Travel Experience Composition (19 Collections)
Long Street Old Friends
2024-06-21 09:25:31

Travel Experience Composition (1)

Composition I on Beijing Tourism

Beijing, the capital of China, is a city I have been longing for. In this summer vacation, I finally got my wish and came to Beijing.

Because the plane was late, it was already ten o'clock at night when our family arrived in Beijing, but it was very busy outside the Beijing airport. Our hotel is located on the famous Wangfujing Street. Wangfujing Street is a street with both modern high-rise buildings and old buildings.

There are several places in Beijing that you can never miss. Let's talk about Tiananmen first. We came to this historic place along Chang'an Avenue. I am very excited to stand on the Tiananmen Tower, because I am standing where Comrade Mao stood when the People's Republic of China was founded. In the hall, I saw the pictures and text introduction of Tiananmen from its old appearance when the Communist Party invaded Beijing to its new appearance. The Forbidden City is just inside the Tiananmen Square. As soon as I entered the gate, I couldn't help crying: "Wow! The Forbidden City is so big!" It has more than 90 courtyards, large and small. The palace buildings are all wooden structures, yellow glazed tile roofs, blue and white stone bases, and decorated with resplendent color paintings, which dazzled me. It took us only a quarter of the afternoon to leave.

Let's talk about the Great Wall. We started to climb from Badaling section. Its slope is very steep, and there are no steps yet. We only walked for a while and then we were out of breath. I thought: We were so tired after only a short walk. How did people build the Great Wall at that time? Standing on the Great Wall and looking around, wow! How beautiful the scenery is! The rolling Great Wall stretches far away, surrounded by trees and grass, a green world.

In the remaining days, we also went to Beijing's Hutong, Lama Temple and Temple of Heaven.

The story of Beijing is endless, and the characteristics of Beijing are endless. My friends, after reading our story, do you want to go to Beijing.

Composition 2 on Beijing Tourism

On August 18, an unusual day for me, at noon, I got on the high-speed railway to Beijing with my parents in a very excited mood. Beijing is a city that I have long yearned for, not only because it is the capital, but also because it is a city with profound cultural heritage.

The high-speed railway not only brings people high-speed enjoyment, but also shortens the distance between cities. As soon as you leave Xi'an North Railway Station, the speed is fixed at 300 yards. It's really wonderful to enjoy the pleasure. Along the way, we passed Weinan, Sanmenxia, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, and finally reached the destination Beijing West Railway Station.

We checked into the hotel we had booked online in advance. The hotel is located in Qianmen Street, which is close to Dashilan, Tiananmen, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, etc; The transportation is also very convenient.

As soon as I put my luggage in the hotel, I couldn't wait to go to Tiananmen Square. Not far from the hotel, I came to the Zhengyang Gate. The magnificent Zhengyang Gate attracted me. I opened my eyes and looked at its structure and decoration carefully. I kept taking pictures, afraid of missing any details; Through the Zhengyang Gate, you can see the magnificent Tiananmen Square. From a distance, the 18 golden characters "Long live the People's Republic of China, long live the great unity of the people of the world" on Tiananmen Square are so inspiring and dazzling. At the same time, the flying five-star red flag on the square, the monument with the words "The people's heroes are immortal" and the memorial hall displaying the great leader Mao Zedong are so solemn in the setting sun. The square is crowded with people. The old and young are busy taking group photos.

At that time, one place attracted me, that is, under the national flag, people crowded around the place. When they inquired, they knew that the national flag was going to be lowered. It was really a coincidence that we had come too early. We were so good to catch up to see the flag lowered. Soon, a group of powerful uncles of the People's Liberation Army stepped out of the Tiananmen Square with a straight step. The momentum was so great that they came to the flagpole, Slowly and orderly lowered the national flag, sorted it out, and finally returned to the Tian'an Gate. Then we walked back while enjoying the beautiful scenery on the street, and the day ended happily.

Composition 3 on Beijing Tourism

This summer vacation, my parents and I traveled to Beijing by train. This is my first time to take a train. I looked at the scenery outside and arrived at another place in the blink of an eye.

When I came to the Badaling Great Wall in Beijing, I saw many tourists coming and going, and tourists climbing the Great Wall. My mother told me that climbing the north eighth floor of the Great Wall is a hero. I also heard from Teacher Yao that the Great Wall is more than 20000 meters long and was built during the Warring States Period. After listening to my mother and teacher Yao, the Great Wall was so long that I quickly got up and did not rest for a while. I finally climbed to the north eighth floor of the Great Wall. I proudly shouted on the north eighth floor: I am a hero, and my reply came from the mountain.

We went down the Great Wall to eat Beijing's famous "Peking Duck". I could smell the smell of roast duck from afar. When I came to the roast duck shop, my mother bought a hot dish of roast duck. I couldn't help drooling. I ate with my head closed. After eating, our whole family became "Striped Cat". It occurred to me that I had climbed to the north eighth floor of the Great Wall. I must be a hero!

Beijing, goodbye, my parents and I left Beijing reluctantly on time with the evening train.

I'm so happy about this trip to Beijing!

Composition 4 on Beijing Tourism

Early this morning, my brother and I yelled to my mother and aunt to take us to visit Peking University, which is the university my brother yearns for. Because Peking University is a comprehensive university and the highest institution of learning in China.

Since our hotel is close to Peking University, we walked north along Zhongguancun Avenue to enjoy the high-rise buildings in Beijing. In a few minutes, we will arrive at the east gate of Peking University. There are a lot of people waiting in line here. Parents take their children to visit. It is crowded and bustling. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. Everyone lined up in the rain and slowly moved forward. No one left because of the rain. About an hour later, we walked into the gate of Peking University. My brother and I were very excited and quickly stood beside the four characters "Peking University" at the gate to take photos.

