Composition of Disgusted People (Selected 18)
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2024-06-06 02:09:16

Composition of Disgusted People (1)

Only when you have "dislike" can you know how to like it.


The seventh grade is the darkest time in my life, but at this time I met the person I most "hate".

I don't know why, I had a good math score, but at that time there was a precipitous decline. All of a sudden, those words of praise left me, leaving only sympathetic eyes and merciless mockery. "Ha ha, is this Xueba? He did so badly in the exam." "Yes, I think his previous scores were all fake!" "Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Even the teacher was disappointed and asked angrily, "Why did you do so badly this time?" I was so helpless, and my heart was so painful. "Why, why did I do so badly in the exam? I, what did I do wrong?" I was both wronged and helpless. At a loss, I finally chose to go down and give up: I didn't listen carefully in class, I didn't do my homework carefully

But in such a "dark" time, I most "hate" you appear.

It was a time after school, the bell had rung, but I was about to leave school when you stopped me. You stood in front of me and whispered: "Classmate, I have something to do with you." I said impatiently: "You hurry up! I'm in a hurry to go home." You said to me with a serious face: "Can you stop wandering in class? Can you be more serious in class? If you change, you can definitely do well in the exam." I asked: "What do you care about me? Even I gave up myself, why do you care about me? " You bit your lip and said, "I don't want a bully to disappear like this. Besides, you helped me to raise my math score. I don't want to give up a person who helped me and let me help you, OK?" "Whatever you want."

I left the school with a sneer.

From then on, you began to pester me, supervise my study and help me review. In the morning, I was told to listen carefully in class; At noon, coach me to learn mathematics; In the afternoon, I was urged to do math problems. At that time, I was really "miserable". I complained to you: "You are bothering me every day!" You said seriously: "As long as you raise your math scores, I will not bother you." Because of your supervision, I was a little uncomfortable: why there are such people! Don't bother pestering me everyday! What a nuisance! As a result, you have become my most "hated" person. Maybe I still help me with my math every day and help me with my homework. With your help, I am back to my normal learning.

In an Olympic math contest, I also proved my strength again - I won the first prize in the Olympic math contest. I stood on the podium and smiled happily. After receiving the award, I hurried to look for you, but I didn't find you. Suddenly, you came out from behind me and asked: "Am I the person you most 'hate' now?" I nodded and said: "You used to be the person I most 'hate', but now you are the person I most like." You laughed and patted my back and said: "Let's go, I'll treat you to lunch." We went into the canteen hand in hand.

Composition of Disgusted People (2)

The person I hate most is my deskmate, Li Bo.

He always likes to sleep in class. Every time I check homework with my deskmate, I often don't know what to do. He said he had a disease, and I forgave him. But once, I woke him up in class and regretted it.

That morning, he fell asleep again on the table. There are more homework originally. If the teacher catches up in class and goes to sleep again, there will be more homework. When I saw the math teacher step down, I woke him up quickly. Who knows, after he woke up, he not only didn't do his homework, but also gave me a vicious look and said, "I don't want you to mind!" God, who is this person? I was so surprised that I couldn't close my mouth.

One day in class, he finally woke up. I'm so happy. I finally have a deskmate to discuss with me. However, I was wrong again.

At the beginning of the class, he held up his hand, pretended to have a gun, looked at me, and muttered, "pia! Pia!" I told him not to play, but he said instead that I was Granny Terror. Shouting: "Grandma Horror is coming! Grandma Horror is coming!..." I am so angry.

I told him what homework was left unfinished. After listening, he lowered his head and began to write. I thought he was doing his homework, but when I saw it, he drew a wrinkled, grinning old woman with my name written on it! I was so angry that my nostrils smoked. He is shaking his legs proudly!

I don't want to be a deskmate with this person anymore!

Composition of Disgusted People (3)

Only when you have "dislike" can you know how to like it.

The seventh grade is the darkest time in my life, but at this time I met the person I most "hate".

