500 words of part-time work composition (17 practical articles)
Wind chasing fireworks rain
2024-06-27 00:46:10

500 words of part-time work composition (1)

My father works hard. He is thin and dark, but he always gives me a happy feeling. Although my family is not rich and I can't see my father every day, I feel satisfied because I have such an ordinary and great father.

It seems that time has quickly turned back to that hot summer. I was in the second year of junior high school that year. Because my parents both worked in other places, my parents also received me there during the summer vacation. It's really hot there in summer. When I blow a fan at home, I sweat constantly, and my clothes never dry. My father is a hard worker. He does all the hard work of carrying and tearing down walls.

I have always been sitting at home waiting for my father to come home. My father always smiles when he comes back. I was even more excited when I cooked dinner. I didn't see the hardship of his hard day. Every time I asked my father if he was tired, he said he was not tired. "Why are you not tired? I will go with you tomorrow!" I said. My father did not refuse me like other fathers, and he readily agreed.

At six o'clock in the morning the next day, my father called me up, and I quickly got up and went with my father. We took a bus for about an hour and came to the top of a tall building. My father pointed to the wide flat ground and said, "Our task today is to clean up the brick garbage." My first reaction was to "ah". My father looked at my face and became overcast. He said, "What are you afraid of? Start!" In fact, my task was very simple. My father put the garbage into a bag, and I was responsible for carrying it. Anyone could do such a simple job. All morning long, my father didn't stop. My father took a bath with sweat. But my father didn't even breathe. On the contrary, it was I who was tired of doing nothing, so my father had to shake his head helplessly. It was not easy to endure until twelve o'clock, when the sun was even more virulent and scorched on my father's head. The feet on the ground are almost roasted. And I have been hiding under the eaves to enjoy the cool breeze and tea. I sat there and watched my father busy. Suddenly, there was a surge of water in my heart. I saw my father's lonely figure, with his hunched back and bent waist, shoveling garbage and lifting his sleeves again and again to wipe the sweat on his face. I don't know why, this scene was branded in my mind like a camera lens, so that I could not forget it. My heart is aching. My back to my father is open like a lump in my throat. For the first time, I felt the pain of my father's labor. I feel that the labor I have paid for us is so hard. For the first time, my heart was shaken violently.

Father is a mountain, an indestructible belief; Father is water, is the love that blocks unbelief. In the long river of father's love, we played with abandon. In the glory of love, we enjoyed warmth and deep happiness.

My father has done everything for us. It's time for us to do something for him.

500 words of part-time work composition (2)

Today is the first day of the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays. My sister Li Xinyi and I went to help our brother's "duckling" brand kitchen appliance store. My brother assigned us the task of distributing advertising materials for him. My sister and I are very happy to do this job. One of the reasons is that there are material rewards for helping us do this job: hamburgers, colas, and squid, sausages, and candied haws. Of course, one for each person. Second, this is our National Day practice homework.

First, we came to the food market in the Warriors' living area. A big sister led us. When she handed out the materials to others, she said something like "What's the activity of duckling electric", which I didn't hear clearly. I think, let's have a "dumb hair"! A grandmother pushed a cart to buy vegetables. I put the materials in her basket. Grandma smiled at me and silently accepted. I pushed the materials to passers-by on the road, and they all took them curiously to see what it was. An uncle also joked with me: "Children, I am a child laborer at such a young age!" A very fierce and tall fat man came up to me, and I was afraid. Just as he was fortressed to him, he shouted, "No, there is." I was shocked, and looked carefully, he clearly did not have it! Looking back, a woman beside him held one in her hand. It seems that you can't have your hair disorderly.

More than half an hour later, I was very happy when I saw that the materials in my hands were getting less and less. The sun shines on me warmly, so comfortable! Later, I met a beggar. He is more than 60 years old. His legs are disabled and he can't walk. He kneels there to beg from others. However, few people helped him. I think people should rely on their own strength to eat, not begging for help from others.

More than an hour has passed, and the task has been successfully completed. On the way back, I seem to have smelled the smell of iron plate squid and sausage. Oh, yes, there is also a candied haws, which is sour with sweet!

500 words of part-time work composition (3)

It's another winter vacation. With the consent of my parents, my parents asked me to work in Uncle's restaurant for a day without affecting my study.

