Picture composition in mind (20 required)
Sailing around the world
2024-06-29 08:26:39
describe the scenery

Picture composition in mind (1)

There is always an unforgettable picture in everyone's heart, which can't be waved away. The moment when the picture is frozen, it gives people an indescribable touch of the heart.

On a sunny and cloudless day, Father Sun held a fan in his left hand and a popsicle in his right hand. The cicada shouted impatiently from the tree, "It's too hot! It's too hot!" The hot weather made me have a fever in class. I listened to the class in a daze, but people could not fight the sky all the time. I fell asleep. A classmate saw it and raised his hands without mercy. You must have guessed the result that I was invited by the teacher to the office to "drink tea". Standing in the office, I didn't know what to do and what "crime" the teacher would condemn me.

After a while, the teacher came in with great strides. Unexpectedly, the teacher did not punish me or say anything about me, but touched my head and said, "Yes, I have a little fever." At the same time, he said that the teacher still had some heartache on his face. The teacher took out a disposable water cup, went to the water dispenser, took a full cup of water, walked to me, put the cup on the desk: "You have a fever, drink more water, it will feel better." This picture is fixed in my memory, and has become an eternal picture in my heart. I am a little thirsty, but I dare not drink that cup of water, which is full of the source of love. I looked directly at it and felt like a cotton padded jacket in the snowstorm, which made me no longer cold; It felt like a drop of sweet dew when I was hungry and thirsty, warming my thirsty throat; It felt like a hint when I was helpless, giving me direction.

Although it has been a long time, it will always be remembered in my heart and become the most beautiful picture in my heart.

Picture composition in mind (2)

Each student has the most beautiful picture in his heart, and I am no exception. The most beautiful picture in my heart is a beautiful scenery. Do you know what this scenery is? Tell you! It is a beautiful place called Forest Park.

As soon as we entered the gate of the forest park, there was a very big clock. He always reminded us to hurry up and not waste every precious minute. The sound it makes is very loud and can spread far and far. Behind the clock, there are many historical figures, which let us know more historical knowledge and historical stories.

The most beautiful thing in the forest park is the artificial lake! In summer, the lotus blooms with fragrance, and the lotus leaves are crowded like big disks, with green faces and light green bottoms. White lotus and pink lotus emerge between these big disks. Some just spread two or three petals; Some of the petals were fully unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy; Some are flower buds, which look as if they are about to burst.

The cute little fish swims freely in the lake. There are various colors of small fish: some are black, some are red, and some are red and yellow! Small fish also have different postures: some bravely surfaced to eat popcorn for them; Some, like shy girls, jumped out to eat a popcorn and quickly returned to the lake.

There are many people at Huangqiao. Many adults accompanied the children to play on the Huangqiao Bridge. The children were laughing and running. I wonder how happy they are! Some children were jumping on the Huangqiao Bridge. When they were tired from running, they went to the marble chair beside the Huangqiao Bridge to have a rest. After the rest, they began to jump and run again.

The forest park is beautiful, isn't it! I believe that through my introduction, you must also like the beautiful place Forest Park!

Picture composition in mind (3)

500 words left in the heart of the composition (1)

Leave gratitude in your heart

Outside the window, a quiet, gentle breeze slowly passes through the leaf gaps. The warm afternoon sun seemed to be a comfortable blanket draped over my shoulders. In this beautiful and warm afternoon, such a group of people suddenly appeared in my mind. What came with them was a trace of admiration and gratitude.

I remember that it was in a cold winter. The north wind whirred around my neck, and the sky became like a dirty canvas, hanging in the air with low pressure. In front of me and behind me were speeding cars. I trotted past the smelly and dirty garbage dump all the year round.

As soon as I got close to that annoying place, the sour smell that came to my nose swept away my good mood. With my head down, I covered my nose and trotted past the station. Bags of colorful garbage bags were not far away, and those annoying flies were scurrying around.

Suddenly, the sanitation workers beside me caught my attention: they were wearing worn uniforms, wearing broken and blackened white gloves, covered with a wrinkled face under the worn hat, and a pair of withered bamboo like hands did not mind being stained by piles of garbage, It seems that this is a common practice for them. I stood stunned aside, even the strong smell seemed to be gone.

I think: Do they really don't mind working in a smelly place day after day? Are they really willing to stay in this small garbage station and spend boring years and years?

No, it is the grateful heart that supports them and makes their hands no longer resist garbage. They are grateful to the city for providing them with a share of bread and milk. They are grateful that they have a good place to live and can no longer live in the open air. The city has given everyone the same favor, but they are willing to use their own hands to repay the city's gifts to them with a grateful heart. Because of them, green grass and flowers will not die in the stinking garbage dump. Because of them, we can breathe clean and pure air, because they are like the kidney of the city, making the whole city operate normally.

On the way home, I looked at those busy sanitation workers from afar. At least I no longer felt disgusted with them, but more appreciated and admired them.

Leave gratitude in your heart

The thirsty traveller finds an oasis in the vast desert, and he will be grateful to God for giving him this moist land. The seriously ill old man searched hard and finally caught the hope of life. He would be grateful for the angel's help to keep him away from death. The delicate grass appreciated the trees for shelter, and the beautiful flowers appreciated the earth for feeding its fragrance. Similarly, in my heart, I will also be grateful.

In the morning, my mother would get up early to cook for me, then wake up the lazy me, finish breakfast and leave the house. My mother would always say, "Be careful on the way" and "Come back early". In the evening, when I study in the dim light, my mother will also say, "Don't catch a cold, go to bed early." Every morning and evening, my mother will repeat these words, and my mother's chatter of asking for warmth makes me feel

Very warm. I am grateful for my mother's "nagging". When I am sad and sad, I will forget my sadness and trouble and cheer up every time I hear these nagging. With some gratitude in mind, I found my mother's nagging was full of caring love.

