300 words of landscape composition (17 popular articles)
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2024-06-08 09:19:47

Landscape composition 300 words (1)

This summer vacation, I attended a summer camp in Yangshuo. The teacher took us to the famous Xianggong Mountain. When we climbed to the top of the mountain and looked down, we could have a panoramic view of the whole Yangshuo scenery.

The broad Lijiang River lies in front of us. The river is calm, and several boats are slowly moving on the river. The river is clear and blue, just like a mirror, shining the blue sky and white clouds on the water, sparkling. The water of Lijiang River is really green! It is as green as a flawless emerald

On both sides of the Lijiang River, there stand a series of rolling mountains, each unconnected, like an old man, like a giant elephant, like a camel, with a variety of strange peaks.

Such water reflects such a mountain. Such a mountain is surrounded by such water. There is water in the mountain and mountains in the water. Just like a picture!

The landscape of Yangshuo is really beautiful, which makes me unforgettable for a long time.

Teacher Xu's words: This summer camp is really good, which makes Weixuan gain a lot. Well written. Keep going!

Landscape composition 300 words (2)

Changsha has a beautiful Yuelu Mountain and a mother river - Xiangjiang River.

I have seen the endless sea and enjoyed the limpid Lijiang River, but I still like Xiangjiang River in Changsha best. The water of Xiangjiang River is really quiet, like an unpolished mirror; The water of Xiangjiang River is so clear that you can see the small fish swimming happily at the bottom of the river; The water of Xiangjiang River is really green, like a huge jade.

I have climbed Huashan Mountain, where dangerous peaks stand erect, and visited Huangshan Mountain, where strange peaks are listed. But what I miss most is Yuelu Mountain in Changsha. The Yuelu Mountain is really strange. One by one, it rises from the ground and stretches continuously; Yuelu Mountain is really beautiful. In spring, it is like a long ribbon, in summer, it is like a huge green umbrella, in autumn, it is red leaves like fire, and in winter, it is white snow; Yuelu Mountain is really beautiful. Aiwan Pavilion, Lushan Temple, Baihequan and Yuelu Academy have different styles and forms.

This kind of mountain sets off this kind of water. This kind of water surrounds this kind of mountain. In addition, the spring in the mountain is dingdong, and the boats on the river swim freely, which makes people think that they have entered a natural landscape painting. It's really "boats on the Xiangjiang River, people on the Lushan Mountain"!

Landscape composition 300 words (3)

In a season of sweet osmanthus and cool autumn wind, the Mid Autumn Festival just came. My classmates and I made an appointment to go to Ningbo Phoenix Mountain Harbor Park to play. Early in the morning, we got on the bus and set out for Phoenix Mountain!

The car was full of our laughter and laughter, and finally arrived at the destination. We couldn't wait to run to the amusement park. We first watched the wonderful sea lion performance. Previously, I only watched the sea lion performance on TV. Today, I saw the real sea lion head the ball, and saw the sea lion steadily head the ball with its pointed mouth, which was not unusual, Its feet are not idle, and it is also turning the iron ring!

There was a warm applause from the audience. After watching the performance, we continued to walk to the amusement park. Everything in front of us dazzled us even more. There were roller coasters, turning the world around, ferris wheel... The ferris wheel is a very big wheel, on which there are many small rooms hanging. As the wheel rotates, we will slowly sit farther and farther away from the ground, When the wheel rose to the top, the height was at least as high as a dozen floors of buildings, which scared me not to look down. The houses at my feet were all turned into small ones. Phoenix Mountain Harbor Park has brought us endless fun!

Landscape composition 300 words (4)

Jinan, an ancient city with a long history, is also the capital of China's military and commercial development, so it is a veritable economic city. Jinan's scenery is also beautiful. It can be said that Shandong's landscape is the best in the world, and Jinan's landscape is the best in Shandong. It is also a pure land in Shandong Province.

The first time I went to Jinan was to participate in the Go game. Although I didn't look at the panorama of Jinan, the spring city, I had a taste of the scenery of Jinan University. There are trees and trees here. Many children are playing hide and seek on the table here. College students living here are really at ease. Suddenly, I saw a grass enclosed by a fence. There were some rabbits eating fodder in the grass. Maybe the rabbits had just come here and were not familiar with the place, or they ran away when they saw people coming. Only one rabbit was unique and was still eating feed. It is true to the old saying: starve to death the cowardly, support to death the brave.

A few years later, I went to Jinan again. Although it was only a one-day trip, it was a worthwhile trip! In the morning, we went to Daming Lake. One of the scenery of Daming Lake is like the wind and lotus in the Quyuan among the ten sceneries of the West Lake. There is also a very famous park in Jinan - Quancheng Park. People come here in an endless stream. In the afternoon, I reluctantly left Jinan.

Landscape composition 300 words (5)

People say: "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin." Today, we have come to Yangshuo, the famous city in Guilin.

On both sides of the road, mountains stand, birds sing and streams flow, giving us a concert belonging to nature. The air is filled with small drops of water, which is very humid. The smell of big trees and the aroma of flowers and fruits make the air more fresh and fragrant.

The next day we arrived at the Lijiang River and took a bamboo raft to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the river. The water of Lijiang River is so clear that it is as clear as a mirror; The water of the Lijiang River is beautiful, and the mountains are reflected in the water, just like the real one: the water of the Lijiang River is really green, like a flawless emerald; the water of the Lijiang River is really flexible, and the ripples are dancing flexibly, and the water waves shine through the sun.

The mountains here are really high, as if they were straight into the clouds; The mountains here are really dangerous. The dangerous peaks stand erect, and the strange rocks are continuous and steep; The mountains here are so strange. They vary in shape and form, like horses, giant elephants, and dragons... There are so many mountains here, surrounded by mountains, scattered in height, and covered with green shrubs.

The landscape of Guilin is really beautiful, which is as shocking as poetry and painting!

Landscape composition 300 words (6)

Green landscape: 300 word composition fragments

2010-09-18 Question: write a few 200-300 words of scenery, 2-3 articles.


