Compositions on environment (19 collections)
Wait for an old man
2024-06-26 02:03:43
Junior three
topic of conversation

Composition on Environment (1)

There is a Buddhist saying: "Saving one life is better than building a seven level pagoda." Now we have a chance to save yourself while saving others. What is this? That is to protect the environment, starting from small things.

The earth is our home, shouldn't we protect it? Now the earth is suffering, water resources are polluted, forest resources are decreasing, and the appearance of the sky has changed

I don't know if you have heard such a story: there was once a kingdom, and there was a rule in the law that citizens were not allowed to cut down trees, even if it was to scratch the bark. But one day when the king's son was playing in the forest, he trampled on three young trees. When the king knew about it, he was beaten twenty times with a whip. From then on, he hated him. Until the old king died, the old king's son became the king. One day, a designer brought a design drawing. The elegant, beautiful and magnificent house in the drawing deeply attracted the young king. He made his army cut down all the trees in the forest to build the house in the bottom of the drawing, despite the old king's instruction and the minister's dissuasion, but the trees in the forest were also gone, Everyone enjoyed the new house, but the good times didn't last long. Not long after the storm, sand and all kinds of bad weather attacked the new country, and then the sand storm buried the kingdom, and everything disappeared

If there is no forest, don't we also want to perish like them? How important the forest is. They not only help us block the sand, fix the mud land, but also convert the carbon dioxide produced by our breath into oxygen.

Forest, earth, sky, water... Can we abandon them? This is impossible. They are our living environment. The forest can bring us shade, the earth can let us plant food, the sky can give us living space, and water can nourish dry bodies. Can we abandon these? These are all indispensable conditions for raising us.

The earth, the earth on which we live, let's start from small things, love the environment, save the earth, save our home, and save ourselves.

Composition on Environment (2)

On Friday afternoon, the bell rang after class. I picked up my schoolbag, picked up my umbrella and hurried outside the school, just to keep my grandfather from waiting.

I walk with an umbrella and look around. I saw a child eat a banana and leave the skin on the road. I think: such behavior is not good! no way! I have to pick it up quickly. So I was going to pick it up when another child saw the banana peel, as if he had never seen it before. I thought he would pick it up, but unexpectedly, he stepped over the banana skin and kicked it away, just "flying" to an old man. "Ah! What can I do?" I was in a hurry to write, but my grandfather smiled at me and went to do "national fitness exercises".

Just as Grandpa was about to step on the banana peel, I shouted to him: "Grandpa, be careful, there is a banana peel in front of you!" Grandpa heard this, stopped immediately, pulled his feet back, and stepped back.

I rushed to pick up the "villain" and threw it into the trash without mercy. As soon as I straightened up, my grandfather gave a thumbs up and said, "Ha ha, no wonder it's my good granddaughter!" My grandfather also gave a thumbs up and asked, "What school are you from, little friend?" "I'm affiliated with CUHK!" I replied proudly.

Composition on Environment (3)

The little fish looked at his original limpid home -- the Yellow River became turbid day by day, with more and more garbage floating on the water surface, and the original fresh river water also became foul, so he couldn't help talking to the river.

The little fish said anxiously to the river, "Why does our home become like this? If it continues like this, not only the creatures in our river can't survive well, but also the people by the river won't come to play, and those lovely children will also leave us." The river heard the little fish's words, and could not help but say sadly, "Yes! In summer, there will be many mosquitoes in the sewage. People around us may hate us, not to mention having fun in the cool! It's really distressing to think about this! " "Then, who made us like this?" asked the little fish. The river thought for a moment and said, "When I was flowing upstream, I saw that some paper mills, chemical plants, pharmaceutical plants, cigarette factories and other small factories did not comply with the requirements of their own factories, but directly discharged sewage to us." The little fish then said, "Oh, yes, on Sunday, there will be some immoral people throwing garbage in, and the staff on the river can't clean it up in time, so it's like this over time. Alas, it's really a sin to live in such a smelly environment every day!" The little fish sighed.

