Buffet composition (collection of 16)
Swallows are long without trace
2024-06-04 00:16:04
Grade 6

Buffet composition (1)

At noon, my father said; We went to 3D Days for a buffet. My sister and I jumped up with joy. We talked and laughed all the way, and soon arrived. We took the elevator to the fifth floor. The smell of sushi, shrimp, ham, grilled chicken wings, French bread, Chinese bread, chocolate, drinks and so on came to me when I entered the restaurant. I was dazzled and drooling on the ground. Dad said; "Lost the dead". Dad said; Tao Ran and I are going to order. You sit here and wait. Soon my father and I returned with a full load. I took four more drinks. My sister and I wolfed down, and then I made two chocolate and two ice cream. I ate chocolate while eating ice cream, and said; "Yummy, yummy." My sister also ate with relish. After a while, we were all full. On the way home, I thought of those delicious food. I was full, but my mouth watered.

Buffet Composition (2)

Summer vacation, my parents said to take me to eat buffet. I listened. Don't mention how happy I am.

I've never had a buffet before. It is said that if you pay for something in a cafeteria, you can eat whatever you want.

Hey, today I finally want to experience the feeling of "doing what I want"!

When we got to the restaurant, my parents paid. As soon as you enter the restaurant, you will see the resplendence and fragrance of various delicacies. Ice cream, bacon, squid, sushi, cola, watermelon juice and other delicacies dazzle me.

Hey, it's so cool.

My father served more than ten plates of bacon, my mother poured some drinks, and I filled several bowls of ice cream.

In order to "eat" the money we paid, my parents and I ate our mouths full.

I don't know how long it has been since I left the restaurant with my parents.

I can say that this is the best time I have ever eaten.

On the way home, I said, "Don't eat breakfast tomorrow."

Buffet Composition (3)

Today, my parents took me to Jinjiang's Golden Horse Hotel for a buffet. I was so happy.

When we came to the restaurant, we saw that the restaurant was divided into several areas: seafood area, barbecue area, hot dish area, snack area, fruit area, beverage area, cold drink area... We went to the seafood area first, and there were many sashimi on the ice cubes, which I had never tasted before. I couldn't wait to put some into the plate.

I looked around the seafood area again. Suddenly, a strong smell came over. It turned out that the barbecue area was grilling. I stepped up and walked over. There were bursts of hot air coming from the baked string on the plate, and the sound of "sizzle, sizzle, sizzle" was also heard! It seemed to say to me, "Little friend, I'm fresh from the oven, and it's delicious! Take some to taste!" I quickly put three strings into the plate, found a seat, and began to taste. The kebabs smell good.

As I ate, I was a little thirsty, so I took a cup to the beverage area, poured a glass of orange juice, and drank it three times and two times. It really quenched my thirst My parents and I talked while eating, and we were already full before we knew it.

The buffet is really delicious.

Buffet Composition (4)

On a cold afternoon, a good news came to me quickly, which could make me jump three feet high. It could make me warm in the snow. It was to eat a delicious buffet!

When I got to the cafeteria, I quickly ran inside. As soon as I stepped into the door, I was attracted by the dazzling array of food. Look, how eye-catching that shrimp is! The shrimp is wearing a golden dragon robe, like a very powerful emperor standing in the palace. Look, shrimp's brother Crab also came on the stage. His two big horns are like two big knives, and he seems to be brandishing the big knives! Now let's talk about my favorite chocolate cake. Although the color of the chocolate cake is not beautiful, the chefs put a mouth watering red cherry in the middle of the chocolate cake. It tastes really good and sweet.

Let's take a look at the beverage area again! The most noticeable one is the crystal clear apple juice. Strangely enough, the color of this cup of apple juice seems to be the same as that of the sparkling emerald. When you drink it, the cool taste of apple juice immediately jumps into your heart, making your breath fresh and incomparable, just like the fresh air in the forest in nature.

This is my happy moment - buffet, you must have a look!

Buffet composition (5)

)On Tuesday, my family and my aunt's family went to a hotel for a buffet. It's my first time to eat buffet, so it's very strange.