When I was in primary school, every time I violated the school rules, I was criticized by my teachers, probably because I was young and naive in primary school. The teacher's criticism was not fierce, but cordial. The teacher always smiles when he criticizes me, which makes me feel embarrassed. I am grateful to the kind teacher. Whenever I think of the teacher's kind smile, I will try my best to restrain my behavior and no longer violate the school rules. With some gratitude in mind, I found that the teacher's criticism was also full of love.

In junior high school, the students are harmonious, cooperative and united. Although there are some frictions sometimes, they do not affect the friendship. Remember that once I lost the limited ballpoint pen "Zhao" just bought. I am very sorry for him, but he did not blame me, But with a grateful heart, he said: "Never mind, it's just a pen. You have given me a lot of help. How can I turn against you because of a pen?" His sincere words enhanced our friendship. I am grateful to God for this beautiful friendship, which makes me more confident in the communication between classmates. As long as I treat others with gratitude, others will treat me with gratitude, leaving some gratitude in my heart. I find that the occasional friction between classmates is also the lubricant of communication.

Leave some gratitude in my heart, I know how to be grateful to others. I am grateful to all who have helped me. Because of them, my troubles and sorrows are resolved, and my joy is shared. I feel the true love between people. With some gratitude in mind, I found the happiness of life. Leave gratitude in your heart

When the first ray of the sun shines on the earth, it is the warmest love it gives to mankind; When the first silver ray of the moon shines on the earth, it is the softest love it gives to human beings; When the mother brought a cup of hot milk, it was the mother's greatest love for her family—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I once saw an advertisement where a little boy came up with a basin of water in his hand and said to his mother in his childish voice, "Mom, wash your feet!" Looking at the mother's pleasant smile in the picture, I couldn't help crying. Yes, love, it's so simple.

After Buren went to school, a dull and inexplicable worry replaced the happiness and innocence of childhood. In the past, my parents were the gods in my heart, but now I have learned to fight back with them. That day, because the food my father cooked was not to my taste, I made a big noise and annoyed my mother who was in a good mood. Mother scowled and scolded: "You can eat. You are so picky. You always say I don't give you face. Have you ever given me a good face?" Mother's anger erupted after a long time of deposition. As soon as I dropped the bowl, I rushed into the room, pulled the door hard and sat there, letting tears flow everywhere.

Before long, Dad came in with a towel. He stroked my long hair, put a towel on my shoulder, and simply said, "Go to sleep!" At this time, my father always appeared in front of me. However, I have been disgusted with a man, like a full-time nanny, who can hardly see his manhood. I ignored my father, but shouted loudly: "I don't need your pity." But my father didn't seem to care about my words, still picked up a towel and wiped the tears on my face. Then he helped me make the bed and lay down gently. Dad went out, but I couldn't sleep because I was lying in bed.

Late at night, my mother and father walked in quietly, and I quickly closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. "You are so worried. Why did you scold so hard at first?" Dad said softly. "You don't know, I'm an acute child." Mother explained, "Look

How can I feel at ease when she cries like that? But she can't understand our painstaking efforts! " Hearing this, I could not help but feel my nose sour, and tears rolled down, one drop at a time, wetting the pillow, and also melting away the resentment in my heart. The only thing left was a wordless gratitude.

Love does not need to be deliberately arranged. As long as you feel it with your heart, it will quietly appear in the

Keep the opponent in mind

Keep my opponent in my heart and let me be full of positive power—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

"I must not let Shan catch up with me, I silently said in my heart." Well, the summer physical training has begun, and now the project is the 1000 meter marathon race.

"Start!" With the coach's order, Shan and I rushed out of the starting line like an arrow leaving the string. I knew that my advantage was not as big as Shan, so we took the initiative to increase the frequency of legs and arms swinging. I ran ahead of Shan with all my strength. After about 100 meters, the speed gradually slowed down, but I still kept the attitude of fighting with him. Come on, come on, I cheer myself up secretly.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on us, and the shadow is also infinitely elongated. I looked down at the running shadow. Suddenly, I had a brainwave and found a small secret. I can judge Shan's position according to the shadow. I secretly smiled in my heart, "hey hey", which is called knowing oneself and knowing the enemy. I will never be defeated.

No, I suddenly found that Zhang Shan had used the "trick" I just used. Hum, I wanted to outflank from the right side. I thought about beauty, so I stepped up a few steps and reached the right front ahead of her.

I decided to disrupt her rhythm with my own rhythm, so I carefully slowed down the rhythm, fearing that something else would happen suddenly.

When I turned the corner, I ran close to Dongqing. Because I ran less in the inner circle and spent less energy, it's easier to defend than to attack. Hum, don't try to run in front of me.

Shadow tactics don't work, the sun has moved to our front. I changed my tactics and rushed forward regardless of everything. The victory was ahead and the finish line waved to me.

The sweat on my face was dripping down, some blurred my eyes, and some were ticking on the ground. "Sprint!", the coach shouted in front. My legs seem to have increased elasticity and move forward quickly. Step by step, I was more and more excited and finally crossed the finish line!

"15 minutes and 42 seconds, cool." The stopwatch in the coach's hand rang and shouted at me. At this time, the chest and back were also wet and sweaty. "15 minutes and 45 seconds, Shan". I jumped up happily, raised my hand to Shan and made an "OK" gesture.

This time, I not only surpass my rivals, but also surpass myself. It turns out that there are rivals, but they are so magical and powerful. Only by keeping the opponent in mind, can we forge ahead bravely;

Keep your opponent in mind, and you will make continuous progress;

A perfect life can only be achieved by leaving your opponent in your heart. Leave some gratitude in your heart

When it is sunny after the rain, leave a little gratitude in your heart. Be grateful for the rainbow brought to you after the rain. Even if it will disappear, it has left you a moment of beauty—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The leaves hover in the sky, composing a moving movement, which is the tree's gratitude to the earth that nourishes it; Clouds are floating under the blue sky, depicting a moving picture, which is the gratitude of the white clouds to the blue sky that nurtured them; The wind plays on the grass and plays a show of gratitude. It is the gratitude of spring wind to the grass that owns it. Thanks to gratitude, we can have a colorful society. Thanks to gratitude, we can understand the true meaning of life.

