Writings of Frog Grade 2 (15 recommended)
Brilliance in the sun
2024-06-17 07:24:55
second grade
Look at the picture

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (1)

One day, the frog squatted on the ground lazily.

Its head is oval, with a pair of big, round eyes and a big mouth; The body is green and the belly is white; Its lower legs are squatting, and its upper legs are lying on the ground. It is also a good guard for crops, so we should protect it. It always likes to bounce around on the ground. How lovely!

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (2)

We can often see some people catching frogs near the pond. Along the street, people selling frogs can be seen everywhere in the food market. Seeing these scenes, I am very sad. Frogs are the "God of crop protection", our good friends of mankind. We should protect frogs.

The tongue of a frog is very long, and it is 20 cm long. Frog's tongue root is in front of the oral cavity, with its tongue facing inward, and it is extremely elastic and resilient. The tongue also has sticky mucus, which is more sticky than 502 glue, so as to catch insects. When pests fly by, the frog will hold its tongue to accurately trace the pests it sees, and then stretch its tongue forward and roll it again. Before the pests know what's wrong, they are swallowed by the frog. When frogs catch pests, they often hit one hundred shots at a time. Frogs eat 50 or 60 pests a day, and 200 more. A frog eats at least 15000 pests a year. Catching a frog is equivalent to tens of thousands of pests escaping, and 100 square meters of crops will be lost. Without the protection of frogs, our crops would be greatly reduced. Then we will be distressed and hungry because we don't have enough food.

It can be seen that the contribution of frogs is so great! Let's all protect our "god of crops" - frogs! Let the animals on the earth live freely. We humans can't live without "good friends" like frogs!

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (3)

In the busy food market, I heard a peddler shouting "Frogs! Who wants to buy them?" I think frogs usually help people to eliminate pests, but now people deliberately kill them. Isn't that wrong?

There are many kinds of insects eaten by frogs, such as mosquitoes, flies, rice planthoppers, rice leafhoppers, aphids, nocturnal moths, weevils... Most of these insects are destructive to crops. If frogs eat all these pests, it will have a great effect on people? Frogs not only prey on a large variety of pests, but also a large number of pests. Frogs can catch more than 70 pests a day and 25550 pests a year, which is amazing! Even small tadpoles eat the bodies of small insects, larvae and larvae of some pests. In this way, the river will not smell, and pests will not have the chance to breed.

Vendors! In order to prevent mosquitoes, flies and other pests from breeding in large numbers and make crops grow better, please stop catching frogs, the "friends of mankind"!

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (4)

Today, my mother and I went to the market to buy vegetables. When we entered the market, we heard a cry: "Sell frogs! Sell frogs!" We saw an old grandfather holding a string of frogs in his hand. The frog looked at us pitifully, as if to say: "Save us, save us!" Uncle and aunt gathered around and bought one frog after another. I asked my mother: "Why do they buy frogs?" My mother said: "They buy frogs and go back to make delicious food." Uncle and aunt, don't you know frogs are useful animals? The frog is a real farmland guard. It generally lives in small rivers or farmland and mainly eats insects such as moths and mosquitoes. They are quick in action. As long as a pest appears in their sight, it will pop out its long tongue, stick to the pest, get involved in the mouth, and hit every shot. Therefore, as long as a pest encounters it, it will only die. It eats as many as 200 pests and as few as 50 pests a day. In this way, it can eat at least 18250 pests and at most 73000 pests a year! Are the crops still thriving? It is really "frog full pond, grain full barn."

If we kill all the frogs to satisfy our appetite, will the farmland become a paradise for pests, and the "grain full barn" has become a so-called myth?

I appeal: protect the frog, don't let the "farmland guard" die out!

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (5)

Since the beginning of summer, there have been many frog hunters in the fields, on the beaches and in the ravines. They have taken these frogs to the market and turned them into dishes on people's tables, which makes my heart ache.

Frogs are beneficial insects for us. They not only eat mosquitoes and flies, but also eat moths, rice planthoppers and other agricultural pests. They eat about 50000 pests a year. So people call it "the guardian god of crops." It can be seen that frogs are human friends. But now humans catch and eat them in large quantities. This is wrong behavior.

"The rice flower smells like a bumper year. Listen to the sound of frogs." This poem is a famous line in Xijiang Moon written by Xin Qiji, a poet of the Song Dynasty. It can be seen that people in the Song Dynasty knew that only by protecting frog crops can they harvest well. Even the ancients know the truth. Are we not as good as the ancients?

Frog is also the announcer of the weather forecast. If the heavy rain is coming, the frog will "quack quack", so there is a proverb that says, "The frog cries, and it rains heavily."

Frogs are responsible for protecting farmland. Let's protect "crop guards" - frogs!

