Composition selected as the topic (4 recommended)
Birds in the sky
2024-06-06 01:08:15
Junior 1

Composition selected as the topic (1)

It is better to give up decisively than to be conservative—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

When I look up at the bright stars, think calmly about the noisy life, and open the door of thought with excitement, I can't help thinking: Sometimes, I should learn to give up, because giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Being conservative is the ugly wrinkles on the faces of demanding people, while giving up decisively is the shallow dimple on the faces of scholars. With the sweet dimples on our faces, we should learn to give up.

There was such a thing that an old man accidentally lost one of his shoes on the way of the train. People were sorry for him, but the old man decisively threw the second shoe out of the window. People are more appreciative of the elderly's decision to give up when they are surprised.

Learn to choose to give up, do not use broken stones to fill the imperfect life building. When you encounter a meaningless problem, please choose to give up

The reason why mountains become mountains is that they choose to give up flatness, and the reason why water becomes water is that they choose to give up parking. Only those who know how to choose to give up can understand how mountains stand as dignity and how water flows as wisdom.

Choose to give up. The Russian poet Pushkin once said: "We are eager for success, but we must give up while we succeed, so that loss can become lovely."

Sometimes loss is not a kind of sadness, but may be luck; Sometimes losing is not a kind of sorrow, but just a kind of joy. We don't reject persistence, but we should also learn to give up. Let's learn to choose to give up, because giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Only learn to give up, your future will be brighter!

Choose Eternity

Wandering between life and death, hesitating between light and darkness, some people choose to live, some choose to die, some choose to be bright, some choose to be dark... A ray of spiritual blood that really comes from the depths of human hearts, but chooses to be eternal.

Choose eternity -- the eternity of meteors comes from the brilliance of life, the eternity of moths comes from the light and heat of life. What about the eternity of life? From selection after selection.

Standing on the coast of history, we can trace the historical ditches: the doctor of Chu pondered over the riverside and never regretted his death; Emperor Wu of the Wei held his whip and pointed to the east with great ambition; Tao Yuanming leisurely walked in the South Mountain, drank wine and picked chrysanthemums... They chose eternity -- even if they flattered and slandered people, they would not follow the trend. It was a persistent choice. Even if they returned to the west, they would also raise their voice to sweep away the wolves in the frontier fortress, which was a heroic choice; Even though it is hard to be satisfied all day long, I would also like to enjoy myself and work hard. This is an elegant choice... In many choices, the emperor will accomplish his great cause, and the sages will become his eternal articles.

And today? How many people are weak and numb in the gentle and rich countryside? How many people are willing to choose poverty, simplicity and vigor? The cross flow of material desires has exhausted blood and sweat, singing and dancing have calmed aspirations, flattery has catered to the mediocre, and pursuit of fame and wealth has harmed the people! For thousands of years, the national spirit is magnificent. Who else can sing it? Five thousand years of traditional virtues have a long history? Choosing eternity is not to shake off the millennium civilization and smash the moral porcelain pot; Choosing eternity does not mean that we are indifferent to life.

The choice of eternity requires the spirit of a man who is "powerful and unyielding" and the generous ambition of "fighting with iron and steel"; Choosing eternity requires the exploration of "I will seek from top to bottom" and the purity of "leaving innocence in the world".

Choose with your heart, give people a green shade, and support a clear sky with your will. The worship of life and the pursuit of confidence require us to choose eternity. In the billowing flood, the warrior chooses his own departure but gives others life; In the vast desert, soldiers choose their own hardships but give others happiness. The choice of life endows people with vitality, pursuit and success, and the choice of soul generates eternity.

Choose eternity. "The heaven moves healthily, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement"; "The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue."

Choose eternity. Pursue the totem of life, excite the fighting spirit of life, cheer people who fall into the quagmire, and make people in distress safe. Even if they get nothing, even if they are shattered, they should also pass on the torch of civilization and morality, and use the choice of this life without regret to cast the canopy and movement of spring and autumn. Choose eternity, though nine dead but still not regret!

