Teaching Composition (15 in total)
Settle down and look forward to the future
2024-06-08 09:18:17
topic of conversation

Teaching Composition (1)

Last night, I was lazy and didn't do my homework because I was a little uncomfortable. I wrote after dinner. Do you want to know how things are? Let me tell you!

Because I didn't do my homework, my mother scolded me and I cried. After a while, I gradually calmed down and began to do my homework. Suddenly, I met a problem, and I couldn't do it. What should I do? I was scolded by my mother just now. I dare not ask my mother how to do this question. What should I do? Alas! My mother said to me: What's wrong? Can't do it? I nodded hurriedly. Later, my mother taught me how to do this problem and told me a lot about learning and being a person. Mother was a little angry and said, "I wrote you a letter. Did you read it?"? I said: No. After saying that, I immediately turned over my schoolbag and my mother took my brother to take a bath.

When I looked at it, it said: Peiwen, we don't want you to have a high score. Go and compare your scores to see who has a high score After reading, my tears began to flow down. I didn't calm down until my mother asked me to bring the garbage can. I thought silently: I must study hard and not worry about my parents. I will take them to play when I grow up. This sentence has been printed in my heart.

My mother's letter made me cry. I must study hard to reduce the burden on my parents.

Teaching Composition (2)

In my memory, my mother always indoctrinates me with the correct method when I make a mistake and asks me to correct it. Among them, once I was very impressed. Until now, the scene at that time still loomed in my mind.

I remember that day was May Day. We didn't travel, so my mother took me to Xinhua Bookstore to read. When we got to the bookstore, there were so many people. When we went to the second floor, my mother said, "Son, pick a book you like, and I'll go down to the shopping mall." I readily agreed. I picked a book, squatted down against the side of the bookshelf and read it with interest. After a while, my legs were very sore, so I stood up. I saw many people sitting on the bookshelf, So I also want to find a place to sit and read, so my legs won't get sore. When I went to sit happily, I suddenly saw the words "Civilized reading, please don't sit on the shelf" on it, huh? Not allowed to sit? Then why are people still sitting? I hesitated for a while. Just as I hesitated, several children sat on the seat. "Hurry up, or the last seat will be robbed by others." I sat on it regardless of three or seven or twenty one. Wow! It's so comfortable. My legs are not sore now. I can read comfortably.

After a while, my mother came and saw me sitting there. She quickly walked up to me and frowned seriously; "Honey, get up quickly. Why are you sitting here?"

"My legs were sore when I squatted down just now. When I saw someone sitting on the bookshelf, I also sat here." I bowed my head and said.

"Haven't you seen the slogan on the bookshelf?" Mother asked inexplicably.

"I... I saw it," I said haltingly.

My mother frowned and said patiently, "Honey, since you saw it, why do you want to sit down? You think that when others come to buy books, sitting here will affect others to choose books; when the staff comes to organize books, sitting here will be an obstacle, so we can't be satisfied without thinking about others!" After listening to my mother's words, I suddenly understood that, Quickly stood up to find a place and then looked up. My mother saw my action and smiled with satisfaction. Hearing this, people nearby also stood up in succession.

Since then, when I went to the bookstore to read, I never sat on the bookshelf again. No matter how sore my legs were, I always stood. Because I remember what my mother said, "We can't be comfortable without thinking about others!"

Teaching Composition (3)

My mother went out shopping. I went into my mother's room, turned on the computer, and thought: Just play for a while, and then do my homework. I clicked into the game. At first, I looked around to hear whether my mother had come back. But later, I played more and more vigorously. At this time, I felt as if someone was patting my shoulder. I played the game and said impatiently, "Who? I didn't see that I was playing the game."

After I finished, I felt something was wrong, so I looked back. Ah! It's Mom. My mother smiled at me, but it was a sneer, "Deng Yanxi, what is she doing without homework?" The voice was very cold, which made me shiver.

I lowered my head and whispered to my mother, "Mom, I... I was wrong, please... Please forgive me."

