Naughty My Composition (18 recommended)
Flowers smile at dawn
2024-06-03 02:43:51
primary school

Naughty My Composition (1)

Boys are mischievous when they are seven or eight years old. I have such a younger brother, Zhao Haikun, who is very unruly. It's not too much to send him a troublemaker.

At the moment, he deliberately pressed his arm on my shoulder. Seeing that I was writing about him, he smiled grimly, grabbed my correction belt, grabbed my notebook, and threw it around the hall leisurely.

I also have a younger brother who is two years younger than him. They often fight. When he was angry, he looked like this: strange eyes were wide open, and his face was "redder than February flowers". Oh! The roar seemed to collapse half the sky; That stomp is like a land collapse. Biting his teeth and clenching his fists, he looked like a evil spirit. Last year was the high incidence period of the "Kunxin" war (my other brother is Zhao Shuoxin). Two people often fight against each other because of something trivial. Once, two people broke out in a fierce fight because they sat a little crowded. Only see:

Two people have two cheeks, but four cheeks are red; Two people's legs are four coiled. One is like Yang Zhi holding a long gun, while the other is super stable and wields a broadaxe. One is Zhang Yide's spear standing upright, the other is Ma Meng's broadsword. Both of them are energetic and energetic; Yidou is an earth shaking and earth shaking event. After a while, he often made his little brother cry so loudly that the neighbors were shocked. By the end of this year, although there were not many wars, they both became particularly mischievous. When he was doing his homework, he felt like he had a prick on his buttocks. He twisted left and hung right, and soon had to walk around outside. Usually that brain doesn't know so many strange ideas. What "hot air balloon", "boat", "gossip map", and "flying" umbrella "cursing" are all creative ideas! As soon as we make a small suggestion, he will fight against you. There is a kind of twist that will never die until we reach the Yellow River. Today, when the wind blew hard, he took the plastic bag to change and make things. He said that he would make a parachute, but he still didn't make any achievements for a long time. Then he put the crayon on the steps and put a dozen bricks in the yard, saying "Devil City". He always likes to make some fantastic "inventions". In the end, nothing is done, but the yard is in a mess.

This is my second brother Zhao Haikun, who is irritable, simple, cute and mischievous.

Naughty My Composition (2)

My family has a famous "naughty bag". She is my youngest sister.

My younger sister is only two years old. She is very thin and small. Her eyes are bright and lovely. But she is very naughty. One day, my mother felt a little uncomfortable and let my sister watch TV alone in the living room. After her mother returned to her room, she picked up the remote control and started to play by herself. Later, she may feel bored and sit there. After a while, she takes the remote control to the bathroom, fills the pool with water, "plops", and puts the remote control into the pool. After a while, I go home to watch TV, pick up the remote control, but I can't press it. The remote control was wet. When I asked her what was wrong, my sister told me innocently that she had taken the remote control to "take a bath". I was so angry that I couldn't laugh or cry.

My sister is not only a naughty bag but also a typical glutton. As long as there is food she likes, she will never be polite and will sweep away. Once, when her father bought a box of biscuits, her eyes lit up and her mouth watered, just like a wolf meets a sheep. He took them one by one and ate them into his mouth. He also laughed contentedly from time to time. Dad told her not to eat so much, but she ate more than half of the box at a time, and the speed reading of eliminating snacks was not boastful. Dad can only put the biscuits away.

My sister is not humble to others at all. As long as others hit her, she immediately uses her unique skill - Hedong Shikong. Once, she made a mistake, her father hit her, and she immediately cried. My home is on the 10th floor, and I heard her voice on the first floor.

This is my sister. She is naughty, gluttonous and crying. She must be naughty when she grows up.

Naughty My Composition (3)

My name is Meng Boxuan. I am 11 years old this year. With dark hair, thick eyebrows and holy light shining in my eyes, my father and mother hope that I will be evergreen and tenacious like cypress trees all the year round. Like Hemerocallis fulva, it is shined by the sun, moistened by rain and dew, and thrives.

