It's important to grow up!

After reading the note, a sense of shame arises spontaneously. I regret that I said those words and did those things

Later, my mother told me why my grandmother was so indifferent, because she was afraid of affecting my study. That day, my grandmother got acute pneumonia. Before she left, she had to bear the pain to write a note for me before going to the hospital.

Learn to read family love, and you will understand that love is as light as tea, but also stronger than tea. Otherwise, wouldn't it be sad that "the son wants to raise but the relatives don't exist, and the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop"?

Reading Life Composition (2)

Book is the ladder of human progress; Books are the food of human spirit; Books are an indispensable part of life. It can enrich our life and make life better!

One day, my sister and I walked to the door of the bookstore, and when we walked into the bookstore, a thick smell of books came to us. At a glance, everyone was seriously reading, one by one, but fascinated. My sister and I found a place to sit down. My sister took a copy of Don't Be Damaged by Procrastination. The title of the book I read is quite suitable for me.

As soon as I opened a page, I saw less than two lines and began to look around. I looked and played with my fingers, and then yawned again, always absent-minded. I saw my sister reading with great interest, just like a puppet whose hands and eyes can move. I thought to myself, the book is so boring, why is my sister so fascinated. I became interested in books, so I opened them and began to read. When I saw the funny place, my face swelled up, and I bit my lips hard for fear that I would laugh. When I saw a place that was well described, I held my head in my left hand and stared at the book, just like watching Lu Xun's "treasure book" when he was a child. When I close my eyes, the picture in the book comes out immediately. Like Helen, I devoured the contents of the book like a glutton.

Since then, I seem to be a "book glutton", getting up early every day to read. Reading makes my life richer and better!

Reading Life Composition (3)

If you ask me which of my smile, honesty and dreams makes life better. As a student who loves reading, my answer is of course "reading". I think reading can change one person and the whole world.

I like reading because I have a mother who loves learning. While my little partner was playing crazily outside, I pestered my mother at home to tell me fairy tales. In Andersen's Fairy Tales, the pain of the Little Match Girl made my heart hurt like a knife, while the story of Snow White made my heart secretly happy. The race between the hare and the tortoise made me understand that persistence is victory, and the spirit of perseverance.

Until I went to primary school, I could read some simple stories myself. Although the words I knew at that time were limited, I still could not stop my love for reading. Now, I know more and more words, and I can read the whole book independently.

One of my favorite things is to sit on the balcony, holding a favorite book. Let the mild sun shine all over my body. In this realm, I feel relaxed and happy. I feel that the whole world is staying for me, as if I can command them.

Once, I saw a edible cultivation in a book about cooking food. Suddenly, my curiosity rushed to my heart. I found tools to follow the steps in the book bit by bit. Finally, my cultivation is ready, and I'm ready to eat it to taste the taste of cooking. But then he thought, "Oh, why don't we stay here to eat with our family?" I had this idea and left my cultivation alone in the refrigerator. Finally, the door bell that I had waited for a long time rang in my ear. I took cultivation out of the refrigerator and opened the door for my parents. I said excitedly, "Mom and Dad, come and taste my cultivation. "My parents ate a small mouthful and clapped their hands repeatedly. I am so happy!

If you ask me about smile, Chengxin, dream... you think that makes life better, I will never change. Of course, it is "reading".

Because reading can really change a person and make life better.

Reading Life Composition (4)

Reading is a lamp, illuminating the way forward for confused us; Reading is a song, which helps us to level our emotions when we are hurt; Reading is a pen, writing a new chapter for us in youth

I remember when I was young, I loved reading. From the "bright moonlight in front of bed" to the "distant Vega", from Zhu Ziqing's "Hurry" to Yu Guangzhong's "Nostalgia", I am deeply fascinated by it. At that time, I was very young, but I liked to hold books all day long, travel in the sea of books, and grow up under the care of books. A book is a wonderful article written by a writer; A book is a beautiful picture of a painter; A book is a musical note that flows from the fingers of a pianist. Books

Inspired and edified by my mother, I prefer reading. From Jane Eyre to War and Peace, from Lu Xun to Tolstoy, I have basically read all the books at home. Books are my good companions.