Mother sighed and said, "Xi Xi, be obedient, and play after learning. How nice!"

But a few days later, I quietly turned on the computer again. Just a little game, my mother found out and turned off the computer.

This time, my mother didn't tell me, but sat on the sofa and studied hard.

Although my mother didn't say anything about me, my heart was very painful. I went to my room and wrote my homework carefully.

Since then, I have carefully completed my homework every time. Unexpectedly, a month later, my mother took the initiative to give me the computer to play, and said: "Xi Xi, you have formed a good habit of playing computer properly, but remember to 'study hard and play happily'." I still remember this sentence every word.

Teaching Composition (4)

When I was young, I lived at my grandmother's house. When I was young, I was very naughty. People in the yard said that I was more naughty than boys. To be honest, I was always fighting with other children at that time. Every once in a while, someone told Grandma about me. Grandma always apologized to others and sent people away with her hands crossed. Then, Grandma gently stroked my head and said softly, "Rongrong, you must be good as a little girl!"

After entering the school, the first teacher was a young female teacher surnamed Yang, and we all liked her very much. At noon one summer, the weather was hot, and everyone took a nap quietly in the classroom. A boy next to my seat was not sleepy. He was fiddling with something on the seat and made a strange noise from time to time. I was awakened by this strange noise and felt very upset, so I squeezed him hard.

This infuriated him, and he used the pencil head to tap my hand. How could I show weakness to him? I also took out a pencil to fight with him. He could not fight me. He cried and picked up the books in my desk and threw them about. I would not forgive him. I also picked up his books and tore them about. Some students were watching the excitement and dared not come to persuade them.

While we were fighting fiercely, the bell for class rang. Miss Yang came into the classroom and saw this scene. She bent down and picked up the books we had thrown on the ground, comforted the little boy who was crying bitterly, smiled and nodded, motioning me to return to my seat, and then began the class as if nothing had happened.

After school, Miss Yang picked up my torn books, walked up to me, and said gently, "Follow me to the office." I thought I would be severely punished, and I was scared. Unexpectedly, Mr. Yang said softly to me: "Even if others do something wrong, you should not be so impulsive. It is even more wrong to tear up others' books, and you must use your brain to do anything." Under the guidance of Mr. Yang, I realized my mistake and gladly worked with Mr. Yang to paste my torn books.

Although this matter has passed for many years, Mr. Yang's patient teachings on me are still in mind, which makes me stay sober, calm and rational when my head is hot. Thank you, my teacher!

Teaching Composition (5)

I remember that it was a weekend when I was nine years old. When I was alone at home and finished my homework, I remembered a strange thing my father brought back from Henan - a small teapot. This teapot is very valuable. Dad is a treasure and never takes it out easily. I often wonder: Is it the purple clay teapot on TV that will live forever after drinking it? Curiosity compelled me to find it. It's really the most precious item! I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. After half an hour of "heroic struggle", it was not easy to find it on the top of the bookcase. I carefully picked up the small teapot and looked at it carefully. How exquisite the teapot is! It is only as big as a big apple. The porcelain of the teapot has beautiful patterns: a pink lotus has more than ten petals, and the petals are white and red, like children's faces. How delightful. The little pink threads are arranged neatly on the petals. In the middle of the petals is a small, immature lotus canopy, which is still wearing a yellow "grass skirt"!

I quickly grabbed some tea, put it in the teapot, and then poured the boiled water into the teapot. Wow! It smells good. The smell goes straight into my nose. I can't wait to taste it. But as soon as I reached out my hand, it waved involuntarily. With a bang, the teapot fell to the ground. The beautiful teapot fell to pieces. Porcelain pieces lie scattered on the ground. I couldn't help being shocked and panicked. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was time to leave work, and my mother was coming back. It was said that it was too late. I picked up a broom and swept the broken pieces of porcelain under the bed.

"Zhi --" The security guards opened, and Mom came in. It seems that I have a little rabbit in my heart - "Dong Dong" jump straight. But I pretended to be calm and went to meet my mother. As my mother came in, she handed me a plastic bag and said, "This is for you to eat." I took it happily, but I was very timid. In order to cover up the panic inside, I deliberately approached my mother. To distract my mother's attention.

