Pebble Composition (20 in general)
Gather the vicissitudes of life and white hair
2024-06-19 06:43:11
primary school

Cobble Composition (1)

I am a pebble, and I am also a member of nature.

I come from a high mountain. The mountain is full of green, and the grass is soft, like a green blanket covering me. There are also flowers on the mountain. They are colorful and various. When the wind blows, my body is covered with the fragrance of flowers.

One day, suddenly, there was a strong wind and thunderstorm, and it was dark. The grass younger brother and flower younger sister next to me were all clinging to me for temporary comfort. I heard a "crackling" sound and felt dizzy??

When I woke up, I felt as if a warm hand was touching me. I opened my eyes and saw a strange world: there was no grass around, and the sky on my head became blurred. I thought I was dreaming, so I said to myself in a daze, "Where is this place?" "This is a river at the foot of the mountain." A swimming fish heard this and said to me, "The sound of the storm just now was so loud that many things were 'moved' by the flood. Look, you are one of them. Welcome to visit us. We will be friends in the future! I wish you a happy life! " After listening to Xiaoyu's words, I realized that Grandpa Feng had taken me from the mountain to the river, and I wanted to start my new life.

In the river, there are small fish and shrimp accompanying me every day, playing with me and playing with me. When it rains, raindrops are playing beautiful music for us. After playing, it will be sunny after rain. Under the sun, the rainbow in the sky is looming. She uses the river as her mirror to dress up; When evening comes and I want to rest, the soft water grass will be used as a quilt for me to sleep in the morning.

Now, I have changed from a rough stone with edges and corners on the mountain to a smooth, crystal clear pebble. It is nature that has changed me.

I am a member of nature, and I love nature deeply, even though I am an inconspicuous pebble.

Cobble Composition (2)

When I opened my eyes, I was already a pebble. I soaked in the water, and the river beat my body. I felt even cooler. When the sun came out, the river washed me to the bank. The sun shone on me and dried me, making me very smooth.

Day after day has passed. Although I feel very happy here, I am not happy all the time. I look at the sky and see a plane flying by. Alas, why? Others are so useful, why am I so leisurely? Just then, a boy came from the river. He looked at me, reached out and picked me up. He said to himself, "Hmm, this is good!" Then he stood up and put me in his pocket. Then I went home in his father's car.

I don't know how long it took until the car stopped. The little boy got out of the car and hopped into the house. He took me out of his pocket, put me on the table, turned on the light and began to observe me. After ten minutes, the little boy took out a lot of tools that I didn't know and began to carve me. I felt pain all over my body and wanted to shout out, but I couldn't do it. It was really uncomfortable. About 30 minutes later, the little boy finally put down his tools. I want to know what I have become, but I think it must be ugly.

The little boy put me in my schoolbag. It was really a dark world. Suddenly, there was a lot of talk. Eh? Who is speaking? When I looked down, I saw a rectangular "iron house", in which there were many strange creatures with sharp minds, a whole white rectangular creature, and many unknown things.

After a long time, I was taken to a building larger than his house by the little boy. The little boy sat on a chair and put me on a table. When everyone else arrived, an adult came in, who should be their teacher. I looked around and saw several stones in different shapes. The teacher walked around the class and said, "Children, your stone carvings are good, especially this one!" He pointed to me with his finger. Only then did I know that I was no longer an ordinary pebble, but a beautiful stone carving!

I was put on a shelf and became a showcase. I was no longer lonely because I had other children with me. I also became a useful thing, and I was happier.

Cobble Composition (3)

There is a steep mountain in the deep forest. There are many jagged rocks on the top of the mountain, and there are magnificent waterfalls flying down the mountain. Once there was a strong wind, and a small rock fell from the top of the mountain. It stumbled along the long and rugged mountain road, and the pain of its sharp edges being smoothed made it grin, but it could not escape the fate of rolling.

Gradually, it rolled down the mountain road to the waterfall. When the burning pain on the body was slightly relieved in the cool stream, it was immediately washed by the torrent. In the narrow stream under the waterfall, it was entangled by water plants, beaten by fish tails, and washed away by the torrent. It was depressed and frustrated. How he misses the time when he was carefree on the top of the mountain and didn't have to get along with the outside world and run in!