The river also sighed and said, "If the factory can treat the sewage as required and discharge the river water to the designated place instead of the river, people can consciously cultivate good habits and do not litter here, our home will be able to return to the former clean and beautiful appearance."

Composition on Environment (4)

The world is now facing a survival crisis.

For example, the greenhouse effect, the global temperature rise, you will certainly say, what is terrible about rising and warming? And it can keep warm, which is wrong. Global warming has undergone earth shaking changes. Like weather changes, for example, winter suddenly becomes spring, summer suddenly becomes winter, or in spring, the weather becomes hot and cold. The snow mountain has melted, and the glacier has melted. If you say that melting is melting, and there is no crisis, then you are wrong again. Because some animals or people living on glaciers are facing the danger of survival.

When the flood came, it washed cities and villages away. Trees continue to decrease, animal homes continue to disappear, and air quality continues to decline, all of which are caused by excessive human deforestation.

Air pollution is mainly caused by automobile exhaust and cattle farts in breeding farms.

The amount of fresh water in the world is declining due to water pollution. Water pollution is caused by industrial wastewater and domestic sewage.

Also, soil damage is caused by the pollution of heavy metals, pesticides and fertilizers, such as waste batteries, old mobile phones, computers and refrigerators. We should raise some ladybugs to eat pests, or frogs.

There is also the generation of white garbage. White garbage can't decay quickly, and burning white garbage will pollute the air, so white garbage is a serious aspect of environmental damage.

We can't be indifferent. We should find some ways to protect the environment, plant trees, close mountains and prohibit grazing; Use vegetable washing water to mop the floor or water flowers, and use rice washing water to wash dishes; Save food, save paper, buy less clothes and travel green; No more spraying pesticides and fertilizers on plants, no more littering, and save marine resources.

As long as we start from protecting the environment bit by bit, we can influence others to protect the environment together, so that our sky is blue, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and the trees on the mountain are lush, full of laughter and laughter.

Composition on Environment (5)

In this unit, we have learned a lot about environmental protection. Since the beginning of environmental protection research, I have found that there are so many things that pollute the environment, whether it is television news, newspapers or our surroundings. At the weekend, I decided to go with my father

Mother and father went to the Yellow River to see the pollution in Lanzhou.

Not far from the Yellow River, I can smell a pungent smell. It's too smelly. What's the smell! I can't help shouting. Go into the river and see all kinds of rubbish on the river. Some are drifting in the river. There is water. I don't know

Where are you going? Some were washed by water and piled into hills under the iron bridge of the Yellow River. These garbage are complete in variety, including drink bottles, smelly socks, clothes, shoes, white garbage These dazzling garbage and the shore of humans and animals

Then, plus the car exhaust on the car, let smokers smell here. It seriously affects the environment of the Yellow River style line. Not far away, a thick pipe caught my attention. With the erosion of the current, it is a sewage pipe to the Yellow River. The state clearly stipulates the sewage discharge to be treated, but for its own benefit

They will discharge directly to the Yellow River, which is the drinking water for Lanzhou people!

Looking at the front scene, I was reminded that a few days ago, a TV broadcasting enterprise in Guizhou had dug a deep hole in industrial waste, which directly gave it to the heart of Mother Earth.

On the way home, I was very bored. A plastic bag blowing through the wind stopped in front of me. I see that this is a big step forward for me from an uncle. We want to protect the environment and can't throw away garbage. I will not come to the place of courage

Say it out loud. Uncle smiled awkwardly and picked up the garbage, kid, you are right. I'm glad. When a big brother in front was eating while walking, there was a long line of garbage behind him. I'm going up

Tell him not to do so. He said: Xiao Ping, what do you know? I'm very angry with my nose when I left, but my heart is not sad. Some things, read by yourself, only know one is powerful. With their own personal experience, I know that I can also use my modesty to make contributions to environmental protection.

Composition on Environment (6)

What is harmony? Harmony is the cloak hidden quietly in the cold wind; Harmony is an umbrella that comes quietly in the pouring rain; Harmony is also the green touch in my heart.

