Inspiration from Essays (17 popular articles)
I'm afraid of the heart
2024-06-04 03:23:34
fifth grade

Inspiration from Composition Grass (1)

I like lucky and rich peonies, graceful daffodils, and stars all over the sky, but I like the tough grass best.

When people enjoy the charming flowers and revel in them, who would think of the unknown grass? No, Who cares about this extremely ordinary grass? either. But the grass doesn't care. It doesn't need this vanity. It just silently sets off the beauty of flowers, making them more beautiful and blooming.

Grass, it is indomitable. At people's feet, in stone crevices, in the hot desert, in the cold Arctic Circle, there will always be room for grass to grow, and there will always be strong figures of grass. In the endless desert, a grass stubbornly straightens its waist. Instead of complaining about the foul living conditions given to it by nature, it tries its best to survive, smiling at life, the sun and the new day.

How ordinary and inconspicuous this grass is! Although, it is not as tall and burly as a towering tree, not as charming and moving as a flower, not as green as evergreen, not to mention as towering as pines and cypresses. But it praises nature, eulogizes nature and embellishes nature with its tenacious vitality.

This is an unknown, unyielding, extremely ordinary grass. However, it contains a valuable spirit. It tells us that no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should not give up and face them firmly, tenaciously and bravely.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (2)

People say that the grass is very weak. Yes, it is really inconspicuous, weak and short. It is not as delicate and eye-catching as colorful flowers; There is no tall body like a towering tree, and you can't stretch your hands into the sky to attract people's attention; But it has tenacious vitality. I like it!

The strong wind can blow off the branches of trees, and the heavy rain can knock off the petals of flowers, but they can't do anything about the green grass. After the strong wind and heavy rain, the fresh green grass quickly regained its former appearance, so quiet and undamaged. It is so resilient and strong.

Grass is a symbol of vitality. The grass full of thick green is a model with tenacious vitality. Grass can be seen everywhere along the path, on the beach and under the roof. The hot sun could not kill it, and the cold of the ice bone could not damage it. When a spring rain hit, it stuck its head out of the ground.

Grass is the representative of green environmental protection. If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth; If there is no grass, the earth will become boring; If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth.

The green grass is boundless and endless. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million...... Are all over the green lawn. Where did the green come from? oh It turns out that it is grass that embellishes the dull and monotonous earth with its tenacious body so fresh and beautiful! The lawn can provide people with rest, shade, and play to their heart's content! Whenever you lie on the grass, you will feel very comfortable.

Grass, although you are weak, you are always strong! What you bring to people is comfort and comfort. We should learn from the perseverance and perseverance of Xiao Cao. In the future, no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should be brave and strong like grass! We should be more like grass to contribute our own green spirit to the society.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (3)

It is said that the grass is very weak. Yes, it is really inconspicuous, weak and short. It is not as delicate and eye-catching as colorful flowers; There is no tall body like a towering tree, and you can't stretch your hands into the sky to attract people's attention; But it has tenacious vitality. I like it!

The strong wind can blow off the branches of trees, and the heavy rain can knock off the petals of flowers, but they can't do anything about the green grass. After the strong wind and heavy rain, the fresh green grass quickly regained its former appearance, so quiet and undamaged. It is so resilient and strong.

Grass is a symbol of vitality. The thick green grass is a model with tenacious vitality. Grass can be seen everywhere along the path, on the beach and under the roof. The hot sun could not kill it, and the cold of the ice bone could not damage it. When a spring rain hit, it stuck its head out of the ground.

Grass is the representative of green environmental protection. If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth; If there is no grass, the earth will become boring; If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth.

The green grass is boundless and endless. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million...... Are all over the green lawn. Where did the green come from? oh It is the grass that makes the dull and monotonous earth so fresh and beautiful with its indomitable body! The lawn can provide people with rest, shade, and play to their heart's content! Whenever you lie on the grass, you will feel very comfortable.

Grass, although you are weak, you are always strong! What you bring to people is comfort and comfort. We should learn from the perseverance and perseverance of Xiao Cao. In the future, no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should be brave and strong like grass! We should be more like grass to contribute our own green spirit to the society.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (4)

Some people like the pure white magnolia; Some people like the charming and fragrant peony; Some people like tall and straight pine trees. But I like the unknown grass. It has no tall stature, no colorful body, and no refreshing fragrance. It is so inconspicuous.

Spring is coming, and the grass is trying to come out and meet the beautiful world. Whether they are in fertile land or poor soil, with only enough water, grass will try to decorate and beautify the land. The midsummer is coming, and the flowers are dying. Only the grass is burning the hot sun on its head.

When the storm comes, the thunder and lightning, the wind and the clouds sweep away, which is a great danger to small flowers and big trees. Some branches break, some fall into the channel, some are buried in the soil, but the grass is here, in the thunder and lightning, no matter how the sky polishes it, it will not fall.

The autumn wind is blowing, and the grass has spent a lifetime in the autumn wind. People will lament: "Alas, the grass has withered, what plants will decorate the earth?" Although the grass has withered, it will grow again next year. As people say, "The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again." The grass reminds me that no matter how difficult the road is, we should stick to it, and we can reach the other side of success. This is the spiritual enlightenment of "grass" to me.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (5)

More or less, you will encounter some things in your life that can enlighten you. Sometimes you will inadvertently get inspiration from ordinary life.

It was a hot summer day. It was extremely stuffy. Many delicate flowers could not stand the scorching sun and hung their heads. Even the bright and charming "clothes" in the past had become wrinkled and yellow. But in June, the child's face changed. The sky seemed to knock over the ink bottle, and the white clouds suddenly changed color. The big raindrops jumped on the ground, and the eaves made a sound of "wow, wow". Soon the ground was soaked. I ran home quickly in the rain, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier, so I had to take shelter under the eaves, thinking: it would be nice to take shelter!

Hiding under the eaves, the flower beds still in the rain attracted my attention. I observed it just like Columbus discovered the New World. The leaves on that small tree could not withstand the torture had spread all over the ground. The leaves falling from the big tree wanted to fly in the wind but were shot down to the ground by the naughty rain doll, and could not get up again. Camellia, which is showing its beauty in the flower bed, can no longer stand the test, withered, and surrendered to the wind and rain.

At this time, in the most inconspicuous low corner of the flower bed, a small green life was swaying in the wind, but they were holding their heads high and did not succumb to the storm. Their tiny waist writhes in the wind, as if dancing with the wind. The raindrops mercilessly hit the grass without mercy, but the grass never bowed its head. The rain drops wet the grass, but make it look more moving, more green and beautiful. Soon, the rain stopped. After the ravages of, the whole world has been in a mess. Leaves are fluttering everywhere, flowers have already fallen, and only isolated branches are left. Only the beautiful grass is still intact.

Looking at the ordinary grass, I saw its spirit of never bowing its head, never giving up and bravely facing. I also want to be like it: I would rather be a grass that bravely faces the storm than a greenhouse flower that is petite and fragile and can not withstand any hardships. The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain. As long as you face it bravely and withstand the polishing of the wind and rain, you will certainly see the sunny day with the rainbow hanging high.

