Mother's Composition High School (16 selected articles)
desire to advance
2024-06-09 06:06:50
high school

Mother's Composition High School (1)

Mother's Day is a day to thank mothers. On this day, children of all countries will give a gift to their mothers to thank their mothers. Some sent carnations as a symbol of maternal love, and some sent greeting cards made by themselves... Although these gifts were small, they included my gratitude to my mother. Of course, they were just for my mother to enjoy the festival. Those innocent children thought that it was just my filial piety to my mother. But I didn't realize my mother's touch and comfort. Every Mother's Day, I will celebrate for my own mother. Since I was sensible, almost every Mother's Day will celebrate for my mother. In my impression, every time my mother receives a gift, she tears. In this way, we have spent one Mother's Day after another. However, what impressed me most was that Mother's Day... I still remember the week before that day, in order to make my mother happy for the holiday, I wanted to take an exam to make my mother happy, so I studied hard and listened carefully in class. Sure enough, my efforts did not disappoint the people who wanted me. I got a score of double percent in an exam, and I could not help but suppress my joy, I was ready to give her a surprise on Mother's Day, so I carefully hid the test paper under the pillow. But I felt that the test paper was not enough, so I went to the flower shop and planned to buy a bunch of carnations for my mother. But I only had five yuan, and I could only buy one carnation with my money. What should I do? Fortunately, the waiter saw that I was sincere and gave me a bunch of carnations. I looked around and around. Finally, I looked forward to Mother's Day. Early in the morning, before my mother got up, I secretly took the flowers to her room. There were warm little cards on the flowers! After taking it, I secretly returned to the bed, but could not sleep again and again. After a while, my mother woke up, and I could guess her surprise expression when she saw the flowers in the bed. I saw my mother came to my room with flowers, bent down and kissed me deeply. I opened my long awake eyes and said to my mother to wish her a happy holiday! Then she pulled out two test papers from the cabinet. When she saw that they were double hundred, she smiled like a flower on her face, and said to me, "Baby daughter, this is the best gift!" In fact, it doesn't matter whether you give gifts or do something for your mother on Mother's Day. What matters is whether you care about your parents at ordinary times, Mother's Day is just a day to remind children not to forget to raise their own parents. Mothers love you, but they don't care that you have to spend money to send her gifts. As long as you repay them with good results and a sincere filial piety, it is OK. We must love our mothers, which is the best gift for mothers on Mother's Day!

Mother's Composition High School (2)

At the beginning of life, we have different people to accompany us through a period of happy time. Our parents have always been with us. They have given us great help and support when we encounter difficulties. They have given us great comfort when we are at our lowest ebb. When we are happy, their smiles will be extremely bright. Thanks to our mother, she gave us life and helped us to embark on the road of life. In this world, mother is the closest person to our life.

When we are homesick, when we are in trouble, when we are at a loss, our mother is our most solid emotional support. What we get from our mother is not only the comfort of love, but also the truth of life, attitude and good education. It is often said that "mother is the first teacher of children. Because mother has taught us too much." A person can not have any love about friends, lovers or from all fields, but he will never have no maternal love, nor will he grow up without his mother's care at any time. "This is what Comenius said. Yes, I believe that each of us grew up under the care of our mother, and all of us have experienced the warm embrace of our mother. How happy children are in her arms. How great and selfless is maternal love. Once, when I came home from school, I put down my schoolbag and went to watch TV. When I was lying in bed watching TV, I fell asleep for some reason. When my mother came home, she found that the TV was still on. My mother worked late every day and came back. When she came back, she had to cook by herself. It was very hard. But now that I have gone to middle school, I can't cook for my parents, I can only share the burden of my parents on Sundays and help them do what they can, but my mother has been taking care of me this Sunday. When my mother finished all the work and was ready to eat, she called me, but I always ignored him and said to him, "If I sleep a little longer, I will fall asleep again.". If I were my mother, I would be angry. But my mother patiently asked me to go to dinner. My mother called me for a long time, but found that I was always sleepy. So my mother touched my forehead, which was very hot. I clearly remember that my mother wanted ants on the hot pot at that time, and was so worried that she immediately dressed me and took me to the hospital. We took the hospital, took the medicine and went back. At that time, the food was cold. My mother asked me whether I would eat or not, and I said I would not eat. I wanted to sleep, so I went to bed. I don't know if my mother had slept. My mother was tired to a certain point. In the following days, my mother didn't go to work, and she took care of me all the time. She was meticulous and very careful, A few days later, I got better under my mother's care, but my mother asked me to stay at home for a few more days, but I felt too bored and had to go out to play. At that time, my mother nagged again. She always said, "Don't go out, don't burn up again, or it will delay my study." I always hated her nagging, and said to her, "You are boring. ”She never spoke at that time. As a result, I had a fever again, and I knew that nagging was also a manifestation of maternal love. "Who can repay the kindness of his mother?" In order to repay the kindness of his mother, we should study hard, repay the great kindness with excellent results, do more housework for our parents and share their burden. The kindness of maternal love is unforgettable forever. Maternal love is one of the most selfless feelings.

He is like the rain in spring, which falls on our hearts. Although it is silent, it moistens the seedlings of life. Motherly love is always a warm harbor for children! They are the greatest people in the world! We should use a grateful heart to thank our mother.

Mother's Composition High School (3)

"Mother's Day is coming, what are you going to give your mother?" The friend asked while wrapping her gift.

"She's not at home anyway, forget it." I answered carelessly. In previous years, on Mother's Day, I always sent a message to my mother, which was simple and clear, "Happy Mother's Day". It was like a task that must be completed every year?

In my impression, my mother is a domineering woman. People around her dare not contradict her. She says one, and others dare not say two. Since she had practiced singing, her voice was still very loud, so she started to scold people. The scene was quite spectacular. I always feel that this woman lacks the tenderness that a mother should have. When I was young, adults would always ask who was better. In front of me, I would say that both of them are good, but privately, I would say that Dad is good and Mom is too fierce+. Later, this matter came to my mother's ears, and I suffered a lot.

But during the New Year holiday this year, I found that my mother had "changed". She had fishtail lines on her heel. She didn't buy a large box of care products to cover up the defects on her face as before. Her hands grew calluses, but she still worked hard at housework. More importantly, when eating, she would put vegetables in my bowl, which surprised me. Her face has many more smiles than before. This made me realize that she is also a mother and my mother, which is absolutely true.

I said, "Mom, you have changed and become like a mother." She smiled and said, "Hehe, yes, love really makes people change. We only meet once a year. When we parted, I found how much I love this family. I was wondering if I was too strict with you before." Mom touched my head and said, "It's important for a family to have a happy heart!" At this moment, I just found that my mother also has such a moving side.

Not everyone knows how to express love. Some people only know the true meaning of love after many experiences. When they really love someone, they will not only care and love, but also change because of love, endure what they don't like for love, and do what they don't want to do for love. Therefore, I believe that my mother loves me.