As soon as I stepped into the restaurant, I saw prawns, spaghetti, chicken legs, hot dogs, marshmallows, purple grapes, red apples, various cold dishes, delicious ice cream, desserts and barbecues. I was dazzled by so many delicious food. The waitress took us to the seats we had reserved in advance. We four children made a table and adults made a table. Everyone can't wait to get their favorite food. I came to my favorite steak, picked up a piece of beef and put it on the plate. I went to the barbecue area and asked my uncle to help me roast a piece of meat and bone and a piece of French fries! How fragrant! Eh, why are there so many children there? What are they taking? My brother and I rushed there, ah! I was shaking the marshmallow. My plump and soft body attracted so many children. My brother and I each asked for a large marshmallow, and we also took some hot dogs, chicken legs and ice cream. Ice cream is hard to dig out, and there are other delicious things. Mom and Dad smiled happily as we ate marshmallows. How time flies! The six of us are so full.

We had a good time here tonight. I hope the students will also come to have a buffet!

Buffet Composition (6)

After school this evening, Chen Chen and I celebrated Pi Naixin's birthday together. Pi Naixin doesn't want to celebrate this birthday as usual, nor does he want to eat cake as usual. So after discussion, we decided to have a buffet.

As soon as I entered the store, I heard a pleasant song. We went up to the second floor along the sound. It turned out that an uncle was singing!

We found a good place and went to order food together. Wow! There are ice-cream! Each of the three of us took an ice-cream to eat. But Pi Naixin's stomach was uncomfortable. He ate half of it and threw it away. Chen Chen followed and threw it away. I didn't throw it away. I ate the whole ice-cream. Ha ha, do you think I can eat very well? Then we ordered some fruits, beef, seafood, vegetables and so on according to our own tastes. Pi Naixin asked me to take some chicken feet, and I told her that I didn't like them very much. Pi Naixin said, "Zhezhe, just try it! This is not an ordinary chicken claw, but a pickled pepper chicken claw!"

"Pickled pepper chicken feet?" I looked at Chen Chen doubtfully. She told me: "Because chicken feet are also called chicken feet, they are called pickled pepper wind feet."

After a while, my mother and Pi Naixin's mother came. The three of us asked the two mothers to chat first, and we also found a quiet place to chat.

Time passed quickly. It was already more than 10 o'clock in the twinkling of an eye, and everyone reluctantly left.

Happy birthday, Pipi!

Buffet Composition (7)

On Sunday, my father decided to take me to the buffet, and I jumped three feet high.

My father drove to the destination in a short time, and I rushed into the restaurant like an arrow after my father paid the bill.

There are so many ingredients here! a superb collection of beautiful things.

There are various kinds of juice in the beverage area: cola, coffee, spleen wine, white wine, etc; Seafood area: crab, clam, squid, etc; There are also ingredients for hot pot, barbecue, hot dishes, egg tarts, sushi, cakes, and various desserts. The fruit area is also very rich. By the way, there is my favorite ice cream. The waiter asked us whether to have barbecue or hot pot first? Dad hesitated and said, let's eat barbecue first. I'm bored.

Eat! I first went to the seafood area to pick up some big squid, and then went to the beverage area to get a cup of coke. When I returned to my seat, I saw popcorn again. I thought: this is also good, so I took another dish, and then I returned with a full load of food.

Look at my father, he brought three plates of seafood, and I was scared by my father. I tasted it. "Ah ah ah" I was so hot that I quickly drank a drink to suppress the fire. My father saw how hot I was and said, "Look at me." Then he clicked and ate. I was shocked to see my father eat. After a while, a large plate of seafood was destroyed by my father. Then, the second plate, the third plate

Finally, I ate fruit, ice cream, and had a full stomach. Pig Bajie's stomach is like mine.

Buffet Composition (8)

One summer evening, my family went to Wuyue Square to have a buffet.

We went to the third floor to have a buffet in Viking Hanfeng. My uncle bought six tickets. I went in and saw an ice cream machine. I took a bucket and made an ice cream. There are so many people here! Some people are playing with their mobile phones, while others are waiting in line in a hurry. Fearing that the steak would not be there, I took a steak, two sausages and a bottle of coke and sat down on the seat. I was very excited when I picked up the knife and fork. It was like a soldier on the battlefield was about to kill the enemy, and God would not help me. My mother said, "Your knife and fork were reversed.". I hold the enemy down and branch the knife to him. I took a bite, hey! Sweet and spicy, it's really delicious!

After eating, we went to the amusement park behind us. I played for a while, felt very hungry, and went to order something. This time I ordered a lot of things, including chicken fillet, beef fillet, barbecue and so on. After baking, I will eat freely. When I am full, I have no strength to play.

After a short rest, we went home. I think I'll have a buffet here next time.