After three days like this, I was surrounded by fear all the time, and my heart was like fifteen buckets of water -- seven up and eight down. In the ideological and moral class, the teacher asked us to read the article "Honesty is more valuable than jewelry". After reading it, I felt that I had made a big mistake. The more I read, the more I blushed. Looking at the red scarf on her chest, she seemed to point at my nose and criticize me, saying: You are not a real Young Pioneer! Young pioneers should be honest! Later, when I returned home, I finally bravely told my mother about it and sincerely apologized. My mother said to me, "My child, in fact, my mother has discovered it for a long time. She just wants you to tell me that you can admit your mistakes. In fact, a broken teapot can be bought again, and people can't buy 100 million taels of gold without honesty."

After listening to my mother's kind teachings, my heart suddenly brightened. I understand a truth from it: if you do something wrong, as long as you sincerely tell the truth, it will turn big things into small ones. Although it has been a long time, it is deeply imprinted on my heart.

Teaching Composition (6)

Shakespeare wrote in Richard II: "The danger is inevitable because we tolerate the source of trouble without correcting it." So I have always been grateful to those who are willing to point out my mistakes. It is their teachings that accompany my growth, and my mother is the person who taught me the most.

When I was very young, my mother took me and my sister to the supermarket to buy things. That was my first time to go to the supermarket. Once I entered the supermarket, I felt like stepping into the new world. The dazzling products stuck to my eyes like superglue, making me keep my eyes glued. Especially the marshmallows piled up like hills always made me swallow saliva. But my mother never let me eat these, saying it was bad for my health. I begged to look at my mother, but my mother and sister were choosing goods and didn't care. A bad idea suddenly popped up. I could take a bag secretly. Nobody saw it anyway.

I looked around first, but no one stared at me, so I quietly reached out my hand, took the nearest bag, and quickly stuffed it into my clothes. I looked around again, no one noticed my little movements, but my heart was still pounding. Now think about it, I'm afraid it's guilty.

I wanted to walk behind, eat it secretly and catch up with my mother. Unexpectedly, my mother found out.

I held the cotton candy bag that had just been torn open in my arms, one hand covered it, and the other hand held a cotton candy.

The mother's face turned red and yelled, "Don't eat until you pay for it!" She never spoke to me in such a fierce tone.

I was scared silly on the spot. I didn't even know that the cotton in my hand had been saccharified. My mother's face became redder and redder, but she forced her anger and said nothing. I followed her sadly, watched her check out and followed her out of the supermarket.

On the way home, my mother finally broke out. Anger and helplessness seemed to burn me down: "Son, do you know what you just did? It was' stealing '! Maybe no one will know if you eat that candy, but if you do it and I turn a blind eye, you will do it for the second time, the third time, the fourth time... You will become a person without integrity." At the end, my mother's hand shook unconsciously. My momentary thought brought her a cloud. At that moment, I finally understood the seriousness of the problem. If my mother hadn't pointed out my mistakes and taught me in time, maybe I would have become a "thief"!

Since then, I have never made such a mistake - my mother taught me that honesty is the first important thing in life. Thank my mother for pointing out my every mistake on my way to growth, and thank those who help me correct my mistakes like my mother in life. It is you who let me grow in teaching!

Teaching Composition (7)

I often miss my enlightenment teachers with deep gratitude. They taught me to help each other with my classmates and to be a friendly person. A few years later, the teacher's words seemed to be still ringing in my ears.