I think that on Mother's Day this year, I will not only say to my mother, "Happy Mother's Day", but also add five words, "Mom, I love you". I used to think that these words were very disgusting, but I also want to change them.

Mother, I will be your daughter in the next life, making you my unique mother.

Mother's Composition High School (4)

A pair of rough hands, full of white hair, she has done so much for you. She has never complained or regretted. She feels that she raised you and has no regrets in her life. But you never thought about her - your mother, how is she doing?

My mother has worked hard to support me for more than ten years, but I never said that I would repay her. I always complain about why my mother can't earn a lot of money. I never care whether my mother is good or not in these years.

When I was in the first grade, I had no exam because of my fever. The teacher refused to let me go to the first grade, but when I saw Jia Jia entering the new grade, I wanted to go, so my mother begged. But the teacher thought I was stupid and refused to let me go. I began to cry, and my mother said all kinds of good things to the teacher. The teacher gave my mother face before he let me go.

How much did my mother do for me, but I never said: "Mother, you worked hard!" In the big winter, I went to school, but I didn't wear warm shoes, so cold that I could hardly walk. It was my mother who braved the heavy snow and sent me a pair of snow shoes, which made me feel the warmth of giving help in time of snow.

Recalling these, my mother had done so much for me. But I never cared about my mother. I always thought it was right to be a parent and take care of children. I had to talk back to my mother every day. But my mother didn't complain at all, and she never complained about why I didn't want to make progress, just silently encouraged me. But what about me?

My mother is so kind and gentle. But in her heart, she was full of grievances, but her mother never complained to her relatives, never complained about all this, because she thought she had a daughter to be proud of!

Mother, my mother, I'm sorry! You have raised me hard in the past ten years. But I never thought of you. Mother, I love you! You've been working hard!

Mother's Composition High School (5)

I think my mother is the most beautiful, gentle and best mother in the world.

My mother loves me very much. Because my father is a project manager and has been stationed in the Guangzhou Project Department for many years, my mother and I depend on each other for most of the time at home. She gets up very early every day, prepares breakfast for me personally and places it on the dining table in the restaurant, afraid that I will be hot, and then comes to pat me on the shoulder to wake me up. While busy making the bed, she talks about the suitability of my clothes, Then I have to add a sentence: "Baby, listen to me, your father's weather forecast is accurate." At this time, I always yawn or make a face at my mother, try to speed up, and then go to school with my mother. On the road, when my mother and I are happiest, I stand on the backup rack of my mother's electric car, Holding my mother's neck and yelling for her to come on, my mother and I went through the rain and wind like this, day after day, year after year, and I also enjoyed my mother's selfless love unconditionally.

I still remember in my mind that last winter vacation, when I suddenly had a high fever, I was doing my homework, but I always felt cold and trembling, and my hands did not listen to me. I called my mother to tell her that I was too cold. At this time, my mother put her hand on my head and touched it and said, "Oh, stop writing. Why is it so hot? I will take your temperature." At this time, I found my mother's face changed. While taking my temperature, she called our property management uncle and asked him to call me a taxi. My mother and I ran to the hospital in a muddle. At this time, I felt my hair was faint and my legs were weak. I couldn't walk away. My mother ran upstairs and downstairs with my back, When I went to get the bottle, I found that my mother was out of breath when talking to the nurse aunt. At that time, I found that my mother's sweat was constantly flowing. At that time, although the injection was very painful, I could not cry. I was really afraid of upsetting my mother. I wanted to say to my mother, "Mom, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice."

My mother not only loves me, but also is strict with me. As long as my mother has time, I will be miserable. At this time, I know that my study examination will begin. First, I was ordered to move my weekly homework to my mother's desk, and then waited for her to check the results. It was strange that every time, although I had been very careful, my mother always found problems in my homework, either careless or untidy. Alas!

The old problem, just write it five more times. The next step was the math comprehensive exercise. I didn't know where she changed her math paper to let me do it. When she did it, she wanted both speed and performance. Anyway, she was patient. She asked me to copy it once, and she checked it correctly, but it would not work without doing it. In short, she is very strict with me in my study.

I love my mother because I know that only my mother is the best in the world.

Mother's Composition High School (6)

Dear Mom


Some people say that maternal love is like a clear spring, nourishing the growth of children little by little; Others say that a mother's love is like a cup of tea, which can give the child the most effective guidance in the most difficult time and help him keep sober and calm; In my eyes, it is like what you said before: "love is like air", which is not easy to be detected by me, but it exists around me all the time. From time to time, it "accelerates the flow", and brings a ray of wind that can make me "see the wind and cry". On the occasion of the arrival of my Mother's Day, I also wrote a letter to you (which can also be regarded as a reply letter I wrote to you) to express my gratitude for your meticulous care and care at all times

In fact, I have long wanted to write this letter to you, but I have never had a good opportunity and time to complete it. I will write it to you by borrowing the homework assigned by the teacher, my gift for Mother's Day and my activity for Mother's Day. I hope it is not too late to take it as a reply to the letter you wrote to me last time. Hehe, I hope you can accept it.

I remember in your letter that you said, "You are the best mind". You said to me that this is what you have always wanted to say to me. After listening to your words, my heart suddenly flooded with a warm current. Now I also want to say to you, "You are the best mind", and best can be translated into many words such as "most beautiful" and "most powerful", Last time you asked me, who do I admire most? My answer to you is: You and Dad. The reason I gave you last time was not specific enough. Now I will explain it to you:

1. You are omnipotent! You can write articles, teach English, be reasonable, haggle, buy good and inexpensive things, encourage others when they are sad and lost, make people like you through your own special methods, and use clever language to solve my problems when I make mistakes... (Ten thousand words are omitted here) In short, you know too many things, I can always be at my beck and call when I ask questions or have ideas. I want to conjure up or find what I think in my mind. I am surprised and surprised at the same time, and my admiration for you is growing day by day.

2. How awesome you are! You can get to know your father in the vast crowd. You can make him work from the very beginning to have his own company now. You can give him advice and come up with "strategies to break the enemy" when he is in a hurry. You can keep calm under any circumstances and handle everything without rushing. How can I be dissatisfied with such "fearless", "resourceful and brave", and so powerful?

3. Although my mother is said to be the best teacher in the world, how can she not be worshipped because she is eloquent and has a set of principles? I remember that time when I had a problem with my classmates at school, when I returned home, you began to analyze the reasons for me, and told me what to do little by little. The endless flow of truth and the eloquent "professor level" lecture made me dizzy, surprised and surprised. I couldn't help but realize that 99% of my outstanding students were from the big professor in our family, No wonder many people ask if you are engaged in education!

4. It is like a top chef in a high-end hotel cooking delicious food, like an exquisite artwork. Let everyone who has tasted your dishes praise your cooking skills. How can I, the person who enjoys everyday, not be impressed by your magic hands?

Worship in the dictionary means: respect and admiration. I think that for you, it means being shocked at all your things, admiring some of your actions, and admiring all you have done.

