Self selected composition (6 compilations)
It's the end of a dream
2024-06-26 00:19:56
reaction to a book or an article

Self selected composition (1)

As the New Year is coming, our family of three went shopping at Cathay Pacific Mall. Once there, it was crowded. Everyone has a bright smile on his face.

Although Cathay Pacific Mall is small, it has complete goods. Look, this counter sells drinks, and that counter sells food; Look here. This counter sells stationery, and that counter sells daily necessities It is really "small as a sparrow is, it has all five internal organs"!

Mother wants to buy a multi-layer plastic cabinet to store sundries. The salesperson warmly recommended two multi-layer plastic cabinets to us, one is green, relatively high, 198 yuan; The other one is blue, relatively short, 168 yuan. My mother couldn't make up her mind, so she asked me, "Which one do you like, baby?" I carefully looked at the two cabinets, and still thought the blue one was beautiful, so we bought the blue one.

After buying the cabinet, we also purchased some daily necessities: toothbrush, towel, washing powder, etc. I ordered a bag of white rabbit milk candy and Ahuatian. Wow, I have to queue up to pay. Cathay Pacific Mall is really busy!

Self selected composition (2)

On Sunday afternoon, I went to the shopping center with my mother, aunt and uncle. As soon as I entered the mall, my eyes flashed. Wow, it was so beautiful.

A variety of goods are all in sight, all neatly placed on various shelves. First is the stationery area, which has CD and pencil exercise books and many school supplies. I selected five new word books, two Pinyin books, and a student diary book, which is now the one).

Then, my mother and I walked around the clothing, shoes and hats area and the daily necessities area. Finally, I came to my favorite food area and selected some of my favorite candied haws and sausages. Give the money to my aunt at the cashier's office. We went home happily.

Self selected composition (3)

This semester, I read "Selected Prose of Lin Qingxuan". It flows through my heart like a trickle, relaxed and happy; It is as elegant as a gentle breeze blowing through my heart; It is like a pure white flower floating into my heart, refreshing.

Lin Qingxuan's prose is smooth and fresh, showing mellow and romantic feelings, and has moving power in the plain. My favorite prose in this book is "A cup of honey has refined several bees", which describes what small bees do in a cup of honey tea, and let me see many advantages of bees.

I was afraid of insects since I was young, and I didn't like bees. At best, I knew they were industrious. After reading this article, I saw that it has many advantages besides hard work: they are very professional, and they don't listen to anyone except the queen bee. When a beekeeper catches the queen bee, he catches the whole nest of bees; They are not afraid of death. When foreign enemies invade them, they always rush to the front and attack the enemy with the only pincers to end their lives. They know they will die without hesitation; They are also selfless. They even reduce their life span in order to make honey, but they bring great benefits to human beings.

In fact, people and bees are the same. In a great undertaking, how could there not be several people who are paying like bees? Just like a cup of honey, it is a few bees that have been refined.

Since then, when I bought honey tea, I was willing to drink honey tea. At that time, I always remembered the bees who sacrificed for it.

Self selected composition (4)

After several days of unremitting efforts, I finally finished reading "Selected Essays of Lin Qingxuan", which is a very reasonable book. It collects many small articles and reflects many great principles

What impressed me most was the article "Water will be clarified one day". I've learned that as long as the heart is tolerant, the outside disturbance will disappear.

In the sanheyuan where "I" lived as a child, there is a big water tank under the dripping ditch on the eaves, so big that you can't hold it with your hands. This is used to collect water in rainy days for washing and bathing. The rain is muddy. Put some alum in it and wait a few days for the water to clear.

It only takes a moment to make the water turbid, so the parents in the countryside have made a rule that the water in the players cannot be used. All children in the countryside know this rule. However, not playing with your own water does not mean not playing with other people's water, and "my" home is right on the way to school. Some naughty children will rush in, stir up the water in the water tank at home and run away immediately.

"We" are angry and nervous. As long as we are not careful, they will run in and stir up, which makes us very distressed.

