Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (7 compilations)
2024-06-24 05:34:05
high school

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (1)

You stand in silence. Although you are unknown, I can read you and understand you. Although you are not good at words and silent dedication, I misunderstood you. Although your love for me has been ignored by me again and again, you still care about me and encourage me as always, just like the fragrant soil.

I have already memorized the word father, but the meaning of fatherly love is elusive.

My father has loved drinking since I remember, and I don't know how delicious the spicy food is. Perhaps because wine can make people forget the burden of life, forget all the sad things. My father and mother didn't know how many quarrels they had over wine, so I was hostile to my father since I was young. Whenever my father saw me, he always kept his head down wordlessly.

At that time, the father and mother quarreled again. The father needed money to buy wine, but the mother refused. As a result, they fought fiercely. In anger, the father closed the door heavily, leaving the mother alone crying in the living room. I hated my father very much. I swore that I would teach him a lesson one day. On that day, my father was not at home. I summoned the courage to teach my father a lesson. I went to my father's study and saw my father's precious wine like gold. Suddenly, an idea came into my mind: I would pour out all the wine. But when I opened the bottle cap, I was shocked. It turned out that what was in the bottle was not wine, but colorless and tasteless pure water.

My heart moved. I went to my father's desk, opened the box secretly, and took out my father's diary. The words in it impressed me deeply. Father's high school composition.

"Today, I quarreled with my wife again because of the wine. In fact, I hid the wine money in the bottom of the bedside table, in the box on the right at the bottom. Maybe my son will hate me, but I'm not worried. I know that one day my son will understand my good intentions."

Seeing these words, my eyes moistened, and a feeling of guilt arose spontaneously.

People always say: Father's love is like a mountain, silent. That day, my father sent me and my classmates to Shanghai to play at the station. Students are bragging about how good my father is, but I can only be depressed. A classmate said that my father would certainly look at us with concern when turning the corner. I looked at my father's back, really? When my father was about to turn a corner, he suddenly cast an imperceptible look. When I met my father's eyes, I understood him. At that moment, my dusty memory suddenly thawed out, and my love burst out, spreading all over my body, warm and sweet.

Father, read your helplessness in life, read your silence, and I read your love for me.

I know you because I am your son.

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (2)

I remember reading such a story: during the great famine, there was no grass in the field, no harvest, and every family was hungry. So, day after day, spring, summer and autumn have passed, and winter is coming. People can no longer find food to satisfy their hunger, so they have to endure suffering and wander on the edge of death while looking forward to the next spring. A father, with five ignorant children, walked across the vast snow with a basket on his arm, looking for nearly excavated wild vegetables. However, every step, their hope was swallowed by the snow. Finally, the children couldn't help crying and asked their father: "Dad, there is not even a wild vegetable in the field, will we be starved to death?" Looking at the five simple and desperate faces, his father's heart ached. The question had flashed in his mind thousands of times, but he did not dare to come up with an answer after all. Now, even children have the same idea. No, we can't let them despair! The father smiled and touched the children's heads, and said kindly, "How could it be? Winter is going to pass soon, and spring is not far away." "Look!" The father's eyes flashed with surprise. He quickly pulled the snow away, picked up a withered wild vegetable, and cried excitedly, "Who said there is no wild vegetable? Don't worry, we will not be starved to death." Five ignorant children, Convinced of his father's promise. In the cold winter, they clung to their father and narrowly missed death. It was the father who told a love lie at the most critical moment of life, making the five children firmly believe that there will be hope! In suffering, only love can make everything no longer dim. I think the father in the story can sigh and despair with the children after they ask questions. But he didn't because he understood his responsibility and mission. Only he can light a light in the hearts of children and warm their tired hearts. Therefore, my father's love melted the layers of snow and brought the first touch of spring breeze in winter. I have also experienced one winter after another. Whenever I despair in the cold, there is always a pair of warm hands gently holding me, saying goodbye to ice and snow, and ushering in wisps of dawn.

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (3)

I have a warm home, where there are often laughter and laughter, which are supported by my father with his own body. My father, an ordinary worker. He likes to laugh very much. When he smiles, two front teeth show up. That's so cute! But behind the smile, my father didn't know how much he had suffered. I can't express my father's hard work and greatness in words! My father went out to work when I was four years old. Because the living conditions were not very good at that time, and my father didn't earn much money outside, he was very poor. But my father never complained about anything, and he only wanted to earn more money outside to support his family. When I was young, I didn't understand and often asked for money, but my father never said anything and always gave it to me.