Mom, in the past ten years of my growth, you have given me countless encouragement and care. I remember a composition that said: motherly love=a glass of milk and an egg every morning, motherly love=an umbrella delivered in rainy days, motherly love=an exhortation to arrive on time every day... In fact, it is like this. You cook and wash clothes for me every day, and work hard. Now, I sincerely say to you, Mom, thank you! Happy Mother's Day! What this short letter can't write is my love for you, and what it can't tell is your hard work for so many years. I sincerely hope you can stay young forever, and I sincerely hope you can always be happy.

Mother's Composition High School (7)

Since childhood, I have separated from my mother. March, another spring, mother's birthday is coming.

A few days ago, there was a girl's birthday in the dormitory. Gorgeous into the age of 17, the most beautiful years, she rose and fell more beautiful and beautiful. I sincerely wish you a happy seventeen year old!

However, turning to my mother, I can only be dissatisfied with the ruthlessness of the years. Time is like a sharp blade, gouging out mother's youth. We are growing up, but my mother is getting older. Her aging face, full of love and warm eyes, is the most beautiful scenery in my memory. Therefore, I keep this beautiful memory in my heart.

In March, when the earth just woke up, the flowers and grass opened their eyes to welcome the feast. Little by little, time goes by. When we turn to March in the ancient calendar, it is these days that the mother's calendar has another page. Cherry blossoms are scattered all over the ground, peach and plum blossoms have already turned into spring mud, and the goose yellow grains on the wicker have opened into a patchwork of young green leaves. The sun is so bright that the grass in the mountain is also green.

Perhaps, when the summer is coming, many flowers belonging to spring have withered and fallen, but their branches and leaves are thriving, and their children are growing. When autumn came, it was the time for them to be moved and harvest.

Mother, just like this flower.

Mother's spring has passed, ushering in the lush and painful midsummer. I am the son of my mother, but this green fruit has to face the ups and downs of growth. My difficulties and misfortunes are the dog days of June of my mother. She will be worried about my cold, angry about my lack of effort, and work hard for my food and clothing.

Mother is an angel, a great person like God! Mother felt guilty and distressed about this, so she always compensated me with all the satisfaction. Every wish of mine, every success, every failure, every time...... Mother always silently guards and wishes. I know that my mother is proud of me. Although I am not perfect, although I am not the best, she still regards me as a treasure, and still regards me as her pride.

I have been growing happily, in this intertwined with my mother's years; I also cleverly began to be sensible, in my mother's earnest words every time; I secretly dreamed that in my future, I would give my mother a pure and true love

The clouds in the sky embrace the sun lazily. In my mother's midsummer, I worked hard to bloom, for her autumn fruits, for the future of her undisputed love. I am determined to be the best of myself, not to let her wish fail, not to let her regret the end of winter.

The wind is blowing gently on my face, standing on the top of Dengyun Mountain and enjoying my mother's love. Suddenly, I remembered that a few days later, it was my mother's birthday.

Mother's Composition High School (8)

In the morning, just before dawn, I vaguely heard the "buzzing" sound of the soy milk machine, the "dangdang" sound of cutting vegetables, and the sound of cooking... When I opened my eyes, breakfast had already arrived on the table. Every day so, never stop, who is so diligent? She is not someone else, but my mother who loves me.

My mother, medium height, has long hair, a pair of bright eyes, and a pair of glasses on the high bridge of her nose, which can be said to be ordinary. You may not find her in the crowd at once, but in my heart, she is the greatest and selfless mother.

Every day when I come home from school, I always see my mother preparing delicious food for me. Even my favorite snacks are prepared for me in turn. When I go to bed at night, my mother will put away my clothes for me to wear the next day. At ordinary times, my mother is reluctant to buy anything for herself, but she seldom refuses my request. Maybe these are just ordinary little things in many people's eyes, but when you think about it, don't these little things just contain my mother's selfless love for me?

Just a while ago, one day, my mother sent me to learn dancing near the Drum Tower. It was still sunny when I walked. Unexpectedly, when I came home, it was raining slightly. Unfortunately, we didn't bring raincoats, so we had to go home in the rain. Along the way, the cold wind was blowing, and the weather was getting colder and colder. My mother pedaled her bike with difficulty, and I was shivering in the back. Seeing this, my mother quickly bought a raincoat in the roadside shop, but that raincoat was for one person, so my mother let me wear it alone, and asked me from time to time whether it was cold, for fear of freezing me again.

Finally I got home. My mother took the key to open the door. Unexpectedly, the key fell to the ground. Then I noticed that my mother's whole body was shaking with cold war, and her hands were red with cold. Suddenly, my eyes were blurred by tears. I deeply felt my mother's devotion to me and her ordinary and great love for me.

Mom! You are like a ray of sunshine. Winter brings me warmth.

Mom! You are like a big tree. Summer brings me shade.

Mom! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Except you, who is my shadow under the open sky?

Mother's Composition High School (9)

Since the Paleolithic Age, the Xianbei of the Chinese nation has multiplied in the embrace of the Yellow River. Since then, in the long historical evolution process, they have continuously improved their ability to adapt to nature and developed agricultural civilization on the alluvial plain formed by the Yellow River, which has gradually become the economic, cultural and political center of ancient China. These long national histories have appeared in our myths, legends and songs. Many poets also write praises of the Yellow River: Li Bai's "When you don't see the emperor, the water of the Yellow River comes up from heaven, and runs to the sea and never returns"; Wang Zhihuan's "The Yellow River is far above the white clouds, a lonely city with ten thousand Renshan mountains"; Wang Wei's "desert smoke straight, long river set yen."

The Yellow River appears on the Asian plain with its strong body. It is a symbol of the Chinese nation, a pride and a spirit of the Chinese people. However, the Yellow River has paid for us, and what have we returned to him? Is it security? Is it giving? no We didn't do these things. On the contrary, we gave him pain, which will always make her cold hearted. Her body was severely damaged by people's unrestrained deforestation. Because there were no trees, a large amount of rainwater flowed into the Yellow River every year because there were no trees to absorb it. For a long time, he finally resisted with tears and pain. The Chinese people worked together to control her anger. He thought that China's anger would learn a lesson, but the Chinese children once again destroyed his body, her heart was broken, she would not resist, because she knew that no matter how to resist, she had no strength, she had already turned from a beautiful girl into a scarred old man, and she could only let her children destroy her.

Yellow River, we are sorry for you. You have paid so much for us, but we treat you like this. If possible, we will try our best to protect you, so that you can become a beautiful girl again. All Chinese, she is our common mother. We can't make her sad. Let's protect you, our mother. You must stand! You must stand up! For you, all our Chinese people are willing to do everything to save your beauty, my mother.

The Yangtze River and the Yellow River are our mother rivers. Over the past five thousand years, they have been flowing incessantly, selflessly nourishing and nurturing the Chinese people on both sides of the river, which is a scene of prosperity on the land of China.