Composition selected as the topic (2)

It is better to give up decisively than to be conservative—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

When I look up at the bright stars, think calmly about the noisy life, and open the door of thought with excitement, I can't help thinking: Sometimes, I should learn to give up, because giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Being conservative is the ugly wrinkles on the faces of demanding people, while giving up decisively is the shallow dimple on the faces of scholars. With the sweet dimples on our faces, we should learn to give up.

There was such a thing that an old man accidentally lost one of his shoes on the way of the train. People were sorry for him, but the old man decisively threw the second shoe out of the window. People are more appreciative of the elderly's decision to give up when they are surprised.

Learn to choose to give up, do not use broken stones to fill the imperfect life building. When you encounter a meaningless problem, please choose to give up

The reason why mountains become mountains is that they choose to give up flatness, and the reason why water becomes water is that they choose to give up parking. Only those who know how to choose to give up can understand how mountains stand as dignity and how water flows as wisdom.

Choose to give up. The Russian poet Pushkin once said: "We are eager for success, but we must give up while we succeed, so that loss can become lovely."

Sometimes loss is not a kind of sadness, but may be luck; Sometimes losing is not a kind of sorrow, but just a kind of joy. We don't reject persistence, but we should also learn to give up. Let's learn to choose to give up, because giving up is also a kind of beauty.

Only learn to give up, your future will be brighter!

Choose Eternity

Wandering between life and death, hesitating between light and darkness, some people choose to live, some choose to die, some choose to be bright, some choose to be dark... A ray of spiritual blood that really comes from the depths of human hearts, but chooses to be eternal.

Choose eternity -- the eternity of meteors comes from the brilliance of life, the eternity of moths comes from the light and heat of life. What about the eternity of life? From selection after selection.

Standing on the historical coast, we can trace the historical ditches: the officials of Chu State ponder over the riverside and never regret their death; Emperor Wu of the Wei held his whip and pointed to the east with great ambition; Tao Yuanming leisurely walked in the South Mountain, drank wine and picked chrysanthemums... They chose eternity -- even if they flattered and slandered people, it was a persistent choice not to follow the trend. Even if they returned to the west of the Shaanxi Plain, they would also raise their voice to sweep away the wolves in the frontier fortress, which was a heroic choice; Even though it is hard to be satisfied all day long, I would also like to enjoy myself and work hard. This is an elegant choice... In many choices, the emperor will accomplish his great cause, and the sages will become his eternal articles.

And today? How many people are weak and numb in the gentle and rich countryside? How many people are willing to choose poverty, simplicity and vigor? The cross flow of material desires has exhausted blood and sweat, singing and dancing have calmed aspirations, flattery has catered to the mediocre, and pursuit of fame and wealth has harmed the people! For thousands of years, the national spirit is magnificent. Who else can sing it? Five thousand years of traditional virtues have a long history? Choosing eternity is not to shake off the millennium civilization and smash the moral porcelain pot; Choosing eternity does not mean that we are indifferent to life.

The choice of eternity requires the spirit of a man who is "powerful and unyielding" and the generous ambition of "fighting with iron and steel"; Choosing eternity requires the exploration of "I will seek from top to bottom" and the purity of "leaving innocence in the world".

Choose with your heart, give people a green shade, and support a clear sky with your will. The worship of life and the pursuit of confidence require us to choose eternity. In the billowing flood, the warrior chooses his own departure but gives others life; In the vast desert, soldiers choose their own hardships but give others happiness. The choice of life endows people with vitality, pursuit and success, and the choice of soul generates eternity.

Choose eternity. "The heaven moves healthily, and the gentleman strives for self-improvement"; "The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue."

Choose eternity. Pursue the totem of life, excite the fighting spirit of life, cheer people who fall into the quagmire, and make people in distress safe. Even if they get nothing, even if they are shattered, they should also pass on the torch of civilization and morality, and use the choice of this life without regret to cast the canopy and movement of spring and autumn. Choose eternity, though nine dead but still not regret!