Spring is a green rain. The rain is too moist and the earth is full of harmony. This is the breath of life. I walked alone on the gravel road, enjoying myself with a good mood. Swaying tirelessly around the wind, wearing the newly grown buds on the traces of crystal water droplets. The grass exudes an intoxicating fragrance, intertwined with the smell of soil, pervading every corner. I asked greedily to infiltrate into this sweet depth, if not satisfied. The trees on both sides of the path are neatly arranged, and they seem to be like me, enjoying bathing in this intoxicating atmosphere. Little drops of water drip on the leaves. From time to time, the flowers on the ground are in full bloom. This is America, in the sense of harmony.

Walking along the slightly wet path, breathing the same fresh air, and enjoying the beautiful green design in front of me, I can't help feeling relaxed and happy. We feel that our work is a member of the grass, telling the big trees around us about our emotions and sighing about the beauty of life.

I continue to walk on the path of physical and mental pleasure, praising the beauty of nature, and lamenting the greatness of the god of creation. Suddenly, something that seems not to belong to the bright red bag - beautiful scenery appeared in my vision. It is so dazzling, its existence defiles the green picture, it becomes a failure in this perfect green.

Seeing this defect, I can't help being angry and dissatisfied. There were many people nearby, but no one would pick up the bag. I quickened my pace to get the bag out of the green grass. When I was ready to pick it up, a pair of young hands were in front of me. My first step would be to pick up the bag and put the garbage can beside it. Then I noticed that her green clothes, green clothes, light green dresses around her seemed to integrate with the grass. She turned to me and smiled softly. At that moment, the green figure, the green screen, was fixed in my mind.

That green is harmonious green.

Composition on Environment (7)

Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment

Although the slogan "Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment" is often shouted, how many people can listen to it?

After school, I walked home. As I walked, I saw some plastic bags, lunch boxes, and drink cans on the roads around me... I couldn't help sighing: "Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment" was broadcast on TV all day, but why didn't people listen? Don't you realize the bad environment? I was thinking that a fast car flew by, leaving a thick black smoke. I quickly covered my nose and coughed a few times. Alas, if I had to spend every day under the black smoke, wouldn't I be smoked to death? Nowadays, science and technology are developed, and most of the roads are cars. In order to facilitate travel, people have bought cars. How can we live this day?

I thought for a while that the environment could not continue to be bad. I would like to borrow this composition contest to appeal to people and remind them to come up with solutions. First, plastic bags. Although most shopping malls now use environmental bags, in fact, when customers do not bring environmental bags, they can also provide plastic bags to customers. I think this is very wrong. If customers do not bring environmental bags, then shopping malls will provide environmental bags. In addition to shopping malls, the catering industry needs to use plastic bags, plastic lunch boxes and disposable chopsticks. For this, I have a proposal that plastic bags can also be replaced with environmental protection bags, plastic lunch boxes can be replaced with plastic lunch boxes, disposable chopsticks can be replaced with chopsticks used at home, because plastic bags not only pollute the environment, but importantly, they are very easy to break, environmental protection bags can also be recycled, and plastic lunch boxes can be replaced with plastic lunch boxes so that if soy sauce or juice is contained in them, it will not leak out easily, It can also be recycled, and it is also environmentally friendly. Disposable chopsticks will be thrown away once they are used, which is too wasteful. On the contrary, my chopsticks have been used for more than 10 years. A pair of chopsticks can not be used for much money. Washing them can be used again, which saves costs and protects the environment. How wonderful!

In addition to white pollution, people should also be reminded to plant more trees and purify the air. In addition, some sewage discharged by factories now pollutes the environment, so we should cherish water resources. I propose that all factories should be equipped with a sewage treatment station to dispose of the sewage instead of discharging it.

People hope that their hometown in 20 years will not be a ruin. Please protect the environment, or the good life will never exist.

Composition on Environment (8)

There is a river behind my house. I have played there since I was young. Grandpa often took me there to catch fish and shrimp. The river there was clear and the fish in the water were in groups, chasing and playing. There are also loofah vines on the river. In summer, it becomes "the paradise of dragonflies" and "the paradise of children".

Now, I am still standing on the bridge I once stood on, and what I see is not the swarms of fish and shrimp, but the garbage "swimming together", which makes me feel sad.

