Reading composition 400 words (19 selected articles)
Learn not to let go
2024-06-22 04:24:47
primary school

Reading composition 400 words (1)

Do you know the benefits of reading? Why do teachers at school and elders at home all ask us to read good books? As the saying goes, "There is a golden house in a book." There are fable books, scientific books, and good books in other fields that we should dabble in.

I like allegorical storybooks because they can guide us into the world of fairy tales with simple language. For example, the book "The aging mice die fast" tells us not to look at the world or things with a pessimistic attitude, but to look at every mistake we encounter with an optimistic attitude, and turn it into a turning point, perhaps you will have a new discovery. Their own vision will become broader; Your life will become more colorful.

Have you ever wondered why the pulley can roll? This is because Newton invented the law of motion; Have you ever wondered why we can use a pair of bamboo chopsticks to fetch things? These are all the knowledge we learned from books. It seems difficult, but in fact it is simple and interesting.

Although I have no ability to become a great writer at present, I have the ability to make myself more knowledgeable and talented. Reading can make people rich. Now I can understand this truth. The so-called wealth is not in the "pocket", but in the "head".

Reading composition 400 words (2)

Reading is the only way to relieve worries.

One day, I broke my homework book in Chinese class. I'm worried, I don't know what the teacher will say. I cherish my exercise book very much. Now it's broken in my hand. I'm sad and worried.

At lunch, I was still depressed, hoping that food could ease my depressed mood. I filled some food and the food looked very good. I think that a full meal should solve the problem. I took a bite and didn't feel any better. I think I probably didn't eat enough. I took a few more bites, only to taste the infinite bitterness.

Out of the canteen, I went to the reading corner, pulled a small chair and sat down. I had nothing to do but read a book. I took a copy of Napoleon the Public Cat to read. But after reading a page, I was fascinated by it. The story of Napoleon the public cat deeply attracted me. The more I looked, the more I wanted to see. I became obsessed with myself. I couldn't remember anything and didn't blink.

At this time, the bell rang for class, and I reluctantly put down "Napoleon the Male Cat". After I entered the classroom, I was still thinking about its content, and my sadness and worry disappeared.

Reading is the only way to relieve worries. Reading is a fairy, she brings happiness; Reading is a magic lamp, which places good hopes; Reading is a forest filled with knowledge.

Reading composition 400 words (3)

Reading is tasting bread, which can make people full of spiritual food; Reading is a small boat, taking you to travel in the kingdom of Chinese characters; Reading is a ladder, which can lead us to the palace of knowledge! In short, the benefits of reading are endless!

Parent child reading is also a kind of reading, which is also one I like. Because it can let me roam happily together in the ocean of maternal love and knowledge! When I was very young, I could not do without fairy tales. The fate of fairy tale characters, as well as their joys and sorrows, often made me worried. When I was young, my mother would open that thick book every night and tell the story over and over again, which became my daily happiness.

Gradually, I grew up and became a fifth grader. I could read those stories. Now, my mother and I are still studying. My mother and I are reading a book called "Select Me! Select Me!". The protagonist is a girl named Xiao Xi. When she was very young, her father hoped that she could become an excellent leader. Unfortunately, my father died in a car accident. And this also flew away with her dream. Later, he became a successful leader under the guidance of mysterious people. The mysterious man is her coach. The story inside is really moving!

I will follow the pace of learning with my mother!

Reading composition 400 words (4)

Book is a key that opens the door of knowledge for me; Book is a small boat, taking me to the other side of knowledge; Book is a teacher, leading me to a new life path.

Since I started kindergarten, books have always been with me. Every night my mother would read fairy tales. Every time I couldn't listen to them, I had to find books to read. When I was a child, I loved reading Andersen's Fairy Tales, but I didn't know many words when I was young, so I had to find some simple articles to read. When I grew up, I fell in love with Shen Shixi's animal novels. The animals in his works are all spiritual, which makes me feel that I am standing on the Riquka Snow Mountain, looking at the lifelike animals below... The feeling of reading is really wonderful. It seems that what I read is not a line of typesetting but a feeling that penetrates people's hearts.