Composition selected as the topic (3)

In life, it is inevitable that there are many forks, many tempting flat roads, and difficult mountain roads. Every little thing in life is a choice between mountain roads and roads.

My school is far from my home, so I need to get up early. This is your choice. Two choices: my father sent me to school. Go to school by bus. My father only needs to get on the bus when he takes me to school. The car is also warm. The second option is to walk to the station from home to take the first bus. You need to transfer to the station near your home, while the station that does not need to transfer is seven or eight hundred meters away from your home. In order to avoid the traffic jam at peak hours, we had to get up early and take the first bus at the station six or seven hundred meters away from home. But in winter, the bus was very cold. Because it was the first bus and I was the only person on the bus, it was very cold. I wanted to sleep, but when I fell asleep, the cold wind came in from my neck, and it was very cold, Only to insist on eating at KFC next to the school.

Hearing this, people may have to choose. It must be the first! Because the second choice is so hard.

First choice: At the school gate, you may have the spirit, but your parents will see you off in the morning and go to work after seeing you off, so you will lack sleep and look haggard. I can choose to let myself go, but he never gave up, never said no. But when I saw my father, I couldn't bear to bother him. When you see others walking by themselves, look at your father. Others are not afraid of fatigue and choose to walk by themselves. Why can't you think about it?

The second choice: Although it's hard on the road, I still have an hour left when I arrive at KFC. I can sit in a chair and read a book in the restaurant. I can read a book quietly. At 6:45, I left the restaurant and went to school. I found that maybe your classmates were waiting for you on the overpass and ran to it! Start your busy day!

The main road may be easy to walk, but I have not been trained at the expense of others. The mountain road may be very hard, but it is not just hard. Walking to the top of the mountain road, looking back at the hard experience, and looking forward to beautiful and interesting scenes, it is also a different taste. When I set out from home, I thought that I would welcome the night and the cold wind again, but when I arrived at the restaurant next to the school, I thought it was really enjoyable! People! Without wind and rain, you can't see the rainbow. We should choose a hard, seductive road that may make you lost. The result of hard work is real happiness.

Composition selected as the topic (4)

When a person is afraid of choice, he is trapped. It's hard to say how helpless it is. It's just that when we are busy, we just blindly follow others' schedules to the end. And once free, they look around, really do not know what to do.

To be more specific, I don't know which book to read when facing the few books on the shelf? Finally, I left this problem to my friends. After a phone call, he picked up the book introduced without hesitation. I didn't consider the content of the book and my own needs. As for the few books, I'm afraid it's just a phone call!

In the face of the email that has not been clicked to send, I sat still looking at my eyes and realized that there is such a thing waiting for me. Finally, a person was brought in to click the heavy mouse instead of himself. It seems that this will reassure me, even if the consequences are irrelevant to me. Faced with the problem of whether to take a bus or walk home, it is also a vexed choice. It's like walking will encounter robbers, and riding will encounter traffic accidents. So we should keep the so-called calm, and wait for our friends to pick up. Facing the clothes to wear, the food to eat, and the scenery to see. It is reasonable to answer the question with a simple "all right, it doesn't matter".

For such people, we may not hesitate to say something like crazy. But after saying that, we can think about the process of their walking. Maybe at the beginning, they just want to have less choice. But over time, after getting used to relying on others, I was tired of choosing. In the end, he lost the ability to choose over the years. This rapid evolution may be just to escape the punishment that will be faced after making wrong choices. However, I don't know that this escape has led me to a greater punishment - no longer know how to choose. In fact, any one of us can become such a person.

If we say that life is a car that keeps moving forward, then the problems that need to be selected one by one are the stations waiting to get off. We always have to get off by ourselves, so we have to make our own choices. Even if some passengers kindly ring the bell for us to remind us to get off, they are not us after all. After getting off the bus, we still have to walk the part of the road that belongs to us. Asking others to help us will only lead us to lose our way after getting off the bus.

Therefore, we should learn to choose, learn to see our part of the road, press the bell bravely, and walk boldly towards our own part of the road!