One day, I accidentally glanced at the bridge and found that several children were vigorously fishing in the river with fish bags. At first, I thought they were fishing, and I felt very funny: where are the fish coming from now? You're not fishing for dead fish, are you? But is their performance too exciting? A series of question marks are accumulating in my mind. Finally, curiosity overwhelmed my surface indifference and disdain, and I pretended to pass by carelessly. However, when I first saw what was in the fish pocket, I didn't feel a shock in my heart!

The children's fish pockets are not the fish I imagined, but garbage. They didn't seem to notice my existence and the expression on my face, and they were still concentrating on fishing.

Among them, there was a little boy who was sweating layer by layer on his face because of the fierce sun, as if he had put on a transparent and hot veil, but he was still staring at the river, and the fish bag in his hand was not loosened for a moment, as if he was fused with the bamboo pole. His face was sometimes excited, sometimes disappointed, sometimes serious, sometimes relaxed, but the only constant was the smile and pride on his face when he picked up a bag of garbage. At this time, I was moved.

Inadvertently, the sunset fell, and the afterglow shone on me and those children, drawing our shadow very long. The shadow wrapped the garbage on the river, and also wrapped my heart.

This summer, although there are no fish, no loofah vine, and no dragonfly, the children are still fishing together for "fish", which adds a color to my summer, a color that even the world's famous artists can not tune out!

That night, I dreamt that my grandfather took me to the river to catch fish and shrimp. The river there is still clear, and the fish in the water are in groups, chasing and playing. It is still the "dragonfly paradise" and "children's paradise"

Composition on Environment (9)

It can be said that the public's awareness of environmental protection is directly related to the success or failure of China's environmental protection cause. The most important way to improve public awareness of environmental protection and cultivate citizens' environmental ethics is to effectively carry out environmental education. At present, environmental education is being explored and practiced all over the world. Based on the reality of our country, this paper explains the importance of environmental education, introduces the development process of international education, preliminarily analyzes the meaning and basic content of environmental education, and puts forward the idea of building an environmental education system. The relationship between human beings and the environment is very complex. Human survival and development depend on the development and utilization of environment and resources. However, it is in the process of human development and utilization of environment and resources that a series of environmental problems have arisen. All kinds of environmental damage behaviors are ultimately due to people's lack of correct understanding of the environment. To eliminate the threat to human survival, only through everyone's revolutionary change, that is, to enable people to correctly understand the environment and solve various environmental problems, Strengthening environmental education and improving people's environmental awareness is the only way to achieve harmony between people's behavior and the environment.

It should be noted that some scholars believe that environmental education is a theoretical science, but the author believes that it must be an applied science, because the goal of environmental education can be seen from the teaching of environmental knowledge and the cultivation of skills to enable people to participate in the activities and atmosphere of protecting and improving the environment. At the same time, from another perspective, the purpose of environmental education is to teach a value of natural and ecological balance, which can also be said to be a reflection of philosophy.

Composition on Environment (10)

Everyone should know that water is the source of life. Without water, there would be no life. All living things of people, animals and plants need water to maintain their life. But water is not permanent. It will be used up one day. Moreover, the water that can sustain life can only be fresh water. Water on the earth accounts for 97%, fresh water accounts for 3%, and less than 1% of water is directly used by human beings. For example, if the water on the earth is a cup of water, fresh water is a spoonful of water, and the water that can be directly used by human beings is only a drop of that spoonful of water. From this example, we know that there is very little water available for human direct use. Since we can't recover the reality of water shortage, why not save water? In order that our children and grandchildren can use water, let's act quickly!

Now, let me introduce some ways to save water. First, one water can be used for many purposes. For example, if you have a basin of water, you can wash rice, wash vegetables, brush mops and flush the toilet. Look, can a basin of water do many things? As long as every household does this, it can save a lot of water! Second, I will provide you with some precautions. Remember to tell everyone, friends, and do it together!

1. Turn off the dripping faucet in time.

2. Don't water the flowers at noon, because the sun is strong at noon, and the water is easy to evaporate.

3. Tell the family members that the tap should not be kept on when washing vegetables, fruits, handkerchiefs and shaving.

