Grade 5 Composition Chicken (10 practical articles)
Love is thin on paper
2024-06-19 08:11:37
fifth grade

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (1)

One day, my father came back from work, walked into my room and said to me, "Xuanxuan, guess what's behind me?"

I thought to myself, "What is it? Candy? No, if it is candy, why is it so mysterious..." I was thinking. Suddenly, I heard "haw", "haw". Oh, it's two chickens.

The chicks are cute, one is yellow, the other is gray. It's hairy. It feels comfortable! Eyes are shining, and my legs are thin. Dad said they had just been born one day. I gave the chicken a name. The yellow chicken is called Rourou, because it is the fattest and feels very comfortable. The little gray chicken is called Bangbang, because it is too thin, like a small stick.

The two chicks are very friendly, and they are happy together every day. When feeding them, Rourou always gives the little to Bangbang. I remember one time when I took Rourou to my small room to play, and Bangbang shouted desperately, "Haw!" and "Haw!" as if to say, "Give Rourou back to me! Give Rourou back to me!" I had to put Rourou back beside Bangbang. Bangbang stopped crying when she saw Rourou coming back to her side. The two chickens are happy together. How happy they are!

One day, when the wall painter came to our building to paint the wall, the chickens cried desperately. I thought they were playing, so I ignored them. When I went out to play with my mother in the evening, I found the chickens were gone! I was so worried that I hurried downstairs to find it. Later, I only found Rourou squatting at the door of the house and trembling, but I couldn't find Bangbang.

The next day, I got up very early and took Rourou to find Bangbang. I wanted to find Bangbang with Rourou's voice. I'll put Rourou on the ground and see if it can be found by itself. I don't know why, Rourou suddenly became more and I was very good. It followed me when I went there, as if it had lost a best friend and could not lose my good friend again. We searched and searched, but we couldn't find it in the whole community. We returned home and put Rourou back in its "home".

In the evening, after we had dinner, it seemed that we heard a chicken crowing, which reminded me of the idea of looking for a stick. I took Rourou to look for a stick. Just a few steps out of our building, I saw an animal that was smaller than a mouse and a cat. I was shocked. Look at its mouth, it seems that it has this little gray thing in its mouth. It must be Bangbang! The animal had already escaped when I wanted to enter. I will go home and tell my father that it may be a weasel.

Another day later, I got up and opened the door. I saw Rourou dead. How could she die? How pathetic. I was very sad. I buried Rourou in the place where I planted flowers on my balcony and put a bamboo pole on it as my permanent memory

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (2)

There are many chickens in my aunt's house, including the lovable white chicken, the strong black chicken, and the gentle and lovely flower chicken. But my favorite is the naughty and lovely yellow chicken.

I remember that time when we went back to Aunt Zou Gang's house to play, we saw a group of chickens basking in the sun as soon as we entered the courtyard. I like these chickens very much and want to catch them. At this time, I found that one of the chickens was very cute.

The little yellow chicken is covered with soft yellowish fluff, running like a small yellowish fluff ball rolling on the ground. It has a pair of small eyes, a sharp mouth, a round head, and ears hidden in the fluff. If you don't look carefully, you think it has no ears! When the yellow chicken saw me reaching out to catch it, it flapped a pair of cute little wings, spread its feet and ran away, leaving a string of small bamboo leaf shaped footprints on the sand.

Chickens like worms very much. They often look for insects to eat in the garbage or in the corner.

Once, the hen caught a worm and called the chickens to eat it. When the chickens heard the hen's call, they rushed to grab the insects. The little yellow chicken also squeezed in, and the hen tore up the worms and gave them to the chickens. The little yellow chicken is the most mischievous. The hen snatched most of it from the hen's mouth before it finished tearing, and ran away with it. Several chickens saw it and ran to chase the yellow chicken. A little white chicken ran fastest and caught the worm in the mouth of the little yellow chicken. The little yellow chicken would give up, and the two chicks fought with each other like tug of war. In the end, the chicken was defeated. The little yellow chicken won. Afraid of being eaten by others, he swallowed the worm in one mouthful. Choke it to stretch its neck. After finishing eating, the little yellow chicken wiped its mouth back and forth on the ground, raised its head and cried out as if to say, "How about me? I'm the best!"