In Uncle's restaurant, my main task was first to peel potatoes. My father asked me if I could peel potatoes. I would not have done so. But in order to protect my dignity, I casually said: "It's just peeling potatoes!"! a piece of cake! My father believed me and praised my ability, so he took me to the kitchen and asked me to peel potatoes with several aunts.

I first picked up a potato, peeled the potato skin with a planer, and then used a knife to clean the concave part of the potato! How bumpy! How ugly! Look at the aunts next to me. They can peel potatoes quickly and in the same shape. The aunts saw that I was cutting too slowly and the method was not correct, so they taught me hand in hand. This time, I didn't dare to be arrogant and accepted my study honestly and modestly.

After peeling potatoes, I felt very heavy. As soon as I stood up, I felt sore back and leg pain. But then my mother asked me to serve dishes, deliver bowls, and pour water for the guests... "Waiter, add some water here!" "Waiter, give some napkins here!" "Waiter? Mom, I'm going to faint. What should I do first? Don't be confused. I kept telling myself in my heart: calm down! Yes, who should do first? I can do everything! In this way, from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., I basically shuttled between the table guests, without paying attention to drinking water or going to the bathroom.

Seeing that the number of customers in the store is getting smaller and smaller, I can take a breath, but my aunt told me that I was going to have a working meal at 3:30, which will soon usher in today's peak dinner! Ah! Before Aunt finished speaking, my mouth was surprisingly round? It's really hard to imagine how busy the real peak will be. I'm afraid! I really want to be a deserter, but look at the brothers and sisters in the shop next to me, and I will stick to what I say!

The busy evening is conceivable, but I still insisted on it. Although I insisted on this day, I also wavered several times.

500 words of part-time work composition (4)

Although this matter has passed for a long time, I still remember it fresh.

On July 9, Jiang Zheyu and I went to the fruit juice store on the fourth floor of Wuyue Plaza in the new city to experience the working life in the afternoon.

When we walked into the store, we found that only a few dozen square meters of the store was clean and spotless. The tables and chairs are placed neatly, and there are all kinds of fruits and juicers on the backstage cabinet.

We put on our special apron, and then our supervisor Shen (also a teacher) began to teach us how to cash in. She turned on the computer and said to us, "If the guest wants watermelon juice, just click the button" Paid ". Understand?" We nodded vaguely, and then tried to operate.

"Well," Mr. Shen said, "since there are no customers now, you can take two bottles of watermelon juice to sell. Remember, it's 10 yuan a bottle." We took two bottles of watermelon juice and ran out quickly.

We came to the third floor, walked and shouted: "Look, look, fresh juice has no pollution and is not expensive!" After shouting for more than half an hour, we lost our voice and still didn't sell a bottle.

The first mission failed, and we returned to the "base". When Mr. Shen saw us coming, he said happily, "Back? Have you sold?" We shook our head with a bitter smile and said, "None of the bottles have been sold." "Oh," said Mr. Shen, "although you haven't sold them, you are also tired. Drink them yourself."

After a short rest, we began to distribute leaflets. We ran all over the second floor, handed out several leaflets to each store (except the milk tea shop), and repeatedly explained to them: "We are not child laborers, we are here to experience life..."

After handing out the leaflets, we were out of breath and hurried back to the "base". When Mr. Shen saw us coming, he gave us a thumbs up and said, "You are wonderful!" After listening to Mr. Shen's praise, I was happy.

The time of one afternoon soon arrived. Jiang Zheyu and I realized the difficulty of our work and understood that we should treasure every penny and every yuan, because it contains the sweat of our parents.

500 words of part-time work composition (5)

Early this morning, my mother asked me if I wanted to earn money by working for myself. I asked curiously, "Where to work and what to do?" My mother said, "How about working in our house, sweeping the floor, cleaning the table, washing dishes, washing clothes and other household chores? How about your mother paying you the salary? The starting price is 1 yuan. If you do well, there is a bonus. What do you think?" I have long wanted to add some new parts to my gyroscope, so I agreed at once.

I looked around. The floor was dirty and there was some dust on the table. I went to the bathroom to get a broom and began to sweep the floor. I'll clean my mother's bedroom first. There are some long hairs of my mother on the ground. After I picked them up, the ground looked clean, but I still carefully swept every corner. There was still a lot of dust on the clean ground. Then I cleaned my room. My room was the dirtiest. I sorted out the disordered extra-curricular books and toys first, and then cleaned the floor, then the living room, kitchen, dining room... Alas! I thought to myself: It's not easy to work and earn money! After I cleaned the floor, I wiped the table, coffee table and cabinet again with a duster cloth. Looking at the clean house, I was so happy! But I also fell on the sofa, thinking that my mother was so tired doing housework every day.

