An Introduction to Composition (16 articles)
The best taste in the world is Qinghuan
2024-06-06 09:01:48
fifth grade

An Introduction to Composition (1)

There are many books on my bookshelf. For example, Green Fairy Tales, Happy Composition, Historical Stories. However, among these interesting and wonderful books, I like a badly broken book most - "One Hundred Thousand Why". Because it is a good teacher for me to study science and solve questions.

Once, I saw many small dragonflies dabbing at the water, which was a natural phenomenon. I felt very strange and thought to myself; Dragonfly skims water, is it difficult to take a bath? Or something else? Suddenly, I thought of a good teacher who understands doubts - "One Hundred Thousand Why". I ran home at once, opened the book carefully, and read it. oh So the dragonfly is giving birth! At this time, someone called, "Little Doctor, let me ask you a question." When he opened the door, it was my good friend Xiao Mao. "What do you know about space?" asked Xiao Mao. "That's too simple, listen to me." So, I spoke a lot of colorful words. For example, the stars blink because the density of the atmosphere fluctuates with time and space. After the light from a distant star enters the Earth's atmosphere, the direction of the refracted light changes from time to time, making the refracted light "wobbly". Therefore, the "starlight" we see keeps blinking, just like blinking eyes. Another example is that the moon is sometimes round and sometimes flat, which is because the moon is always half bright and half dark under the sun's irradiation. But from different angles, we can see how many of the bright half of the moon are, which is why we see the changes in the moon's roundness and imperfection. After listening to this, my mother couldn't help praising me with Xiaomao and asked me where I learned it. "I tell you," One Hundred Thousand Why "is my good teacher!" Xiao Mao listened and said, "I understand, I will also read more" One Hundred Thousand Why "to compare with you whose knowledge is rich." Well, a gentleman's words are irretrievable, so let's compare them! Then, I talked a lot about the knowledge I learned from "One Hundred Thousand Whys". Everyone was so envious that they called me "Little Doctor"

thank you! The teacher who doesn't speak - "One Hundred Thousand Whys", you gave me scientific knowledge, you made me smarter, you made me a "little doctor", I love you!

I have collected many excellent books in my "book world", among which Robinson Crusoe impressed me deeply and was unforgettable.

This book is about Robinson who was in danger during his first voyage and was stranded on an island. In order to eliminate loneliness and missing, he wrote a diary and inspected the island alone. Among them, he saw the ferocious natives, killing animals and eating dead human flesh. Robinson set a trap and led the wolves into the house. He doubled his ammunition with three guns, opened fire on them, and then rushed at them with pistols and waist knives, killing them all. Clever and capable Robinson saved his life, built a house, and adapted to life. He sought happiness in solitude, found partners, and met friendly blacks and "Friday" people. However, one wave is not smooth, another wave rises again, and crises always happen to Robinson. On the beach, he carried out a unique battle, and nearly lost his life. When he found the savior, the good times were not long, and the ship was seized again, but Robinson fought bravely. Finally, he returned to his hometown with wisdom and knowledge, and returned to his hometown after 35 years of absence. I have lived on the island for 28 years, 2 months and 19 days. Ah, what a long time, it shows how hard it is for Robinson not to give up easily and to overcome difficulties firmly!

After reading this book, I understand that people can overcome many difficulties and finally reach the other side of victory only by relying on their own wisdom and knowledge in adversity, not bowing to the harsh natural environment, and not giving up easily.

My friends, you might as well read this book. Maybe it will make you brave to face difficulties and make achievements, or it may make you stand up from failure and strive again! Page 12

Introduction to Composition (2)

A book I introduced (I)

I recommend a book called The Old Man and the Sea

Content tip: This book tells the story of a fisherman. Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, finally caught a marlin alone after setting up to catch the fish for eighty four consecutive days, but the fish was too big, and he was exhausted after dragging his boat on the sea for three days. He was killed and tied to the side of the boat. On his way home, he was attacked by a shark. At last, when he returned to the port, he was left with only his head, tail and a spine. 2. During the days when he went to sea in Argo, the Holy Land, his friends with aspirations for years were always at the seaside

Loyally waiting, full of confidence to welcome his return.

