What's a lovely composition (4 popular ones)
A glass of wine, brother I
2024-06-14 03:33:22

What a lovely composition (1)

There is a cute little turtle in our family. Its name is "Xiaoke". My mother bought this for me on my birthday to be my "little pet". Xiaoke was born on January 9, 20xx, and has just celebrated her seventh birthday. Do you want to know why it is called "Xiao Ke"? Because it is very cute. If you want to know what it looks like, then please read on!

Its black eyes are like two shining black gemstones. It has a dark green shell, which is its armor. It has grass green limbs, like the leaves of an electric fan. It also has a thin tail, which can't be seen from the front. After my introduction, you also think Xiaoke is very cute. There are more wonderful things below. Please read on.

Xiaoke has a unique skill, that is, "somersault". Once, I put his stomach up. Who would have thought that once it turned over, it fell into the cup I put on the ground.

Xiaoke is very cute, but sometimes very naughty. Once, I changed water for Xiaoke. I put it on the table, and then go to the toilet to change water. Who knows, I just walked a little while, it climbed and crawled, and finally fell into the garbage can. I changed the water and found it missing. Suddenly, I saw something moving in the trash can. I looked carefully, "ah" was Xiao Ke. It was so dirty that I had to work hard to get it clean.

Xiaoke is a red eared turtle, and part of its neck is red. I used to think its eyes were red and its nose was red. Red eared turtle is often found in secluded ponds and rivers in the United States. If you want to find it, it is very difficult.

Xiao Ke is very smart. Once, I went out to play. In order not to let Xiaoke run away, I found something to cover Xiaoke and then left. At this time, Xiao Ke saw a big crack. He thought about it and went out from below. After a while, I came back to find that Xiao Ke was missing. I looked around and found it under the sofa.

Xiaoke is not only very smart, but also brings joy to our family. I want to say loudly to Xiaoke: "Xiaoke, I love you!"

What a lovely composition (2)

The lovely little pompoms are the seeds of dandelion. When you breathe, you will find that the lovely pompoms will become snowflakes or small parachutes floating in the air.

The little pompons floated, and they floated to the branches of Big Tree Brother. Little pompons talked with Big Tree about funny things. A gust of wind blew, and the little pompons floated up again. They didn't forget to see Big Tree again before they floated away!

The little pompons were floating and saw a very lonely young tree. They floated to its side, and the young tree was no longer lonely. It made many good friends. Their life is rich and colorful! How happy they are.

The next spring, the young tree and the little pompons grew together. The young tree became a strong and green tree, and the dandelion became little pompons. When you look from far or high to the small pompon, you will not only see the dandelion, you will also see the big green tree in the middle!

What a lovely composition (3)

Walk into my house and you will see a snowball. Who is it? It's my dog, Xiaobai.

Xiaobai, as its name implies, is all white and fluffy. Its ears are flapping one by one, and it is very alert when hearing the sound. Its eyes are like two night pearls. It can see everything without a lamp at night. Its nose is very sensitive. It sniffs everywhere. It's very cute.

Xiaobai has fun eating. We poured the rice in front of him, but he walked away with his head and chest held high. It seems to say: "Hum, I don't want to eat! "But after a while, Xiaobai couldn't help being hungry, so he ran over and devoured the food. Not only that, he licked his tongue as if to say," It's delicious, master. Give me some more. "

When Xiaobai is happy, he can be more gentle and amiable than anyone else: as soon as I finish school, Xiaobai greets me outside the door and wags his tail to me. It also performs acrobatics. When you are not paying attention, take advantage of its unprepared, throw yourself into your arms. Or when you are unhappy, you can stand up, break the leaves, and play "bulbs" for you to make you happy. It depends on its happiness. If it is unhappy, it will "run away from home" and will not go home for days and nights. However, it is also obedient. As long as it is homesick, it will "chug" and run home, barking to me, as if saying: Master, I'm sorry. I shouldn't run away. Please forgive me.

Alas, my Xiaobai is really ridiculous and annoying!

What a lovely composition (4)

There is a beetle at my door, flying around every day. One day, I caught it and took it home.

It is green all over and has two wings on its back. It has eight horns, a semicircular head in front of its wings, and tentacles on its head. You know what? It has a tongue! Its tongue is very short. Although the beetle is small, it also has temper. If you don't catch it, or if you shoot it, it will fly everywhere. Fortunately, I tied some ropes to it, otherwise, it would fly away. Its eating often makes me laugh. It is like this: first eat a small insect, then fly to drink dew, and then come back to eat the insect. When he eats in such a leisurely way, he must put anti ant powder around, because all the ants around know the temper of the scarab, so whenever he goes to drink water, he climbs to remove the insects. Mr. Scarab occasionally returned early and flew over to eat ants. The ants who were late were certainly close to death. After a while, it went to drink water again. I was so annoyed that I filled a small bottle of water, but it didn't even look, and it also pulled a little shit. Therefore, we have to put anti termite powder, which is really very arrogant!

I often take it to play. Now, I have caught several scarabs. When I play with them, they fly around me. It's like a satellite flying around a star. I often shoot and collect. They also seem to like music. They fly up and down with my time. After a while, I'm tired of shooting. They play hide and seek with me. After a while, I was tired of photographing, and they played hide and seek with me. It took a long time to find them under the bed. The cry of a beetle is so low that it can be heard. My mother told me that the beetle can also guard the door, but only to stare at it. Sure enough, when a stranger enters, the beetle's wings will shake in a low voice. Even when someone walks outside the door, it will fly back and forth.

This is my beetle, isn't it cute?