Composition My Hometown 350 words (17 popular articles)
Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum
2024-06-08 03:09:38

Composition My Hometown 350 words (1)

My hometown is in Xuzhou. The most beautiful scenery in Xuzhou is Yunlong Lake Scenic Area.

When you come to Yunlong Lake, you can see from a distance. From time to time, there are several small boats sailing on the rippling lake. Occasionally, there are several cute little wild ducks swimming on the lake, 'Ga Ga'. When you get closer, you can see that the water in Yunlong Lake is crystal clear. A few small fish are playing hide and seek, catching up with each other, competing with who swims faster, and pecking around to find food, How lovely! The blue sky is as pure as water, as if it can wash your face. There is another scenic spot in Xuzhou beside the beautiful Yunlong Lake, that is Yunlong Mountain. The overlapping peaks attract people's attention in the misty clouds, which makes people stop to watch. In this landscape, Sugong Tower is just like a bright pearl. At night, the sky is getting dark, and the bright lights on Sugong Tower will contrast with the twinkling lights on the trees on the shore of the lake, like the stars in the sky. At dusk, Yunlong Lake has a special flavor. Walking on the Long Bridge of South Lake, I imagined that I would become a lotus flower. Dancing with the breeze and accompanied by the music slowly sounded in the concert hall, I was fascinated by the beautiful atmosphere, listened quietly, enjoyed the scenery of the lake and mountains, and loved my hometown more.

As a primary school student, I want to love my beautiful hometown and work hard to add color to my hometown when I grow up!

Composition My Hometown 350 words (2)

My hometown is in a small mountain village near the screen, where trees are luxuriant, flowers and plants are fragrant, and the river water is clear and beautiful.

At dawn, the lark had just begun to sing, and its voice broke the silence of the morning. At this time, I looked at the tall mountain in front of me and suddenly shot two or three lights, like a shining sword, stabbing my eyes. When the sun goes beyond the horizon, the animals become active. Under the tree, I looked up, and sometimes birds flew by, and sometimes there were several small squirrels jumping back and forth between the branches of the tree, "chirping" "chirping". The cries of small animals made the whole mountain forest seething, making the earth no longer desolate.

At noon, I stood beside the village and looked at the green wheat fields. Each tree was bent by the summer wind, which looked like a green ocean from afar. The shepherd boy drove the cattle and sheep to the mountain. When they reached the mountain, some of the cattle and sheep were lying on the ground, eating grass and basking in the sun. Some were full and stood up to support other cattle and sheep with horns. Some were thirsty and ran to the lake to drink water

When night fell, every household turned on the lights, some had already slept in bed, and only some people were talking in a low voice, making this small mountain village very quiet. Outside, there are occasional barks of dogs and distant sirens. There is no noisy sound in busy cities.

My hometown is very beautiful. I love my hometown.

Composition My Hometown 350 words (3)

My hometown is Yanyang Town, Meizhou City. There is a famous scenic spot called Yanming Lake.

I like the summer of Yanming Lake best. In summer, Yanming Lake is shaded by green trees and flowers are in full bloom. Although there are mosquitoes and it's a little hot, it's still very comfortable. There are lovely birds flying in the sky, and the air is very clear. There are many recreational facilities in Yanming Lake, such as flying people in the air, grass skiers, cable bridges, etc.

What I like most is that there are four scenic spots here: Lingfeng Scenic Spot. You can climb to the top of the peak and overlook the poetic panorama of Yanming Lake in the sightseeing pavilion. What a pleasure it is to see the sky in blue, the clouds in white, the tiles in red, and the water in green. With the long wind of Phoenix, you can see the tranquil Nanfu Village and the endless 18 layers of mountains and hills when you lean on the fence and look far away. Fragrant clouds, plum blossom garden, purple micro garden and sweet scented osmanthus garden are blooming all the year round with beautiful scenery. When listening to the waves in the bamboo sea, the winding mountain path looms and looms, and the fragrance of flowers is pleasant.

I like Yanming Lake best. I love my hometown Meizhou.

Composition My Hometown 350 words (4)

I was born in Yuci and grew up in Yuci. I have been to many places in Yuci.