After a while, the rain stopped! The warm sunshine shines on me after the rain. I was in a good mood and walked forward with a brisk step.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (6)

Inspiration from Xiao Cao 400 words (1)

In people's eyes, Xiaocao is an inconspicuous little thing. It is so fragile that people can press it under their feet. However, have you noticed their spirit of "spring breeze rebirth"? Yes, the first time I saw the grass, I thought it was fragile, because you can easily pull it up or break it. However, after one thing happened, I changed my view of the grass. Once, when I was walking on the lawn, I inadvertently looked down at the grass I stepped on, and raised my foot. The bent grass slowly "stood up"! It's incredible! I felt very strange. I suddenly became interested. I picked up a small stone and pressed it on some grass. A few seconds later, the grass pried up the stone! I am not reconciled to pulling a handful of grass. A few days later, I went to look at the grass again, and it turned out that there was green grass. I was shocked by the grass's perseverance... Now when I look back at the grass, it seems that after the rain, the trees are crooked and the grass is safe. Originally, the grass is so strong! I think what can we learn from grass, who is called the only generation?

Inspiration from Xiao Cao 400 words (2)

400 words of inspiration

At school, teachers often teach us to be happy to help others and take the initiative to help people in difficulty. I keep this sentence firmly in mind, as long as I meet people in difficulty, I can help, I will do my best to help.

Just a few days ago, something happened that inspired me. When I passed a station on my way to school, a white haired old man came into my sight. She was about seventy years old, wearing dark blue clothes, leaning on crutches, and saw her moving her feet. The old man carefully distinguished the front of each bus as she walked

The sign, she looked at the bus that had just stopped, and finally shook the handrail and got on the bus. Seeing the old man get on the bus, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. But she got off the bus again, and I was going to help her. At that moment, a boy with the appearance of a student came to the old man. He walked quickly to the old man, holding his arm in his hands, and asked what was going on with his head lowered. He helped the old man to go forward while asking, She did not hesitate to lend a helping hand, and was even more happy that the student could send the old man to the destination she wanted to go. I think: as long as we all treat others with a beautiful love, as long as we

All people are constantly pouring a spring of love into the society, then our society will be full of love, and it will become better!

Inspiration of Xiao Cao 500 words

I like beautiful peonies, graceful daffodils, romantic red roses and fiery azaleas, but I prefer strong and unyielding grass.

The grass is unknown. When people exclaim and praise those charming flowers, who thought of grass, who knows how to praise grass? No, However, the grass doesn't care about those vanity, it just silently sets off the flowers to make them more beautiful.

The grass is strong and unyielding. They are pressed

In order to grow under the stone, no matter how hard the stone is, or how narrow the stone crack is, they all grow up firmly and break through many difficulties. Success always favors the hardworking people, so they succeed, and they grow out of the stone under their own hard work! The grass is ordinary. It is not as strong as a big tree and can provide shade and materials for people; There is no flower as gorgeous and charming, which is appreciated and admired by people. They seem to be forgotten, but they are not discouraged. They use their vigorous vitality to make their footprints everywhere. "The grass grows withered and flourished every year when you leave the original land. The wildfire cannot burn out, and the spring wind blows again." How vividly Bai Juyi wrote the tenacious vitality of the grass in this poem! In fact, when grass grows one by one

When they grow together, don't talk about wildfires. Even if it's stormy, lightning and thunder, what can they do? It is such ordinary, unknown, indomitable grass that makes me understand the truth of being a man: you don't need to pursue those vanity; You don't need to feel inferior to yourself because it is not your size that determines success or failure, but to be the best you! Have the courage to overcome difficulties, and believe that success is not far away!

400 words of enlightenment from a famous saying

In my memory, there is a famous saying that enlightens me a lot and makes me keep improving. This famous saying is: "The strength of a ship lies in the sail, and the strength of a person lies in the heart."

This famous saying is that I'm choosing my motto

Inspiration from Xiao Cao 400 words (3)

Have you ever noticed Xiao Cao in his 400 word composition? Maybe they are so inconspicuous. There are many kinds of grass, and children and grandchildren are thriving. Look, there is a large area just outside our house. Grass grows together in large areas, perhaps to resist the wind, sun and rain. Its color is very beautiful, verdant. If it were lighter, it would not be so green; If it were deeper, it would not be so transparent. I asked my father, "Dad, why are the leaves of grass green?" He replied, "Do you know that the main component of plant leaves is chlorophyll, which can absorb sunlight for photosynthesis to provide nutrients for plants. Because chlorophyll is green, the leaves look green". "Oh, so it is". There are too many kinds of grass! From monocotyledon and dicotyledon to broad leaf and fine leaf, even botanists may not be able to make statistics. Maybe you are wrong if you think these ordinary grasses have no effect. Let's introduce you to some representatives of the Xiaocao family. Olympus is one of the three treasures in northeast China. Its leaves are slender and soft, with tough fibers, rich in zinc, iron, calcium and other elements required by plant protein bodies, and it does not form mycorrhizas all its life, so it has a strong anti fungal parasitic function. The shoes made with it are both breathable and warm, can nourish feet, deodorize, sweat and sterilize. The mattress cushion made of wula grass is warm in winter and cool in summer, relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation, promoting blood circulation, and eliminating fatigue. Achnatherum splendens is a perennial herb. It has a wide range of uses, high fiber quality, and is a high-quality raw material for paper making. It has lush grass and leaves, rich in a variety of crude proteins, and is also a high-quality feed for livestock. It is also drought resistant, salt tolerant, has good wind resistance and sand fixation ability, can conserve water, and improve soil is to control desertification, salt alkalization, and improve the ecological environment. There are many functions of grass, such as creating greening and beautifying the environment; It can also purify the air. After knowing these, do you like grass more than me. So there is another sign on the lawn in front of my house, "How can you bear to step on the grass?". Let's take care of the grass and the environment.

Inspiration from Xiao Cao 400 words (4)

The indomitable Xiao Cao wrote a 400 word composition, "Leave the original grass, wither and prosper at the age of one year. The wildfire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again.". This ancient poem is to praise the tenacious vitality of grass, which was burned to death and can still grow the next year. In spring, the grass just poked its head out of the ground. From afar, it was everywhere in large pieces. In summer, the grass is very lush. It grows taller, stronger and greener. People lie on it soft. In autumn, grass covered the land with a golden carpet. In winter, snow covered the grass with a thick quilt, and the grass plunged its roots deeply into the soil, waiting for the germination of the next year. The vitality of grass is very tenacious. One day, our teacher organized a spring outing together. We came to the grass and saw the grass swaying slightly in the autumn wind. Its head is sharp, the part stuck in the ground is thick, and the color is green. After lunch, the students looked on the grass. The "soldiers" who had stood upright had been destroyed by us. A good friend said, "It seems that it will not survive." Another week, my friends and I came to this grassland again with neat steps and beautiful songs. I saw the grass that had been hurt by us before and stood up again. It suddenly occurred to me that the vitality of grass is really tenacious. This reminds me of old Li Ning, the prince of gymnastics. At an Olympic Games, he sprained his right foot, but he still held on to the competition and did not give up. He won a silver medal for China. I'm really proud of him. I shouted on the grass: "It's really impossible to burn all the wildfires, and the spring breeze is blowing again!" The grass is so tenacious! I love grass, and I love its tenacious vitality even more.

Inspiration from Xiao Cao 400 words (5)

Xiao Cao's composition is 400 words

Xiao Cao's Composition 400 Words (1)

It's raining! I leaned over the window to watch the rain. Suddenly, the wind howled, the rainstorm seemed to pour, and the lightning broke through the dark sky like a poisonous snake with blue light. Suddenly I saw a light, a grass in the rubble of the corner, swaying in the storm. It seems so weak and small, but it is not afraid. It tightly embraces the earth with its strong arms and resists the storm with its weak body. I was stunned. I was deeply moved by the indomitable spirit of Xiao Cao, and my heart was filled with respect. I couldn't help applauding the brave Xiao Cao. I don't know how long it took until the rain stopped and the wind cooled down. I woke up from my infatuation and ran out of the house to see it. It was washed by rain and looked more green, moving and attractive than usual. It stretched its tired waist, shook the raindrops on its body, looked at the wind and rain, and began to grow again.