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (6)

On the sunny morning, the frog began to cry out again: "Sell the mud pond, don't miss it!" But the mud pond was still not sold, and he was a little sad.

The bird flew in and said, "This fault tree". If I had a tree, I could make a nest for babies and live comfortably So the frog bought the maple, because the maple leaves are red in autumn. The frog asked, "Is the tree satisfied?" "Very satisfied." The bird cried happily.

The butterfly flew in and said, "This is a bad flower. I can dance among the flowers if there are flowers!" The frog bought all kinds of flower seeds and sowed them on the mud around the mud pond. The next spring, a sea of colorful flowers grew around the mud pond.

The frog asked, "Is the flower satisfied?" "Very satisfied." The butterfly said contentedly.

The rabbit ran and said, "There is no way, so we can race with the tortoise." The frog asked Uncle Green Bull to help pave the road. The frog asked the rabbit, "Are you satisfied?" "Very satisfied." The rabbit replied with satisfaction

The little monkey said, "It's time to build a house. With it, we can take shelter from the rain." The frog went to prepare materials again, and called the elephant to help. Soon the house was built, and the little monkey saw it and praised it, "How spacious this house is!"

The little fox also ran and said, "We should have furniture at home, so we can go to drink tea!" The frog moved to the stone table and the red cup, planted vines by the way, and set up a grape trellis. In spring, the vines covered the grape trellis, and in autumn, the grapes on the trellis made the fox mouth watering.

The tortoise slowly climbed up from a distance, climbed up to the frog and said: "This shortcoming, the sand has sand, I can hatch the baby tortoise, and also can walk!" The frog went to the seaside to transport sand, and carried several cars, and the sand was spread on the edge of the mud pond. The turtle was overjoyed to see the glittering beach.

Later, a group of cats came to catch fish on the beach. The frog also prepared fishing rod, bait and fish for the cats. The kittens rushed to the frog and said, "We want to buy the mud pond!"

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (7)

The frog listened to the bird and thought, "I want to jump out of the well to see if the sky is like what the bird said."

So the frog took great pains to climb up. It saw a different world: several white clouds floating in the blue sky; The distant mountains are linked one by one; The flowers nearby are very beautiful; Green grass grows continuously; Birds fly freely in the sky; Small fish swim happily in the clear lake; A group of lovely children are playing games happily.

Seeing such a beautiful world, the frog said to the bird, "You are right, bird, it is as innocent as you said, and I will never go back!"

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (8)

The sound of frogs came from the other side of the river. The little frog jumped excitedly and shouted: "Brothers, I'm coming!" The little frog kicked his hind legs and jumped to the river, and saw the birds flying freely in the blue sky, and the white clouds in the sky were like cotton. There are green lotus leaves, pink and pink lotus flowers, lovely fish and shrimp in the sparkling river. The little frog and his brothers picked up Lianpeng and sang "quack quack".

After playing for a long time, when they jumped over, they saw the pests sneaking up on the crops. The frogs jumped out together and stuck their thin and long tongues out to stick to the pests, then rolled their tongues into their stomachs one by one. When they were full, the little frogs thought: How wonderful it would be if they could call the man at the bottom of the well!

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (9)

One morning, Xiaoming was going to school. As he walked, he saw an uncle wearing a straw hat and caught a big net of frogs. These frogs are jumping about in the net, struggling hard to escape.

Seeing how pitiful they are, Xiaoming said to his uncle, "Uncle, let them go quickly. Frogs are farmers' helpers and can catch many pests." His uncle said, "You little fart boy, go to school quickly. They are frogs that I have worked hard to catch. If you want to let them go, you should give me money." Hearing this, Xiaoming thought to himself: This man is really an ignorant money addict.

Xiaoming hurried home and took out all his pocket money. Xiaoming went to the place where the frogs were sold and gave the money to the frog seller. When the frog seller saw the money, he gave the frog to Xiaoming happily. Xiaoming released the frog and went to school. The teacher saw Xiao Ming and said, "Why are you late?" Xiao Ming said, "There was an uncle who caught a large group of frogs. I used my pocket money to buy them, and went to release them, so I was late." After listening to the teacher, he immediately praised Xiao Ming and praised him as a good and caring boy.

This story taught me not to hurt small animals and not to wear fur, because fur is made of small animals' fur. Animals are our good friends. Everyone is responsible for protecting animals.

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (10)

One afternoon after school, Xiaoming was on his way home when he saw a frog seller cleaning the net. The frogs in the net struggled to escape. Xiaoming saw them and thought: These frogs are so pathetic. If only they could be released.

Xiaoming went up to the frog seller and said, "Can you release the frogs?" The frog seller said, "Why did I release the frogs when I caught them so hard? If you want to release them, you can buy them with money."

