Ants Moving Bones Composition (Collection of 19)
Fresh chrysanthemum still smells
2024-06-19 09:35:53

Ants move bones composition (1)

One day, Ant Xiaohei volunteered to her mother and said, "Mom, it's autumn and the weather is getting cold. Shall I go outside to find some food?" Her mother said, "OK, go back quickly!" "OK!" Ant Xiaohei said and ran out.

Ant Xiao Hei turned around for several times, but he didn't find anything. When he was ready to go home, a gust of wind blew away the grass in front of him. The little black ant cried out in surprise. It turned out that he saw a long and thick bone! It looks delicious. The ant Xiaohei immediately began to flow down. It moved hard, but the bones did not move. "Alas, my strength is too small!" Ant Xiaohei was a little discouraged.

Suddenly, it came up with a good idea: Yes! Find brothers and sisters to help! Ant Xiaohei was so excited that he fell five or six times on the way back and stumbled to the door of his house. He shouted at the house, "Brothers and sisters, I found a big bone. Come out and bring it back with me!"

When they reached the bone, everyone began to move the bone. The ants are all in a hurry and move too slowly. So, Ant Xiaohei began to command: "Everyone follow my command, one two one, one two one..." Ant Xiaohei commanded seriously.

After the ants worked together, the bones were finally moved to the home. Ant mother said: "Children, you are so powerful!" Ant Xiaohei smiled happily.

Ants move bones composition (2)

I wrote the pictures and words on the weekend volume twice. The first time I wrote them myself, and the second time I thought they were not good enough. I wrote them again according to the teacher's tips.

One day, the ants came out to find food. It found a big bone in the grass. So the little ant asked his companion to move with him. "One, two, three! One, two, three! Push! Push!" Finally, he moved the bones home.

A little ant felt hungry and was going out to find something to eat. It came to the grass and saw a thick and big bone. He was so happy that he thought, "I can move home and have a good meal!" So he went to move bones, but the bones were too heavy to move. He thought, "What should I do?" He came up with a good idea. It immediately ran home and called out all its friends. They stood on both sides of the bone, "One or two!" They moved the bone up neatly. "One two! One two!" They finally carried the bones home with their strength, and had a good meal with their brothers and sisters.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (3)

One morning, the little ant came out alone to find food. It crawled and crawled into the grass. Suddenly he found a very big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This bone can let us all eat for a long time. It immediately ran home to inform the partners. When the partners heard this, they hurried to the grass. They lifted the bones together and shouted, "One, two, three, come on! One, two, three, come on!" The little ants slowly moved the bones home.

8 Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out to find something to eat and saw a big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This big bone is enough for us to eat for a long time. Thinking about it, it uses its tentacles to send messages and inform its partners to move bones together. When the little ants received the message, they rushed over immediately. They were excited to see such a big bone and tried their best to move it. Some of them carried the bones to the front, some carried them to the middle, and some carried them to the back. Although everyone was tired and sweating, they didn't care at all.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (4)

An ant was hungry, looking for food everywhere. He searched and searched. Suddenly, he found a big bone in the grass. He was ecstatic and thought, "This big bone must be enough for us to eat."

It used all its strength to move the big bone. The big bone did not move at all, but it exhausted the ants. It thought and thought, and finally came up with a good way.

So the ant ran back and told the news to another ant: "Brother, I found a big bone."

"Really?" asked another ant.

"Really!" said the ant who found the bone.

"Then move the bones back quickly," said another ant.

"But I can't move it," said the ant who found the bone.

Then they went back to the grass and tried to move the bones again. However, they still can not be moved. So they went to find partners again. In this way, one after another ants came to move. Finally, ten ants came. They were divided into two groups. Each group had five ants, one on the left and one on the right. They finally moved the bones back together.

An ant said, "I finally know how powerful the unity is."

Ants Moving Bones Composition (5)

Mother Ant is ill. Her child, Xiao Hei, thought, "My mother takes care of me hard every day. Now that I have grown up, I should learn to live on my own." So Xiao Hei decided to go out to find food for her mother.

Xiao Hei walked and walked for most of the day without finding anything to eat. When he was discouraged, he suddenly found a big and fragrant meat bone in the grass. Xiaohei was so happy that he thought, "This big bone is enough for our whole family to eat for a month!" Xiaohei ran to take the bone home. However, it used up all its strength, and the bone still lay motionless. Xiao Hei is so worried! At this time, it thought of a sentence her mother often said: "Unity is strength!"