I am very sunny and sometimes very naughty.

I like swimming, skiing, skating and singing.

I still remember one summer when I watched the elders playing cards in the community. At that time, I was very fond of playing some unreliable pranks. I secretly threw the cards in twos and threes into the flowers. I threw a total of twenty. I didn't expect anyone to see my whereabouts at that time. After lunch, the old people came to me. Only then did I tell the truth.

Am I naughty?

Naughty My Composition (4)

In my childhood, there were more or less naughty things, but the thing I remember best is that I was six years old.

When I was six years old, I went to stay with my grandfather for a few days. I had a very happy time in those days. My grandpa has a backyard. The backyard is full of branches, leaves and flowers. I often play hide and seek with some friends in the backyard, but it is not as good as Grandpa's orchard. The orchard will produce many fruits in autumn, including apples, pears, dates, oranges... and many more.

One day my grandpa was going to work in the orchard, and I wanted to follow him, but he wouldn't let me go. So I secretly took three tools and called Xiao Ming and Xiao Qiang to help me dig the hole. Although the soil in the orchard is very soft, we still had a lot of trouble digging the hole. Then put some branches on it, and then spread the excavated soil on the branches. Then we quickly climbed up the tree and waited for Grandpa to come. After a while, Grandpa came. He stepped into the first pit, and we laughed secretly in the tree. Grandpa got up, but without taking a step, he stepped into the second pit. We jumped down from the tree and laughed. Grandpa finally understood, so he came to us. Unexpectedly, he fell into the third pit that the three of us dug together. Grandpa was furious, but when he got up, we had already run far.

I want to laugh when I think about it. I was really naughty at that time.

Naughty My Composition (5)

I am already a fourth grade student, but like a child, if I have to use a word to describe me, it is: naughty!

I remember when I was in the third grade, I was playing on the playground and found a square ice cube. I said, "Ha ha! Smoothie bag!" I threw it back and forth. As a result, I hit the teacher with a bang. I rushed to apologize. Unexpectedly, the teacher didn't criticize me, just patted my pants and said, "Don't throw such dangerous things next time." Ah, I'm ashamed

Another time, when I was playing in school, I thought of a bad idea: Pour pebbles into the schoolbags of my classmates. I found four classmates, two of whom brought pebbles. Two of them aroused their attention, and I poured them. Zhang Yu and Zhang Siyun have gone to distract him! "Hey! Come here." "What's the matter?" "Let me tell you a joke. Once upon a time... hahaha, later... boo boo boo boo!" "What a thing!" At this time, Fan Xiwen, I and Li Qiqi had already poured. After a while, I hid with them, and a scream pierced my ear. "Oh, my god!" Other students all surrounded, They and I laughed. "Who did it?" the teacher asked, "Ha ha, we and Liu Zhihan... Hmm?" "Well, you did it..." As a result, of course, we were punished.

This is me, a naughty child!

Naughty My Composition (6)

When I was young, I was very naughty. When I heard the word "play", I became crazy.

When I say "play", I am very excited. I can think of all kinds of play methods at any time. I remember the meeting in kindergarten. I always played with my classmates after class. I played this one at once and that one after a while. I was very happy! An hour before lunch, I was playing. Although I had good grades, I was occasionally scolded by my teacher. Why? Because in the process of playing the game, I accidentally broke the teacher's favorite vase when I ran; When playing hide and seek, I turned things upside down; Otherwise, I would run around with my precious brush and turn my classmates into "big cats"... These events have happened many times, and of course, I was scolded by my teacher more than once.