After her mother came back, she walked around the house, took out 5 yuan, said: "The housework is OK, continue to work hard in the future, stick to it, don't" fish for three days, and dry the net for two days ". I thought to myself: Mom, if you don't give me money in the future, I will also help you with your housework. I won't let you work so hard anymore.

500 words of part-time work composition (6)

I still need 5 yuan from my goal, so today I pestered my parents to go to the street to look for good opportunities.

"Let's go to Dex and have a look!" Mother said.

So we came to the Tex store outside the west gate.

With yesterday's experience, I bravely found the store manager and explained my idea. But he refused again and again, and I walked to my mother dejected. My mother listened to me and said, "Go and try again!" I was a little scared and walked slowly. As expected, I couldn't persuade him. Just when I was disappointed, my mother came over. My mother suggested with a smile that he let me go to the door to issue coupons. I thought to myself: This is too simple!

Then, a brother gave me a stack of coupons and took me to the roadside at the gate.

My brother was very polite and generous to give coupons to passers-by, and then he asked me to try. I was too shy to look up and didn't speak for a long time. I finally said, "Hello, buy one hamburger and get one free." The man walked away without looking at me. I frowned angrily, pursed my mouth, and said to myself, "He doesn't want it!".

My brother patiently demonstrated it to me again and reminded me to smile and look into each other's eyes. I tried to do it, and it was really effective. I issued the first coupon! I became more and more confident, and even thought it was a kind of entertainment. I also learned that young people and people with children usually accept my coupons.

Back at the store, the store manager poured me a cup of hot juice. Although a little hot, but the heart is still sweet! My mother said it was in kind payment. She gave me the money I should pay for the drinks, which was exactly 5 yuan.

Finally, I made an agreement with the store manager that every time I came here to work, he would give me a drink.

It's not easy to earn money. How can you spend the money you earned through your own labor!

500 words of part-time work composition (7)

The summer vacation began. I ate, watched and played trilogy all day long. My aunt shook her head and said, "Chen Cheng, you can work for me. I'm paid."

As soon as I heard it, I immediately became energetic. My aunt came up with a contract: the basic salary is 2 yuan per day, which means washing dishes, dishes, laundry and mopping the floor. But the salary will be deducted if the work is not up to standard, and 50 cents will be awarded if the performance is good. I think, simple! So I signed my name.

The next day, I got up and went to work. After a hard day's hard work, my aunt smiled: "Yes, 50 cents will be awarded." On the first day of the "good start", I earned 2.5 yuan.

However, this bowl of symphony is repeated every day, and I am getting more and more bored and less serious. Salary deduction has become a common practice. One day at noon, I washed a dress carelessly and watched TV with relish. At this time, my aunt took the clothes and asked me horizontally between me and the TV: "Is this your laundry. "I knew you would give up halfway and never make a great achievement!" "Aunt, don't look at people from the crack of the door, you look down on them!" I said strongly, grabbing the clothes from Aunt and washing them again. After working hard for a month, "the boss finally got paid!" Holding the 52.5 yuan he earned from his hard work, I can't say how happy I am and would not buy anything.

"Do you want to work next month?" The "boss" looked at me expectantly.

"Dry!" My aunt and I signed another month's contract.

500 words of part-time work composition (8)

There are joys, sorrows, joys and hardships in working days. Maybe this is all about working life. I don't know how many migrant workers have had this feeling, but in general, this migrant life is an important step towards the society in my life, and it is worth remembering. Now I think that I have gained a lot from my 24 day working life. What I learned about life is something that I can't understand in school. This is my wealth. Nowadays, college students are no longer "hot cakes" in the talent market. In the recruitment conditions of every employer, almost all of them require work experience. Therefore, college students should not only have theoretical knowledge, but also the accumulation of work experience is equally important for future job hunting. It's very simple. If you apply for a job with the same degree, the company certainly values your relevant work experience.

The employment environment is not optimistic, the form of competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and in the face of anxiety and pressure, there are college students like me who choose to work during the holidays. Although the summer vacation is only a short month, during this time, we can experience the hard work, exercise our willpower, and accumulate some social and work experience. These experiences are "intangible assets" owned by a college student, and their role will be revealed when the critical moment comes.

