Write a composition on June 1st (20 compilations)
Like a besieged city
2024-06-01 01:04:25

Write a composition on June 1 (1)

Today is Children's Day on June 1. I got up early in the morning. Because the school is going to hold an activity today, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep the night before. My heart had already flown to the school scene. So as soon as I had breakfast, I came to school early, hoping that the activity would start early.

In the first class, the teacher gave us a form with activity content, class and reward grid. After we got the watch and listened to the teacher's instructions, we got up and rushed to the door. When I came to the door, I found my good friend Fang Qingling and went to the event with her. We first came to Class 4, Grade 1 to play the game of clip basketball jump. We came to the gate of Class 1 (4) to see, ah, there are so many people, all crowded to the flower bed! We had no choice but to get behind the line. We talked in line and finally it was our turn. The two of us played together. After I gave my watch to the teacher, I picked up the basketball and clamped it between my legs. I was afraid of the ball falling, so I squatted down with my feet together and helped with my feet. I squatted and jumped forward like a rabbit in my heart when I jumped, but I was not worried. I passed the test smoothly, but it was very ugly, The teacher smiled and said, "How can you lay eggs like an old hen when you jump?" The students laughed and I stuck out my tongue in embarrassment.

Later, we also played the maze, throwing chopsticks, and other games, and had a good time. When receiving the prize, the team was connected from the canteen to the playground. It looked like a dragon from afar! We had a hard time getting 5 sweets. Don't mention how happy we are! How happy this June Day is!

Write a composition on June 1 (2)

June 1st is our children's festival. This year, this day is different from the past. We are doing activities with first grade children. I made a pair with a beautiful and lovely child.

The activity began. The first program was to play drums and spread flowers. As the teacher beat the drum, the students quickly passed a bunch of small red flowers one by one. The little flower passed quickly in the hands of the students, and it became a beautiful red line. The safflower seemed to be a fire, and no one wanted it to stay here for a while, even for a second. Many students simply clap with their hands instead of picking them up. Suddenly the drum stopped, and the safflower fell into my hands mercilessly. Everyone looked at me and laughed. I generously pulled the paired child to the middle and performed a program. Everyone clapped their hands for us while watching. When our performance ended, everyone applauded warmly for us. Then, the game continued.

Then, we carried out the activity of reading pictures and telling stories. Each picture has two characters. Each of the two pairs is required to play a role and act out the story according to the meaning of the picture. This time, I read the picture and told the story of Strangers with the first grade child, and performed the content. In the story, the first grade student acted as a child at home, and I acted as a stranger. I went to the family's house and knocked at the door. He asked me through the door who I was and what happened... Later, he knew that I was a stranger, and not only refused to let me in, but also said that he would call 110 to call the police. I slipped away immediately. When we finished performing this vivid and interesting story, there was a burst of thunderous applause from the audience. Both my partner and I laughed happily.

Next, we will perform the rotating hula hoop together. The student paired with me is a master of hula hoop spinning! Therefore, when rotating the hula hoop, we placed it best.

Ha ha, how happy it is on Children's Day. We spent the day happily.

Write a composition on June 1 (3)

The festival for our children, June 1, has finally come. We will definitely make a plan for the day of June 1, but you never expected that you would meet so many students. I was surprised that something like this happened to me on the day of June 1. Let's experience it.

On the day of June 1st, when I had enough fun with my mother, I met Liang Yuchen and his group, two girls and four boys, on the way back. We met unexpectedly. When I went up, Chen Qi's clothes and skirts were all made by my mother. She gave them to Liang Yuchen, who lent them to Chen Qi that day. My mother looked at them and pointed to Chen Qi's clothes and said, "This dress is mine. I just sent another one to another child." I immediately said, "Is that fat girl you? "All of them were laughing, making them nod. Because before my mother and I went out, we just gave a little chubby sister a dress identical to this one. So coincidentally, Chen Qi wore this dress today. My mother and I were certainly surprised.

Say goodbye to them. My mother and I are still talking about them on the way. We made an appointment with Dad to meet at the mall downstairs. I looked around in the mall to see if there was any food I liked. Suddenly, someone patted me on the shoulder, and I turned around with vigilance. It was Lin Xiaojie. When we paid the bill, Lin Xiaojie just finished it.