I still remember that this spring, we received a rare touch. At the moment of life and death, she protected others and left the hope of life to others. She is Xiao Yuling. Presumably, we are not unfamiliar with this familiar name, but the one she wants to protect is Lingyan. She is a good sister of Xiao Yuling. Lingyan's parents divorced when she was young, and she was adopted to live in her grandmother's house next to Xiao Yuling's house. Her mother worked abroad for many years. She seldom met several times a year. Lingyan became introverted and reticent. In order to make Lingyan as happy as other children, Xiao Yuling began to care for her, especially her birthday, which was celebrated by Yuling. In Yanling's heart, Yuling has always been a kind and gentle sister.

On the day of March 14, if it was not for my sister's efforts, maybe I would have died already? Looking at Xiao Yuling lying quietly on the bed, the tears in her eyes flowed uncontrollably. It was raining continuously outside the window. Xiao Yuling on the bed could not hold Yanling crying in her arms to comfort her. She could only comfort Yanling by saying, "Yanling, don't cry, don't cry", which seemed so familiar to Yanling. In fact, Yanling always keeps a little gratitude in her heart. Be grateful to Yuling for pushing herself away at the moment of life and death; Thank Yuling for taking care of herself; Be grateful to Yuling for comforting herself when she is sad; Thanks to Yuling, there are too many words to express. Only a little gratitude will remain in my heart forever. Even if my hair turns white and my memory fades away, that gratitude will remain in my heart forever!

The rain of that night seemed so beautiful. The moon rainbow hung high in the sky, smiling down at the deep feelings of the sisters; Looking down at Xiao Yuling's angel like pure heart; Looking down at that thick love.

Yu Ling, the hero, hundreds of millions of people pray with love; Earthquake and flood, hundreds of millions of people with love tower bridge; When Chang'e flies to the moon, hundreds of millions of people look at her with love!

When the rainy season comes, many memories of life are washed into faded landscapes by the rain, and all memories are rendered into the most romantic ideas. In the morning after waking up, people will always leave a little gratitude in their hearts, so that the thick love has spread all the time

500 words left in the heart of the composition (2)

Picture composition in mind (4)

His Composition in My Heart 400 (1)

He in my heart _ writing composition

In my mind, he is a cowardly and incompetent person in the eyes of others. Unlike boys, he is always dealing with poor students who are teachers' homework. Everyone thinks so, so do I. But by chance, I met him again. An ordinary Thursday, an ordinary day, an ordinary person, an ordinary school day, I was sitting on the bus, humming a song and doing nothing. Suddenly, I saw an old woman get on the bus. There was no vacancy on the bus at that time. Because it was too far away from home, I thought twice and finally did not give up my seat. I thought someone would give up, but I didn't think it was him. In another twinkling of an eye, I saw a turn and gave my seat to the grandma. When I was wondering who this person was, he just turned around. Yes, I was right. It was him, the cowardly and incompetent man. I was shocked, not because I gave up my seat, but because he gave up his seat. At the same time, my face seemed burning hot, because at that time, I should give up my seat more than him from any angle. His home was far away from me, and he was a poor student in school. Compared with me, it was a world of difference. I always thought that his quality was inferior to me in all aspects, and even despised him, But now my view of him has changed. Since then, I began to pay attention to him. I found that in addition to his poor study, he still had many advantages. When the board was erased, he took the initiative to pick it up. When cleaning up, he rushed to do the dirty work. For what he did, others all responded with a scornful smile, and I really saw it in my eyes. Whatever he did, I felt good for him. Then, I began to inquire about his family. I learned that his father worked outside all the year round and his mother worked as an office worker. His life was OK. I initially judged that the reason why he is like this is because he lacks love. I told my teacher what I found. The teacher thought for a while and held a meeting of all class cadres. He said that he lacked love. Since his parents could not give him at home, we would double the compensation to him at school. You are all class cadres. You should be the first to take the lead in this matter. Since then, the teachers and students began to care for him, help him, take the initiative to help him solve problems, and his grades have also increased, but unexpectedly, in the primary school graduation exam, he was among the top ten in the class! He was rated as an excellent Young Pioneer. After school that day, the teacher asked the three good students to stay and clean up. I also stayed. When I was leaving after cleaning up, I found a piece of paper on my desk. Curious, I took it and looked at it. It was written by him. It said: Thank you. I know you helped me. Without you, I would not be who I am now... After reading it, I smiled sweetly, but I didn't think I could hide it, He saw that it was good to help others! Since then, I have never seen him again. My impression of him is blurred, but I still remember the letter and his smile when he won the prize. My impression of him is no longer cowardly and incompetent, but a gorgeous turn, an elegant seat.

His Composition in My Heart 400 (2)

He in my heart Lin Anna, C-2241 of Jinjiang No. 1 Middle School, entered the middle school - the first turning point in her life, which means that she is no longer a childish pupil, but a sensible middle school student. When I entered middle school, I met many good teachers. He is one of them. Humorous, funny, it can be said that this is him. In class, he always brings us a lot of laughter. But he can turn over his face faster than he can turn over a book! Don't say I exaggerate, you just haven't seen it. He is our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wu Jingyi (hey hey! You may think that our Chinese teacher is a woman, because you can see the name, but I tell you that he is actually a man, scared!) Do you want to know what happened next? No hurry, just listen to me. At the beginning of the first Chinese class, the teacher introduced himself first. When introducing themselves, all the students in the class laughed, some even couldn't stand up. Because it was so shocking that the teacher called a girl's name! He also told us about what happened when he was in junior high school. Because his name was like a girl, he was once arranged to a girl's dormitory, and because of his name, he was also regarded as a girl! His class is always full of laughter, which makes the boring and boring class lively and lively. However, half of the credit is due to our lovely deputy monitor. His classes always let us explore knowledge in fun, and his stories are close to life. Let us learn to learn and explore in life. He always holds a book in one hand and puts it behind his back (sometimes, of course) when giving lectures. It's really an ancient style! When he lectures, he always brings the text into life, so that we can learn to live and learn to learn at the same time. This is the man in my heart, Mr. Wu Jingyi, funny and humorous. He is a good teacher in our hearts.  