In addition to learning book knowledge, college students also need to participate in social practice. Because many college students are soberly aware that people who "don't listen to things outside the window, but only read the books of sages" are not the talents needed in modern society. College students should cultivate the ability to think independently, work independently and solve problems independently in social practice. By taking part in some practical activities, we can consolidate the theories we have learned and increase some knowledge and skills that we cannot learn from books. Because the transformation of knowledge into real ability depends on practical experience and exercise.

500 words of part-time work composition (9)

It was another scorching summer vacation. Seeing that the students were eager to find their favorite temporary jobs, their enthusiasm for working was also ignited.

Unable to extinguish the increasingly vigorous fireworks, I finally embarked on the journey of looking for a job. I originally wanted to find a temporary job with my original excellent performance in school, which was not a piece of cake? But the reality is much more cruel than I thought. You are strong enough, good, leave you; If you can't, then I'm sorry.

With the unique innocence and brilliance of middle school students, I gently knocked on the doors, but the reply was "I'm sorry", and the flame of passion was gradually extinguished by a bucket of cold water, "Why is this?" I asked myself again and again that I was not good enough? No work experience? Insufficient education background I have thought about thousands of reasons for failure, but I can't convince myself after all.

After a whole day's struggle, I came home with a gray nose and a gray face. I was not like a middle school student who was young and energetic, but like a disabled soldier who was defeated by others and didn't forget to be kicked when I left. In the dark night, the moonlight is bright and charming, but now 'I' have no pleasure in appreciating the "bright moonlight", only the darkness behind the moonlight, no confidence in the past, only to question myself silently.

I suddenly remembered the offer emperor who appeared a few days ago. He had also failed, but what supported him to become a working emperor? It was the firm belief of "I can learn", the arrogant and heroic feeling of never giving up until he reached his goal, and more importantly, the experience of summing up experience in failure and growing forward. There is only one way in life that can not be refused - that is, the road of growth. After all the roads leading to failure, there is only one road left, and that is the road of success.

Don't know if the ridge is upside down, who can tell if gold and wood are ups and downs? We should learn how to walk from falling. We should know how to grow from setbacks. There is still a long way to go in life. In the face of sunshine, we should leave the shadow behind forever. Frustration, I believe my shield is enough to resist the sharp arrows you shot. I'm ready for your next challenge!

At dawn, with a confident smile, I set out to look for a job again.

500 words of part-time work composition (10)

After dinner, I lay in bed thinking about how to use the money, but suddenly I felt my hands ache and numb. Alas, this damned brick makes my hands weak. Hum, with my power, I will become disabled sooner or later. Hmm, this is a problem. Why don't you change your job? No, it's hard to find a job now. Besides, the pocket money I earned with difficulty, I want to make him go further, but if it goes on like this, I will get tired.

After my ideological struggle, I finally decided to quit this job and start another career. I found my father and told him what I thought, but my father said disapprovingly, "I can't do it. You'd better go ahead and say it yourself. I said he won't necessarily agree. He yelled at his father: "First, who asked me to work first? Now it's said that it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. If you caused it, you must find a way to solve it. You must give me an answer to this matter, or else..." I was so angry that I left with this sentence. My father was also worried when he heard me say this. Fortunately, my mother said to my father, "Go and help my daughter!" My father was willing to deal with it for me. That's about the same, but a new question arises: What is my second job? This is a big problem. Although the work ahead is hard, it must be much better than having no income at home. I regret not thinking about what I should do after I quit my job. But Dad has quit his job. He has no choice but to look for another one.

After two or three days, I still couldn't find a job. This makes me worried. I knew why I should have done so! I really hope there is something in the world that I regret, alas! My father couldn't bear to see me like this, so he had to say to me: "Otherwise, there is no way. You can work at home. You should do a good job of cleaning the house every day. We will pay you. How about that?" I was so happy that I was about to jump up. So I can work again? yeah!

500 words of part-time work composition (11)

With the progress of the times, a series of new things have emerged in my family during the summer vacation. To use a more fashionable term, it is reform.

One of the things is that I work at home. Because of this, I moved away my clothes to ask for my hands and open my mouth. Second, I can get rid of my monthly pocket money. Third, I can break my mother's iron job. Although it was a part-time job, I only did some minor housework. I could do it just by looking at it, so I promised to work without saying a word.