This June 1st Festival is really destined for the students. When we have a few more years, we will be innocent. Children's Day will be far away from us, cherish the present, do not dream of the future. We can't waste the wonderful time in our childhood now! I hope everyone will be more happy in the future!

Write a composition on June 1 (4)

We are the flowers of our motherland. On Children's Day, it is the "Blooming Day" of our children. This year's Children's Day, our school held a large-scale activity to celebrate the achievements of reading on June 1, which has become a big stage for all children in our school to show their talents.

In the midsummer of June, the sun was blazing, but we were still very happy. Although the weather was particularly hot, the Zhongshan Theater with a happy atmosphere was full of good performances and continuous applause. Although there were not enough seats, we had to squeeze three people into two seats, and felt uncomfortable; Even drinks are banned. But those wonderful programs let us throw those uncomfortable and thirsty away.

There are many forms of programs on the stage, including Allegro, textbook play, dance and songs, among which the most eye-catching is the textbook play performed by the No. 62 Squadron - "Perfect Return to Zhao"!

Not to mention their acting skills, the lineup alone is quite surprising. The number of participants was 15, and the props were also very refined. At the beginning, the "little eunuch" raised our interest with his loud voice. Although the king of Zhao in the play did not have the atmosphere that the performance should have, the protagonists, Xiangru and the king of Qin, used their excellent performances to cover up the shortcomings of the king of Zhao's performance. Finally, Yu Shibi safely returned to the State of Zhao. The "little eunuch" waved a colorful stick and loudly "retired", which brought a perfect end to the textbook drama.

Time flows like water, as if in the blink of an eye. The wonderful performance of the celebration of June 1 is over, but what about me? Still intoxicated with it.

Write a composition on June 1 (5)

I believe that in the eyes of children, the happiest time is June 1, except for the Spring Festival. This year's Children's Day is coming again, and our children can play happily again.

This morning, I got up early. I put on my beautiful clothes and went shopping with my mother. Looking at the delicious food, I really want to buy it. Although it is June 1st today, my mother only allows me to buy 10 yuan snacks, and I will decide what I want to buy. Then, we played badminton on the playground. Because of my poor skills, my mother was almost left to pick up the ball. After a while, my father was ready to avenge my mother, but the number of times we picked up the ball was equal to the number of times we played, which made my parents the losers.

At noon, we went fishing by the river again. I just watched my father and mother fishing for sure. I also wanted to fish once. My father and mother could not resist my pleading, so they had to let me fish once. You must think I can't catch it, then you can guess wrong. I really caught one, but it's only five centimeters long and it's still a dead fish. My parents lost in badminton, but they got it back from it. We also brought a pot to eat fish on the spot. Hey, this fish tastes really good.

In the afternoon, my parents accompanied me to the park to play and slide; Swivel chair; Let me play on the swing. In the evening, we played hide and seek again, with eyes closed and lanterns on.

What a happy day!

Write a composition on June 1 (6)

"June Day is coming, June Day is coming." Eh, who is cheering! Oh, it was the small animals in the forest who were cheering the arrival of the June 1st Festival, and the forest suddenly became lively. More and more guests come from the city. Fresh air makes people relaxed and happy. "The celebration party of June 1 is now trying to start," said Miss Grey Rabbit ceremoniously. As soon as Miss Grey Rabbit's voice fell, there was warm applause from the audience.

"Wow, how can today's celebration party of June 1 attract so many guests?" said the general manager, Black Bear involuntarily. Mrs. Squirrel and her husband, dressed in bright and eye-catching dresses, hurried to celebrate the festival for their children. Small animals in the forest prepared their own programs, and they showed their programs one by one.

The little squirrel performed the guitar, the little black bear performed the most famous Taijiquan, and the lovely white rabbit performed the dance. Her dancing beauty attracted many audiences and gave warm and loud applause. The celebration party of June 1st is really lively. The magician has turned into a beautiful house, so that the animals in the forest have their own beautiful and comfortable families.

Write a composition on June 1 (7)

Today is Children's Day. I have heard that the Olympic cloud torch relay in Yichang on the day of June 1. My parents will take me to see the torch relay.