However, with the passage of time and the erosion of water, it gradually becomes smooth and moist. It no longer has sharp edges and corners that are easy to hurt others. It has become a pebble and learned to live in harmony with other partners and the surrounding environment.

In fact, the same is true for growth. The knife of time not only makes your round face firm and mature, but also cuts off the sharp edges and corners inside you. When you become thick, honest, mature and restrained, and can get along well with everything around you, you will grow up.

Some people say that youth is like fire and personality is flamboyant. As the saying goes, "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", we always show our edges and corners unreservedly when we are young. The pursuit of difference and individuality has become the symbol of the post-90s generation. Therefore, the personalized language of "follow your own path and let others speak" has won the favor of many young people. Because of this, friction is inevitable in the process of getting along with others and integrating with society. Sometimes we are like hedgehogs, hurting others and hurting ourselves.

When you gradually leave your parents' wings, life will begin to temper you like a knife. You are like a falling stone on the hillside, facing all kinds of difficulties and obstacles in life alone. In this process, some pebbles strive to pursue the life they want. Even if they are bruised, they should live beautifully, and eventually become a pebble living a comfortable life. Some stones were afraid of pain and avoided suffering. They stopped in the hillside and were trampled by people coming and going. Finally, they could not learn to get along with and run in with the outside world.

When we grow into a pebble, we have lost the sharp edges and corners of youth, but it does not mean that we have lost our personality and ideas, nor does it mean that we have yielded to life and bowed our heads. That is a new realm after suffering baptism. People like pebbles don't care about others when they hurt them, not because they are cowardly, but because they are tolerant and have a broad mind and tolerance. He is gentle to the world, and he will be treated gently by the world. He understood that society is like a clump of trees. In order to win the sunshine, everyone must grow as slender as those trees and use all the euphemism to grow. He knows how to make concessions and how to be modest. But in the field of mind, he can grow into a big tree that is widely exposed to the sun.

In fact, everyone will grow up with the years, just like the falling rocks on the top of the mountain. But some people have always been a rocky rock resting on the hillside, while others have completed the transformation perfectly and become smooth pebbles in the stream. I think this is the real growth.

Cobble Composition (4)

I am a snow-white and patterned stone. I come from nature and lie on the soft beach, stretching gently in the warm sunshine. It is very comfortable.

One day a little boy saw me and put me in my pocket. I ran and jumped and rolled out of my pocket, so I came to the high mountain. The hillside was full of green and soft grass. Lying on it was like a thick blanket, soft and warm, with a smell of grass. All kinds of flowers beside me compete with each other for beauty. A gust of wind blows the petals onto my body and puts on the flower clothes for me. It's really beautiful. The unknown birds on the tree are chirping together, which is very lively.

One day, I was having a rest with my eyes closed. I was thinking about something on my mind. Suddenly, the wind blew heavily, thunder and lightning flashed, and the sky suddenly darkened. Grass and wild flowers were blown to the ground. Only in this way can their slender waist and legs not be cut off. Just listen to the sound of "Pa". What hit me, "Ouch! It hurts!" "What hit me?" The dead branch was blown off and fell on me. Whooshoshosh..... It was raining heavily, and the water was getting bigger and bigger. "Ouch! Who is pushing me? Don't push me." Gradually, I fainted and then fainted.

Slowly I opened my eyes, "Eh! Where is this? Who is touching me?", Instead of rubbing my body, slowly, slowly my body became more and more smooth, and finally I became a smooth, crystal clear pebble. I really like my appearance. I come from nature, I love this magical world!

Cobble Composition (5)

I am a pebble, lying quietly on a path.

The friends around us often spend time chatting with each other in a homely way. I can't get involved in it. I really envy them. I have no common topic with them, so I can't enjoy many benefits of friendship: less loneliness, more warmth. I enjoy solitude alone. What I like most is to look at the blue sky and white clouds.

Pure white clouds, floating in the blue sky, live freely. How free! Isn't this the freedom that Chuang Tzu admires? I yearn for this kind of life, at least it can move, but I can't. God knows how painful it is not to move!

In addition, I often look at all kinds of feet.

Little feet with white dolls; There are wide and large foot plates for adults; There are soft white maiden's feet. People like to walk on us barefoot, often at night, quiet and peaceful around, moonlight splashed on us.