However, the environment of our mother river, the Yangtze River, is slowly deteriorating. You know what? That year, a factory in the upper reaches of our mother's river discharged a lot of toxic sewage, which led to people not drinking water from the Yangtze River for more than 20 days. It was the water that the government asked fire trucks to pull back from the outside. The person who received the water at that time! It's a sea of people. The stores and supermarkets in residential areas on both sides of the Yangtze River sold out of mineral water that day. From this, I know the importance of water to people. Hearing the superior's notice of emergency water shortage, everyone was very worried.

Based on the above situation, I hereby make the following proposals:

1、 The waste water discharged from the factories on both banks should be purified.

2、 It is forbidden to fish in the river.

3、 Many kinds of trees should participate in public welfare activities to protect Mother River.

4、 Save personal daily water consumption and achieve "one water for multiple purposes".

5、 If fishers catch rare aquatic organisms, they should report to relevant departments in time.

6、 Publicize the love and protection of the mother river, starting from everyone's behavior.

In the past, the conditions in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River were very good, and the rare relic animal in China, the baiji dolphin, lived there. But now, due to serious water pollution, the baiji dolphin is facing the crisis of extinction. I remember one time, my mother bought a big carp from a fishmonger on the river side. I looked at the fat carp and was salivating. Unexpectedly, the delicious food on the table was... I ate a mouthful, which was terrible. I had eaten the fish made by my mother before, which was especially delicious, but now... I understand that the meat quality of fish and shrimp has changed due to the serious pollution of the river. When I was a child, I saw many children swimming, playing and splashing along the river. Fishermen were fishing in the river, and sand dredgers were shuttling in the river in a zigzag line, digging pebbles and river sand. Now, the scene of prosperity can't be seen, only white disposable plastic bags floating on the river, dead fish and shrimp, and a stench wafts. Are you still indifferent to the "variation" of the Yangtze River?

Mother's Composition High School (10)

A 900 word composition about the characteristics of mother Everyone buys things with the least money, and my mother is no exception. Today, my mother took me to Shaoxing to buy me clothes for the New Year. We came to a children's clothing store, with a sign hanging outside: 50% off for one piece, 30% off for more than five pieces. We went in and had a look. We thought the clothes were pretty good. My mother asked me to choose by myself. I chose a pair of loose black pants to show my mother. My mother looked at the style and said nothing. I was basically satisfied! Then my mother let me choose again very generously, and I chose pants with similar style. My mother did not object, because my mother also believed in famous brands. Then came the super bargaining stage: "Boss, how much are these pants?" The boss picked up the calculator and calculated, "Two pairs of pants are 337 yuan in total, 50% off, 168 yuan." This time, Mom looked at the pants carefully, began to find defects, and used this as an excuse to bargain. But in my opinion, these pants are almost seamless, and there is nothing bad about them. My mother began to speak again: "We have already bought two. You don't have anything for my daughter to wear here, otherwise I will buy five. In addition, I often go shopping, and I will definitely buy them in the future." In fact, my family is in Qianqing, far away from Shaoxing. My mother rarely takes me here for a year, how can I buy them often? "No, I'm already in a loss making business." The shopkeeper made a firm decision and stood still for several minutes. The shopkeeper finally failed to defeat his mother and said, "Four fold, four fold!" Her mother's face showed a happy look. After paying the money, my mother talked happily with the shopkeeper about how good the pants of this brand were, which made the shopkeeper feel some regret. When

However, Mom's bargaining is not always successful, and sometimes it fails. That day, my mother turned left and right, and saw a beige casual cotton padded jacket. It was very beautiful, so my mother tried it on. Mother has a habit, which is also the trick of buying clothes. When she just put it on, she always says that the clothes are ugly and chubby. But my mother is slim and looks good in any clothes, so she is always persuaded by some clever shopkeepers that she looks good in clothes. My mother will use the second trick, that is, to find fault. She takes off her clothes and says that there is something wrong with the workmanship of the clothes and the stitches are uneven. These are all her "faults", which are often found in eggs. Then ask the price. "The purchase price of this dress is more than 500 yuan. Now it has been handled, and you will be praised if you wear it." At this time, my mother suddenly bargained. "This dress is too hot now. If you don't want to pay 100 yuan, I will buy it." The shopkeeper immediately changed his face and said, "It's absolutely impossible." Alas, my mother failed to bargain this time, and left with a trace of regret. I have wasted so many words. I think it takes too much time to haggle. In addition, the shopkeeper works hard to make money. It's better not to haggle too much. However, I have the right to be happy with my mother when I see her happy. Comments This is a composition with rich flavor of life. The little writer is a conscientious person in life. Through two typical examples, she describes the skills and fun of mother's bargain shopping. She observes carefully, narrates smoothly, and describes concretely and vividly. However, the description method of the article is relatively simple, and the characters are a little thin. However, the shortcomings do not hide the merits, so this article can be regarded as a relatively successful exercise.

Mother's Composition High School (11)

In daily life or work and study, everyone has the experience of writing a composition. I am very familiar with composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. In order to make your composition more simple and convenient, the following is my mother's excellent high school composition, which I have compiled for you. Welcome to share.

What an ordinary person, what a respectable person, you have a strong spirit and tenacious perseverance.

You were born and raised in the countryside. You live in the countryside, but there are many extraordinary things in the countryside. You have educated successful children. You are the most respected person in our hearts. We must remember the legend. You are so kind, you are so tolerant, you are so fraternal, your everything is always moving the hearts of children.

Mother, you are a strong person. You have strong perseverance. You have been moving forward in the wind and rain. You have never fallen. You must go on as always. You will always be an example for our children to learn from. Although you are in deep trouble now, our children will feel that. Our pain is just deeply branded in our hearts, and we dare not reveal it. Mother, you must be strong and stand up. As long as you have confidence and will, you will never be overwhelmed by everything. Although we have grown up, our mother is still very fragile. When I hurried home from the hospital to deal with the family affairs that day, my sister told me some examination reports. I knew what the results would be like when the doctor told us later. I really couldn't bear it. I felt that there was a fear that the family would be destroyed. Everything in the family was silent and there was only grief and despair, However, I cried... Mother, you are the snuggle of children, and we can never leave you! You forgive the attachment of your children. We really can't part with you in our hearts, so we always try our best to keep you. You can't let go of your children! Although our children have grown up and can live independently, we still need your love to care for them. With your love, our children will always enjoy endless sweetness!

Mother, you have paid so much hard work and sweat for your children to cultivate them into adults. You should be the first to share the results! You can't leave before the fruit is ripe! In this way, your children can not repay your kindness, which will become a permanent regret. You can not even leave a chance to your children! Didn't you always say that we would live a happy life together after we all won? This is our common wish. You can't break your promise! Mom! You must be strong! Be sure to hold on!

Mom! You have lost weight, you are much more haggard than before, our hearts are very painful, wet eyes sometimes try to swallow tears, you see our appearance, "smile" comfort us, you told us to cry when we feel bad, so it will be better. We clearly know how many times you have cried in your heart, but there is no tear. You are afraid that your children will be sad, and you are silently swallowing the pain and tears in your heart. Mother, many relatives and friends have come to see you. They have brought a lot of gifts and hope. I hope you will be stronger and better soon. Their kind visit is the crystallization of your feelings. They hope to go further with you! Mom! Be strong!