I remember once my mother bought me a book called "The Queen of the Wolf Country" by Shen Shixi, and I sat on the bed happily with the book in my arms. Belinsky said: "A good book is a valuable treasure". I can't wait to check the truth like holding a large diamond. As soon as I opened the book, I was attracted by the story in the book, and the characters in the book emerged in my mind one by one. I was fascinated by it. After a while, I looked up at the alarm clock. Wow, it's more than 12 o'clock. I hurried upstairs. My mother looked at me angrily. I explained that I had forgotten lunch because I was reading. Mom immediately said happily, "You should look after the time in the future.".

It's good to read books. They let us increase our knowledge and understand many things that adults do not understand. So I also love a sentence in Stealing and Reading: "Remember, you grew up eating and studying."

Reading composition 400 words (5)

There is a long way to go in life. Reading has quietly accompanied me for six years. In the world of books, I saw all kinds of people; Saw a rich and colorful history; See the colorful world; I'm very happy to see it. My life is accompanied by reading.

Reading, it is you who let me and Li Bai "share the eternal sorrow". Li Bai, who is full of knowledge, wrote a hundred poems because of the frustrations of his official career, the framing of villains, and the yearning for his family. Who can forget the tenderness of "looking up at the bright moon and looking down at their hometown", and who can forget the heroism of "I am born to be useful, and the gold will come back when it is gone". Although there are many different paths, today is safe. However, he has the lofty ambition of "going through the long wind and waves to help the sea". Reading, it is you who made me realize that Li Bai, who is still struggling for his ideal, has a rough life. Reading, it is you who let me face setbacks and struggle with full of enthusiasm.

Reading, it was you who led me to the Red Cliff battlefield, where the treacherous Cao Cao led millions of Malays to invade Jiangdong. It was Zhuge Liang of Jiangling who attacked Cao's company and wiped out all Cao's troops. Reading, you let me know Zhuge Kongming who is resourceful and calm. In the Three Kingdoms, I savored a hundred flavors of life and learned the truth of life. It was such a book that made me grow strong and intelligent.

Reading, you make me think more in life and dare to deal with difficulties.

Reading is that you make me optimistic in spite of adversity in life. Reading is that you wash away my impetuosity and let me live in peace. My life has become more wonderful because of reading.

Reading composition 400 words (6)

Reading is a very happy thing. I love reading. It brings me a lot of happiness. There are happiness and sadness in reading. I have learned a lot, and also learned a lot of truth in it.

When I was a child, I grew up in the poetry of "At the noon of the weeding day, sweat drips down the grain. Every time I casually picked up a book and looked at the words like heavenly script, I always shouted that it was boring and uninteresting. Reading was my biggest headache! In my heart, I felt that reading was the same as not eating! Reading was my biggest headache!

After my son went to school, I had many changes in my attitude towards books. One sentence is that books are the ladder of human progress, which changed my view on them. Now when I am reading, I feel as if I am walking in the garden where a hundred flowers are blooming. I enjoy reading! Wandering in the sea of books, the first book I came across was Green's Fairy Tales. The beautiful Snow White, the cruel queen and the kind girl in the story made me understand that to be a kind person, I should learn to be independent and not play tricks on others. From now on, I love reading!

After reading, my composition has made great progress, and I understand a lot of truth. Snow White introduced that there were seven dwarfs in the remote forest. One day, Snow White came to their home. The dwarfs were happy to take Snow White in. The wicked queen tried to kill Snow White again and again, but failed. Finally, Snow White and the prince lived happily together, This story tells me that beauty is not important, but the important thing is to have a beautiful heart.

"People can't live without books, just as they can't live without air. Let's drink this source of knowledge and climb the ladder of human progress. Let's read well, good books, good books! Don't read well, bad books, good books, bad books!

Reading composition 400 words (7)

Have you ever heard of the word "Reading Grows with Me"? That is tireless. This is how I read books. There are many books everywhere in my room. One of my favorite books is The Best Partner. I read it again and again, and I know more knowledge.

I have heard the saying that books are the ladder of human progress. I like my books even more after I heard the saying, because these books can make people knowledgeable and powerful. There is a saying in my favorite "The Best Partner": we can give gifts to our future. This sentence tells me that the future is long and I can study hard, because I can read a lot or not.

I will definitely read more books. Although I have many books, I can't give up reading, because giving up reading means giving up my life. I will not give up my life. I like life, because life is very important. There is only one item, so there is no same book in your family. If you lose one, you will never find it again. So reading is the goal of buying books. We must read carefully!