People say that walking on cobblestone roads is good for health. Therefore, over the past decades, our cobblestone family has stuck to its mission and worked day by day for decades. Although I don't know why.

We silently dedicate ourselves without seeking any return. Until one day, a little boy bowed his head and said to me, "Thank you.". At this moment, I finally understood why.

Cobble Composition (6)

I am an ordinary pebble. In the majestic mountains, I look so inconspicuous, but I don't care, because I am full of fun every day.

Every day, my life is simple and full. In the morning, there are tall trees with me; In the evening, some animal friends came and went home to greet me. However, such a good day did not last long. One night, the originally clear night sky suddenly flashed and thundered, and a storm followed. I was rushed under the mountains and lost consciousness.

"Bang bang bang", after a crash, I was scared to open my eyes. I looked around and was surprised to find that I was rushed to a quarry. "God!" I cried desperately in my heart. What will my future be like? Just when I was thinking about my next life, a shovel fell from the sky and shoveled me onto the wagon. "Eh, come and have a look, he is different from us!" A stone beside him shouted in surprise. All the stones immediately turned their eyes to me and began to whisper: "You see, his color is better than ours, and his shape is different from ours. Who is he?" In the voice of doubt, I fell asleep.

One day later, I was awakened by the pain in my body when I was sleeping. When I opened my eyes, I was unexpectedly beside the railway track, and the train roared past. I patted my chest and thought, "Am I going to spend my life here?" My sense of loss came into being. Just when I was melancholy, a big rough hand picked me up. I drew a beautiful arc in the air and fell into the lake beside the railway tracks.

Just as I was looking around curiously, a small fish swam up to me and said, "Hello, where are you from?" "In the mountains." I answered seriously. Because of this greeting, we began to chat with each other. Therefore, we became good friends who talked about everything.

Although I left the carefree life on the mountain, I also had a very happy life at the bottom of the lake. Here, I live very fully every day, and see many new things. People are becoming more and more cheerful. It turns out that I am also a pebble with strong vitality.

Cobble Composition (7)

I am a real pebble fan. When I walked into my room, there were all kinds of strange stones, including triangular, square, round and many irregular pebbles. The most striking one is a rectangular one. It is small and exquisite in shape, dark and shiny in color, and a little white. It is very exquisite, and there is a story in it!

It was a sunny and warm Saturday. After finishing my homework, I went downstairs to play and happened to meet an uncle. He bent down and said to me kindly, "Little friend, do you know Ding Yue's family?" "Yes!" I replied quickly. My uncle said, "Please give this box to Ding Yue? I have something urgent, and there is no one in her house for a long time." I quickly said, "OK!" After saying that, my uncle gave me the box and left. Not long after my uncle left, I opened the box with curiosity. It turned out that there were a dozen pebbles in that box, one of which I had been expecting for a long time. At this time, I suddenly had an idea in my mind to take it away. Anyway, no one saw it, and Ding Yue did not know how many of them were inside... When Ding Yue came back, I gave her the box with apprehension. After opening the subscription, I said, "Why there are only twelve? I asked him to bring thirteen, and he promised me." I hesitated, "I... I don't know." Then I ran home quickly. Looking at the pebble, I could not calm down for a long time. The red scarf on my chest seemed to say: "You are not an honest child, you should give something back to others." Finally, I decided to give it back to Ding Yue. Instead of being angry, Ding Yue kindly said to me, "You are really an honest friend. I will give you this pebble as a souvenir." I smiled sheepishly.

Since then, this pebble has been like a mirror, reminding me to be an honest and trustworthy student all the time.

Cobble Composition (8)

Every road has a small pebble. A pebble is like the smallest star in the endless night sky; Like a grain of dust in the vast universe; Like an ant on the vast land, ordinary to no longer ordinary, ordinary to no longer ordinary, people can ignore its existence.

It was a sports meeting. Everyone in our class is grasping every minute and every second of practice time, hoping to achieve good results and win the first place.

The day of the game soon came. Facing the strong pressure of starting first, I tried to calm down my mood at this moment.

"Get ready, get ready, start!" After hearing the command, our group started the competition immediately. We are eager to win and always act quickly. At the beginning, we were similar to other classes, but we always cooperated better and moved faster. But in the end, we were too eager to win the first prize, and we began to be in a hurry. The methods, skills and experience summarized are all kept in mind, but the brain is blank, and those methods are basically useless. When it is two or three meters away from the opposite side, it is far, fast, and we have some advantages. But we made one of the most fatal mistakes - a foul. A foul needs extra seconds! We are all anxious. When I knew that we had made a mistake, I felt depressed, sad, regretful... All kinds of emotions were intertwined, and I felt an indescribable feeling.