Highlight: I learned from the book The Old Man and the Sea that the old man is persistent and not afraid of hardship. Be strong, brave and fearless. This spirit has paved the way for us to learn automobile repair. In the future work, we should bravely face everything, not be overwhelmed by a small matter, but move forward. In the work, we should be positive, abide by discipline, create the greatest performance for the boss, let difficulties bow to us, and successfully wave to us. We should carry forward these spirits.

I recommend a book called Robinson Crusoe

Content tip: Robinson's boat sank, and he was the only survivor drifting to live on a desert island. He braved hardships and dangers to do things by himself, and dared to challenge his fate. Bold innovation finally overcame all kinds of difficulties and survived until finally people rescued him from the desert island

Highlight: From this book, I learned that in the face of difficulties, don't retreat, and be brave to face and fight. When we work, we need to innovate boldly and overcome all kinds of difficulties with our perseverance, so that we can achieve final success.

I recommend a book called Journey to the West

Content tip: Journey to the West tells the story of Tang Monk's disciples going to the West to learn scriptures. On their way to the Western Heaven, they overcame all kinds of difficulties. Finally, he came to the Buddha to retrieve the Sutra, and finally realized his dream.

Highlight: I learned a lot in this book, which made me understand that we should be persistent and not give up halfway. In the future, we should work hard to realize our dreams in our industry, listen to the master's words with an open mind, and correct mistakes in front of the master with an open mind. We should not always think about our own interests and strive to make our own world in the auto repair industry. We should work hard to serve customers no matter what difficulties we have. We should humbly consult the experts in the industry. We will also develop well in the auto industry in the future, because there are more and more cars and more types of auto industry. Don't be afraid of difficulties and persist in realizing your dreams!

I recommend the title of a book, How Steel Is Tempered

Abstract: It is the former Soviet Union Niaoste Rofukorsky. He comes from a working family. When he was a child laborer, after joining the Red Army, he was seriously injured in the war and paralyzed. His belief in fighting for the cause of communism made him overcome the disease and began to write How Steel Was Tempered, which was a novel he wrote on his sickbed.

Highlight: Steel is made in the burning fire. Therefore, it is strong and we should be as strong as steel. When the author portrays Paul, he explains the whole image with his heart. Combine my own reality and major: I also study the actual major in automobile: I study automobile. The inspiration from this book is that in the future, no matter you encounter difficulties in the title, you should find ways to solve them, and you should persevere.

I recommend a book called Journey to the West

Content tip: Journey to the West tells about a monk in the Tang Dynasty and four disciples who are taking risks in the mountains on the way to the west

The course of risk struggle is to solve all the difficulties we have experienced and try our best to solve them. Overcome all difficulties. He has the fighting spirit of conquering evil forces without fear of hardships and dangers. He has the heroic nature of fighting against the strong and supporting the weak to fight against injustice. He sweeps away demons and ghosts not only to protect Tang Monk from evil, but also to fight bravely and deliberately for the people. Fight against injustice with others and fight against the strong and support the weak. Reason for recommendation: Journey to the West has taught us that we should not be afraid of difficulties in the face of difficulties, face them and let them make us bow. We should have an indomitable spirit to overcome all the difficulties we encounter today. In our work after drilling, we should learn his spirit of being alert and not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Learn his spirit for our future work so as to achieve good results.

I recommend a book called Robinson Crusoe

Content tip: It is mainly about Robinson Crusoe's drifting navigation. In distress at sea, rescue an adult, rescue the British captain back home. When he was living alone, he encountered many difficulties and dangers. Crusoe in the sea almost died, but he finally solved all the difficulties. He had many friends wherever he went, and also learned to make guns and ammunition, many kinds of ceramics, tailored puppets, and many clothes and quilts.

Reason for recommendation: I think he is smart, brave and adventurous. He is not afraid of danger. He is very righteous. He also tells us how to choose to be a man. When there is a man, he should bravely face no small danger. I learned from it. I changed to his daring career, bravely overcome difficulties, and not afraid of any danger.