His Composition in My Heart 400 (III)

400 words of good composition

400 words of good composition (1)

The first time I succeeded, my heart was full of happiness. It was a good feeling of success!

It was a scorching summer. I kept sweating with the fan on, and my heart was extremely hot. What should I do if I want to go out to buy ice cream, but I'm afraid of the sun? Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind - why not make your own ice cream!

I found a plastic cup, poured pure milk, added a lot of sugar, inserted a chopstick, and then put it into the refrigerator. About half an hour later, I can't wait any longer. I can't wait to open the refrigerator. That ice-cream has already been frozen. I took it out and took a bite. Wow! It's really sweet in my mouth and cool in my heart. I made several more ice-cream cakes one by one. They tasted them and they were all full of praise: "Hmm, delicious, Yuanyuan is really capable!" "How do you do it, teach me!" "Yuanyuan is really sensible, and Xiaoyan wants to learn from your sister!" After listening to their praise, I smiled embarrassed!

It feels good to be successful!

400 words of good composition (2)

Success, a commendatory word, makes people feel refreshed. I have several successes that I would like to share with you.

This time it was a success in the battle between cowardice and bravery. Since the first grade, I have never jumped over the rope. When I take off, I tremble and dare not go up. But in the afternoon, with the encouragement of everyone, he went out of his way. "Ah!" I jumped up. Eh, why didn't I fall today? "Good, great!" the student shouted excitedly. After I went down, I thought to myself: was it heaven that just appeared? Or did they not shake the rope in their hands? Or

It turned out that when they hit the ground with their rope, I rushed in and jumped up like a kangaroo, and the rope fell down quietly, so a perfect rope jump was completed.

Oh, it was also good this time. I got 70 points in the Chinese test, the first full score in the class! I jumped three feet high with joy.

It's a double blessing! The commonly recognized "coward" has become a "warrior"; I ranked first in Chinese. When I walked, I felt like I was floating on air, and my classmates all looked at me with new eyes. It feels good to be successful!

400 words of good composition (3)

My good friend is Liu Yihan. His eyes are small, his body is thin, and his stature is also small. But he left a deep impression on me.

Liu Yihan likes doing math problems best. He solved all the problems the teacher gave him. He is more modest, helping the old people cross the road, pouring tea for guests, and letting others take toys first are more common in his childhood. Let's say he helps people.

Once when he and I were holding the most interesting "Capuda Giant" toy, ZZ came to look at me and asked me to lend him. I shook my head and said, "You didn't give me the toy when you had one!" Before I finished speaking, Liu Yihan had already handed him the toy and said, "Give it to you!" ZZ was very happy, but I was ashamed. He loves doing math problems. He can't do a difficult problem, but he asked me, who has a lower IQ than him. When I explained to him impatiently, he listened with interest.

After parting with him, I learned a lot from him. For example, if someone asks me to lend something, I will give it to others generously, because I learned humility from Liu Yihan. If there is a problem, I will not be ashamed to ask, because I learned modesty from Liu Yihan.

Now as soon as I close my eyes, his little figure will appear in my mind. The big ears, small eyes, melon shaped face, and mouth up humming look so cute! No matter what he becomes, he is my good friend Liu Yihan.

I also know a lot about LYH. I love doing math problems, watching Altman, playing PSP, asking questions, thinking, cutting watermelons, and eating pineapples. The phone number is ********.

Now, do you also want to be friends with my good friend?

His Composition in My Heart 400 (4)

The Little Secret in My Heart Everyone should have their own little secret, and I am no exception. Today, I will tell you my little secret secretly. One day after school, I walked into a shop quickly, and I took out five yuan to the boss. At this time, Mao Yuqi and Li Kun came in and said to me, "Wang Da, lend us some money." I asked them, "How much is it?" They said, "Three yuan." I hesitated for a moment, because my mother wouldn't let me spend change or lend money to others. I thought to myself: we are good friends, let's borrow. I lent them three yuan, and I said, "When will you pay me back?" They said, "Tomorrow morning." After that, I bought a four pack card with the remaining two yuan, and got on the car. I was always worried in the car: "Will they pay me back tomorrow morning? When I get home, how should I tell my mother? After a while, I got home, and my mother smiled and said to me:" Back home, hurry up and do your homework! "I promised my mother happily. My mother asked me again:" Did you spend change after school today? "I hesitated for a moment and whispered to my mother," Mom, I didn't spend any change. "At this time, I didn't have the courage to tell my mother that I lent money to my classmates. I thought: we are good friends and should help each other! But I dare not tell my mother. This is a little secret that has been hidden in my heart for a long time.