My mother looked at "us" and said: "The more you care about the kids who are playing pranks, the happier they will be. As long as you ignore them, they will not feel funny for a long time." After listening to my mother, "we" live a normal life, and the water also clarified.

The author of the story realized that the story in life is all the time. The pursuit of wisdom and clearness of mind is indeed eternal. When we are disturbed, any anger and guard will not play any role, but will make them happier. What we need now is not our pursuit, but to lay down our anger and wait for these disturbances to clear up, just like the water in the water tank.

There are many people in life who are angry because of other people's interruptions. But no matter how angry, the number of people who disturb will not decrease. In this case, it's better to put down and make yourself clean, and the world will be clean.
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Self selected composition (5)

Mr. Lin Qingxuan is the most famous writer in Taiwan. He has created countless works throughout his life, and many articles have been selected into primary school Chinese textbooks. I like this prolific writer very much. Today, I read his collection of essays --- Selected Essays of Lin Qingxuan.

The Selected Proses of Lin Qingxuan was written by the old Mr. Lin Qingxuan who spent his whole life's effort and energy. It can be said that it is a crystallization of Lin Qingxuan's literary thought. He will teach people to see the world with a pure heart, live with a happy heart, live with a common heart, remove obstacles with a soft heart, and make their own lives more exciting. This book takes "wisdom", "freedom", "purity" and "compassion" as its themes, and takes "don't argue", "don't look", "don't hear" and "don't argue" as the answers of the author Lin Qingxuan. It is like a self questioning and self answering application question, which is very beneficial.

In the preface of the article, the author said: "Today is more compassionate than yesterday, wiser than yesterday, and happier than yesterday. This is success." Yes, if we can make a little effort every day, make progress every day, even if there is only gossamer progress, it is also a success! Why don't people do that? Isn't it a pleasant life? In one's life, one can have ambition, but one cannot have no ambition. People without ambition, whether young, middle-aged or old, will look like walking corpses.

Make progress every day - this is what the book "Selected Essays of Lin Qingxuan" has brought to me.

Self selected composition (6)

I first read the Peach Blossom Heart Wood by Lin Qingxuan. At that time, I was deeply attracted by Lin Qingxuan's fresh and elegant style, profound connotation, and understanding of life and the world. Recently, I specially bought a Collection of Lin Qingxuan's Proses, which is the essence of more than 200000 words of prose selected from the works of Lin Qingxuan, a prolific Taiwanese writer with millions of words. After that, many fragments stayed in the memory, shining from time to time. I love this book even more. I often put it beside my pillow and enjoy it before going to bed.

Lin Qingxuan's prose is most suitable for a cup of faint honeysuckle on a quiet night, sitting alone under a lamp that emits gentle light, quietly enjoying the peace and wisdom that prose brings to people. How many times, when I was upset, Lin Qingxuan's Prose Collection accompanied me, pacified my soul and calmed me down again and again. These articles, like mountains and springs, slowly come to our hearts with their gurgling sound of running water, so that we can slowly taste the joys and sorrows of life. Lin Qingxuan's prose always has a philosophical meaning and a little taste of "Zen". Reading his prose is like a baptism of the soul, which can always give people deep enlightenment.

Lin Qingxuan's articles are always far away from vulgarity and dirtiness, not to mention aggressive momentum, but beautiful and distant, refreshing. In these words, there is the freshness of flowers, the brightness of the moon, the gentleness of the wind, the broadness of nature, and the fragrance of humanity. It is like a tree growing in the heart of people. Although it is lonely, it faithfully holds the bright moon in the sky for us, so that we who live in the complicated world can see that there is still some purity in some parts of the world. His prose is aesthetical. It is light and idiomatic, and slowly narrates, with few decorations, just like "lotus grows out of clear water"; And his story is also very common. It happened around us. He wrote about me, you and him. These are articles. The first reading is fresh and unusual, and the second tasting is more enjoyable. His words will fill our hearts with peace and love every time we read them.

Through Lin Qingxuan's prose, I learned that style is like a person. Without elegant taste and crystal pure heart, how can I write beautiful articles?
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