I recommend a book called Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Summary: The Three Kingdoms refers to Wei, Shu and Wei. In the Three Kingdoms, it is written that each hero of the Three Kingdoms fought for his own dream. Wei was ruled by Cao Cao, and Cao Cao wanted to rule the Three Kingdoms. Shu was led by Liu Bei. Liu Bei wanted to make people live a good life and unify the world. Needless to say, in order to unify the world, Wu did not want to be disturbed by other countries, and to live a good life was also to unify the world.

Highlight: Everyone has a dream, which will come true one day. We also have a dream, which is to find a good job. So we learn from heroes in the three countries to fight for our dreams. I will fight for my dreams, and I will fight for everything in the future

I recommend a book called Journey to the West

Abstract: Journey to the West tells the story of Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk, who went through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties without difficulties and obstacles, and finally obtained the scripture. Their indomitable spirit of not bowing to evil forces is worth learning for all of us.

Highlight: There are four Tang Monk masters and disciples. They are fearless of hardships and dangers, and have the fighting spirit of conquering evil forces. He has the heroic nature of fighting against the strong and supporting the weak, and fighting against injustice. He sweeps away demons and ghosts, not only to protect Tang Monk from evil, but also to eliminate evil for the people. He hates evil as an enemy, dares to fight, and has the courage and insight to save the world. I think reading this book will play a good role in my future, Because this spirit is very useful to our work place. If we encounter setbacks in the factory, we should not give up easily. If we give up, there is no hope. If we persist, there is still some hope. So we should learn from Tang Seng's four masters and disciples, so that when we encounter difficulties in the future, we will not give up easily, So I want to learn from their indomitable spirit, so that my future work in the factory can be smooth.

I recommend a book called Journey to the West

Abstract: It mainly wrote about Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha and his four apprentices, who went through various kinds of grinding on the way to the Western Heaven

Difficulty, the story of overcoming all kinds of difficulties, going through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties, obtaining the true scripture, and achieving positive results.

Highlight: The reason why I like this book is that Sun Wukong, the hero of this book, has the character of hating evil as an enemy and the ability to understand the sky. After reading this book, I learned from their four masters and disciples that they have the character of unity, sincerity, hard work, and fear of difficulties, which is very helpful in our future work. Difficulties are not terrible, but they are terrible. Only in difficulties can we grow up gradually.

I recommend a book called Journey to the West

Abstract: Journey to the West tells about the four masters and apprentices who fought with demons and ghosts on their way to the far west, and obtained the scripture through the four masters and apprentices, and achieved success.

Highlight: I learned from Journey to the West that I should not be afraid of difficulties. Stick to the end so that you can complete your dream!

I recommend Auto Newspaper

Summary: Auto newspapers mainly introduce various famous brands of cars. Introduce various novel functions. All kinds of advanced systems indicate that modern cars have entered the era of electrification

Highlight: Because every issue of auto newspaper sends you the information of letters, introducing various brands of cars. Let you keep pace with the times. It also shows the popularity of cars in modernization and society.

So I think that the automobile industry is very profitable, but it also means that the competitiveness of the automobile industry will be very fierce, but the competition will make progress, otherwise, if you don't advance, you will fall back. Progress is the "future"

I believe I can survive in the competition. I also believe that I can create a better future.

I recommend Journey to the West

Abstract: Journey to the West tells the story of Tang Monk's four masters and disciples who braved hardships on their way to the west, went through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties and finally won the final victory to win the scripture

Reason for recommendation: We should learn the spirit of Sun Wukong in his future work. We will encounter many difficulties in my future work. probably

It's not just ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, so we should carry forward the professional spirit of Tang Monk, not afraid of how difficult and difficult the road ahead is, and forge ahead unswervingly. At the same time, we also need to learn

They are down to earth step by step. Of course, we also need to learn from their courage and resourcefulness. In the future work, we should carry forward the spirit of learning from Tang Monk and his disciples.

Not afraid of difficulties, down-to-earth spirit.

I recommend Auto Pictorial

Abstract: It mainly wrote the development history of various new cars and sports cars of various brands, and introduced the future development prospects of cars. This book helped me a lot, let me understand the new cars produced by various brands and their performance, as well as the future development prospects and trends of various models and cars. Books and magazines let us see the development trend of cars more intuitively in the form of pictorials, Advanced technology in automobile manufacturing.