Mother! You have always been a very rational person. You have never done anything stupid. We understand your pain, but we can't share it with you. Seeing this, we can't do anything. We are also extremely painful. Sometimes you want to leave alone quietly, so as to go to a quiet place without pain. We understand that, but you must not do this, so that our pain burns like fire. We know that you do not want us to be heartbroken, because you have always loved us and always cared about us! Mother, we should all have firm confidence, and we will go through the most difficult journey together!

Mother, my mother! You must be strong! We are always praying for you and blessing you! May you be strong and get better soon! My Mother! Mom

Mother's Composition High School (12)

In daily study, work or life, everyone inevitably comes into contact with composition, which is a narrative method to express a theme meaning through words after people's thinking and language organization. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is my mother's hand high school composition, which I have arranged for you. Welcome to read and collect.

Mother is 77 years old this year. When I came home this Mid Autumn Festival, I saw that although the old man had white hair and sideburns, he was still in good spirit; In particular, I saw our sons and grandchildren who made a living outside. Although they did not dare to say that they returned home in good clothes, almost all of them had no worries about food and clothing. They had little success in their careers when travelling by car. Their joy was expressed in their words, and the wrinkles carved by the vicissitudes of life were also relaxed. Grandsons and granddaughters can buy houses and cars in Xiamen and Wuhan before they reach their thirties, which makes them happy that the elderly often can't close their mouths and a pair of dentures will show up in the sun from time to time.

My mother had many children in her life. In order to bring up our sister and brother, I need not say more about the hardships of my parents in those years. Mother now lives with the sixth brother. The sixth brother is the principal of our village primary school and has a stable job, so he is the only one of our seven brothers who hasn't gone out to make a living. The mother's daily life was taken care of by the sixth brother and his wife.

When we were about to have a reunion dinner on the Mid Autumn Festival night, we found that our mother had not yet returned, so the sixth brother told us about it. It is not how the mother is not, but the mother's restlessness; People in their 70s and 80s often still "touch and repair" (meaning industrious and restless) in the field. They pick up a load of vegetables to go to the market every market day, and can't sell for a few dollars for most of the day; What I know is that she can't stay idle. What I don't know is that her children are not filial, and the old man has to earn money by himself. We all know that the younger brother's complaint is just a worry, for fear that the mother will not explain in case of a mistake.

In fact, her mother's restlessness is her lifelong nature. Since I remember, my mother's hands have always been working. In the production team, her mother went to the field to work overtime before dawn to earn work points. She often said, "Get up three days early, one day". In order to earn more food, her thin body almost met the rising sun in the field every day; After working overtime, I returned home, ate breakfast in a hurry, took a pole to settle down (production tools) and entered the labor force of the production team. At noon, when the sun was at its zenith, people took advantage of this gap to catch up with the time and squint for a while, but the mother had to wash the clothes of the family in the river behind the house; We Hakka people have male chauvinism. Men don't wash clothes. The only woman of our generation, the eldest sister, worked in Longyan Towel Factory when I was young, so my mother washed all our clothes. Mother's hands, which had just put down the plow, harrow and sickle, had to work hard to wash clothes. The acrimonious sun enveloped the earth, and the mother stood against the scorching sun. Her hands were like a machine, rubbing the days day after day, year after year, and making the family's life orderly. When she came home in the evening, her mother would not be empty handed. She would either gather firewood or go to the vegetable garden to do some gardening and bring back the dishes for dinner.

Mother's hands are so hard working and powerful. Of course, it is also a pair of strict hands. The heavy burden of life made parents unable to stand up straight. The father was honest and not very good at disciplining children, so the mother took over the responsibility. When I was young, I was born with a naughty nature. I often made troubles or didn't listen to family arrangements. Whenever such an event happened, my mother's slap would fall on me without hesitation, but most of it was just heavy lifting and light lifting. Sometimes I really hit me, which was also a heinous crime. It really hurt her heart. Before I started, my mother's eyes were full of tears.

Mother's hands are very capable. She ploughs and harrows in the field, makes firewood on the mountain, steams wine at home, makes bean curd, washes clothes, irons, sews and mends. But my mother didn't do two things: one was to make cloth shoes with shoe soles, and the other was to never go to the kitchen on holidays.

When I was a child, social and economic development was slow, and materials were scarce. Few families could afford rubber shoes. Only working cadres and comrades had the right to wear leather shoes. It is a luxury for rural people to have a pair of cloth shoes for winter. Therefore, every autumn, some people begin to "dry cloth bones"; First of all, remove a door panel and wash it, boil thick rice slurry, apply a layer of thick rice slurry on the door panel, then lay your own or purchased rags, dry them in the air, and then apply slurry and cloth again and again for about ten layers. In winter, when working in slack seasons or in rainy days, Mrs. Pu, in groups of five, gathered together to make shoes from the soles. The "groping" sound of ramie rope rubbing against the soles kept coming back and forth, which was very pleasant. But in this group, there will never be a mother. Whenever I see other people's children wearing new cloth shoes, I envy them to death, because what I wear on my feet is always the old shoes that my brothers can't wear. In fact, when I think about it now, it's not that my mother can't do it, but there is really no extra cloth to use. The reason why my mother didn't go to the kitchen was simple, because my father's craftsmanship was good.

When I was a child, I was afraid of my mother. I was afraid that my hands would not know when they would fall on me. But I always like to snuggle up to her and let her hands pull out my ears for me. At this time, mother's hands are so gentle and light; Or, she will gently pat me and hum Hakka folk songs. This kind of warm scene still often appears in my mind and becomes an eternal memory!

Later, when I grew up, my wings became plump and my body became farther and farther away from my mother. My mother's hands no longer hit me, and I was thousands of miles away in Quanzhou, from time to time to appreciate the taste of my mother's hands on my body.

A few years ago, my little brother got married and hosted a banquet in Xiamen. My mother was happy and went to Xiamen a few days in advance; Because of my work, I drove to the wedding at noon on the day of his wedding. I had just bought a new car at that time, and my driving skills were not good enough. I had a small accident in Tong'an Ma Lane, which scared me very much. When he arrived in Xiamen after handling the situation, his brother's wedding had already started; As soon as my mother saw me, she rushed to me from the guest seat. Her slightly bent body seemed so dexterous at this time. She quickly passed through the crowded crowd, tightly grasped my hand, stroked it from time to time, and looked up and down at me without saying a word. Looking at my mother's eyes, my nose suddenly became sour, and my eyes were full of tears. Mother held my hand for a long time, as if to lead my grievances and misfortunes to her through these strong hands, to help me resolve and bear. I held back my tears and pretended to smile. My mother was relieved when she confirmed that I was safe and said, "Amitabha! Buddha bless me!"

