Photo composition 300 (15 popular articles)
Be brave to face
2024-06-03 08:57:24

Photo composition 300 (1)

How do you feel when you take a picture? Every time I have a different feeling, because every photo leaves precious memories of that moment.

It was a summer holiday. I had been in my hometown for a week. One day, it suddenly began to rain heavily. I ran out happily to play with water for a while. As it was evening and it was raining heavily, I hurried home to eat. After dinner, the rain also stopped. I was watching TV in the house and my brother was playing in the yard. Suddenly, my brother ran into the house and said, "Brother, there is a rainbow outside, rainbow!" I followed him to the yard and saw a beautiful rainbow hanging in the sky. Grandfather and grandma also came out, kept looking and took photos with their mobile phones. "Don't let the rainbow disappear!" I said. "Although the rainbow will disappear, it's really happy to see it after dinner!" Grandma said excitedly, "Yes, I have already photographed it." Grandpa nodded beside her and said yes. When I took the picture, although it was not very clear, I could see the rainbow. Look, the rainbow is hanging in the blue sky, with white clouds stretching her charm.

In my eyes, that picture is always so beautiful.

Photo composition 300 (2)

The chance, it, meets me. That old photo is like a wrinkled face, lying on the ground quietly, smiling gently, looking at me whose face is as red as an apple

The unforgettable memory became clear again, and the girl in the picture appeared again.

This is a picture taken by the teacher for students with 95 or more points in Chinese. Among them, I

The sky was gray, and the smiling face of the sun was completely covered by a layer of black cloth. The wind, wandering around, they blow away the leaves, but can't blow away the dark clouds.

I looked at the test paper nervously, and big sweats jumped down from my face. The bright red 95.5 sneered at me. What should I do? The teacher corrected the mistake. I scored 94.5 points... Even so, I covered it with my wet hands. The problem of correcting the mistake was covered.

A cold and gloomy wind "whined" at me. It looked at me sideways and disappeared again.

Suddenly, honesty became insignificant in my heart, and I even forgot it

When the teacher turned to write and my deskmate talked with others, I quickly changed the answer and the wrong answer. My heart suddenly jumped fast, my breathing was also extremely fast, and the air around me was extremely hot

In my heart, there seems to be a rope tied with countless knots, holding the real me.

I began to tremble and fear, but I didn't tell anyone a word after all.

But in the future, I never did.

This photo is a combination of fraud and deception. It has been locked in the cage by me.

Photo composition 300 (3)

"Hey! It's stuck again!" I slapped the mobile phone screen with my hands. It seems that there are too many things in my mobile phone. I opened the album and deleted those photos.

"Are you sure you want to delete the file?" My hand was about to press "OK", but suddenly trembled.

When I looked carefully again, it turned out to be a picture taken in the abalone shed.

Last year, I went to Baopeng with my father and mother. I rode the grass sled with the accelerator at full speed. When I reached an uphill, I sat down firmly, held the steering wheel, pressed the accelerator to the bottom with my hands, and rushed to the top of the hill.

Finally, I rushed up and turned around. I felt very excited and went down the slope. I set out from the Baopeng Stair again, pressed the accelerator to the bottom with one hand, and got everything ready to rush to the 40 slope. I was ready to go uphill. I was confident and rushed up. However, just as I was about to turn around, something happened. A car in front of me was blocking me.

I braked hard, but because I was running too fast just now, the rear wheels landed, and the front wheels hung directly in the air... At this moment, my mother took out her mobile phone to take a picture of the moment.

I am very afraid of overturning. But my mother shouted: "Don't step on the brake!" This sentence reminded me that I quickly released my feet, and the front wheel also came down.

I am cruel and ready to delete it, but I can't bear to delete it. With a slip of my hand, I turned the page and the photo turned to the next one. But the arrival of a new one left me with a good memory of this moment.

Photo composition 300 (4)

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, 10 years have passed. I picked up this old photo and recalled the happy past:

It was early spring and April. My father and I went to fly kites. When I got there, I was immediately attracted. Wow! Small and exquisite butterfly kites, colorful colorful ring kites, facial masks kites with different expressions, and kite shaped kites flying all over the sky. be riotous with colour! colourful! Although I was only three years old at that time, I still remember in vague memory that kites were flying in the sky. I chased them on the ground. When I was tired, I sat on the ground and looked up at the kite. I still remember the warm atmosphere of kite flying competition.