I played crazily and didn't remember the time. I didn't wake up until everyone came out of the canteen and returned to the classroom. When I returned to the classroom after dinner, everyone was ready to take a lunch break. I took off my coat and went to bed without the teacher's attention. After the lunch break, I don't know which student saw that I ate and slept slower than others before the lunch break, and went to the teacher to make a small report. The teacher called me to him and asked me carefully: "Are you sick until someone else's lunch break?" "Teacher, I'm not sick, I just... just." I hesitated. The teacher saw that I seemed to be deliberately prevaricating with her, so he asked: "Why don't you go on talking? Did you do something bad?" I definitely said: "No! To be honest, teacher, I actually played too much and forgot the time to eat. Sorry, you don't blame me?" The teacher smiled kindly, He said, "You can't be so playful in the future. You are still honest this time, so the teacher won't blame you. You can't be like this in the future, you know?"

This is me, very naughty me!

Naughty My Composition (7)

My name is Zhu Jingxing. I'm a third grade student in Nanta Primary School. I am tall and thin. My small face is white and red, my eyes are bright like black gems, and my small mouth is always red like a ripe cherry. I like to smile best. When I smile, I show two front teeth. Am I cute in front of you?

Although I am pretty, I am very naughty. I remember that in the first grade, our school held a sports meeting, and the students brought colorful balloons to the school according to the teacher's requirements. The classroom was very lively. Looking at the balloons in the hands of my classmates, I couldn't help complaining to my mother about why she didn't buy me balloons, and the more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable it was. At this time, my good friend came to me with a smile and said, "Look at how big my balloon is!" Looking at his swagger, I suddenly became furious, and a ghost idea flashed out. I quietly took out a freshly sharpened pencil from the pencil box and poked at his balloon when he was not paying attention. The balloon burst with a "bang". The whole class looked at us. My good friend looked at the broken balloon and cried loudly, "Wow!" I was still thinking: What are you proud of? It's just a balloon!

The teacher came over, learned the story and criticized me severely. In fact, I was still unconvinced and thought: I will pay you one more in the afternoon.

Now I am a third grade student. I am a little embarrassed when I think of these naughty past events, because I am now grown up and sensible. It is still very wrong when I think of the things that the little rascal did in the past. However, in the future, I will use my "naughty" energy to learn and help others enthusiastically and other more meaningful things. Let's watch my actions!

Naughty My Composition (8)

It's no exaggeration to say that my grandfather is "naughty". If you don't believe me, I'll tell you something!

My grandpa is very naughty. He likes smoking very much and always has a faint smell of smoke. My father told him not to smoke. My grandpa said yes, so he cut off the cigarette. When he saw it, he was relieved and left. But my grandpa would pick up the cigarettes and smoke again. I was found by someone who had just finished school. I laughed a few times and was going to report to my father. But my grandpa immediately came over, grabbed me, and whispered, "Don't be quiet, I'll buy you ice cream later." "Really?" I didn't believe it. How could this "old urchin" buy me something to eat?

But my grandfather insisted, "I will definitely buy it." My doubts disappeared and I agreed happily. However, my grandpa didn't buy it later. I was cheated!

Another time, I played chess with my grandfather. At first, I couldn't play him, but later I learned to compete with more powerful people online. Slowly, I became more powerful than my grandfather. Once, when he was playing chess with me, my grandpa made a mistake and wanted to repent, but I wouldn't allow it. My grandpa wanted to cheat again and said, "Let me repent and buy you something to eat later."

Grandpa wants to repeat the old tricks, no way! "I won't be fooled by you!"

Grandpa scratched his scalp and smiled at his wrinkled face. He said to me falsely, "Then I will buy you a toy, a kind of luminous top!" I was moved and said, "OK!"

But I was cheated again!

Although I "hate" Grandpa, I still hope he will continue to be "naughty" and accompany me to grow up.

Naughty My Composition (9)

My family added a "small pistachio" in May. She is seven months old. She has a small round head, small watery eyes, and a little blush on her white face. She has thick eyebrows, beautiful eyelashes and red mouth. She is very cute. Do you know who this is? Let me tell you something! This is my sister Princess Xiaoyi.