I looked at the little yellow chicken and couldn't help laughing: What a lovely little yellow chicken!

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (3)

Observe the laying of eggs Grade 5 composition

In our daily study, work or life, we have more or less come into contact with composition bar. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in their memory in written form. So how do you write a general composition? The following is the fifth grade composition on observing chickens laying eggs, which I hope can help you.

October 25th Monday Sunny

Uncle Zhang raises a lot of hens. Today, my father took me to his house to play, so I was lucky to observe the whole process of laying eggs.

I saw his old hen always "cooing" around the nest before laying eggs. When I felt completely relieved, I opened my wings and flew to the nest, quietly lying in the soft grass nest.

After a while, the hen's hair shook and her neck shrunk. After a while, the hen suddenly stood up. I thought the eggs had already been laid, so I came to the front quietly to see. Unexpectedly, the nest was empty. I was wondering when the hen's wings were up, her neck was out, and her comb was red. It opened its eyes wide, squatted on both legs, and its whole body was high in front and low in back. The originally split wings are clamped again, which looks very hard. At that moment, the back of the hen fell back, and a big round egg fell into the nest. Then, the old hen pulled the eggs under her stomach with her claws to "cover" them for fear of being snatched away. At the same time, it kept holding the grass around and throwing it behind. It squatted for a while, feeling safe, and was willing to leave the chicken house easily to sing "cluck cluck cluck".

I picked up the warm eggs and thought: It seems that the chickens laying eggs are not easy to accept!

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (4)

My family has a big black bone chicken. Big feet with thick black legs support its strong body; The snow-white feathers set off the slightly quivering red sandalwood colored cockscomb on the top of the head, which made it very lively.

He is the cock king of our family, and he is very alert. If someone walks by him, he thinks you will attack him, and he will use his powerful claws to catch others' trouser legs. The trousers of the light ones are torn, and the skin and flesh of the heavy ones are scratched. My mother and I have experienced its rough temper, so we always walk around it.

Every time his mother fed him, he always spread his white wings and rushed forward with vigorous steps, pecking at the big and hard corn kernels quickly and ruthlessly. He never saw a chicken dare to compete with him. It's funny to watch him eat and warn his companions.

Although he is so rude, he is still a "young man" who likes to be beautiful and clean. As long as there is sunshine, it likes to bathe in the sand in front of the door, flapping its big wings, stretching its neck and washing itself white.

Every morning, it gets up early to tell us the time, and never stops. Look! It stood at the top of the chicken coop, stretched its white neck, and the call sounded all over the sky. The red sandalwood cockscomb seemed to be shaken slightly by the call.

Although the meat of black bone chicken is very black, it is not only of medicinal value, but also more fragrant than ordinary chicken. I tasted it at Grandma's house. Although I still remember the taste, we never wanted to eat this black bone chicken.

I just hope it is still so dignified and dutiful.

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (5)

New year, new things, new Spring Festival. In the new year, everything will change. When I grow up one year old, my family can have reunion dinner and dumplings together... all kinds of interesting things happen.

I remember that last Spring Festival, the first day I got up early, and then I said goodbye to my parents. As before, my parents gave me lucky money. Then I went to Grandma's house to pay New Year's greetings and made a small savings.

When I got home, my mother asked me, "Have you paid my New Year's greetings to Grandma?" I said, "I have already paid my respects." My mother took out a hot chicken from the kitchen, smiled and said to me, "Your grandma usually hates to eat anything, and she will give us some of everything to eat. Now it's New Year's Day, she should also try fresh chicken soup to mend her body." Then she left the door. To my surprise, Grandma also brought a chicken to our house. As soon as she entered the door, she cried happily, "Xingbang, Xingbang, come and eat the chicken!" She put the chicken on the table and was about to go back. I took Grandma's hand and said, "My mother just sent a chicken to your house, didn't you see it?" Grandma looked at me strangely and said, "No, I don't have it myself. What do you want her to send..."

Just then, my mother came up and called me from a long distance: "Xingbang! Xingbang! Why didn't your grandma see her? Did you see her?......" Just as she was saying, grandma came out, and I suddenly realized that my mother and grandma didn't go the same way. At this time, I looked at my grandmother and mother, who also looked at me, and then spontaneously laughed

My mother stopped my grandmother and refused to let her go. She must stay at home to eat.