Early in the morning, we set out to Yiling Square. When we arrived at Yiling Square, it was already crowded with people. Because I saw that many people bought two flags - the Chinese flag and the Olympic five ring Fuwa flag, I also bought two flags. At 8 a.m., the Olympic torch relay ceremony officially began. Let's watch from the big screen on the square first. Everyone is very excited. Finally, the torch passed to our station. We kept waving flags and cheering: "Go China!" "Go Olympics!" "Go Beijing!" "Go Sichuan!". I am also very lucky because I saw the moment when the torch was handed over. The torch then passed forward, but we were still cheering and unwilling to leave for a long time.

Back home, we watched the live broadcast of the torch relay.

My mother said, "I'm very lucky to see the Olympic torch relay with my own eyes." I'm so happy today! I think today's Children's Day is very meaningful. I will apply the Olympic spirit to my study.

Write a composition on June 1 (8)

We are the flowers of our motherland. On Children's Day, it is the "Blooming Day" of our children. This year's Children's Day, our school held a large-scale activity to celebrate the achievements of reading on June 1, which has become a big stage for all children in our school to show their talents.

In the midsummer of June, the sun was blazing, but we were still very happy. Although the weather was particularly hot, the Zhongshan Theater with a happy atmosphere was full of good performances and continuous applause. Although there were not enough seats, we had to squeeze three people into two seats, and felt uncomfortable; Even drinks are banned. But those wonderful programs let us throw those uncomfortable and thirsty away.

There are many forms of programs on the stage, including Allegro, textbook play, dance and songs, among which the most eye-catching is the textbook play performed by the No. 62 Squadron - "Perfect Return to Zhao"!

Not to mention their acting skills, the lineup alone is quite surprising. The number of participants was 15, and the props were also very refined. At the beginning, the "little eunuch" raised our interest with his loud voice. Although the king of Zhao in the play did not have the atmosphere that the performance should have, the protagonists, Xiangru and the king of Qin, used their excellent performances to cover up the shortcomings of the king of Zhao's performance. Finally, Yu Shibi safely returned to the State of Zhao. The "little eunuch" waved a colorful stick and loudly "retired", which brought a perfect end to the textbook drama.

Time flows like water, as if in the blink of an eye. The wonderful performance of the celebration of June 1 is over, but what about me? Still intoxicated with it.

Write a composition on June 1 (9)

I participated in the activities of the June 1st Festival held by the school, and the atmosphere was very warm at that time. Each person has a table with the name of the activity written on it and a five pointed star painted on the back. The first activity is the flea market, which is barter. What we didn't exchange, I picked up a small boat model and exchanged a copy of "100000 Why's". Because everyone participated, a five pointed star was drawn in the first line of the form.

After that, my mother and I did the project together. My mother didn't come. The game I played with Zhou Changlong's mother was that five people stood on the track and ran with basketball to see who ran fast. Zhou Changlong won the first place, and I was the last but I was happy.

We played "Blind Man Walking" again. When we were blind alone, my mother held the "blind man" and walked forward. There were many obstacles on the road: hills made of cushions, very low stairs. See who can walk fast. In the first round, I will be a "blind man" and Zhou Changlong will help me. In the second round, he will be a "blind man" and I will help him.

Help others and be happy.

After the event, we were still immersed in the joy, which was really an unforgettable June Day.

Write a composition on June 1 (10)

June 1 Children's Day, also known as "June 1 International Children's Day", is held on June 1 every year and is a festival for children all over the world.

In June 1942, German fascists shot and killed more than 140 male citizens over 16 years old and all infants in the village of Lidice, Czech Republic, and took women and 90 children to the concentration camp. The houses and buildings in the village were burned down, and a good village was thus destroyed by German fascism.

In order to mourn Lidice Village and all the children killed in the fascist war of aggression around the world, in November 1949, the International Federation of Women for Democracy held a council meeting in Moscow, and representatives of China and other countries angrily exposed the crimes of imperialists and reactionaries of various countries in killing and poisoning children. In order to protect the right to life, health care and education of children all over the world, and to improve the lives of children, the meeting decided to take June 1 every year as International Children's Day.

Before that, many countries in the world had Children's Day. In 1925, the International Association for the Promotion of Children's Happiness proposed the establishment of Children's Day. The United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and other countries responded positively and established their own Children's Day. The United Kingdom stipulated July 14 as Children's Day every year, and the United States stipulated May 1 as Children's Day. Japan's Children's Day is very special, divided into men's and women's children's days, men's day on May 5, women's day on March 3. In 1931, China also stipulated April 4 as the Chinese Children's Day.