After the reunion dinner, I was about to leave my hometown. My mother gave me a Coke bottle and said it contained dried taro and lotus (taro stalks are dried in the sun and then pickled, which is complicated). The sixth younger brother said, "Knowing that you are coming back, my mother had already found a Coke bottle. She was very careful to put the taro into the bottle and use chopsticks to make it strong, for fear that it would grow white and mildew. She did not forget that you like to eat dried taro." My mother's hands were restless. She collected the flavor of her hometown and put it into the bottle for me to take, so that I could get close to her, remember her, and read about her!

We Hakka people like to say to the old people that if you live a hundred years, you will see five generations. This sentence seems vulgar, but full of deep wishes for the elderly. I also use this sentence to bless my mother, as well as all mothers in the world!

Mother's Composition High School (13)

My mother had many children in her life. In order to bring up our sister and brother, I need not say more about the hardships of my parents in those years. Mother now lives with the sixth brother. The sixth brother is the principal of our village primary school and has a stable job, so he is the only one of our seven brothers who hasn't gone out to make a living. The mother's daily life was taken care of by the sixth brother and his wife.

When we were about to have a reunion dinner on the Mid Autumn Festival night, we found that our mother had not yet returned, so the sixth brother told us about it. It is not how the mother is not, but the mother's restlessness; People in their 70s and 80s often still "touch and repair" (meaning industrious and restless) in the field. They pick up a load of vegetables to go to the market every market day, and can't sell for a few dollars for most of the day; What I know is that she can't stay idle. What I don't know is that her children are not filial, and the old man has to earn money by himself. We all know that the younger brother's complaint is just a worry, for fear that the mother will not explain in case of a mistake.

In fact, her mother's restlessness is her lifelong nature. Since I remember, my mother's hands have always been working. In the production team, her mother went to the field to work overtime before dawn to earn work points. She often said, "Get up three days early, one day". In order to earn more food, her thin body almost met the rising sun in the field every day; After working overtime, I returned home, ate breakfast in a hurry, took a pole to settle down (production tools) and entered the labor force of the production team. At noon, when the sun was at its zenith, people took advantage of this gap to catch up with the time and squint for a while, but the mother had to wash the clothes of the family in the river behind the house; We Hakka people have male chauvinism. Men don't wash clothes. The only woman of our generation, the eldest sister, worked in Longyan Towel Factory when I was young, so my mother washed all our clothes. Mother's hands, which had just put down the plow, harrow and sickle, had to work hard to wash clothes. The acrimonious sun enveloped the earth, and the mother stood against the scorching sun. Her hands were like a machine, rubbing the days day after day, year after year, and making the family's life orderly. When she came home in the evening, her mother would not be empty handed. She would either gather firewood or go to the vegetable garden to do some gardening and bring back the dishes for dinner.

Mother's hands are so hard working and powerful. Of course, it is also a pair of strict hands. The heavy burden of life made parents unable to stand up straight. The father was honest and not very good at disciplining children, so the mother took over the responsibility. When I was young, I was born with a naughty nature. I often made troubles or didn't listen to family arrangements. Whenever such an event happened, my mother's slap would fall on me without hesitation, but most of it was just heavy lifting and light lifting. Sometimes I really hit me, which was also a heinous crime. It really hurt her heart. Before I started, my mother's eyes were full of tears.

Mother's hands are very capable. She ploughs and harrows in the field, makes firewood on the mountain, steams wine at home, makes bean curd, washes clothes, irons, sews and mends. But my mother didn't do two things: one was to make cloth shoes with shoe soles, and the other was to never go to the kitchen on holidays.

When I was a child, social and economic development was slow, and materials were scarce. Few families could afford rubber shoes. Only working cadres and comrades had the right to wear leather shoes. It is a luxury for rural people to have a pair of cloth shoes for winter. Therefore, every autumn, some people begin to "dry cloth bones"; First of all, remove a door panel and wash it, boil thick rice slurry, apply a layer of thick rice slurry on the door panel, then lay your own or purchased rags, dry them in the air, and then apply slurry and cloth, and then repeatedly apply about ten layers. In winter, when working in slack seasons or in rainy days, Mrs. Pu, in groups of five, gathered together to make shoes from the soles. The "groping" sound of ramie rope rubbing against the soles kept coming back and forth, which was very pleasant. But in this group, there will never be a mother. Whenever I see other people's children wearing new cloth shoes, I envy them to death, because what I wear on my feet is always the old shoes that my brothers can't wear. In fact, when I think about it now, it's not that my mother can't do it, but there is really no extra cloth to use. The reason why my mother didn't go to the kitchen was simple, because my father's craftsmanship was good.

When I was a child, I was afraid of my mother. I was afraid that my hands would not know when they would fall on me. But I always like to snuggle up to her and let her hands pull out my ears for me. At this time, mother's hands are so gentle and light; Or, she will gently pat me and hum Hakka folk songs. This kind of warm scene still often appears in my mind and becomes an eternal memory!

Later, when I grew up, my wings became plump and my body became farther and farther away from my mother. My mother's hands no longer hit me, and I was thousands of miles away in Quanzhou, from time to time to appreciate the taste of my mother's hands on my body.

A few years ago, my little brother got married and hosted a banquet in Xiamen. My mother was happy and went to Xiamen a few days in advance; Because of my work, I drove to the wedding at noon on the day of his wedding. I had just bought a new car at that time, and my driving skills were not good enough. I had a small accident in Tong'an Ma Lane, which scared me very much. When he arrived in Xiamen after handling the situation, his brother's wedding had already started; As soon as my mother saw me, she rushed to me from the guest seat. Her slightly bent body seemed so dexterous at this time. She quickly passed through the crowded crowd, tightly grasped my hand, stroked it from time to time, and looked up and down at me without saying a word. Looking at my mother's eyes, my nose suddenly became sour, and my eyes were full of tears. Mother held my hand for a long time, as if to lead my grievances and misfortunes to her through these strong hands, to help me resolve and bear. I held back my tears and pretended to smile. My mother was relieved when she confirmed that I was safe and said, "Amitabha! Buddha bless me!"

After the reunion dinner, I was about to leave my hometown. My mother gave me a Coke bottle and said it contained dried taro and lotus (taro stalks are dried in the sun and then pickled, which is complicated). The sixth younger brother said, "Knowing that you are coming back, my mother had already found a Coke bottle. She was very careful to put the taro into the bottle and use chopsticks to make it strong, for fear that it would grow white and mildew. She did not forget that you like to eat dried taro." My mother's hands were restless. She collected the flavor of her hometown and put it into the bottle for me to take, so that I could get close to her, remember her, and read about her!

We Hakka people like to say to the old people that if you live a hundred years, you will see five generations. This sentence seems vulgar, but full of deep wishes for the elderly. I also use this sentence to bless my mother, as well as all mothers in the world!

Mother's Composition High School (14)

In one's life, all glory and pride come from praising mother's love. Maternal love is sacred, and it is a great power that no one can replace.