The next day, I, a small migrant worker, was busy. Looking at all the dishes on the table, I hesitated. Should I wash the dishes first or break the dishes first? Do you sweep the floor or clean the table first? I patted my forehead and looked at my mother, who seemed to smile rather than smile, as if asking for help. My mother's eyes seemed to say to me, "Don't you get used to it every day?"? Why not? My mother walked beside me and gave me guidance.

Under my mother's guidance, I first moved the dishes to the cabinet, then cleaned the table, and finally swept the floor. All this was going on so nervously. As it was the first time, I was so busy that I forgot about the other side. After finishing the housework, I took a deep breath. Alas: I'm exhausted. I really don't know how my mother works every day. It's the first time that I feel hard and earn one yuan.

After working for a month, I earned 30 yuan and got my pocket money for the next month. Not only that, but through this period of exercise, I also increased my speed of doing housework.

Mother said: What will you do in the future? I answered without hesitation: Of course, as for salary. Shooting, free service. I said brightly.

Ha ha ha. Joyful laughter came from home.

500 words of part-time work composition (12)

At first, my cousin and I were in high spirits. First, my aunt gave us a loudspeaker and a billboard to practice at home to find our feelings. When everything was ready, we started working in high spirits.

We walked on the right side of the street. The streets were crowded with people. Watching strange faces flash past, the appearance just now disappeared without a trace. Although my heart is full of confidence, I still hesitate. Time seems to be endowed with the speed of the tortoise. Every minute is a kind of suffering. Go back, afraid that my aunt will be disappointed with us; Don't go back. You don't have the courage to talk to strangers.

Suddenly, a wave of courage sprang up from nowhere, thinking about the right to be an exercise. The first goal was targeted at several middle-aged women who were talking and laughing. I greeted them with a smile and tried to show my intention. Unexpectedly, one of the women quickly protected her purse and angrily asked, "Do you want to steal money?" Her question immediately made me incoherent and scared me into hiding. However, after a nervous explanation, they finally believed in us. When they left, they cheerfully replied to me and must come to the store to have a look.

At this time, I really realized that every bit of life is hard won. Behind anything that seems simple, there is an unknown sadness. It turns out that the money we usually spend lavishly is hard-earned money made by our parents! At that moment, I finally understood that it was not easy to earn money.

500 words of part-time work composition (13)

This is my first day of work. The school is really big, with a playground and a backyard. I think it must be very tiring to work here for a day. "Is there a lot of work?" I asked my father, "It's very tiring. You can experience the hard work of adults to earn money." My father said.

I cleaned in the morning. When I was about to leave work, someone said to me, "Get this black out of here." When I saw such a big blackboard, it was difficult to get it down, so I tried to get it down. I could not get it down with my hands, I had a shovel, and I could not get it down. My father said to me when he passed, "Use water and get this down!" I don't think I thought of it. Later, I poured water under the blackboard, and then used a shovel to shovel, and soon came down. Ah! Finally I got it. It's time to get off work. It's really dark.

In the afternoon, there is less work to do. It is just to throw the waste boards used for the decoration of the backyard into the garbage dump. So I will look there after I finish working. My father told me, "I still have a backyard here. There are flowers and plants in the backyard, and the green vegetables planted by the gatekeeper." So I went to the backyard to have a look. There are so many vegetables planted there: green onions, cabbage, coriander... Why is it so big here... I unconsciously transferred to work on campus, and the day ended like this.

Grandma will give me 25 yuan every day after finishing the work. School is about to start. I should earn more money to buy stationery. I will not spend money indiscriminately in the future. It is not easy to get money. We should cherish every penny!

500 words of part-time work composition (14)

Today is May Day. My mother wants me to experience the joy of labor, so she has issued a new family policy - pocket money must be earned by working on her own. It's hard for me now. How can I make money if I don't do anything at ordinary times!

Forget it, I'll be a "migrant worker" for pocket money! My mother made a form for me and said, "Feifei, this form has 100 squares. You can erase one square for every housework you do. Each square represents a dime. Work hard!"

I took a dishcloth and soaked it in the basin. After wringing it dry, I wiped the tea table clean. After reading it, my mother was satisfied to scribble a space on the form. Then, I started the second task - sweeping the floor. I looked at the dusty room and seemed to say to me, "Little master, look how dirty I am, give me a bath!" So I swept the floor again meticulously and dragged it to shine again. My mother was pleased to see that I was so serious, and she scribbled two squares on the form. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was my good friend Wang Qianqian. She came to visit me. But my mother let me do housework at home. I had to say goodbye to her reluctantly.

Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it was dark. I looked at the clean room and was filled with joy. I took all the blacked out forms and exchanged 10 yuan with my mother. Although I feel that I have become a "slave of money", I have experienced real happiness. I set a motto for myself: always be a hardworking person.

500 words of part-time work composition (15)

The long-awaited moment has arrived. I put on my apron and gloves, put on a professional appearance, and started my "journey". I saw so many! The bowls in the bowl pool are piled up like a mountain, which is beyond my expectation. I bent down, picked up the rag, first squeezed some detergent on it, wiped it on the bowl, then turned on the tap, washed one after another, washed it, then turned off the tap and wiped another, and so on. It's very slow to wash this way. I haven't washed half of it yet. My back is sore and I have a rest for a while. Looking at the bowl in this pool, I feel that the landlady and the boss are working hard! There are only two people who burn, serve and wash. They can take care of everything in order. I really admire them!

Until Saturday, I finally completed my week-long "working" life.

Washing dishes is really tiring. I underestimated it before. However, I also gained a lot in this part-time job, which made me deeply understand that we should not underestimate one thing, and only through personal experience can we know the truth.

I will never define anything like this again!

500 words of part-time work composition (16)

This afternoon when I was doing my homework, my mother called me and said, "Xianxian, you should do some housework at home now that you are grown up." Seeing my mother's face was very serious, my beautiful girl had to agree.

After dinner, my mother said, "Hyun Hyun, let's start working". I was puzzled: "Working?" Suddenly, I suddenly realized that I had to pick up the dishes and put them into the kitchen. I don't want to wash the greasy bowls. But in order to get pocket money, I had to work hard. I first picked up a bowl, turned on the tap, got off the tap and rushed carelessly. "OK," I washed a "good" bowl. It didn't take long to wash all the bowls one after another. "It seems that it's not difficult to work!" I sang a song and untied my apron. Then my mother came over and looked at the dishes I washed. She said to me, "Look, are you washing the dishes now? There are so many oil stains on the dishes. Wash them again!" After listening to my mother's words, I learned the lesson just now. I got some detergent from the bowl. I washed it five or six times with a cloth, and then washed it again with water. In this way, I washed one after another, I think my mother will be satisfied this time.

I excitedly said to my mother, "Please!" My mother walked into the kitchen, and I expected her to be very satisfied after the inspection. She took out a new one yuan note from her pocket, put it into my hand, and said to me, "It's the way to do things. Don't be careless, be careful." I took the money, and I felt happy again.

I think it's really time for me to change the problem! o(∩_∩)o...

Is the 500 word summer composition for Grade 6 very good? Did you get a lot of inspiration? If you think you can write as well as he can, then you can contribute.

500 words of part-time work composition (17)

This summer vacation, I finished my homework and went to help my mother work in the cannery to tear corn, and I also paid my salary.

On that day, I suggested to my tired mother: "Mom, I will help you tear the corn and I will work for you, OK?" "Yes, as long as you can bear it, you can go, and I can only help you cut the corn hull. As long as you do well, I will pay you 10 yuan 'salary' every day." Oh! Yeah! I can make money! "I jumped up with joy. "Well, I will start working tomorrow. If I persist for 10 days, it will be 100 yuan, and I will earn a lot!"

The next day, my mother and I went early, and we were not allowed to tear the corn until six o'clock. As soon as the time arrived, the workers ran in quickly. When they got there, they went to get the basket first, and then to grab the seat. I began to work soon. I took a knife in my right hand and held it upside down in the valley. I stabbed the knife into the leaves of the valley, and then pulled it down. I did this for several times, in different directions of course. Mother is also very agile. She holds half of the leaves and corn whiskers with her right hand and pulls them downward. The other side is the same as the other side. If you still have corn whiskers, you should clean them and put them in the basket. The good and the bad should be separated.

After a while, a hill formed in the basket. We carried the basket to the place where we counted the corn, put the basket on the table, and then carried another basket, which was at least more than 40 kilograms. In this way, we can count more than 200, sometimes more than 300, and only 50 yuan is needed to tear 2000. I just rowed for a while, and I can't sit still. But for my goal, I persevered.

This persistence lasted for 14 days. My mother gave me a 'salary' of 140 yuan. This was the first time I earned money with my own labor. I was so happy. I really "earned a lot!" Because I not only earned money, but more importantly, I earned patience.

Next summer vacation, I will go to tear the corn.