My mother often takes me to shop. There are tall Junhao Shopping Mall, shopping center, department store, Donghujing Shopping Mall, Tianyi Shopping Mall, as well as many specialty stores, large, small and medium-sized supermarkets.

The bus goes in all directions, wherever you want to go. You can take bus 901 or 6 to the old city of Yuci, a tourist resort. The elegant and beautiful ancient buildings have welcomed many Chinese and foreign tourists.

New residential buildings have been built on both sides of many wide highways, with the highest building having more than 30 floors and the lowest building having six floors. There are also hotels, restaurants, bookstores, apartments, academies, schools, villas, parks, entertainment places, etc. The bright exterior wall paint, various billboards, and various cars coming and going make the whole city fresh and beautiful.

Yuci is a beautiful city with more beautiful people. Yuci people are enthusiastic, unrestrained, simple and kind-hearted.

If you want to visit us in Yuci, the people of Yuci will surely display a variety of specialties to treat you warmly. At noon, they will also invite you to taste various kinds of pasta: sliced noodles, ramen noodles, kick sharp, and then sharp

I love my hometown. I will use the knowledge I have learned and my own hands to make our Yuci look better in the future. Build it more prosperous, let the whole country know that we have a treasure land in Shanxi, it is my hometown - Yuci!

Composition My Hometown 350 words (5)

Jinan is known as the "Spring City" because of its numerous springs. It is known as the "lotus on all sides, willow on three sides, mountain and lake on one side". It is a national historic and cultural city, one of the first batch of excellent tourist cities in China, and one of the birthplaces of prehistoric Longshan culture. Now let's take a look at my hometown Jinan 350 word composition, welcome to read for reference.

My hometown Jinan 350 word composition 1

Jinan is a city with a long history, which has a history of more than 2000 years. Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province, bordering Mount Tai in the south and the Yellow River in the north. I am deeply proud of growing up in this beautiful city. Today, I want to introduce my hometown Jinan to you.

Jinan has beautiful scenery and many places of interest, among which three famous scenic spots are Baotu Spring, Daming Lake and Qianfo Mountain.

Jinan has been known as the "Spring City" since ancient times. It is famous for 72 springs, including Baotu Spring, Pearl Spring, Black Tiger Spring, Wulong Pool and Shuyu Spring. The spring water in Jinan has a variety of forms. The spring water is clear, sweet and delicious. Baotu Spring is known as "the best spring in the world". The water from the three spring holes gushes out like three white water columns; The three tiger heads of Black Tiger Spring pour down, as if you can hear the roaring of tigers, attracting many tourists from home and abroad.

Daming Lake has the laudatory name of "lotus on all sides, willow on three sides, mountain and lake in one city". There are many springs in Daming Lake. The lake water is clear. There are many willows planted beside the lake. The soft willow branches fall into the lake and compete with the pink lotus flowers and green lotus leaves in the lake, forming a beautiful picture.

Jinan is a beautiful city and a good place to travel. Welcome to my hometown Jinan.

My hometown Jinan 350 word composition 2

Jinan is my hometown, which is always imprinted in my heart.

I like the night in Jinan. When the round of jade plate is hung high in the sky, the bright moonlight will always be reflected on the water, setting off the pink lotus more beautiful and moving, just like the beauty and nobility of Snow White in her sleep. The gentle wind blows slowly, and the long soft willow branches are fluttering with the wind. The graceful dance is so beautiful and natural. When willow branches draw sparkling ripples on the water surface, the flowing water also sings and makes a pleasant sound.

I remember a saying in the Daming Lake in Jinan: "There are lotus flowers on all sides and willows on three sides. One city is half mountain and half lake". How can we not be intoxicated by the beautiful and beautiful scenery of Daming Lake, where the lotus that emerges from the mud and is not stained, together with the weeping willows that have beautiful dancing movements, and the beautiful scenery of Daming Lake?

Jinan has 72 beautiful springs, of which Baotu Spring is a highlight. Every winter, there will be a layer of misty fog on Baotu Spring, just like soft clouds surrounding the spring, which I will never forget!