Maternal love, she is the wind in the spring breeze, bringing you warmth; She is your ice cream in summer, bringing you happiness with a cool heart; She is the maple leaf of autumn, giving you the greatest contribution. She is your happy angel and worry machine. She brings you happiness and tells her your troubles. Let you live a happier and happier life.

"The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body. Before leaving, the seams are tight, and he is afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded with three Chunhui." Meng Jiao's wandering son Yin revealed his mother's love, and we can only repay her kindness with love and filial piety. How many great people in the world have praised it. Although maternal love is very ordinary, without her, we would not know what love is, what is the most precious, what is the most pure, what is the most selfless, what is the greatest

When successful, everyone is a friend. But only the mother - she was the companion of failure. Mother, I love you!

[Chapter 2: Praise my mother]

Looking at the desk calendar, the desk calendar is about to turn a new page - this day is an unusual festival - Mother's Day.

Looking at the calendar, I couldn't help thinking of my mother. She is medium in stature, slightly fat in stature, with a round face, a pair of big black jewel like eyes, a tall nose, and a big braid; Looking at the calendar, I can't help looking back. Whenever I eat, my mother always leaves the delicious food for me; Whenever it rains, my mother always inclines her umbrella towards me; Whenever I am short of something, my mother always walks through the streets until she buys it... Yes, it is my mother who let us come to this beautiful world, and our growth is full of her infinite love! Therefore, the highest and unconditional love in the world is maternal love. No matter what happens in the world, the mother's love for her children will never change. Motherly love is the sea, broad and deep; Maternal love is a long river, with a long source; Motherly love is the cradle of emotion, pure and noble. She is willing to give her all without seeking return. She always gives her children more than they give back.

Nothing in the world is more sacred than the feelings contained in parents' hearts! The heart of parents is the kindest judge, the most intimate friend, and the sun of love. Her light shines and warms our soul!

Ah! Mother, you are the fire on a snowy night; You are the soft cradle; You are brilliant candlelight. Your name has eternal beauty, incomparable love and kindness, just like the eternal star. Ah! Mother, your love is a harbor, always calling your children home; Your love is like the spring wind, blowing the frost in my heart; Your love, like rain and dew, moistens my thirsty heart; Your love is like thunder, reminding me to move forward; Your love is like lightning, illuminating my way forward. Ah! Maternal love is a huge flame, which makes us feel warm all the time. On this special day, I would like to wish all mothers around the world a happy holiday! Health and longevity!

[Chapter 3: Mother loves me, I love my mother's composition]

Maternal love is great and selfless. The ancients had many poems praising maternal love, such as Meng Jiao's "The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat on the body of a wanderer. Before leaving, they sewed closely, fearing to return late."

Every mother in the world loves her children, and my mother is no exception. I grew up in her love day by day.

When I was young, I didn't know why, but I was greedy. In order to satisfy my nutrition, my mother always tries to make delicious food for me. I remember one time when I cried for crispy meat, but there were no eggs at home, so my mother hurried downstairs to buy it. When she came back, she was breathless and sweaty. Without time to rest, mother got busy. After mixing the noodles and heating the oil, my mother began to fry delicious crisp meat. It was about to come out of the pot. For some unknown reason, the oil splashed everywhere. Mother could not dodge, and there were many red and swollen blisters on her arms. I stood aside and said sadly to my mother:

"Don't fry it, I won't eat it." My mother looked very angry. "It's all because my mother's craftsmanship is not good. If you want to eat, it doesn't matter if it hurts." During the meal, my mother brought a large plate of delicious crisp meat to the table, and I ate it very sweet. My mother smiled happily when she looked at my somewhat uncivilized eating appearance. At that moment, I understood my mother's love!

I still remember that one night, I suddenly got sick, and my stomach hurt badly. I tossed and turned in bed. Mother woke my father up and looked at me. She baked garlic for me in the kitchen. The effect was not ideal. My mother put on her coat in a hurry, went to the clinic of the community to get medicine for me, and then fed me medicine, and accompanied me until dawn. The next day, my father and I sent me to the hospital for inspection. When it was all right, my mother was relieved, and then went to school to have her class. At that time, I understood my mother's love.

I grew up gradually with the care and care of my mother. In life, I also learned to care and love my mother. Once, my mother cooked my favorite braised pork. When I habitually turned the plate to my side, I found that she was eating vegetables with relish. I suddenly realized that, no, why does my mother always say that she doesn't like meat and fish? Is she too fond of me. At this time, I did not hesitate to put a piece of braised pork in her bowl. Mother suddenly stared, and then a happy smile appeared on her face. "Thank you son", the mother carefully tasted, "The son has grown up and learned to care about people!" Yes, the mother gave us life, gave us love, gave us happiness, gave us the most precious feelings in the world.

Let's say sincerely: Thank you, Mother! Let's cry out: Mother, I love you!

Mother's Composition High School (15)

Composition 1: Mother's Love

In my impression, my mother is very ordinary. She is not beautiful, and she is used to silence, like the smallest sand, thrown into the crowd, is never found.

When I returned home, I handed the political book to my mother as usual and pointed out the key topics in the article to her. After she nodded her head almost devoutly to understand, I fell on the table and began to struggle for the poor physics score.

The light of the desk lamp was shining warmly, like a pair of friendly eyes, I was quickly calculating on the paper. Mother pulled a small bench, put it beside the bed, sat down, and began to turn my questions. Her action of turning the book is very light and soft. Although the pages of the book fly and pass quickly like the seagulls, they only make a small "rustling" sound.

"I'm so bored that I can't figure it out!" I swore. Throw the pen away in a rage, and lie on the table with head slightly tilted to the right. I was surprised to find that: this angle just can see the mother.

The desk lamp emits soft light, and even the air is painted with gorgeous colors, which gives a warm atmosphere. The mother pointed to a certain position of the film with her left hand and said something in her mouth. Her right hand held the pen and wrote words on the page one by one, acting like a beginner. Her left hand moved slightly to the right with the progress of copying questions. She was almost pointing at a word, looking at a word, and then copying a word! Refers to... looking at... copying. Three steps have enabled her to explore the most accurate method.

After copying a line, she stopped writing, pointed from the beginning again, compared word for word, her head gently swayed from left to right with a small range, and her eyes wandered between the film and the page. It should be accurate! She breathed a sigh of relief, freed her right hand, rubbed her neck, and then continued to lower her head, only to find that she could not find the position she had just copied. Her mother was in a hurry to compare sentence by sentence, but she could not find it, so she looked from the beginning word by word, and finally found it! She was more careful to point to any place on the film, and did not dare to move. Her pen did not relax for a moment. She carefully left lines of writing on the book, looking from afar, like a group of blue elves, on the snow-white pages, it was vivid and funny.

Mother leaned over the edge of the bed, stuck between the wall and the bed. The narrow space covered her tightly, and she could not even stand up straight. She bent tirelessly and looked at the problem as fine as mosquitoes and flies. Mother's head hung low, and the evening wind was slowly blowing. The hair around her ears fell loosely, covering her cheeks. She never stopped her busy pen, gently flicked it, but persistently copied it

Composition 2: Magic Motherly Love

I have a mother. Her method is always so clear. She taught me that except sometimes it is violent, but she is not. Rationally, when you are irrational and unconscious, I will slap you in the face. I used to hate her very much. So far, my mother really loves me!!