I don't know why, I had a good math score, but at that time there was a precipitous decline. All of a sudden, those words of praise left me, leaving only sympathetic eyes and merciless mockery. "Ha ha, is this Xueba? He did so badly in the exam." "Yes, I think his previous scores were all fake!" "Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Even the teacher was disappointed and asked angrily, "Why did you do so badly this time?" I was so helpless, and my heart was so painful. "Why, why did I do so badly in the exam? I, what did I do wrong?" I was both wronged and helpless. At a loss, I finally chose to go down and give up: I didn't listen carefully in class, I didn't do my homework carefully

But in such a "dark" time, I most "hate" you appear.

It was a time after school, the bell had rung, but I was about to leave school when you stopped me. You stood in front of me and whispered: "Classmate, I have something to do with you." I said impatiently: "You hurry up! I'm in a hurry to go home." You said to me with a serious face: "Can you stop wandering in class? Can you be more serious in class? If you change, you can definitely do well in the exam." I asked: "What do you care about me? Even I gave up myself, why do you care about me? " You bit your lip and said, "I don't want a bully to disappear like this. Besides, you helped me to raise my math score. I don't want to give up a person who helped me and let me help you, OK?" "Whatever you want."

I left the school with a sneer.

From then on, you began to pester me, supervise my study and help me review. In the morning, I was told to listen carefully in class; At noon, coach me to learn mathematics; In the afternoon, I was urged to do math problems. At that time, I was really "miserable". I complained to you: "You are bothering me every day!" You said seriously: "As long as you raise your math scores, I will not bother you." Because of your supervision, I was a little uncomfortable: why there are such people! Don't bother pestering me everyday! What a nuisance! As a result, you have become my most "hated" person. Maybe I still help me with my math every day and help me with my homework. With your help, I am back to my normal learning.

In an Olympic math contest, I also proved my strength again - I won the first prize in the Olympic math contest. I stood on the podium and smiled happily. After receiving the award, I hurried to look for you, but I didn't find you. Suddenly, you came out from behind me and asked: "Am I the person you most 'hate' now?" I nodded and said: "You used to be the person I most 'hate', but now you are the person I most like." You laughed and patted my back and said: "Let's go, I'll treat you to lunch." We went into the canteen hand in hand.

Composition of Disgusted People (4)

Bright big eyes, flickering; A bit flat nose, always with crystal sweat; Cherry like mouth, can't speak yet! She is what I hate most - Yuan Yuan.

Maybe someone will ask: Yuan Yuan is so cute, why do you hate her?

"Ouch!" I yelled. It was Grandma who came to me with Yuan Yuan, who was ignorant. The little nuisance grabbed my hair and grabbed some of it. It hurt! I tried to pull my poor hair out of her hand, quickly avoided her hand, and jumped onto the sofa. Yuan Yuan even grinned, making me unable to laugh or cry.

Yuanyuan not only likes to manipulate my hair, but also likes to destroy my things. This little sister is the title of "King of Destruction"! My pencil box, books, colored pens and so on, she would grab them as soon as she saw them, and the most horrible thing was to take the books away. If you are not careful, she will immediately create a mess of garbage for you. Every time I go, I don't do my homework.

Yesterday afternoon, I took a small bag I just bought to her house to play. My sister danced when she saw me coming, not to mention how happy she was. As soon as I sat beside her, she reached for the small bag. I had to give it to her to play. But I went to the bathroom and found that the ribbon on the bag had been torn off by the "king of destruction" and was wearing it on her head to face me! I'm so angry and funny! I quickly "recaptured" my bag and put it aside. I turned around and scolded her severely, but she just stared at me blankly and was at a loss. I was totally stunned!

Look! Isn't such a cute little sister annoying?

Composition of Disgusted People (5)

There are many people I hate most, not only nagging, meddling, bullying... Such annoying people, I hate the beggars who beg for money and food on the roadside.