Although Princess Yi is only seven months old, her intelligence is completely beyond my imagination. For example, the last time my mother just finished feeding, she immediately picked up the phone beside her and began to play with relish. She left her alone on the bed and gave me toys to play with. Princess Yi took off the toy with a slap of one hand, and then climbed directly onto my mother's leg like a noise. She shouted, "Mom, stop playing on the phone and play with me!" At first, my mother didn't care, but my sister cried more and more loudly, which made my mother can't play anymore. I had to let go and play with him obediently. My sister seemed to win. She laughed "giggle". When I saw this scene, I was almost crazy.

Princess Yi is not only clever, but also good at camouflage. Why do you say that to her? After listening, you will know: once I went to the toilet and put my sister in the stroller. She found a copy of College Creation beside me and played with it. Soon, he was torn to pieces. "I can't recognize it" When I came out, she threw it on the bed with all her strength, pretending nothing had happened. However, I can see from her expression that she has done it!

This is my sister. I like her very much!

Naughty My Composition (10)

My father said that I have a strange personality. Tell me I'm honest, sometimes very naughty, sometimes very good, even I feel strange? What is my character like?

I remember once, I was playing on the swing in the park next to my home. I was happy when I saw my brother sleeping on the swing blackboard next to me. I found a stick to poke at my brother's feet. My brother couldn't laugh, he fell off the swing board and fell to the sky. My brother can't laugh or cry. He said I was too naughty.

Another time, when I was in Chinese class, my heart flew thousands of miles away, and there was a "dummy" sitting in the classroom. The teacher looked straight at the blackboard when he saw me motionless. I thought I listened carefully, so I was asked to answer questions. I didn't hear it at first, but my heart was still outside. The teacher called again. This time, I heard it and flew back from thousands of miles away. Because I didn't hear the teacher's question clearly, I didn't answer the question, and the whole class roared with laughter. I was criticized by the teacher again.

Although I sit quietly in my seat in class, I often hide my hands under the desk to play with a pen or eraser. My bad habits have affected my academic performance. Now I realize the harm of these bad habits, and I am determined to get rid of them, study hard, and become a good child with rich knowledge and good manners.

Naughty My Composition (11)

I am a smart and resourceful child, often praised by my parents and teachers. However, I am also very naughty sometimes, which will make them feel headache.

When I was young, I liked to play hide and seek. I often play hide and seek with children at home, in the fields and on the playground, and always have a good time. One night, my father came home to sleep with me, and I had a whim to play hide and seek with my father. So I hid in a hidden place for my father to find. My father shouted my name while looking for me, but I was always happy that he could not find me. That time, I made my father walk around the street, looking for me for almost an hour, sweating all over his head, while I had already sneaked back home. Of course, my father will punish me severely when he comes back.

I still remember another naughty thing about me. At home, I often help my parents do some small things, such as sweeping the floor, cooking, taking out garbage, and so on. Once, my mother asked me to take out the garbage. In order to play with the children quickly, I threw the garbage into the field outside the wall. Unexpectedly, she is staring at me upstairs. She knew that I would play such a smart trick. It's really "the mother knows the son". As a result, my mother severely criticized me after I came back.

This is me, a naughty me.

Naughty My Composition (12)

Childhood is really like a ship, full of candy, toys and joy.

In my memory, an interesting thing happened when I was 5 years old. That's a pot of sunflowers at home. It's very beautiful. I often sit on a small bench and stare at its colorful petals. But gradually I found that there was something wrong with this flower: no fragrance. I feel very sorry for this. It would be great if I could also have a pungent fragrance! By chance, I saw several bottles of perfume on my mother's dresser, and immediately I had an idea.

One day, neither father nor mother was at home. I went to my mother's dresser, took the perfume, went to the flowerpot, vigorously unscrewed the bottle cap, quickly sprinkled a little on the petals, and then some on the roots, hoping to let the fragrance spread from the branches to the stamens. After a while, the room was full of fragrance. I stopped when I saw that it was almost there.