After hearing this, Xiaoming ran home quickly, poured out his pocket money and hurried back to give it to the frog seller. The frog seller was so happy when he saw the money that he gave the frog to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming put the frog into the pond. The frogs jumped out of the net and jumped back into the water happily.

When Xiaoming returned home, Xiaoming's mother saw that Xiaoming had spent all his pocket money. Her mother was very angry and asked Xiaoming what was going on. Xiaoming said, "I used my pocket money to buy frogs, and then let them go." After listening, her mother praised Xiaoming, "What a good boy!"

Everyone should learn from Xiao Ming. Everyone is responsible for protecting animals.

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (11)

After lunch today, Xiaoming went to catch a small fish by the river. Unexpectedly, he caught a small frog. He put the little frog into the fish tank and ran home happily with the tank in his arms. When he got home, he sat on the sofa with the fish tank in his arms and wanted to look at the little frog carefully. He found that the skin of the little frog was green. It had four legs and a pair of round, big black eyes. Xiaoming was fascinated when the sound of "protect the frog" came out from the radio. Xiaoming was very strange. Why should he protect the frog? So Xiao Ming found the Encyclopedia of Animals, turned to the contents of Frogidae, and looked carefully. It turns out that frogs are expert at catching insects. They feed on pests, protect crops, kill pests, and eat mosquitoes, flies and other pests. They are beneficial insects. Seeing this, Xiaoming knew that he had made a mistake. He hurried to the river and put the frog into the river. To protect frogs is to protect the environment and our own homes.

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (12)

Today, grandparents, uncles and aunts will come to my house for dinner. Early in the morning, my mother and I went to the market to buy vegetables. There were many fresh vegetables, lively fish and shrimp in the market. Walking through stalls, we gradually picked up a lot of vegetables.

Suddenly, I saw a stall surrounded by many people, my mother and I also squeezed in. "In such a winter, there are still people selling frogs." "Yes, buy some to make a fresh picture." The aunts and uncles are talking about buying some to entertain guests.

"Quack, quack!" The poor frog cried in the bag, as if asking for help. What should I do?

My mother seemed to be a little moved. I pulled my mother's clothes and said, "Mom, do you want to buy frogs, too?" My mother smiled and said, "Frogs are very mending, and Grandpa likes them best, so buy them and have a taste". "But frogs are beneficial insects, and they are guardians of crops. We should protect them." My mother said, "Silly boy, what do you say?"

I talked with my mother for a while. My mother pretended to talk to the man and delayed time. As for me, I hurried to the gate of the vegetable market, pulled the administrator uncle there, and said to the administrator uncle, "That man sells frogs." So the administrator uncle took the boss away.

My mother and I were very happy. We lifted the bag and put the frog back into the river. The frogs plopped into the river and looked at their receding backs. I felt sweeter than honey.

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (13)

In the afternoon, Xiaohong and Grandma went to the market to buy vegetables.

Walking to the gate of the market, she heard a peddler shouting, "Buy frogs! Buy frogs!" Xiaohong grabbed her head and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, frogs protect crops and are good helpers for farmers. We went to advise the peddler to let him free the frogs." Grandma said, "Good boy, good, let's go find him."

When he came to the peddler, he saw someone coming, and said with a smile, "Madam, the frogs are fat and fat. You can buy some and go back to taste them!" Grandma accused the peddler, "You know frogs are beneficial insects, so you can catch them and sell them. Let them go quickly."

The peddler did not listen to the advice at all and said rudely, "Go away if you don't buy. Don't stand in the way."

Xiaohong looked at the live frogs in the big basin. One of them was still growling, so she said to her grandma, "Grandma, why don't we buy them first?" Grandma bought all the frogs.

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (14)

After hearing the bird's words, the little frog wanted to jump out of the well to see the outside world.

He came to the fields and saw watermelons green and round, like big basketball. He asked curiously, "What's your use?" The watermelon replied, "I can quench people's thirst!" The frog jumped away happily. He came to the pond again and saw Sister Heye. The little frog asked, "What are you doing, Sister Heye?" Sister Heye said, "I am blooming, my flowers can produce lotus seeds, and my roots can make delicious dishes for people!" The little frog felt that he had nothing to do all day long in the well, and could not help blushing.

It thought: I can help farmers catch pests in their crops! So the little frog never went back to the well. He caught pests in the fields every day and became a good friend of crops.

Frog's Composition Grade 2 (15)

One day, a frog met a group of tadpoles.

The frog said to the tadpoles, "I am what you look like when you grow up!" "Can we grow up and become what you look like?" The tadpoles asked together. The frog thought for a while and said, "Well, it will take a long time!" When they met again, some tadpoles had grown into frogs, while others said curiously, "Eh? Why didn't we grow into frogs?" However, when they met again, all tadpoles became frogs. They said happily, "We have grown up!" Then the frogs danced hand in hand.