A wicked Chinese teacher

The best answer: scenery painting is to use language to describe all kinds of natural scenery that people see, hear and contact concretely and vividly, so as to set off the environmental atmosphere, highlight the center of the article or set off the mood of the characters, and express the author's thoughts and feelings. The narrative writing of scenery is a narrative writing that mainly describes natural scenery. It is one of the important composition types that primary school students often practice and require to master its methods. For primary school students, scenery writing is more exposed. But how can we make the scenery unique? I think we should pay attention to the following points:

1、 Grasp the characteristics of the scenery and observe it comprehensively and carefully.

Observing and feeling scenery also needs to activate various sensory organs. From different feelings, you can draw the scenery in a dynamic and static way, so that people can read it vividly. For example, Su Shi, a famous poet, wrote: "When viewed horizontally, the mountain peaks form on its side, and the distance and height are different." He wrote the appearance of Lushan Mountain from different angles. Another example: The mountain terrain of the Great Khingan Mountains described by Mr. Lao She is "horizontal, straight, tall, short, long, short..." rolling, gentle and amiable. He wrote about the forest sea, and was skilled in color mixing. On his palette, green is so changeable: just like a skilled craftsman, in his "deep, shallow, bright, dark, green is indescribable." Especially, "in the sun, the edges of large green pines sparkle with birch silver skirts, not like the sea spray?" This one includes metaphor, personification The sentence pattern of rhetorical triple figure of speech simply gives us a three-dimensional and gorgeous picture, which makes people feel an unspeakable beauty. His flower writing is more distinctive. You see, "green pine is used as a shirt, white birch is used as a skirt, and embroidered shoes are also worn." Proper comparison, keen observation, and vivid description are so beautiful and wonderful that they are not convincing?

2、 Grasp the sequence of scenery painting and write the levels.

When we describe scenery, we can go from high to low, from far to near, from whole to part, from object to person, from movement to stillness, etc. In a word, only by grasping the sequence of scenery description can the scenery described be clearly layered, clear and natural. There are usually two kinds of order for describing scenery: the first is chronological order. For example, when writing a tree, we can write what it looks like in each season in chronological order of spring, summer, autumn and winter; Another is spatial order. For example, when we describe a mountain peak, we can write what it looks like from a distance, what it looks like from a close place, or what it looks like from the top and what it looks like from the bottom.

3、 Develop reasonable imagination.

On the basis of careful observation of the scenery, open the wings of imagination, launch reasonable imagination according to what you see and feel, and then describe the state, color, sound and smell of the scenery, which will leave a deep impression. For example, "An oriole stands on a branch and sings happily." It vividly depicts the vivacity and loveliness of orioles with anthropomorphic techniques; Another example: In Guilin Mountains and Rivers, the author launches association and imagination on the basis of observation. From the "wonder" of Guilin Mountain, the author imagines that it looks like an old man, a giant elephant, or a camel, with thousands of strange peaks and shapes, which enrich the scenery and fully express the author's thoughts and feelings; Another example: In the article "Forest Sea", the author thinks of buildings, timber, and daily furniture from the forest sea with thousands of mountains and green mountains to the evergreen forest sea. "How many provinces and cities have used the timber here!" This sentence closely links the Great Khingan Mountains with all parts of the motherland, making people feel its existence, recognize its pivotal role in socialist construction, and "cordial and comfortable" The feeling suddenly welled up in my heart.

4、 Pay attention to the blending of feelings and scenes.

The purpose of landscape painting is not to paint for the sake of scenery, but to reflect the author's thoughts and feelings. Only in this way can we inject vitality into the article and write vivid articles. For example, when reading the full text of "Forest Sea", the author's praise is expressed everywhere in the lines. It is with this sincere feeling that the author eulogized the Great Khingan Mountains and the Green Treasure Forest. He told us that the Great Khingan Mountains is not only a good material producing area, but also a scientific research base. People make use of nature and transform it, "adding new scenery to the Great Khingan Mountains and happy songs of labor." This shows that the relationship between people and mountains is increasingly close. Therefore, the author can't help but associate the meaning of "rejuvenating the country and securing the country". Its concluding sentence not only deepens the center of the article, but also has endless aftertaste and is thought-provoking

Beautiful Spring

Spring is coming, so beautiful! This is a season when spring returns and everything recovers. Cold blooded animals like snakes, bears, frogs, etc. stop hibernating and climb up to the ground to enjoy the spring. Birds sing in the spring, flowers blossom, grass sprouts, swallows fly back to build nests, and the spring angel restores the colorful atmosphere to the earth

Even the spring rain and the spring thunder came to us continuously. Spring is a good season for sowing. The farmer uncle is taking advantage of this good season to start sowing. By autumn, there will be a good harvest

Spring is not as dry and hot as summer, as cold and desolate as autumn, or as cold as winter. Spring is a vibrant and energetic spring. This reminds me of our mother, who is like the earth. When our mother gives birth to us, we will have life. When spring returns, everything will start again, and all life will start again

People like spring, because this beautiful spring gives people a new start, new harvest, new life, new hope

With the arrival of spring, the earth has been completely greened, from appearance to soul, and the whole spring has been covered with green

This spring not only gives people new life, but also gives people new hope. I love this beautiful spring


The lovely spring girl came to the world with light steps, and the whole world seemed to wake up from a long dream.

Swallows dragged their scissor like tails back to their hometown in the north. They "chirped, chirped", as if to say: "Spring is coming, spring is coming!"

Yes, spring is really coming!

I look for spring with curiosity.

Ah, I saw spring. The mountains in the distance are rolling and turning green. The grass on the nearby hillside also crept out of the ground quietly. They were fresh and green. The fat little leaves are like fat dolls just waking up. This piece, that cluster, dotted with this steep hillside. The trees on the hillside are quietly pulling out new branches and sprouting new shoots like grass. The willow branches hang down like lines on the tree. The small yellow leaves are like petals tied on the line. The poplar trees are in blossom. These flowers are in clusters of purple red. The body is covered with soft hairs, like caterpillars. It's really interesting. Peach blossoms blossom, apricot blossoms grow on the branches, and pear blossoms compete for beauty.

All kinds of wild flowers also woke up. They stretched out, raised their heads, and rushed to be in full bloom. Red, yellow, blue, white, and purple flowers are really colorful. Although these flowers are not precious, they decorate the grassland of youth with their little beauty and selflessly contribute everything to the earth. Crowds of bees are busy collecting honey with their yellow wings; The colorful butterflies also dance in pairs.