His Composition in My Heart 400 (5)

She in my heart She is our second mother, we respect her, we cherish her. She is very beautiful. Every time I see her face, she is serious. But she has paid too much for us. We put too much pressure on her, so that her once youthful and sunny body has been cut and scarred by us. However, she is still as beautiful as an eighteen year old girl in my heart. The recent weather is not very pleasant. A heavy mood accompanies everyone, but apart from a few people in our class, those people are opposite to us, a little lively, and the final result is that they have caused trouble (late). In this case, our class was given double time to repay, but one of these people didn't keep his promise and ran away alone after school. Perhaps because of this, her mood dropped a notch. One day at the third day of self-study, she said to wait for dictation of English words, and then came a sigh that I didn't want to dictate. She understood the reason for my sigh. She was angry, scolded me, and I stuck out my tongue in shame. There was a silence, and she suddenly asked: Did you have a physics exam just now? We nodded and answered, then she asked us about our exam results, and we answered truthfully one by one 55 points, 53 points, 54 points, 51 points. Then there are more than 40 points, 30 points and 20 points. This time, she was really angry, roared out a lot of words angrily, and then walked away forcefully. We know why she is angry and angry. For us, she has been studying at night for so long, but her performance still hasn't improved. How can such performance make us enter higher schools? After a short silence, I understand that there are injuries and difficulties in anger. Hurt, hurt for our exam results. I hate it because we haven't succeeded in the past three years. Can we remember the most beautiful girl when we grow up? Can we remember her who has been hurt deeply by us? Love her - she in my heart, our head teacher. Junior three

His Composition in My Heart 400 (6)

Picture composition in mind (5)

Pick up the brush and draw the picture in your heart. The picture in my heart is my ideal. My ideal is to be a teacher.

Being a teacher can cultivate the flowers of the motherland. Although it is hard, I am willing, because I think it is worth it. The teacher taught us to be a selfless person when we were young. I think the profession of teacher is the most suitable for this word. Because only teachers can impart all their efforts and knowledge to us.

The ideal of being a teacher starts with my head teacher. It was last month. I was on duty. Although school was over, the classroom was very busy. There were our students on duty and some students who made up homework. But there was a familiar figure in the classroom - the head teacher. He looked at those students carefully to make up homework. You thought it was a very common thing, But you know that the teacher let his son stay in the office without anyone. What a noble quality! She values her students more than her children. She watched her "children" make up homework in the classroom. Instead of accompanying her children. How touching it is!

It is from this that I came up with this ideal. Let me fight for it!

Picture composition in mind (6)

Students, do you still remember the financial crisis that broke out on Wall Street in September 20xx? Like a tsunami, it quickly spread to the whole world. Both economically developed western countries such as Britain and Japan, and developing countries are affected, and China is no exception.

Since the impact of the financial crisis on China, many enterprises have experienced a sharp decline in orders, insufficient construction, or even bankruptcy. Even a large enterprise like my mother's company has had a profound impact. Orders have dropped sharply, and employees have begun to take long holidays. I saw my mother stay at home, always worried and silent. The family has been "dead", no laughter, even the dishes on the table are discounted. From then on, my family fell into a cold "winter". Even I, who never cared about news, began to pay attention to the economic channel. The news of "XX company has closed down again" broadcast on TV has become "commonplace" at this time.

This phenomenon lasted for several months. One day, when I came home from school, I saw my mother humming a song while doing hygiene. I thought: Eh? Mother is in such a good mood today. Is she going to work. So I asked my mother with questions: "Mom, what's so happy about? Let's share it with everyone!" My mother said with flying colors: "I'm going back to work tomorrow!" I can't wait to ask: "Really? Great!" Although the orders of my mother's company are not many, they are beginning to recover after all.

Ah -, great! The "cold" and "winter" are about to pass, and the beautiful "spring" is about to come. I firmly believe that under the guidance of the motherland's policies, China's economy will soon recover and embark on the fast lane of development, and the motherland will become more prosperous and strong! The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain, and the spring in my heart is coming!

Picture composition in mind (7)

In October, the autumn wind is bleak and the waves are surging; On the day of falling leaves, I can enjoy the spring in my heart alone—— The beginning of September passed, when I was still immersed in the joy of the National Day, who did not know that the haze was coming: an ordinary monthly exam completely destroyed my confidence, the red fork on the roll weaved into a blood net all over the sky, entangled me in despair, I could not get rid of it, but also could not escape. At night, I sat at the table with a feeling of frustration and barely swallowed a few mouthfuls of food, But my mood had already drifted back to the night before the exam: "I must be able to do well, at least 530, and wait for my good news!" But now the "good news" - 479.5 is pressing me like a mountain. "I'm going out for a walk!" shouted a word, and my feet had already stepped out of the house. It was late autumn now. I was walking alone in the street wearing a single coat. The rustling leaves slapped my shoulder wantonly. I kept cringing, and my eyes were full of yellow like withered grass and withered leaves. Just like my mood, it was dark and desperate. "Silently, I went to the west tower alone, and the moon was like a hook." Hungry and cold, I silently recited poems and walked on the silent path. Suddenly, a soft color beside the road attracted me - green. What kind of green was that? It was like a ray of bright sunshine in the infinite darkness; Like a sweet spring in the flying sand; No, it is more like a small key, opening my heart lock... What is this? I could not help but accelerate to walk up, and what I saw was just a piece of grass. "But why is it still green?" "Maybe it still misses its own spring..." I asked myself. Although my mouth was not easy to say, a layer of rare ripples appeared in my heart - the grass has its own heart of spring, do I have my own heart of spring? My body trembled at the thought of this - it was not because of cold or hunger, it was not! After this night, I have found the spring in my heart. Soon, I experienced another baptism of examination - 536.5. Looking at the fallen leaves outside the window, I know I can go further. Another leaf, listen to the rustle of leaves, feel the spring in my heart alone.

Picture composition in mind (8)

Even if the winter is sown, I will sprout, because there is spring in my heart.

A crippled child took a seed from her elderly grandmother. At that time, it was spring.

I jumped in her hands, ready to do something in the good world in spring. She bent down and was about to plant me. "Yaya, don't worry, it's not time yet!" Her grandmother shouted to her.

After a summer, an autumn. Her grandmother finally felt it was time to tell Yaya to find a conspicuous place to plant me.

In this way, I left the shabby but warm house and was planted in the land with only a trace of warmth and moisture. I have no heart to complain, because just resisting the cold is beyond my ability.

I lived in fear for three days, and Yaya came every day. Grandma wouldn't let her water or loosen the soil. She was afraid that my weak seed would die in the land. Her grandmother always said, "It knows that it doesn't need water or warmth, it just needs to wait for spring." I listened to her grandmother's advice, and I was really looking forward to spring from the moment I heard that sentence.