Ah! Grass, you are fearless of storms and grow tenaciously. You really deserve to be the pride of the earth!

Xiao Cao's Composition 400 Words (2)

Some people like the graceful lotus; Some people like plum blossom that welcomes frost and snow; Some people like sweet scented osmanthus. However, what I like is the inconspicuous grass, because its life contains a unique meaning.

Grass, how tenacious it is. Whenever people trample on its body, making it weak and unable to move, it does not lose heart or give up. Instead, it bravely slowly climbs up to straighten its bent waist again. In this way, people trample on it again and again, and it stands up again and again, never giving up. Is its life not strong enough?

Grass, it is really tenacious. The famous poet Bai Juyi once said, "The wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again.". Yes, the grass is. Fire can't burn it out in any case, because it will be born again and get life again when spring comes.

Grass, an inconspicuous little grass, but life is so tenacious. And should we cherish, grasp and make our life as tenacious as grass? Go back and say, "Yes.".

Xiao Cao's Composition 400 Words (3)

Some people say that grass is beautiful. Selfless and tenacious.

The ice and snow melted in spring, and many flowers still dare not come out in the greenhouse. But grass, like a group of naughty children, sticks out their small green heads from the earth one by one. Although they are fragile and petite, they are not afraid of the cold. Inspired by the wind girl, they were the first to greet spring.

In summer, it rained like a bean, and the rain beat the grass down seven times. But after the rain, the grass raised their heads again. After the wind and rain, the grass seems to grow up again. Their roots are deeply rooted in the earth. Even if they are hurt, they will grow up. Their faces turned to the sun, as if smiling more sweetly.

>When autumn came, the leaves fell, and the autumn wind blew in gusts. The grass seemed cold, but he still kept his back straight, hoping that he would show people how tenacious they were and how strong their vitality was.

When winter comes, the north wind howls, people put on cotton padded clothes, and the grass gradually withers, but they have strong vitality, just like the poet said, "The wild fire cannot burn out, and the spring wind blows again."

Inspiration from Xiao Cao 400 words (6)

Mimosa Inspiration Composition 400 words No matter how famous a teacher in the world is not as powerful as the "teacher" of nature. It gives us a lot of important enlightenment from many things. Now let's talk about the enlightenment brought to me by mimosa! Once, I bought a pot of mimosa to see if it would really be "shy". First, I gently touched its leaves with my fingers, but it closed them immediately. I touched its stem again, and the stem bent down. I looked at it strangely and excitedly. Could it really be "ashamed"? I want to know the reason behind this phenomenon. So I went around to ask my father and mother... Of course, I didn't give up my efforts. I finally understand! I found on the Internet that there was a swollen organ called "leaf pillow" at the base of the petiole of Mimosa pudica, and there were many parenchyma cells in the leaf pillow, which were very sensitive to external stimuli. Once the leaf is touched and the stimulation is transmitted to the pillow, the cell fluid in the parenchyma cells begins to flow to the cell gap, thus reducing the expansion capacity of the cells. leaf

Inspiration from Composition Grass (7)

400 words of enlightenment from composition (1)

Inspiration of one thing Composition 400 words

In the pictures I remember, there are many things that have gradually faded away with the passage of time, and only one thing that still makes my memory fresh.

It was a Saturday. At noon, my mother wants to make a cold dish. She needs to smash garlic into garlic paste. When my mother got everything ready, she started smashing garlic.

At this time, while reading, I smelled a smell that could make people cry. I guess it must be my mother smashing garlic. So, I ran to the kitchen and saw my mother crying because of garlic. I thought to myself, "Mom can't even smash garlic. That's just Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts. It's a piece of cake for me."? It's time to show me! I grabbed the remaining three garlic from my mother's hand, put them into a container, and smashed them with something special for garlic. However, the garlic in the container doesn't seem to listen to me. When I hit it, the garlic will "fly around" in the container, which makes me angry. Suddenly, a garlic jumped out of the container and onto the chopping board, and proudly turned several circles, as if to say, "Come on! Come on! You can't catch me!"

What should we do? By the way, because garlic is round, it is not easy to smash it. If garlic becomes flat, it will be easy to smash it? That's it. I beat the garlic flat with a knife. Then I threw it and tried, hey! Really good!

Isn't this the proof of that sentence - nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart!

Through this incident, I learned that there is knowledge everywhere in life.

400 words of enlightenment from composition (2)

On the way of growing up, we will meet all kinds of people. They may be overbearing, arrogant, noble and rich, may be neatly dressed professional white-collar workers, or common ordinary people. There are some people whose name is Beggar. They live in poverty and poverty, and sometimes they are looked down upon by others. Once, my mother and I came out of the hotel door and saw an old man with untidy clothes and messy hair. There was a shabby bowl in front of the old man. I thought to myself: my mother said that some beggars are pretended to be liars, so don't pay attention to them. When I walked past the old man, he threw a begging look at me, and my heart shook. "Mom, Mom!" I shouted. My mother was chatting with my grandmother, and I couldn't hear my voice at all. After another walk, my mother stopped talking. I mustered the courage to say to my mother, "Mom, that master is poor!" My mother understood my meaning and took out two yuan from the bag. "Two yuan is also a token of love. Go and give it to grandpa!" I took two yuan and put it into grandpa's bowl, and said to me, "grandpa, give it!" The grandpa said excitedly, "little girl, you are so kind!" After hearing this, my head couldn't help turning to the bowl. Apart from the two yuan I gave, there were only two one yuan coins and a note in the bowl. I couldn't help but draw a few tears from my cheeks. After a while, I met another person who was wearing a suit and one foot looked disabled. I stopped at the roadside, hesitating to give him money. A passer-by saw my hesitation and said to me, "My little friend, his foot disability is a fake." I didn't believe it at that time, and still asked my mother for two yuan. When I gave him the two yuan, he was very angry and scolded, "Hum, I just gave him the two yuan, and I didn't have any love!" I lowered my head shyly and walked away in disgrace. A few days later, when I came to this place again, I suddenly saw that the beggar in a suit was leisurely smoking and laughing with the people nearby. I paid close attention to his feet, which are no different from normal people. I stood by the roadside, watching him chat with his friends and go away. Everyone should treat each other sincerely, do not discriminate against beggars, do not lose compassion because of being cheated, and do not encourage people who "get something for nothing" because of love.

400 words of enlightenment from composition (3)

Inspiration from Small Animals and Ants 400 Word Grade 5 Composition

This afternoon, when I was playing at home, I found several ants and saw them moving food. Suddenly, a question flashed through my mind: Why don't ants get lost? Do they have extraordinary memory? Especially keen eyes With a series of questions, I went to look for books. However, unfortunately, my "100000 Why" has just been borrowed by a friend. What can I do about it?

When I was in trouble, I glanced around. Suddenly, it dawned on me. Three steps turned into two and I walked to the computer. I started my computer and searched online with Baidu. After several minutes of searching, I finally found the reason why the ants would not get lost. As I expected, ants have very good eyesight and memory. They can not only find their way according to the scenery on the land, but also use the sunlight from the sun in the blue sky to find their way and their position.

Ants can not only find their way by sight and memory, but also by smell!