Highlight: I like this book very much in the future, so that I can make more use of this knowledge in my job search, improve my skills and show that I will learn the spirit of "innovation and perseverance" reflected in the book, which will not be defeated by setbacks, so that I will become more courageous and go further in this industry.

I recommend the book How Steel Is Tempered

Abstract: Paul lost his father in his early years. After his family was poor, Paul joined the Communist Youth League, engaged in activities of the Communist Youth League, and then took part in the work of restoring and building the country. In his work, Paul got typhoid fever, and his physique became worse and worse. Almost completely paralyzed, then went blind, and then Paul began his literary work. In this way, "Paul picked up a new weapon and started a new life"

Highlight: This book is a novel that describes the growth of new people and reveals their excellent qualities. In the future auto repair profession, we should learn from Paul's strong will and indomitable spirit. It's impossible to be smooth in the future career. Where we want to fall, we will go from

Introduction to Composition (3)

Speaking of the books I have read, there are countless. But my favorite is the Encyclopedia. Its cover is made of cardboard with a chubby little panda painted on it, which is very popular.

The reason why I like this book is not only its beautiful cover, but also its rich and colorful content.

There are plants and animals in the book... Let's first listen to the introduction of rare animals: lovely giant pandas, first class protected animals in China, with about 1600 in China; The "God of Longevity" turtle can live in the sea for more than 100 years! Some even more years...... Etc. The content was very detailed, and the key points were stated, which made me understand a lot.

The introduction of plants is also very detailed. For example, the grass in life will grow again in a few days as long as you don't pull up the roots but only the leaves. Besides, green pines, willows and other plants are ubiquitous in life, but they also introduce the rare plants in life. As long as people eat them, their stomachs will move violently, leading to death; Eating caterpillar fungus, confusing small insects with fragrance, sticking to it, and slowly eating it... It really broadens my vision and makes me understand more.

I am so lucky to have this book with me. He not only solved the problems in my life, but also enriched my knowledge. He is really my mentor and friend. So, I like this book.

Introduction to Composition (4)

I have read many good books, including literature, comic books, science fiction, detective, etc. Among them, I like the comic book "Father and Son" best. Now I will introduce it to you.

Father and Son is a humorous comic book. In this book, you can see a humorous and funny story between a happy father and son. The book also reflects the father's infinite love for his son and the deep love between father and son. Small pictures sparkle with wisdom and are full of fun, which makes the children reading books think and laugh.

Students, do you want to know more about the story between father and son? Then hurry to own this book!

Introduction to Composition (5)

Have you heard of Yang Hongying? Have you read her novels? Today I will introduce to you a very beautiful book written by Yang Hongying. The name of the book is Mad Girl Du Zhenzi.

It is written in the book that Du Zhenzi is Ma Xiaotiao's cousin. She quarrels with her cousin Ma Xiaotiao when they meet, and misses them when they leave. She is a "little witch" with a cat face. She has a cat that can laugh. The cat smiles at Du Zhenzi and sneers at Ma Xiaotiao. Ma Xiaotiao was afraid that the cat would sneer at him. Every time Du Zhenzi went to Ma Xiao to jump on the sofa. She knows the idiom Solitaire, plays Snow White, and potato salad. She can command the boys around and make them worship her. Du Zhenzi is a happy person. This is how she felt about me. She likes to be with the cat that can laugh, but she doesn't like Ma Xiaotiao. Du Zhenzi is a bully in the book. She robbed Ma Xiaotiao's room and stuck a note on the door saying "Girls' dormitory, boys' dormitory is not allowed". Tang Fei likes her very much, and also likes the cat that can laugh. The cat doesn't know whether he likes him or not, and has no expression on him. The cat can move its ears to people it doesn't like.

The book "Mad Girl Du Zhenzi" is really beautiful. I hope you can also read it, as well as other books by Yang Hongying.

An Introduction to Composition (6)

Recently, I read a book. It's called Double faced Hound. The author of this book is Shen Shixi, the king of animal novels. The protagonist in it is the white eyebrow, a hybrid of hounds and wild jackals.