I once fell into a deep valley, but it was my mother who woke me up, called me, and scolded me. In the past, I didn't understand my mother's behavior. I was very repulsive. I hated her deeply and hurt her severely. But she didn't say anything and never complained about herself. The only thing in the world is that my mother has a larger mind than the sky and the sea. To exaggerate, no matter what you do, she never blames you, but hopes you are good and good. My mother is really great, In the past, I knew that maternal love is great, and I have written many compositions in this way. This time, I feel deeply. I love my mother unconditionally. Thank you. Your hard work and every love have melted me. Your teaching has taught me how to behave. I deeply understand your every piece of love, every inch, really difficult, so hard!! Your strength, your tenacity, you are my good example!! Dear mother, beautiful mother, I love you and I love you. There is my deep love for you, deep love, deep love, thank you mother, really thank you, I thank you, thank you, your bright smile, and tolerance, tolerant of me, thank you. ILovuYOU!! Before, there were too many people who didn't care about me, too many people who were noisy. My mother was ashamed of me, loved my mother, and paid without regret. I was always ruthless, but you didn't take it to heart. You always felt you owed me. No, mother, you didn't lose money. I never, even if it was divorce, let's not think about it. In fact, you gave more love than that. Please think about it carefully, Divorce, you are more interested than that. You use love that is invisible, but that is love. Your love is doubled. I see these now. Mom, please have a look. We are all very happy. Mom is very serious. She works also. She is a woman, independent and strong. Mom is fat, but I like it. Don't forget that I like meat, My mother is very gentle and beautiful in my heart, very moving. Those eyes full of love are so warm!! He is always kind to me and full of love for my protection.

Love your daughter!!

Composition 3: Maternal love, a little painful

It was the first time my mother hit me, and I also felt the love of my mother for the first time. It hurt a little

Remember that it was sunny that day, which was very suitable for going out. I begged my mother to take me out to play. My mother couldn't bear my "sugar coated bullets", so she took me out.

"Would you like to read in Xinhua Bookstore?"

"OK!" I readily agreed.

When I arrived at Xinhua Bookstore, I immediately left my mother behind, climbed to the fourth floor "Pa, Pa, Pa," and sat down in a corner with a book. My mother's mobile phone is still in my pocket.

I don't know how long later, my classmates Xiao Yang and Xiao Ma saw me and said hello to me.

"Hey, why are you here?" Xiao Yang asked first.

"I'm reading here. Why, can't I?" I replied while putting the book back.

"Why don't you go to my house to play? Xiaoma will go!" Xiao Yang invited me.

The pony nodded in agreement.

I raised my hand and said proudly, "My grandma's house is right across the street. Why not go to my grandma's house?"

Xiao Yang is a little impressed.

"There are computers to play with." I deliberately stressed the word "computer".

After hearing this sentence, Xiao Yang immediately said, "You lead the way!"

At this time, I have put the agreement between my mother and me out of my mind.

I quickly put my mobile phone away and took Xiao Yang and Xiao Ma to my grandma's house.

Just downstairs, I was stunned. Mother is going upstairs with a bowl of hot and sour powder.

"I......" When I was nervous, I stammered.

"Boom --" The weather became dark and began to drizzle.

Mother didn't say anything, but she threw the bowl of hot and sour powder on the ground.

Then, just listening to the sound of "Pa!", the slap fell on my face. Suddenly, I felt extremely painful and didn't know what to say.

"Why are you so ignorant? You only know how to play. What else can you do besides playing? The only mobile phone is on you. What can I do if I can't find you..." My mother shot a series of question marks at me.

"I......" At this time, my eyes were obscured by something. Xiao Yang and Xiao Ma behind me ran away quickly.

For a moment, I felt the unprecedented silence. Time seems to solidify at this moment.

"Mom, I was wrong......" I stammered my cracked lips.

Mother took out an umbrella from her bag and handed it to me.



"Go and buy hot and sour noodles."


In an instant, I felt a warm current flowing into my heart.

In the shop, I ate the hot hot and sour powder. His face is covered with drops of water. Is it rain or tears? There is no way to know.

When I looked at my mother's kind eyes, I understood: motherly love, a little pain

Mother's Composition High School (16)

In March, the wind blows the fragrance of the soil, like clouds or fog. And the underground life can't wait to rush out of the soil. At this time, he was tender and weak, and could not bear the cold. Dashu's heart was always affected by small life. When the storm comes, the big tree stretches its branches to shelter him from the wind and rain; In the scorching sun, big trees spread their leaves to intercept the scorching sun; When the continuous spring rain falls, the big tree will gently watch him thrive in the spring breeze, sunshine and drizzle.

Small trees grow up healthily and happily under the careful care of big trees. The delicate branches and delicate leaves gradually take shape. Dashu knew that Xiaoshu's future road was winding and rugged. When the storm is like a devil eroding the calm, the small trees are swaying. The big rain hits the leaves and makes a sound of "crackling". Some leaves have been blown away by the storm. Even so, the small tree is still trying to straighten his waist, not to compromise the storm. When the domineering sun gave out the hot sun, the leaves of the small tree were withered. He stood there listlessly, the branches were trembling slightly, the leaves were touching from time to time, and the murmuring voice echoed in the heaven and earth. But when the soft sunlight pours down like water, and the light rain blows like cotton candy, the big tree leans aside and secretly tears. The small tree's incomprehension and complaint are like worms, which make the big tree's body full of holes. Her branches are slightly bent, giving a little play to the beauty. A few drops of transparent resin, like a meteor, brushed across the starry sky without leaving any trace.

It is the midsummer season. The green leaves of the big trees are mixed with many golden leaves, which are so conspicuous. The small tree is no longer afraid of the wind and rain, and has really grown up. The big tree welcomes this reality with the most beautiful attitude. The wind shakes the branches and leaves, and the dense branches embrace the clear sky, shining brightly in the sun. The wind dances in the sand, and she dances to express her joy and happiness. When the storm came, she didn't need the protection of "small trees"; In the hot sun, she doesn't need the shade of the "small tree". What she needs is a strong small tree in the wind and rain. The breeze blew, and opened the lotus like smile of the tree, which was breathtaking.

In response to the call of nature, autumn has come. The branches of the big tree, orange branches and leaves are all over the corner. The autumn wind comes again, and the branches and leaves interweave into a golden dome. Under the soft moonlight, the wind changes like a song, and the big trees grow old quietly The wind blew down the leaves of the big trees, and they all drifted towards the "small trees". It is said that the fallen leaves protect the roots, but the big tree gives all the fallen leaves to the small tree. The big tree that has lost all its leaves stretches out its branches like charcoal to the gray sky.

Although the leaves have sound, the maternal love is silent. The big tree is beautiful, but the maternal love is more beautiful.