In the field, the wheat sprouts turn green, as if they were green waves. The golden cauliflower is shining in the green wave.

I don't know when the spring rain falls, gently, without hearing the sound, like a wet smoke, gently moistening the earth. After the spring rain, the sun came out and it was sunny. The whole world looks like it has just been washed. It is very refreshing. The air is very fresh. Take a breath, sweet as honey. The spring breeze is warm, and the bright spring light shines on the earth. Everything shows vitality, forming a beautiful landscape.

The Color of Spring

The color of spring is really colorful. The sun is red, the sky is blue, the tree tops are green, and the winter jasmine is yellow... No wonder poets love to sing about spring, and painters love to describe spring, because spring is the fusion of all the beauty in the world, and the assembly of all colors. I wonder why the colorful colors come to the earth in spring?

The rain in spring is continuous and soft. It moistens the earth, touches the earth, and calls the earth in a low voice. When people do not know it, they quietly converge into a river and pool. Ah, it is spring rain that brings green life to the pool.

Wind and rain always come together. In early spring, the cold wind wakes up everything. The tree tops are green, the earth is green, and even the platform of high-rise buildings is green. Wang Anshi of the Song Dynasty wrote, "The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river." How well he said it! But more than "green"?

Under the wind, wild flowers all over the mountains and slopes opened their eyes. One, two, one cluster, two clusters... connected into a sea. In the face of this blue, red, yellow... majestic color ocean, people have no worries, no depression. Thanks for the color of spring, which brings us upward strength and confidence.

Look at the sky in spring again. How come the sky is also colorful and dazzling? Ah, that's the kites that children fly. Under the blue sky and white clouds, kites of various shapes are fluttering and flying freely. What a refreshing sight! Spring belongs to children, and the sky belongs to children. But aren't they also trying to dress up and add the color of spring?

However, if you lean down to look closely, you will find that there are sporadic withered and yellow in the pleasing colors, which are the traces left by the end of winter. You may sigh: "It's really a fly in the ointment!" Yes, who will have a good mood when looking at those broken stems and dejected grass? However, you might as well cut off the withered and yellow winter clothes, and you will have more novel discoveries, hey! It's green inside! The original appearance of withered and yellow grass is also pregnant, pregnant with a more beautiful spring.

I finally understand why the color of spring is so rich: it is the paintbrush in the hands of spring girl who waves diligently; It is childish children who dress up innocently; It is the neglected grass that silently breeds. People who are enjoying the color of spring, what have you contributed to the color of spring?

Colorful fireworks and crisp firecrackers symbolize the arrival of another Spring Festival. The snow in early spring stirred up happy laughter, the red lanterns reflected a little warmth, and the air was filled with warm and warm atmosphere. Invite God of Wealth, choose couplets, buy firecrackers, buy New Year goods... In the rush, people feel the fragrance and busyness of the day, and time also exudes the mellow fragrance of precipitation in this grand festival. The dining table is heavy and composed of deep expectations and blessings. Relatives rely on each other, give each other happiness, quietly appreciate the warmth of home, and the wrinkles of the soul can be gently extended in this deepest and heaviest moment. The feeling of happiness permeates people's hearts bit by bit.

The lazy winter is fading away with the loud sound of firecrackers. In the hot waves of joy, in the sound of auspicious blessings, spring comes quietly. The cycle of thousands of years is still the same, and there is beauty that cannot be hidden in the faint tenderness of spring. Warm but not hot, bright but not evil, tolerant but not fierce. With an open and generous smile, she explained all the calluses and blood bubbles, and all the expectations and yearnings. This is a season full of vitality, and all hopes are budding here. The spring breeze gently melted the ice and snow and dispersed the mist. The song of spring goes through the earth of barriers, singing green the grass in the crevices, the trees by the river and the moss in the courtyard; Sing the wild geese flying south; Singing wakes the sleeping frog... Singing out a colorful world.

In spring, not only grass but also our dreams are jointing; In spring, not only the seedlings but also our feelings grow up. Let's embrace the spring with a touch of sunshine, turn the news of spring into full vision, turn the blessing of heart into full of pride, sow the faith soaked with sweat in spring, and harvest the hope of fruits in autumn!

Landscape composition 300 words (7)

Hometown landscape composition 300 words 1

There is a beautiful mountain in my hometown, which is beautiful all the year round.

In spring, the mountains are full of vitality. The grass poked out its head from the ground and looked around curiously to see enough of spring. The tender bamboo also came out from the ground and took off one after another "cotton padded clothes", as if to say: "Spring is coming, and the sunshine in spring is really comfortable!" The little swallow came from the south and flew around in the sky, saying something from time to time, as if to say: "Spring is coming, spring is coming!" The little flower seemed to hear the call of the little swallow and bloomed in succession, A beautiful smiling face. New branches and leaves are drawn from the branches and leaves. The branches and leaves are tender and green. They are really attractive. The little bee was also busy, flying around among the flowers. Small butterflies dance in the flowers, as if celebrating the arrival of spring.

In summer, the trees grow green and luxuriant, and some small mushrooms grow under the trees! The old people enjoy the cool under the trees. The garden is full of colorful flowers, including peonies, morning glory, daffodils, and lilies

In autumn, leaves fall down one after another, like beautiful butterflies; Among the trees, maple leaves seemed to catch fire; The chrysanthemums stand proudly in the autumn wind, and their colors are different: yellow, white, purple, pink, light yellow

In winter, the snowflakes put a white coat on the pine tree. When the sun shone, the silver was shining, like a crystal coat; The land is also white, like wearing a thick cotton padded clothes

The mountains in my hometown are beautiful. I love the mountains in my hometown!

Hometown landscape composition 300 words 2

I love the mountains in my hometown. I grew up in the embrace of mountains, so I have an infinite attachment to mountains. In spring, the whole mountain seems to be covered with a vast green blanket. The orange light of the sun shines on the earth like shining gold. The grass is dotted with small fragrant wildflowers, which are better than petunias, lilacs and jasmine... In summer, I like to wander in the dense woods, sit on smooth stones, and lazily spend the hot afternoon under the shade of trees. In autumn, the rustling autumn wind blows the endless green forest, like the waves rising from the sea, wave after wave. In winter, the pure messenger snowflakes came to the world. They held hands, and the whole world was a vast expanse of white. The next day, you can see that the whole mountain seems to be a perfect work made by a skilled craftsman.

