200 words of one thing composition (16 practical articles)
Don't gamble youth on tomorrow
2024-06-01 06:03:50

The composition of one thing is 200 words (1)

There are many things to experience in life, such as happy, sad, sad, happy, some will float across the brain like duckweeds and will not be kept on record, but some rooms will be firmly rooted in the heart like tree roots, with fresh memories. Everyone is like this, so am I. Let me share my happy mood!

It's been a long time since then. I remember it was a winter. It snowed yesterday, but today is still a good day. Although it is sunny, it is still cold when it does not snow. Because we are going to school to sing, we left early to come to school.

The snow last night was so heavy that the school was dressed as a world of white snow. The snow on the ground was still shining silver under the sun. I saw this. We decided to have a good time after singing.

200 words for one thing composition (2)

One summer day, cicadas sang tirelessly in the trees. I managed to finish the homework assigned by my mother, stretched out and prepared to go out to play.

As soon as I passed the living room, Grandpa was reading newspapers on the sofa as usual. But today grandpa was a little strange. He couldn't stop nodding. I walked over to have a look, ah! Grandpa fell asleep and his glasses were about to fall off. Grandpa's cup is empty. He must be so sleepy because he forgot to make tea.

I thought, here, I took the cup to the study to find tea, and finally found my grandfather's favorite green Luochun in the drawer. I took out the tea box, and each tea seemed to wave to me. I squeezed a handful and put it into the cup. I closed the tea lid and put it in the drawer. I took the cup and ran to the kitchen. I picked up the thermos with both hands, opened the lid, and carefully poured water into the cup. The tea suddenly flew up in the water, and a faint smell of tea came to my nose. I could not help but take a deep breath.

I held the cup to Grandpa's nose, and Grandpa suddenly woke up, saw me, and saw the tea in the cup. He immediately laughed and said, "Today the sun comes out from the east, you are a good boy!" I also laughed.

200 words for one thing composition (3)

A very interesting thing happened today, my warm water bag can do magic!

At noon, I had to go for infusion. My mother said while holding the thermos bag, "I forgot to pour the water out yesterday." My mother twisted the plug of the thermos bag and turned it over. It was strange, why didn't a drop of water come out? I asked strangely, "Why can't I pour it out?" My mother laughed and asked me, "Guess what?" I thought: it must be that the hot-water bag can do magic! Mother shook her head and said no, let me think again, but I can't think of it. My mother said, "Yesterday I left my hot-water bag in the car. The temperature outside was too low, and the water in the hot-water bag was frozen to ice!" I suddenly realized: "That's so. I thought this hot-water bag could do magic!"

Through this matter, I want to tell my mother that we can't lose everything in the future. I also want to tell myself that I should think more about things in the future.

200 words for one thing composition (4)

In today's society, there are many poor people. They are old, weak, sick and disabled, and even have children. They are helpless. Even if they have children, they are expelled and can only live by begging. Human nature is kind, which is exactly the case. Therefore, lawbreakers use this to cheat money.

One day, while I was doing my homework, suddenly there were several big young brothers who claimed to be deaf mutes and asked everyone to show their love. However, my mother and father were not at home, so I began to fight with each other: otherwise, I would give them 20 yuan.

Think again: what if it is a fraud? Fear not ten thousand, but just in case. When I thought about it, I suddenly realized that there was a telephone at home! I didn't care about calling my father and mother, but who knew that the phone was in arrears again. At the moment of madness, my father and mother came, and when they saw adults coming, they ran away. I quickly took out my father's mobile phone, dialed 110, said the address, explained the situation, and the police uncle arrived in a fiery hurry. Finally, My father and mother praised me for arresting those young big brothers. I'm very happy!

200 words for one thing composition (5)

After school in the afternoon, the teacher took us to the playground to play hide and seek.

First of all, the teacher asked me to catch me and called me among the students in a circle. The teacher wrapped my eyes with cloth strips. However, my eyes turned black and I could see nothing. To be honest: "Start to catch." I felt around and around. My classmates saw me running desperately. I caught my classmates for a long time, but I didn't catch them. How could I do? I wanted to open my eyes secretly, but I thought: Is this still a hide and seek? It is wrong to do so. So I must continue to catch. Finally, I caught one, but I don't know who it is. I came up with a way: tell a joke to make him laugh. He heard my joke and finally laughed. I recognized it was Xiao Ming.

This game is really interesting. We had a good time.

The composition of one thing is 200 words (6)

One day in this summer vacation, at noon, there was no wind. The hot sun hung in the air like a fire basin. People were so hot that they hid in the air. Almost all children went to the river to swim and play. Cicadas on trees

It was too hot to shout: "Hot, hot?"