When entering Peking University, the first thing you will see is the Peking University Library. The new library of Peking University is located on the south bank of Weiming Lake. It is magnificent, with a building area of 27000 square meters, 2000 seats and a collection of 3 million books. The whole library adopts the national architectural design style, and the computer network system, CD data storage and retrieval service system, digital communication and audio and video equipment, automated security monitoring and other modern international advanced technology design and systems are used internally.

Although it was raining heavily, we continued to walk ahead of the famous Weiming Lake in Peking University. The shadow of the lake light tower, flying attic and flowing pills, inscriptions and inscriptions can be seen everywhere in the Weiming Lake area. We walked around the Weiming Lake, my brother and I kept taking pictures, trying to leave everything here with the camera; The teaching building is simple and elegant, and the tree lined avenue and the ivy covered building gable are unforgettable. My brother and I left beautiful images in front of each teaching building. "Mountain light outside the threshold, cloud shadow in the window" is a good place for reading and learning.

Peking University is the cradle of talent cultivation and fertile soil for talent growth. I love the mountains, rivers, plants and even the humanistic feelings here.

Tourism Experience Composition (2)

I remember when I was in the first grade, I came home from school one day. After I finished my homework, I washed and prepared to go to my mother's room to sleep. Then my mother came to me and said, "Yangyang, when you grow up, you can sleep by yourself." I was so confused that my mother "tricked" me to the small room.

As soon as my mother left, I regretted that there was nothing in the small room, which made people feel gloomy and horrible. Thinking of this, I took a breath of cold air.

Turn off the lights and close my eyes, but it still can't eliminate my fear. At this time, a corner of the curtain was gently opened. What's that? At this scene, my palms were sweating and my body was shaking violently.

Suddenly, a "ghost" flew over my head. I quickly covered my head with a quilt to cry, but I didn't dare to cry for fear of disturbing the ghost. My heart is like fifteen buckets of water -- up and down.

The crow's cry of "wow wow" came out of the window from time to time, which made me even more afraid. It was like a rabbit in my arms, and my heart was "thump! Thump!" Jumping straight. Beans of sweat rolled down from my forehead one by one, and even the hairs stood up! After a long time, I fell asleep in fear

The next morning, when I woke up, I found that the bed was empty and there was no shadow, let alone "ghost"! I gave a long sigh of relief. I suddenly found a bird's nest on the windowsill and thought, "So this is the 'residence' of 'ghost'!"

Travel Experience Composition (3)

On a sunny Saturday, my mother suddenly said, "Today we are going to Kunwu Garden with my brother"! "Hooray!" I jumped up, took my mother's hand and ran out.

In Kunwu Garden, there are so many interesting games, such as "Crazy Mouse", "Skycar", "bungee jumping", "fishing" We bought two pairs of fishing rods and started fishing.

I hung a little dough on the hook and threw it into the water, calmly waiting for the fish to bite. However, the beautiful goldfish swam around in the water, as if it had been agreed, but they didn't bite. I was really worried! Suddenly, I felt the fishing rod sinking, I suddenly lifted the fishing rod, and the fish came to a beautiful carp in the middle of the air, fell into the water, and regained their freedom. I was about to shout with my mouth open when I caught the fish, but the fish fell down again. My mood plummeted and I couldn't get up! My mother saw it and encouraged me to say, "More haste, less speed, more patience!". I adjusted my mind, calmed down and fished again. After a while, I caught three big fish. My mood suddenly cheered up and I felt the joy of success.

This experience tells me a truth: you should persevere in doing everything, and you will get unexpected results in the end!

Travel Experience Composition (4)

One morning, I took the sesame seed cake I bought home. The sky is overcast. It seems that something terrible will happen. I came to a bare tree and suddenly found a tall German shepherd dog staring at me. I am naturally afraid of dogs, let alone German shepherd dogs, which makes me even more afraid. I don't know whether the German Shepherd Dog has smelled the smell of sesame seed cakes, or whether I have "invaded" its territory. It raised its head angrily, shouted "Bark, bark" and rushed towards me. It scared me to death. At that time, it had no way to deal with it.

In my panic, I climbed onto a stone table more than one meter high. At this time, the wolf dog had rushed to my feet. It saw me commanding and wanted to go up and down, so it had to walk up and down below. It watched me stand upright on the stone table under its supervision. After 15 minutes of anxiety, I jumped off the stone table and ran home quickly, while the German Shepherd Dog turned its back to me.

Who knew that my running attracted the wolf dog to chase me and beg for mercy while running: "wolf dog, let me go! I didn't touch you, didn't offend you, there are so many people on the street, why did you chase me?" I said so many good words, it has no effect on the wolf dog, it seems to run faster and faster. Alas, a two legged man can't run a four legged dog after all. I was finally bitten by it. I waved my hands, stamped my feet, and struggled to die, but I was secretly wondering how to deal with him.

Suddenly, I thought I still had two sesame seed cakes in my hand, so I quickly tore a piece from one of them and threw it far away. Sure enough, as I expected, the German shepherd dog left me to chase the sesame seed cake. I seized the opportunity to throw off the dog, grabbed my ragged clothes and ran home. The dangerous experience of being attacked by a dog is unforgettable to me. It told me not to be afraid when I met the "attack" of bad people or fierce animals. On the other hand, I must rely on wisdom to win.

Tourism Experience Composition (5)

In our life, there are many thrilling moments, just like stars twinkling in my mind, decorating my memory.