Xiao Hei called many ant brothers. Everyone shouted, "Come on! Come on!" and carried the bones home together. Mom saw it and smiled happily! Xiao Hei also understood that unity is strength. As long as we unite as one, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (6)

When spring comes, everything comes back to life. The ants who have slept all winter wake up and look for food everywhere.

The little ant walked to a green grass. Hmm, it smells good! The little ant looked around and saw something white in front of him. What? The little ant went to the front and looked carefully. Wow! It was a big bone. The little ant danced happily.

The little ant made great efforts, but the bone did not move, so anxious that the little ant jumped up and down on the bone, thinking how to move the bone home? The little ant had a brainwave and thought of his brothers and sisters. yes! Go to find brothers and sisters. It ran home without stopping. The little ant ran to the hole and gasped for breath and shouted to the hole: "Big brother, big sister, I found a big bone! Come and help me move it!" Everyone scrambled out of the hole to move the bone.

The little ants came to the bone and tried to figure out a way. Only one ant said, "Lift it!" The little ants carried the bone on their shoulders together, and then they moved the bone home step by step with neat steps. Along the way, everyone worked together and finally moved the bone to the home.

When everyone had a big dinner in the evening, the mother ant praised them: "You are really a group of good children who are united and friendly!" The little ant also understood a truth by eating the bone: unity is strength! As long as we unite as one, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (7)

"Lala la, I am a diligent ant..." The leader of the ant was looking for something to eat outdoors. Suddenly, he saw a fresh and tender meat bone in the green grass, which was very surprising. He tried once, but his head was like a big stone, lying there without moving. The leader of the ant team was worried and said to himself, "I can't move it alone. Even if it takes a lot of effort, there is no hope." He sat down on the ground and tried his best to find a way. Suddenly, he had an idea: "I can ask my brothers and sisters to move with me." Then he ran home quickly.

When they got home, the leader of the ant team shouted out of breath to everyone: "I found a delicious meat bone in the grass, everyone go to move it!" The ants said in unison: "Let's go now!" Everyone was really gathering firewood. When they came to the grass, some of them pulled, some held, and some lifted. On the way, they also hummed a song.

After the ants move the bones home, they will share delicious meat and bones together, not to mention how pleasant it is!

Ants Moving Bones Composition (8)

Autumn has passed and winter is coming. The little ants are ready to store food for the winter.

One day, the ants slowly climbed to the grass in the park for a walk. Suddenly, it saw a huge thing lying in the grass. The little ant quickly climbed over to see what it was? When he climbed to the grass, his eyes lit up and he thought, "Oh, this bone is so big, it should be enough for me and my friends to spend the winter." So the little ant quickly prepared to carry the bone home. However, because the bone was too big, the little ant could not move it after exhausting its milk power. It thought: No, I can't move it alone. I should call my friends to move together. One came, two came, three came... Before long, a group of little friends came. Next, they began to move the bones. Some ants carried the bones on the left, some ants carried the bones on the right, and some ants carried the bones in the middle... After the concerted efforts of the children, they finally moved the bones back to their homes.

This story tells us a truth: many people have great power. Only by working together can we do everything well.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (9)

It's sunny on Sunday. The little ant growled with hunger and wanted to go out to find food.

The little ant hummed all the way to a piece of grass. At this time, it smelled a smell of meat. Wow, there is food nearby, which is really great. Then, the little ant followed the fragrance to the river and said to himself, "This meat fragrance is floating from the other side of the river, but what should I do if I can't swim?"? Suddenly, a leaf fell from the sky and landed on the river bank. The little ant was overjoyed. I couldn't swim, so I could just sit on the leaves and float past. So the little ant bravely jumped on the leaf. At this time, a gust of wind blew, and the leaves soon floated along the river to the other side of the river.

The little ant jumped down from the leaves and continued to walk along the smell of meat. He walked into a grass and saw a bone. He was very happy. Wow, what a delicious meat bone! It can be used for a week. The little ant hurriedly lifted it with his hands, but the bone did not move. The little ant tried his best to lift the bone with his shoulder, but the bone still didn't move. At this time, the little ant was so tired that he was panting and sweating. What should I do?

