Give up mature compositions (5 popular ones)
Laugh when youth is gone
2024-06-26 09:37:21

Give up Mature Composition (1)

In any case, junior high school life is rich, but it is less colorful and colorful; Life is fresh, but there are many obscurities and confusion hidden in the freshness; Junior high school life is happy, but happiness contains a lot of thoughts and sadness. In fact, junior high school life is more like a cup of strong coffee, but hidden in its sweetness is inexplicable bitterness and sadness. "Ding Lingling......" The class bell has already rung, but not many people rush out of the classroom to make a scene like they did in primary school. No matter whether you try hard or not in primary school, once you enter the first grade of junior high school, it seems that you have become a different person overnight. It seems that no one will leave his seat any more for fear of doing a few exercises less than others. Every extra-curricular activity, forced by the teacher, had to go out of the classroom. It was no longer crazy in primary school, but several good students crowded together in groups. Even when chatting, the voice is too small to be heard by others (especially girls).

Because we all have our own little secret. Forget, everything seems to forget. I forgot the happiness of weekends, the vigorous and childish figure on the playground, the endless chasing and fighting on the way after school, the days when I could not get up after sleeping in the morning... Everything can be forgotten, but learning cannot be forgotten. Faced with piles of homework coming at us, we looked so calm and experienced. He took out his alarm clock and quietly moved the pointer of Grade 6, which had been pointing at 8:00 in the morning, forward for two hours. The animation channel that has always belonged to our exclusive use was also transferred for free.

In fact, we are far from the ambitious ambition of Confucius to "become an official if you study well", nor the hard pursuit of our parents to "own a golden house in books". We are the new generation of people born in the market economy. We just want to finish the homework that belongs to us. We don't want students to be sarcastic and sarcastic, and teachers to be black faced, Don't let our parents try their best to persuade us... Although we all say that we are grown up and our parents say that we are mature, somehow, many of us are less enthusiastic and impulsive than we were in primary school, and more rational and lonely. Everything seems to have something to do with "nothing to do with oneself, and we should hang high." Behind the "maturity", we have indescribable hesitation and sadness. In desperation, we can only talk to Qiong Yao, Sanmao or even Cao Xueqin. It is better not to look for it, but to look for it is to fall into the whirlpool of incomprehension. Alas, why do I have to look out of the window at The Gentle Night and the Paradise on Fire, and shed tears for jade and flowers... In addition to loneliness, it is loneliness. Loneliness seems to drain our enthusiasm and control our soul. If we say "grown up", we must become lonely, or that loneliness is mature, I would rather... give up maturity.

Give up Mature Composition (2)

The word "mature" must be familiar to everyone. People will mention it whenever they want. The seller of melons will say that my melons are mature, the farmer who farms the land will say that my crops are mature, and the girl who loves beauty will say that he is a mature man. But mature today, I will abandon you completely.

In fact, whether I am mature or not, many people will pretend to be mature and decent, but it looks like a show. It is very ugly. Real maturity is the strength of the heart and the progress of the mind. But I don't think I am such a person, so I don't think I am suitable for maturity. How to say, I am a person who likes to initiate youth, I don't want to keep my good time in a serious way, so I will laugh when I am happy and laugh again when I am unhappy. This life has brought me a lot of joy. I can ignore others' views on me when I laugh.

I have already left the low-grade taste, but I still can't get rid of my childishness, not because I am still young, but because I hope to stay the most innocent smile at that moment. The melancholy life is not what we want, and we should not live in pain, because living should be happy, should be happy.

I gave up the maturity that belongs to me, but I got boundless happiness. I like this crazy, but also with a little bit of madness. I can find the happiness that should be given to me. I am happy, and I am satisfied.

Give up Mature Composition (3)

