Experience of "National Training"
As blue as heart
2023-05-06 09:36:40
Junior two

The ten day "national training" (curriculum training for key rural teachers in central and western China) study was soon completed. During this period, there are lifelong friendship and irretrievable regret! There are happiness that I never had at work, and also dissatisfaction and loss that are not satisfactory, but these have become a permanent emotional memory with the end of learning.
The participating teachers are all backbone teachers from all districts and counties in Hebei Province. Their learning achievements will directly transform into the driving force for the implementation of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum, and will also directly determine the level and direction of the implementation of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum in all regions in the future! Therefore, it is of great significance to individuals and the districts and counties where they live. The new curriculum reform has been implemented for eight years. As a compulsory course in a country, the comprehensive practical activity course, although included in the curriculum, is virtually nonexistent. Because there are no special textbooks, no unified curriculum standards, no professional teachers, and most principals do not know enough about this course, this course has been put on hold.
The training was held in Xingtai University. Although it felt a little far away, it was still full of expectations. After studying at Northeast Normal University, I haven't taken myself out to recharge for a long time. Especially in the course management, I always feel that there is no breakthrough point. So I want to take this learning opportunity to find some ideas and hope to get out of my own thinking circle. In this way, with curiosity and enthusiasm of "senior" progressive youth, he joined the ranks of "national training" in Xingtai University.
We were assigned to the expert apartment. In fact, a house with two bedrooms and one living room was divided into three dormitories. I stayed in the master bedroom because I arrived first. Next, teachers from all counties and districts in the province became our family members. Although many people are a bit messy, but also found a long lost feeling of living in the dormitory when going to school. Because I am the oldest, everyone calls me Sister Wang. Others simply call me "boss". The same occupation and common goal made us know each other in less than a day. What's more, the happiness of "liberation" was written on everyone's face because he was temporarily free from the troubles of work.
At first, everyone stayed in their own "jurisdiction". Later, funny talented women "Shuangshuang" swam around, full of Beijing Opera mixed with Langfang flavor, which made people all over the room laugh. So we suddenly got closer, like old friends. Although the world is small, it is full of talents: Jiang Yanhua, who likes "piapia"; Jia Liying, who was forced by the leaders to be the headmaster; Quiet Liu Kun; Wise Plum; Beautiful Zhang Hua, of course, there are also very special "flattering" teachers in the classroom, and "girls in red" who like to show off... In short, there are humorous people, implicit and elegant people, usually unknown, but there are people who make a big splash when it comes to the critical time. The various qualities possessed by the backbone teachers have been brought into full play in each teacher. In contrast, individual lecturers are somewhat outshone. Especially one morning's class, it was really depressing! The sharp contrast between expectations and reality made me experience a long day of disappointment. Not to mention how painful the lecture sounds, the "cassette tape" phenomenon in the process of reading is enough to surprise people. Due to lack of confidence, it shows obvious lack of self-confidence, and occasionally the explanation is shallow and pale.
The goal of this "national training" is very clear, but the final effect depends on the organizers and teaching implementers. So I was thinking, what kind of talents should be qualified to be training teachers? How can we make the short-term learning effect play a permanent role? If, like a teacher, you don't even understand it, you just need to make a long presentation of the courseware, and then read it completely, which will delay your valuable time, and most importantly, the training effect will be greatly reduced! Therefore, training teachers must do enough homework, have a systematic and in-depth understanding and understanding of the subject, and then verify their understanding and understanding in practice is correct and leading, so that they can be trained.
Of course, unsatisfactory teachers are just an example. Most of them are excellent, and they often bring us different gains and feelings. Professor Chen from Capital Normal University, Mr. Jia from Beijing Pinggu, and Mr. Zhou from Xingtai University have all made wonderful explanations of the comprehensive practical activity curriculum from different perspectives, either slowly and eloquently, or with vivid lesson presentations, or with happy games to stimulate people's thinking. In short, "national training" not only makes people know a subject, At the same time, it also allows everyone to broaden their thinking and learn to think.
Thanks to "Guopei"!