Since June 1 was established as International Children's Day in 1949, countries all over the world have abolished the original Children's Day and unified it as "June 1 International Children's Day". In December 1949, the central government announced that the original "April 4th Children's Day" would be replaced by "June 1st International Children's Day", and that children would have a seven day holiday.

At present, many countries in the world regard June 1 as a children's festival, especially in socialist countries. In Europe and the United States, the date of Children's Day is different, and public celebrations are seldom held.

Write a composition on June 1 (11)

In this day that makes all children cheer, in this day that belongs to children, June 1. We ushered in a different kind of June 1, which is the most solemn and our last June 1.

Looking at the alarm clock on the wall, the time passed by minute by minute. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up again. We can't wait to spend one lesson after another in anticipation. We fantasize, fantasize about what will the last June 1 be like?

Finally, we arrived at the exciting moment. We came to the Liuyi Building. First of all, we should post our youth message on the growth tree. With our vision and hope for the future, we step by step towards this sacred growth tree, and solemnly paste the envelope. Nobody knows that this letter is full of our expectations, our message to the future, which may be one of the most valuable things in the world!

Entering the Liuyi Building, we formally started the withdrawal ceremony. Under the solemn oath, we raised our right hand and looked solemn. We saluted the standard team ceremony and sang the loud team song, which resounded throughout the campus. The moment I took off the red scarf, I should not relax. The withdrawal from the Young Pioneers marked that I had a new identity. I should work hard to join the League. Touching the bright red scarf and looking at the towering Young Pioneers' team flag, we can't help but feel excited. It is the revolutionary martyrs who dyed red with blood. We are carrying the mission of making contributions to the country. How reluctant, how unwilling to take off the red scarf, but the short departure is for a better start.

The face-to-face relay on the playground made us more united, and the small gifts given by the school also made our hearts sweeter.

This 61, this other 61, this unique 61, this last 61.

Write a composition on June 1 (12)

The Children's Day every year is the happiest day of the year for me, because I can spend it with my mother every year, as well as children from other aunts in my mother's unit. We are all children. We will know each other soon and have fun!

The mother unit of Children's Day always organizes children to have activities together. Since I was two years old, I have never stopped. I remember activities such as going to the wildlife park, climbing in Sheshan, picking loquats in Suzhou, and going to the small town on Saturday. Every year at this time of year, there are more than 60 children playing together, laying blankets for a picnic, catching small fish, skiing grass, digging potatoes. Wow, what fun! When I was young, I followed the older children around and looked at this and that. Everything was so fresh and interesting. Now I'm the leading role. I won the first place in the stool contest. I'm not willing to lag behind in ceramic art. I bravely rushed forward in grass skiing. Everywhere we went, there was a lot of laughter and laughter. Ah! Beautiful Children's Day! Beautiful my childhood!

Write a composition on June 1 (13)

In terms of these various' festivals', the most popular one for our children except for the Spring Festival is probably Children's Day.

I like to join in the fun, eat delicious food and have fun. I also like many people to talk and laugh together, and I will feel very happy.

Children's Day is a festival for children and pupils.

As a new student, I was excited to finally have the opportunity to participate in this Children's Day performance.

Of course, I will show my own expertise. I have loved singing and dancing since I was young, and I have also learned the zither for a while. But when it comes to these musical instruments, in fact, my favorite is the jade flute, because it is crisp and pure, feels free from fine dust, and gives people a particularly comfortable feeling.

After intense selection and rehearsal in the class, we finally played a sketch of Song Dandan and Zhao Benshan, as well as a chorus of maternal love songs. Although the styles of the two are different, the front performance is humorous and funny, which turns the whole audience into laughter, and the back one is warm and affectionate, which makes people cry, but the effect is very good, which also won many praises and honors for our class.

The activities of June 1 are very lively and interesting, and the programs are also very exciting.

Write a composition on June 1 (14)

Today is "Children's Day", my father took me to skating rink.

The skating rink is so busy. People are shuttling on the rink and skating freely: some are like light swallows; Some are like dancers, changing various beautiful postures; A beginner grasped the handle and moved his steps carefully for fear of falling; Those who just can walk away from the handle are like penguins, moving forward with difficulty.

When I looked at the viewer, I was itching. I couldn't wait to put on my skates. As soon as I lifted my leg, I felt that the shoes were too heavy. My feet didn't listen to me at all, so I had to let my father help me in.