The little ant thought hard for a while and came up with a good idea. He went home to ask his brothers and sisters to help him. When the little ant came home and told everyone the good news, everyone danced with joy, and hurriedly followed the little ant to the shore. When they arrived at the bank, they stood next to the head bones, lined up in a neat line, made great efforts, and shouted a loud slogan: One, two, one, two, one worked together to move the meat bones back home.

Children, when we encounter difficulties, we should know how to seek the help of others. As long as we are united, there is no difficulty that can defeat us.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (10)

There is a hole on the side of the village where an ant family lives.

One morning, the mother ant went out to find food for her child. But she could not find it. The mother ant felt a little tired, so she was ready to sit down and have a rest.

Who knows, the mother ant just sat down and smelled a delicious smell of bones. Then, it could not help but smell the smell and find a big bone in the grass. Mother ant thought: If I take this bone home, it will be enough for the children to eat for several days!

The mother ant tried to move the bone, but the bone was very heavy and remained in place. The mother ant made a mark next to the bone, and then hurried home to find her family to help move the bone.

When they got home, the mother ant told her brothers and sisters, "Come with me to fetch bones. There will be bone soup to drink at night, so that everyone can eat well..." The ants lined up in a long line to fetch bones. When we got there, Mother Ant said, "Let me count one, two, one. You stand in a row on the left and one on the right according to the number of odd and even numbers, and then listen to my command and work together." Then Mother Ant shouted the number, and everyone lifted the bone together. Walking, a small ant fell down. Another helping ant quickly lifted it up, and then joined the team of removing bones.

After carrying the bones home, the ants smashed, washed, and burned them... We worked together and soon made bone soup. Mother Ant gave everyone the soup to drink, and everyone thought it was very delicious.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (11)

One morning, a little ant came out for a walk before having breakfast.

Suddenly, he found a big bone in the grass. The little ant thought to himself: If I take this big bone home, I will have bone soup at home tonight. Then he wanted to lift the bone, but he felt very heavy and could not move it by himself.

So it went back to call rescuers. When he got home, he told his parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters about this discovery. When everyone heard this, they were ready to go out at once. They all wanted to carry the bone home. The ants led everyone to the grass and said, "It's in the nearby grass." They found the bone and then worked together to lift it up. On the way, the little ants shouted "One Two One..." and commanded the ants to carry the bones home.

After returning home, some of the ants smashed, some washed, and some were cooking bone soup. When the bone soup was ready, the mother ant gave the little ants soup to drink. Everyone thought the bone soup was very delicious.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (12)

1. Ants move bones

On a sunny afternoon, an ant went out to look for food.

Suddenly, he saw a bone in the grass. He was very happy and wanted to take the bones home. But the bones are too heavy for the ants to move back. What should we do? The little ant thought hard, and a good idea suddenly flashed into his mind.

The little ant ran back to the hole and touched another ant with its tentacles, as if to say, "I found a delicious bone, and everyone helped me move it back." Another ant also touched it with its feeler, indicating that it knew the good news. So the ant touched other ants with its tentacles and told them the good news. One by one, everyone knows. Everyone immediately formed a line, and the ants who found the bones led the way. At the destination, "sex, sex"... everyone worked together to move this bone home. Finally moved home! Let's enjoy this delicious bone.

The ants all praised the little ant who found the bone: "Great!"

2. Ants move bones

One day, the ants were playing in the grass. Suddenly, he saw a bone in the grass, and he thought, Ah! What a big bone! How nice it would be to move him home! So he decided to move the bone. Ah, it was too heavy. He screamed, which was very urgent. He thought about it and remembered his brothers. He ran home hurriedly. They moved the bones together and shouted: "One two one, one two one." Soon, the bones moved into the little ant's house, and the little ant was very happy.

3. Ants move bones

One morning, the sky was cloudless, the spring breeze was blowing, and the road was covered with long and green grass. The ant was leisurely crawling around for a walk. The ant found a bone, which was big and long. The ant thought to himself that I would ask my partner to help. It called the ants. The ants worked together to move the bones. They lifted the bones together and climbed into the hole. They shouted the slogan together: "Come on, come on". Soon they moved the bones into the hole and laughed happily: finally we can have a good meal.

4. Little ants move bones

One day, a small ant went out to look for food. It saw a bone and wanted to move it into the hole. However, the little ant took great pains to keep his bones still. After thinking about it, the little ant called his brothers and sisters together. Everyone worked together and finally moved the bone into the hole. The little ants danced with joy, and their hearts were as sweet as honey!

5. Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out to find something to eat and saw a big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This big bone is enough for us to eat for a long time. Thinking about it, it uses its tentacles to send messages and inform its partners to move bones together. When the little ants received the message, they rushed over immediately. They were excited to see such a big bone and tried their best to move it. Some of them carried the bones to the front, some carried them to the middle, and some carried them to the back. Although everyone was tired and sweating, they didn't care at all.

6. Ants move bones

One day, the little ant went out for a walk. After walking a few steps, he found a bone in the grass. He immediately climbed up and wanted to move the bone into the hole with his friends.

However, it used its strength of nine bulls and two tigers, and its bones did not move. It is so anxious that it turns round and round. It looks left and right. What should we do? by the way! Find a partner. As he walked, he saw several good friends on the way and excitedly said to them, "I found some delicious food. Shall we move it home together?" The little ants said in unison, "OK!" So they went home to find more partners to move food.

After a while, a lot of ants came, and they continued to move together. They walked across the wooden bridge, across the mound of earth... and finally moved back home.

The ants had a party and came with delicious food.

7. Ants move bones

One day, it was sunny and cloudless, and the little ant Ding Ding went out to look for food.

Suddenly, Ding Ding was surprised to find a fragrant bone lying in the grass. The bones are crisscrossed with meat and bones, and the mouth watering. It could not help saying: "This is a good meal! I must move it back to enjoy it with my brothers and sisters." However, Ding Ding tried hard to move it, but the bones did not move. He thought to himself: If we call all our families here, we will be able to do it with more people. So he hurried to eat his friends.

After a while, a group of ants arrived separately. They divided their work and cooperated. Some pulled in the front, some held in the middle, and some pushed in the back. As they walked, they shouted, "One, two, three bones..." Everyone worked together and happily moved the bones home.

Ah! Many people are really powerful.

8. Little ants move bones

One morning, the little ant came out alone to find food. It crawled and crawled into the grass. Suddenly he found a very big bone in the grass. The little ant thought: This bone can let us all eat for a long time. It immediately ran home to inform the partners. When the partners heard this, they hurried to the grass. They lifted the bones together and shouted, "One, two, three, come on! One, two, three, come on!" The little ants slowly moved the bones home.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (13)

Ant Xiao Hei turned around for several times, but he didn't find anything. When he was ready to go home, a gust of wind blew away the grass in front of him. The little black ant cried out in surprise. It turned out that he saw a long and thick bone! It looks delicious. The ant Xiaohei immediately began to flow down. It moved hard, but the bones did not move. "Alas, my strength is too small!" Ant Xiaohei was a little discouraged.

Suddenly, it came up with a good idea: Yes! Find brothers and sisters to help! Ant Xiaohei was so excited that he fell five or six times on the way back and stumbled to the door of his house. He shouted at the house, "Brothers and sisters, I found a big bone. Come out and bring it back with me!"

When they reached the bone, everyone began to move the bone. The ants are all in a hurry and move too slowly. So, Ant Xiaohei began to command: "Everyone follow my command, one two one, one two one..." Ant Xiaohei commanded seriously.

After the ants worked together, the bones were finally moved to the home. Ant mother said: "Children, you are so powerful!" Ant Xiaohei smiled happily.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (14)

As we walked and looked at the autumn leaves falling on the ground, we suddenly saw a big bone lying on the grass. I was about to say who didn't care for the environment so much, when I suddenly saw several small ants around the big bone. Do they smell the fragrance?

It seems that they can't move around the bone. After a while, I saw that they had brought some leaves to cover them, and then turned around and ran to find their partners. As they ran, they shouted excitedly: "Here is a big bone, enough for us to eat several meals!"

Hearing the cries of their partners, the other ants hurried over. They pulled away the leaves together and stood on both sides of the bone in two lines, shouting together: "One, two, three, lift up; one, two, three, move forward..." Finally, the ants worked together to move the bone into the house, and they must have a good meal tonight.

It is the unity of the ants that makes them enjoy the delicious food. This made me understand that the collective power is infinite.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (15)

Soon the little ant saw a long meat bone lying in the grass. The little ant was elated and thought: Ha ha, I can prove that my strength is great. I will move this bone home alone, and my brothers and sisters will worship me. The little ant tried his best, but the bone did not move. The little ants were so anxious that they turned round and round.