"Dinner is ready!" I shouted. Everyone enjoyed the reunion dinner.

It is this tender chicken that makes me feel the warmth of home! Whenever I see chickens, I think of this memorable past.

We have just ushered in the Year of the Rooster, and I seem to see the steaming chicken again

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (6)

In order to write a good observation diary, my mother specially bought 10 chicks for me. I gave them an interesting name according to their appearance. I like the one with a slightly red nose best, which is called "red nose". The bridge of red nose is only 3 days old, with a pointed mouth, white tongue, fluffy, like a small ball of fluff. When eating, it is always pushed aside, which seems congenitally deficient. I feel very sorry for this weak person. Every day when I come home from school, I will open a "small kitchen" for him, feed him some leftovers of meat and rice, and let him out of the chicken coop and play at my feet. Under my careful care, Red Nose Bridge is stronger than any other brother or sister, and it is also a little understanding. As soon as I called, it rushed over, tilted its head and blinked, as if to ask: "Little master, what delicious food did you bring me?" I put down the food, and it cried out, pecked up rudely, and flapped its wings from time to time to blow away the trapped brothers and sisters. This smart ghost has become really overbearing! Once, I hung the earthworm I had dug up into the air 1 meter high. The chickens fluttered their wings and immediately launched a high jump competition. But they were all 10 cm short of catching it. They were so anxious to circle around me. Suddenly, the red nose jumped on my knee and jumped again, pecking away the earthworm from my hand, leading its brother and sister to run everywhere. "What a naughty boy!" I shook my head and smiled happily.

Four months have passed. One morning, I was awakened from my dream by several long cries of "Whoa, whoa, whoa". I ran to the chicken coop and saw that the red crown on the red nose was lined with white feathers, which looked like a flame burning in the white snow, or an agate shining on the top of Leishan Mountain. It raises its head and bends its neck and is singing loudly, just like a tenor singer on the stage for the first time. Although not sophisticated. But the vigorous vitality makes people excited. Looking at this cock raised by me, I am so proud! Since then, I have an automatic alarm clock. Red Nose Bridge has always been loyal to its duties and wakes me up on time. It is like a friend who promotes people to make progress, singing loudly and urging me to dance when I hear the cock, so as not to miss the morning light.

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (7)

One Monday during the break, I talked with my classmates about playing games. After discussion, we decided to play the game of eagle catching chicken. This game must be familiar to everyone, that is, one person acts as the eagle, one person acts as the mother chicken, and some people act as chickens. The mother chicken should protect the chickens from being captured by the eagle. After discussion, we chose a tall girl in our class to be an eagle. Mother Chicken is a fat girl, and the rest of my classmates and I are protected chicks.

The game began. We stood in a line behind the "mother chicken", and the "chick" in the back grabbed the clothes of the "chick" in the front. I was the smallest, so I was at the bottom. I saw the tall "eagle" half bent down and ready to pounce on us. At that time, I was afraid of being caught. Our "chicken mother" spread her arms to protect the "chickens" behind. Suddenly, the tall "eagle" ran a few steps to the left, and we were scared to run to the right. But she didn't really want to catch us this time, just wanted to make a joke, and then came the most "scary". She suddenly ran to the right, and caught us off guard. We screamed, and the formation was disordered, and the "chickens" began to run around, I was so frightened that my heart was in my throat, and I followed everywhere. Some "chicks" fell down because they were too worried to see the way, and others were caught because they didn't run in time. This time, the harvest of "Eagle" is not small. I caught several of them, but luckily there is no me. These "chickens" were eliminated.

Then the second round of the game began. This time, "Mother Chicken" tried to resist from left to right like crazy, and launched an attack on the "eagle". She used her weight advantage to hit the eagle, which made the tall eagle stumble. After several reincarnations, we "chickens" were still caught. At this time, we were already panting, out of breath and sweating.

Although we played very tired, it also let us relax in the intense study, and also let us understand: when encountering problems, don't panic, learn to calm down, panic is more likely to make mistakes. Hope to play more games like this in the future.

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (8)

well! Look at those little guys. The round little brains have a pair of tiny eyes, and they are wearing a cute goose yellow sweater. Their hairy wings grow on their chubby bodies. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the little feet covered by your body. How small and yellow they are! You should have guessed that it is a very cute chicken.