What impressed me most was the scene of a fall: at the beginning, I was tired from running and lost my mind when I watched the kite. Suddenly, another kite was entangled~"Ah", I shouted! Jump up and run over, "Pa"! I fell! Very strong, I didn't cry. I stood up by myself, perhaps too happy. I usually cried so much that I scratched my head and smiled shyly. This photo was taken at that time. Alas, all covered with mud! At this time, the two kites were untied, and I jumped wildly~almost fell again!

After my father finished filming me, he looked at my embarrassment and laughed at me. I sat beside him in anger and ignored him. Dad took a kite and said, "Wow!" I cheered again! (Hee hee, children always like toys)

This is the story of the old photo. I will treasure it all the time. It has my childhood memories.

Photo composition 300 (5)

When I got up on the morning of the weekend, I had a whim to look for old photos.

Open the computer, I found a folder marked with photos of Zhangjiagang Jinfeng Center Kindergarten, click to open it, there are many photos of me! One of them is that I stood with a little girl, holding hands, looking at the pictures in the distance. The little girl has long black hair, beautiful big eyes, and a sweet smile on her face. Wow, my childhood partner Li Sijia!

Li Sijia and I are kindergarten classmates and playmates from grade one to grade three. Although we were not in the same class in primary school, we have always been good friends. She and I were both school drummers in the kindergarten. Every time when the national flag was raised, we would go to play drums and learn to play drums together in the kindergarten drummer class. Sometimes I couldn't find the beat in the process of learning. She would patiently teach me. She was the monitor, and the teacher liked her best. I was the deputy monitor, and also loved by the teachers. We often play together, study together and make progress together. The two of us always participate in various activities organized in the class. This fate makes us inseparable.

The time of childhood always passed so fast. In a twinkling of an eye, when the fourth grade arrived, I transferred to another school, and Li Sijia and I also separated. I wonder if she still remembers this photo, or the good times we had together? Maybe she has forgotten, but I haven't forgotten her, Li Sijia, a good friend in the past.

Photo composition 300 (6)

Whenever I open the album, there is a picture of me by the river, which is taken in the Foyeling Park. I smile happily in the picture.

It was a summer day. On that day, the weather was very hot, the golden sun was baking the earth, and white clouds were floating in the blue sky. My father said to me, "Let's go to the river today!" I jumped three feet high and said, "OK, we'll start right away!" When we came to the river, the tall trees were luxuriant, the flowers were colorful, and the grass was green. One clump after another. I came to the reservoir. I can't wait to walk over and run quickly on the beach. When I'm tired of running, I lie on the beach and have a rest. Then I come to the water again. The lake is crystal clear, and I step on the water's edge. Holding cool water with both hands, the lake water occasionally skimmed my feet. Trying to drag me into the water. At that time, my feet were itchy. Just then. My father said to me, "Look here, kid!" I just turned around. Just listen to a click, my father helped me leave a good memory.

Whenever I see this picture, I always think of the beautiful memories in Foye Ridge.

Photo composition 300 (7)

This is a colorful picture.

You can see that the little boy in the photo seems to be stepping into the horse stance, practicing Taijiquan, and practicing Chinese Kung Fu.

I guess: he should be very tired. Maybe there will be an important 'match' in a few days, so he is practicing hard!

Look, there are people fishing around the little boy. But after catching fish, they put many fish back into the magnificent sea, leaving only one.

I guess they should catch a lot of fat, lively fish and prepare to take them home to give them to their relatives and friends. However, they suddenly realized that their behavior would make the fresh fish lose their precious life. So after thinking hard, they decided to release the fish, leaving only one fish to be kept in the aquarium instead of cooking or stewing at home.

You see, they lie on the couch, with sun umbrellas, juice and watermelon. They are very comfortable. Nothing is more comfortable than this.

I guess: there must have been violent storms before. The sea makes terrible sounds like a devil. Big trees may be blown away by the wind. But life is like this.

You see, the golden sand is waving to us. It is the hands of children. It is as soft as white clouds.

I guess the children must have left bursts of laughter on the beach and picked up many beautiful shells as souvenirs.

This is a beautiful photo on the beach, which I will treasure forever.