A group of little friends passed by. They saw the little ants were tired and panting. They were curious and asked, "What's wrong with you, little ants?" The little ants said sadly, "I want to move the meat bones home, but I can't move them." The little friends said enthusiastically, "Let's help you!" Some of them carried them in front, some pushed them behind, and some carried them on both sides, Shouting the chant: "Hei yo, hei yo", they worked together to move the meat bones back to the ants' home. In order to thank them, the ants invited them to eat meat bones together, and everyone ate with relish and joy.

From then on, the little ant also understood that a person's strength is limited, and only when everyone unites, the strength is the greatest.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (16)

There is a hole on the side of the village where an ant family lives.

One morning, the mother ant went out to find food for her child. But she could not find it. The mother ant felt a little tired, so she was ready to sit down and have a rest.

Who knows, the mother ant just sat down and smelled a delicious smell of bones. Then, it could not help but smell the smell and find a big bone in the grass. Mother ant thought: If I take this bone home, it will be enough for the children to eat for several days!

The mother ant tried to move the bone, but the bone was very heavy and remained in place. The mother ant made a mark next to the bone, and then hurried home to find her family to help move the bone.

When they got home, the mother ant told her brothers and sisters, "Come with me to fetch bones. There will be bone soup to drink at night, so that everyone can eat well..." The ants lined up in a long line to fetch bones. When we got there, Mother Ant said, "Let me count one, two, one. You stand in a row on the left and one on the right according to the number of odd and even numbers, and then listen to my command and work together." Then Mother Ant shouted the number, and everyone lifted the bone together. Walking, a small ant fell down. Another helping ant quickly lifted it up, and then joined the team of removing bones.

After carrying the bones home, the ants smashed, washed, and burned them... We worked together and soon made bone soup. Mother Ant gave everyone the soup to drink, and everyone thought it was very delicious.

[Chapter 2: Little ants move bones]

One morning, Little Ant Little Black and Little White went out to play together. They played for a long time and were ready to have a rest in the grass.

Suddenly, Xiaobai smelled a delicious smell. It took Xiaohei to follow the smell and found a piece of grass. At this time, they found a huge bone. Xiaohei shouted happily, "Great! There will be a bone feast tonight!" Xiaobai said, "But such a big bone must be very heavy. How can I carry it back?"

Xiao Hei said, "I will go back to move the rescue soldiers, and you will stay here!" After that, Xiao Hei hurried away. Xiao Hei ran all the way to leave his own smell and ran home panting. Before entering the house, Xiao Hei shouted: "We found a big and heavy meat bone, but we can't carry it. Everyone go to help!" The ants heard this and swarmed out of the house, saying, "Really? Really?" "Really!" Xiao Hei replied. "Great! Great! There is bone soup to drink tonight! Take us to have a look!" All members of the small black belt ant family went out.

After a long walk, I finally came to the place where I found the bone. When Xiaobai saw this, he quickly shouted: "Hurry! Hurry! One column on the left, one column on the right, two at the back and two at the front! Listen to my command, and everyone will carry it together!" After the preparations were completed, Xiaobai shouted: "Carry it!" The ants worked together to carry the bones. Xiaobai shouted a slogan: "One two, one two..." Before walking a few steps, one little ant fell down, and another little ant quickly made up to carry it... After walking a few steps, another little ant fell down, and another little ant came up to carry it again... How many ants fell down on the way, and how many bones fell to the ground. However, the ants finally carried the bones home.

At home, some ants smashed, some washed, some were boiling water, and some ants buried the bones they had bitten for winter food. In the evening, parents put a bowl of bone soup on each ant. The little ants got the bone soup and drank it at one go. The little ants would say, "How delicious!".

[Chapter 3: Little ants move bones]

There is an ant hole under the big tree. The mother ant came out to look for food, but she walked for a long time without finding anything to eat.

Just when she was depressed, the mother ant found a big and long bone in the grass. It tried hard to move the bones, but the bones did not move. What should we do? At this time, the smart mother ant made a mark here, left her own smell, and then went home to move rescue soldiers. As soon as he entered the house, he cried out: "Brothers and sisters, I found a big and long bone, come with me to move it! There will be bone soup tonight!" When brothers and sisters heard this, their mouths watered with greed. They all said with one voice, "Take us quickly! Take us quickly!" So the mother ant took many ants to move the bone.