I once watched a program called Help the Wanderers. One of the professors told us a story. The story was that the professor went to lunch after he finished teaching in the school. He saw a female beggar with a child and kept saying "Give us some food". The professor knew that it was a lie, So he took the so-called "mother and daughter" to the school canteen, ordered a bowl of noodles for each of them and left. When he went to the canteen again, the cook there said to him, "Don't bring the tramp here anymore. They didn't even drink soup, so they returned the noodles." From this point of view, the so-called "hungry", It's not that I'm alone, but my wallet is "hungry". It is possible that those vagrants use this excuse to cheat people out of their money and let ordinary people give their love. It is possible that he already has a lot of money.

I also saw a scene with my own eyes where a college student carrying a schoolbag knelt on the roadside. In front of him was a pile of words written in chalk. It said that he came to study in Zhangdian, but his wallet was lost and there was no money. Let's give him some money. But as long as we think about it, we can see that, He is a college student who comes out to study. In that case, he will only bring money, learning materials and daily necessities. But where does his chalk come from? Does he still bring his own chalk to the professor or teacher for learning? Is the teacher so poor that he can't even afford to buy chalk?

These young people will end up making noise. Even the old men and women make noise. They even kneel on the ground and pretend to be disabled. I think they are not disabled in legs, but in brains. They are also squeezed by the door. In such a cold winter, instead of staying at home, he ran to the street to do what he called "work".

Another reason why I hate beggars most is that adults can make troubles themselves and bring such small children to make troubles together.

I hate beggars, I hate beggars, I hate beggars

Composition of Disgusted People (6)

Life is an endless story; Life is an inexhaustible picture; Life is an inexhaustible expression of true feelings. However, in life, there are some things we have to face. I have encountered such a thing: learn from the most annoying people.

The person I hate most is the aunt who sells newspapers under the No.596 bus stop sign at Wheel Square. Every time I passed there, she would pester me to buy a newspaper until I bought her newspaper.

Therefore, I hate that aunt from the bottom of my heart.

Once, when I passed by the station sign, the newspaper lady came again. She said: 'Children, buy a newspaper!' I ignored her and walked on. She said, 'Buy a newspaper, little friend!' When I was bored, I said, 'What are you bored with?' The aunt was shocked by this sentence and said, 'I'm sorry.' I went to sell newspapers with a red face. Since then, my aunt saw me and left immediately.

However, God seems to be against me.

On this day, the teacher said to me: 'Xiao Chen, we organized an activity: learn how to sell newspapers. Your study object is the aunt of 596 Station.' Hearing this, I had no choice but to go to the square.

As soon as I got to the square, my aunt saw me turning around and was ready to leave. I immediately shouted, 'Auntie, don't go first.' My aunt stopped to look at me. I went up to her and explained my purpose. She gave me ten newspapers and told me: 'One newspaper costs one yuan.' I nodded and walked to the crowded vegetable market. I took ten newspapers and walked to an uncle who said, 'I don't need them.' At this time, the aunt behind me came up and said, 'Look at how I sell newspapers!' Then he walked to a young aunt and said, 'Miss, buy a newspaper! There are new beauty products on it! ' The aunt was so impressed that she took out her money to buy a newspaper.

Now it's up to me to sell newspapers. It's easier said than done, but with the help of my aunt, I finally sold all ten newspapers. At this time, I realized how difficult it is to make money.

The 10 yuan I held in my hand was given to my aunt, who took 4 yuan out of it and put it in her pocket. The rest was given to me, saying, 'Keep it for yourself!', Then he left.

I looked at my aunt's back, tears could not help flowing down my cheeks.

Composition of Disgusted People (7)

"One more friend, one more road, one more enemy, one more wall." This is a sentence that teacher Xu often teaches us. But, teacher, have you ever thought that some people really can't be friends with her

She is thin and looks beautiful, but there is a black birthmark on her left face. She is the most annoying person in my fifth grade.