When I started primary school, I had a lot to do with books:

Once, I was in a bad mood. Because I failed in the exam several times in succession, I felt that the book was just like a vagrant who idled around all day, and could not help me at all. At this time, I threw the teaching assistant book and lay on the desk in anger. Suddenly, I saw a book full of dust. I patted the dust on the cover and turned from page to page. I was infected by the characters in the book and couldn't help reading it. In a twinkling of an eye, the sunset dyed half the sky red. The sunset was dazzling and brilliant. I stretched my back and suddenly thought of myself who had bought this book. Didn't I promise that I will never forget to read? Why have you forgotten everything now? I shook my head, the dusty memory seemed to come back, and I finally knew what I had forgotten. Since then, I still have a close relationship with my mentor and friend, the book.

Whenever I have bad emotions, I will read and enjoy the fragrance of books. At this time, those negative emotions will disappear.

Reading makes me grow, reading makes me happy, and reading makes my bad points disappear. It makes me feel the lightness of the river, the surging of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, the homesickness of misty rain... I love you, read! Reading makes my life better!

Reading Life Composition (5)

Reading, can comprehend life. Reading prose, you can find a comfortable corner, or prepare a cup of coffee, a sofa, and a light; Or go to the grassy boulevard and enjoy the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. Those who like reading will never be bored. By reading, we can often collide with great minds, and combine the ups and downs of the plot and moving stories in the book. Naturally, you will be deeply attracted by the fragrance of books

It is the palace of knowledge, it is the yellow store of wisdom, it is the way to truth, I am the boat traveling in the ocean of knowledge, he is my good friend - books.

Books are the source of knowledge, the ladder of good science, the cradle of life, and the golden key to open the treasure house of knowledge. Living without books is like living without sunshine and birds without wings.

Books contain joys and sorrows, and are full of success and failure. They teach me to be kind to growth. Even if the wind and rain erode, books will give you grievances in your heart. Sadness can trigger all kinds of emotions in your heart, relax your mood, and indulge in the jungle of books. It's fun! I read and I am happy.

The passage of time can only make us grow older, but true maturity requires experience. And you can try to read more books before experiencing. It can teach you more things.

I like to fly among the pages, listen to the singing of the soul between the pages, feel the spirit of the soul between the pages, exile the wings of inner fantasy, and fly to distant places.

Knowledge is the guardian god of life; Books are the spiritual food of mankind.

Reading Life Composition (6)

There are many books in my bookcase. Fairy tales, novels, comics... I like reading very much. As long as I have a book in my hand, I will read it and forget myself.

I like reading very much. When I read The Little Match Girl in Andersen's Fairy Tales, I lamented the tragic story of the little girl; When I read the comic book Crazy Guibao, I would laugh because of the strange ideas of Guibao, the hero of the book; When I read the novel "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea", I felt as if I was in the dark and quiet sea. All kinds of fish swim freely around me... I often have to wait for someone to call me before I suddenly wake up from my immersive fantasy.

I still remember that day, our class held a get-together, and the teacher asked each of us to perform on the stage to see who received the most applause. Some students played monkeys, others imitated cat calls... It was my turn to go on the stage, and I confidently went to the podium to perform a small experiment that I saw in the small science comics ----- take a piece of paper and a comb, tear up the paper, comb the comb on the hair for a few times, and put the comb on the pieces of paper. The magic thing happened - the paper was adsorbed on the comb! This is because there is static electricity after the brush rubs against the hair... I explained the principle carefully with my classmates. As soon as I finished speaking, the class heard the warmest sound. Later, I was awarded the title of "Little Doctor of Reading" by the school. All this is because I like reading.

Reading Life Composition (7)

Books bring me happiness and knowledge, and his rendering step by step makes me thrive. I feel the beauty of fairy tales from Cinderella and The Daughter of the Sea. I felt the ugliness and evil of human nature from the Les Miserables, which made me have an indissoluble bond with the secretary.

When I was a child, my mother always read me bedtime stories, and when I grew up, I began to choose my favorite books. One chance I saw a book called "The Miserable World". Its author is Hugo, a French writer. This book describes how the upper class of capitalism treats the kind workers, a series of injuries, and how the working people struggle to get rid of their miserable fate.

"The Miserable World" makes me know the danger of people's hearts in modern society. It makes me understand the greatness of maternal love. It makes me understand that there are not only people with evil hearts, but also people with good hearts.

Every time I read, I become very happy and broaden my horizon. Reading is the nutrition of the world. Let's read together to enrich our life! Let's stand higher and see farther!