Wait and wait, the game is finally over. We are the first to finish it. After returning to the classroom, the teacher said meaningfully to us: "Everyone did their best in this competition. Everyone is indispensable in this competition, because you are a group, everyone must be there."

Yes, every road needs a pebble. The same is true of the competition. A class cannot be without a person. A small pebble, however, has a great effect.

Cobble Composition (9)

I am a pebble, I am a member of nature.

I come from a high mountain. The mountain is full of green grass. There are many colorful flowers on the mountain. A gust of wind blew, and the fragrance came to my nose. When I felt the fragrance, I found a pair of big hands holding me to move.

When I wake up, I see a strange world; There is no more grass around, and the sky above becomes blurred. It turns out that the storm just happened was very loud [Note: momentum: prestige and momentum; Hao: vastness. prestige and momentum are very strong.], I moved to 'home'. I moved to the water and got to know many good friends, including small fish and shrimp... They accompanied me, played with me, and played with me all day in the river. Every time it rains, raindrops are playing beautiful tunes for us. After playing, it will clear up after rain; When the night falls, when I want to rest, the soft water grass will be used as a quilt for me to sleep until dawn. I also know many children. They often come to play with me. They play hide and seek and water fights with me in the river. It's fun!

I gradually fell in love with here and my friends here. I can't part with them. Now I know what "love grows over time" is.

I am a member of nature, and I love nature deeply, even though I am an inconspicuous pebble

Cobble Composition (10)

I am a pebble, I come from a high mountain. After countless trials and tribulations, I would like to be trampled by people and pave the way to success for people.

I am a cobblestone. Although I am humble, I know how to offer. Although I can not burn myself and illuminate others like a candle, I can sacrifice my cool appearance to let people walk on a smooth and natural gravel road.

I am a cobblestone. Although I am inconspicuous, I know silence. I was silent when people stepped heavily on my head. Because I know that serving the people is my purpose.

I am a cobblestone. Although I am not impressive, I know how to unite. My friends and I embraced together to pave a new path for people. We have only one belief, that is, when our small bodies are tightly held together, we can see the blooming smiles of passers-by.

I am a cobblestone. Although I am not impressive, I know how to help. Barefoot walking on the smooth gravel road can promote blood circulation, relieve people's fatigue, play the role of massage, so that people have a healthier body.

If I were really a pebble, would I give my little life to people? Watching my companions silently pay, and lifting people's thick feet with their small bodies, will I be like them? I asked myself that the answer was yes. Because although I'm just a small stone, I can't pave a road without a stone! Therefore, I am willing to work with them to build a brilliant and bright road for people!

If I were a cobblestone, I believe that I would be a small stone that silently pays, understands dedication and unity.

Cobble Composition (11)

I am a cobblestone. I come from a high mountain, where there are green trees and various fragrant wild flowers. When the wind blows, I will be covered with the fragrance of nature. All of a sudden, the wind was blowing hard and the rain was blowing hard, and the whole world became gray. Fortunately, my wild flower friends were close to me, so I was comforted. The rain hit me violently, and I felt dizzy. When I opened my eyes, I felt a pair of formless hands caressing me, and suddenly I found that all the green trees and wild flowers around me were gone, Even the blue sky became very blurred. I was worried and said to myself, "Where is this place?" "This is a river. It was a storm that brought you here. We will be friends in the future. Have a nice day!" said a passing fish. I see. I was brought to the river by the strong wind. I want to start a new life.

In the river, there are small fish and shrimp playing with me every day; When it rains, the sound of raindrops falling on the water is like a song without words, floating from all directions; When night falls and I want to rest, the soft water plants will be used as quilts for me to sleep until dawn.

If I have the opportunity to become a pebble, I would like to abandon all gratitude and resentment to be a carefree pebble.

Cobble Composition (12)

I am a snow-white, smooth and happy pebble.

A group of friends and I were spread in the forest of the park. Looking around, there are lush green trees. Sometimes I also think how wonderful it would be if I could grow as strong and tall as these big trees!