I love my hometown, no matter where I go, it will always be deeply impressed in my heart! When I go elsewhere and see flowing water, I always think of the beautiful Baotu Spring in my hometown! Maybe the scenery of my hometown is not as beautiful as that of other places, but in my mind, Jinan is the most beautiful and elegant place.

I love my hometown, Jinan!

My hometown Jinan 350 word composition 3

My hometown is in Jinan, the spring city, where the scenery is pleasant. There are many famous scenic spots, including Baotu Spring, Daming Lake, Black Tiger Spring, and Thousand Buddha Mountain, among which the most famous is Baotu Spring.

Baotu Spring Park is located in the center of Jinan. When entering the gate of Baotu Spring, the first thing I saw was rows of tall trees and bright flowers. A breeze blew, and they swayed gently, as if they were welcoming everyone. Walking, I came to a pool of clear spring water. There were many colorful fish swimming freely in the water! Sometimes, some small fish jump out of the water as if they are performing acrobatics for everyone!

Continue to move forward, and finally come to the most famous Sangu Spring, which is named Baotu Spring. The three streams of water gushed out more than a foot high, like boiling water rolling out, with a thin layer of fog looming over it, which reminds us of the poem written by Zhao Mengfu, a poet of the Yuan Dynasty, "The clouds and fog are moist and steaming without paying attention, and the sound of the waves shocks the Daming Lake." The spring next to it splashed, as if accompanying the three streams of water, very beautiful.

I remember once, I went to Baotu Spring to feed fish with several friends. After entering the gate, we ran quickly to the spring. We took out steamed buns and biscuits and began to feed the fish. The little fish scrambled to come over and "patter patter" to eat food. It looked very interesting! Let's not mention how happy we are.

This is the beautiful Baotu Spring, and this is my lovely hometown Jinan.

My hometown Jinan 350 word composition 4

My hometown Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province, is a beautiful city.

Jinan has 72 famous springs, Baotu Spring, Baimai Spring, Pearl Spring... Let's say Baotu Spring. It has three spring holes, which can spray tens of centimeters high at the highest. There are many small fish swimming happily in the spring, and there are many small bubbles bubbling up at the bottom of the spring!

"There are lotus flowers on all sides, willows on three sides, and a mountain and a half city lake" reminds people of Daming Lake. The lake is very large, the breeze blows, and the lake is sparkling. The lake will reflect colorful light under the sun, which is very beautiful! The boat slowly paddles across the lake. Occasionally, small fish jump out of the water, as if playing hide and seek with tourists. On a sunny day, you can see a thousand Buddha Mountain on the lake.

Let's talk about Qianfo Mountain. Qianfo Mountain is located in the south of Jinan. It used to be a place for people to worship Buddha, but now it is a scenic spot in Jinan. The Thousand Buddha Mountain is not high, but it is also very tiring to walk, because the road up the mountain is full of winding stone steps. There are Big Golden Buddha, Reclining Buddha and Ten Thousand Buddha Cave on the mountain, all of which have become the symbols of Thousand Buddha Mountain. There are also children's parks, cableways and slides on the mountain, which are places I never tire of playing.

Jinan is beautiful, but what is more beautiful is our motherland. I love my hometown Jinan and our motherland more!

My hometown Jinan 350 word composition 5

My hometown is Jinan. Jinan is a place with beautiful environment and beautiful scenery. Especially in recent years, earth shaking changes have taken place.

A series of overpasses have sprung up, connecting vertically and horizontally, extending in all directions. The new BRT special lanes for public transportation, and the railway has opened motor cars and high-speed trains, making the transportation very convenient. The new shopping malls are good places for people to relax and entertain. When night falls, lights are everywhere. The neon lights on the overpass are like ribbons falling from the sky, which is very spectacular. In particular, Jingxi Road, where my school is located, has changed more. The road is wider and the road surface is very clean and tidy.