Reading Life Composition (8)

In life, there is no moment when you leave the tree. When you buy vegetables, you need to calculate whether the money is correct or not; When you communicate, you don't need some knowledge to communicate with others; So reading can never be separated from our life.

If there is no book in the world, it will become dark, and many creatures will be killed because of people's ignorance. If it goes on like this, in a short time, there will be no other living things in the world except people. Only ignorant, stupid and unrestrained people will be left in this world. In this world, there will be only darkness. It's terrible to live in a world without books. It's better to live in a world without books!

If there is no book in the world, there will be no truth, good and beauty, only ugliness. In the days without books, the world is full of wars because some people fight each other for some unnecessary interests. In this world, there are big wars fought by countries, battles fought by supporters and reactionaries, and fights fought by children. So let's travel in the world of books.

Books are very important to us. Cherish every minute of our reading.

Reading Life Composition (9)

Reading books can broaden people's horizons, enable people to gain a knowledge rich and dry life, and books are the ladder of human progress.

I love reading. It is reading that makes me happy, and it is reading that makes my life more exciting. Reading is a kind of enjoyment. One afternoon, away from the noise of the city, sit quietly at the desk, let yourself be in the book, and feel the quiet splendor. It is a silent joy!

Reading had a great impact on me. On a quiet afternoon, I finished my homework and was bored. I opened the book Yilin. Every article here attracted me deeply. As if it was secret, I became more and more immersed in books. I felt together with the heroes in the beautiful articles and shared happiness and sadness with them, Every article makes me feel ups and downs. I like to swim in the sea of books! Reading is a lighthouse to illuminate the direction of sailing ships in the sea; Reading is wings, flying with dreams; Reading is the key to our knowledge. I like reading Yilin, which makes me feel that reading really makes life more exciting and happy

Reading not only enriches my knowledge, but also makes me understand many reasons. Reading makes our life more beautiful!

Reading Life Composition (10)

Books are the ladder of human progress. Indeed, reading not only makes people progress, but also makes life better.

Among the numerous books, Shen Shixi's animal novels are my favorite. Whenever my mother buys me books about the king of animal novels, I feel like a treasure, like a hungry wolf reading greedily. "You are almost a small animal! Pay attention to your eyes!" Mother was both pleased and helpless.

Once, I was reading in my bedroom. Before I knew it, it was dark. When my mother came home from work, she saw that I was still holding the book and reading it on the bed. She couldn't help roaring, "Look, look, look, is a book really bread? Is reading enough? OK, don't eat dinner, go on, you keep looking! " I then moved my eyes from the book and looked at my mother blankly.

Mom, what's wrong? What kind of prestige? I was shot when I was lying here! I didn't do anything! I didn't hear my mother at all. Looking at my mother's angry appearance, I caught a glimpse of the egg noodles on the table that my mother left for me when she went out in the morning. I immediately understood.

I scratched my head with embarrassment. "Mom, Mom, I was wrong! I'll eat now!" My stomach began to purr with awareness of current affairs. "Eat, what do you want to eat? Can you eat this? Everyone has become a big family!" Mom picked noodles easily, but there's no way to pick them!

"Reading also requires eating, and I didn't say I wouldn't let you read it." I nodded forcefully, "Eat, eat, and remember next time!" However, later, I still "go my own way", and my mother had no choice. Naturally, I was told about it.

Immersed in the enjoyment of reading, even my mother's nagging seems so beautiful, and I feel like living a wonderful life every day! Besides, reading can also improve my grades, so I may be admitted to my favorite university. Does this mean that I may live a better life?

You can not eat for a day, sleep for a day, and read for a day. Reading makes life better!

Reading Life Composition (11)

Since my 6th birthday, I fell in love at first sight with the book Andersen's Fairy Tales sent by my father, and my "literary love" was out of control.

At first, I read fairy tales with pinyin. When I was a little older, I was "ambitious" and started my "colonial expansion". Award winning compositions and classical classics became my target. I saved snacks and classmates to change books. For a book I can't borrow, I often "wander around"

My family members saw that I was crazy about books, and they were afraid that I would "lose my mind by playing with things", so they announced the ban: "No reading while eating, no reading while going to the toilet..." I pretended to surrender, built a plank road openly and secretly, and various tricks emerged one after another.