Photo composition 300 (8)

Photos can hold many beautiful or memorable moments. Whenever I open the album and see the photo of me and the white dove, I will think of that happy time.

One winter holiday, my father took me to Nanyang Park to play. There are lively amusement parks and painting stalls in Nanyang Park that I like to visit, but what attracts me most is the scene of feeding pigeons.

A corner of the park is surrounded by many people. From a distance, I can see pigeons hovering over the crowd. I ran over quickly, ah! Dozens of pigeons are looking for food. They are not afraid of people at all. Some are eating food in people's hands, and some dare to stand on people's shoulders. My father bought me a package of pigeon food. When I walked into the pigeon group, I first scattered some on the ground, and immediately pigeons flew to grab food. I poured some food onto my hands and squatted down. Four pigeons came around and ate hurriedly. The two in the middle seemed to have no time to fold their wings. They overlapped one side of their wings, just like two good friends holding hands on their shoulders. Another pigeon saw that it could not squeeze in, and looked at them with some annoyance. My father took this shot in time.

The pigeons pecked at the food in my hands, which made my palms itch. I was afraid of disturbing them, so I had to stay still; Looking at the pigeons carved with powder and jade, I wanted to reach out and touch them. I was afraid they would be disturbed, so I had to stay still.

Look at this picture, the little girl surrounded by white pigeons is smiling, that's me! If only man and animals, man and nature were so harmonious! composition

Photo composition 300 (9)

Time passed quickly, and only a small photo retained the memory of that moment.

Carefully looking through the album, each picture reminds me of my memory.

In the summer vacation after primary school graduation, we were supposed to wear short sleeves instead of long sleeves, because we arrived in Gannan, where the average temperature was less than - 11 ℃.

It has its unique tranquility, incomparably fresh air, and enthusiastic Tibetan people. Standing on the peak of the grassland, looking at the sky, the blue sky seems to be dressed up by white clouds. Looking at the white tents and breathing the fresh air, it seems that all the troubles have been blown away by the breeze.

Walking on the mountain, there are wild flowers all around. The flowers add a bit of beauty to the grass. There are also Tibetan people with cattle and sheep on the hillside. In the world of cattle and sheep, they don't care how you disturb them. They just bow their heads and eat their own food silently, as if they are not in the same world as people. Just then, my mother pressed the shutter and took a group photo of me, my sister and Niu Yang. The cattle and sheep in this photo are very leisurely, and we are also very leisurely.

I miss the blue sky and white clouds there, as well as the minutes and seconds there. Although it has been a long time, I still remember what happened there!

Photo composition 300 (10)

When I opened my album, a photo let me fall into deep memory.

A scene appeared before me. That was a year ago. My brother came to my house to play that day. We had a sudden idea and played the game of Three Kingdoms. I found a scarf and tied it to my head. Then I put on a piece of cloth to make a shawl. I held a "big knife" and dressed up as Guan Yunchang. Brother made a hat with handmade paper and put it on his head, holding the "Dragon Sword" in his hand, as if he were leading thousands of troops. I rushed up and cut it down like a bolt of lightning. The elder brother dodged flexibly, and then ran away. I hurried to catch up. My brother killed me with a rifle while I was chasing fiercely. Fortunately, I dodged quickly, otherwise I would have died. I ran away in confusion and hid in Grandpa's wardrobe. Brother rushed in and I killed him immediately. My brother was ready. He picked up the "stone" (actually a pillow) and threw it at me. I'm not so lucky this time. I was hit in the head, which enrages me! I rushed up again and fought fiercely with him.

Just when my brother and I were playing hard, my father came in with the camera and pressed the shutter towards us, recording this unforgettable moment forever. Whenever I see this picture, I will laugh heartily.

Photo composition 300 (11)

Time flies. On this day, I opened the dusty album and saw eye-catching photos, one of which was taken when I was a child. I was only 7 years old at that time. I didn't know where I was, so I opened the door of memory.

I remember that it was a precious photo that my father took me to take. The scenery in the photo is really beautiful! Beautiful and bright pink flowers bloom in the sun. Birds fly to the branches and sing happy songs. The warm sun shines on the vast land.

I still remember my two lovely hands touching the braids on my head, and the shape of my feet is crossed, which is very childish.

Ah, the scenery in my picture and me is really beautiful!