My mother told me that the former Jingxi Road was very narrow. There were low bungalows on both sides of the road, and there were many vendors and peddlers selling vegetables and fruits. They had no awareness of environmental protection and littered everywhere. Especially in summer, they would attract many flies. When it rained, it became worse. The rain washed garbage everywhere and sometimes drifted into the campus. In recent years, people's awareness of environmental protection has gradually increased. Especially after the National Games, people have saved water and preserved springs. The spring water is cleaner, the spring water is more cheerful, the greening is expanded, the trees are shaded, and the air is fresher

For the sake of our homeland, let's join hands to protect the environment of our hometown, starting from me and around us. Let our spring city Jinan become more and more beautiful.

Composition My Hometown 350 words (6)

My hometown Wuhan is a beautiful place and an ancient city with a long history and culture. There are many places of interest here, such as Yellow Crane Tower, Guiyuan Temple, Guqin Terrace, Qingchuan Pavilion, and so on, attracting countless Chinese and foreign tourists.

The Yellow Crane Tower is located on the Snake Mountain in Wuchang. It has five floors and is more than 50 meters high. The eaves of each floor are upturned, like a yellow crane spreading its wings. Under the sunlight, the yellow glazed tiles on the roof of the building emit dazzling golden light, making the Yellow Crane Tower even more magnificent.

The Yellow Crane Tower is known as "the world's most beautiful scenery". After climbing the Yellow Crane Tower and standing on the fifth floor, you can see that at the foot of the Snake Mountain, trees are lined with trees, and the rolling Yangtze River is like a ribbon around the Snake Mountain. The bridge across the Yangtze River is crowded with traffic. Ships of all sizes on the river are indistinct in the river fog. Turtle Hill and Snake Hill are like two serious sentries guarding both sides of the Yangtze River... The beautiful scenery of the three towns in Wuhan is breathtaking.

The Yellow Crane Tower is really a fairyland on earth. Literati and literati of all dynasties wrote poems here. Among them, the Yellow Crane Tower by Cui Hao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, is the most famous. This poem has spread the name of the Yellow Crane Tower everywhere.

I love my hometown Wuhan, but also the beautiful Yellow Crane Tower.

Composition My Hometown 350 words (7)

My hometown is in Luoning, where is the famous steamed meat. Its unique method and taste represent our Luoning people. Every time we smell the smell of steamed meat, it is like smelling the smell of home.

It is not only delicious, but also uncomplicated. First, cut the meat into pieces, and cut the onion into long sections. The amount of meat and onion should be the same. Put the two into a container, sprinkle a small amount of salt, add soy sauce, fennel and pepper, and marinate for about half an hour. During the curing of meat slices, blanch the noodles until medium cooked, remove the meat and scallions while hot, mix well, and then sprinkle some salt. Finally, stir in cornmeal and steam over high heat for 40 minutes.

When people in Luoning eat steamed meat, they do not serve bowls, but eat it steamed. When the family reunites, the whole family will eat steamed meat around the table and chat with each other. It will be very warm. It is a good product for entertaining guests. It is fragrant but not greasy, and has endless aftertaste.

Luoning Steamed Pork is not a delicacy, but it is a delicacy in Luoning. The pungent fragrance contains pure nostalgia.

Miao Ruiqian, Grade 6, Luoning No. 2 Experimental Primary School, Luoyang County, Henan Province

Composition My hometown 350 words (8)

My hometown is so beautiful

Class 2.11 Yang Zimiao

My home is in Zhengzhou. Ruyi Lake in Zhengzhou is very beautiful.

At the entrance of Ruyi Lake, there is a slope. There are many peach trees on the left side of the slope. The peach flowers on the trees have blossomed, some of them are still blossoming like smiling faces, others are like babies. There are open cherry blossoms on the right, and there are many pine trees behind the cherry blossoms. They are like warriors defending the paradise.

Below the slope is a path paved with light gray and dark gray 'square bricks. In front of the path is Ruyi Lake, which is flanked by green willows. On the lake, water birds are swimming around. There are many small fish in the lake. There is a stone bridge on the water with a huge butterfly wing. On the square near the lake, some people run, some dance, and some play. At night, tall buildings are resplendent, like the reflection of lights in the water, which is very beautiful.

My hometown is so beautiful!