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In any case, junior high school life is rich, but it is less colorful and colorful; Life is fresh, but there are many obscurities and confusion hidden in the freshness; Junior high school life is happy, but happiness contains a lot of thoughts and sadness. In fact, junior high school life is more like a cup of strong coffee, but hidden in its sweetness is inexplicable bitterness and sadness. "Ding Lingling......" The class bell has already rung, but not many people rush out of the classroom to make a scene like they did in primary school. No matter whether you try hard or not in primary school, once you enter the first grade of junior high school, it seems that you have become a different person overnight. It seems that no one will leave his seat any more for fear of doing a few exercises less than others. Every extra-curricular activity, forced by the teacher, had to go out of the classroom. It was no longer crazy in primary school, but several good students crowded together in groups. Even when chatting, the voice is too small to be heard by others (especially girls). Because we all have our own little secret. Forget, everything seems to forget. I forgot the happiness of weekends, the vigorous and childish figure on the playground, the endless chasing and fighting on the way after school, the days when I could not get up after sleeping in the morning... Everything can be forgotten, but learning cannot be forgotten. Faced with piles of homework coming at us, we looked so calm and experienced. He took out his alarm clock and quietly moved the pointer of Grade 6, which had been pointing at 8:00 in the morning, forward for two hours. The animation channel that has always belonged to our exclusive use was also transferred for free. In fact, we are far from the ambitious ambition of Confucius to "become an official if you study well", nor the hard pursuit of our parents to "own a golden house in the book". We are the new generation of people born in the market economy. We just want to finish what we should do. We don't want students to be sarcastic and sarcastic, and teachers to be black faced, Don't let our parents try their best to persuade us... Although we all say that we are grown up and our parents say that we are mature, somehow, many of us are less enthusiastic and impulsive than we were in primary school, and more rational and lonely. Everything seems to have something to do with "nothing to do with oneself, and we should hang high." Behind the "maturity", we have indescribable hesitation and sadness. In desperation, we can only talk to Qiong Yao, Sanmao or even Cao Xueqin. It is better not to look for it, but to look for it is to fall into the whirlpool of incomprehension. Alas, why do I have to look out of the window at The Gentle Night and the Paradise on Fire, and shed tears for jade and flowers... In addition to loneliness, it is loneliness. Loneliness seems to drain our enthusiasm and control our soul. If we say "grown up", we must become lonely, or that loneliness is mature, I would rather... give up maturity.

Grade 6: Ziwei Core

Give up Mature Composition (4)

The word "mature" must be familiar to everyone. People will mention it whenever they want. The seller of melons will say that my melons are mature, the farmer who farms the land will say that my crops are mature, and the girl who loves beauty will say that he is a mature man. But mature today, I will abandon you completely.

In fact, whether I am mature or not, many people will pretend to be mature and decent, but it looks like a show. It is very ugly. Real maturity is the strength of the heart and the progress of the mind. But I don't think I am such a person, so I don't think I am suitable for maturity. How to say, I am a person who likes to initiate youth, I don't want to keep my good time in a serious way, so I will laugh when I am happy and laugh again when I am unhappy. This life has brought me a lot of joy. I can ignore others' views on me when I laugh.

I have already left the low-grade taste, but I still can't get rid of my childishness, not because I am still young, but because I hope to stay the most innocent smile at that moment. The melancholy life is not what we want, and we should not live in pain, because living should be happy, should be happy.

I gave up the maturity that belongs to me, but I got boundless happiness. I like this crazy, but also with a little bit of madness. I can find the happiness that should be given to me. I am happy, and I am satisfied.

Part II:

A beam of sunshine came in, and the pear trees outside the window opened. Light white petals, green leaves swaying in the wind. Sixteen is the season of flowers. Sixteen is the coming of our youth. Sixteen is the beginning of all troubles. Who once said: "Friends made at the age of 16 must be more simple than those made at the age of 20." I firmly believe this sentence.

I have good friends. After class, we will hang our fingers together and go downstairs; After school, we hooked our fingers to go home together; In PE class, we will lie on the playground and talk. I was criticized by my teachers, and they would persuade me to be open-minded; After being criticized by my classmates, they will accompany me until I feel better. In the autumn of that year, my mother was ill and hospitalized. I was the last one in the family to know that I cried bitterly. I remember that I dare not tell you that I have been crying all the time. I hate the unfairness of God to my family and the ruthlessness of the world. I also remember that it was you who hugged me and gently comforted me: "Don't cry, don't cry, no matter what happens, it will always pass." When the sun shines lazily, I hear you say softly; "You still have us, we are good friends for life." The sunshine at that moment occupied my heart.

Time will pass and people will change. In adolescence, I became cowardly and suspicious. My character changed, and I was alienated by my friends. At that moment, I thought I was the happiest person in the world. At the next moment, the world turned upside down and I was nothing. I looked up with tears, and the sun was shining down, which made my eyes ache. Thank you, Xia, when I am most helpless and lost. You woke me up with the most heartless words, and you refreshed me with the most severe criticism. I suddenly understood what I should do. It has always been me. It is my selflessness that has pushed our friendship to the bottom. It is my willfulness, my cowardice and my suspicion that have alienated us. However, thank you. When I apologized most sincerely, you forgave me. We are going to be good friends for life.