I carefully grabbed the handle and clumsily did the "low leg lift" action. I just walked a circle and became impatient. I just wanted to show my skills. But as soon as I let go of the handle, my feet couldn't help sliding forward. I didn't understand what was going on. I leaned back and fell on all fours. "Ouch, it really hurts!" I said softly, shaking my wrist, holding the railing, struggling to get up and rubbing my buttocks vigorously. "What's good about skating? In the end, it's not wrestling. I won't play!" I shouted angrily to my father, who calmly said to me: "You should be persistent and patient in doing things. You can't give up halfway. What's wrong with skating and wrestling? It's a common practice. Where do you fall and where do you get up? You should know 'Failure is the mother of success'." After listening to my father, My heart is full of confidence and hope. With the fall again and again, I tenaciously got up. "One, two, three, four..." I would count every time I could walk. Finally, my steps relaxed and I could glide freely. I skated happily, leaving all my complaints behind.

On the way home, I felt the flowers nodding to me and the birds singing to me, as if they were congratulating me on my success. I am glad to feel that this year's "61" is a happy, full and memorable "61".

Write a composition on June 1 (15)

The June 1st Festival is coming soon. In order to celebrate this happy festival, our school held the June 1st Literature and Art Festival.

As soon as I entered the school in the morning, I saw my brothers and sisters in beautiful clothes, beating gongs and drums, playing flutes, and waving flowers to welcome us. The children talked and laughed, and everyone's face was beaming. At this time, the campus has become a sea of joy.

The art show has begun. I like the martial arts performance "Chinese Dragon" best. They wear uniform clothes, do neat movements, and are all energetic. They shout slogans while punching, which is so powerful. Unexpectedly, they still kick the board with one foot and split it in two. Suddenly, there was warm applause from the audience, and I thought in my heart that I would also learn martial arts in the future, how powerful and handsome.

The happy time is always so short. After the performance, I left the school with a reluctant mood.

Write a composition on June 1 (16)

Every day the school is quiet, but today's school is very busy. The air is filled with a happy atmosphere. The students are very happy when you speak to me. What is this for? This is to celebrate the June 1 Children's Day of 20xx in our school.

In the morning, the students walked into the campus one after another. Soon, the playground was full of people.

At eight o'clock, the program started on time. "Gathering together" is carried out in beautiful music; A group of "little mice" and an "old cat" fight wits and courage in Cat and Mouse Night; The Story of Fisherman and Goldfish tells us that we cannot be greedy; "Sunshine on the Sea and the Sky" sings the beautiful scenery of sunshine

In this way, a wonderful performance ended in the audience's endless applause.

Write a composition on June 1 (17)

"61" Children's Day arrived, I jumped up happily. But it began to rain heavily, and I thought: God is really powerless. Since it rained heavily on June 1, I can't go out to play.

Grandma saw my sad face and said, "Let's go to Clothing World to play!" I shouted, as if I had been pardoned, "Long live Grandma!" When we got to Clothing World, Grandma and I went up the stairs. I was surprised when I saw it. It was a birthday cake 4 to 5 meters long and 1 meter wide! I have never seen such a big cake since I was a child. It says: Clothing World Clothing Wholesale City. I asked the waiter: "Can I eat this cake?" She replied: "At 10:30 this morning." I was very happy.

Later, we played in the playground for a while. It's time to eat cake. Everyone around the cake looks surprised and happy. The waiters came to cut the cake with red scarves. Everyone lined up in order and took the cake one by one. Grandma and I waited until the cake was made and went to the back to eat it.

As I ate, I thought: This is the first time for such a happy "61"! It's really lucky.

Write a composition on June 1 (18)

Sister Spring is going away, while Sister Xia is walking slowly. Look, she also brought gifts, wow! Today is Children's Day.

In our school, a garden activity is held every June 1, and this year is no exception. Of course, our children are the happiest. We blow balloons, hang balloons, and decorate the classroom in colorful ways to meet Sister Xia and June 1.

Just after the afternoon nap, everyone sat in their seats eagerly, 46 pairs of eyes close to Miss Gao. After the senior teacher finished his notes and handed out the game cards, we flew out of the classroom cheering. Look at the game card, everyone is blind. So many games, which one to play first? After some discussion, we decided to play shooting first.