It was another sunny day. I lay on the ground, and the sun was shining down, making my body warm, just like sunbathing. The white clouds like marshmallows in the sky were in various shapes, but no one looked up at their performances. I looked out and saw busy people rushing to work with briefcases. Looking at the people leaving in a hurry, I would like them to lie down and have a look at the white clouds and bask in the sun. In that moment, forget the troubles of work and life, and forget the beauty and ugliness, love and hate in the world. Oh, how happy I am!

In the distance, there was a burst of laughter from children and a sound of conversation from the elderly. It turned out that the elderly brought their grandchildren to the park for morning exercises. The children were prancing about happily. They took bubble blowing toys and blew out colorful bubbles. A big bubble floated on my head and broke with a sound of "Pa". The bubble liquid dripped on my face, cool.

Oh, how happy I am! I would like to be such a happy pebble that no one knows.

Cobble Composition (13)

I have pebbles that look like hearts. Their lines are clear, and I can see how many colors they have at a glance.

This cobblestone was found in my grandma's community. When the cobblestone road was paved in the community, I saw it and ran down to the newly paved cobblestone road. Wow, what a beautiful cobblestone road! Each pebble is different in size, exquisite and beautiful. Suddenly, I found a lot of pebbles on the cobblestone road, so I stepped forward and picked them up.

When I got home, I washed the pebbles with clean water and wiped them with dry cloth. The beautiful pebbles were displayed in front of us. In that pile of beautiful pebbles with different shapes, colorful, exquisite and transparent, this small pebble attracted me.

This pebble looks like a triangle, but it is felt carefully, and it is also like the nature of the heart, which makes people feel as if they are in the dark. The color of the pebbles is a little dim, and a little fishbone color. Generally, the cobblestone I collected is abrupt and uneven, but this cobblestone is smooth, like a defective pearl.

Just because this pebble is so perfect, I have always treasured it in a small music box and let it live in the wonderful music forever

Cobble Composition (14)

I am a snow-white and patterned stone. I come from nature and lie on the soft beach, stretching gently in the warm sunshine. It is very comfortable.

One day a little boy saw me and put me in my pocket. I ran and jumped and rolled out of my pocket, so I came to the high mountain. The hillside was full of green and soft grass. Lying on it was like a thick blanket, soft and warm, with a smell of grass. All kinds of flowers beside me compete with each other for beauty. A gust of wind blows the petals onto my body and puts on the flower clothes for me. It's really beautiful. The unknown birds on the tree are chirping together, which is very lively.

One day, I was having a rest with my eyes closed. I was thinking about something on my mind. Suddenly, the wind blew heavily, thunder and lightning flashed, and the sky suddenly darkened. Grass and wild flowers were blown to the ground. Only in this way can their slender waist and legs not be cut off. Just listen to the sound of "Pa". What hit me, "Ouch! It hurts!" "What hit me?" The dead branch was blown off and fell on me. Whoosh, whoosh. It was raining heavily, and the water was getting bigger and bigger. "Ouch! Who is pushing me? Don't push me." Gradually, I fainted and then fainted.

Slowly I opened my eyes, "Eh! Where is this? Who is touching me?", Instead of rubbing my body, slowly, slowly my body became more and more smooth, and finally I became a smooth, crystal clear pebble. I really like my appearance. I come from nature, I love this magical world!

Cobble Composition (15)

I am not as beautiful as a gem, nor as dazzling as gold. I am just an ordinary small stone, but I am also a member of nature and I live a good life.

My home is on a huge mountain. During the day, there are lovely grass brothers and beautiful flower sisters to accompany me and play with me. We live happily, but it seems that the future is not long. I don't know who irritated Brother Feng and Father Lei. Brother Feng shouted, and Duke Lei also roared. The sky was suddenly dark, and it was raining heavily. The grass and flowers were close to me. I just heard a "crackle" and I passed out!

When I woke up, it seemed that there were two hands stroking me, and the sky became extremely bright. I thought I was dreaming, so I said, "Where is this?" A lovely fish swam nearby: "You may have been in a coma here for a long time in this river!" A heavy rain fell on the mountain a few days ago, and many things "moved" because of it, You may be one of them, right? What's your name? You are our classmate here! " I came to the river and started my new life again. I have small fish and shrimp to play with during the day, and rest under the grass at night. Now I have changed from a big stone to a smooth pebble under the scouring of the river, which is the magic power of nature.