I remember going swimming with my mother and brother during the summer vacation. When I got to the swimming pool, I found that there were very few people today. Maybe it was because of the rain today! So I didn't warm up for a while before I went into the water as usual. Instead, I jumped into the water and made a movement in the air at the moment of going into the water. Today is really cool, and the swimming pool is not so crowded! I will cherish this chance of fewer people, and swim well, like a fish, free! I want to show my brother how awesome I am

Suddenly, when I turned around, my leg jerked and I couldn't swim at all. The leg feels numb and cannot bend at all. At this time, I began to worry. Should I splash or give up? I began to sink, and the water kept drilling into my nose and mouth. Slowly, I began to lack oxygen, while struggling to sink. I am like being caught by death, unable to break away. I thought: "I'm going to die this time, I will definitely suffocate in the water..." At this moment, I felt a force pull me to the water, "whoosh", and finally left the devil's palm. "Ah -" I feel so good when I breathe the air! At this time, my legs gradually improved, and I climbed onto the shore.

It turned out that after my mother found that I fell head first, she didn't come out for a long time, worried about me, and pulled me up Suddenly, my brother said to me, "Brother, look at your legs!". I looked down and said, "Oh, how did my leg break?" Then I felt very painful and was about to cry. It occurred to me that when I was struggling, I picked myself up and broke it.

From this swimming, I learned that: before swimming, we must do warm-up exercises, otherwise we will have accidents, even life danger!

Tourism Experience Composition (6)

This summer vacation, my father took me to the sixth summer camp of "Everyone Together" in Hunan. The main content of the activity is to exchange and learn with students in poor mountainous areas and experience their lives.

After two days of contact and exchange with students in poor mountainous areas, Grandma Zeng, the person in charge of the sponsor, assigned us a task: to make a speech on the feelings of this activity on the third day of the meeting.

The night before the speech, I spent nearly an hour writing the speech, asked my father to make some changes, and rehearsed several times in front of my father.

The speech meeting began. I'm No. 9, and the speech from the big brothers and sisters in the poor mountainous area is ahead. They spoke very well, and I could not help feeling great pressure. When I made the 8th speech, my heart was so nervous that I almost jumped into my throat! My legs were shaking constantly, my hands were holding the manuscript tightly, and I kept reading silently. When I heard the host say, "Let's invite No. 9 Xu Pinzhuo to make a speech on the stage..." When I listened, my head went blank with a "buzz". I stood there at a loss. My father pushed me and said, "CC, it's time to go on stage." I didn't know how to go on stage. At the beginning of my speech, my heart was like a rabbit, pounding. I read the script from beginning to end without lifting my head.

After the speech, when I walked off the stage, I felt like stepping on cotton. My mind was blank. I could not remember how I had just stepped on the stage, how I had spoken, or what I had said, but I felt very relaxed.

This experience made me very unforgettable.

Travel Experience Composition (7)

Today, I went to Taolin in the text with my classmates.

We came to the entrance of Taoyuan, and each of us carried a big basket. At this time, Xiao Qiu asked, "How can we get in?" "That's not easy." Xiao Yue immediately replied to her, "The Chinese book says let the dog lead the way!" "Oh, yes!" Xiao Qiu remembered now. She shouted at the dogs, "Hey, kids, would you like to take us to the Taolin?" The dog jumped beside us and ran forward.

After a while, we arrived at the real Taolin. Everyone looked at the plump and big peach and couldn't help drooling. The students went their separate ways, and I was not behind. I ran to a peach tree and picked a big peach carefully, as if afraid of breaking it. The peach was pink and looked like a chubby baby.

We also saw many attractive large peaches, but they were all growing on tall trees and could not be picked. In desperation, we had to invite our little tree climbing experts - Xiao Wang, Xiao Ang and Xiao Dong. They didn't care about the flying insects flying in their faces, but just kept climbing. They put the picked peaches in the basket, then came down and gave them to everyone. Everyone was immersed in the joy of picking peaches.

But the happy time is always so short. Before long, everyone's basket was full, and everyone reluctantly left this enchanting peach forest.

Tourism Experience Composition (8)

Last semester in the fourth grade, I entered the haunted house for the first time.

After watching the chrysanthemum exhibition that day, someone suggested going to the Children's Park, which was immediately adopted by the teacher. We swarmed into the park, only to see the haunted house. Several brave people immediately proposed to go in and have a look. After paying the money, we walked to the entrance of the haunted house. A man ran to the entrance and looked at it, saying, "Oh, how terrible! I won't go!" I also went to the door and looked at it. This look really scared me. There is a big round table with a pendant lamp on it. If the light is weak, it will go out at any time. There were also three dolls on the chandelier, all wrapped in red gauze, which looked like very red blood. There is a skeleton on the innermost seat! I regretted it, but the money had already been paid, so I had to go in.

When we entered the haunted house, the female shopkeeper asked us to put on the earphones, and then locked the door and left. I dare not wear earphones. It seems that as soon as I wear earphones, the skeleton will rush over. At first, I heard the skeleton talking in a low voice. I dare not look around, so I have to close my eyes. Then I heard a series of footsteps coming down the stairs, and then I heard a series of laughter, like a small goblin running down the stairs, waiting to eat me. Suddenly, I felt my chair shaking and heard a series of screams, which made me want to scream. I just felt a whirring wind in my ear, from left ear to right ear, and from right ear to left ear. I finally couldn't help screaming and rushing out.

After going out for a long time, my heart was still beating. Alas, knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, it's better not to be partial to the tiger mountain. Otherwise, it's a pity to lose your life!

Travel Experience Composition (9)

On that day, we came to a tourist attraction called "Strange Slope" near Gulangyu Island in Xiamen, where I saw a child put a mineral water bottle on the ground. The bottle seemed to be attracted by something and slowly rolled up the slope. Seeing this strange phenomenon, I couldn't restrain my curiosity and thought that I must try it myself. So I took out our own mineral water bottle from my backpack and found a place with a steep slope to test. Sure enough, the bottle rolled up the slope like being attracted by gravity, which made me excited. At this time, I saw that there was a bike rental on the other side, so that visitors could ride back from the slope and down to experience the "strange" place of the "strange slope". So my mother and I rented a bike. When I got on the bike, "Wow! Curious!" I couldn't help crying out. When I ride downhill, it is very difficult, just like going uphill. But when I ride uphill, I don't need to ride downhill. It's very strange that my bike goes by itself.