In the class, my relationship with my classmates is relatively good, but in this respect, I have also been reprimanded. Once I accidentally fell off the tricycle, and my classmates advised me to go back to the classroom, but I refused to go back, so I quarreled with my classmates. When the teacher learned about it, he called me to the office. When I arrived at the office, I was afraid that the teacher would criticize me. Step by step, I slowly walked up to the teacher and saw Mr. Xu's kind face. I was not afraid at all. Seeing my shame, Miss Xu kindly said, "I heard that you fell. How did you fall? Tell me about it." I also truthfully said to the teacher, "Some students came to help me when I fell off the tricycle, but they quarreled with me, and later I didn't want to go to class." After hearing this, the teacher looked the same, She said to me, "Students must help each other and be friendly." I felt a little embarrassed when she said this to me in front of teachers in the office, but I was still convinced because I really went too far that time.

Ten years of trees, a hundred years of people; The teacher's teaching is unforgettable all his life.

Teaching Composition (8)

The sunset is falling in the west, and the sunset has covered the sky, and the whole sky is red. On the watery ridge, my father walked in front with the plow, and I led the buffalo behind. Father's steps are vigorous, steady and rhythmic; I led the buffalo, hummed a tune, and appreciated the changing and strange pictures woven by sunset clouds on the horizon; The water buffalo greedily gnawed the green grass on the roadside while walking, and occasionally made a few cheerful "moo moo" sounds after being tired.

Suddenly, the father in front said "Ouch!" and raised one foot. Surprised, I ran over. A piece of glass bottle residue was stuck on the father's feet, which looked very deep. I squatted down and slowly pulled out the bottle residue, and a stream of red blood flowed out with the bottle residue. I angrily scolded: "This damned bottle!

”As soon as he threw it, the bottle crumb "swished" in the air and fell into the field with a "click", causing several ripples on the water surface, and then calmed down.

I stood up to help my father back, but my father looked at me with a strange look, put down the plow, turned around, walked into the paddy field, bent down, stretched out his hands, and slowly felt in the water, feeling very carefully. Confused and worried, I asked, "Dad, what are you touching? Your wound will be inflamed." Father did not answer, but still felt. I was puzzled, standing on the ridge and staring blankly. The buffalo stopped eating grass at this time, and looked at his father, probably wondering about his master's abnormal behavior!

After a while, my father's hands slowly pulled out of the water, holding a handful of mud, paused and washed in the water. At this time, I saw clearly that what my father held in his hand was a piece of glass bottle residue. Isn't this the piece I just threw away?!

Father straightened up and walked slowly up the ridge.

In an instant, my face was very embarrassed. The father looked grave, carefully put the bottle residue into his coat pocket, gently pressed it with his hand, and then carried the plow. The sun flattened the top of the mountain, and the shadow cast into the distance had become blurred. On the ridge of the field, father, I and big buffalo are still walking. The big buffalo's hoof clattered on my heart.

Teaching Composition (9)

Every time I was in the examination room, my old problem was sloppy. When "the old disease relapsed", my mother said that "slow work makes careful work, details decide everything" would ring in my ears, and I would carefully check it.

"Mom, Mom, open the door quickly!" My joyful voice came outside the door. When my mother opened the door, I was overjoyed and walked in from the door. My mother looked at my happy appearance and asked, "Eh, what has made you so happy?" I took out a test paper with 98 points, and a satisfied smile appeared on my face, She smiled and said, "Well, it's good, but these two points......" I didn't mind saying, "It's just that when I was composing words, I wrote 'I wanted to' instead of 'I wanted to'." Mom's face suddenly turned "sunny to cloudy", A serious face said, "Slow work makes careful work. Details decide everything. If you just look at a big problem and carelessly ignore some small details, it's you who suffer." I sat down, put my hand on this cheek, and fell into deep thinking. I remembered that incident. That time, I missed the word "student" because of carelessness. The next day, I was scolded by the teacher, The teacher put a Xinhua dictionary on the table. After I understood the teacher's meaning, I opened the dictionary and found the word "student". I carelessly filled it in. In the afternoon, I was called to the office by the teacher. He handed me the test paper, "What word is it? Did I write it?" I looked at the test paper doubtfully, "Oh, I was so careless to write 'student' as' acupoint sound '." I looked at the teacher and lowered my head in shame.

When I looked at the 98 points, its color was no longer so bright. The original bright red 98 points suddenly became dark. I sighed slightly and left with loss.