Although I am a pebble, I love nature, and I am a member of nature!

Cobble Composition (16)

There has always been a stone in my room, which has been placed beside my desk for years, because it is my favorite stone. My parents and I went to Guilin to pick it up. I named it "Donkey Rolling". Now it's in my favorite flower basket. I put all my favorite stones in it.

The shape of the stone is elliptical, and it will shake once there is a breeze. The pattern on it is yellow and white. It feels icy and smooth.

I once drew a flower and my own name on the stone. I also had many jokes with Stone! One of my jokes is that of my senior class, which is still fresh in my memory. Let me tell you something! Once my "little emperor" came to our house as a guest, and the whole family warmly welcomed this "little emperor". She was playing at my house, and she suddenly saw my stone, so she ran to the stone and grabbed it and said, "Donkey roll" My favorite food, why didn't you say it earlier! Then I picked it up and began to eat. I saw it and grabbed it from her. My mother looked at it and said to me, "Choe Ge, why are you so stingy? Give it to her to eat!" I said to my mother, "Mom, this is a stone. You want to let my sister's teeth fall off!" My mother saw it and realized, "Isn't this your stone?", When the family saw this scene, they burst out laughing, making my "little emperor" blush like an apple.

"Donkey rolling" has brought me a lot of happy times. I like this friend.

Cobble Composition (17)

There are many stones in my collection room, but one stone makes me feel very beautiful. It was a stone that my mother bought for me from the Sitting Zen Valley when I was 8 years old. It looks like an egg, so I call it Eggstone. The price is only 10 yuan when it is inexpensive. My mother told me it was called "marble".

It is a piece of marble, almost the same size as my fist. It is oval, much like an egg. The upper part of the texture is red and white, and the lower part of the texture is light green. There is a light white stripe on it, which is particularly beautiful.

I like this stone very much, and I always take it with me when I go out to play. One year my family climbed the Tongtian Cave together, and the marble almost fell to the bottom of the cliff. Fortunately, my father quickly brought the marble up. At that time, I held my father excitedly and said, "Thank you." I loved it even more when I came back from the Tongtian Cave, Put it beside the pillow every night to let marble and I fall into a sweet dream together.

Whenever children come to my house, I will show them the stone.

When chatting, I played games with my "baby" and chatted with him. He spent countless hours with me.

My most precious stone and egg stone, you are my best friend.

Cobble Composition (18)

Fan Wenyi: I like pebbles

There are various kinds of stones in the world. Taihu Stone, also known as false mountain stone, fossil, rain flower stone, stalactite... My favorite is pebble.

There are large pebbles, small pebbles, round pebbles and flat pebbles. Some pebbles are like round waffles, which I call "waffles and pebbles"; Some pebbles look like an eye, with a little black in the middle. Everyone calls them "eye pebbles"; Some pebbles are like annual rings, which are called "annual ring pebbles"; Some pebbles are like newly laid eggs. We call them "pebbles". The cobbles are not only different in shape, but also colorful in color. There are grey, purple, blue, red, yellow, white... They are really colorful and beautiful! Seeing these beautiful pebbles, I couldn't help reaching out to touch them, and felt cool, smooth, shiny, hard and moist.

I can't put it down. I stared at the pebble in my hand quietly, and wanted to ask it: "Where is your home? How old are you? Will you grow up? How did you form? Will you fade?" Cobble, how close you are to water. I will put you in the bathtub and let the small fish swim around you freely, making them feel like they are back in the arms of the sea mother. You will dress the aquarium more beautiful.

There are thousands of stones in the world, but I prefer you - cobblestone!

Fan Wener: My favorite stone - cobblestone

My favorite stone is cobblestone. My family has a lot of pebbles, which my father and I picked up at the seaside. I put them in a nice little box I made.

These pebbles are colorful and have thousands of postures. How beautiful they are! Some pebbles are like eggs. I call them "egg stones". Some pebbles are like teeth. I call them "incisor stones". Some pebbles are printed with green stripes. I call them "green landscape stones". Some pebbles are all green. I call them "green bluestones"

When I am sad, I will shed tears. The tears fall on the pebbles, and the pebbles will light up, as if to comfort me and say, "Don't be sad, muster up courage", so I will not be sad; When I am lonely, I will ask the cobblestone: "cobblestone, why are you so beautiful, why are you so magical?" Although the cobblestone does not say a word, I will no longer be lonely when I ask and answer with my heart.