Winter is so long.

I even look forward to a snow while looking forward to spring. Because snow brings not only the biting cold, but also a little water after the cold.

After a snowfall, I was so excited by the little water I got that I thought I had survived winter and ushered in spring. Because I did see a ray of sunshine.

Then I saw Yaya's surprised face. "Grandma! It sprouted! Really, the winter seed sprouted greener and better!"

I just knew that I had sprouted! "Yaya, the little seed can sprout in winter! Then you can go to school lamely! The ridicule of the students can make you sprout better like the little seed!" "Hmm!"

A gust of wind blew, and I stood up while shaking.

Because the heart has spring, so this is spring

Picture composition in mind (9)

Spring is the season of life. At this time, a clear torrent of love swept through my heart, and the window of my heart was opened quietly.

In the spring of my heart, the aura of love flickers beside you, and the dazzling light brings people unusual warmth. Angel of love - my Chinese teacher. Although you don't have the aura of a young girl, you have a pair of bright eyes full of love. Whenever I see it, I always wonder if it is because of your love, the stars are reluctant to part with you and become beautiful eyes inlaid in your eyes, shining and close to nature.

The Tomb Sweeping Day was over, and I had nothing to do at home. So I went to the fields with some friends. However, as a middle school student, I was not suitable for it, so I had to go to the soil slope in front of the village to watch the scenery. It has been a pure land in my heart since I was young. Especially in spring, the charming scenery adds a sense of tranquility and charm to this place.

Standing on a high place, you can see a lot of beautiful scenery... It's green vitality, green aura, and green mystery.

The most charming place, the most emotional season, I also have a light thoughts.

Enjoying the beautiful scenery of the hillside, I seemed to see the teacher's beautiful image. Yes, she is the gentle spring breeze blowing gently from my side, never forgetting to kiss on my face; She is the gentle sunshine of this spring shining slowly on me, never forgetting to comfort me with love; I gently stroked the trickling spring. Is this your blood and sweat full of love? Yes, you have worked hard too! The beauty in front of me is charming, but I always love the spring in my heart! She gave me love that Zhenchun couldn't give me, gave me profound philosophies in my heart, and gave me beautiful scenery that ordinary people can't understand. It seemed to be full of love information. The heart is the carrier of love, telling me the secret of her happiness.

"The flowers are becoming more attractive, and only the grass can have no horses' hooves." Spring is a beautiful fairy tale in children's hearts, and it plays a colorful dream story. The spring in my heart, I just want to pursue you quietly.

Picture composition in mind (10)

Spring is like a naughty child. I let the dead branches along the road grow full of buds when I am not paying attention. I look at these buds excitedly every day, hoping that someday they will become flowers and be seen by my own eyes. But it took advantage of my inattention to let the buds turn into flowers and seeds, hanging all over the branches.

Pink peach flowers, snow-white pear flowers, delicate yellow winter jasmine flowers, and the "caterpillar" who plays on the swing leisurely on the poplar branches. It seems that spring is a god, floating before my eyes. Looking at the beautiful Spring Girl, I felt an impulse to take her hand and go to the park with her.

The air was very fresh when we stepped on the path between the mountains. The green is everywhere, the grass is green, the trees are awake, the mountain is alive, and people are coming. Let me believe that the girl floating beside me is Spring.

When we get to the park, I'm afraid we can't describe the joy there with "bustle". There is no need to say that there are many people. Food, drink and clothing are embedded outside the park. There are more people inside, singing, dancing and sports. Shuttle through it, but it seems to add chaos.

I don't know where to go. Suddenly, I saw a little girl in a quiet corridor. She should be about my age. She got off the wheelchair. The old man beside him should be his grandpa. He was holding her with his hand. After standing like this for a while, grandpa slowly released his hand. The little girl began to walk by herself.

Her leg should be suffering from some disease, because she can't keep her balance, so she almost fell down after taking a few steps. Grandpa quickly reached out his hand to hold her. Get her back in the wheelchair. Just then, a little brother came over and handed her a kite. It was a beautiful butterfly. I can't hear what they said.

After a while, I only saw the little boy running quickly, and the butterfly also flew into the sky in the hands of the little girl. The little girl looked up at her grandfather with a smile. Grandpa smiled, and the spring girl beside me also smiled.

Singing accompanied by laughter floating over the park; Kites fly in the sky with the spring wind Spring is a beautiful picture, colorful; Spring is a beautiful music, warm and memorable.

Picture composition in mind (11)

Spring is the season when everything recovers, and spring is also the season when I start from zero.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Once I was corrupt, passive and ignorant, without any youthful vitality, just like a pile of rotten bones, but since I met her, I began to change little by little. She is the spring in my heart and also the spring in my life.

Before I met her, I couldn't settle down to study well. Every day, I was always impetuous. But I told me that only by working hard can I move forward, and only after suffering from hardships, can I become a master. After hearing these words, I felt thoughtful and began to change; In the hot summer, it is inevitable that I will feel sleepy in class. But whenever I want to give up listening and sleep with my head bent down, she always turns her head and pats me, telling me that people with dreams can't sleep, and people without dreams can't wake up a genius or a fool. I am diligent and lazy. These words made me energetic and began to take classes seriously

Has changed; Whenever I encounter a problem and want to give up, she always tells me: think about it again, come on! We can do it! If you have questions, you will have answers. If you don't work hard, you will fall behind. You'd better finish the problem obediently. When I finish a problem and jump three feet high, when I start to be arrogant and arrogant, she always does it safely. She is telling me with her actions that people should be modest and modest to make progress, and pride makes people retreat. Since then, I am not proud, She started to change slowly. She changed at a slower speed than a snail, but she never gave up. She always told me what was right, what was wrong, what should be done, and what should not be done at the most critical moment. Like my sister, she guided me on the right path. Because of her, I know how to behave; Because of her, I know how to learn; It is also because of her that my life is more wonderful. Because she is the spring in my heart.

