Score of composition examination (7 practical articles)
Follow the wind and treat loneliness as freedom
2024-06-21 09:13:31
topic of conversation

Composition Test Score (1)

The first Chinese math exam since the beginning of school did not score more than 95 points. Before dinner, there were guests at home, and I took the opportunity to reveal some information. When Mom and Dad knew this, they were not obviously angry. They just said, "It doesn't matter if we don't take the exam this time. It's OK to find out the reason and pay attention next time." This sentence made me feel relieved when I mentioned it to my throat.

After I finished my homework, I carefully took the test paper to my mother and was ready to sign it for her. When she looked at the test paper, her face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy. After a while, there was a roar of thunder: "You, how did you get this exam? It's so wrong. Such a simple question is wrong. If you have taken the exam seriously, I can't say anything about you. Go and write an exercise! " After listening to my mother's words, I felt very aggrieved: it doesn't matter what I said just now, why has it changed so quickly?

In the second unit exam, I got a good score of 96 in Chinese, and the composition [source] was circulated as a model essay. Once I got home, I couldn't wait to tell the good news to my favorite "golden ball" chocolate. I was flattered. I told my mother that she was very happy. Her face was full of joy and she immediately gave me some prizes

Why do parents value scores above everything else? As long as they fail in the exam, they will either beat or scold each other; After the exam, I immediately felt that the best child in the world was born in my own home. Is the score really that important? Can scores represent everything?

Composition Test Score (2)

Different scores have different tastes. Now you can see my taste of different scores!

Taste of 100 points: In class, everyone is so quiet that you can hear a needle fall down, because our head teacher "iceberg face" came to hand out the test paper. "Li Dahong scored 69 points, a serious criticism!" He tore up the test paper and threw it out. I thought to myself, "Alas! There must be no good fruit to eat." Suddenly, the teacher looked at me, and I quickly turned my head. To my surprise, she said, "Luo Yuyuan, 100 points." At this time, there was a burst of applause in the class, and I was so surprised that my chin would be dragged to the ground, and I quickly took back the test paper. When I got home, my mother brought me something delicious and funny. My father praised me while looking at the test paper.

Taste of 80 points: 'I am holding the test paper. I am depressed. On the way home, the bird seemed to scold me. When I got home, my mother saw my test paper and began to nag, saying that I should not be wrong, and that the basic question was still wrong. I was dizzy and swollen when she said it. After a while, my mother was gentle like an angel and said softly, "Baby, let's review together, OK?" I had to nod my head and agree.

You see, the taste of fractions sometimes makes people feel sweet and greasy, and sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable!

Composition Test Score (3)

It's raining. Is God crying for me? The insects make bursts of chirping. Is it crying for me? I was walking home with a 77 cent paper in my hand, depressed. At home, my mother sighed, and my father twisted his two silkworms' eyebrows into a black rope. In the face of my parents' spiritual attack, I was embarrassed and closed my eyes helplessly.

This time, I returned home with the test paper of 97:5, and when I opened the door, I welcomed my parents' "hypocritical" smiling faces, but is this a reward? This is clearly a contempt for my life, personality and psychology. I can't help thinking of the seventy-seven score last time. Am I a so-called "backward student" if I failed in the exam? My psychology was distorted unprecedentedly, and my heart was shocked: I am still not a person? I asked God: Am I still not a normal person? I asked Bug: Am I a so-called "backward student"? I asked the world: Why is examination the standard to measure a person? My ears are windy and my eyes are full of tears.

Test, test, teacher's magic weapon. Every minute is the lifeblood of students. For thousands of years, students have been dying on the line of life and death in examinations, but adults do not understand our feelings, and they are also foolishly conducting themselves, which makes us miserable. Are we lifeless bodies? Are we puppets controlled by people? Are we pugs that can be manipulated at will? No, we are not. We children also need dignity, confidence and freedom! Please give us a good environment to let the flowers bloom again!

Score! You are a tough rope, which binds me to the test paper. You are like a solid wall, separating me from the relaxed and happy. You are like a tall prison, you imprison me in anxiety and worry. Faced with the score, I could not help closing my eyes again.

Composition Test Score (4)

This Tuesday, we had a monthly exam in Grade 6. On Thursday, the math test scores came out. I sat in the classroom with apprehension, waiting for the bad luck to come on my head.

This test, I am half sure, because the paper is not difficult, but I am very worried about a few wrong questions. The first one was math class. The math teacher angrily walked into the classroom and said, "You did very badly in this exam. There were only eight of you in Class Six with 18 90 points or more." Teacher Pu began to hand out the exam papers. I was so nervous that my heart almost jumped out of my throat. I felt that every time the teacher reported a higher score than me, I was like being trampled on my head. Finally, I registered: 95. I was relieved. This score gave me a heart protecting pill. Fortunately, it is not lower than 95, which is the lowest bottom line I set for myself, but I just stood on the lowest bottom line and almost fell into the abyss.