I think this "strange slope" phenomenon must have some scientific mysteries in geography. I really hope that I can go to tourist attractions every holiday, so that I can learn more knowledge and experience more interesting and meaningful things.

Part 2: An unforgettable travel experience

Our family went to Beijing for five days during the summer vacation. In these 5 days, I feel that the day when I go to the Great Wall is the most meaningful day!

Our family got up very early that day to go to the Great Wall. 7; We got on the car and set off! Sitting there, I soon arrived at the foot of the Great Wall. At the foot of the mountain, I saw the Great Wall was very long, like a huge dragon. The trees around were very lush, and the air was very fresh.

We began to climb the Great Wall. The steps of the Great Wall are high and low, and these bricks are much lower for the people to step on. It can be seen that so many people come and go on the Great Wall. It was strange that there was a house like a house just as high as the ground. Then I asked my father what it was for, and he said; "It was used to fight against the enemy in ancient times. It's called a lookout. Soldiers hide here to observe the movement of the enemy." I think the people in ancient times were too smart to create such magnificent and magnificent buildings. Our new generation should also learn from their wisdom to make tomorrow more beautiful. At this time, I had already boarded the fifth lookout. Looking down the mountain, it was so high! The scenery is also beautiful! Although I felt tired after climbing so high, I felt very happy. Looking ahead, there is still a long way to go. We can't climb any further, so we start to go downhill. We really feel reluctant to leave here.

This is my most unforgettable travel experience!

Part 3: An unforgettable travel experience

In the river I remember, there was a travel experience that I will never forget, and that beautiful feeling makes me recall for a long time, and my reverie is endless

Since I was young, I have loved and yearned for the sea. Day and night, I have a dream of running to the sea: the blue sky, the blue water, and the golden beach attract me so much... Finally, in the summer when I was nine years old, my parents realized my dream of the sea, took me to Qingdao, and saw the sea I yearned for day and night.

I could smell the sea from a long distance. I couldn't wait to get off the bus and run to the seaside. The sea breeze blows head-on, like my mother's gentle hand touching my face, the fresh and moist air makes people feel so comfortable

Oh, sea, I finally saw you, you are so vast. The blue sky is reflected on the sea. The sky is blue and the sea is blue. Where the water meets the sky, it is hard to tell which is water and which is day. "Whoa! Whoa!" The waves beat against the rocks and stirred white water several feet high. The small waves rolled and stretched, layer by layer floating from afar, and poured into the soft sand beach. Curled silver edges were drawn on the beach, like shining silver frames on the vast sea, making the sea more beautiful and charming. A group of children as old as me were playing at the seaside, playing and fighting water fights. From time to time, bursts of happy laughter came.

On the endless sea, gray and white seagulls are flying. Some of them hover upward, some lean downward, some fly rapidly, and some glide leisurely. I stared at the brave seagulls as if I were flying on the sea

In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset painted a layer of gold on the sea. The golden sea is really beautiful!

Ah, charming sea, you have been deeply imprinted in my memory, so far, I still remember, with endless aftertaste

Travel Experience Composition (10)

After walking for a while, we finally arrived at Wulong Cave Scenic Area, which is a forest park. The mountain was very high, and we climbed halfway. The road became very narrow, and the steps were still very steep. Huihui, our good friend, was afraid. Mother said that as long as I set an example for her, she would not be afraid and would move forward.

I listened to my mother's words and tried to climb up by myself. Soon Huihui was not afraid. We walked forward hand in hand and finally climbed up. As long as we work hard and strong, we will certainly go up. It's time to go down the mountain. Huihui and I will go together. Adults praise us both!

Part 2: Ying Lake Tourism Experience

My parents took me to Yinghu Lake in Ankang on the National Day. On our way, I saw a large reservoir. My father told me that the water here was flowing to Beijing.

When we arrived at Yinghu Lake, we got on the boat. I felt that Yinghu Lake was very large and beautiful. Our first island is Yuxing Island, which is full of birds. I saw parrots performing. The parrot performed riding a bicycle, playing on a slide and raising the national flag. These performances were very interesting and I enjoyed them very much. Then we went to Jinluo Island by boat. I saw a pagoda on the island, which was called Luofeng Pagoda. The shadow of the pagoda was five stories high. We arrived at another place on Cuiping Island by boat. There were a lot of bamboos in Cuiping. It was cool to walk on the island under the cover of bamboos. My father and I also played the coin casting game. I was very happy. After visiting the island, our bureau returned to the dock by boat.

We are happy this trip, and hope to visit other interesting places next time!

Part 3: Xianju Tourism Experience

Today, when I was in bed, I heard my father say that I would go to Xianju. I thought it should be good. My father didn't know the way, so he took out the navigator. It was 140 miles away. When we arrived at Xianju, my father said that we would go to the place where the immortals lived, so we went there. We paid the ticket and went up the mountain.

The trees on the mountain are very tall, and the mountain is very special. Some are like turtles, and some are like owls. We entered a cave. The stones inside were like a phoenix. When we walked out of the cave, the mountains were like lions. I also saw eyes, nose and teeth. We went on and came to a place called "Sleeping Beauty". For the first time, we couldn't find it. Then we saw eyes and mouth.

Then we went to the playground again. There was a single wooden bridge. I walked one by one, and soon caught up with the adults. I fell down accidentally. We went on and saw the waterfall. The waterfall was not too big, but the water was very deep. I wanted to climb over. My parents said that the ground was slippery, and they didn't let me climb. We continued to climb and finally found a place to eat. It was really tiring in the morning.