Reading composition 400 words (8)

A tree, a stone stool, a cup of milk tea, a book, a person, spend leisure time quietly - inscription

At first, I didn't like reading. I always laughed and ran across sunny fields, laughing playgrounds and busy streets.

Later, he gradually fell in love with fairy tales. He sleepwalked in Alice's fairyland, played in the house of Snow White and the seven dwarfs, and dreamed of getting a sleeping beauty's bed.

From fairy tales and fables in primary school, to Chinese and foreign classics in secondary school, to prose and novel abstracts in leisure time... All stages of life are inseparable from reading, and books follow me like shadow.

I still remember that when I was just learning to read, I couldn't wait to read such a simple and understandable children's book as Aesop's Fables. Although it is a children's book, the truth contained in it is also the accumulation of life, which is what great writers have seen, heard and felt throughout their lives. Among them, what impressed me most was the story of "Farmers and Snakes", which advised people not to be merciful to the enemy; There is also Dog and Rooster and Fox, which tells people to be good at using wisdom to defeat the enemy... These books let me feel the taste of reading for the first time, to learn, to understand, to understand, and to plant the seeds of reading in my young heart.

Now when I think about it again, I can't help feeling that "the west wind withered the green trees last night. I went up to the tall buildings alone and looked at the ends of the world".

Reading composition 400 words (9)

I have always liked reading, and in my reading experience, emotions and sorrows have also been integrated. Next, let me come together.

When it comes to acid, everyone probably thinks of red bayberry. Although waxberry is sour, it gives people the feeling of sour taste, but the acid of reading is sour, more sour. I tell you: at the beginning, I didn't read books consciously. My nose got sore after my father scolded me. I couldn't see anything at that time. When I came back for the exam, my mind was blank and I felt sad when I saw the results.

Speaking of sweetness, I found that my composition was not good after the third day of junior high, so I learned to read actively, and then fell in love with reading. Every few days, I urged my parents to buy me new books. Gradually, I learned to learn from the beautiful words in other people's works. So in the second half of the third day of the junior high, my composition level continued to improve, and my composition was always above 90 points. Every time the teacher judges a good composition, I have it, so my father's printer began to work for me non-stop.

Speaking of suffering, I know it best. After being a fan, I always want to take time to read, but because I am slow in writing homework, I cannot find time to read for myself, so I think about books all day, and my grades decline. Anyway, I can't help myself. My life is too hard. Books make me crazy.

Speaking of spicy food, I have received it many times. During the lunch break, he always hid a book under the bed. Grandpa closed his eyes or read the newspaper secretly, but he was found more than once and then attacked by the "storm".

This is my study life, which combines various tastes, but is rich and colorful.

Reading composition 400 words (10)

I didn't fall in love with reading until the third grade. In my opinion, reading is a troublesome thing. There are too many words, and I can't bear it. In the fourth grade, our class read the book "Bad Boys of Class 53". I was deeply moved by the story and the frank character of the characters in the book, and gradually became interested in reading.

I also read Little Doudou by the Window, Goats Don't Eat Paradise Grass and other books. From these books, I know the kind-hearted, innocent and friendly Xiaodoudou; He got to know President Xiaolin, who is good at teaching and loves students; I met Mingzi, who is frank, intelligent and resolute. I am happy and sad with the characters in the story, travel and study together... as if they are in my life.

Later, I listened to the lecture given by the famous children's literature writer Qin Wenjun. Teacher Qin said: "Reading is the mother of writing, and literature makes us more meaningful..." She compared writing to building a house and told us that "writing is the accumulation of reading, life, art and skills." Yes, at all times and in all countries, who did not make brilliant achievements through continuous reading? So I began to read widely and practice writing regularly, hoping that I could create excellent children's literature like Mr. Qin Wenjun one day.

Reading lights up the light of thinking. I would like to make friends with reading!

Reading composition 400 words (11)

Reading is a very happy thing. The story of Robinson Crusoe, the hero of Robinson Crusoe, who lives on a desert island, intrigues me and makes me learn some knowledge about the survival of the desert island; The story of Gulliver, the hero in Gulliver's Travels, who travels around the world is fascinating and makes me see the different faces of human nature.