Because as long as Dad saw my lovely appearance, all his troubles disappeared. I remember once I saw a doll on my birthday, so I asked my mother to buy it. When my mother saw that the price tag of the doll was too expensive and refused to buy it, I quarreled with her and cried in anger. My father didn't say anything, and strode to the salesperson, while my mother tried hard to drag my father's clothes, and finally I succeeded in getting the doll I dreamed of. When I was walking home with a doll in my arms, I overheard my father and mother talking: "This month, I will save some money. I told you not to buy it, but you" "shush, child -" At that time, my heart was filled with grief.

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (4)

The overcast and depressing color like thick ink seemed to indicate the occurrence of bad things. I sat in a small room less than 50 square meters, listening to the teacher's statement, but my heart did not know where to fly. With the light rain falling outside, I lost my mind to listen to the class.

Before making up lessons, I had a conflict with my father. It was just that she hated him for being "attentive" to her sister, who was ungrateful, and disliked her father for being wordy and annoying. She locked the door and said "Ping", and his father was shut out. I don't care. Who makes him so annoying? You have to ask again and again. You have to ask something several times to be reassured. I don't know why I had to laugh at him at that time.

I have some regrets now. The makeup teacher didn't know what to say, and everyone around got up and left. Oh, after class, I woke up with a start, and my mind suddenly stopped with the coming cold wind.

"Whew", it's so cold. I want to warm my hands with hot air. The rain is as fine and dense as cow hair. When it falls on people, it will give them pimples and make them feel cold. It's still a long way from home. I regret not bringing an umbrella. My father reminded me when I went out.

I stood where I was, holding my arms, staring at the dense needle like rain in front of me, and my thoughts were drawn to the past like thin lines.

My father dotes on me. When I was a child, I learned to speak like an adult and called the elder by name. He just scolded me. I stood aside with a flat mouth, and he would laugh to amuse me; I want to ride a big horse, but he is willing to bend down and lift me up, allowing me to laugh and play; I broke my father's precious broken glass in front of the door. He just patted my head in anger and cleaned up the broken glass himself

"Let's go." I raised my head and looked at the familiar hands in front of me. All the memories came to me like a tide. I remembered his bent back when he was leaving, and finally couldn't help crying.

I sobbed and handed over my hands. The warmth of my palms dispelled the cold. At this moment, I found myself so happy.

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (5)

Liu Yong said that his daughter was his father's lover in his previous life.

Sixteen years ago, unfortunately, I was born in this feudal countryside where "boys are more important than girls", but at the same time, I was lucky to be the daughter of a father who believes that "men and women are equal".

Father is like a small gravel in the sand, so ordinary that it is impossible to find which one is. However, my ordinary father gave me extraordinary love. As soon as I closed my eyes, my father's busy figure immediately appeared in my mind.

When I was young, I always studied very hard to see the smile on my father's face, which was too tired and too young. Every time at the end of the semester, my father's smiling face when he saw the certificate of award was the best reward for my hard work for a year!

For more than ten years, I have grown up happily in meticulous fatherly love. My father is a wonderful father, but I am not a very good daughter.

Never forget, last year

When I entered junior high school, I didn't know whether it was because I didn't adapt to the environment or because I suddenly became stupid. The first monthly exam on the first day of junior high school was the first time in my life that I faced the exam questions with no confidence, and the results were even worse than expected. For the first time, I lied to my father because of my poor performance, because I was afraid that my performance would be an invisible hammer that would break my father's seemingly broken body. But the kind-hearted father was not blinded by the illusion for long.

Once, my father sent me rice at school. Not far away, I was about to meet my father when he walked towards the "Ranking List". Suddenly, my heart felt like two rabbits were hitting each other. I clearly saw my father looking for my name in the column of "Top 20 of the Year". After reading it many times, my father pointed at the names one by one. Suddenly, my father's hands were stiff in the air. I guess my father must have found it in the column of "One hundred to one hundred and fifty people before the year". Father's hand slowly hung down. I saw my father, who was always "tearful", burst into tears. Tears, so huge, like a drop in my heart, can drop through my heart in an instant.

Father saw me, but said nothing. Even if you scold me! He just handed me the rice, turned around silently, and walked away without looking back. The sun poured down from the cracks in the trees, reflecting the father's distant back into a deep, dignified statue.

My father didn't beat or scold me, which made me more heartbroken. After self-study in the evening, I dialed the phone at home. What came from the other end of the phone was mother's sobbing voice. Under my repeated questioning, my mother sobbed and said, "Your father... he had an accident..." My mother's words stuck into my head like nails from both ears and stirred my brain. My head exploded with a "buzz". I don't know how I got back to my bedroom. This night, I lost sleep. I wanted to be with my father at every moment of the night.