Once, we participated in the activity of Hefei Volunteer Home. We are newsboys, selling newspapers. On the way to sell newspapers, I obviously told xxx (grandpa, grandma.) No. 1, but she always came to me to argue when I could finish a "deal" soon. You don't know, this is your impolite performance, you will only make me look down on you! Yes, you sold more newspapers than I did in the end, but is it meaningful? "No." I tell you definitely. Because in your achievements, there are others' sweat and labor achievements.

Another time, when we had a new concept class, it was clearly the first place for me to sit, but she insisted on crowding with me. I was worried and said, "I sit here every time. Why do you crowd with me?" She replied, "This is not your home. Why do you always sit here?" I said, "Yes, this is really not my home. However, I sit on it first..." She had nothing to say, but she and I crowded together.

There are many friends and more ways. One more enemy, one more wall. I hope she can change her sixth grade!

Composition of Disgusted People (8)

I am also a very open-minded person in life. I have a good temper and a high tolerance, but I hate a person named Wang ×× very much.

We play a game of "catching people" every day. It was normal to stumble in the game. But once she catches Wang ××, she will try to get rid of him by various means or reasons. She will not catch him quickly or counter catch him, that is, she will not catch him... She will also play the game because of careless bumping and playing. As long as she exists, the game will not be enjoyable.

At school, if someone accidentally gets hit by her, he will be furious: "blind, didn't see anyone here..." Then he will scold. But when she accidentally or deliberately meets someone else, she says, "Sorry!" or "Sorry!", none of them.

She also studies hard, and the teacher often worries about it, but she still goes her own way. She rides a bike every day and thinks she is great.

She hasn't kept her word. One day, one of my classmates confided to me: "I had an appointment with her to meet in the park and go out to play, but she didn't come, and I froze to death that day..." Then a burst of laughter suddenly came to our ears. "Ha ha ha", Wang ×× said unexpectedly, "You are stupid, who told you to wait..."

Will anyone like such a person who is headstrong, disrespectful and dishonest?

Composition of Disgusted People (9)

You can't imagine that the person I hate most is my mother! She has a round head, long hair, two curved eyebrows, a pair of bright big eyes, a garlic like nose, a mouth that is not big or small. It is obvious that she is a strict person. However, she is really strict. When I do something wrong, she gets angry and looks terrible. I must be obedient to my orders to escape the disaster

You see, I can't be idle during the holiday. I go to the composition class from 7:30 to 9:30 every day, and then at ten o'clock, I will go to the piano class to play the piano for an hour. In the afternoon, I will go to the foreign language class from one to three o'clock, and then I will go to the Olympic math class for another two hours, which makes me sleep hard every day and go home late. I have to keep a diary and do my homework. In addition, I have to write the homework my mother left for me. Of course, my mother was busy picking me up and seeing me off in these classes.

Sometimes, there are fewer courses. I go out to play. But every time I just play for a short time, my mother asks me to go upstairs to write compositions, diaries, homework, etc. Not only do I do my homework in the morning, but she also takes me home to do my homework after school and dinner in the evening. Do you think she can stop annoying me?

My mother is a man who acts vigorously, so she can't stand my 'slow motion'. Every time when I can't keep up with her, she yells at the children of Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Erma's family who praise me perfectly and compare me to nothing. When I heard her disparaging me like this, I was so angry that I gnashed my teeth. I felt that she was not my own mother. How can you say that such a mother can not make me hate?

However, if I hate her, she still cares and loves me very much. Slowly, I think my annoying mother makes me become more and more excellent. I like her a little, really!