The sentence "Slow work makes fine work, and details decide everything" is deeply imprinted on my heart, such as

Thunder, like flying snow, sweeps through everything, taking away my sloppy and lazy side. What I am about to face is a new world!

Teaching Composition (10)

Teacher, like a bright light on our way forward, points out the direction for us. The teacher cares about us everywhere, but the teacher's earnest teachings are always in my heart.

The grade is getting higher and higher, and the pressure is getting higher and higher. It is no longer like the lower grade. The homework is interesting, and the holiday is happy. The final exam is getting closer and closer, and we feel the pressure.

In the process of intense learning, it is inevitable to complain and vent. These days, the teacher's progress in class is getting faster and faster, and he has to teach two texts every day. The exam will be held in May. The only way is to speed up the progress. There are many homework after class every day. Sometimes the math homework comes again before the Chinese is finished. The students complained all over the place, and the neat and tidy exercise books gradually became sloppy. During the afternoon class, some people almost fell asleep and were very listless.

In a moral education class, the teacher asked us to stop writing, and the classroom was silent. "Do you know how popcorn comes from?" asked the teacher. "Burst out." The students answered with one voice.

The teacher stood on the platform and said earnestly, "I want to know for a long time that popcorn is fragrant, crisp and sweet, and everyone likes to eat it. But at the beginning, popcorn was just a corn, and only put it into a big black pot, and then heated it. The high temperature will make the black and stuffy pot produce great pressure, so that the corn will be covered by huge pressure and boundless darkness. But it didn't shrink back, and kept on, until at a certain moment, "Bang! The humble corn became the popcorn that people loved very much... Students, from corn to popcorn is a process of growth, a process of transformation, just like you are now, only under great pressure, Only in this way can we continue our life in a more beautiful and powerful state“

The classroom is extremely quiet. Yes, we are just a small inconspicuous corn. Only when we pass through this dark and stuffy pot and bear such pressure can we blossom beautiful and gorgeous flowers like popcorn.

Teaching Composition (11)

Life is like a dream, long and short. When this dream wakes up, people's life will become eternal memories. In retrospect, only in this dream struggle hard.

Life philosophy story: Socrates' teachings on life Several students asked Socrates, the philosopher, "What is life?" Socrates took them to an apple forest and asked everyone to go from one end of the forest to the other, and each chose the biggest and best apple he thought. Don't go back, don't choose twice. In the process of walking through the apple forest, the students carefully selected the best apples they thought. When everyone came to the other end of the apple forest, Socrates was waiting for them. He smiled and asked the students, "Have you picked the fruit you are most satisfied with?" Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but there was no answer. Socrates saw this and asked, "What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied with your choice?" "Teacher, let's make another choice." A student asked, "When I first walked into the fruit forest, I found a big and good apple, but I still want to find a bigger and better one. When I came to the end of the fruit forest, I found that what I saw for the first time was the biggest and best. " Another went on to say, "I'm just the opposite of him. Soon after I walked into the fruit forest, I picked the biggest and best fruit I thought, but later I found a better one. So I'm a little regretful." "Teacher, let's choose again!" Other students also asked without an appointment. Socrates smiled and said earnestly: "Children, this is life - life is a choice that cannot be repeated." In the face of a life that cannot be turned back, we can only do three things: make a solemn choice and try not to leave regrets; If you regret, face it rationally and try to change it; If you can't change, accept it bravely, don't regret it, and continue to move forward.

Teaching Composition (12)

There is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book.

Step into the bookstore again, open a book, sit down in a corner, and quietly experience the silent teachings

I love reading, and I am addicted to the profound truth. It is like a cup of milk tea with fragrance, which makes you intoxicated; It is also like a cup of bitter coffee, giving you some sobriety, no longer lethargic

When I quarreled with my parents, I ran out of the house alone. My favorite place was always the bookstore. Wipe away your tears and open Zhu Ziqing's "Back". The slightly fat body looks like every father in the world, doesn't it? Continue to turn, from which gradually feel.