Chapter 4: Unforgettable Tourism Experience

"Get up and start!" I woke up immediately after hearing that, because I was going to travel today.

My mother and I came to Zhakou General School in the dim light of genius, and many students and parents were waiting there. After a while, the car came, we hurried to get on the car, and soon the car started. It took a long time to reach the first scenic spot: the Science Park. The most unforgettable thing here is the time reversal and the microscope. We waited at the door of the time reversal for a long time, and finally it was our turn. We couldn't wait to go in. As soon as we went in, we didn't understand what was going on inside, so we felt that everything was going round and round. We were immediately confused and had no idea what was going on inside.

After waiting, I felt nothing. Then we went to look at the microscope. One leaf attracted me very much. From the microscope, there were many bacteria on it. Usually, we could not see it with our eyes.

After visiting the Science Park, we will go to the next place soon!

Tourism Experience Composition (11)

I was found by the cashier to my little master. The little master held me all day long, as if I had grown legs and ran away by myself.

One day, I was held in my mouth by my little master. When I was trying to get out, my little master suddenly smiled. I suddenly fell into the dark abyss and began my unique journey.

I was stuck in the esophagus and couldn't move at all. At this time, some vomit rushed towards me, so disgusting! I really want to leave here. But I can't move. After a while, I felt the little master lay down. After a while, I heard chirping outside. I felt that there were more people outside, but I could not hear clearly. Just vaguely heard someone say, arrange photos and check. It turned out that because I was stuck in the esophagus, the little master was sent to the hospital. After a while, I saw a long pipe and slowly extended it to me. What kind of weapon is this? I stepped back nervously. The pipe hit me, and suddenly I began to fall. I felt the whirl of heaven and earth, and I fell into a dark hole. Slowly, I finally saw the surrounding environment clearly. There were some unknown smells around me. All kinds of food are mixed together. I was stuck by food, swaying from side to side, and could not stop. So here is the stomach. It smells bad here. I don't want to stay here.

I was wrapped in food scraps. After a long few hours, I was squeezed out of the little master's body by the food residue. I see the fresh world outside again.

Tourism Experience Composition (12)

450 words of travel experience composition [1]

My mother went to Shenyang this summer vacation, because my mother and I had nowhere to go, so my mother and I went to the guest house of Shenyang Agricultural University to live. It was almost dark after we got there, so my mother and I found a room to live in. We heard that the Glacier Wildlife Park was very famous there, so my mother and I went there. When we got there, we first queued up, and then took the bus to visit the animals.

My mother and I saw tigers, lions... Then, my mother and I went to visit the captive animals, turtles, elephants..., where I made a joke: I almost ate the biscuits to feed the elephants. Then, my mother and I went out of the zoo to return to the Agricultural University. When we walked, we saw many games, My mother and I first took part in the project of taking a yacht. The feeling of taking a yacht is two words: excitement.

After getting off the speedboat, I took part in the water polo project. The water polo is to let you walk on the water in a ball full of air. After I came out, my mother took me to a game called "Jumping Superman". At that time, my mother bought me a ticket. After buying it, there was just a free place, and I went there, The staff there tied the upper safety belt between my legs and then loosened the safety belt. Then I flew into the sky with a whoosh. My mother took a picture of me at that time, but because of the reflection of sunlight, my mother made me black. After I came down, my mother took me back to the guest house of Agricultural University.

Two days later, my mother and I reluctantly went home by train.

Through this visit to Shenyang, I learned how wonderful the outside world is, and I am determined not to let my mother down when I grow up.

450 words of travel experience composition [2]

Mutual help and care are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. An unforgettable travel experience has given me a deeper understanding of this. At the beginning of last summer vacation, I went to Baiyun Mountain in Henan Province with my father and mother. On the way to my destination by bus, I got carsick, felt very uncomfortable and felt like vomiting. At this time, an uncle sitting in the front row of the car seat quickly gave me his seat and said to me, "You will feel better sitting in the front." So I sat in the front row of the car seat.

But after a while, I still vomited. At this time, an aunt sitting next to me quickly took out toilet paper, helped me wipe my mouth, and then cleaned up the dirt I vomited with my mother. An uncle sitting in the back gave me his mineral water to rinse my mouth. An older brother, who was slightly older than me, hurriedly handed me a carsickness medicine to take, and told me: "Don't always think about carsickness, think about something pleasant, and look at the beautiful scenery outside the window, it will be better." So I did as he said, and it was much better.

Later, several uncles and aunts told me jokes and guessed riddles to distract my attention and make me overcome carsickness slowly. In this way, we successfully arrived at our destination and had a pleasant journey together. Although we didn't know each other before, when I was in trouble, they all rushed to care for me, help me, and take care of me, which made me feel the beauty of mutual love and moved me very much. Although it has been nearly a year, I still remember it fresh.

450 words of travel experience composition [3]

In the river I remember, there was a travel experience that I will never forget, and that beautiful feeling makes me recall for a long time, and my reverie is endless

Since I was young, I have loved and yearned for the sea. Day and night, I have a dream of running to the sea: the blue sky, the blue water, and the golden beach attract me so much... Finally, in the summer when I was nine years old, my parents realized my dream of the sea, took me to Qingdao, and saw the sea I yearned for day and night.

I could smell the sea from a long distance. I couldn't wait to get off the bus and run to the seaside. The sea breeze blows head-on, like my mother's gentle hand touching my face, the fresh and moist air makes people feel so comfortable

Oh, sea, I finally saw you, you are so vast. The blue sky is reflected on the sea. The sky is blue and the sea is blue. Where the water meets the sky, it is hard to tell which is water and which is day. "Whoa! Whoa!" The waves beat against the rocks and stirred white water several feet high. The small waves rolled and stretched, layer by layer floating from afar, and rushed to the soft beach, where curly silver edges were drawn, like shining silver frames on the vast sea, making the sea more beautiful and charming. A group of children as old as me were playing at the seaside, playing and fighting water fights. From time to time, bursts of happy laughter came.

