Cute Little Fish Composition (16 compilations)
Better tomorrow
2024-06-22 05:12:52
first grade

Cute Little Fish Composition (1)

Spring is coming, the weather is warm, and the swallows fly back to the north from the south. They circled in the air, looking for a place to live last year.

"Sister, there is also a river below, and there are many trees beside the river, which should be where we lived last year." Brother Yan said while flying.

The elder sister flew low, looked at it and said, "No, it's not like that. The place where we used to live was beautiful with birds singing and flowers fragrance. It's like here, not like that!"

Brother Yan flew low and looked carefully at the familiar scene before. Suddenly, he saw a small fish sticking out of the river and gasping for breath. "Little fish," cried younger brother Yan when he saw the old acquaintance. "Oh, Swallow, you are back!" Before he finished speaking, he took another breath.

"Fish, how can this happen here?" Xiaoyan asked anxiously.

Xiaoyu said; "People here only care about opening factories to make money and drain all the sewage into the river. It was beautiful here, but people who came here to play threw all the husks into the river. Look, there are bottles everywhere."

"How are you?" Brother Yan asked again.

The little fish said weakly; "I'm going to die. Go!"

A few bean sized tears could not help dripping from brother Yan's eyes into the river, rippling in circles.

Suddenly, a burst of black smoke came out of the chimney, blocking the sun and choking Sister Yan's cough. Sister said; "Little brother, let's go! The environment here is too bad."

Brother Yan said to the little fish, "Good bye, lovely little fish, take care of yourself." After that, brother Yan flew away with tears in his eyes.

Two swallows fly back and forth to find their real home.

Cute Little Fish Composition (2)

My family has four cute little goldfish, two are golden, two are silver and black, two are big and two are small. They are not only my "good friends", but also my "senior actors"!

The eyes of these small goldfish are bulging, like big pearls, and they are watery. They are beautiful; Their small mouths keep opening and closing, as if they never have enough to eat; Their cheeks are red, like two shells; The fins on both sides of their bodies are like human hands, and can also be used as oars; Their scales are shining like diamonds. They are very beautiful! The tail is like a maple leaf, floating in the water.

The little goldfish are sometimes dull and motionless; Sometimes he suddenly twisted his body and swam away with a swing of his tail; Sometimes a fish jumps on the water, and then head into the water again; Sometimes I always stick to the fish tank and swim around leisurely, as if to let us enjoy its beautiful princess skirt. Watching their "personal dance show", I can't help boasting that they are so good. They are so happy!

The scene of fish fighting for food is also wonderful. Whenever I sprinkle fish food, they swim happily, quickly raise their heads on the water surface, their bodies are basically vertical, their mouths are close to the water surface, suck food into their mouths, and then dive back to the bottom to taste slowly. If the fish food sinks into the bottom of the tank carelessly, some goldfish will catch up and will not waste any. Looking at their fighting, I clapped my hands and said with a smile, "What a group of slander cats!"

The little goldfish brought us happiness, and we all like it!

Cute Little Fish Composition (3)

One day, the science teacher asked us to buy some goldfish for observation. So my mother and I went to the park and bought two cute little goldfish. I held it carefully and couldn't put it down.

When I got home, I put down the plastic box and observed it carefully. The body of the small goldfish is covered with scales, shining in the sunlight, changing colors, like a chameleon; A small mouth kept opening and closing, spitting out small bubbles, as if to say: "Look at me, how beautiful! Keep me well!" And the small and exquisite tail kept swinging, as if to show off their beauty.

Where does the water that the little goldfish sucks in come in and out? Looking at the mouth and gills of the little goldfish, a question suddenly occurred in my mind. So I put a small goldfish into another bottle filled with water, found some red ink, squeezed it into the dropper, and waited for the little goldfish to calm down. After a while, the little goldfish was not so lively, and gradually calmed down. I took the opportunity to think that he shot some red ink at his mouth, but the little goldfish seemed to have been on guard and quickly dodged. The first time I failed, but I was not discouraged and tried again. Once, twice, three times... Finally, on the fifth time, I succeeded! I clearly saw that the little goldfish sucked the red ink into its mouth with its mouth and spit it out from its gills.