I felt the emotion from Zhu Ziqing, which included both grief for his father's anger and deep attachment and emotion to his father

My angry heart gradually calmed down, and then became guilty and sad. Walking out of the bookstore, I heard my father calling my name. I rubbed my eyes and ran excitedly towards the long lost love of my father

"The world is too unfair. It is clear that they copied, and the teacher opened one eye and closed the other!" I thought angrily, and tears poured out.

Take out a copy of Morning Flowers and Evening Picks and chew it carefully. Look at that heinous thing: Japanese students watch the film of killing the Chinese people; A group of Chinese people around the Japanese flatter

I shivered, closed the book quietly, took a breath, looked out of the window at the bright sunshine, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and then looked at the feudal society in the book, and could not help sighing: "If life deceived you, don't be painful, don't be sad, believe it! That beautiful spring will always come!" The radio in the bookstore rang on time, and my frown gradually spread. Oh, my life has been so beautiful, so why are we harsh? The sun outside shines on the body, warm.

When the exam results came down, I felt like I had mixed feelings. Staring at the bright red 89, I sighed, stuffed the book back into my bag, and walked to the bookstore with a heavy step.

"Alas, I'm so bad..." I sighed again, put down my schoolbag heavily, and leaned against the desk. "It seems that I'm not good at reading." I hung my head and shouted. I randomly selected a book, but the title was quite novel. How was Steel Tempered? I opened the book curiously and looked at it, but my eyes were wet. "Pa", a tear drops on the book. Paul was unwilling to yield to the adversity of blindness and still used his pen as a weapon to attack those reactionaries, but I could not face this small setback firmly... Thinking of this, I picked up my schoolbag and walked home

Books are not only my spiritual food, they are more like silent teachings, guiding me to the right path!

Teaching Composition (13)

My grandfather is a strict person. My mother said that it has something to do with my grandfather's early work. Before his retirement, Grandpa was a senior engineer studying machinery. Because he often had to draw precise drawings, he developed the habit of doing things meticulously, even in life.

I remember that in the winter vacation of Grade 5, the school assigned me to write a composition called "I grew up together with Chongwen". I spent an hour to write a large article with a total of more than 1200 words. I looked left and right, and the more I thought about it, the more proud I was. The sentence is beautiful, the transitional sentence is natural and smooth, and the end also plays the role of finishing touch. I thought my grandpa would praise me for my good writing this time. I took the draft and skipped to my grandpa's place to ask him to have a look. He put on his reading glasses and carefully looked at my composition. When he looked at it, he saw his eyebrows tightly wrinkled. He took the paper and said to me, "I suggest you write it again." "Why?" I blushed with anxiety. I thought my grandfather would praise me for being more and more sophisticated! I didn't expect this result. "Although your article uses a lot of gorgeous words, they are all generalities. There are too few real things," Grandpa said flatly. I had to take back the draft and thought I would write another one to impress you. Two days later, the second draft came out fresh under my careful preparation. I still let my grandfather be my first reader. After reading it, my grandfather calmly said: "There are examples but lack of truth, which still did not impress me. The writing seems to be inferior to the previous one. If you want to impress others, first ask whether you have touched yourself!" After listening to my grandfather's words, My tears of grievance fell down. My unyielding character made me want to write the third draft again, but this time I didn't start writing. I recalled every bit of my five years in Chongwen. There was too much to write. What should I start with? Suddenly, my hand touched the growth manual of Xiaohaiyan, and I had an idea. Isn't this the best proof of my growth? Let me start from here! After experiencing the lessons of the last two times, I was much more cautious. After writing, I read through it twice. I think this time I wrote about my true feelings in my five years of growth. If students and teachers see it, they will definitely resonate. Then Grandpa came behind me at some time. He picked up my manuscript and read it carefully, finally showing a satisfied smile.

After the beginning of school, I revised this article three times and it was praised by the teacher because of its emotional appeal. Now when I think about it, I am full of gratitude to my grandfather. My grandfather could have perfunctorily satisfied my vanity, but he chose to insist on my revision. His rigorous attitude moved me and always inspired me on my way forward.