At this time, my brother and I were playing with stones under the tree. Suddenly a few "raindrops" fell on my face. I looked up and saw that it was the urine of cicadas. "What a nuisance! This guy is so bully!" My brother and I immediately took the "cicada catching net" - use a reed, fold it into a triangular table at one end, and then wrap some spider webs around it, and tie a slender bamboo pole at the other end.

I raised the cicada net and began to attack it. At this time, some sparrows flew from somewhere and landed on the branch next to the cicada. The cicada immediately spread its wings and flew away. I glared at the sparrow and chased the cicada again. I sweated and panted under the tree, sat down like a cat on the branch, held the net in my hand and approached the cicada carefully. One foot, eight inches and five inches, I aimed at the cicada and held it down.

The composition of one thing 200 words (7)

An interesting thing happened in my aquarium. The tortoise often stretched his neck, dragged his little tail and swam around with a beautiful pattern, looked around and waited for the owner to feed him. The goldfish kept swimming around. I put some shrimp meat into the water. At this time, the fish quickly swam over and grabbed some of them to hide them in the water grass. When the tortoise climbed over, none of the shrimp meat was left. It looked at the fish climbing into the water grass to find the shrimp meat. It accidentally turned upside down. It first stretched its limbs and stretched its neck. It took a lot of effort to turn over. The aquarium has recovered its calm, and different interesting things happen in my aquarium every day.

The aquarium has recovered its calm, and different interesting things happen in my aquarium every day.

The composition of one thing is 200 words (8)

Memory is like a seashell on the beach, gradually becoming less and less, but one thing still stays in my mind and never forgets.

Once, I went to Mr. Wang's place to fill in Chinese. At that time, I was still young and didn't have the courage to answer questions.

Mr. Wang asked me to correct the wrong sentence. I hesitated for a moment, stood up slowly, looked at Mr. Wang timidly and said, "Be bold, don't be afraid!" I shook my fist and finally said the answer loudly. At this time, Mr. Wang said, "Good job!" I smiled happily, smiling like a flower.

After class, Mr. Wang said to me meaningfully, "Don't be afraid to answer questions in the future. You have always been obedient. There is only one shortcoming, that is, you are timid. Don't do that in the future. Have courage. Let's learn from each other's strong points and make up for each other's weak points." "OK!" I answered in a low voice. "You see, I don't have the courage anymore. Speak louder. I believe you can succeed." Teacher Wang said with a smile. "I can do it!" I shouted. "That's great!" Teacher Wang said. I looked at Mr. Wang, who also looked at me. Under the sunshine, the teacher's smile is so kind and beautiful.

On my way of growing up, I must overcome my timidity, face difficulties bravely, and become a person with both wisdom and courage.

The composition of one thing is 200 words (9)

Today, after school, my mother and I were walking slowly on the road. Suddenly, my mother exclaimed, "Eh! What's going on?"

We looked down. Eh, why is there a red cup hanging on the rice bag in my mother's hand! We thought about it for a while, and thought that it might be that the school gate was too crowded just now, and someone else's cup should be placed on the side of the schoolbag, but his hook was cleverly hung on my rice bag. I thought for a moment and said, "Mom, otherwise we would leave here tomorrow, and let me put this beautiful cup in the lost and found office. Someone else must be very worried about losing the cup. Mom nodded:" Baby, you are really kind-hearted. "I listened to my mother's words and smiled happily.

Boys and girls, do you think it's very interesting after school? Hee hee hee!

200 words (10)

From childhood to adulthood, I have experienced many things that are still fresh in my memory, but the most profound thing is only that one thing.

It happened on the bus. When I was seven years old, my mother and I went to take a bus. As soon as we got on the bus, I found a seat, so I ran up and sat on the seat. When the bus stopped, an old woman came up with a big bag of things. She walked up and down as if she was about to fall down at any time. I didn't dare to look, but I wanted to give up my seat to the old woman, but I didn't want to give up my seat to the old woman. This contradictory psychology has been running around in my heart, letting or not letting go, just like this, I kept thinking in my heart.

Finally, I came up with a reason to comfort myself: even if I don't let it, someone will let it. After a while, no one offered his seat to the old lady. I also want to get off, so I thought: I'm going to give up my seat now! But just as I was about to say, the old lady got off the bus.

This is the thing I regret.

200 words (11)

Today, I just came back from the playground sweating.