In the afternoon, my mother came home and asked me in surprise when she smelled the fragrance of the whole house. So I said my "creation" exactly once. After hearing this, my mother couldn't help laughing or crying. She sighed and said, "You self righteous little fool, you killed all the flowers when you did this!" At first, I was dubious about my mother's words, but the next morning, my words really began to wither and turn yellow. It didn't take a few days for the flowers to fade. Until now, my mother still used this matter as a joke to warn me that nothing can be done to gild the lily!

There are too many naughty things in childhood. If they are a string of wind chimes, when the wind blows, they will make bursts of clear and joyful sounds!

Naughty My Composition (13)

Every time I get hurt, it's because I'm naughty.

Once, my mother was playing with Youyou (Youyou is my younger brother). I was doing somersaults at the head of the bed. I turned left and right like a ball rolling around. As a result, I "plopped" out of the bed, fell to the ground, and fell down with a bruised face. My baby cried out in pain.

My first fracture was also due to mischief.

I took the skateboard to the slope. I was standing on the skateboard for a "ride". Suddenly, I lost my balance and fell off the skateboard. I shouted, "Ah..." I couldn't stand up in pain. Yang Zi beside me saw it and helped me up.

In short, every time I was injured, my parents would say: "This child is so active, it should be a monkey“

I'm just so naughty.

Naughty My Composition (14)

My name is Ma Yue. I'm 9 years old this year. I am fat, tall, round head, with a pair of bright big eyes. Under the high bridge of nose, there is a small mouth like a cherry.

My mother treats me well, because I am obedient. Once, when I was learning to cut vegetables, I accidentally cut my hand and cried. My mother quickly bandaged me up, and I stopped crying. Another time, my father taught me how to learn bicycle. I went to the seat of the car one by one. It was really difficult! I walked only one meter and fell down involuntarily. My foot sprained and I cried in pain. Dad hurried to the store, bought me a wad of medicinal gauze, and then bound it up for me, so I wouldn't cry.

Another time, Grandma was rolling out noodles, and I painted a small person on the dough. When I was enjoying it, Grandma came in and scolded me angrily.

This is me, a naughty, naughty, lovely me.

Naughty My Composition (15)

Naughty me


hello everyone! I am a naughty child. I learned a lot of lessons because of naughty children!

I am eight years old and have short, dark, shiny hair. The round face has a pair of bright big eyes, and a smiling mouth is inlaid with a straight nose. This has formed a naughty me.

Next: Let me tell you about one of my naughty examples. I used to write with a pen when I was in the third grade. One day when I was doing my homework at home, my pen suddenly ran out of water, so I took the ink bottle to prepare for ink, but I pressed hard, but I couldn't get water. I took a closer look and found that there was no ink in the bottle. My mother is not here at the moment, what should I do? A sudden inspiration came to me. Ink is water, tap water is also water, maybe it can be replaced. I just tried to draw a little tap water, and I wrote "Hey, I can write" in my notebook. I then took a little water, but after a good time, the words became more blurred. Something bad happened, and Mom came in. I don't know what to do? I was so scared that I was beating drums!

"What's the matter with you?" asked his mother

"I accidentally spilled water on the notebook." I hesitated

"Is it true?" Mother said angrily

"I, I just spilled water on it," I whispered

Mother said sternly, "Children should be honest!"

I retort that this is it!

"Don't quibble. Don't think I don't know. Mom did this when she was young."

I lowered my head in shame and said in a low voice, "I drew the tap water into the pen because there is no water in the bottle."

Mother said, "There is no ink. Let's tell mother. Let's go and buy ink."

This is the naughty me. Have you ever done something similar? Do you like me?