Composition of Disgusted People (10)

At all times and in all over the world, there have been many celebrities, good and bad, just and evil. I hate Cao Cao most. He was one of the rulers of the Wei State in the Three Kingdoms Period. He is arrogant, many people hate him, and he also calls himself the emperor. In the battle of Chibi, we did not need to plot, so that our 800000 troops were wiped out and fled in a panic. Of course, he also has something worth learning from: he managed the State of Wei stronger and stronger. But the reason why I hate him most is:

One year, after Cao Cao buried Guan Gong, he closed his eyes and saw Guan Gong beside him. He was very frightened. Soon he got head wind disease. Hua Xin recommended Hua Tuo, the miracle doctor, and Cao Cao sent for Hua Tuo overnight. Hua Tuo felt Cao Cao's pulse and said: "? The king's disease is in the brain. It can be completely cured only by splitting the brain.? Hearing this, Cao Cao became suspicious and thought that Hua Tuo had come to avenge Guan Gong, so he ordered Hua Tuo to be sent to prison to die.

Since Cao Cao killed Hua Tuo, his condition has become more serious. Before long, he died.

If Cao Cao obeys the treatment plan of the miracle doctor Hua Tuo, he will be able to cure his own disease. But he doesn't know right from wrong and inverts black and white. I think Cao Cao is an old stubborn man. Hua Tuo is kind enough to help him, but he refuses to listen and kills Hua Tuo. This kind of person deserves to die.

I hate such people.

Composition of Disgusted People (11)

I hate my fifth grade composition most

Alas, my most annoying person is my mother. Why? After reading the following story, you will know!

One of the reasons for "dislike":

"Mom! Help check your homework!" "It's your responsibility to check your homework, and adults have no obligation!" "Why don't we change roles?" "Well, you cook tomorrow!" "Damn..." Alas, when my mother is called to check her homework, she will definitely refuse without any face; Even if you check it, she will say the result of 9 × 3 is 28, and the quotient of 3 divided by 51 is 16. Unfortunately, sometimes she pretends to play games, and loses just to take your breath out... It's unbearable!

The second reason of "dislike":

"Mom, where is my composition book?" Hey! Don't laugh at me, this is my "usual"! On weekdays, I am a "little sloppy". If I lose something, I have to find my mother to solve it; Generally, when she asks such questions, she sometimes says "go find it yourself", but sometimes she refuses to answer with silence. If she gets annoyed, she threatens me with the words "I will punish you if I find it". It's too unlucky!

The third reason of "dislike":

"Baby, get up quickly." A "sweet" voice floated over. Hi! How can we waste the golden time on weekends? No, go to sleep. By the way, reply: "No, sleep for another ten minutes, OK?" "I count 1, 2, 3, and you can't afford it! 1...... 2...... 3...... "So I had to speed up and get up. It's a pity that my mother never sleeps late. Sobbing! Otherwise, I can fix her

Hey, my dear mother, I love you to death!

Composition of Disgusted People (12)

I especially hate people who often speak ill of others behind their backs.

When I just turned to Hongqi Complete Primary School, I was not familiar with the place of my life. Tongtong was the first friend I made in this school. Although there are many people around her, she still takes care of me, which is not really care! Sometimes when I am alone, she will run over and take me to the canteen to buy something to eat, but I will pay every time. Although I am very happy, she will spend half of my pocket money every day. Finally, I can't stand it anymore. That day, I invited her to the coffee shop. I ordered two cups of coffee, and soon Tongtong came. Tongtong is wearing a white T-shirt, short jeans and white canvas shoes. This is her favorite coffee shop. She sat down and said, "What's the matter with me today? I also asked my favorite coffee shop." She took a small spoon to stir the coffee. I take a deep breath. "You are my first good friend and my best friend, but you will spend half of my pocket money every day. You said you would pay me back, but three months later, you didn't give me any money. I really can't stand you, so let's break up!" After saying this, I threw a hundred yuan on the table, "This is your favorite coffee shop, I guess you don't have any money with you! This is the last time I will pay for it." I said, and I turned my head and walked away without looking back. I don't know what the expression of Tong Tong is, but I must be very angry. How can she not be angry when being treated like this?