4。 After the power and water supply are cut off, please tighten the tap when you go out. Have you done all this? If you do, you must persist!

Let's start from small things, from little to little, and save water!

Composition on Environment (11)

As workers pay for the nest, they go out to look for food, protect the nest from other animals, and work day and night. They are just like this. They will remove everything that is regarded as garbage. They protect the streets so much, clean the alleys so much, and work so hard but never say a word. This silent group is the brave people in my mind - cleaners.

The cleaners keep the streets clean every day. From the early morning when the sun has not yet reached the top of the sky to the late night when people are still in sweet sleep, the cleaners have been doing their own cleaning work in large and small streets, even on the highways in crisis. They do not complain because they are dirty, do not escape because of the stench, and do not shrink because of danger; They suffer from the invasion of dust, the invasion of drunkards and the infection of diseases. Such sacrifice and dedication can be said to be "the brave among the brave".

Once, when I was taking the elevator, there was a mother and son in the same elevator as well as a cleaner in shabby clothes with a cart full of cleaning tools. The mother in the elevator told her children to study hard and not to be like this "cleaner" when they grow up. In the face of such harsh words, the cleaner bowed his head and didn't speak, but just silently accepted... In general society, there is widespread discrimination against the cleaner. It seems that the mention of "cleaner" is equal to such unpleasant adjectives as "filthy", "dirty", "disgusting", etc. People often look at the cleaner with different eyes, full of contempt and disgust, Little did they know their efforts on the street; Pay to people; The dedication to the society, this heart and spirit, is definitely more qualified than many industries in the society to be called "brave".

The cleaners seem insignificant, but without these small screws, the gears of the whole society will be out of order. They may be poor in money and material, but they are never poor in spirit. To me, they are always respected as "brave men".

Composition on Environment (12)

Protecting the environment is protecting the future

The earth is our home on which we live. Like our mother, it brings us resources and conditions for survival. We are the masters of the earth. We should protect it as we treat ourselves well.

Who doesn't want to make their home more perfect and beautiful? However, with the development of science and technology, there are more and more kinds of household garbage, most of which will cause environmental pollution. For example, if our commonly used batteries are not properly treated after use, it will cause great environmental pollution. According to research, a waste button battery can make 600000 liters of water undrinkable. If everyone discards a waste battery, then water will become a luxury at that time.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, please classify the garbage.

China implemented the plastic restriction order on June 1, 20XX, which saved 37 million barrels of oil every year. Plastic bags are very common for ordinary families, but do you understand that plastic bags are a major factor in environmental pollution. Plastic bags are made of petroleum, which not only consumes a lot of resources, but also takes 500 years to be naturally decomposed.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, please reduce the use of plastic bags.

The recent global climate change conference held in Copenhagen has sounded the alarm bell again. Although it failed to achieve the intended effect, if we failed to do so, no matter how big the meeting was, it would be just a figurehead. The meeting said that at the moment, the global average temperature is gradually rising, and most icebergs have begun to melt. If this continues, the world will be flooded. The global average temperature has increased by 1. 1 ℃, although it is only a small 1. 1 ℃, but this is the global average temperature! If the global average temperature increases by 4 ℃, the temperature in the Arctic and Antarctic will increase by 16 ℃. By then, big trees will be seen in the Arctic and Antarctic. Think about what the world will be like then?

In fact, we humans are the culprit of these disasters. According to research, the electrical appliances or other things we use every day will emit excessive carbon dioxide, which is a major factor in raising the temperature. If you reduce the use of electrical appliances, the carbon dioxide emissions will also be reduced. Car exhaust also contains too much carbon dioxide, so parents should always be reminded to take the subway or bus when going to work or traveling, and try to drive less private cars, so as to reduce the emission of too much carbon dioxide.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, please reduce the use of electrical appliances and drive less private cars to work or travel.

As the master of society, it is our bounden duty and obligation to improve the earth environment. If everyone in the world is environmentally friendly and environmentally friendly every day, we can create a new and beautiful world!