The next morning, I asked for leave to go home. When I got home, I saw my father lying in bed with white bandages wrapped around his left foot and left hand. I ran over crying and sat down beside my father. For the first time, I realized how close death is to us! My father smiled hard and said, "Silly boy, why are you crying?" I forced myself to be a good daughter and stopped crying, but my heart was bleeding.

It was not until the afternoon that I learned from my mother that my father had drunk a lot of wine after he went to school to see me, and then rode home, only to be hit by another motorcycle. After listening to my mother's words, my brain is like the Arctic Ocean. The upper layer is ice floe, which seems very calm, but below the ice floe is torrential water, which stirred my regret. I almost killed my father because of my failure!

I'm sorry father!

My father didn't blame me, but when I went to school, I said meaningfully and helplessly, "Read hard!" I was like a thunderbolt, and my whole body was shocked. The four words "study hard" are the words that I have said to me most times since I was young, my relatives, friends, teachers and classmates. But when my father said it, it was like a dozen mountains! So, I decided to make every effort - to study hard for my father, and to make my father's face more weathered!

Now, I am in the second day of the junior high school, and my grades are still good and bad, which often makes my father sad, but I have tried my best to study and believe that I can do better, because my father's "Read well!" always reverberates in my heart every moment!

I remember a poem like this: "Little white hair children debt, deep lines of years." I have been thinking about whether there is an afterlife, if any, I would like to be my father's mother, to repay the "white hair debt" I owe my father in this life!

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (6)

If the world wants to contest who is the world's "nagging king", then low-key and modest, my father will be in the top three. Here are two "famous" incidents of my father's nagging. Let's have a look! I believe you will be shocked and eye opening.

"Dad finally went on a business trip, yeah!" I had to beat drums and gongs at home. Don't say that my daughter is not filial, blame my father. Who let him say at least a hundred words all day long, but at least 99 of them are nagging words? Now, Dad is on a business trip, and it's the weekend. I can play computer, eat snacks, read cartoons, and sleep in at home as I like. I was about to turn on the computer while chewing snacks when the annoying phone rang. I didn't care about three or seven or twenty one. As soon as I answered the phone, I said, "Who is it? It's not good for you to call which phone, but it's really disappointing to call my home!" The person on the other side of the phone was not worried and annoyed, but he said, "My dear daughter, why hasn't she gone to bed yet? What time is it now? At half past nine, you still haven't slept so late. It seems that my business trip has left my family in a mess! " God! Let no one live! "Dad, you can take it easy. If you have a 'good daughter' like me at home, you won't mess up! If you don't believe me, you should always believe in your own inheritance!" I recited the "lines" skillfully. "I don't believe it! Tell you what, I have installed a camera in your room!" Hehe! After listening to my father's words, I almost fainted. Of course, I can imagine that my father next to the telephone is smiling badly. Alas, I have no choice but to obey. I can't help it. Who let me have such a nagging father? Recently, our family always likes to play something, such as badminton and basketball. Of course, I am smart and resourceful in these aspects, and my father is not bad. I always keep the third place of my family. In order to encourage her father, my mother had to say, "Who is the most nagging person when we come to the contest this week?" After listening to my mother's words, I quickly surrendered and said, "Mom, I surrender!" "I'm not a tiger, what are you afraid of?" "Not surrender, but abstain!" I quickly explained.

Seeing that I was defeated and didn't have my own ideas, my mother could only say: "Since the champion has abstained, I would like to be the ME of the runner up and give the champion to the runner up for free!" You see, my mother flattered my father, frowned and said angrily: "No, no, are you praising me or hurting me? Tell you, I won't admit defeat! The runner up comrade, you are too indecisive. In a small contest, you also abstain from following the champion, and yes, you are the champion. "(The word-of-mouth language is omitted here, 9999 sentences!) When my father said he was tired and finished speaking, I answered:" My father, the family word-of-mouth contest has ended, the champion is clear at a glance, and the little girl is willing to be the third. " "Look, this is the man of our family, the nagging king". "Stop, stop, a man of the moment? Am I one of them? Why? Look at your daughter. It's so unfilial.

Writing Father's Composition High School Composition (7)

Is that you

Father in my mind

That kind father

The smiling father

That indescribable father


I will pay you

Take it for granted


I put your love

It is understood as unnecessary

No trace through the years

I don't know when

Your gray hair

I don't know when

Your wrinkles have increased

Always a strong father

Your tireless busyness

I thought you wouldn't get old

At least not now

I Know

I care too little about your

Never know

Your hard work

Never know

Your helplessness in leaving your hometown


I really want to go home and have a look

Listen to your nagging

I think

You also want me to go back

Far away I

Pray for you from the bottom of my heart

The safety of the elderly is the greatest blessing for children

May you live a long and healthy life