When they got to Big Bone, the ants lined up in two straight lines, listened to the ant mother's order, and finally moved Big Bone to the door. However, the hole is too small and the bones are too big to enter. The mother ant thought of another way: bite the bones into pieces, and then move them into the hole piece by piece.

After returning home, the mother ant made a pot of delicious bone soup. When the mother ant said, "It's time for dinner", the little ants rushed up like bees and stole all the bone soup, one by one, their bellies were full.

[Chapter 4: Little Ants Move Bones]

One morning, the ants came to the field to play.

Suddenly, an ant found a big bone in the grass. It thought: if we can move this bone home, we will have bone soup tonight.

However, it exerted all its strength, and the bone still did not move! It left a smell beside the bone, and then came back with the rescuers smelling the smell. When carrying the bone, the captain of the ant shouted: "One two! One two!" But the bone was too big to move. What should we do? Later, everyone came up with a good idea. They worked together to chew the bone into two sections and moved it away twice.

I finally got home. The ants worked together, washed the bones and boiled them in a pot. After a while, the delicious bone soup was cooked, and the ants were happy to drink it!

[Chapter 5: Little Ants Move Bones Composition]

One morning, when the mother ant saw her child was hungry, she wanted to go out to look for food.

He walked and walked, feeling a little tired, so he found a place to sit and rest. At this time, the mother ant suddenly smelled a delicious smell. She walked along the smell and saw a bone. The mother ant thought silently: Wow! It's really a big and fragrant bone. It plans to take this bone home to make a beautiful bone soup to drink.

The mother ant happily lifted the bone, but she was too weak to move it. What can we do about it? The mother ant's eyes turned, and she thought of a solution. So he made a mark next to the bone and ran home quickly.

As soon as they got to the door of the house, the mother ant cried excitedly: "Children, my mother found a big and fragrant bone! Go and help my mother move the bone!" The little ants listened to one by one without saying anything and ran to my mother. You said, "Mom, take us to move it!" The mother ant said, "OK, go with my mother!"

Mother ants took the ants to the marked place and said to the little ants, "Don't move it first, or it will be too messy. Why don't you do it like this? One ant in front of you, five ants on the left and five ants on the right." The little ants did as their mother said. Everyone shouted the slogan "One, two, one, move the bones..." They lifted the bones and finally moved them home.

When she got home, the mother ant cut, chopped and smashed the bones... the delicious bone soup was ready. The little ants each put a bowl on it, and they ate delicious!

[Chapter 6: Little Ants Move Bones Composition]

One morning, a little ant came out for a walk before having breakfast.

Suddenly, he found a big bone in the grass. The little ant thought to himself: If I take this big bone home, I will have bone soup at home tonight. Then he wanted to lift the bone, but he felt very heavy and could not move it by himself.

So it went back to call rescuers. When he got home, he told his parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters about this discovery. When everyone heard this, they were ready to go out at once. They all wanted to carry the bone home. The ants led everyone to the grass and said, "It's in the nearby grass." They found the bone and then worked together to lift it up. On the way, the little ants shouted "One Two One..." and commanded the ants to carry the bones home.

After returning home, some of the ants smashed, some washed, and some were cooking bone soup. When the bone soup was ready, the mother ant gave the little ants soup to drink. Everyone thought the bone soup was very delicious.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (17)

Look at the picture composition Small ants move bones [Chapter 1]

One day, a little ant was playing in the grass. Suddenly, he found a big and fragrant meat bone. "Wow, I'm going to invite all my friends and move them home together."

So she blew a slogan. After a while, all my friends came. They worked hard together and shouldered the bones on their shoulders: "One two one, one two one, go home happily."

Look at the picture and write: Little ants move bones [Chapter 2]

On this sunny day, a small worker ant was ordered to look for food.

The industrious worker ant climbed and climbed. A breeze sent a fragrance. The sensitive worker ant immediately became alert and stepped up against the wind. Finally, he found a big and long bone in a piece of grass. He was very happy and hurried back.

On the way, the young worker ants met two companions. Their antennae rustled each other for a while. In this way, a group of worker ants were summoned.

They discussed around the bone for a while, and then they formed two teams. They lifted the bone hard from both sides of the bone, and the bone left the ground. Finally, they worked together to carry the bones back.

Later, I consulted my mother and learned the secret of ants' message. It turns out that ants will emit some hormones with special smell on the way, and their companions will look for food according to the smell.