Goldfish not only has ornamental value, but also can bring more knowledge to people. I like the lovely and beautiful goldfish!

Cute Little Fish Composition (4)

Small fish A few days ago, my family raised several lovely small fish. Their heads are small, and their eyes are round and bright like black beads, which are very energetic.

A big colorful tail, like a beautiful skirt, is swinging from side to side. Some of the body colors are black and some are red. They are very cute when they play, chasing each other. Once, when I gave them food, they scrambled to eat. Some fish seemed to quarrel with each other for food. The bigger fish pushed hard to the front, and their bellies were bulging. They ate more and faster. The smaller one had to be pushed aside and could not reach the food. It seemed that I was about to cry. I really wanted to become a fish and jump into the water to help them.

I really love these cute little fish! They have become my good friends. Comment: The little fish described by the little author is like a group of lovely children. There is no doubt that the little writer treats the little fish as friends and endows them with human nature, and people are the people we contact most, so the little writer can write flowers. This gives us an enlightenment: imagination comes from life.

Cute Little Fish Composition (5)

My father bought a very cute fish, which is very greedy and naughty.

The little fish is golden, and its eyes are always staring so round, still staring at me blankly. The fish's gills are puffy. Sometimes I put my hand under its belly, and it is close to my hand. I still touch it from time to time. Its belly is smooth and soft. There are many scales on the body of the little fish, like many half moon teeth falling on it, and these scales add a lot of luster to it!

Xiaoyu was very timid when he first came to my house. I wanted to scare him when I didn't buy it, but before I met him when I bought it, he turned around and ran around, wondering what to do. Later, he became more and more daring. As soon as I came, he approached the aquarium and played finger games with me. I go up, it goes up, I go down, it goes down, it goes back and forth like this, it's very funny! The little fish was very naughty. One time, when I was not paying attention, he suddenly came to the ground and jumped up. It was about one centimeter high from the fish tank. He made a 360 degree turn in the air and fell into the water. It really scared me half to death!

Another time, I threw a sea snail into the fish tank, and I thought it would not eat it. Who knows, it bit the shell of the snail and spit it out, to see where to start, and then it bit the shell of the snail and ate the meat inside. Then I was afraid that it was hungry, and I raised a few pieces of bread inside. It ate again one mouthful at a time, which is really a worthy snack!

Is this little fish very cute? It is not a worry free little naughty, but also a lucky grass in my life. I like this lively and lovely little goldfish!

Cute Little Fish Composition (6)

My family has two pieces of Liujin, which are very interesting.

One of them is called "Blizzard". Because his body is composed of red, white and black, I will think of Blizzard ice cream when I see him. Because the other one is always head up, like a movie star who is pretending to be dead, and makes people feel arrogant, I call him "Gao Xing". Their looks are totally different from other goldfish. Their bodies are short, their stomachs are big, and their tails are divided into several layers. They look like many feathers, which are much more lovely than most other goldfish. Since Gao Xing's body color is my favorite milky white, I especially like it.

I found that both of them have a habit: spit bubbles on the water during the day and then eat bubbles; At night, I sink to the bottom of the water and hide my head in the pebbles at the bottom of the bathtub. There are also some "intimate contacts" between us. For example, one day, when I came home from school, I saw these two Liujin playing, so I put out my hand to play with them in the water. They were not afraid at all. Instead, they turned around my fingers, not hit my fingers with their head or tail.

These are my little fish, two passionate Liujin.

Cute Little Fish Composition (7)

Every time I hear people talking about their favorite animals, I can't help thinking of those lovely fish in our bathtub.

These small fish have different shapes and sizes. They are very cute! There is a lively and clever small red fish. Its eyes are black, like many sesame seeds, and its thin tail is like soft red yarn, gently swaying in the water. There is a black sword that can be seen even by bones. There is one of the largest fish. Its blue body is set off with some white spots, which is particularly beautiful. It always swings its fins on both sides, as if to show off that it is the king here.