On the endless sea, gray and white seagulls are flying. Some of them hover upward, some lean downward, some fly rapidly, and some glide leisurely. I stared at the brave seagulls as if I were flying on the sea

In the evening, the afterglow of the sunset painted a layer of gold on the sea. The golden sea is really beautiful!

Ah, charming sea, you have been deeply imprinted in my memory, so far, I still remember, with endless aftertaste

Travel Experience Composition (13)

Travel Experience Composition I

How interesting childhood is!

I remember my father and mother often took me to travel when I was young. Because I'm too young, I'm naughty. My father and mother looked at me as they walked, for fear that I might lose it. But it's very interesting to travel outside. I also rode a donkey on that trip in the south! The little donkey is so cute! Do you know? When I rode the donkey, luckily the donkey was tied, otherwise the donkey would throw me down on the highway.

Another time, we went to the seaside to travel. I saw a big ship for the first time and jumped three feet high happily. We got on a ship, and I was very excited all the way! The sea is so wide, the sea is so blue, seagulls fly in the sky, and there are many ships coming and going on the water. At noon, adults took a lunch break, but I never slept. In the afternoon, when I arrived at the scenic spot, I was tired and panting.

Another time, we took a plane trip. Unfortunately, I had a high fever and had no interest on the way. I slept all the way and vomited all the way. I regret not seeing the beautiful scenery in the sky.

My childhood travel everywhere, how interesting!

Travel Experience Composition 2

Mutual help and care are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation. An unforgettable travel experience has given me a deeper understanding of this. At the beginning of last summer vacation, I went to Baiyun Mountain in Henan Province with my father and mother. On the way to my destination by bus, I got carsick, felt very uncomfortable and felt like vomiting. At this time, an uncle sitting in the front row of the car seat quickly gave me his seat and said to me, "You will feel better sitting in the front." So I sat in the front row of the car seat.

But after a while, I still vomited. At this time, an aunt sitting next to me quickly took out toilet paper, helped me wipe my mouth, and then cleaned up the dirt I vomited with my mother. An uncle sitting in the back gave me his mineral water to rinse my mouth. An older brother, who was slightly older than me, hurriedly handed me a carsickness medicine to take, and told me: "Don't always think about carsickness, think about something pleasant, and look at the beautiful scenery outside the window, it will be better." So I did as he said, and it was much better.

Later, several uncles and aunts told me jokes and guessed riddles to distract my attention and make me overcome carsickness slowly. In this way, we successfully arrived at our destination and had a pleasant journey together. Although we didn't know each other before, when I was in trouble, they all rushed to care for me, help me, and take care of me, which made me feel the beauty of mutual love and moved me very much. Although it has been nearly a year, I still remember it fresh.

Travel Experience Composition III

My mother went to Shenyang this summer vacation, because my mother and I had nowhere to go, so my mother and I went to the guest house of Shenyang Agricultural University to live. It was almost dark after we got there, so my mother and I found a room to live in. We heard that the Glacier Wildlife Park was very famous there, so my mother and I went there. When we got there, we first queued up, and then took the bus to visit the animals.

My mother and I saw tigers, lions... Then, my mother and I went to visit the captive animals, turtles, elephants..., where I made a joke: I almost ate the biscuits to feed the elephants. Then, my mother and I went out of the zoo to return to the Agricultural University. When we walked, we saw many games, My mother and I first took part in the project of taking a yacht. The feeling of taking a yacht is two words: excitement. After getting off the speedboat, I took part in the water polo project. The water polo is to let you walk on the water in a ball full of air. After I came out, my mother took me to a game called "Jumping Superman". At that time, my mother bought me a ticket. After buying it, there was just a free place, and I went there, The staff there tied the upper safety belt between my legs and then loosened the safety belt. Then I flew into the sky with a whoosh. My mother took a picture of me at that time, but because of the reflection of sunlight, my mother made me black. After I came down, my mother took me back to the guest house of Agricultural University. Two days later, my mother and I reluctantly went home by train.

Through this visit to Shenyang, I learned how wonderful the outside world is, and I am determined not to let my mother down when I grow up.

Travel Experience Composition (14)

I remember my father and mother often took me to travel when I was young. Because I'm too young, I'm naughty. My father and mother looked at me as they walked, for fear that I might lose it. But it's very interesting to travel outside. I also rode a donkey on that trip in the south! The little donkey is so cute! Do you know? When I rode the donkey, luckily the donkey was tied, otherwise the donkey would throw me down on the highway.

Another time, we went to the seaside to travel. I saw a big ship for the first time and jumped three feet high happily. We got on a ship, and I was very excited all the way! The sea is so wide, the sea is so blue, seagulls fly in the sky, and there are many ships coming and going on the water. At noon, adults took a lunch break, but I never slept. In the afternoon, when I arrived at the scenic spot, I was tired and panting.

Another time, we took a plane trip. Unfortunately, I had a high fever and had no interest on the way. I slept all the way and vomited all the way. I regret not seeing the beautiful scenery in the sky.

My childhood travel everywhere, how interesting! 300 word travel composition: childhood travel experience

Travel Experience Composition (15)

I remember my father and mother often took me to travel when I was young. Because I'm too young, I'm naughty. My father and mother looked at me as they walked, for fear that I might lose it. But it's very interesting to travel outside. I also rode a donkey on that trip in the south! The little donkey is so cute! Do you know? When I rode the donkey, luckily the donkey was tied, otherwise the donkey would throw me down on the highway.