I love the water in my hometown. Small bridge and flowing water. I like to play with my good friends in the water with bare feet. The stream sends out various rhythms from time to time to accompany us. Some are deep and euphemistic, some are lingering with fine honey, and some are intense and high, just like a multi voice music scattered in the Green Valley and Fang Stream.

Although, the mountains in my hometown are not as strange, beautiful and dangerous as those in Guilin; The water in my hometown is not as quiet, clean and green as that in Guilin. However, my hometown landscape will always be my favorite, forever, forever

Hometown Landscape Composition 300 Words 3

My hometown is Changsha. Although it is not as elegant as Beijing, nor as rich as Shanghai, it is also as prosperous and beautiful. It has endless streets, surging rivers and rolling mountains. Now I will introduce you to Yuelu Mountain, a famous mountain here.

Although Yuelu Mountain is not very high, there are deep streams in the forest, towering stone bones, and towering mountains. At the foot of the mountain is the famous Aiwan Pavilion. At the top of the mountain is Yunlu Palace, where incense sticks are burning all the year round. There are also Lushan Temple and Baihequan. Let me tell you a little secret about White Crane Spring: if you gently lay a dime on the water surface, it will not sink down, and can emit many beautiful patterns! Look, the White Crane Spring is magical!

The hundred year old trees in Yuelu Mountain must be mentioned! Here are towering ancient trees with luxuriant branches and leaves, which block the sun and cover the sky. The most famous ones are Luohan and Ginkgo. The old tree in front of Lushan Temple is tall and big. It takes four or five children to hold it hand in hand! I tell you, I thought that trees were lifeless, but in fact they were not. I heard from my mother that every living thing in the world is alive. I have deeply remembered my mother's words, and I will also love every plant in the mountain to make them grow more beautiful.

Look, this is the mountain in my hometown. Next time you visit our hometown, don't forget to climb Yuelu Mountain!

Hometown landscape composition 300 words 4

The mountains in my hometown are very beautiful.

The big trees above are very tall. The leaves are green. The air is very fresh. There are birds chirping outside. It's a pleasure to walk up and enjoy the beautiful scenery around. On the top of the mountain, the small pagoda from a distance becomes very tall. It is made of wood and feels very smooth. Climb up the top of the tower and look down. The buildings are in front of you. Tall trees stand on the mountain, and leaves cover the whole mountain. The long mountain road becomes very short, as if it is a beautiful picture.

It's green everywhere. It's good for your eyes. The air is fresh, and there are cute cries of small animals. People love to come here to play. They also take some photos to take back.

The children can also play with these fake stones on the mountain as toys, and climb up and down on these fake stones. They are very happy. When people were tired from walking, they took a rest in the pavilion on the mountain, chatting while taking a rest. The reason why there are birds chirping here is that the big trees here are very lush, and the birds like to live here.

Ah, the mountain of my hometown, you bring happiness to people.

Landscape composition 300 words (8)

There is a big lake in Laiwu, my hometown, called Xueye Lake.

Xueye Lake is very long and narrow, with a lot of water and mountains on three sides. The trees on the mountain are green, the grass is green, and the lake is green, as if it had been dyed by the trees on the mountain.

In the morning, the golden sun shines on the lake, and the ripples flash like gold. At noon, the strong sun shines on the lake, and the lake is silvery, like countless fish jumping. In the evening, the surrounding mountains gradually fall asleep in the dusk, and Xueye Lake also falls asleep quietly in the embrace of the mountains.

Previously, the water of Xueye Lake was used for irrigation and fish farming, and the fish heads in the lake were as big as a basin. Now, the beach, water park, road around the lake, ecological botanical garden and other tourism facilities have been built around Xueye Lake, waiting for more tourists to play. I love the beautiful Xueye Lake!

Landscape composition 300 words (9)

The Qingjiang River flows down from the upstream around the mountain, like a long belt tied to the mountain, which separates the mountain from the residents living in the city. The Qingjiang River is crystal clear. You can see many pebbles on the bank, including red, white, black, flowered, big, small every kind of. There are also groups of small fish swimming freely in the water. The number of small fish is uncountable, and groups of small fish are overwhelming. There are also many plants in the water, which are like an underwater forest. Small fish are playing hide and seek with us through the water. Seen from a distance, the water looks green as if it is merged with the green mountains on the other side. The sun shines on the water, just like the water is covered with gold.

The most attractive thing is the farmhouse on the other side of the river. There are many buildings with two or three storeys high, as well as unique courtyards. Each house has a path leading to the door. Red lanterns are hung on both sides of the road. When the breeze blows, the red lanterns swing with the wind, like welcoming guests from afar. Every farmhouse has a small boat for picking up and seeing off guests. The shapes of the boats are different. Some are like a pavilion, some are like a hat, and some are shaped like special boats. When night falls, the colored lights on the top of the boat will turn on, and the beautiful boats will attract many tourists to taste the delicious food of the farmhouse.

On the other side of the river, mountains are rolling and verdant. There are mountains outside the mountain. Some mountains are stacked on another mountain. It looks like a dog lying on the top of that mountain. Some mountains have many colorful stones, like a little girl in colorful clothes... Some mountains are very high, and they are surrounded by clouds and mist as if they were a magic pen.

Qingjiang scenery is really picturesque! Tourists will be full of praise and forget to leave!

Landscape composition 300 words (10)

Stepping on the quiet path, stepping on the pace of gentle express delivery, I started my journey of mountains and waters.

First, I passed a small bamboo forest. Take a deep breath. The faint fragrance of bamboo around me is brought into my nose, which makes me feel relaxed and happy. Nature seems to merge with me.

As I walked, the distant landscape became closer and closer. Close, look around, this is the real "mountain and sky". In the middle of the mountain is a clear green Xiaohu. Xiaohu is surrounded by the mountain on three sides, and on the other side is a village. There are several farmland beside the lake. Occasionally, several women and old people can be seen working in the fields.