I thought I could take the 97 exam, because I knew I had two wrong questions, and the one that was more wrong should not be wrong at all. Unfortunately, the formula of that question is correct, but I regard 1 meter as 1 centimeter, so the whole question is wrong. Hey, it's important to see the topic clearly. Another question is carelessness. Question: How many kilograms does a rhinoceros weigh than a zebra? But somehow I made a list of equations. I really don't know what I was thinking during the exam. Fortunately, as long as an equation is listed, there is no need to calculate. If it is a word problem, I will get 5 points for one question, and I will be miserable!

I didn't take the exam seriously and only got 95%. In fact, the teacher has talked about in class. Next time, we must look at the topic carefully, carefully, and then carefully. I want to extract all these wrong questions into the wrong question book, and often take them out to review, so this kind of questions will not be wrong.

Composition Test Score (5)

This morning, I went to school to get my school report card. The most worrying thing was the score. We waited for the teacher with hope. After a while, Mr. Wang came to the platform with a pile of test papers. Mr. Wang knew that we wanted to know the score earlier, so he handed out the test papers. I looked at my test paper, wow! 86.5 points, I am very excited because my score in this exam is the highest compared with that in the past. Mr. Wang quickly explained the test paper, and we corrected it carefully with a red pen. This composition was deducted very low, 5 points at most, and I deducted 4 points, which shows that my composition is very bad, and I will work harder in the future.

Again, again, the math teacher also took a pile of papers to the podium. No matter how we feel, the teacher will report the score without issuing the test paper, otherwise, we will have a good idea. I was worried. Looking at the teacher's list, I saw an 84 point mark. I was worried that it was mine. Teacher Jia shouted: "98, 97, 96, 87, 99, 93, 100..." I will be there soon. "Sun Han 84". As expected, I guessed right. I was very sad because both my parents were math teachers. I was so poor in the exam, so I had no face. Think: My mother will scold me when I go home. Moreover, I was punished by the teacher for my homework, and I finished all my homework in Huanggang. I went home with a sad mood. I can only blame myself for not checking. What is wrong should not be wrong. One question is like this: 4/3x8 and 8x4/3() A have the same meaning, B has the same number, and C is different. I regard 4/3 as 3/4 and choose B, and there are many similar mistakes. When I got home, my mother was very angry when she saw that my math score was so low. At this time, many children came to play with me. My mother didn't allow me, so I cried and shouted. This made my mother angry, and my mother gave me a lesson.

I think: there will be no good life in the future!

Composition Test Score (6)

Is the exam score important or not? Maybe many parents and students think it is very important, but I think the test results are not very important. I think the score of the test is not important, but the process of the test is very important.

The process of the exam is very important. I think the key to an exam is whether you are diligent, serious and try your best. If you achieve a few points or fail in the exam, there is no sadness or regret, because you have tried your best to take the exam. We and our parents should not attach too much importance to the exam results, because some students have strong self-esteem and attach too much importance to scores. If they fail in the exam once, they will lose confidence. After being criticized by their parents, they will fear the exam. Before the exam, they always think about what will happen if they fail. Therefore, we hope that everyone will not attach too much importance to the exam.

In addition, I think it is also very important to accumulate hard work at ordinary times. If you don't work hard at ordinary times and pay attention to the accumulation after class and in class, I think it is natural that you don't do well in the exam. For example, if the foundation of a high-rise building is not very good, how can it continue to be built layer by layer? This is the same with the exam. If you don't work hard at ordinary times, can you achieve satisfactory results in the exam?

Here I would also like to explain to some parents that they should not blame their children for their poor test scores, because a poor test does not mean that they will fail in the future tests. Parents should sit down patiently to look at their children's test papers, and then give them guidance and help them understand the meaning of the questions, which is equivalent to making up for their scores, In the next exam, children will know how to do when they encounter a type of question.

Although you should not attach too much importance to the test scores, you should not relax too much on the test. If you relax too much on the test results, you will form an indifferent mind on the test, and then you will never make progress!

In a word, the test scores are not very important. I think the most important thing is the process of the test and the usual hard work. If you do these two things, your test scores will be good, don't you think?

Composition Test Score (7)

I didn't get 95 points in the second Chinese math exam at the beginning of school. Before dinner, I took the opportunity to reveal some information about my guests. After listening to this, I was not angry, and said quietly: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't take the exam, just know the reason." This sentence made me feel relieved when I mentioned it to my throat.

When I finished writing my homework, I took the test paper with alacrity. In front of me, I signed it, looked at it with my eyes, and my face immediately turned from sunny to cloudy. After a while, there was a thunderous sound: "You, you passed the exam? You are so wrong. You are simply wrong. If you have an exam, I can't talk about you. Go and write a practice!", I feel very aggrieved in my heart: I said it's ok just now, but it will change soon?

In the unit exam, I got a good score of 96 in Chinese, and the composition [source] was circulated as a model essay. Once I got home, I couldn't wait to tell the good news to my favorite "golden ball" chocolate. I was flattered. I was very happy. My face was happy and I immediately awarded a few prizes

Parents put more emphasis on their scores. As long as they failed in the exam, they would beat and scold each other; After the exam, the best child in the world will be born at home. Is the score true? Is the score OK?