Some ants will leave a special smell on the way they climb. They can find their way home according to this smell, so they won't get lost. However, if the smell is concealed by other smells, the ants will get lost.

I learned the secret of ants and was inspired to invent a kind of shoes. These shoes mainly help some old people find their way home, because some old people will get lost when they get old.

People wearing these shoes will leave a special smell on the way they walk. Humans can't recognize this smell, but the identifier installed in the shoes can. Its voice system will tell you where to go. But the smell will not be disturbed. So if you wear these shoes, you won't worry about getting lost.

There are many wonderful things waiting for us to discover!

Grade 5 of Yuanqiao Central Primary School in Huangyan District, Taizhou, Zhejiang: Chen Yue

400 words of enlightenment from composition (4)

400 words of inspiration

At school, teachers often teach us to be happy to help others and take the initiative to help people in difficulty. I keep this sentence firmly in mind, as long as I meet people in difficulty, I can help, I will do my best to help.

Just a few days ago, something happened that inspired me. When I passed a station on my way to school, a white haired old man came into my sight. She was about seventy years old, wearing dark blue clothes, leaning on crutches, and saw her moving her feet. The old man carefully distinguished the front of each bus as she walked

The sign, she looked at the bus that had just stopped, and finally shook the handrail and got on the bus. Seeing the old man get on the bus, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. But she got off the bus again, and I was going to help her. At that moment, a boy with the appearance of a student came to the old man. He walked quickly to the old man, holding his arm in his hands, and asked what was going on with his head lowered. He helped the old man to go forward while asking, She did not hesitate to lend a helping hand, and was even more happy that the student could send the old man to the destination she wanted to go. I think: as long as we all treat others with a beautiful love, as long as we

All people are constantly pouring a spring of love into the society, then our society will be full of love, and it will become better!

Inspiration of Xiao Cao 500 words

I like beautiful peonies, graceful daffodils, romantic red roses and fiery azaleas, but I prefer strong and unyielding grass.

The grass is unknown. When people exclaim and praise those charming flowers, who thought of grass, who knows how to praise grass? No, However, the grass doesn't care about those vanity, it just silently sets off the flowers to make them more beautiful.

The grass is strong and unyielding. They are pressed

In order to grow under the stone, no matter how hard the stone is, or how narrow the stone crack is, they all grow up firmly and break through many difficulties. Success always favors the hardworking people, so they succeed, and they grow out of the stone under their own hard work! The grass is ordinary. It is not as strong as a big tree and can provide shade and materials for people; There is no flower as gorgeous and charming, which is appreciated and admired by people. They seem to be forgotten, but they are not discouraged. They use their vigorous vitality to make their footprints everywhere. "The grass grows withered and flourished every year when you leave the original land. The wildfire cannot burn out, and the spring wind blows again." How vividly Bai Juyi wrote the tenacious vitality of the grass in this poem! In fact, when grass grows one by one

When they grow together, don't talk about wildfires. Even if it's stormy, lightning and thunder, what can they do? It is such ordinary, unknown, indomitable grass that makes me understand the truth of being a man: you don't need to pursue those vanity; You don't need to feel inferior to yourself because it is not your size that determines success or failure, but to be the best you! Have the courage to overcome difficulties, and believe that success is not far away!

400 words of enlightenment from a famous saying

In my memory, there is a famous saying that enlightens me a lot and makes me keep improving. This famous saying is: "The strength of a ship lies in the sail, and the strength of a person lies in the heart."

This famous saying is that I'm choosing my motto

400 words of enlightenment from composition (5)

400 words of enlightenment in life As an excellent Young Pioneer, he should make more contributions to society and help others no matter what circumstances. The key is to see how we do it. I remember that during the Spring Festival, there were guests at home. My mother and I went to Ginza to buy things for guests. Once entering the gate of Ginza, wow! There are a variety of goods in it. There are so many people in it that I seem to have come to the "heaven"! After shopping, my mother and I paid at the checkout counter. There was a long queue here. I chose a shorter queue to pay with my mother. After paying, I put the shopping cart back in place. As we walked outside, we saw some scattered shopping carts lying at the entrance of the supermarket. Many people walked past as if nothing had happened. When I was almost at the gate, I couldn't help saying to my mother, "Mom, I felt very uncomfortable when I saw those cars lying there in a mess. Can I send them back to my" home "? My mother said firmly," OK! "I walked quickly to those shopping carts, which seemed to say:" Send me home quickly, I'm so lonely! "It was too late. It was too soon. I sent the shopping cart home. Then an aunt of the waiter patted my shoulder gently, gave me a thumbs up, and said," You are really a good boy. What school are you from? "I replied," It's Class 1, Grade 2009, attached primary school of Zibo Teachers' College! "When I went home, my feet seemed to step on a happy cloud! At night, I met those shopping carts again in my dream, and they said to me:" Thank you for sending me home! "" Morality is just a simple question of right and wrong, but it is difficult to practice! "When we face moral choices again and again, we will gain the courage and strength of moral practice if we refuse temptation. If I didn't go back then, I would have a different dream!

400 words of enlightenment from composition (6)

Inspiration composition of nature

There are many mysteries in nature. Today I found a small "secret", that is, I found out why ants move, and it will rain heavily tomorrow I was curious about this question before. When I was seven years old, one day when I was playing on the grass in the suburbs, I found that a large group of small ants were standing in a long line to a small hole, and each ant had something like small grains of sand. I thought to myself: What are these small grains of sand? My mind was full of question marks. I went to my father with curiosity and said, "Dad, why do the ants walk to the small hole in a long line?"? Every little ant will have something like a small grain of sand on it? Later, my father told me, "That's because every time the ants encounter muggy conditions, they will tell" Ant swarms ", when the ant swarms know this situation, they will move immediately. In the hot weather, it will rain heavily the next day. The little ants will find a small hole that can shelter from the wind and rain. They will move because their previous houses will be affected with damp, so they will move. The things like small sand grains on the little ants are their food." Oh! I understand now! I also have a small question, that is, why can ants predict that it will rain the next day? My father said, "Ants are the same as us humans. They also feel sultry, so when ants feel sultry, it will rain the next day." I also understood a truth. I also heard my father say, "If people see ants move, it will rain heavily tomorrow! "I now know that it will rain heavily tomorrow. I really think why it is so magical? I thought of another sentence: I don't know what is the absolute truth, but I am modest about my ignorance. I didn't know that a small ant can bring such great help to people. I believed another sentence, that is, he

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400 words of enlightenment from composition (7)

Inspiration of a famous saying The 400 word composition says, "Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind." This is my motto. Maybe you will ask why, because it has brought me enlightenment. Here's the thing: in my midterm exam in the third grade, I got the first place in the whole grade, which is really great for me. You know, my grades in the third grade are not so good! It seems that I have a halo on my head and a happy cloud on my feet. Flying into space! The students were even more envious, and the teacher praised me in the class. That feeling is really refreshing! When I got home, my family knew the news and praised me a lot. I "flew" a little higher. Since then, I have not been serious and modest. I often sneer at the teacher's teaching and write my homework carelessly. When my mother taught me, I often answered back with scorn and said, "Cut, isn't it homework? Next time, I will be the first!". In the examination room, everyone else was cramming for the exam. Seeing that they were all worried, I knew they didn't want to take the exam, but I took out my pen calmly and thought: "The exam should have come long ago, I didn't think I had learned too much!" After the exam, I sent out my paper a few days later. I was surprised and ranked fifth in the grade! This is a heavy blow to me! I felt knocked by a heavy stick. I went home dejected. My mother seemed to know that I didn't do well in the exam and said, "Your mistake is entirely due to your pride!". From then on, the words my mother said to me were deeply impressed in my heart.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (8)

Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (1)

In people's eyes, Xiaocao is an inconspicuous little thing. It is so fragile that people can press it under their feet. However, have you noticed their spirit of "spring breeze rebirth"? Yes, the first time I saw the grass, I thought it was fragile, because you can easily pull it up or break it. However, after one thing happened, I changed my view of the grass. Once, when I was walking on the lawn, I inadvertently looked down at the grass I stepped on, and raised my foot. The bent grass slowly "stood up"! It's incredible! I felt very strange. I suddenly became interested. I picked up a small stone and pressed it on some grass. A few seconds later, the grass pried up the stone! I am not reconciled to pulling a handful of grass. A few days later, I went to look at the grass again, and it turned out that there was green grass. I was shocked by the grass's perseverance... Now when I look back at the grass, it seems that after the rain, the trees are crooked and the grass is safe. Originally, the grass is so strong! I think what can we learn from grass, who is called the only generation?

Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (2)

Inspiration for me Composition 400 words

Inspiration from Kites

Author: Zhang Jingru

Green grass, green leaves and bright flowers all gathered like a fair, and people were lying on the green grass.

On the lawn of the park, people flying kites can be seen everywhere, and they even have a competition. Look: they are chasing, jumping and running happily. Kites of different sizes and colors in the sky dazzle people.

But who knows, at this time, the most painful thing is the flying kites. They are eager for freedom, but freedom does not belong to them. How many times did they want to break free from entanglement, the thread ball in their master's hands, fly to their own blue sky, and fly freely in the sky, but the final result was that they fell because of the thread ball tied to their own body.

Think about how I used to like, look forward to, and look forward to weekends. When I arrived at that time, I would happily eat snacks, watch TV, and sleep late, just like a bird. It was my "required course" every week. I could also play computer at night. I could put my homework and homework aside first. When I wanted to do it, there was also a "manual operating machine", Dad was waiting for the "difficult and miscellaneous diseases" that I didn't know how to throw to him. Life is free! But nowadays, it's really difficult to be a child in the 21st century!

But I know that they are all for my good, but

At this time, how I wish I could become a broken kite, flying freely on the growth path of learning and life, enjoying the beautiful spring scenery in the flight.

Class 6 (3), Shatai Primary School, Yangquan Mining Area, Shanxi Province

Tutor: Lu Haixia's 400 Word Inspiration Composition

Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (3)

The indomitable Xiao Cao wrote a 400 word composition, "Leave the original grass, wither and prosper at the age of one year. The wildfire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again.". This ancient poem is to praise the tenacious vitality of grass, which was burned to death and can still grow the next year. In spring, the grass just poked its head out of the ground. From afar, it was everywhere in large pieces. In summer, the grass is very lush. It grows taller, stronger and greener. People lie on it soft. In autumn, grass covered the land with a golden carpet. In winter, snow covered the grass with a thick quilt, and the grass plunged its roots deeply into the soil, waiting for the germination of the next year. The vitality of grass is very tenacious. One day, our teacher organized a spring outing together. We came to the grass and saw the grass swaying slightly in the autumn wind. Its head is sharp, the part stuck in the ground is thick, and the color is green. After lunch, the students looked on the grass. The "soldiers" who had stood upright had been destroyed by us. A good friend said, "It seems that it will not survive." Another week, my friends and I came to this grassland again with neat steps and beautiful songs. I saw the grass that had been hurt by us before and stood up again. It suddenly occurred to me that the vitality of grass is really tenacious. This reminds me of old Li Ning, the prince of gymnastics. At an Olympic Games, he sprained his right foot, but he still held on to the competition and did not give up. He won a silver medal for China. I'm really proud of him. I shouted on the grass: "It's really impossible to burn all the wildfires, and the spring breeze is blowing again!" The grass is so tenacious! I love grass, and I love its tenacious vitality even more.

Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (4)

Have you ever noticed Xiao Cao in his 400 word composition? Maybe they are so inconspicuous. There are many kinds of grass, and children and grandchildren are thriving. Look, there is a large area just outside our house. Grass grows together in large areas, perhaps to resist the wind, sun and rain. Its color is very beautiful, verdant. If it were lighter, it would not be so green; If it were deeper, it would not be so transparent. I asked my father, "Dad, why are the leaves of grass green?" He replied, "Do you know that the main component of plant leaves is chlorophyll, which can absorb sunlight for photosynthesis to provide nutrients for plants. Because chlorophyll is green, the leaves look green". "Oh, so it is". There are too many kinds of grass! From monocotyledon and dicotyledon to broad leaf and fine leaf, even botanists may not be able to make statistics. Maybe you are wrong if you think these ordinary grasses have no effect. Let's introduce you to some representatives of the Xiaocao family. Olympus is one of the three treasures in northeast China. Its leaves are slender and soft, with tough fibers, rich in zinc, iron, calcium and other elements required by plant protein bodies, and it does not form mycorrhizas all its life, which has a strong anti fungal parasitic function. The shoes made with it are both breathable and warm, can nourish feet, deodorize, sweat and sterilize. The mattress cushion made of wula grass is warm in winter and cool in summer, relaxing tendons and activating blood circulation, promoting blood circulation, and eliminating fatigue. Achnatherum splendens is a perennial herb. It has a wide range of uses, high fiber quality, and is a high-quality raw material for paper making. It has lush grass and leaves, rich in a variety of crude proteins, and is also a high-quality feed for livestock. It is also drought resistant, salt tolerant, has good wind resistance and sand fixation ability, can conserve water, and improve soil is to control desertification, salt alkalization, and improve the ecological environment. There are many functions of grass, such as creating greening and beautifying the environment; It can also purify the air. After knowing these, do you like grass more than me. So there is another sign on the lawn in front of my house, "How can you bear to step on the grass?". Let's take care of the grass and the environment.

Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (5)

Xiao Cao's composition is 400 words

Xiao Cao's Composition 400 Words (1)

It's raining! I leaned over the window to watch the rain. Suddenly, the wind howled, the rainstorm seemed to pour, and the lightning broke through the dark sky like a poisonous snake with blue light. Suddenly I saw a light, a grass in the rubble in the corner, swaying in the storm. It seems so weak and small, but it is not afraid. It tightly embraces the earth with its strong arms and resists the storm with its weak body. I was stunned. I was deeply moved by the indomitable spirit of Xiao Cao, and my heart was filled with respect. I couldn't help applauding the brave Xiao Cao. I don't know how long it took until the rain stopped and the wind cooled down. I woke up from my infatuation and ran out of the house to see it. It was washed by rain and looked more green, moving and attractive than usual. It stretched its tired waist, shook the raindrops on its body, looked at the wind and rain, and began to grow again.

Ah! Grass, you are fearless of storms and grow tenaciously. You really deserve to be the pride of the earth!

Xiao Cao's Composition 400 Words (2)

Some people like the graceful lotus; Some people like plum blossom that welcomes frost and snow; Some people like sweet scented osmanthus. However, what I like is the inconspicuous grass, because its life contains a unique meaning.

Grass, how tenacious it is. Whenever people trample on its body, making it weak and unable to move, it does not lose heart or give up, but bravely slowly climbs up to straighten its bent waist again. In this way, people trample on it again and again, and it stands up again and again, never giving up. Is its life not strong enough?

Grass, it is really tenacious. The famous poet Bai Juyi once said, "The wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again.". Yes, the grass is. Fire can't burn it out in any case, because it will be born again and get life again when spring comes.