Another time, we went to the seaside to travel. I saw a big ship for the first time and jumped three feet high happily. We got on a ship, and I was very excited all the way! The sea is so wide, the sea is so blue, seagulls fly in the sky, and there are many ships coming and going on the water. At noon, adults took a lunch break, but I never slept. In the afternoon, when I arrived at the scenic spot, I was tired and panting.

Another time, we took a plane trip. Unfortunately, I had a high fever and had no interest on the way. I slept all the way and vomited all the way. I regret not seeing the beautiful scenery in the sky.

My childhood travel everywhere, how interesting!

Grade 3 300 word travel composition: Is the travel experience in childhood very good? I hope it can help the students!

Tourism Experience Composition (16)

Now, more and more people will often travel. Through tourism, we can not only relax ourselves, but also broaden our horizons. In my opinion, we can meet new friends and travel with them during the trip.

Firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. For modern life, we are busy with our work with high pressure. However, when we travel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from both work and life.

First, we can relax ourselves after enjoying the scenery. In modern life, we are busy with our work all day long and have a lot of pressure. However, when we travel, we will be attracted by the beautiful scenery and temporarily forget the pressure of work and life.

Secondly, we can make friends by traveling. For most travelers, they tend to find many companions to travel with. If you check the internet, you will find that some people will call others to join them for travel. Through this kind of travel, we can meet many different people and make friends with them to broaden our social circle.

Second, you can make friends in travel. For many tourists, they like to travel together with others. If you search the Internet, you will find that many people will ask others to join them to travel. By traveling in this way, we can meet all kinds of people, make friends with them, and expand our circle of communication.

Thirdly, we can learn much knowledge form travel. Before you go to somewhere to travel, generally, you need to make plans for your travel. You can find lots of things you don’t know when you make a plan, such as, the origin of a certain area, the customs of different areas, local food and so on.

Third, we can learn a lot of knowledge in tourism. Before you want to travel somewhere, you usually need to make a plan. In the process of making plans, you will find many things you do not know, such as the origin of a certain area, the customs of people in different places, local food, etc.

In conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel.

In short, through tourism, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends, but also learn new knowledge.

High School Tourism Experience English Composition (2)

Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.

The field's his study, nature was his book.

Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.

Tourism is a good way to expand one's point of view. It allows you to come into contact with different cultures, meet people's different colors, and go through special ceremonies and ceremonies. Travel can not only enrich your knowledge and experience, but also realize the vastness of nature.

Tourism can also alleviate the tired and pessimistic people. Travel brings you fun and attraction. It gives you a happy experience

Travel Experience Composition (17)

Travel Experience English Composition 1

Today is the National Day, Mom and Dad promised us to go mountain climbing, I am happy to jump three feet high, his face showing a smile.

We began to organize things: eat also brought, the water has to bring, play more to bring the ... ... we set out!

Soon, to the foot of the mountain. "I do not believe in my father's words, the more climb faster, the father said:" No ah, I am not climbing very much, I am not happy, Fast it? "Gradually, my physical strength almost exhausted, after a while, Mom and Dad went against me. So my father and mother said: "Mom and Dad, etc. I am very tired ah. You wait for me? " Dad said: "as a man, you have to learn to persevere, slowly climb, "

But for a while, I went to the mountains, the mountain scenery is so good, a lot of trees, camphor trees, pine trees, apple trees and so on. I saw an apples apple apple tree, I picked it down, bite a bit, eat to my father I think this apple is very good to eat, but my father is that the apple is not good at all, I may have eaten the sake of it I will pick one, give him to eat, and now he said: "This apple delicious, where to pick, we bring a little home, so you can think of how delicious the apple here. "I took my father's hand, went to a tall burly apple tree in front, and he said, is this tree, looks tall and tall, unlike the sinking of the family, knot out of the apple a little Not delicious.

We mountain climbing as learning, in the study of the road must be persistent, challenge difficulties. Face all setbacks are not discouraged, the courage to face!

Travel Experience English Composition 2

One day in the winter vacation, my grandpa went to Nanjing to travel.

Accompanied by my grandfather in Nanjing, we went to visit the Sun Yat-sen. Got out of the car I saw the magnificent mausoleum of the mausoleum, in the scenic area of the top of the archway Mr. Sun Yat-sen wrote "fraternity" two characters. Into the area, there are many visitors, the elderly, students, there are many young people, some of them in the camera, and some in the grass to rest, and some climb in the steps along the steps. Sun Yat-sen from the arch to the memorial hall has more than 390 step steps, although the weather is cold, but we crawled crawling on the hot, the clothes are off. I climbed very tired, but I did not stop, still hard work, perseverance to climb, and finally climbed to the top. We line up into the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, which has a statue of Mr. Zhongshan, realistic and vivid. On both sides of the wall is also engraved with Mr. Zhongshan's revolutionary deeds of relief, and Mr. Zhongshan's handwriting of the Kuomintang program. After the church is a circular tomb, is Mr. Sun rest place. Everyone is very quiet, for fear of disturbing the great man. Sun Yat-sen is the precursor of the revolution, leading the Revolution of 1911 to overthrow the emperor's feudal rule, advocated "the world is the public", we have to commemorate him.

Then we went to the Purple Mountain Observatory, it is China's own established the first modern astronomical research institutions. Take the ropeway, we came to the Observatory, where there are many ancient astronomical instruments, there are muddy days, seismographs and so on. There is also the statue of the first observatory. My ancient astronomy is very developed, there are astronomers and his party, Zhang Heng. Zu Chongzhi and others. We also visited the modern astronomical instruments, there are large astronomical telescopes, it can see the sunspots, you can see the naked eye can not see the stars, we also saw the precise timer, can be accurate to billions of seconds. Grandpa said astronomical knowledge is difficult to learn, when the astronomer is difficult.