Composition on Environment (13)

Composition on environmental protection

The earth is our home and mother. We rely on it and explore it. How beautiful this blue planet is, but we must understand that there is only one earth!

Unfortunately, many people turn a blind eye to this simple truth, continue to do whatever they want, and take care of the safety of the earth's home. Qu Geping, an environmental scientist, once said that only change can save the fate of mankind, and only change can make our descendants survive from generation to generation. The change in it refers to environmental protection. That's right. So now many people hold slogans and shout empty slogans in the street, but they haven't seen many actions. Will the pollution get better? no

Look, the rivers in our city are black and smelly; Long cars emit excessive exhaust gas; A lot of green land turns into stone dung forest; The clear chirp of birds disappeared without a trace. If this continues, China will continue to lack water resources, the air will become more and more turbid, and 10% of bird species will disappear this century. We humans are the culprits of the above things!

Everyone knows that trees can absorb carbon dioxide, emit oxygen and purify the air, which is a necessary condition for our human survival. But some people cut down trees for money, causing excessive water and soil loss, causing serious damage to the vegetation of the land, desertification of oases and cities, and threatening the survival of our human beings. As for the disposable chopsticks we usually use, every day we spend tens of acres of forest. In the eyes of those people, trees seem to have no value except for being able to make furniture and building materials. Is there anyone who doesn't understand what trees mean to us? Our living area is very small. If this continues, we may lose our only land. Moreover, our mother river, the Yellow River, has become one of the most polluted rivers in China with its riverbed and sediment concentration increasing in recent years. We can't helplessly watch the Yellow River dry up from our hands, so many environmental scholars have studied plans to control the pollution of the Yellow River, trying to improve its water quality. But without our joint participation, the Yellow River, the cradle of our life, will be exhausted and die.

If we destroy the environment recklessly again, nature will punish us. Those extraordinary floods deprived countless lives, and because of the greenhouse effect, the melting of the glaciers in the Antarctic and Arctic led to the rise of the water level, and the sea water flooded the coastal areas, causing heavy economic losses. Isn't that the best proof

My hometown Guangning relies on bamboo sea eco-tourism to develop its economy. Today, the environment of some bamboo forests is in a state of chaos, which makes people complain incessantly. Bamboo Sea Ecological Tour is the root of Guangning's development. If the root is damaged, how can it grow luxuriant branches and beautiful flowers

Let's be kind to humans and nature! I wonder if you have read the article "100 Things You Can Do to Protect the Environment". In fact, there are many things we can do. For example, plant a pot of flowers and a tree on the Tree Planting Day; To protect wild animals is to balance the ecology; Cherish water resources and do not dump garbage into rivers; As a small guardian of environmental protection, we use every green anniversary to promote environmental awareness, so that green mountains are always there, green water flows, and the soil is always fragrant. This is something we can do. Why don't we want to practice it?

At this moment, the ecological environment of the earth is worsening, and the environmental protection alarm bell has sounded. Let's join the ranks of environmental protection, create a perfect future where people and nature coexist in harmony, and let people and nature multiply ceaselessly

Composition on Environment (14)

The environment of the earth is deteriorating day by day. It is gratifying that human beings have awakened and begun to protect the environment. At present, all countries in the world have joined the ranks of environmental protection. Our country is no exception, and has also begun to protect the environment. The environment of my hometown is much better than before.

However, there are still some shortcomings:

In the evening, when I was walking along the river, I would still hear such a sound; "The water in the South River is much better, OK!" But I can't agree. Although the river is much better now than in previous years, there are still many deficiencies. In the daytime, when I walk by the river, I will see a lot of garbage floating on the South River, although some workers have been fishing for garbage on the water. Sometimes, people will even be found dumping garbage along the South River, making the water pollution of the South River even more serious. Someone went to stop them. Instead of paying attention to them, the people who took out the garbage scolded others. Obviously, the quality of citizens has a direct relationship with the environment. If we go a little more and throw garbage in the garbage can, the environment will be much better.

There are numerous examples like this. Some citizens wave away the garbage bags they have eaten. In fact, they will see the garbage cans after another walk. As long as they "take a small step forward", they will make the society "take a big step forward". Why not?