Along the flow direction of the lake, you can see a continuous stream, which is the diversion of the lake. The sand and stone at the bottom of the stream are clearly visible. Throw a stone down and the surrounding water will ripple. The brook flows merrily, making a pleasant ding dong sound. From time to time, a ripple started up. Primary school composition - junior high school composition - senior high school composition - senior high school composition - college entrance examination composition - festival composition and various primary and secondary school students' compositions

From time to time, greetings between blind dates can be heard in the small mountain village. The host responded enthusiastically, and the harmonious atmosphere between them made people feel cordial.

Overlooking the mountains and waters from the peak, it is a fascinating scenery. Mountains surround the lake. The lake is surrounded by mountains. There are lush trees everywhere. Occasionally, there are small animals chirping and water rushing. All this is not pleasant and comfortable.

At this moment, it seems that the mountains, water, people and things in the mountains and waters are all integrated into one, and each other forms this wonderful landscape. There are so many high-rise buildings and prosperous city scenes that can't be compared with them. The hymn of nature will continue to be composed!

Landscape composition 300 words (11)

Guilin landscape composition 300 words 1

The summer vacation has come, and my dream has finally come true. The three of us have decided to travel to this famous Guilin. When I got on the plane, I was so excited. More than an hour later, the plane landed smoothly at Guilin Airport, and we started a happy journey in Guilin.

In Guilin, we visited the Seven Star Park, Elephant Trunk Mountain, Reed Flute Rock... The most unforgettable thing for me is the day when I visited the Lijiang River. It was drizzling in the sky. I heard the guide say, "It's very difficult to visit the Lijiang River in the misty rain." Along the way, the water of the Lijiang River was so clear, the mountains were so beautiful, and mountains were reflected in the water, with strange shapes, Some mountains are like camels, some are like five fingers, some are like a pen holder... On the way, we came to a mountain, and the boat stopped for a while. The guide introduced us to the name of the mountain, "Nine Horse Painting Mountain". There are nine horses in different shapes on the mountain, But only seven horses were found, and I felt really disappointed. As the boat continued to move forward, I sang and cheered happily all the way. I couldn't see enough beautiful landscapes.

"Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's scenery is the best in Guilin". Going down the river, we visited the famous Yangshuo and visited the "Xanadu Villa". Guilin's landscape and Yangshuo's scenery seem to have come to a fairyland on earth. Such beautiful landscape really makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The tour of Guilin is over, and the landscape of Guilin is like a beautiful picture scroll, which remains deeply in my memory.

Guilin landscape composition 300 words 2

"Guilin's landscape is the best in the world" is a saying that people often say. But what I heard was false, and what I saw was true. I decided to see the so-called "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world".

When you go out in the morning, "It's so refreshing!" Do not take your travel companion with you and nothing but a good mood. On the way to "Guilin landscape", birds greeted me and dewdrops exchanged eyes with me. After a long struggle, I finally came to the "Guilin Mountains and Rivers", which is really better than seeing. The scenery of "Guilin Mountains and Rivers" is better than all the scenery in the world. The towering green trees are reflected in the clear lake. There are several tourists on several solid wooden boats. Some are painting, some are reading, some are enjoying the beautiful scenery, and some are writing! The water here is so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom. Several fish swim freely in the morning water. A few cute monkeys on the trees here are jumping from branch to branch, as if they are enjoying the beautiful scenery. I am intoxicated with this fascinating scenery. I wish I could live here and sleep here.

Ah! It's really "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". I believe that you will be so enchanted when you come here.

Guilin Landscape Composition 300 Words 3

I always heard my father say, "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin. This time, I went to Guilin to really appreciate the natural scenery there.".?

In Guilin, I played Lijiang River, Elephant Trunk Mountain, Tujia Tribe and Impression Liu Sanjie successively.?

First, I took a cruise to the Lijiang River. When we arrived at the "Nine Horses Painting Mountain", the guide said, "If you can see seven horses, you can be a pair. If you can see nine horses, you can be a pair." I looked up and down, left and right, but still only saw seven. Later, I saw "Pig Bajie Carrying His Daughter in Law", "Apple Mountain", "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea"... There are many strange mountains and rocks in Guilin. No wonder there is a god elephant lured by the Lijiang River scenery. It would rather die than leave. Finally, it was killed by King Li. It didn't fall down, but it formed Elephant Trunk Hill, which is really "Elephant Paradise". There are many small elephants around it. Do you think this is the child born by the god elephant? I think so. Later, we came to the Tu tribe, where the Tu people like to run and shout. I was scared by a Tu people soon after I entered the gate?

After visiting Guilin, the ancients were really right. Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin!

Guilin landscape composition 300 words 4

As the saying goes, "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". Only when I came to Guilin this time did I really appreciate the beauty of Guilin's scenery.

The mountains in Guilin are so strange. I have climbed Huangshan Mountain and enjoyed Xiangshan Mountain, but I have never seen the mountains around Guilin. The mountains in this area are like an old man with a bamboo basket on his back, like a pen writing, like an elephant eating grass, like a tortoise climbing the mountain... There are many different shapes and forms, among which the most impressive one is the Nine Horse Painting Mountain, which has a beautiful legend that I will never forget; Once upon a time, there was a child who was very lazy and liked to add a note or two to something he didn't feel right about. One day, when he ran out to play, he saw that the mountain wall was bare and inappropriate, so he took a paintbrush to draw nine horses. Because he was very lazy, some of the nine horses drew heads, no tails, some only drew tails, no heads. Later, in order to remember this interesting story, people named it "Nine Horse Painting Mountain". In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou and Marshal Zhu came to Guilin for a visit. When they arrived at Nine Horse Painting Mountain, Zhou saw nine horses' heads and two horses' tails in three minutes, and Marshal Zhu saw seven horses in three minutes. So some people said that if anyone could see nine horses in three minutes, he would become a Marshal when he grew up. If he could see seven horses in three minutes, he would become a Marshal. I saw six horses, my cousin saw four horses, and my mother saw seven horses in three minutes and 30 seconds. We applauded.

The karst caves in Guilin are really beautiful. For example, in Reed Flute Cave, there are all kinds of peculiar stalactites, clay sculptures and water. What impressed me most was the naturally formed stalactites, from the top of the cave to the bottom of the cave, so it was named "Heavenly Beam Column". There is also a simple clay sculpture of the Great Wall, which is beautiful and lifelike from Shanhaiguan to Badaling. A small candle is put on the Shanhaiguan and Badaling towers as a beacon fire. From a distance, it looks like a person holding a torch and shouting: "Long live the People's Republic of China". In addition, "Concubine Yang takes a bath" is my favorite image in the water. On the cave roof, with the help of weak lights, the happy scene of Concubine Yang taking a bath is vaguely reflected.