Sixteen years old, teach me to face; Sixteen years old, taught me to be strong. At the age of 16, I want to be a flower blooming against the wind. The wind will not collapse and the rain will not extinguish.

Part III:

In any case, junior high school life is rich, but it is less colorful and colorful; Life is fresh, but there are many obscurities and confusion hidden in the freshness; Junior high school life is happy, but happiness contains a lot of thoughts and sadness.

In fact, junior high school life is more like a cup of strong coffee, but hidden in its sweetness is inexplicable bitterness and sadness. "Ding Lingling..." The class bell has already rung, but not many people rush out of the classroom to make a scene like they did in primary school. No matter whether you try hard or not in primary school, once you enter the first grade of junior high school, it seems that you have become a different person overnight. It seems that no one will leave his seat any more for fear of doing a few exercises less than others. Every extra-curricular activity, forced by the teacher, had to go out of the classroom. It was no longer crazy in primary school, but several good students crowded together in groups. Even when chatting, the voice is too small to be heard by others (especially girls). Because we all have our own little secret. Forget, everything seems to forget. Forget the happiness of weekends, the vigorous and childish figure on the playground, the endless chasing and fighting on the way out of school, and the days when I could not get up even after sleeping in the morning

Everything can be forgotten, but learning cannot be forgotten. Faced with piles of homework coming at us, we looked so calm and experienced. He took out his alarm clock and quietly moved the pointer of Grade 6, which had been pointing at 8:00 in the morning, forward for two hours. The animation channel that has always belonged to our exclusive use was also transferred for free. In fact, we are far from the ambitious ambition of Confucius to "become an official if you study well", nor the hard pursuit of our parents to "own a golden house in books". We are the new generation of people born in the market economy. We just want to finish the homework that belongs to us. We don't want students to be sarcastic and sarcastic, and teachers to be black faced, Don't let our parents try their best to persuade us... Although we all say that we are grown up and our parents say that we are mature, somehow, many of us are less enthusiastic and impulsive than we were in primary school, and more rational and lonely. Everything seems to have something to do with "nothing to do with oneself, and we should hang high." Behind the "maturity", we have indescribable hesitation and sadness. In desperation, we can only talk to Qiong Yao, Sanmao or even Cao Xueqin. It is better not to look for it, but to look for it is to fall into the whirlpool of incomprehension.

Alas, why do I have to look out of the window at The Gentle Night and the Paradise on Fire, and shed tears for jade and flowers... In addition to loneliness, it is loneliness. Loneliness seems to drain our enthusiasm and control our soul. If we say "grown up", we must become lonely, or that loneliness is mature, I would rather... give up maturity.

Give up Mature Composition (5)

What is maturity? Maturity is when a person really grows up, when his heart becomes stronger and his mind begins to improve. But will you grow up and become mature? Many people will pretend to be mature and decent, but I don't like that kind of maturity. I like to be a little girl who will never grow up, and live a happy and carefree life under the care of my parents: I like to be a crazy girl, laugh at her if she wants to laugh, and turn her head over, and cry if she wants to cry

Is maturity an indirect amnesia? Because I always see that people around me who have become mature seem to become individuals overnight. They all have their own little secrets and forget the happiness of weekends; Forget the vigorous and childish figure on the playground; Forget the endless chasing and fighting on the way after school; I forgot the days when I stayed in bed until dawn; Forgot to shed more tears for a sad ending... Everything is forgotten, and only learning is left in my mind.

Can maturity change a person's character? Once upon a time, those who looked at their homework and were worried about it can still face the mountain of homework: they silently give up their favorite Korean dramas; Less passion and impulse, more reason and loneliness... everything is changing with it.

What kind of pain do we have behind maturity? People who become mature bury themselves in layers of camouflage, without the simplicity of the past, and wrap themselves like a hedgehog, smiling in front of people, bright, and lonely behind people. They always like to cry at night, but laugh heartlessly in the daytime.

Although I have long been divorced from the low taste, I can not escape from the childishness. I like to be young and hope to keep the most innocent smile at the most beautiful age. So I always laugh, laugh when I am happy, smile bitterly when I am sad, and smile in ordinary days. Youth should be so free and happy.

I would rather give up maturity, in exchange for a few innocent smiles, let me always be in the sky once carefree smile.