Grass, an inconspicuous little grass, but life is so tenacious. And should we cherish, grasp and make our life as tenacious as grass? Go back and say, "Yes.".

Xiao Cao's Composition 400 Words (3)

Some people say that grass is beautiful. Selfless and tenacious.

The ice and snow melted in spring, and many flowers still dare not come out in the greenhouse. But grass, like a group of naughty children, sticks out their small green heads from the earth one by one. Although they are fragile and petite, they are not afraid of the cold. Inspired by the wind girl, they were the first to greet spring.

In summer, it rained like a bean, and the rain beat the grass down seven times. But after the rain, the grass raised their heads again. After the wind and rain, the grass seems to grow up again. Their roots are deeply rooted in the earth. Even if they are hurt, they will grow up. Their faces turned to the sun, as if smiling more sweetly.

>When autumn came, the leaves fell, and the autumn wind blew in gusts. The grass seemed cold, but he still kept his back straight, hoping that he would show people how tenacious they were and how strong their vitality was.

When winter comes, the north wind howls, people put on cotton padded clothes, and the grass gradually withers, but they have strong vitality, just like the poet said, "The wild fire cannot burn out, and the spring wind blows again."

Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (6)

Inspiration from grass

There are many mysteries in nature. As long as we find them carefully, there will be many surprises.

Last Sunday, the weather was very good. I went to the park with my mother, aunt and cousin. When we were tired, we sat beside the lawn to rest. There were many people running around, chasing and fighting on the lawn, and some people were taking wedding photos. My cousin also ran happily on the lawn, and the grass was lying on the ground with their footsteps. But surprisingly, after a while, the grass slowly stood up from the ground and slowly extended its leaves, as if the fallen soldier had stood up tenaciously and returned to his own battlefield. Looking at this indomitable grass, I can't help thinking of an ancient poem we learned to praise the grass: "Leave the original grass, wither and prosper every year. The wild fire is endless, and the spring wind is blowing again." It turns out that the grass has such tenacious vitality!

We should learn from the indomitable spirit of Xiao Cao. Don't be afraid of difficulties, but stand up bravely.


Xiaocao's Inspiration Composition 400 Words (7)

Inspiration of one thing Composition 400 words

In the pictures I remember, there are many things that have gradually faded away with the passage of time, and only one thing that still makes my memory fresh.

It was a Saturday. At noon, my mother wants to make a cold dish. She needs to smash garlic into garlic paste. When my mother got everything ready, she started smashing garlic.

At this time, while reading, I smelled a smell that could make people cry. I guess it must be my mother smashing garlic. So, I ran to the kitchen and saw my mother crying because of garlic. I thought to myself, "Mom can't even smash garlic. That's just Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts. It's a piece of cake for me."? It's time to show me! I grabbed the remaining three garlic from my mother's hand, put them into a container, and smashed them with something special for garlic. However, the garlic in the container doesn't seem to listen to me. When I hit it, the garlic will "fly around" in the container, which makes me angry. Suddenly, a garlic jumped out of the container and onto the chopping board, and turned several circles proudly, as if

Inspiration from Composition Grass (9)

In people's eyes, the common grass is so soft and weak that no one has ever seen it or closed it. However, one thing changed my view of blocking it.

On a sunny Sunday, my mother and I went for a walk in the People's Park. I came to a round flower bed, where there were my favorite flowers. I sat on the porcelain piece beside the flower bed to watch the scenery in the flower bed. When I was fascinated, I suddenly found a small grass growing under the "feet" of the big stone beside me. The "waist" of the grass is bent, but although its waist is bent, I can still see its strong posture. The breeze blew it, and he kept swinging, as if waving his hand to me again! I walked slowly to it, sat beside it, and touched it gently with my hands. But I have been thinking about a problem.

Such a big stone is heavier than me! Keep pressing the grass. How did it come out? Why is it? A series of questions puzzled me.

At this time, a picture seemed to appear in front of me: there were several grass plants under the big stone. One day, a grass plant said to its companion, "Companions, do you see the sun? Let's stop living here. We can't see the sun all day long, the sun can't see us, and the children can't see us. How boring it is! If we go out, we may become famous! ”The companion said nothing; "Don't think about it, you can't get out." The grass finally got out with its soft head.

Xiaocao, you remind me of my former self. At that time, I was a person who would retreat when I could not do anything. It was you who made me understand that persistence means victory.

Thank you, grass, you changed me, let me know tenacity, love of life.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (10)

Life is always wonderful. I can say that I am the beneficiary of life. Because I got enlightenment in life, which encouraged myself.

In the cold winter, people put on thick clothes and turned on the heating. I was surprised to find a grass sticking out of the soil downstairs. It seemed that it was not afraid of cold at all. It stood upright in the cold winter. What a strong spirit and a way of not giving in to difficulties! Every grass is strong and will not yield to difficulties.

In retrospect, I was once frightened by difficulties, but after my father's reminding, I still overcame difficulties. I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, the math teacher assigned a question for us to think about at home. When I was at school, it took me 20 minutes to figure out how to do this problem. So I took this question back home and thought, "This question is too difficult. Let's put it down and don't do it so as not to waste time." At this time, my father came back, picked up my question, looked at it, and said, "Why hasn't this question been done yet?" I answered quietly, "I can't do it." My father scolded loudly, I said, "If you can't do it, you can't do it. Isn't it surrender to difficulties? If you can't do it, you should consult others and think carefully. You can't do it!" I said, "Let me think about it again." I picked up my pen and thought seriously. After a while, I came up with it.

My success this time makes me more convinced that you can overcome difficulties as long as you are willing to think. It is the so-called "Nothing is difficult in the world, but only if you have a heart". A little grass can teach me to be strong and not yield to difficulties. In fact, there are many things in life that can enlighten you, just because you have not found them carefully.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (11)

The rush of time, the passage of time, how many early summer, autumn and winter, grass secretly drilled its head, "sand, sand, sand", that is his growth march, however, I also grow with grass! Hui Mu used to be so naive and ignorant. Standing in front of the kindergarten, I could not help but show a sincere smile on my face! When I look back, the time in kindergarten, somehow, the things I want to forget always linger in my mind. I still remember when I was two years old. At that time, I was in a small class. Because I was thin, I was often bullied by my classmates. One day, the bell "bell, bell" rang after class. I was playing with the new toy my mother bought me. When I was playing hard, Xiao Pang, the bully in our class, grabbed my toy. I couldn't react at the moment. He was tall and fat, standing in front of me like a giant, with such a body shape, such a body shape, as if he could squash a person. But I was not afraid. I stood up and wanted to get my toy back. However, I was pushed by him. I went home crying and told my mother that I was very sad. My mother seemed to see my mind and said to me, "Baby, be brave. Tomorrow, try to fight with him again." Although I said that, I knew in my heart that I could not fight him at all. The next day, when I went to the kindergarten, I saw Xiao Pang playing with my toys happily. My heart was furious, and I ran to grab my toys back. He was stunned and did not respond for a long time. He suddenly realized that yesterday's dramatic scene was staged again. When we were fighting, I thought to myself: Hum hum, I learned some moves on TV yesterday. I can't win! I yelled: "A must kill stunt", I laughed, now I know how powerful I am, but I was wrong, he was still not defeated by me, this time, cake! He was full of sparks. He pushed me hard, and wiped off a piece of skin. In a flash, I cried. Since then, I have been timid to "live" in my heart! Life is not like this, then I was so ridiculous! For example, like the grass, there were times when he was laughed at. When he was trampled down by ruthless people, he was always calm, like a screw, always sticking to his post. Straightened his waist and raised his head firmly. The grass grows gradually, and I follow his footsteps. Suddenly, I found that strength was also seeping into my heart. The big tree in the sky can block the storm. I would like to be the big tree in the sky, because it is the embodiment of strength, on the contrary, it is also the killer of cowardice! The fighting power in spring, summer, autumn and winter cannot defeat the vitality of Xiaocao. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, I grow with Xiaocao!