Suddenly, Zhang Zongyao ran over and said excitedly, "You got the highest score in the class in the Olympic math contest!" I was shocked and thought, "My academic performance is not very good, how can I get the first place in the class?" Zhang Zongyao said again, "When I went to the office to look for my test paper, I saw your test paper and it was the highest score in the class." I listened and jumped three feet high, Another question: Zhang Zongyao, how many points did you get? "" does not know. "Zhang Zongyao said. It suddenly occurred to me that my mother said that she would charge me 5Q coins when I won the first place in the Olympic math exam.

But after all, what you hear is false, what you see is true, so you'd better hand out the test paper to draw a conclusion! But I'm still very happy!

200 words (12)

One morning, I was playing under the garden of our community.

Once, when I was walking, I saw a brand new wallet on the ground. I picked it up and looked at it. Wow! There is a lot of money in it! And you can buy a lot of things! Such as toys, books, supplies, snacks... I think. I thought again: What would I do if my father and mother saw this? If the children see me, they will not agree with me. They say I am a thief when they play, and they are far away from me. In the future, many children will not play with me. Therefore, I think: I must not take this money, because honesty is priceless.

I must give the wallet to the security uncle to help him find its owner. I gave my wallet to the security uncle, who said, "What a good boy! "I told my father what happened, and he said I was a good boy.

This event made me understand that honesty is priceless, and also made me very happy.

Honesty is priceless. If I had used my money, I would have lost my dignity.

200 words (13)

Today, my mother brought back a fully automatic noodle machine, and I jumped and danced happily.

As soon as the noodle machine was put on the ground, I couldn't wait to call and open the packing box. Wow! It has a transparent mixer, a black body, and a small box below to hold various molds. After reading the instructions, I first dug a spoonful of flour and poured it into the noodle machine, then put the mold of the wide noodles into the mixer, and then put 70 ml of water into it. After selecting the amount, press the Start button, the noodle machine will rotate itself, first mixing the noodles. When flour and water are mixed together, they become noodles. When the noodles are awakened, they begin to appear. I am very proud to watch the white noodles come out one by one!

The composition of one thing 200 words (14)

On Saturday, my mother took us to the park to play. When I came in, I saw many people painting and playing bumper cars.

I was even more excited to see so many people. I couldn't wait to tell my mother that we should go to change a piggy bank first. My mother said that I would pick up a little princess's piggy bank. My brother saw that she said to her mother that she also wanted her, so he had to buy one for his brother.

I painted my little princess's hair yellow, my eyes black, my bow red, and my skirt pink and purple. Before I finished painting, my brother said he would play with the bumper car. My mother said she would let me watch my things. He took his brother to play for a while. I said they would go fishing and play with the bumper car later.

They came back and the paintings were dry. We packed our things and went home.

We have gained a lot today. It's really a fun day.

200 words (15)

Glory of the King is almost popular all over the country, and I will not miss this popular game.

Today, I feel warm in the virtual world of games.

I pushed the tower and killed people as always, and got a high record. By the end of the game, our team had already taken a huge advantage. When I entered a grass clump, I found five enemies in the grass clump. I was quickly controlled. I managed to break out of the encirclement, but was selected by Zhuge Liang's big move. I only had a little blood, but Zhuge Liang's' big move 'could consume half of my blood. At this critical moment, teammate Zhuang Zhou flashed to block Zhuge Liang's big move, Zhuge Liang's big move hit him. He was dead, but I was still alive. Then he kept sending the signal of being careful of the grass. When he came back to life, he kept following me. He was a good teammate!

There is truth everywhere, even in games.

200 words (16)

To be tolerant of others is also to be tolerant of yourself. Time passes quickly. Two years have passed in the twinkling of an eye, and I am now a big boy. However, what happened two years ago made me very unforgettable.

I remember that time, I played the game of "chase" with my best friend Xiao Ming. At that time, I ran in front with him, and a classmate chased us. I ran happily, excitedly, and occasionally turned around to run backwards. But just as I turned around happily, I accidentally stepped on Xiaoming's foot. "Ah" he suddenly cried out. With a cry of pain, he stumbled heavily. I was surprised. I quickly picked him down, helped him to come, and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Please forgive me!" He stood up firmly, He said carelessly, "Well, it doesn't matter, let's continue playing!" Then he ran forward, ah! He didn't blame me. He is brave. Does he really feel no pain? I was still wandering around at a loss. He waved to me with a smile and asked me to come. I ran to him happily, and at the same time, I wrote down this matter, which was deeply recorded in my heart.

This waving, this smile, is not just to ask me to come over, in fact, it has a more profound meaning - tolerance. Since then, we two good friends have been tolerant and caring for each other. So we have tolerance and happiness in life!