In spring, in this season of recovery of everything, my mind slowly matures. Because of her, I have made changes and will win success.


Picture Composition in Heart (12)

Spring is a beautiful season. In the past, my mood should be full of joy and vitality like this season. But now, my heart is as cold as winter, without a trace of life, nor a trace of warmth.

The story goes back to four days ago. An ordinary exam pulled me into the dark abyss. When I looked at the exam paper, every red fork hurt my heart. On that day, I didn't talk and laugh with my classmates. I just sat in my seat silently and tried to hold back tears. An ordinary exam broke my confidence, and the spring in my heart was gone.

Until school was over, I was not in a good mood. Mother seemed to have sensed my mistake. After dinner, she said, "Let me take you out for a walk!" I accepted it gladly.

The outside world is gray. The green trees have no color, and the lovely birds no longer sing. Except for the annoying flute sound from the car, there seems to be no other sound. The spring in my heart vanished.

Unconsciously, I followed my mother to a small garden. My mother said to me, "Come on, kid, tell me what you saw on the road?" I replied dejectedly, "gray smoke, messy cars..." I reported a series of anxious things. "You are wrong," said her mother. "Everything in the world has a good side. You can't ignore the beautiful colors just because you failed, let alone just a small test.".

I suddenly realized the meaning of these words. I can't give up just because of a setback. Just like the grass in spring, it stands there in the wind and the sun, always blooming with green color. Isn't this the color of life full of vitality and pursuit? My confidence has multiplied, and the spring in my heart has returned.

Since the baptism of spirit, I have become more optimistic day by day, and my performance is much better than before. Your mood in my heart has also changed, as if warm spring breeze thawed the earth, melted the ice and snow, and made my world full of glory!

Picture composition in mind (13)

The spring in my heart is a poem as well as a song. He is always with me, as if he were my partner. In junior high school, there are too many homework, more subjects and more difficulties, which makes me very distressed. Now, the end of the term * * * is coming, which makes me very worried. I really hope that time can stop.

Spring seems to have come quietly, but I haven't found it yet. There are endless homework all day long. It seems that there is endless homework to write.

The weather was overcast and heavy. I was busy thinking about the final exam. I didn't seem to have done much homework at noon. I was very upset. I wanted to roar at the sky, but it was impossible and impossible.

The arrival of the end of the semester has caused tremendous pressure on the students, and there are almost no sidelines. The continuous main courses in the afternoon are also restless for the students. Sitting in the classroom, listening to the wind blowing outside, I felt the bleakness of the wind, making us never feel cold. I walked out of the door in diameter, and a cold wind pulled me back from my imagination, which made me tremble. But in my heart, the wind seemed to remind me to learn as early as possible. It is also like a kind of ridicule to me, which makes me want to start again from the beginning.

At the door of the classroom, listening to the laughter of my classmates, my heart was also down. Suddenly, there was a feeling that came from the laughter of my classmates. Immersed in the laughter, I thought, this is spring. It is so weak, but still clearly visible. I thought, one day, when I grow up, I will be free. Originally, the spring in my heart, yearning for freedom.

Spring, like a poem and a song, accompanies us. In the spring we know, it creates an era that belongs to us. In this world, we will thrive.

Picture composition in mind (14)

When winter comes, the weather drops to below zero. People go to the house to drive away the cold in winter. But in my heart, that winter was warm and happy.

I quietly wrote my homework, thinking about going to make up lessons, I was very bored. Grandma was knitting her scarf. Look through the window - in the gray twilight, the new wind rises gradually, the crystal clear snow floats down from the sky like petals, and the flakes of snow are flying in the air, or circling, or flying, or jumping... The mood becomes more depressed. Turn around and look at Grandma. A slight smile ripples on her kind face. Maybe the scarf in her hand is almost finished

It's cold in the afternoon. So the pace becomes slow. As I walked, I vaguely saw a short, familiar figure like me coming in the cold wind. Ah! It's my grandma. As soon as Grandma saw that it was me, she trotted up to meet me. "Wheeze, wheeze --" Grandma came up to me breathlessly, and she held my hand and said, "It's cold! Look! The hands are cold." She took off her gloves, covered my frozen hands with her weather beaten, wrinkled hands, and put the newly woven scarf around my neck. My hands slowly warmed up, my heart seemed to ignite the flame of happiness, and my whole body felt particularly warm. She took out a bag of hot "Jinliwang" sugar stir fried chestnuts from her pocket. Grandma grabbed a bunch of chestnuts and stuffed them into my pocket. The frontier fortress said, "This... this is what I just bought. It's still hot! Pack more for the car to eat." She said, many hot chestnuts were put into my pocket. Grandma was a little short of breath. After all, it's not easy for an old man who is about sixty to run for a long time, And she wants her baby granddaughter to eat a hot chestnut.

The car soon came in front of us, and the paper bag was empty. However, my pocket was filled with plump bags. I deeply felt that the plump pockets were no longer Jinliwang, but Grandma's deep love for me.

Spring has not come yet, but in my heart that winter is happy and warm. composition

Picture composition in mind (15)

Wandering alone at the intersection of the intersection, I don't know whether to turn left or right. Think more, just keep going, no worries, no worries.

Looking up at the clouds today, with the gloom that should not belong to it, I wander in the air, helpless. Just like me now, I lost all my aura and fell from the top of the pyramid. The admiration in the eyes of the teacher disappeared, the admiration in the eyes of the students disappeared, and the pride in the eyes of the mother also turned into harsh words. In the face of all this, I laughed at myself. In addition to being ashamed, I think there is nothing left.

Looking at the dead trees on both sides of the road, my heart became numb from cold. The curse of "What can you do except cry" echoed in my ears like a nightmare and could not be dispelled for a long time.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of me, whose back was once straight but became bent with the passage of time. The familiar figure is slowly approaching, and the line of sight is gradually clear. She took a coat and put it on for me skillfully and strangely, as if it had not been like this for many years. It suddenly occurred to me that I had not been so close to my mother for a long time.