The rules of the game are as follows: Put a plastic bucket as a basket in the classroom. Basketball is a fist sized ball. One shot, one point, three chances. I'm just lucky. I only throw one ball. Later, we also played catch piglets, which made us shine, flying shoes, and worked together. The most interesting thing is to stick your nose in. I should know all the rules of nose poking, so I won't talk about them.

I put on the eye mask, stretched my hands forward, and groped forward little by little. After walking for a while, I felt my hands finally touch the blackboard. I silently estimated in my heart and forwarded it. When I hesitated to take off the blindfold, my nose stuck to my cheek! Everyone laughed so much that they could not stop.

Thank you, Mr. Xia, for June 1, and for the garden tour. Summer girls brought 61, 61 brought garden activities, not only brought candy, gifts, but also brought happiness

Write a composition on June 1 (19)

In the morning, we went to the playground to watch the wonderful Children's Day performances, including wheelbarrow, roller skating, dance, and interesting model airplane performances! One of my favorite is the unicycle show. There were seven or eight students performing on the stage. Each of them rode a wheel around the track, one after the other. The whole team turned into an ellipse, a square and a rectangle. It was really handsome. One minute on the stage and ten years off the stage, I really admire them!

Free activities in the afternoon will be more interesting. The teacher first gave us each a piece of paper on which we could play games in each class. As soon as the students got the note, they happily called their good friends to visit each class. Some play with blowing candles, some play with magic cube, and some play with glass balls. In twos and threes, everyone ran to the east and west. When they met on the road, they still wanted to show off their trophies excitedly. The whole campus is like going to a fair, full of music and laughter, and everyone's heart is happy.

Unconsciously, the happy Children's Day passed quickly. But I haven't seen enough performances and played enough games. I really want to celebrate Children's Day every day!

Write a composition on June 1 (20)

June 1 is childhood, the precious happiness and rare freedom.

When we were young, we lay on the grass and looked at the blue sky; Sitting on the rocking chair and watching the birds... It's so wonderful to recall how wonderful it is. However, the beauty and happiness that was close at hand at the beginning seemed far away to me now. Facing parents, we always learn; In the face of teachers, it is always a result; Face classmates; Always the sad faces; Face myself: I don't know how to choose. I sat in a daze at the window, imagining the boring junior high school life. At that time, I could only carry a pencil several times larger than mine and climb on my homework book with difficulty. Faced with great difficulties, I was in a dilemma. Of course, I can't and can't choose to escape, but I don't have the courage and confidence to stride into this bottomless abyss, thinking that there is no visible exit from this bottomless abyss. Now I can only choose to sit and sigh. Loneliness and helplessness hit me one by one. In the face of difficulties, I cried out: "Who will help me, who will save me!" "Alas! It's really painful to be a student!" I had to sigh again.

Now that I'm grown up, I can't go back to the freedom of the past; Now I am mature. I can't go to the grass and see the blue sky with my classmates as before. When I grow up, my schoolbag on my back becomes heavy, and the responsibility on my shoulder also increases day by day. I'm tired, but I can't shout it out. I'm in pain, but I can't say it out. Ah! In the face of full pain, I can only tell myself, and in the face of full anger, I can only vent to myself. In the eyes of parents, our task is only to learn. In their view, only learning can bring us fun. However, we don't think so. Because you have brought us more and more learning tasks, I began to get tired of it, and sometimes even considered the necessity of learning. Do you think it helps me or harms me.

As parents, do you really know us? Do you really know what we need? I don't think you know that if you knew that, you would not deprive us of the right to enjoy happiness, and we would not wash our faces with tears all day long. What we need is a golden childhood, not a dull world; We should grow up like small trees and be protected by sunshine and rain. However, even this small wish can't satisfy me. You may even think that we are crazy. You should know that a child is a life, a life that needs to be cared for, not a learning machine. You are pressed into books all day long. We should know that we need to care for our young and fragile hearts, not destroy and hit them!

I would advise parents all over the world not only to say verbally to your children, but to really "reduce their burden", not to throw books and practice questions into their already heavy and bulging schoolbags...... We need not only achievements, but also happiness and childlike fun. Of course, we also need a parent who can understand and sympathize with us, and who doesn't talk about the results all day long. In fact, we are so tired! We should use the only free time to be happy. Even so, we can't get real happiness.

Parents all over the world, when will you hear the voice of our hundreds of millions of children, when will you return us a real blue sky, happy childhood!!!