The water of Lijiang River is really clear. Sitting on a ship to watch the water of the Lijiang River is amazing; She can see the bottom clearly without a trace of impurities, just like a mirror, reflecting green water and strange rocks into it. She is also like a girl in green, watching us quietly and intently. At this time, she really realizes the clean, quiet and green water of the Lijiang River.

The Lijiang River has also increased people's income. The sand and stones at the bottom of the Lijiang River are very smooth, so they can be fished up and carved into works of art. They are priceless. A very small handicraft costs 10 yuan. Lijiang, like a kind, selfless and dedicated mother, has devoted all her precious things to her children, dedicated her beautiful scenery to people, and attracted countless Chinese and foreign tourists.

Guilin, I love your beautiful scenery and your motherly dedication.

Landscape composition 300 words (12)

We first played the game of big trees and squirrels. Little reporters play big trees and squirrels respectively. When the sender said "The hunter is coming", the "big tree" would not move, but the "squirrel" would leave the tree hole and find another "big tree" to drill in; When he said "The wind is coming", "Squirrel" did not move, "Big Tree" looked for "Squirrel" again and put him in. After several rounds, almost every time, a few unlucky people could not find "squirrels" or "tree holes". Everyone's laughter has been echoing in the mountains.

We also played an interesting game called Javelin. This game is a group of five people. Grab a long "javelin" and take the S route. In the middle, you need to bypass four benches and go back and forth. Do not fall down or touch the bench in the middle. The group with the shortest time is the winner, and there are prizes. As soon as they heard about the prizes, everyone immediately became energetic and eager to try. The previous groups all used more than 15 seconds, and the longest one was more than 20 seconds. We carefully learned from their experience, and when it was our turn, we all worked together to rush, and finally achieved a great result: 14.2 seconds. Our group won the first place! Everyone cheered to get the prize: 24 color watercolor pen.

I like this kind of travel, and I prefer the games in this kind of travel.

Landscape composition 300 words (13)

I heard early that Guilin is a beautiful tourist resort. During the summer vacation, I was in the scene, which was an eye opener. It's better to see than hear!

After getting off the bus, my parents and I strolled leisurely. The scenery here is really good! Looking far into the blue sky and green grass, a feeling of relaxed and happy arises spontaneously.

The mountains in Guilin really deserve their reputation. One has its own posture: some are like galloping steeds, some are like fierce eagles, and some are like roaring lions. But these stone peaks are not comparable to the famous elephant trunk!

We came to the foot of Elephant Trunk Mountain. Ah! The first thing that caught my eye was the huge stone elephant. Look! The stone elephant raised its long nose, raised its thin and small tail, and raised its pillar like thigh, as if to meet us from afar.

Guilin's water is really the best in the world! In the limpid Lijiang River, you can also see lively and lovely fish playing!

"Guilin's landscape is the best in the world!" You are absolutely right. Guilin's landscape is really beautiful!

300 word essay on Guilin landscape 2:

"Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin." Whenever I hear this sentence, I especially want to go to Guilin to play.

Today, the opportunity came because I participated in the activities organized by my classmates' mothers. We boarded the plane with longing and hope, came to Yangshuo in Guilin, arranged everything, and the afternoon trip began!

We came to the Lijiang River, where the water is clear and the mountains and waters are beautiful. We rented three boats, and then several of our little partners scrambled to get on the boat and slowly started. The water on both sides is slowly pushed aside. Look at the surrounding mountains. Some are like thumbs, some are like camels, and some are like turtles looking up at the sky! Look! The water on both sides is crystal clear. You can see the happy fish and beautiful stones in the water. The water is so green that it looks like it has been dyed by the surrounding green trees and grass, and also like a green jade.

Sitting on the boat, a gust of wind blew, cool! The green willows on the bank are swaying gently with the wind, and my hair is also fluttering with the wind. The mountains and rivers are reflected on both sides, making me enter a fairyland like. The sound of birds singing and the fragrance of flowers set off our happy mood, making Lijiang River more vital. When we got off the boat, we played on the beach, took photos on the wooden boards of Lijiang River, and some rented the national costumes nearby to take photos. How beautiful they are with all kinds of movements!

The Lijiang River in Yangshuo, Guilin, really deserves its reputation!

300 word essay on Guilin landscape 3:

People all say, "The landscape of Guilin is as beautiful as a picture." This sentence is not exaggerated at all. When you wander along the Lijiang River and watch the mountains and rivers of Guilin, it is like walking into a continuous picture. The morning in Guilin is charming. The Lijiang River is soft and clear in the veil. The morning glow seemed unable to wait for the white gauze on the water surface to dissipate, so it poured the glow into the lake. At this time, the water was as green as jasper, and the rosy was as red as rouge.

The green water embraces the rays of the sun, and the jasper like green and rouge like red blend together, presenting an intoxicating beauty. Guilin's mountains are even more special. All kinds of strange peaks and rocks have various postures at noon, some of which are like golden snakes dancing wildly; Some are like horses in the air; Some are like a twisted fairy; Some are like swords that pierce the sky. Qifeng cliffs are all outstanding in nature.

On the steep and dangerous cliff, stubborn green pines are dancing in the breeze through the milky fog, as if they are showing off their charming and charming charm. The shore is broken and the wall is cut. It seems that someone has cut off half of it with a giant axe. The steep upright clouds swim on its face, and the goshawks hover around its waist. Looking down, the river looks different. The landscape of Guilin is as beautiful as a picture. No wonder many people say, "The landscape of Guilin is the best in the world."

300 word essay on Guilin landscape 4:

The water of Lijiang River in Guilin is very clear. You can see the blue and brown stones under the water. The water reflects the high mountains and green trees on both sides of the river in the water. When you take a boat to visit the Lijiang River, it's like walking on the top of the mountain. It's very beautiful.