A few days ago, I went to my grandmother's house and saw many chickens. At noon, the chickens should also be hungry. I pulled out some big green vegetables to feed them. This feeding, I found that the chickens were very filial to their parents.

——In order to let the chickens slowly taste the delicious food I cooked myself, I gently tore off a little green vegetables. There were no wormholes on the green vegetables. The white roots were shiny. I thought the chickens would enjoy the "delicious food" when they saw their favorite green vegetables. Who knew it was filial, I took a piece of vegetable leaf and walked slowly to a big rooster who lived in the nest. I put the leaf on the ground and cried "Jijiji..." and talked with the chicken for a while, then the chicken walked away.

As the saying goes, "Man is iron, and rice is steel, and you will be hungry if you don't eat at a meal." This is true of man, as is true of chicken, which is very gluttonous. I divided the rest of the vegetables into several portions, and threw them again and again. Where they were thrown, the chickens would squeeze into each other, with hairy heads and plump bodies squeezed together like large goose yellow cotton balls. "I eat, I eat, I eat..." The chickens chirped. "Peck"! Another piece to the mouth! There are several chickens that haven't been caught. They are greedy and want to eat more outside. I squatted down and rolled vegetables into the small hole in the fence. Look! The chickens were attracted by the green vegetables again. "Click"! A chicken pecked hard, and I was scared, afraid that its sharp beak would peck my hand. But I still think they are cute and naive.

Come on! Protect animals! They give us happiness. Don't hurt animals, let them be lovely and innocent forever!

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (9)

Childhood dreams, colorful dreams; Childhood songs, happy songs; Childhood footprints are in clusters; The stories of childhood are piled on top of each other. " Can this song remind you of your wonderful childhood? In those colorful years, many things happened, not as bright as the stars. My childhood is beautiful, and there are many things worth remembering

Since I can remember, my aunt has raised two chicks in her class. Whenever I had time, I went to see the chicks in her class. I don't know how long it took, but the two chicks gradually grew up. After a long time, the hens laid eggs, and the chicks were about to hatch out of the eggs. After 21 days, I could hear a chick's cry, see the situation, hear the sound. I think the chicken is too poor. When the hen and the rooster are not at home, help the chicken. The opportunity finally comes

That day, the hen went to find food for the little chicken, and the naughty rooster was not at home, so she ran out to play. Taking advantage of my aunt's carelessness, she picked up an egg, gently stroked it in her palm, and solemnly said, "Don't be afraid, chicken, you will come to the world soon." After that, I didn't hesitate any more. I peeled an egg, and a chicken with waste heat and eyes not opened was "born", and it looked at me, I cried twice as if to say, "Thank you for letting me come to the world early." I was so happy that I peeled the second one. When I peeled the fourth one, the hen came back. When I saw the baby I was "bullying" the snake, she gave me a sharp bite, and suddenly blood flowed out. I went to my aunt in tears, but she didn't say anything about me, Instead, I said, "Little fool, chickens will not be born until a certain time! If you deliver them like this, they will die." After listening to this, I hurried to see the chickens. Indeed, the chickens I had just "delivered" were almost dead, while those I had not "delivered" were alive. I regret very much, but everything is late

Although this matter has passed for a long time, and although I am still young and ignorant there, this matter has always spurred me forward and never retreated.

Grade 5 Composition Chicken (10)

Once upon a time, there was an old hen. It laid eight eggs. After a dozen days, cute and smart chicks slowly crawled out of their eggshells. A chick said to the old hen, "Mom, Mom, I'm hungry and want to eat!" The old hen said to her child, "Good boy, Mom will find something to eat for you now! You must not run away." Then she left.

Later, a chicken got impatient and said, "Why doesn't my mother come now? I'll find something to eat myself!" Then she left. While searching, a big cat appeared in front of the chicken.

When the chicken saw that it had been running back, the big cat was also chasing after it. Seeing that it was about to catch up, the chicken was so worried that it looked like an ant on a hot pot. It cried out, "Mom, Mom, Mom, help! Mom!" At this time, the old hen had just come back, when she saw this scene, she ran over and pecked the big cat twice, scaring the big cat back straight, He ran away at once.

I think love is more powerful than death and the terror of death. Only she, only love, can sustain life and make it full of vitality.