Buffet Composition (9)

One day in the summer vacation, I was doing boring homework at home, and the "ding ling ling" phone rang. I flew over and picked up the phone to answer it. Oh, it was my mother's phone. Let me finish my homework quickly, and take us to Yihai for a buffet dinner in the evening. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high and finished my homework in a hurry. I was eager to wait for my mother to come back.

Looking forward, I finally came to Yihai Restaurant with my mother. "Wow", it's really beautiful here. The lights are shining, the environment is elegant, and the slow music of saxophone comes from time to time. It's really a kind of enjoyment!

The buffet food is really diverse, including fresh salmon, delicious dried yellow croaker, and my favorite fruit salad. I, a greedy little cat, hold a plate. Look at this, look at that. I can't do anything at the moment. I don't know what to eat. "Have some of everything!" My mother gave me good advice. "Good," I replied softly. So I took a little of each one, but I still packed several large plates of what I like. In a short time, I made a "hill" on my table. "Eating now", I took French fries in my left hand and chicken wings in my right hand, and kept pushing them into my mouth, saying, "Yummy! Yummy!" Alas, I almost choked on what I had to eat. I picked up a glass of orange juice and took a big gulp. The food in my mouth slowly swallowed. Without eating a few things, my stomach began to stretch like a small ball, Look at the full table of food, I really have no appetite. My mother looked at my greasy mouth and said with a smile, "You eat too hard. It's easy to be full, and you are too wasteful. You don't know how to control yourself. You must pay attention to a small number of times when eating buffet. I have to clean up today's" mess "." I yelled "thank you" to my mother and said: "I have reached the highest level of buffet today - holding the wall to come in, holding the wall to go out."

Buffet Composition (10)

Today, my father took my brother and me to a place to eat. I want to compete with my uncle. When I got to the hotel, I smelled the fragrance. We don't know whether he came or not? Only when Dad called did he know that they had already arrived. So we all went to dinner together.

I entered a door and was stunned. There are all kinds of delicious food. Dad said, you can choose. I couldn't wait to pick up the pliers. I chose meat, watermelon, shrimp, chicken

When I looked back, they were all gone, and I was shocked again. Fortunately, I saw my father, chose Dongdong, and we went to a place to eat. Auntie also poured apple juice for us. I took a sip and felt so cool! I eat happily!

What a great buffet!

Buffet Composition (11)

······A delicious buffet The day before yesterday, my father wanted to take me to Dongchenghui for a buffet. I was very happy to go to the buffet. When I got to the buffet restaurant in Dongchenghui, I saw some doughnuts, French fries, chicken rice flower, watermelon, and cantaloupe... When I got to the private room, my aunt said, "Why don't you grab something to eat?" "All for free?" "Yes." I immediately went to put the doughnuts, potato chips, chicken rice flower, watermelon, and cantaloupe on the plate. I saw some more drinks and asked, "Where are the cups?" "There they are." Aunt pointed to the "cup pile" by the wall and said. After taking the drinks and food, I returned to the private room and ate with relish. At this time, the aunt said, "Rao Yubo, you can order the dishes." I took the menu and looked at it and said, "Order a crispy chicken chop." My brother hurried to say, "I want filet mignon." After eating the filet mignon, we went out to play, and soon we went home. The buffet is really delicious.

Buffet Composition (12)

Today, my father took me to Huanya for a buffet. Wow! There are so many things in the restaurant, such as all kinds of sushi, small and delicious cakes, chocolate fountains, all kinds of drinks, all kinds of ice cream, French fries, popcorn, all kinds of fruit platters, all kinds of cakes, and all kinds of hot dishes. A gentle big sister said to us, "Welcome, this way, please." She took us to a window seat and put a card on the table. I sat down for a while and said to my father, "I'll pour some drinks. Do you want anything?" My father said, "Give me a cup of hot coffee." I poured myself a cup of hazelnut chocolate milk tea and my father a cup of hot coffee. Just about to drink, a big brother came with a big meat kebab. It was roast bacon. He put several on the plate, and then put a tick in the column of "bacon" on the card. Soon more and more things will be baked: roast deltoid muscle, roast beef, roast mutton, roast chicken wings, roast chicken legs, roast sausage, roast pork, roast bananas, roast corn, which is called a hearty meal! After enough barbecue, I went to eat fruit salad, fruit pudding, French fries, and fried pumpkin pie... My father said: "Don't eat snacks, eat some staple food, go and serve me some fried noodles, and a bowl of tremella soup." I served my father some fried dumplings and a bowl of mung bean soup. After eating, my father said, "Pay the bill." A big sister came and said, "80 yuan in total." I sighed, "Actually, I still want to eat, but my stomach can't hold it. Next time, I must be hungry first, and eat every dish." My father laughed.