Ruyi Lake, East District, Zhengzhou

The night view by Ruyi Lake is charming

Composition My Hometown 350 words (9)

My hometown composition is 350 words - my hometown is beautiful all the year round, green in spring, colorful in summer, golden in autumn, and spotless in winter.

In spring, everything recovers, and grass sticks out from the ground. The grass is blue, the sky is blue, the river is tinkling in the valley, and the water in the river is so clear that you can see fish swimming in the river. The water in the river is so quiet, like a mirror. The water of the river is so green, green like a flawless emerald. In summer, the sky is clear and the sun is burning the earth. Willows are waving in the wind, as if greeting us. Summer is not only hot, but also very stuffy. Turn on the electric fan, and it is still very hot. The cicada kept shouting, "Hot, hot!". Look! Fish float on the water and breathe air. Bees are industrious in collecting nectar. Butterflies dance in the air and land on the earth like fairies. In winter, snowflakes are flying all over the sky. The windows on the roof make the earth unique. A group of children make snowmen in the snow and have snowball fights. The children's laughter spread in the snow

The beauty of my hometown will always remain in my heart.

Composition My hometown 350 words (10)

My hometown is an ordinary and quiet village.

When the sun rises, people get up early, wander along the path and breathe fresh air. The old people are practicing Taiji and doing morning exercises here, and some old women are still practicing waist drum here. All people do their own thing.

When the sun rises high, most people are at the farmer's market. In the farmer's market, farmers raise their voices to attract customers to buy their own goods. People who buy vegetables walk around the market with a basket.

In the evening, the setting sun seemed drunk. The red faced drunk fell to the other side of the river. The dusk in my hometown is quiet. The flowers and plants on the roadside are shaking quietly in the evening wind. People washing clothes by the river come and go in an endless stream, but the voice is very low.

The sun went down and night came. The moon hung high in the dark blue sky. The stars blinked at people. At this time, the colorful neon lights are shining brightly, putting a gorgeous dress on the beautiful village, making it more beautiful and charming. The colorful neon lights are reflected in the clear river water, which is more colorful.

I love my hometown.

Composition My hometown 350 words (11)

Time always passes by imperceptibly. In the blink of an eye, I have left my hometown for many years.

I still remember a few years ago, in my hometown, the streets were very simple at that time. The road is made of mud, concrete, sand and gravel. Compared with the current road, it is very uneasy. Every time it rains, the road will become very bumpy, and people walking on it will be very troublesome. Moreover, there was no garbage can on the street, and people always had no place to throw garbage and had to throw it on the street, so the street was very dirty at that time. Now there will be a trash can every ten steps on both sides of the street, so that people can find a place to throw garbage at any time. The streets are now very clean. Now the streets have become very flat. Walking on the street will no longer have any difficulty.

Not only that, the previous houses were bungalows, with few buildings or large buildings. At that time, we seldom saw stairs and elevators. But now there are many large buildings and supermarkets on both sides of the street. There are also many large residential areas. At a glance, there are more than ten floors. Elevators are everywhere.

My hometown has developed very well unconsciously in recent years. With the change of my hometown, I can see that the living standard of people in my hometown has improved and the living environment has improved.

Composition My hometown 350 words (12)

Just a short distance from the scenic spot, there was a fragrance coming to me. I couldn't help closing my eyes and smelling it. My mother said it was the smell of air. As soon as we entered the gate, the clear lake unfolded before our eyes. Against the blue sky and white clouds, the lake looks more charming and moving. There are many floating islands in the lake, and there are many blooming flowers on the island, red, white, yellow, red and white. On the velvety green grass, a large area of golden tulips dance with the breeze; In the woods on both sides of the road, there is an old pine, whose needle like leaves are still green and green.

As we continue to move forward, you may see a group of beautiful little butterflies flying freely, or a little grasshopper like a long jumper to meet you. If you are lucky, there is a little squirrel standing on the pine tree not far ahead, eating the pine cone while peeping at you with its flexible little eyes!

I love my hometown, but also the bright pearl.

Composition My hometown 350 words (13)

The sea is the place I yearn for. There are endless sea water, soft beaches, and seabirds singing loudly.