There are some similar situations in our campus. Some students who can't control their own mouths always bring more or less snacks into the campus, but our school rules cannot bring snacks. Some students throw the garbage left after eating. Some students even put water in balloons and wet the ground from high altitude. Not only pollute the environment, but also waste our water resources. You know, China is still a big water shortage country that has been included in the poor water list.

This is the year of the Olympic Games. If many foreign friends come to travel around our country and see a lot of garbage in our cities and villages, will our image of the Chinese people in their eyes go to a new level?

There is only one earth for human beings, and the earth is our home for survival. Protecting the environment is a matter for all countries in the world, and it is also a matter for each of us. As long as we work together to protect the environment, I believe that in the near future, our country and our hometown will become bluer, clearer and greener, which will be another more beautiful picture!

Composition on Environment (15)

One day, the kitten felt hungry. It wants to go to the river to catch some fish.

As he walked, he met a deer. The deer asked, "Cat, what are you going to do?" The kitten pointed to a river and said, "I feel a little hungry, so I want to go to which river to catch a fish to eat." The deer said, "This river has been polluted recently, and the fish in it can't be eaten." The kitten said, "It's OK. My body is healthy."

When the kitten reached the river, she could not help saying, "There are many fish!" The kitten caught many fish.

At home, the kitten said, "There are enough fish for me to eat for a month." The kitten was satisfied and lay on the ground, suddenly feeling some stomach pain. After a while, he died.

We should protect the environment.

Composition on Environment (16)

Now our Earth Mother is suffering from all kinds of injuries, such as the muddy river water, dust storms on the earth, and fever of Earth Mother.

Mother Earth fever: Mother Earth fever will cause changes in precipitation and dry and wet conditions in various regions of the world, which will lead to changes in the economic structure of countries around the world. The mid latitude area will become dry due to strong evaporation caused by climate warming, and the areas with developed agriculture will degenerate into grasslands; High latitude areas will increase precipitation due to warming, and temperate crops will be able to settle here.

Sandstorm occurred on the land: Sandstorm, also known as black storm, is a natural phenomenon in desert areas. A large amount of quicksand in desert areas is the source of sandstorms, and the strong wind in spring is the strength of sandstorms.

Over the past hundred years, due to excessive land reclamation, overgrazing, and deforestation, the surface vegetation has been severely damaged, and large areas of land have become bare. With the accelerating desertification, the scope of sand storms has gradually expanded, and the degree of sand storms has gradually increased. In the spring of 20XX, the capital Beijing was attacked by sandstorms for eight consecutive times. According to scientists' calculations, it will take more than 20XX years to scrape away 18 cm thick topsoil on a grassland; If the grassland is reclaimed into farmland, it will only take 49 years; If it is bare land, it only takes 18 years. From the perspective of the cause and development of sandstorms, the most important cause of sandstorms is man-made destruction of the environment and destruction of surface vegetation. Only by protecting vegetation and preventing land desertification, can we truly reduce the harm of sandstorms.

The river water is turbid: due to the industrial development in Minamata Town, industrial wastewater is discharged, and there are a number of inexplicable patients. At first, the patients' speech is unclear and their expression is dull, then they develop into general numbness, mental disorder, and finally die of screaming. Many years later, scientists found the cause of this strange disease: mercury poisoning. There was a factory combining acetic acid in Minamata Town, which used mercury as catalyst in the production process, and then discharged a large amount of mercury containing wastewater into Minamata Bay. Mercury is very toxic. Under the action of microorganisms in the water, it is converted into more toxic mercury, which is enriched in fish, shellfish and other bodies. People can get the terrible Minamata disease only after eating these mercury contaminated organisms_ Mercury will accumulate in the human brain and damage the brain nervous system, so cats and people are crazy.

Composition on Environment (17)

When the clock stopped at 75 degrees between the hour hand and the minute hand, I gently turned off all the lights in the room. The earth, she has paid so much for us, can't we even give her an hour? I lit a candle, watched the faint flame gently beating, and felt infinite.