Buffet Composition (13)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Today, because my aunt's daughter got married, I invited everyone to have a buffet. Early in the morning, I couldn't wait to ask my father, "Dad, when are we going?" My father smiled and said, "It's still so early. The buffet will not start until five o'clock at night. Don't wait any longer. I will naturally pick you up. You should stay at home with your mother." I said, "Oh, I know." So I stayed at home with my mother all day, Until four o'clock, my father came to pick us up. As soon as I entered the restaurant, I was shocked by the decoration. Because it is very large and full of bright lights, it is very beautiful.

After a few minutes, we can finally start eating, but I feel these minutes are too long. I started to eat, because I had never eaten before, so I learned to behave like others. They picked up all kinds of clips, picked up all kinds of things and put them on a plate. So I followed their example and put all my favorite food on the plate: crabs, grilled fish, steak, etc. I took the delicious food, walked to the seat, and ate voraciously. Dad saw it, smiled and said: "You can eat slowly, and you can take it after eating." I said: "It's delicious." After I had a big meal, I was full. Dad took us home. I'm so happy today. I can eat like this. However, I think it is a bit wasteful.

Grade 6: Yu Xiy

Buffet Composition (14)

Soon, we arrived.

As soon as we went in, we saw a lot of delicious food. The cafeteria is divided into many areas. There are fruit areas: fruit platters, watermelon, mango, strawberry, grape, yellow peach... Vegetable areas: lettuce, celery, coriander, cucumber... Steak areas: steak. Raw meat area: raw steak, raw meat... and dessert area: egg tarts, cakes, sushi

We started to take things. I ran to my favorite chicken, egg tarts, lettuce and drinks... When we got back, everyone's plates were full of food, and when they all returned to their seats, we began to work. I took drinks in my left hand, chicken nuggets in my right hand, left and right... My mother said to me: "It seems that I haven't eaten in 820xx years"! I ate all at once, and then I ate 5 pieces of beef. We finished in half an hour!

The second round started. I went to get some meatballs, sushi, egg tarts... This time, the combat effectiveness decreased significantly. I ate so much that my speed slowed down. I felt that my brother's speed gradually slowed down, and finally he couldn't stand it. In the second round, we ate for an hour!

Finally, we rated the "Four Heavenly Kings": I am the egg tart king, my cousin is the big stomach king, my cousin is the beverage king, and my father is the barbecue king! We had a good time eating today. I now know that everyone can eat so much!

Buffet Composition (15)

I came to the hotel excitedly. When I stepped into the threshold, I saw a small flower bed. Colorful flowers waved and smiled to us like several fairies, as if to say, "Welcome." There were also many chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, shining the hall brilliantly. Many dazzling decorations make the hall as beautiful as a fairy, which is very luxurious. The waitress led us to our seats, which were in front of the last row. It's crowded and bustling! There are a variety of delicious food here, including sushi, fruit, cakes, etc. All kinds of delicious food are colorful, like colorful flowers. We can feast our mouths on it. Look, everyone's face shows a happy smile.

When we eat the buffet, it is not the waitress who brings the dishes one by one, but we do it ourselves and take whatever we want. Looking at these eye-catching delicacies, I can't wait to add many dishes. All kinds of dishes were in front of me. I, a greedy cat, couldn't help but devour them until I couldn't eat any more.

When I was full, I lay lazily on the table. When my mother saw that I had so many dishes left, she said, "You can't stop eating, or you will be fined." After listening to my mother's words, I knew that the food can't be wasted when eating the buffet, which is really troublesome! I had to ask my mother for help. My mother promised to help me finish the meal, so I didn't have to pay a fine.

The original buffet can not waste food. In fact, it is the same in our life, because it is earned by farmers' hard work. I will never waste food again.

Buffet Composition (16)

There are many delicious duck tongues, ice cream, steaks, and seafood... Seeing so many delicious foods, I have a big appetite. I ate more than twenty dry duck tongues, two small steaks, and all kinds of fruits and cakes. At last I went home contented. The buffet is very delicious. I believe you will drool. Ah, it's delicious!