Once, a friend lent me a thick copy of The Water Margin and agreed to return it a week later. How can I finish it? I thought hard: I was caught reading a book when I went to the toilet secretly last time. This time I have to think of a new idea. Finally, I made a "earth shaking" decision under the surprise eyes of my parents: "From today on, I will sleep alone". In fact, I'm afraid of the dark, but I can't help it. For the sake of Water Margin, it's worth it! Hee, they didn't know that my "drunkenness is not about wine"!

Alas, this way of reading is really uncomfortable. I must tuck my head into the quilt, and the corner must be tightly pressed. Then I turn on the flashlight and start reading. There is a slight noise. You must turn off the light at the fastest speed, stretch your head and check until the "alarm is cleared", then shrink your head and curl up your legs, turn on the light... I didn't expect that the efficiency is really high.

It's just that I have to stretch my head regularly to breathe because I'm sweating, my face is hot, and I can't breathe well. It's really a fly in the ointment! In this way, a week later, I successfully returned the book, but for this reason, I also burned out a lot of light bulbs, and my pocket money was too much, which led to my mother's "serious interrogation". I just kept my "revolutionary nature", and refused to admit. "You can be anything from east to west, north to south", but "Skynet is huge", and my "bedding plan" was finally discovered, But I still "don't regret when my clothes are getting wider and wider, and I feel haggard when I disappear from Iraq".

Now that I think about it, that "cultural journey" has become a beautiful memory, leaving a trace of fragrance in my life, making my life better.

Reading Life Composition (12)

When I was very young, I heard that "reading a book a hundred times reveals its meaning". Adults often tell me to read more and love reading. But despite this, I still don't like reading. I think reading is boring and useless. Until that day, the final exam of Grade 5 came.

"When the book comes to use, I hate it!" At that time, I stared at a question in the extracurricular reading: Please fill in the following poems. That is a poem I have never seen. Although later I also knew that it was "Joyful Rain on a Spring Night". But in the exam, I really regret that I didn't read more. The students who usually read a lot in the exam class answered correctly, which made me envy.

Since then, I have learned that extracurricular reading can not only enrich after-school life, but also affect the exam results in class. During the exam, rich reading may become a key answer. I began to force myself to read. I began to read every day. Gradually I found that reading is also good. For example, reading can increase your literacy and enrich your vocabulary; The article you read may appear on the test paper, which will make you easy to answer; Reading helps to understand textbook knowledge; Reading can also help you write a good composition

I like reading books written by Shen Shixi best. His description of animals is really vivid and lifelike. I imitated his way of writing animals and wrote better articles of my own. What I am not good at is reading ancient Chinese. The four masterpieces always dazzle me. Later, my mother bought a picture version of the four masterpieces, which I like very much. Recently, in the examination paper, I found "Lutiha Boxing Town Guanxi" in "Water Margin". I did the right thing! How happy!

Now my reading range is still very narrow. In order to study and live better in the future, I need to read more books and read good books. Read more ancient Chinese and deeply understand the breadth and depth of Chinese; Also read some biographies of the characters and learn some good sentences describing the psychological activities of the characters; Read more foreign masterpieces to understand the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures Let reading make my life better!

Reading Life Composition (13)

Reading, like bursts of spring rain, moistens my dry heart; Reading, like wisps of light, illuminates my way forward; Reading, like little nutrients, enriches my thin wings. Reading makes my after-school life more substantial and my life more beautiful.

When I was young, under the guidance of my mother who loved reading, I fell in love with listening to stories before I knew a few characters. In my spare time, I prefer to pester my mother to tell me stories rather than go out with children. In countless weekends when I was alone at home, I was addicted to comic books and fairy tales.

In the world of fairy tales, I shed tears because of the tragic experience of the little match girl; In the picture books of Chinese mythology, I admire and admire the story of Nuwa mending the sky; In those short and pithy fables, I benefited a lot from funny stories that seemed funny

Since then, books have been my best playmates.

At primary school, I began to read and could read more books by myself. All the little question marks in my head have found answers in "One Hundred Thousand Whys", but slowly, "One Hundred Thousand Whys" can not meet my needs, and we love science, natural history and other books appear in front of me. In these books, I learned extensive, rich and interesting knowledge.