The next morning, I looked at my favorite book as if nothing had happened. Tong Tong was very angry, lying on the table and ignoring anyone. Class is over. I went to the toilet and heard a loud voice when I was going back to the classroom. "Hua Hua, who do you think she is? She is very ordinary and I am the princess from the top. She is an ugly duckling. It is ridiculous for me to make friends with an ugly duckling. If she did not have good academic performance and anyone wanted to approach her, my parents were to blame. They said that if I failed in the exam, I would not accept my pocket money this month, otherwise who would like to make friends with her. Don't talk to her later. If I see you, you know the consequences. " Hua Hua and Xiaoxue became submissive and said "Yes." After they left, I was in a bad mood. "I didn't expect her to see me like this. Thanks to me, she became a good friend and claimed to be a princess. What age is it? I hate such people most."

Composition of Disgusted People (13)

Everyone has annoying people in their hearts, and I am no exception. My sister is the most annoying one. She is simply a royal pet in our family. In the eyes of my parents, she is a limited edition little Laurie, but in my eyes, she is a real leather child jumping up and down.

Remember last time, we went to the amusement park together. The hot sun was baking the earth. Suddenly, a huge umbrella was stretched over our heads. An ice cream machine was working hard. I thought to myself, "Heh heh heh heh, this is a great opportunity to eat ice cream crazily!" I smiled and said, "Mother and Father, let me buy an ice cream to honor you in such a hot day." "Hmm... OK, here you are, this is 100 yuan." Dad said, and gave me 100 yuan. "No -- OK!" Mother said. "If you want to buy it, you can use your pocket money to buy it!" Well... I'm so angry that I don't call anywhere, and I just run to the ice cream machine with a mouthful. "Don't forget, elder sister, I want strawberry flavor!" "OK." I smiled slightly. "Okay, here, strawberry ice cream, then!" I threw the ice cream on my sister's face. "Ouch! It's so cold! Wuwuwu" "Zheng Yi, what are you doing?" Next, you should know what happened. There is a red and swollen slap mark on my face.

When he got home, housekeeper Lin said, "Madam, I want to lock you in the room..." Before he finished, I said, "I know, I will go in." Alas, what bad luck! Sister, why do I hate you so much!

Grade 3: Zheng Yi

Composition of Disgusted People (14)

She is one year younger than me. She is my cousin. She has big eyes, dark hair and an oval face. I can talk about her bad habits for three days and nights.

Strong words with many reasons

Last summer vacation, my sister and I spent our vacation at Grandma's house. She has less homework, so she always drags me to play. When I didn't play with her, she became angry: "No play, no play. Who wants to play with you?" I pretended not to hear anything, but a fire was burning in my heart.

"Put your schoolbag away, and I will do my homework." I said, holding her schoolbag on the kang. Who knows, she kicked my bag to the ground and pushed me again. As I was unprepared, I bumped into the table, which made me cry.

"Can you be reasonable?" I rubbed my hurt arm and said rudely to her.

"I'm unreasonable? You threw your schoolbag at me first." She also said righteously.

I was so angry that I couldn't speak, so I called my grandma who was cooking in the kitchen.

Grandma found out and asked her, "Your sister didn't throw your schoolbag, why did you push your sister?"

She immediately pretended to be pathetic and said to her grandmother, "Aunt, my sister lied. If she wanted to do her homework, she threw my bag on the ground. Then she accidentally bumped into the table. It's none of my business."

Grandma had nothing to say, and called her mother. But my mother not only didn't get justice for me, but also severely scolded me. I was also charged with "lying" and "bullying the small".

be insatiably avaricious

Another Sunday, my mother fried the remaining ten pieces of wheat flavored chicken at noon and cooked two dishes. It happened that my sister was also there.

At dinner, I looked straight at her. I found my sister changed her habit of eating slowly. Today, she ate chicken pieces piece by piece. Uncle also stared at his sister. I looked at my uncle and saw that what was supposed to be delicious for both of us came into my sister's mouth. There were sparks in each other's eyes, but I dared to be angry under my mother's authority.