The mountains in Guilin are even more special, with strange peaks and rocks in various shapes. There is a cave in the mountain called Reed Flute Cave. As soon as I walked in, I saw strange rocks in different styles hanging upside down on the top of the cave. Look up. Some are like mushrooms, some are like lions, some are like turtles, and some are like kind old people. Walking along the wet stone steps to the cave, the rocks on both sides are like murals hanging on both sides, lifelike. The scenery in the cave is more beautiful. A stream of clear spring rushes out from the crack of the stone. Wow! The sound is like a beautiful piece of music.

The spring water flows into a pool. The clear spring water is like a bright mirror, reflecting the surrounding scenery faintly in the water, just like a fairyland in a fairy tale.

There are countless beautiful sceneries in Guilin, attracting many Chinese and foreign tourists. No wonder the old friend said, "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin."

I love the beautiful Guilin.

Landscape composition 300 words (14)

Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. It is a scenic spot with beautiful mountains and waters, and also a famous cultural city with a long history. When people think of the beauty of Guilin, they often think of the tall and straight mountains, the strange rocks in caves of different shapes, and the clear Lijiang River reflected in them. Complete diary

This summer vacation, my parents took me to Guilin to play. Looking down from the plane, the fields looked like yellow and green carpets. The mountains rose from the flat, like lotus like bamboo shoots.

When I take a boat to swim in the Lijiang River, I feel the attractive charm of these mountains more closely. The first scenic spot on the Lijiang River is the carp hanging on the wall, which is really like a carp hanging on the mountain wall. Finally, we came to Yangshuo and Qianli Gallery. There are mountains like Pig Bajie. Some mountains look like little penguins from the back, like an old man with a hunchback from the side, and like a little boy from the front.

Guilin is really a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and also a famous cultural city with a long history.

Landscape composition 300 words (15)

During the summer vacation, I participated in swimming, playing the piano, traveling and other activities, and what I am most interested in is traveling.

On August 25, my mother and I traveled to Guangxi by plane. We visited Beihai, Nanning, Guilin and other places. Guilin impressed me most.

In Guilin, we took a boat trip to the Lijiang River. The water in the Lijiang River is beautiful. The water of the Lijiang River is different from that of the Beihai Sea. The water of the Beihai Sea is salty with turbulent waves, while the Lijiang River is fresh water, flowing quietly. The mountains in Guilin are also very beautiful. They have different shapes and postures, including Nine Horse Painting Mountain, Elephant Trunk Mountain, Fubo Mountain, and Diecai Mountain... My favorite is the caves in Guilin. We visited the two largest caves - Silver Rock and Reed Flute Rock. The grotesque stones in these two caves are naturally formed, called "stalactites". Some of them are like fruits, some are like vegetables, some are like animals, and some are like people.

Mother said: "Guilin is really a good place to travel because of its green mountains, beautiful water, strange caves and beautiful rocks.".

Part II:

This time, I came to Guilin, where the sky is more lovely than elsewhere. The air is so fresh and the sky is so clear that I always want to sing a song to express my happiness. The color of the forest is so lovely, just like the Chinese paintings that are only rendered in green and not sketched by ink lines. The green color is flowing everywhere and gently flows into the clouds. In this realm, even if people are amazed and comfortable, they are willing to stand and look around for a long time, but also want to sit down and chant a beautiful poem. Looking at me, I thought of a poem:

Visit Guilin

I'm glad to come to Guilin today.

Looking up at the green mountains, I am in the right mind.

Light smoke and green willows set off each other.

Hear songs and send laughter.

Part III:

Do you use RMB every day? Have you noticed the scenic spots on the back? Today, I will take you to enjoy the scenery of Guilin behind 20 yuan!

People say that "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". After my careful observation, it is really beautiful. The nearby mountains are towering into the clouds, and the mountains are covered with towering trees; The foot of the mountain is covered with strange flowers and plants, and butterflies are flying in the flowers; At the foot of the mountain and on the bank of the river is the phoenix tail bamboo with outstanding style.

In the distance is the rolling high mountain, one moment into the sky, another into the water. In the river, an old man in coir raincoat was rowing a small boat to fish on the rippling river. When the boat rowed past, ripples rose in the water.

Guilin has no beautiful scenery like Emei, no secluded green city, no dangerous Huashan Mountain, no magnificent Taishan Mountain, and no strange Huangshan Mountain. But on the coins, the green mountains and waters of Guilin are active in people's eyes, set off in people's minds, and immersive.

Ah! So many secrets in RMB!

Landscape composition 300 words (16)

Composition 1 of Guilin Landscape

Do you use RMB every day? Have you noticed the scenic spots on the back? Today, I will take you to enjoy the scenery of Guilin behind 20 yuan!

People say that "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". After my careful observation, it is really beautiful. The nearby mountains are towering into the clouds, and the mountains are covered with towering trees; The foot of the mountain is covered with strange flowers and plants, and butterflies are flying in the flowers; At the foot of the mountain and on the bank of the river is the phoenix tail bamboo with outstanding style.

In the distance is the rolling high mountain, one moment into the sky, another into the water. In the river, an old man in coir raincoat was rowing a small boat to fish on the rippling river. When the boat rowed past, ripples rose in the water.

Guilin has no beautiful scenery like Emei, no secluded green city, no dangerous Huashan Mountain, no magnificent Taishan Mountain, and no strange Huangshan Mountain. But on the coins, the green mountains and waters of Guilin are active in people's eyes, set off in people's minds, and immersive.

Ah! So many secrets in RMB!

Composition of Guilin Landscape 2

People say that Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, which means the best in the world. I'm going to take a wooden boat to the Lijiang River to see what the water is like. Ah! Sitting on a wooden boat and looking at the Lijiang River, I couldn't help but exclaim that it is really quiet here. I have already set out before I can reach it; The water of the Lijiang River is so clear, you can see the strange shape of the sand and stone. The water of the Lijiang River is so green that it seems to emit a shining green light. Then I realized that the ship is moving forward and the bank is moving backward.

I have climbed many mountains, including all kinds of strange mountains, but I have never seen the mountains around Guilin. The mountains in Guilin are really strange. They are not connected one by one. They are like everything. The mountains in Guilin are really beautiful, like a green sea of flowers. The mountains in Guilin are really dangerous, as if they will fall down if you are not careful. After visiting such a beautiful Guilin geomantic omen, I can't say a thousand words, but I can always say these words clearly: "Guilin, you are so beautiful, so I love you!"