This is my pebble. It gives me many good times. We have become inseparable friends. I like pebbles best!

Cobble Composition (19)

Whether you are in school or in society, you have been exposed to composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and you must avoid endless composition. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is a 600 word composition about a weekend event. It's just for reference. Welcome to read it.

At the weekend, we ate at a Datian Shanju Hotel in Dongqian Lake, where the mountains and waters are beautiful and the grass are green. The branches and leaves are gently swaying in the breeze, the birds are singing in the woods, the water is babbling, and the sun is beating like silver on the river. What a pastoral scene.

Among the decorations in the hotel, there are many white pebbles. As soon as I entered the door, I was attracted by the pebbles in these geometric containers. I walked quietly, squatted down and looked carefully. These pebbles, like flawless white jade pieces, lie quietly in their respective seats, with different shapes and dazzling lights.

I took advantage of the adults' inattention to select the most perfect one from a pile of stones. After a while, a lovely pebble appeared in front of me. I put the pebble into my pocket, and the pocket immediately bulged a small bag. Looking at the bag, I felt uneasy. Although the delicious dishes were served, and the tempting dishes seemed to say to me, "Come and eat me, I'm delicious!", I was still absent-minded.

After dinner, we walked out of the restaurant, and I put my hand into my pocket. A cool stone was keenly perceived by my touch. I took out pebbles and carefully observed them. It was heavy.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Dad's curious voice came out from behind me. I was so scared that my face suddenly changed. I walked with heavy steps, slowly walking forward like a little snail. My father quickened his pace, walked up to me and calmly asked me: "What is it?" I trembled and dared not speak. My father saw that I was unnatural, as if children could not hide any secrets from adults. He stretched out his big hand, and I slowly took out the pebbles in my pocket, as if our tacit understanding was like rehearsed in advance.

"Aren't they in the hotel? You can put them now." Dad gave me the pebbles again and asked me to put them back. I hesitated for a moment, and finally repentance overcame fear. I held it and walked into the hotel, and put it in the pile of pebbles. I finally took a look at the stones. They seemed to be shining white, as if they were praising me: "You did it right!" So I walked out of the hotel.

My father waited for me at the roadside. When he saw me, he said to me earnestly: "You can't take things in public places casually. Although it's just a pebble, it's a very bad behavior to steal sheep. Don't do it with a small evil!" I listened to my father and nodded.

I suddenly felt relaxed. It seemed that the outdoor air was fresher and the scenery of Datian Mountain Residence was more beautiful!

Cobble Composition (20)

As a member of Peixin Class 6 (2), I had taken off the official hat of "monitor" when I was in Grade 5, and I just wanted to be an ordinary person in the class.

However, as a member of the class, I cannot forget the idea of serving the class, and I hope to do my best.

When I was a freshman, I joined the school chess team with excellent chess skills. From then on, he began his chess career for six years.

In my second year, I stood out and participated in the Cross city Chess Championship and won the fourth place. Therefore, when our class was "speaking under the national flag", the school leaders named and praised it. At this time, my heart is also happy.

In the fourth grade, I fought bravely in the postgame of the school chess king and got the chess king of the high level group. The class has increased ten percent because of me, and was rated as a five-star class by the school in the fifth grade. In this way, our class became more and more famous in the middle of the year.

Now, I am in the sixth grade. I just participated in a school chess game, and I have achieved excellent results. I am preparing for the next national game, and I hope to make my class brilliant again!

In addition to chess, I also take part in the school sports meeting every year. Every time, I have registered three events, and most of them have won one or two events, so that the class can add some points.

After winning the prize, I never feel proud. I just want to study quietly for a period of time and rebuild an unknown pebble. When the race day comes, let's start again.

Chess and sports meet are both out of class events, and I not only participate in out of class competitions, but also actively sign up for various jobs to serve students and teachers. For example, the bucket with bowls and spoons at noon and mopping the floor are no exception. It is one of the most active students in the class.

I am a small pebble, holding the class in obscurity, crossing the river, and making the class go to the other side of the brilliant.