What impressed me most was that once I saw the practice of cookies in a magazine, which immediately aroused my interest. I found relevant materials and tools, and succeeded in making them according to the practices in the book. They taste good. After getting the teacher's consent, I took the biscuit to school. After tasting it, the students praised me: "It's delicious! You are so ingenious, I can worship you!" After hearing that, I could not mention how beautiful it is.

Now that I am a senior student, I can make more and more "friends" with books. They are like mentors and helpful friends, growing up with me.

I love reading, reading makes my life better!

Reading Life Composition (14)

Reading is like an elevator, which enables us to reach the top of the building of knowledge; Reading is like a good medicine to cure our ignorance; Reading is like a bright light, driving away dark ignorance for us. I like reading, and reading makes my life better.

Reading, as teacher Qi said: "One day without books, Pepsi is deserted". Yes, books are so common in life, but they are an indispensable part. The first thing I met was Monkey King in Journey to the West, because he was very brave. He was not afraid of heaven and earth. He faithfully protected Shifu to worship the Buddha and pray for scriptures in the west. His mind is very smart, and he likes to help when the road is rough. From this, I thought of our study. Learning is like trying to get scriptures. In school, some people are like Pig Bajie, lazy and careless in everything, while others are like Sha Seng, steadfastly studying hard. Some people, like the Monkey King, are vivid and resourceful, and can often help teachers solve problems. Some people, like Tang Monk, are kind-hearted, and students will always help when they encounter difficulties. If we can all be Tang Monk, Sun Wukong and Sha Monk in our study, and have faith in learning, we will succeed.

I remember one time, my mother gave the "lights out order" before nine o'clock. I had no choice but to secretly read the collected books in my room with a flashlight. But "the devil is one foot taller than the devil", my mother will always come to a surprise "patrol", and the results are found, the books of true love are also confiscated by my mother, and finally my mother's life is hard to violate, so I have to turn off the light to sleep.

However, it is also because of reading that my writing level and reading comprehension ability have been improved, so that I am always praised by the teacher in public and my heart is happy.

"There is a golden house in books, and there is a beauty in books". Reading has made a qualitative leap in my achievements, and not only has my life become very full. It also makes my life better.

Reading Life Composition (15)

About a week ago, I began to read the famous book Gone with the Wind.

I listened to the short version on a reading platform for half an hour before, and I was a little impressed, but I didn't take notes at that time, but I can imagine that I should still be very impressed with the life experience of the heroine.

When I opened this book and began to read from the beginning, I found myself really superficial, and more clearly understood that if a good book was just listening to a book, or listening without thinking and taking notes, it would be a bit wasteful and missed treasures.

I used the electronic version to read it. When I opened it, I found that there were more than 3000 pages. At that time, I thought the book was very thick. But after listening to the book for half an hour, I finished it. Is the story so long?

Only when I began to read page by page did I find that too many plot words were omitted by the author who listened to the book. He only introduced a simple main line, while there were many descriptions of class, environment, human life and thought in the book, and many lovely, hateful, hateful and funny characters were not mentioned.

I'm glad that I started to read this book. There are too many details and words that touch the soul. Even though some of them are still half understood due to different cultural times, they do not prevent me from understanding the pulse in the book.

Through reading this book, I understand that the reason why a book will be spread as a masterpiece has its own value, and also let me understand that a good book is really worth reading carefully.

Reading Life Composition (16)

After writing fast, I put down the pen in my hand. It's already dead at night. Rubbing his sore right hand, soaking in a cup of tea, holding up the book, he felt refreshed. Although I am in Grade Three, reading is still a part of my life. It is it that makes my life wonderful!

She was happy for Jane Eyre's real happiness, and cried for Zhuge Liang who "died before he got out of school". Although the time has changed, the characters in the writer's works are still gratifying, worrying and pathetic. This is the unique magic of reading. It's reading, warning me when I'm happy, so that I don't get carried away; Is reading; Give me comfort when I am low-key, let me not give up easily. It's reading. It gives me directions when I'm confused, so that I won't lose myself. This is reading. In reading, I learned to work hard, and I learned to forge ahead. It makes life infinitely wonderful.

Reading brings people not only knowledge, but also lessons learned from the past and more ways to behave. Hold a book, put yourself in the book, away from the noise of the city, away from the right and wrong in the world, and enter the book calmly, naturally, every time you will open the book, it will be helpful and quite perceptive. Although there are many tools to replace books - television, computer, but they can not bring people that quiet wonderful.