Composition of Guilin Landscape 3

This Spring Festival, my parents and I came to Guilin for the Spring Festival.

In Guilin, we visited the famous Lijiang River. The next morning when we arrived in Guilin, we took a bus to Yangshuo. At the dock, we took a boat to swim the Lijiang River.

Looking down from the deck of the ship, the water of Lijiang River is really green! There are waves in the water from time to time. After the waves, the pebbles on the bottom are clear and visible. Small fish swim around. I really want to reach down and touch them. It has just rained. Looking up, the mountains on both sides are really beautiful! Plumes of smoke surrounded the mountain peak. Some peaks are like sheep's horns; Some peaks are like five fingers; Another mountain is like a big brush. The strangest and most beautiful one is the Nine Horse Painting Mountain, which is composed of nine big horses with different postures. It's amazing!

Before I knew it, the boat arrived at the shore, and I looked back at the mountains and water in Guilin. It seemed that I really understood the meaning of the sentence "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world". Guilin! You are so beautiful. I will definitely come to see you again.

Composition of Guilin Landscape 4

As the saying goes, "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world.". One day of Golden Week, my parents took me to Guilin for a visit.

We took the bamboo raft to play on the river, as if walking into a continuous picture, which is really "boat walking on the blue waves, people swimming in the picture". There are green bamboo forests on both sides of the Lijiang River. The mountains here are very dangerous, like growing out of flat land, rising from the ground. The high mountains are rolling in different shapes, which is very interesting. Some are like a rabbit, some are like a camel, and some are like an old man, like a giant elephant. The water here is very green, green like a large piece of emerald. The water here is so clear that you can see the sand and stone under the water. There are often several colorful fish in the water. They swim in groups and leap out of the water from time to time, as if they are performing for us. It's very interesting!

How beautiful Guilin's landscape is! I wish I could come here again!

Composition of Guilin Landscape 5

People often say, "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world." Today, we are riding a wooden boat on the Lijiang River to enjoy Guilin's landscape.

The water of Lijiang River is so quiet! It's so quiet that you can't feel it flowing; The water of Lijiang River is so clear! Clear enough to see the sand and stones at the bottom of the river; The water of Lijiang River is really green! It is as green as a flawless emerald.

The mountains in Guilin are so strange! One after another rises up, unconnected, like an old man, like a colossus, like a camel, with thousands of strange peaks; The mountains in Guilin are really beautiful! Like a green barrier, like a newborn bamboo shoot, colorful, reflecting the water; The mountains in Guilin are really dangerous! The dangerous peaks stand erect and the rocks are jagged. It seems that if you are not careful, you will fall down.

It's really "boat walking on the blue waves, people swimming in the painting."

Composition of Guilin Landscape 6

As the saying goes, "Guilin's landscape is the best in the world." We came to Guilin, a beautiful country of landscape, to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Guilin.

We came to the Lijiang River in Yangshuo and saw many bamboo rafts floating on the Lijiang River. We went down the river on a bamboo raft. How clear the water is in Guilin! Clear enough to see yourself in the water; How green the water in Guilin is! It is as green as a flawless emerald; The water in Guilin is so cool! Gently touch the water with your feet, and a refreshing chill flows through your body. The master introduced the beautiful scenery of the Lijiang River while he rowed for us. Look, that is the Nine Horse Painting Mountain. As the name suggests, nine horses constitute a mountain landscape. There are also mountains with different shapes, such as pig carrying his wife, frog looking at the river, tortoise climbing the mountain... The most famous scenery is the opposite of 20 yuan. After reading it, I can't stop thinking of the sentence "Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin."

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Originally, we came to Longji Terrace. It's so interesting to enjoy the beautiful and pleasant scenery of terraces, which are like stairs row by row! At first, the weather was foggy, and only a few villages of the Red Yao nationality could be seen vaguely, and the outline of terraces could also be seen vaguely. At noon, when the sun passed through the clouds, golden terraces appeared in front of me. I couldn't help admiring, "The crystallization of the wisdom of the Hongyao people! It's really hard for me to leave if I can cultivate such beautiful terraces.

Elephant Trunk Mountain stands between Lijiang River and Taohua River. We went up from the tail of the elephant to the head of the elephant. Standing on the observation platform, we could see the whole picture of Guilin. From a distance, Elephant Trunk Hill looks like a huge elephant dragging its long nose down to the water and playing in the water. In front of Elephant Trunk Mountain, I was a fisherman once, sitting on a bamboo raft and controlling the osprey.

With the footsteps of our textbooks, we visited the Elephant Trunk Mountain in Guilin and the former residence of Liu Sanjie, which rippled in the mountains and waters of Yangshuo. It felt like "boat walking on the blue waves, people traveling in the painting".

Landscape composition 300 words (17)

The so-called mountain beauty, water beauty. The mountains in my hometown are towering and towering up to the sky. The flowing water is crystal clear. The fish jump out of the water and into the water happily, splashing spray like crystal. It is fascinating to see that the ripples on the water gradually fade away??

Listen carefully, listen to the whispering birds talking about the peaceful scene, and listen to the ding dong drops falling into the stream. The crisp and pleasant voice makes people extremely intoxicated. Listen to the mountain telling its extraordinary life with a strong voice, and listen to the flowing water running with a joyful sound. It is it that nurtures life, and it nourishes life; Listen again! The beautiful and loud voice echoed in the mountains. It was her, it was her. Look, look! She stood on the stone on the bank of the stream, singing a beautiful song, mountain, accompanied by its strong voice, water, played with a clear ding dong sound. The morning sun is getting stronger and stronger, reflecting colorful light from the stream, and the lotus in the stream is so bright. "One side of water and soil nurtures one side of people" The beautiful scenery against the scorching sun is like a landscape painting with water and sky connected.

The landscape at night is even more beautiful. The bright moonlight is as soft as silver gauze. The faint moonlight sets off the lotus. What a moonlight scene of the lotus pond! The water drop on the lotus leaf was illuminated by the moonlight, like a silver bead falling on a jade plate. The water calmed down, and cicadas were singing in bursts. Under the moonlight, the mountain is rugged, but it is so beautiful, so beautiful. The night is quiet, but the landscape is charming and intoxicating. A drop of water accidentally fell from the lotus leaf, and it was the clear and pleasant sound. This night, it was really different!