Ding Kang, Junior Two, Dongguan Hanlin Experimental School, Dongguan, Guangdong

Inspiration from Composition Grass (12)

Grass is the child of nature. Whether it's windy or rainy, they will grow tenaciously and show their brightest side to people passing by.

Spring is the season when everything grows. A hundred flowers bloom and a hundred birds contend, adding infinite vitality to nature. The flowers are all grass, and the grass is tenacious. Like a poor man, he grew up tenaciously in a poor environment, happy every day, persevered in life, and added more color to his life.

As a grass, I thrive in the spring, the season when all things grow, and gradually produce small buds and flowers, adding vitality to nature.

In autumn, Big Tree's hair turned red, other grass brothers dried up, and flowers withered. Nature became a red sea. In this red sea, I watched the hair of other brothers gradually turn red, and I, in the reflection of water, admired myself and thought: I must open the most beautiful and attractive flowers in the coming year.

Another spring, I broke through the ground again. I grew up under Big Brother Dashu. I said to Big Brother Dashu: "Brother, brother, why are you so tall and have so much hair?" Big Brother Dashu said: "Because I absorb the nutrition of the earth, absorb the sun, and let myself produce the largest and sweetest fruit in autumn."

I think I must also absorb the sunshine, grow tall and grow up, and open the most beautiful flowers.

After a long time, my dream came true, and I really opened the most beautiful and attractive flowers.

But I will always be a grass.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (13)

Grass has no fresh and green appearance, no delicious fruit, only a green coat, but there is no flower in the world with its quality. No matter how many times the branches and leaves of grass are cut, once it comes to spring, it will grow new branches and leaves. If it is other flowers, it may never grow. Grass can still survive in extreme circumstances. Even the prairie fire can not completely cut off its vitality, just like the poem of Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: the wild fire can not burn out, and the spring wind can grow again.

In the last monthly Chinese exam, I scored 70 points. When I returned home, I was very sad. I thought to myself, "Am I really not good at learning?" When I saw my depressed expression, my mother comforted me and said, "Son, one exam can't represent anything. You can't be so weak. You should be like grass, strong and unyielding no matter what the situation..."

Xiaocao is strong, I insist. After hard work, my Chinese scores in this midterm exam have made great progress. My mother is happy for me, and I applaud myself.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (14)

Grass is the most abundant in Mother Earth's arms, so they are the most easily ignored. They are not as rich as peonies, nor as beautiful as roses, nor as graceful as narcissus. But they are simple, silent, and unyielding. Its tenacious vitality is more valuable than those vanity loving flowers. Grass does not need rich nutrients, greenhouse care, and people's careful care. It grows alone, in the garden with flowers in full bloom, on the hillside that is difficult to cultivate, under the heavy boulder, this unattended grass can be seen everywhere.

The spirit of grass is just like the hardworking farmers in the society. Our motherland is a country with a large population, and also a large agricultural country. If there is no silent dedication and hard work of farmers, where will our food come from? Therefore, we should be kind to those insignificant people and things in life. The grass is like a farmer in its unknown spirit. Although it is insignificant, its spirit is worthy of our praise.

Inspiration from Composition Grass (15)

Grass is an inconspicuous and often trampled plant; Grass is the most ordinary plant, and it is this inconspicuous plant that gives me a lifelong enlightenment.

One day in winter, when I passed the grassland I had to pass when I came home from school, I suddenly found a "big" stone with the word "Fen" in it. I didn't know when it was standing in the middle of the grassland. Ah! Look at the withered and yellow grass under the stone. Poor grass, with their weak bodies, how can they resist the "suppression" of boulders? They won't live long, will they? I can't help worrying about the fate of the grass.

After the cold winter, the green shoots on the trees peeped out mischievously, and everywhere was full of vitality. This eyeful of green reminds me of the grass that was pressed under the stone. I quickly went to the stone and squatted down to look for it carefully. Look! The grass is like the word "Fen" on the stone. They have changed into green clothes and are growing up from under the stone. I sighed for the strength and tenacity of the grass: "Ah! How tenacious and full of vitality they are!"

No matter how bad the environment is, the grass can survive strong, no matter it is windy, rainy or hot. In the wind and rain, the delicate plants were so overwhelmed by the rain that the grass still stood upright; In the hot sun, the plants are dried and drooping, but the grass is still so tenacious; We can always see the stubborn figure of grass at the edge of the cliff, in the rubble, and in the cracks of the wall. From Xiao Cao, I learned that life can be as it is, but life must be persevered! No matter what difficulties you encounter, you should be as tenacious as grass, and never give in and shrink back. Only through the wind and rain can you see the rainbow. I want to be like grass. When encountering setbacks, I still need to be confident, continue to work hard, and believe that I will succeed one day; When the exam results are not ideal, don't be discouraged, and believe that everything can start again; When encountering difficulties, we should be good at thinking about whether there are other feasible ways to achieve our goals

The spirit of Xiao Cao has always inspired me, making me work hard and keep moving forward. I love grass!

Inspiration from Composition Grass (16)

"The grass will wither and flourish every year when you leave the original place. The wildfire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again." Bai Juyi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, praised the grass's indomitable and vigorous spirit in a simple four sentence poem.

That day, it was drizzling, and I was carrying my schoolbag happily home when I met my "old friend"'s grass on the way. There is a crystal clear water drop dripping on it. I can't help but pick the leaf with water drops and shake the water drops back and forth. Unexpectedly, the water drops shook to my door. I threw the leaf and entered the door.

It was raining harder and harder, and it seemed that there was a layer of sand curtain hanging outside the window. I was thinking about where to play when I finished my homework, and suddenly I found the leaves I had discarded. Oh, no! The rain is so heavy that my "old friend" must not be able to bear it. I wonder what it has become now? I ignored my mother's cry and rushed into the rain at once.

I hastened to the "old friend"'s house. It was not so depressed as I thought, but bravely raised its pointed head. I was very surprised. It turned out that I was worried about nothing. Unexpectedly, it is so tenacious, and its thin body can withstand the wind and rain...... I was thinking that a gust of wind blew, and I felt pain on my face like a knife, and my eyes could not open. Looking at the grass again, I saw that it had no choice but to lower its head and bend down, and I thought to myself: when it was over, it should not last. composition

Thinking about it, the wind stopped and the rain was much lighter. Suddenly, I saw the grass straightened up. It turns out that when the gale relaxes, it will take advantage of the weakness and find opportunities to stand up again and again, head up, as if to say to the gale, "I will not be afraid of you..."

Looking at the thin grass, I fell into meditation: grass can persevere in the face of wind and rain, not to mention me?

Inspiration composition of Xiao Cao (2)

Yesterday, when I came back from school, it suddenly rained heavily. I stood in front of my room window and looked at the rain. Suddenly, I was attracted by a small grass. It was a weak grass. The wind blew it upside down. Although the grass tried to stand upright, the heavy rain still beat it mercilessly. Finally, the grass fell to the ground in the wind and rain. Alas, isn't it a bit overconfident for a grass to fight against the storm? As I thought about it, I went to do my homework a little regretfully.