I learned to imagine the scene depicted in the book. In Moonlight over the Lotus Pond, "Moonlight pours quietly on the leaves and flowers like flowing water. A thin blue fog floats in the lotus pond. The leaves and flowers seem washed in milk; they are like dreams covered with gauze". This passage depicts a picture of bright moonlight shining on the leaves and flowers, which seems very "all sounds are silent"; In Hometown, "the cold wind blows into the cabin, whines, and looks out from the canopy gap. Under the yellow sky, there are a few bleak villages far and near, and there is no vitality". This passage describes a bleak scene of cold wind.

I also learned to understand the author's thoughts and feelings. How Steel Was Tempered shows that the author told people to hone their will to steel in hard training and be fearless of any difficulties; Les Miserables shows the author's pity for the unfortunate people and dissatisfaction with society.

"There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book". Reading is not a happy thing?

Reading composition 400 words (12)

After this year's college entrance examination, I was deeply touched by the saying "those who have Chinese will win the world".

Since the first grade of primary school, the teacher has allowed us to read for at least half an hour every day. At that time, I was a child who didn't like reading. I either painted in the book or cut a hole in the book... I always did something unrelated to reading.

Once, my mother and I went to play with an older sister who was two years older than me. The first thing I saw when I entered her room was a huge bookcase. There are all kinds of books on it, many of which are big and thick, and I can't understand them. My sister is reading a book called "Wolf King Dream" on her desk. My mother said to me, "What question do you want to ask my sister?" I suddenly remembered that the last time I went to the beach, I asked my mother the question: "Why is the sea water transparent when I hold it up, but it is blue from a distance?" I repeated this question to my sister. My sister didn't even think about it, so she answered me neatly: "Because the sun shines. When you lower your head, your head blocks the sun, and you see the color of the sea water itself - transparent; after the sun shines, the refraction of various lights is different, and the sea water turns blue." I asked enviously: "Sister, how do you know?" She took out a book from the bookcase? Encyclopedia of marine knowledge? Let me see. When I looked at it, I found how interesting it was to read. From then on, I fell in love with reading.

Now, I have formed the good habit of reading every day. "There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book".

Reading composition 400 words (13)

No one has ever read himself, as a novel said: when you read yourself, it is the end of the story.

When I was a child, I was a happy bird. If I wanted to fly, I would fly to my heart's content. If I wanted to sing, I would sing to my heart's content. Even the strong shadow under the crooked willow near the rice field has become a fairy tale, flying into our hearts and into the vast blue sky.

When appreciating the youth, it was a misty poem, like a misty moon, with a hazy glow. Often when I read it, I couldn't understand the secret behind the halo, guess it, or think of it. Even if a small leaf is thrown into the tranquil heart lake, it will ripple layer upon layer, so the door and window of the soul are always tightly closed.

When tasting young people, it was a green olive tree, just like the peach blossom new tree, which always tries hard to extract nutrients and water to enrich itself in uncertainty, but the fruits that can be harvested are bitter and astringent, and taste difficult to swallow

When I tasted the middle age, I was already a green pine with a proud snow and a cold face. I looked coldly at the thousands of layers of snow and raised my hand to attract the eight faced wind.

When reading about old age, it is already a sunset that is about to set. "The setting sun is infinitely good, but it's just near dusk" The colorful glow in the sky, reflecting the gray hair on the temples, has changed its color

If you read yourself, you will never understand or understand. By the time you read through, it's the end

Reading composition 400 words (14)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

In my mind, she will always "swim" in the sea of books. She is a little expert in reading in our class. I recommend her to participate in the "Reading Star" of "Young Eagles Competing for Chapter".

Her amount of reading is astonishing. Every day, she looks like she is holding a book. No matter in the morning, at night or between classes, she is holding a book and "gnawing" it. She can't leave the book all the time, as if she wants to live with it.

It seems that there are only books in the world. I believe she must arrive at the table after repeated urging every time she eats.

She has read many books. History and geography are her favorites. Since she loves reading, she knows more. She is always the first to raise her hand to answer questions in class, and always answers correctly.

She has many advantages but few disadvantages. We have many things to learn from her. Her amount of reading, serious study and strong ability make her a recognized little teacher.