In the end, my uncle and I ate two pieces of ten pieces of chicken, my father and mother ate one piece of chicken, and my sister ate five pieces of chicken.

My mother seemed to see our unhappiness and whispered to me, "My sister is a guest, let her. I will take you to eat hamburgers one day."

"Hmm!" "OK!" I promised and thought to myself: I will go to her house one day to eat enough, so that she can feel the hardship of being the host.

Although I think so in my heart, she doesn't often come to my house. Let her go! But she always flipped through my things, put the books at random after reading, and often yelled at me, which really made me unbearable.

Ah! What a nuisance!

Composition of Disgusted People (15)

If you ask me who I hate most, I will tell you without hesitation Xiao Ming

I hated Xiao Ming very much when I was in kindergarten, and I still hate him today. Of course, I have good reasons. When we play together, he always scolds people. I can't describe those ugly words. Ah, how uncivilized! Also, I remember when I was in the first grade, I played on the slide with Xiao Ming. He followed me as soon as I got on the slide. He pushed me hard when I wasn't paying attention. Suddenly, I turned my head down and my feet up, and Gulu rolled down. Fortunately, my hand touched the ground first. If I dare not think further.

This is bright, and there is also dark!

What I remember most clearly was the day soon after the sixth grade began. I went to the shop to buy an eraser. I met her on the way, and she wanted to buy an eraser, too. When I put the eraser in the schoolbag, I found that the water in the water cup in the schoolbag was spilled, and the book was all wet. So I quickly put down my bag and took out the books one by one.

We just took out the books in the bag when Xiao Ming came. After seeing our mess, he first asked what was wrong, and then helped us get up. I thought: Hey! Where did the sun come out today? He also showed mercy and became a Bodhisattva. It was not easy to put it away, but I found that my bike key was missing. I'm so worried. Where have I been? I was in the car just now. Why did I fly away soon? I remember sweating. Just then, Xiaohong found a key in the tree. This is my car key. When I took the key, Xiao Ming chuckled, turned and ran away.

Oh, this sly smile made me understand. Since then, I have never cared for this wolf grandmother.

I hate Xiao Ming. I don't know when he will become better and stop playing such pranks! Ah!

Composition of Disgusted People (16)

The person I hate most is my former deskmate. His relationship with me is unclear. He is my good brother by calculation, but he is also the person I hate most. When the teacher asked him to replace him, my heart was both happy and lost.

Although he is my best friend, he is the person I hate most. Why? The reasons are as follows:

Cause 1: stinginess

mean. He is stingy. Needless to say, the whole class knows how stingy he is. In terms of image, he is clean dressed, fair faced, wearing a pair of glasses, always smiling slightly at the corners of his mouth, and looks very kind with a knowledgeable appearance. But the whole class hated him because he was too stingy, and because his skin was white, at first, the whole class gave him a nickname, "Little Aries" sounds very good, but once he became stingy, it would be more iron than a rooster, and the iron would rust. So, later he changed his nickname, "Iron White Sheep", is it very vivid? I have a deep feeling for his stinginess. In ordinary times, let alone borrowing rubber, he would not lend a lead. His things are more important than life. It's even more difficult to borrow from him than to ascend to the sky. No matter how difficult the Shu Path is, it's also difficult to borrow from him.

The second reason is weird

Odd. Although his appearance makes him look like a normal person, his behavior is not like a normal person. He always has a lot of strange ideas, which makes people laugh and cry. I doubt whether his brain is human brain or not? Why are people the same? Why is there so much difference in thinking? Sometimes I really want to pry his brain to see what's inside? He sometimes bursts into laughter, regardless of the scene or the characters or the time. He may burst into laughter anytime, anywhere. In addition, he has many strange ways to deal with people, which will make you feel overwhelmed. Therefore, to be friends and brothers with her, we should first guard against his mischief, otherwise, it will be very tragic. It's really terrible and dangerous to be with him, so I hate him so much.