The sea water is salty and astringent. When viewed from a high altitude, the sea looks like pieces of azure glazed tiles, which look beautiful under the sunshine. The sea water is just like the changeable weather in autumn. It was calm just now, but now it is rough again. From time to time, there is a huge whale tail beating the blue "glazed tile".

But the beach is more gentle than the sea. The golden color is so intoxicating. In addition to the colorful shells and starfish, the beach is instantly dressed as a graceful girl. The changeable sea and the gentle and beautiful beach form a beautiful landscape of nature.

The sea is a place that fascinates me. It is as beautiful as heaven, as cool as the grassland, and its beauty attracts me like a magnet. I must throw myself into its arms when I have the opportunity.

Composition My Hometown 350 words (14)

Later, because I was old enough to go to school, I moved there. But I often go back and have a look. In the spring, I saw the rape flowers planted by my grandfather, which were golden and beautiful! Also, the Houttuynia cordata planted by my grandmother grows very luxuriantly, and people are planting land. I saw my neighbor Uncle Fang's baby was able to walk. I was glad to hold his little hand and let him call him my brother.

I left a good memory of my hometown in my mind. One night I had a dream that my hometown was as beautiful as the city I live in now. How I miss my hometown.

Composition My hometown 350 words (15)

In spring, a hundred flowers bloom in the garden of Guangzhou, like a sea of colorful flowers, very beautiful! As long as a gust of wind blows, it looks like a wave, very beautiful! Look, the grass on the grass sticks out. From a distance, the grass looks like a green carpet. It's very beautiful! Look again, the trees are beginning to sprout and everywhere is full of vitality.

In summer, green trees are flourishing, cicadas are singing songs on the trees. A lot of playful children climbed up the trees to catch cicadas. On the mountain, a gust of wind kept blowing, and it was cool. At the foot of the mountain, there are many people fishing in the river. People's laughter and voice are everywhere, and everywhere is full of happiness, beauty and happiness.

In autumn, the grain is abundant, and clusters of grapes are hanging on the trees, just like strings of pearls. The apple blushed with a smile, and the golden rice bent over with a smile.

In winter, the leaves on the tree are all gone, leaving the trunk standing tall and straight, which is another scenery.

Chicken cakes, sesame paste and so on are all specialties of Guangzhou. If you come to my hometown, you must try my hometown's specialties!

Ah, I love my hometown!

Composition My Hometown 350 words (16)

Every holiday, my father and mother, together with me, visit my grandparents. This village is built at the foot of the mountain, several kilometers along both sides of the road. In summer, as soon as I arrived at my grandmother's house, I would go to the yard in front of my house to pick tomatoes and cucumbers to eat. The vegetables here are green and pollution-free. They use farm manure, so they are very delicious.

In the southwest of the village, there is a very beautiful hill that is not very high. It looks like an upside down pot, so people call it Guokuishan. The mountain is covered with all kinds of trees, as well as very delicious hazelnuts and various wild fruits. There is a spring at the foot of the mountain. Grandma said, "This spring won't freeze in winter.

This is my mother's hometown, also my "hometown", where I had a wonderful childhood and childhood partners. I love my hometown, a beautiful small mountain village.

Composition My Hometown 350 words (17)

In spring, everything recovers, and grass sticks out from the ground. The grass is blue, the sky is blue, the river is tinkling in the valley, and the water in the river is so clear that you can see fish swimming in the river. The water in the river is so quiet, like a mirror. The water of the river is so green, green like a flawless emerald. In summer, the sky is clear and the sun is burning the earth. Willows are waving in the wind, as if greeting us. In summer, it is not only hot, but also very stuffy. Turn on the electric fan??, Level II??, Level 3??, It's still very hot. The cicada kept shouting, "Hot, hot!". Look! Fish float on the water and breathe air. Bees are industrious in collecting nectar. Butterflies dance in the air and land on the earth like fairies. In winter, snowflakes are flying all over the sky. The windows on the roof make the earth unique. A group of children make snowmen in the snow and have snowball fights. The children's laughter spread in the snow??