Photo composition 300 (12)

Whenever I open the album, there are many photos in it. One is regarded by me as the "apple of my eye". In the photo, there is a little me snuggling in the arms of my parents, smiling so sweetly.

When I was just over one and a half years old, my parents took me to Penglai Park to take photos. I was very, very scared. My left hand tightly grasped my mother's clothes as if they were about to fall off. My right hand is holding a big red balloon. My mother also stuck a red beauty mole on my forehead, which is like green leaves against red flowers. With it, I look more beautiful and lovely.

He began to take pictures, and his father's mouth was grinning from ear to ear; Mother's mouth smiled like a pot of peonies just in bloom. Me! I was looking around and at a loss. I didn't know that I had taken photos. It was real, funny and naughty. The uncle with the camera took this opportunity to take this precious picture. What a happy moment! What a happy life!

I like it because it records our happy and sweet life

Photo composition 300 (13)

On that day, my mother took me to the "Three Gorges Family" for sightseeing. We went to the mountain to take the cable car. Although you don't have to climb the mountain, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery on the mountain. I couldn't help sighing to my mother: "Now the technology is really developed!"

Then we went to see the monkey. A little monkey ran up to me. I thought it wanted to take a picture with me, but it raided me. The lollipop, sandwiches, bananas, peaches and the like in my bag were all taken away by him. I stamped my feet angrily and wanted to chase it, but I couldn't reach it. It always dodged me cleverly. It still stood on a small stone and threw a provocative look at me from time to time. This embarrassing moment was retained by my mother with a camera.

After returning home, I put this photo in the album and treasured it. This is a good memory of my childhood. When I look at these photos when I grow up, I should smile from the bottom of my heart!

Photo composition 300 (14)

Ning Xinnan

There is a picture on my bed, which was taken by my parents and me in the Ocean Museum. The scene in the picture always floats in my mind.

That day, my father drove me and my mother to the Ocean Museum. After we went in, we lined up to buy tickets. This aquarium is really big! There were fish in front of me and behind me. I saw a shark chasing a small fish. This picture was very attractive to me. The shark was chasing closely, and the small fish was running desperately. After a while, the shark stopped when he was tired, and turned over and turned his belly up. I thought it was dead, so I said to my mother, "Mom, the shark is dead." My mother said gently, "The shark is sleeping.". I stood in the middle of my parents and posed. I said eggplant loudly, "click", and the picture was taken.

Every time I look at this picture, my mouth always smiles.

[Part 2: Story in the photo]

Cai Xiyuan

There is a picture on my desk. It was taken when I went riding on the prairie last year. There is another story about this picture!

After we arrived at the Mongolian grassland by car that day, we ran to the horse training ground. I see others riding horses. Do I want to ride too? I took my mother's hand and ran there. I said to the trainer's uncle, "I also want to ride a horse!" The trainer's uncle smiled and said, "OK, children, my uncle will choose you an obedient horse!" I followed the trainer's uncle to a tall horse, looked up, and I was shocked. I thought: this horse is twice as tall as me, and I dare not go up. I went straight back, and the trainer uncle said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here, and I'll help you up!" I boldly got on the horse with the help of the trainer. Looking down, I was afraid. I grabbed the saddle firmly, but I didn't dare to open my eyes. Suddenly, my mother called me behind my back: "Xiyuan, look here!" I looked back, and so, "click --", My mother took a picture of me when I was nervous and afraid.

Whenever I pick up a picture, I want to laugh. At that time, I was really timid.

Photo composition 300 (15)

I remember that at that time, we waited in line for a long time, and finally we could hug the koala. The administrator aunt asked me to stand on a yellow table, and then she put a koala on my warm hand. The koala gently placed two lovely front paws on my shoulder, looked at me blankly, and was so obedient that she did not move. This is the first time I hold a koala. I am excited and a little nervous. Wow! How heavy the koala is! I almost dropped my koala. It's time to take photos. I find koalas are very gentle, cute and obedient. As soon as the photographer raised the camera, Koala turned her head to the camera and seemed to cooperate with us. After taking the photos, we washed our hands, took the photos, got on the bus, and reluctantly left the Paradise Farm.

Now I take out this picture again, and suddenly I feel that I am back to the time when I held the koala. That activity was very interesting and made me feel happy.