But today when I went to school, when I could not help looking at the place where the grass was, I unexpectedly found that the grass had stood up, and the leaves of the grass were still hung with raindrops. At that moment, I felt that it was not raindrops, it was clearly the tears of joy after the grass overcame the wind and rain.

The spirit of Xiao Cao gave me a great shock. From this, I think that some people in our lives can't bear to encounter a small setback, and even end their own lives. This is too small compared with grass. A grass's desire for survival is so strong, it loves life so much, why can't some people cherish their own life?

Not long ago, I saw a news on TV that a fifth grade primary school student who was criticized by his teacher because he didn't like learning jumped from the fifth floor building and ended his life. I think we should not, because in life, setbacks are inevitable, we should not yield to difficulties like grass, and grow tenaciously. We should cherish life, respect life, make life positive, optimistic and healthy, so that life will be better.

Xiaocao, you are good!

Inspiration composition of Xiao Cao (3)

There are many things in life, we may not care too much, but there is one thing that still fresh in my memory.

This time we learned the little things around us. But they all give the author a profound enlightenment, and I also have something to enlighten me! Listen to me slowly.

There is a lawn in front of my house. There are many grass in it. One day when I went there to play, I accidentally saw a small seedling under a huge stone. I thought to myself, "Alas... poor grass seedling! Before you can see the wonderful world outside, you will be strangled in the cradle by this huge stone. I thought about going home. Two weeks later, when I came to this grassland again, I looked around for the grass and saw the stone. There was a fully developed grass beside the stone. I suddenly understand that this grass uses its own strength to push open a huge stone on its own body, and the grass has such powerful power.

I learned a truth from it. We should learn from the indomitable spirit of Xiao Cao. Don't be afraid of difficulties. We should walk forward with our heads held high. We should not be servants of difficulties, but masters of them.

Let's work together on the road of life to create a better future!

Inspiration composition of Xiao Cao (4)

People say that the grass is very weak. Yes, it is really inconspicuous, weak and short. It is not as delicate and eye-catching as colorful flowers; There is no tall body like a towering tree, and you can't stretch your hands into the sky to attract people's attention; But it has tenacious vitality. I like it!

The strong wind can blow off the branches of trees, and the heavy rain can knock off the petals of flowers, but they can't do anything about the green grass. After the strong wind and heavy rain, the fresh green grass quickly regained its former appearance, so quiet and undamaged. It is so resilient and strong.

Grass is a symbol of vitality. The thick green grass is a model with tenacious vitality. Grass can be seen everywhere along the path, on the beach and under the roof. The hot sun can't kill it, and the cold bone can't damage it. When a spring rain came, it came out from the ground with its head held high.

Grass is the representative of green environmental protection. If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth; If there is no grass, the earth will become boring; If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth.

The green grass is boundless and endless. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million...... Are all over the green lawn. Where did the green come from? oh It is the grass that makes the dull and monotonous earth so fresh and beautiful with its indomitable body! The lawn can provide people with rest, shade, and play to their heart's content! Whenever you lie on the grass, you will feel very comfortable.

Grass, although you are weak, you are always strong! What you bring to people is comfort and comfort. We should learn from the perseverance and perseverance of Xiao Cao. In the future, no matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we should be brave and strong like grass! We should be more like grass to contribute our own green spirit to the society

Inspiration from Composition Grass (17)

Inspiration from grass composition 1:

I like beautiful peonies, graceful daffodils, romantic red roses, fiery azaleas... But I prefer the strong and unyielding grass.

The grass is unknown. When people exclaim and praise those charming flowers, who thought of grass, who knows how to praise grass? No, However, the grass doesn't care about those vanity, it just silently sets off the flowers to make them more beautiful.

The grass is strong and unyielding. They are pressed under the stone. No matter how hard the stone is or how narrow the crack is, they are strong enough to grow up and break through many difficulties in order to grow. Success always favors the hardworking people, so they succeed, and they grow out of the stone under their own hard work!

The grass is ordinary. It is not as strong as a big tree and can provide shade and materials for people; There is no flower as gorgeous and charming, which is appreciated and admired by people. They seem to be forgotten, but they are not discouraged. They use their vigorous vitality to make their footprints everywhere. "The grass grows withered and flourished every year when you leave the original land. The wildfire cannot burn out, and the spring wind blows again." How vividly Bai Juyi wrote the tenacious vitality of the grass in this poem! In fact, when the grass grows together one by one, let alone the wildfire, what can be done even if it is stormy, lightning and thunder?

It is such ordinary, unknown, indomitable grass that makes me understand the truth of being a man: you don't need to pursue those vanity; You don't need to feel inferior to yourself because it is not your size that determines success or failure, but to be the best you! Have the courage to overcome difficulties, and believe that success is not far away!

Inspiration from grass composition 2:

In cold autumn, the wind is rustling, and the delicate flowers hide in the greenhouse, leaving only a withered and yellow land.

After writing all morning's homework, I'd better go outside and breathe. When I walked to the back lawn, everything in front of me made me dumbfounded. What my eyes saw was not withered flowers and withered grass that I had previously ignored, but a black "coke", almost every grass was burned black. I checked the grass carefully, and it was almost impossible for the grass to survive. I can't help but feel sorry for the grass that is green in spring and occasionally reflects the vibrant appearance of several small flowers. I think, next spring, it may become a wasteland here!

But I was wrong.

Wild grass can not be burned out, and the spring wind is blowing again. Spring has come. When I walked to the back floor again, I saw not a wasteland, but a small lawn full of spring. Not only did the grass tenaciously drill out of the soil and start its own new life, but it was also more lush and green than before.

In fact, in life, there are many things like this. Some people have experienced failure, so they torture themselves in some ways, and some even give up their hard won lives. There is a famous saying that failure is the mother of success. Because only when you fail, do you know how to do better. In life, there are also many people who are as tenacious and persistent as grass.

For example, Liu Wei, the champion of talent, lost his arms when he was ten years old, so he could not move freely like ordinary people. But after painful experience, Liu Wei was able to play beautiful piano music with a pair of feet. If those who have experienced failure can be as strong as Liu Wei, they will one day, like grass, gain new life and open up their own world.

Composition 3: Inspiration from Grass

People say that the grass is very weak. Yes, it is really inconspicuous, weak and short. It is not as delicate and eye-catching as colorful flowers; There is no tall body like a towering tree, and you can't stretch your hands into the sky to attract people's attention; But it has tenacious vitality. I like it!

The strong wind can blow off the branches of trees, and the heavy rain can knock off the petals of flowers, but they can't do anything about the green grass. After the strong wind and heavy rain, the fresh green grass quickly regained its former appearance, so quiet and undamaged. It is so resilient and strong.

Grass is a symbol of vitality. The thick green grass is a model with tenacious vitality. Grass can be seen everywhere along the path, on the beach and under the roof. The hot sun can't kill it, and the cold bone can't damage it. When a spring rain came, it came out from the ground with its head held high.

Grass is the representative of green environmental protection. If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth; If there is no grass, the earth will become boring; If there is no grass, there will be no life on the earth.

The green grass is boundless and endless. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred million...... Are all over the green lawn. Where did the green come from? oh It is the grass that makes the dull and monotonous earth so fresh and beautiful with its indomitable body! The lawn can provide people with rest, shade, and play to their heart's content! Whenever you lie on the grass, you will feel very comfortable.

Grass, although you are weak, you are always strong! What you bring to people is comfort and comfort. We should learn from the perseverance and perseverance of Xiao Cao.