Teaching Composition (14)

I remember when I was in the fifth grade, my English score was a mess! It's always sixty or seventy points, which is the result of not studying hard.

The exam is coming tomorrow. What should we do? I think. It's terrible now. I'd better review quickly. I reviewed my English with great interest, and found it so boring. In addition, I don't understand English at all, which makes me worried. Reviewing like me, just like not reviewing, has no effect.

The exam, I finished the paper, looking forward to good results.

A few days later, a classmate said to me, "The English teacher asked you to go to her office." I don't know what the teacher asked me to do. Somehow I went to the teacher's office. When we got to the office, the English teacher took out an English test paper with a dazzling forty-four points on it. I can't believe my eyes, because I can see from the handwriting that the paper is mine!

The English teacher said sternly, "Why didn't you write your name? If you didn't write your name, you would get zero points!" I said, "I forgot to write it." The teacher became more serious and said, "Next time, remember to write your name. Also, look at this exam. What happened? I remember that when you were a child, you had more than 80 points, but now you have more than 40 points. I hope you will become the former Ye Ruilin who loved learning!" These words are engraved in my heart.

When I was young, I was naive and lovely, and I also loved learning. But now? Far from being comparable to hours. I made up my mind to study hard and listen carefully in class.

As a result, I gradually began to study hard and always remembered the teacher's words when I studied. After a long time of hard work, I found that learning is not difficult, but the important thing is to work hard, hard and unremittingly. Since then, I have stopped not listening in class and corrected my learning attitude. How happy I am that my grades have improved rapidly!

A hard work, a harvest. This sentence is the truth. The teacher's teaching is unforgettable. It tells me that learning requires diligence and down-to-earth work. It is impossible to gain without paying. Always thank the teacher for his teaching!

Teaching Composition (15)

Each struggle brings out the brilliance of life; Every battle embodies the tenacity of life; Every effort is doomed to the hope of success!

The plane tree beside the school gate should have taken root and sprouted there long ago. At that time, it must be tender and green, and happily imagined that it would become a towering tree. However, fate seems to deliberately oppose it. On one side of it is a solid cement pavement, and on the other side is a cold and hard road brick. There is no stream spring, no flowers and plants, and only a little dirt hidden in the cracks can not meet the needs of a tree.

The young tree is unwilling. It wants to grow into a towering tree. It is unwilling to lose to fate. So, with the persistent belief in my heart, I kept taking root and absorbing water to store nutrition for the next struggle. In this way, day after day, year after year

By the time I saw this plane tree, it was already thick and embracing, and its tall and straight dark trunk was full of the vicissitudes of time. It was midsummer at that time, and the green leaves on the branches were lush and vibrant. What surprised me most was that in order to break through the barriers of road bricks, its roots had already penetrated deeper and farther into the corner of the wall. Its roots overturned the bricks and stretched without hesitation. The whole ground was raised, and many pieces of tree roots around were exposed, witnessing its vicissitudes of life. Even though there are many difficulties, we should try our best to fight. With strong faith, the plane tree finally blooms the glory of life.

In fact, our life is not like this? Everything will not be smooth. Those who dare to overcome setbacks will be successful. Some time ago, I signed up for the school's Math Pioneer Association. I had to make up my homework first, and then I had to take the exam to select. Of course, I am very worried. I really want to give up in the face of profound questions, test pressure and parents' doubts. But when I think of that sycamore tree, if I didn't have the firm belief and tenacious struggle, how could it be the towering tree today? I also want to learn from it. No matter how hard it is, no matter how hard it is, I must not forget my original intention. I firmly believe that my Kung Fu will pay off! If the heart is in the dream, there is true love between heaven and earth. Look at the success or failure, life is heroic, just starting from scratch.

Life is wonderful because of hard work! I want to listen to the teachings of nature, not afraid of setbacks, forge ahead bravely, and write a hymn of life with firm faith and indomitable spirit!