Next, I want to show you that she is poisonous and serious in reading. Once, there was a classmate who did something, but she was still as motionless as a sculpture after six times of calling. Only with a loud call did she "walk" out of the book.

You must guess who she is. By the way, she is Miaomiao, our monitor and our reading star.

Grade 4: Liu Qingyue

Reading composition 400 words (15)

Teacher Chen:


I read a book recently, and I want to tell you how I feel after reading it.

This book is Edison. It mainly wrote that although Edison had only attended primary school for three months when he was young, he invented more than 2000 inventions through his diligence and became a great inventor.

Edison was not only diligent, but also firm in belief. In order to find the materials for electric lights, he spent countless thoughts; During the experiment, sulfuric acid burned his clothes, and nitric acid almost blinded his eyes. How dangerous! But Edison did not give up, but still insisted on doing experiments.

Edison was not clever, but how did he succeed? After reading Edison, I realized that to succeed, one must be diligent. Edison said: success is equal to ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. Think of me, I'm ashamed. I remember one time when I took an exam. Before the exam, I thought I was prepared enough, so I didn't prepare. As a result, I only got 89 points. Because I didn't work hard.

Success comes from diligence, and there is no natural genius. So I have to study hard to succeed.

Wish you

good health.

Your student: Li Xuanxi

February 26th

Reading composition 400 words (16)

Reading brings me to the world of words, broadens my knowledge, makes me feel smart, opens the book, and leads me into a wonderful world

I like reading books very much, and there are a lot of books, which bring me a lot of gains and feelings. We don't take the responsibility of the stranger Snow White to inform you that you won't notice the ugly duckling laughing at others. I like reading books in bed. I like novels that can make me full of common sense.

When I immerse myself in the development of my reading interest, it can make my mind very quiet. I think sometimes students forget to do their schoolwork due to reading. Next time, I must finish what we should do before reading.

The taste of reading is like happy reading in the paradise where we belong to the students themselves. There are many books there, which always makes me happy. Reading service can fill my mind with common sense, and also can help me broaden my knowledge. I must read in the future.

Reading composition 400 words (17)

My extracurricular hobby is neither painting to cultivate sentiment nor sports to strengthen the body, but reading to let people swim in the ocean of knowledge.

Speaking of reading, I don't like tea and food. Every day as soon as I get home and finish my homework, I immediately pick up a book and read it hungrily. My small desk is full of all kinds of books, such as Brain Sharp Turn, which makes people rack their brains, science and technology books that broaden their horizons and expand their thinking, and comic books that attract people and laugh. Every book is worth reading. I always read it again and again.

Among all kinds of books, my favorite is the composition book. If I have nothing to do, I will look through the composition book carefully and learn excellent compositions. Among them, my favorite is to read imaginative compositions. Some write about their hometown ten years later, and some write about their dreams of future life and all kinds of wonderful things

I think books will become my best partner. It not only let me know a lot of unheard of knowledge, but also changed my character. I was impatient before, but after falling in love with reading, I became more stable. Read a book. It is the source of knowledge and will definitely benefit you a lot!

Reading composition 400 words (18)

Bookish summer holiday happy reading 400 words composition material I

"Books are the ladder of human progress." "Reading for the rise of China!"...... During the colorful summer vacation, we must have read a lot of books. Let's share a good fairy tale:

In the summer vacation, my mother gave me a book called "100 Inspiring Stories for Cultivating Children's Strong Confidence". As soon as my hand touched the book, I couldn't wait to turn it over... I found that these articles all have a story summary, and each story has its own reason.

What made me sigh was "Little Mouse Wanting to See the Sea", and my thought was touched: how strong and confident this little mouse is. Its story also proves to us that the world is not as terrible as imagined, as long as you have confidence and determination to open up and explore. There are many people who obstruct our progress just because they have not tried and have no confidence in themselves. The road is dangerous and long, but you can look far when you climb high, and the infinite scenery is on the dangerous peak!

What touched me most was that the little boy in "Don't Be Burned" was injured in the fire. The doctor said that he had no hope to stand up, but the boy was not knocked down. He was very optimistic. He stood up and fell down, stood up and fell down. Day by day, the child's body recovered day by day. He was Gelin. He ran the best results in the world, and he defeated his heart, I also defeated myself. Every child wants to be strong and brave. Let's work hard from today!