The street sweeper has a mouth like a sucker, and the two long beards in front are like the long beards of an old man. It is inconspicuous among the fish, but don't underestimate it. He is a competent cleaner among the fish. Sometimes he sucks at the bottom of the bathtub, sometimes he sucks on a big stone, busy up and down, busy left and right, sucking away the dust and fish feces in the aquarium, and keeping the aquarium clean and sanitary.

I like these cute little fish very much. How I wish I could become a little fish and play with them.

Cute Little Fish Composition (8)

One day, passing the fish market, I asked my mother to buy me three small fish. To distinguish them. So I gave them unique names. A fish's head is black. I call it black head. A fish is red and white on its body and head, so I call it Huatou. The other fish is short and fat. I call it Little Ball. After going home. I put them in the fishbowl. I made some beautiful pictures and pasted them outside the aquarium for the sake of beauty. We also made some artificial water plants to put in, so as to give the little fish a beautiful home.

on one occasion. I threw down some food. Blackhead and Huatou came to eat them like hungry wolves. Xiaoqiu looked at them, and Huatou accidentally brought food to Xiaoqiu. The little ball swallowed the delicious food in one mouthful. Seeing their appearance, I can't help thinking of a two-part allegorical saying, "Mantis catches cicadas, and yellow finches are behind"!

Another time, after I finished my homework, I went to see Xiaoyu. I saw why Xiaoyu didn't move. I hurriedly shouted, "Mom, is Xiaoyu sick? Come and have a look." My mother smiled after reading it and said, "Silly child, it's Xiaoyu sleeping!" "Why doesn't it close its eyes?" I asked my mother. Mother said, "That's because the fish has no eyelids." "I see!" I murmured.

I love my little fish, it brings me more fun, and let me know more knowledge.

Cute Little Fish Composition (9)

A few days ago, my brother sent me some lovely fish. The elder brother said, "I don't know what its name is. You can name it yourself!" After saying that, the elder brother brought me a packet of small colored balls, saying they were food for small fish. I was so happy that I took it home and put it in a cup. Observe carefully.

It has a round head, like a small bead, bright eyes, a big mouth, a sharp tail, and many orange spots on its body. It is very beautiful. Since my brother said that it had no name, I named it "Little Cute".

I am not used to raising them on the first day. They are also shy and always avoid me. I threw some food to them, but they didn't eat it. I got angry and threw a bunch of food to them. However, they only eat the food that falls beside them. I don't care about them.

The next day they were still shy, but better than the last time. I still throw some food to them as I did yesterday. It took them a long time to eat. After a while, I threw a large handful of them to eat. They buried their heads in the food, but ignored me.

On the third day, they seemed to know me and stared at me. So, I threw a bunch of food to them. To my surprise, they scrambled to grab it.

Once, I looked at them and found that they were exhausted and sank in the water. I give them food right away, but they don't eat it. So, I immediately went to call my mother. At the moment I ran, a small fish bravely jumped onto the table regardless of fatigue. Later, it took me a long time to understand that they wanted to change their water and improve their living environment.

I want to thank my brother for giving me some cute fish, which made me meet some new friends.

Cute Little Fish Composition (10)

In my square aquarium, there are green water plants, rockeries of various shapes, beautiful shells and a group of lovely African wild tropical fish. I don't like two of them very much, because they bit the tail of other small fish "shabby", so I call these two aggressive small fish "two big evil fish"!

There are three scavengers in my fish tank. As the name implies, "street sweeper" is the cleaner in the fish tank. One of the street sweepers, named "Moby Dick Leopard Skin", hid in his "villa" all day long, twisting his fat body from time to time, wondering what he was doing? I really want to pull it out of the water and say to it: "If you don't work, I will let you and other fish 886, OK?" It will certainly cry and say to me: "Master, I will work hard in the future, and I will never be lazy again! 555......"

There is a "Big Mac" fish in the aquarium, which is called "Flaming Butterfly". It is the "Big Mac" in the aquarium for the time being. For the adult "Shijian" (a large fish with black and white zebra stripes), it is really "medium size"! The shape of the "fiery red butterfly" is like a fiery red submarine, which swims freely and leisurely. Its wide mouth can easily swallow a large piece of fish food in one bite, just like a fierce big shark eating a small fish.