A Little Ant Moves Bones [Chapter 3]

I wrote the pictures and words on the weekend volume twice. The first time I wrote them myself, and the second time I thought they were not good enough. I wrote them again according to the teacher's tips.

One day, the ants came out to find food. It found a big bone in the grass. So the little ant asked his companion to move with him. "One, two, three! One, two, three! Push! Push!" Finally, he moved the bones home.

A little ant felt hungry and was going out to find something to eat. It came to the grass and saw a thick and big bone. He was so happy that he thought, "I can move home and have a good meal!" So he went to move bones, but the bones were too heavy to move. He thought, "What should I do?" He came up with a good idea. It immediately ran home and called out all its friends. They stood on both sides of the bone, "One or two!" They moved the bone up neatly. "One two! One two!" They finally carried the bones home with their strength, and had a good meal with their brothers and sisters.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (18)

Look at the picture of ants moving bones Composition 1:

One day, the sun was bright and cloudless, and a small ant went to the grass to look for food.

The little ant looked around and came to a piece of grass. Suddenly, he was surprised to find a bone. It jumped and ran to move it. However, he could not move with all his strength. He just circled the bones, scratched his head and tried to find a way around. The little ant came up with a good idea. He immediately went home to find someone to help him. When his family knew the news, they immediately rushed out and came to the bone. When the ants saw the bone, they were amazed and said happily, "What a big bone! We can have a rich dinner party." After that, they moved the bone back home with neat steps.

On this day, the ants spent an unforgettable carnival night.

Look at the picture of ants moving bones Composition 2:

One day, the sun was bright and cloudless, and a small ant went to the grass to look for food.

The little ant looked around and came to a piece of grass. Suddenly, he was surprised to find a bone. It jumped and ran to move it. However, he could not move with all his strength. He just circled the bones, scratched his head and tried to find a way around. The little ant came up with a good idea. He immediately went home to find someone to help him. When his family knew the news, they immediately rushed out and came to the bone. When the ants saw the bone, they were amazed and said happily, "What a big bone! We can have a rich dinner party." After that, they moved the bone back home with neat steps.

On this day, the ants spent an unforgettable carnival night.

Look at the picture of ants moving bones Composition 3:

In the afternoon, a small ant was walking in the dense grass. Suddenly, he saw two big bones in front of him. He ran back to the nest and told his brothers and sisters the news so that they could carry the bones. They came there, united as one, and moved a bone back to the nest. Another bone was moved back. Back in the nest, they were sweating heavily, but they were very happy.

The little ant who found the bone was also very happy. I hope there is bone moving.

At night, the little ants and their brothers and sisters had a sweet dream.

Ants Moving Bones Composition (19)

This is the first time that the ants go out to look for food, and they feel very excited. Along the way, he hummed a song, climbed a mountain and crossed a bridge. He was very tired and panting, but he still did not find food. He felt disappointed. Suddenly, a gentle breeze blew, with gusts of tempting fragrance. "What's the smell? It's really fragrant!" said the little ant, swallowing the saliva. Then it followed the fragrance to a grass bush and found a big and fragrant meat bone. At this time, its stomach "Gulu... Gulu..." cried. The hungry ant rushed into the grass and began to eat. After a while, its stomach became bulging. The little ant who is full wants to carry the delicious meat bone home and share it with his family. However, its strength is too small, and it hasn't been moved after several attempts. So the little ant went home crying loudly.

After returning home, the little ant sat in front of the door and sobbed. The mother ant, who had already come back, hurriedly asked, "What's the matter with you, son?" The little ant said sadly, "Mom, I saw a piece of meat bone and wanted to move it back to share with you, but my strength is too small to move it." The mother ant smiled and said, "Silly child, don't be afraid. I will let everyone move the meat bone with you later."

At this time, the little ant wiped his tears, whistled and led his family to move the meat bone. They crossed the mountain and the bridge together and saw the meat bone in the grass. Everyone drooled when they saw the meat bones. At this time, the mother ant said: "After a while, everyone heard my whistle, and the whistle sounded, they lifted the meat bones together, and then shouted the command" One Two One, One Two One, Go Forward ". Then, under the leadership of the mother ant, we successfully transported the meat bones back home with everyone.

When they got home, they all ate delicious meat bones with relish and praised the ants!

As long as everyone works together, there is nothing impossible in the world!