After reading the Story of Strong Confidence, I learned that people should be optimistic. We should face life with confidence. No matter what difficulties and obstacles we encounter, we should maintain a confident attitude. We should believe that confidence can overcome everything. If the surface defect becomes a defect in the heart, it will affect your life. If you forget it, you can really unload the heavy burden, Only those who encourage themselves with a positive attitude can achieve great success. Confidence is the strength that supports a person to do things and live. Only confidence can overcome all difficulties in life and reach the other side of victory. As long as you have a firm will, a belief in victory, and continuous action, you will certainly create a miracle of life.

As long as you love and know how to read, your life will be brilliant!

Scholarly summer holiday happy reading 400 words composition material 2

The ancients said, "Cooking books is a great pleasure of life!" Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress!"

When I was in grade one, I just flipped through books with fun. If I wanted to read them, I only read comic books and comic books. When I was in the second grade, I began to be lazy. I always felt that there was not enough time! In fact, it's just idle! In the third grade, I began to say to the book all day: "I love you!" Once I picked up the book, it stuck! What I love to see are "The Fat Ball", "Journey to the West", "Camel Xiangzi" and so on.

The final exam is coming, and my parents are nagging all day long. Everyone is looking forward to the summer vacation. At that time, I was not very good at reading, so I always read with questions. "Ha ha~~", "Wuwu~", I always make such a sound at night, my parents are jealous: there will be no micro TV, right? In the dim light, I am very happy, like a bird flying freely, because I am reading, because I already feel that summer vacation is coming.

It's not easy to look forward to the summer vacation, but how to play is also very boring. My sister suggested that I go to the library. Once in, wow! Calligraphy~ I want to buy the books in the whole library! Therefore, my summer vacation spent in a book, like holding a small spoon, constantly fishing for water in the sea, until I fished out the knowledge, and then shared it with everyone.

The summer vacation hides in the book, the book also hides in the summer vacation! It is worthy of celebrities to say that reading is good! Happy reading! If you are also a book lover, you can dig the treasure with me!

Scholarly summer holiday happy reading 400 words composition material 3

In addition to the tense and full study life, I also have a relaxed and happy holiday life. The rich content enriched my life and added some fun and carefree to my childish student career.

Going for a walk after lunch is my daily compulsory course. Walking beside the flowers and plants in the community, breathing the fragrance of the air, accompanied by flowers and birds, enjoying the rich roses, the purity of lilies, the strange flowers for dinner, as well as the beauty of magnolias and plantains, I will gently say to myself: "Life is really beautiful." I feel the colorful around with sincerity, and appreciate the colorful surrounding with enthusiasm. I can't help but say from my heart, "I belong to nature!"

More importantly, I will plunge into the sea of books, breathe the unique smell of bookstores and libraries, and feel the pleasure of walking in the sea of books. In the sea of history, I will be indignant at Qin Shihuang's burning books to pit scholars, shed tears for the tragedy of farewell to his concubine, and lament Zhuge Liang's "death before he finishes"; Walking in the palace of literature, I gradually realized Baochai's helplessness, Daiyu's talent, Mary's stubbornness, Colin's weakness, Yu Qiuyu's "first hearing of the morning rain", Qian Zhongshu's "besieged city"

My summer vacation life is a poem, a green leaf, a song

Reading composition 400 words (19)

I tell you that my favorite books are popular science books, comic books, and Shen Shixi's animal novels. He has written short stories and novels, which are full of true feelings and are very shocking and touching. The Last War Elephant he wrote has become a textbook in Chinese books.

My favorite book, The Wolf King Dream, is Shen Shixi's masterpiece. This book is mainly about a wolf named Zilan, and her husband's name is Heisang. Heisang is a very strong black wolf, and others say he is a "super wolf". Once, Heisang and Zilan went to hunt their target. Heisang slipped down on the stone and hit his head against the tusk of the black pig. Unfortunately, he died there. Naturally, we had to flee in a panic when the situation was bad. Later I learned that Zilan was pregnant accidentally. For the sake of children, it tries to find food. He was so hungry that he had no choice but to go to the human house to catch deer. The wall was more than ten feet high, and it jumped over at once, and came out with a fawn in its mouth

I was deeply moved after reading this book. I understand that maternal love is the greatest in the world, and we need to cherish it together and repay it.