We finally went to Ming Xiaoling. There is the tomb of the emperor of the Ming dynasty. Inside the stone people, stone horse is very large, there are more than thirty tons of stone, I sat on the nose also took a photo. Ming Xiaoling great, next to the plum blossom mountain, playing a day to play but to. I am tired of the real walk, and had to reluctantly left.

This day, I have seen a lot, I have a great harvest!

Travel Experience English Composition 3

We bought a ticket, they sat on a long distance bus to Fuzhou, along the way beautiful and beautiful: tall and straight as the loyalty of the warrior stands in the roadside; birds flying freely in the sky, his mouth from time to time to send a pleasant song; In the white clouds of different shapes, some like mighty lions; some like clever little monkeys; some like a group of sheep in the sky walk. I do not feel the lunch time, we get off, they went to "McDonald's" to eat.

After lunch, we came to the Fuzhou Zoo. "Look, the sea lion show began! " I cried. We barely put on a hillside and stood to watch. I saw a sea lion agile with the neck accurately set the trainers thrown out of the circle, and then climbed the stage, continuous beat their forelimbs, we met the sea lion that lovely look, can not help but laugh.

After watching the sea lions show, we went to the north "monkey mountain" forward. We have gone for a long time, have not arrived yet. "How have not arrived - ah !! " I impatiently called up. "Come on," said the uncle. And went a long long road, we went to the "monkey mountain". A monkey comes back and forth between the tree and the tree. Especially the gibbon, hands holding the roots, feet swing, gibbon in the air to a three hundred and sixty degrees big circle, pedestrians met have applauded it, it seems like this, and continuous turn several Circle. We have a "monkey mountain", to the beast arena. The monkey "Three Musketeers", riding their own bike back and forth circle, antelope "snow", "the rookie" a tiger jumped the fire ring, won the audience's warm applause; And "Three Musketeers" boss "blowing snow" in the air to take the wire; bear couple for us to perform a bike chase, and won the audience applause. After watching the arena of the program, we will be reluctant to go home.

Today, although I am very tired, very happy.

Travel Experience Composition (18)

Travel Experience English Composition 1

I went Chong Qing in July 22.It is a city which was built near mountains.

So people call it Mountain City\. In Chong Qing,I went to the Red Stone Center, to see the places which the prisoners lived in the past. It is a terrible and awful trip. There are a lot of dogs, and soldiers with guns near the prisons. And most of the prisons are good, they didn't want to tell the bad people where the other people were. They lived in very small houses. No good food to eat, no good water to drink.They had only twenty minutes to stay out side per day but they still said nothing.

I think they are the heros in that century. I will follow their spirit.

Travel Experience English Composition 2

I heard that Lijiang was a very beautiful city when I was young. I travelled there in a holidy with my parents.I went there by plane. I saw there were many moutains when I got out the plane. The air was fresh.We went to the Lijiang Gucheng the fist day, and we bought some interesting things and had a good meal in the Lijiang Gucheng. On the second day ,we went to the Yulong snowy moutain, it was beautiful, and it was my first time I had seen the snow. I played with the snow happily. My father told me that Yulong snow moutain was a famous place in China, many people came here every year. I was happy throughout this trip, because it was even better to beijing!

I heard that Lijiang was a very beautiful city when I was young. I went there with my parents on holiday. I went there by plane. I saw many mountains when I got off the plane. The air was fresh. On the first day of our visit to Lijiang, the valley city, we bought some interesting things and had a good meal in Lijiang. The next day, we went to Yulong Snow Mountain. It was beautiful. This was the first time I saw snow. I play with snow happily. My father told me that Yulong Snow Mountain is a famous place in China, and many people come here every year. I am very happy in this trip, because it is even better than Beijing!

Travel Experience English Composition 3

I went to Hainan on vacation

Summer comes ,and the weather has become irritating.My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax.I thought about it for a while and agreed.Hainan is really a good place,where palm trees are abundant.We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks.We also went to visit the monkey island.The monkeys were really cute to look at.

Summer is coming, and the weather has become annoying. My elder sister suggested going to Hainan to relax. I thought for a while and agreed. Hainan is really a good place. Palm trees are everywhere. We went to a park, where we enjoyed the cool coconut juice. We also visited Monkey Island. The monkeys look so cute

After we came back from the travel,we found that our bodies have become stronger and healthier than before.My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.

After we returned from the journey, we found that we were stronger and healthier than before. My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year

We really enjoyed this trip.We were very happy!

We really enjoyed the trip. We were so happy!

Travel Experience Composition (19)

Travel Experience Junior English Composition 1

It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of traveling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example,having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example,spending an annual holiday traveling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.Traveling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through traveling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.

Travel Experience Junior English Composition 2

I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't forget to bring your backpack!

Travel Experience Junior English Composition 3

Last summer vacation,my family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh air,which made us so comfortable.We went to the seaside,the sea was as blue as the sky,and bathing in the sunshine on the beach, was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirs,I was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings there,such as fish,prawn,and so on.They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hotel, and the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very much,and if I got a chance,I hope to come here again,it is such a beautiful and interesting place.

Last summer vacation, my family and I went to Qingdao by train. It was always sunny and the air was very fresh. We went to the seaside. The sea was as blue as the sky. It was a pleasure to bathe in the sun on the beach. My sister and I also picked up many colorful shells. We bought many interesting souvenirs here, and I'm going to give them to my friends. We eat a lot of things here, such as fish and shrimp It's really delicious.

We stayed in a clean and tidy hotel, and the price was not very expensive. I like this place very much. If I have a chance, I hope I can go to Qingdao again, this beautiful and interesting place. English composition on tourism with translation, for your reference only, I wish you a happy study and journey!