The opening story of one chapter in this chapter tells the encounter between the white browed son's father, the hunting dog Loga, and his mother, the wild jackal Davya. The second chapter talks about the sour, sweet, bitter, hot and salty of Bai Meier who was born in the Etis Red Jackal Group. From the sixth chapter, Bai Meier began to turn to humans and began his domestic dog career

In this book, I like Chapter 10 best. In the tenth chapter, Bai Meier, for the honor of her master, braves the risk of being chased and killed, and catches the damned chicken fox. I was moved by Bai Meier's loyalty. Although everyone chased him and scolded him as a jackal, he still caught the red fox who stole the chicken despite his past grievances.

Why did Shen Shixi write animal novels? Human society does have many ills and problems, such as war, racial discrimination, resource plundering, gender differences, power disputes, aggression, bullying, and so on. These can not only find reasonable explanations and answers in the big culture from the sociological point of view, but also look at these things from the perspective of zoologists. From this point of view, the cognitive value of animal novels can not only surpass popular science knowledge, but also reflect the truth that "people are sometimes inferior to animals". It can also be said that animal novels are comparable to problem novels and philosophical novels.

This is why I like Shen Shixi's book. I hope you can also read this book.

Introduction to Composition (7)

I like reading such a famous book, which is Journey to the West, one of the four famous books in China.

This famous book was written by Wu Chengen, a novelist of the Ming Dynasty. He was already in his fifties when he wrote it.

In Journey to the West, there are mainly stories about Tang Monk, Zhu Bajie, Sha Monk, and Sun Wukong who learned scriptures from the west. My favorite character is Monkey King, because he is powerful. Monkey King has magic moves such as wrestling with clouds and seventy-two changes. He still has the spirit of resistance. I like the story of his rebellious spirit. There are also three dozen Baigujing, a fight against Red Boy, and three borrowed plantain fans

Although Journey to the West is only a myth, in real life, if you are really asked to spend many years to complete a thing, I'm afraid no one can do it. Because we don't insist, let alone have the courage to insist.

This book describes their difficulties in learning from experience. The characters in this book can be said to be household names. Although there are TV dramas now, reading books can understand the details. Watching TV means that every action is more accurate and every environment is more real. Can you see it? Every book has feelings to express. They are all arts.

So we can say from Wu Chengen that art will never grow old.

Introduction to Composition (8)

Today, I recommend a book to all of you. The book is called "The Sims of the King of Creation". The author is Yang Peng. This book is very beautiful. At the beginning, Sun Xiaokong, the "King of Creation", sees his "shadow", which is very like himself. Then the shadow says, if you want to do anything, press the button of this watch, The shadow can take you to the body repair station for "repair" and make you a different person.

The story goes from one link to another. Sun Xiaokong wants to become very smart, handsome and rich... However, after some "troubles", Sun Xiaokong only wants to become an ordinary person.

Why did I introduce the Sims of the King of Creation to you? Because there are many writing points worth learning in this book, such as why the shadow appears at the beginning, why there is a body repair station... All of them are written in suspense, attracting the attention of readers, and also using a lot of description methods

Please pay more attention to The King of Creation.

Introduction to Composition (9)

The happy summer vacation has passed. Just at the end of the summer vacation, I accidentally read the book Anne of Green Gables. I was soon deeply attracted by the interesting story and the life experience of the hero Annie. Annie and I are about the same age. With wonderful stories, I quickly read the book.

Annie is a little girl with bad looks. She lost her parents when she was young and was adopted by many people. She is kind-hearted. When the adopter treats her badly, she can understand and tolerate. She never complains to the adopter. Annie is always optimistic about life. She broke a bone when walking on the beam, but happily said, "I would have died, but now I only broke a bone. I'm lucky." And she is an imaginative child. Whenever she is unhappy, she will use her imagination to make herself happy again. Annie also has a heart of gratitude. After she entered the Queen's College, her adoptive father died and her adoptive mother was almost blind. In order to repay her adoptive father and mother, she gave up the opportunity to go to university and stayed with her adoptive mother to take care of her. After reading this book, you will learn a lot about life.

This book not only explains a lot of truth, but also explains a lot of writing techniques. There are descriptions of scenery, such as the section about seaside scenery, in which the colors of trees, cliffs, sandstones, pebbles, and seagulls are described, and the spatial location is arranged. The seaside scene will soon appear before your eyes. There are some foreshadowings in the book. For example, Marilla asked Annie to stay at home, but she didn't see Anne when she came home. Marilla is angry to draw the attention of readers, so that everyone is eager to see what will happen to Annie. There is also a description of Annie's nervous mood before and after the exam, using words such as "cold hands" and "dizzy head" to make us feel the same.