Naughty My Composition (16)

In my life, there is such a person who is smart, lively, loving, but sometimes very naughty and mischievous. He is not only mother's joy but also her mischievous rascal. You can guess who this person is. He is me, a cute boy named Li Hanyu, who has a pair of "fire eyes gold" that can discover the new world at any time, a pair of unusual money seeking ears, and a small nose.

From childhood to adulthood, I have always been a very playful child. My mother often nagged me: "Son, if you spend half of your fun energy on learning, I will be satisfied." Alas! Why doesn't my mother understand and understand me at all? She has been letting me study all day long. Doesn't she understand that I am learning while playing? This is called high level. My favorite game is to catch crabs under the reef on the beach. I remember when I was ten years old, my mother took me to Yantai and Long Island to play. When I first arrived in Yantai, I couldn't wait to go to the seaside and start a secret search. The crabs on the beach are much more stupid than those under the reef, because they only know how to enter and exit from this hole. If you block this hole with your hands, ha ha, even if there is a hole beside it, it will not enter, because it is not its own home! Because of this, they easily became my prisoners. At this time, I accidentally looked up and saw a rock on the sea. According to my experience, there must be a lot of loot hidden under the rock. I acted immediately, and my battlefield immediately shifted from land to the sea. Standing on the reef, I found a lot of green things. I remember my mother once told me it was called moss. It was very slippery, and I didn't care. After a while, I caught a small crab under the reef, and I danced happily. My mother on the opposite bank shouted, "Mom, I caught it, and I will go to look under that reef again, Am I not that stupid? But let me not think too much, my mother's voice has not fallen, my feet slipped, stood unsteadily, suddenly became drowned. Seeing my embarrassment, my mother's expression was both distressed and helpless, and I was both regretful and tearful at the moment. I thought: I don't listen to the good people, and I will suffer a loss in front of me! However, it did not affect my fun. Soon, I was involved in the next battle with crabs. It's so good that I forgot the pain!

After going ashore, my mother said to me, "You are so careless, you are really naughty! Did you hurt when you fell?" I said with a smile, "This is nothing. It doesn't hurt at all. Don't you forget that I am thick skinned and fell." My mother lovingly touched my head and said, "You little troublemaker, you will fall again next time!" "Mom, you are really bad!" On the beach at sunset, Our happy mother and son are chasing and fighting happily.

Naughty My Composition (17)

Once, my father bought a jar of goldfish from outside. I like it very much.

As soon as I bought the goldfish, my father said to me: "You can't feed the goldfish too much, or it will die, but not too little, or it will starve to death, so feeding the goldfish is also a big problem."

"I don't believe it. I didn't do the experiment. How can I know what you said is right?" I answered immediately.

"You can try it," Dad said.

So I put a goldfish in another jar and fed a lot of food. The next morning, I ran to see a dead goldfish floating on the water. I finally believed what my father said. From then on, I fed the goldfish on time and in quantity every day. The goldfish really grew fat.

Naughty My Composition (18)

Whenever I pick up the album and see my childhood photos, I think of an interesting thing in those years, and I will laugh. It was a winter five years ago. My father shaved with a razor. The noise startled me, and I ran there secretly. As soon as the razor touched the beard, the beard disappeared. How funny!

One day, when my father was not at home, I took out my razor and opened it to the middle. I looked at my eyebrows in the mirror and said, "Just scrape here." I shouted while scraping, which startled my mother. My mother opened the door and asked me what I was holding in my hand? I stammered, "No? No?? What!" "Yo!" My mother screamed, "How come your eyebrows are scattered?" I took out my razor and said to my mother, "I used this thing."

Now, my mother was so angry that she grabbed the razor and said, "Is this something you are playing with? How can you see your eyebrows in the future?" I said wrongly, "Your eyebrows can grow after shaving!"

This is the naughty me.

Class 4 (1), Zhongxing Primary School, Qinnan Town, Yandu District

Instructor: Zhang Guoqin