The earth has made too many contributions for us. From the beginning of Pangu to the 21st century, the earth is changing unknowingly. Every morning when I open the window, I see rows of cars running by; Every time we cross the road, a stream of unpleasant gasoline smell comes to the earth and does so much for us. Can't we really do something for her

An hour of darkness may be temporary for us. However, an hour of darkness for the earth, she can get a lot of happiness!

When I came to the balcony from my study, most people in the community turned off their lights. Through the window, I could see a little bit of candle light beating gently, as if smiling at us and the earth.

Looking up at the starry sky, it seems that the sky is cleaner than usual, and the stars seem to be much more than usual, twinkling, like diamonds inlaid in the sky, blinking our eyes to thank us for turning off the lights for an hour, saving the earth for thousands of years.

Take a deep breath, and the fragrance of flowers seems to permeate the air that is not so fresh in ordinary days, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed

On the side of the road, several streetlights give out faint lights, and occasionally cars or passers-by pass by. The earth is peaceful and harmonious.

I once thought: if there is no electricity, what will our human life be like? If one day, the earth can no longer support, then where will we go? If

no There is no ifs anymore. As long as all human beings work together to protect everything on the earth, I believe that in the near future, the earth will be green, everything will be thriving, and humans and animals will live in harmony

Although the Earth Hour is limited, in the future, I will work hard to support environmental protection and not waste the earth's resources excessively. I will keep the earth young and never grow old! Moreover, we should all act together to protect the earth!

Composition on Environment (18)

On a sunny morning, the sky was clear and blue, as clear as jasper. The breeze blew gently, the warm sun covered the earth, and the grass sprouted tender buds under the sun. The beautiful square is bustling, and an action to protect the environment is about to start

I was having a good time. Suddenly, an uncle who was dressed in a stiff suit, polished leather shoes, and combed his hair in the middle walked by me in a hurry. His hand was so natural, and an unfinished cigarette end flew down to my feet.

My heart churned and almost sighed. How could such a smart person have such a low behavior! I stood there for a moment: pick it up, it's too dirty; Don't pick it up, it's uncivilized, and it will pollute the environment.

I thought, the angel and the devil in my head quarreled, and the angel said, "Go and pick it up, it's not shameful!" The devil immediately retorted, "You don't need to pick it up, it's not you who threw it." The more they quarreled, the more fierce they were. Finally, they used their fists and feet, and my brain was about to explode, but I didn't know who to listen to

As time went by, my mother's words suddenly appeared in my mind: "The earth is the face of Mother Earth. If we pollute too much, Mother Earth will be angry!"

Thinking of this, I took out a tissue from my pocket without thinking, bent down, carefully reached for the cigarette end, and without hesitation picked up the half of the cigarette end.

When I got home, I told my mother everything I had done. My mother boasted, "My dear child, you will be favored by Mother Earth if you love her face like this!" Then she pulled me to run to the square.

"Let's go and help Mother Earth wash her face!" said her mother excitedly.

On that day, we collected 124 cigarette butts.

Driven by my mother and me, my family joined in the process of picking up cigarette butts. As long as my grandfather, grandmother, father and sister found cigarette butts on the ground, they would not hesitate to pick them up. We are very proud of our actions, and we are very happy and satisfied that we can contribute to protecting the environment and building a beautiful home together!

Birds fly freely because of their wings, flowers are particularly beautiful because of their fragrance, and society is more progressive because of civilization! So, what is civilization? I think civilization is to start from small things, from little things, from me, to cultivate good civilized habits and build a civilized, harmonious and green home together.

Composition on Environment (19)

The destruction which is caused by human beings has aroused people’s concern all over the world. If we pay no heed to the present destructive human activities, our planet will become of tomb instead of cozy home. What’s more, we should realize that only from our planet can we obtain our sheltering, food, cloth and so forth.

Model essay on environmental protection [2]

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the orld. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut do n and aste ater is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, herever e go today, e can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

The earth is our home and e have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope ith these problems by the government. La s have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem ill be solved in the near future and our home ill become better and better.

Model essay on environmental protection [3]

Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.