In short, you will definitely benefit a lot from reading this book. It's like killing two birds with one stone to learn a lot of truth and writing techniques. Listen to me. Have you been moved. Action is better than excitement. If you want to know more about this book, go to the bookstore to buy it!

Introduction to Composition (10)

My sister has a book on her bookshelf. She and I like reading it very much - Encyclopedia of Nature. This is a popular science book, but it will make people laugh.

This book is as big as two Chinese books, with nearly 700 pages. It is boring at first sight, but it is so good for people who love science.

There are all kinds of strange animals and strange things in this book. For example, the monkey faced eagle! This eagle is no different from other eagles except that it has a monkey's face. So people call it the monkey faced eagle. There are nine planets in the solar system, including Mercury=Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. And

Do you know why I said I would make people laugh after watching it? Because there are these two characters on every page of the book, you should often read Journey to the West, right? Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie are two famous figures. In the "Animals" column, the world's smallest bird - hummingbird, Zhu Bajie saw it and said, "I thought it was a bumblebee!" And the smallest fish - goby, with a length of 0.71~0.96 cm, Zhu Bajie saw it, but took a fishing rod and magnifying glass to look at it and said, "This fish is smaller than the hook. How can I catch it? One is not enough for me to stuff my teeth! " "You greedy guy, you only know how to eat!" said the Monkey King beside him. Ha ha, do you think it's funny? There are more funny ones behind!

After reading dozens of pages, I have gained a lot of scientific knowledge and love science more.

Introduction to Composition (11)

Today, I want to recommend a good book to you. This book is my favorite. I believe those who have read this book will also praise it.

As far as the world's major events are concerned, long separation and long cooperation will inevitably lead to division. Hearing this, those who are familiar with it must already know its name, right? Yes, it is The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

The front cover and back cover are the first to attract my attention. The cover is printed with the fierce scene of Liu, Guan, and Zhang Sanying fighting Lv Bu. On the screen, Liu, Guan, and Zhang fight with Lv Bu. Lv Bu's forehead is full of sweat, which shows how intense the scene is. The back cover is printed with a picture of "three visits to the cottage". Liu Bei talks to the bookboy, while Guan Yu and Zhang Fei look at it with disdain. Open the front page and you will find the table of contents. This book has six or seven pages of contents alone, and 120 stories in total, from chaos to reunification. My book Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an ancient Chinese version. Although it is hard to read, it is really killing two birds with one stone since it not only understands history but also learns ancient Chinese!

What attracts me most is the content. As the name suggests, the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms describes the contradictions and conflicts among the three countries, namely, the State of Wei headed by Cao Cao, the State of Shu headed by Liu Bei, and the State of Wu headed by Sun Quan. The article describes wars of all sizes, with ingenious design, grand structure and various techniques, so that we can clearly see a battle scene of swordsmanship. Among them, the description of Guandu Battle, Chibi Battle and other wars is ups and downs, ups and downs. Every time I read it, it is breathtaking.

The Romance of the Three Kingdoms depicts hundreds of characters, among which Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao and Liu Bei are the most successful. Zhuge Liang is the incarnation of the "virtuous prime minister". He has the lofty demeanor and integrity of "working hard and dying". Cao Cao is a traitorous man. His creed is "Better teach me to defeat the world than teach them to defeat me". He is both ambitious and ruthless. He is a political careerist and schemer. Liu Bei was portrayed by the author as a benevolent monarch who loved things, respected officials and knew people well.

My friends, after listening to so many introductions, you must have been salivating, right? Action is better than heart beating. Go to feast your eyes!

Introduction to Composition (12)

In my bookcase, there are many beautiful books in complete sets. I need to read them every day. Today I would like to recommend a book that I think is very good - Robinson Crusoe.

This is a thought-provoking book. Read it with great interest, just like the truth contained in the book. It inspires people. Let's regain confidence. Let me introduce it to you!