I also heard from my mother: "Fish will not starve to death, but only die. They don't need to feed them too much fish food every day. There are more than N microorganisms in the water for them to eat. It's a pity that you can't let fish eat too much to die because of your kindness."

I like the small fish in the aquarium very much. Every time I go to see them, they will come to me excitedly, thinking that I will feed them!

Cute Little Fish Composition (11)

One day last year, my grandmother and I went to the market to buy fish. Suddenly, I saw a small black fish in the aquarium with its mouth open against the glass, as if to say, "Little master, take me home quickly." So I pulled my grandmother beside me: "Grandma, I want to buy this small black fish". Grandma agreed to my request.

Then I took the little black fish home and observed it carefully. The little black fish's eyes were round, like two black gemstones. Its scales are very black, like wearing a shiny black windbreaker. When it swims, it swings left and right, like a black line passing through the water.

Looking at it, the little black fish vomited bubbles, as if to say: "I'm hungry, can you give me some fish food to eat?" Then I remembered that I forgot to buy fish food when I bought fish. I quickly took out all my pocket money and rushed to the market. When I got to the goldfish shop, I picked up the fish food and ran to the front desk to buy a bill. After a while, I returned home and put some fish food into the fish tank. The little black fish opened and closed its mouth, and soon it was finished. When I was full, the little black fish swam around in the aquarium, as if thanking me.

Another time, when I came home, I saw a small black fish floating on the water with no energy, and its mouth was still spitting bubbles. I thought to myself: he won't get any disease. I took the little black fish to the seller in the market and asked, "Is this fish suffering from any disease. I hurried to take the little black fish home and feed some fish food, and sure enough, it became lively again and swam vigorously.

Through the experience of raising small black fish this time, I realized the hard work of raising small animals, and I also remembered the hard work of my parents to raise me. In the future, I will be an obedient child and do something within my power to repay my parents for raising me.

Cute Little Fish Composition (12)

My family has a small fish, but this fish is really different. To be honest, it is really good sometimes. It swims around in the aquarium leisurely and never attacks smaller fish. But if it wants to play, it will play hide and seek with some small fish. They are very happy and hide and seek. I call it "little".

How careful he is when eating. He never misses a piece of fish food. If any fish food falls into the crack of a small stone, he has to lick that piece of stone several times before giving up!

If it is happy, it will swim around a water plant, licking here, biting there, and sometimes sweeping with its little tail, and then painting there and here with its little hands until it is satisfied, and then go away to enjoy the lifelike "fish tank water plant painting" of its own painting; If it is not happy, it will go to the side and stare at the glass. No matter how you strike the glass, it will not move. When the night came, it would hide in a "grass" with many water plants to sleep. In the morning, when the rooster should crow, it would get up. After waking up, put the small stone in your mouth to bite, and then spit it out. This is just like what we do every morning - gargle and brush our teeth.

The little fish likes to eat green food, such as the water plants in the aquarium, but his father has a lot of opinions about his hobby.

We guess it may be a crucian carp, because it has grown a thin beard only a few months ago.

Soon, we moved home, bought a big fish tank, and put the fish in it. In the fishbowl, although it is not the most beautiful, it is the largest and grows fastest. But it never bullied the small with big power, and soon the fish in the aquarium became good friends.

It is really a cute "little dot".

Cute Little Fish Composition (13)

My family has three naughty fish.

The little fish are called crucian carp. They shuttle back and forth in the water and have fun and excitement! Sometimes they seem to be chatting, and a small fish tells them a joke! Look, one of them is laughing hysterically, and the other is laughing upside down. Ha ha, when I saw their appearance, I also laughed a lot.

I found the small mouth of the small fish, and all kinds of scales. The little fish put it on, as if to attend a grand ceremony.

Ah! How lovely these little fish are! I like to play with them.

Cute Little Fish Composition (14)

During the summer vacation, my grandma bought me a beautiful fish in the supermarket. It lives in a round plastic cup.