Cause 3: concealment

None of the above reasons can be regarded as the real reason why I hate him. The main reason is that he always deceives me. He always hides everything, good or bad, from me alone. When he is in trouble, he always lies to me that he is OK. Then he hides everything. When I am in trouble, he will take the responsibility in silence and won't let me know. But if there are good things, he will also hide them, which makes me very embarrassed, and he takes all the benefits himself, and doesn't leave any for me. Maybe it is related to his stinginess? No matter good or bad, he always takes everything for me and makes me laugh or cry.

Hate and like, truth and illusion, there is only a thin line between them. If you want to transform each other, just in a thought, although I hate him, he silently becomes my good friend and brother, watching him cheat me, hiding everything I have done and suffered, I really want to sing a sentence: "My good brother, I have a pain in my heart. You said to me that life is hard to rise and fall, and we should live a strong life. It's hard and tiring, and what can it be......" You are always my most annoying, brother.

Composition of Disgusted People (17)

Every day after school, he would take my mother's car home. Every time he gets off the bus, he deliberately leaves the door open. I ask him to close the door. He also says, "Will you close it anyway?" After that, he quickly runs home, which really enrages me.

When he came to my house to play, he always opened my toy box on his own initiative and found out the robots, transformers and various cards in it. When they finished playing, they dropped their toys on the ground with a bang and turned to watch TV. I asked him to clean up together, but he said: "Take it first!" When I finished taking it, he smiled and said: "Great, I don't need to take it." I really hate him!

Once, he spent the night at my house and got dirty during the day. Instead of taking a bath, he just lay on my bed. I told him to hurry down, but he stretched his neck, rolled his eyes and stared at me, "Why not wash it?" Because I could not beat him, otherwise, he would have been beaten everywhere.

I am not happy to see him. If you want to say that he is annoying, there is no room for him. For example, when his father jokingly nicknamed him, he deliberately hid the charger to make his father worried; My mother said that where he did not do well, he deliberately soiled his clothes and asked my mother to wash them for him.

Look, this is the annoying little brother. He doesn't pay attention to hygiene, makes trouble without reason, and has revenge!

Composition of Disgusted People (18)

My father is a civil servant. He is responsible for urban management, market, property management, people's armed forces and other work in a small town. He is under great pressure at work, so he is very busy and seldom sees him at home. Sometimes when I see him, I also look serious and not "friendly" at all. If he has some free time when he comes home, he will ask about my study and homework. When he was correcting my homework, his face was pale, his eyes were fixed on my homework book, and his brow was locked. I dare not go out even though I am a big man. The air in the room seems to be frozen. When the quality of my homework is good, my father will praise me, and I will sigh for a long time. Sometimes I am afraid that my father will catch me when I am not serious about my homework.

Dad is very strict with me in observing discipline. I remember one time when I was taking a break in the morning at school, I finished my homework and talked to my classmates sitting behind me. Although the class was almost over, the teacher found me because I didn't observe the classroom discipline. That night, my father punished me to stand in the corner to reflect and let me write a review. In fact, at noon, I already knew that I was wrong and admitted to the teacher, but my father still wanted to punish me. At that time, I was very disgusted with my father's practice. After facing the wall, my father talked to me. From the goose queuing to the story of Lenin's discipline, he told me the importance of children's discipline. It doesn't matter if you make a mistake. The key is to correct it. You can't fall down several times in the same place. This method of education also impressed me deeply, so that I would never make the same mistake again in the future and help me correct such mistakes. Later, when I wanted to talk to other students in class again, I thought of my father's words, which really deepened my impression and no longer made mistakes.

Now you know, I don't really hate my father. In fact, he has always been good for me. He expects me to be a man of discipline and faith.

Dad, I wish you could be more kind to me!