Crusoe's family is good. He doesn't need to starve and suffer cold, nor do he need to fight openly and secretly, but he doesn't want to live such a life all the time. He went to sea without permission despite his parents' persuasion. I have experienced various dangers and hesitations. It was during his later life on a desert island that he finally left the island.

When he first arrived there, he had no clothes to wear and no place to live. He had a moment of despair, but he had the courage to live. The next day, the ship he was carrying was rolled to the shore, giving him hope. Later, he took out all the useful things in the boat, and with his intelligence, he survived tenaciously like grass.

Since Robinson has survived in such a difficult environment, what can we ordinary people, ordinary people without major disasters, be afraid of and say? People should be strong until the last moment! Learn from Robinson! Finally, I recommend you to read the book Robinson Crusoe. I hope it can inspire you!

Introduction to Composition (13)

With great respect and love for life, the writer wrote this book Insect Record. The author of this book is French famous entomologist Fable. He spent more than 50 years observing and studying the insect world, and then wrote down the data observed at the first time in vivid detail.

The whole book tells in detail about insects' foraging, nesting, spawning, hatching and war. In Puer's writing, every insect is a vivid life. Insects are similar to humans, with very cruel wars and touching stories. This book finally won Faber the reputation of "poet in the scientific community" and "Homer in the insect community".

Insects originally had ten volumes in total, and each volume or even each chapter had no inseparable relationship, so even selecting chapters would not change the original overall style. Insects include familiar insects, such as crickets, ants, mantis, cicadas, fireflies, etc.

I recommend Insect Record because the content of Insect Record is very vivid and beautiful, and we can also learn about these insects around us.

Introduction to Composition (14)

This book will tell you that there is a village in a unique and magical world, which is protected by the border world. There are a group of strange bald villagers living in it, and the outside world cannot find them. Suddenly, the village had a strange illness. Xiaofeng and Xiaotang ran out to find the antidote and were going to the mountain to save the villagers. However, they lost the map and got lost in the desert. Just then, an unidentified guard appeared, claiming that his goal was the same as that of Xiao Feng and Xiao Tang, and that he wanted to save and protect the villagers in the alien village. However, the guard is not as good as Xiao Feng and Xiao Tang think. He is actually a villain who wants to go to the Alien Village to explore... The content of this book is ups and downs and exciting.

The love letter, which makes me remember a new story, is the last chapter of the book. It tells that Xiao Feng and Xiao Tang first found the mountain range of the Alien Village, defeated the guards on the mountain, returned to the village, climbed the big tree they played in childhood, protected their homes and saved the villagers. I like this chapter because the bravery and kindness of Xiao Feng and Xiao Tang finally saved everyone and everyone was happy.

After reading the book My World, I came to a world full of fantasy and imagination to travel around. I learned perseverance and courage from the heroes Xiao Feng and Xiao Tang. What a memorable experience!

Introduction to Composition (15)

The main character of this book is Robinson, a young man. It mainly tells about Robinson's difficulties in sailing: first, he met a very friendly black man called Friday, and then he met a bad black man who ate human flesh. Friday and other people were almost eaten by him. At this time, Robinson became brave and saved Friday and others safely... Robinson encountered many more risks during his voyage. Although Robinson has encountered so many terrible things, he also gritted his teeth and persevered. Every time, he will live in peace.

The reason why I recommend this book to you is because I think that after reading this book, you can learn from it that Robinson is brave and strong, never bow to difficulties, and forge ahead bravely. When students encounter difficulties in life, they can also bravely overcome them.

Finally, I hope everyone can read the world famous book Robinson Crusoe.

An Introduction to Composition (16)

hello everyone! Today, I'd like to introduce a good book of mine, which is Education of Love.

The Education of Love was written by Amicis, a famous Italian writer of children's literature. This book is written in the form of a student diary. Each story in the book is a small matter in daily life, which makes me feel very friendly when reading it. The characters in the book are vivid, especially the images of various primary school students. Although they have their own shortcomings, everyone has something shining. After reading this book, I feel that everyone in the book is cute and kind. They are full of love, help each other, and progress together. Even my heart is full of love. I feel that the world I live in and the people around me love me so much, and I feel extremely happy!

Come on, students, come and read this book. It will also deeply impress you. Don't miss it!