When I got home, I watched the fish carefully. It was really beautiful! Its whole body is blue with purple, purple with red, and its big and long tail floats in the water, really like a "fish beauty". Dad said: "The water in the plastic cup is nutritious, so you don't need to change the water for the fish or feed them, otherwise the fish will die." I said: "Remember Dad, I will take care of it."

In the evening, something bad happened. I accidentally fell down when I took it to the third floor to play. The cup containing the small fish fell on the ground and broke. The small fish fell out and turned over on the ground, almost dying. I was frightened, so I ran upstairs to call my mother. My mother picked up the fish. I quickly found a new cup and took a glass of water. My mother put the fish in the cup, and the fish swam again. My mother looked up the information on the Internet and told me: "The little fish is called guppy and likes weak salt water." I also bought Nongfu Spring to change the water for the little fish. Under my care, Xiaoyu has been living well, and I am also very happy.

But once, when I got up to see it, it did not move, which scared me. I went to ask my mother, who said, "That's a small fish sleeping. The fish has no eyelids, and they sleep with their eyes open. When it does not move, it is resting." I said, "Oh, I thought it was dead!"

Another time, I found that the small fish would change color. My mother said, "This is the reason for the sunlight."

This little fish is really beautiful and strong! It not only brings me happiness, but also makes me increase a lot of knowledge. I must protect it and not let it be hurt!

Cute Little Fish Composition (15)

My family has four cute little goldfish, two are golden, two are silver and black, two are big and two are small. They are not only my "good friends", but also my "senior actors"!

The eyes of these small goldfish are bulging, like big pearls, and they are watery. They are beautiful; Their small mouths keep opening and closing, as if they never have enough to eat; Their cheeks are red, like two shells; The fins on both sides of their bodies are like human hands, and can also be used as oars; Their scales are shining like diamonds. They are very beautiful! The tail is like a maple leaf, floating in the water.

The little goldfish are sometimes dull and motionless; Sometimes he suddenly twisted his body and swam away with a swing of his tail; Sometimes a fish jumps on the water, and then head into the water again; Sometimes I always stick to the fish tank and swim around leisurely, as if to let us enjoy its beautiful princess skirt. Watching their "personal dance show", I can't help boasting that they are so good. They are so happy!

The scene of fish fighting for food is also wonderful. Whenever I sprinkle fish food, they swim happily, quickly raise their heads on the water surface, their bodies are basically vertical, their mouths are close to the water surface, suck food into their mouths, and then dive back to the bottom to taste slowly. If the fish food sinks into the bottom of the tank carelessly, some goldfish will catch up and will not waste any. Looking at their fighting, I clapped my hands and said with a smile, "What a group of slander cats!"

The little goldfish brought us happiness, and we all like it!

Cute Little Fish Composition (16)

I like my little fish. They are very cute. Some of them have small eyes, round mouths, and flat bodies, like pressed cakes. The patterns on their bodies are black and white, like the skin of a tiger, so I call them "tiger skin"! Some of them have long bodies and their colors are golden yellow. They shine when exposed to the sun. Their eyes are red, so I call them "red eyed dragons". And the whole body is red, and its shape is like a sword. Everyone calls it "red sword". My fish are big and small, big and fierce, small and timid. The big fish always bullies the small fish. The small fish is very afraid and hides in the grass. The big fish always surround the small fish, and the small fish are surrounded. They like the home I built for them very much. There are green water plants, white stones, and clear water - water that keeps circulating. The environment is wonderful! Some fish like to "bathe". When the water flows down, they run to the "bathing hall" and then walk out of the "bathing hall" smiling, as if to say, "Oh, it's so comfortable!" Every time my father comes home at night, they get together into a "welcome team". Their mouths are always moving, as if to say, "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!" In fact, this is not the case, They are competing for food! As soon as Dad sprinkled the fodder, they scrambled for food. After a while, they ate all the feed, but they were not full yet! What a group of "gluttons"! The little fish are very clever when they play. When they were playing hide and seek, some small fish hid in the grass, and some had nowhere to hide. They pretended to say, "I will not play!" Those fish hiding in the grass did not move. How could the fish looking for them not be found?? Little fish is so cute. I like my little fish.