I looked at my mother with apologetic eyes, but my mother avoided my eyes, looked at a tree on the road that had faded the winter cold and sprouted tender green leaves, silently led me away. Suddenly, I remembered that my mother had looked at the tree like this, and then looked at me and said, "My child, when winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

At that time, I listened to my mother's words vaguely, without knowing the meaning. At this time, I finally understood the deep encouragement and love my mother gave me in this sentence!

I turned around, looked back, looked at the tree, the tree carrying my mother's love and encouragement. I smiled, happily.

If winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Picture Composition in Heart (16)

In everyone's mind, the understanding of spring is also different. Some people think that spring is colorful, and flowers compete for beauty; Some people think that spring is warm and a new beginning; And I think that spring should not only have these, but also have kindness and love. This is the spring in my heart.

I like this way, and I like you more -- Mom. You are so kind. You encouraged me and accompanied me from childhood. From childhood to adulthood, I have no responsibility to do anything. You will support me and cheer me on. Even if I can't do it, you are willing to let me try. After failure, I always hide in a corner. You always patiently advise me to accept the reality, be cheerful and confident in facing the future life.

The blue sky is like the sea, and the white clouds are like the waves, floating gently and slowly. This feeling is very comfortable. I have an appointment with my friends at KFC, but I didn't come after class. Do you think I'm angry—— Yes. But looking at the sea and the white waves, the air could not come. I can only smile, look at the sea and spray, walk home, and think in my heart: maybe something really can't come, it's OK, I can still meet you next time, don't worry, relax, and move forward! Hee hee, eh? Where does the water come from? "Hua Hua Hua" ah, it's raining, find a place to take shelter from the rain, but now which shop can stand me!

Ah! There is a small place. I try to squeeze in, but I still get caught in some rain. I can only use a small bag to block it. Ah! Why does that figure look so familiar! It was my mother. I waved to her. She looked at both sides of the road and ran quickly. I immediately moved the umbrella over my head and said, "Go home." We walked together in the rain. I looked at my mother's side face, which was so warm and anxious.

When I got home, I found my mother's clothes were wet, but mine was not so wet. It can be seen that my mother loves me deeply. Mom, thank you.

Isn't spring just like this? It infects others with its love and kindness and passes it on to others.

This is the spring in my heart. With kindness, warmth, flowers and love, it is a new beginning.

Picture composition in mind (17)

After the cold winter, it is naturally the spring full of vitality and life! The spring water stirs the rocks, making a sound of cool water. Good birds sing to each other, making rhymes. Trees sprout, and flowers compete in beauty. What a vibrant scene, what a prosperous spring. However, I always felt that there was something better than this, so I looked everywhere

This year, our country is finally going to host the Olympic Games, which shows that our country is getting richer. Look at the college students on the street, organizing activities again and again to promote the Olympic Games. They strive to be volunteers, warmly welcome foreign tourists, and actively protect the environment. Look at the ordinary citizens, they have also joined in, abide by traffic rules, be friendly to others, and help others with enthusiasm. Isn't that their patriotism? Look at the enthusiastic people. They learn foreign languages by themselves, so that they can contribute to the motherland this year. They are selfless and contribute to the motherland. Look, the motherland is full of patriotic children. Suddenly, the wind of harmony is blowing all over the motherland, and we are urged to make progress by the energetic cry. This is really a beautiful spring.

Last winter, when the Spring Festival was coming, heavy snow for several days brought great trouble to the transportation in Guizhou and Hunan. Some places had power cuts and some had water cuts. It hasn't improved for decades. The food is almost cut off, the snow is spread on the road, and cars can't pass, which blocks people from returning home for the Spring Festival and delivering cold clothing to the disaster area. The power workers rush to repair the damaged lines day and night. Several power workers in Hunan went up the mountain to repair power lines. They braved the wind and snow, carrying heavy wires and climbing up the mountain step by step. In the end, three electric power plants fell down due to overwork and the harsh environment. They exchanged their own bodies for the peace of people's lives. They are real heroes, heroes of the motherland, heroes of the people! Oh, what a beautiful heart, what a beautiful spring!

This spring is a new starting point for the Chinese nation and a promising beginning for the Chinese people to live a better life!

Picture composition in mind (18)

Spring girl came slowly with light steps, and the earth was full of vitality at once.

Spring girl came singing sweet songs, with life and hope, shuttling in every corner of the earth.

I love the cold breeze in spring, which is still warm. He stretched his long sleeves to caress the earth, which had been sleeping all winter. Then the seeds of hope were sown, and the industrious bees were attracted by the fragrant wind and kept picking honey.

I love the continuous drizzle. He moistened the grass and made it sprout green from the ground. Run woke the willows and told us that spring was coming. The grass came out of the ground and looked around strangely. The willows and willows dancing in the wind wanted to shake hands with us. After the rain, the wet soil mixed with fragrance, refreshing.

I love the singing of birds and all the energetic creatures in spring, especially the cute swallow. In the composition, they stood on the wire and sang "haw, haw" as if to say, "Spring is coming, spring is coming!" I also often searched for their shadows on the wire. Although they were small, they looked very cute, like the delicate notes on the staff, and their voices seemed to be playing the most beautiful music in spring.

The mountains are green, the trees are green, and the earth is green. Pink peach blossoms are blooming everywhere. And the wild flowers that have taken root also try to stretch their beauty. Happy little swallows flew over the trees singing the spring folk songs, and flocks of ducklings also played in the stream with their mothers, enjoying the beauty of spring.

In the distance, the farmers' uncles in the fields have begun to work hard. They sow the seeds of hope and quietly wait for the joy of harvest. Drizzle fell in the sky, moistening the green earth and farmers' hope.

Flowers fragrance, birds sing, year after year, spring is the most beautiful in my heart!

Picture composition in mind (19)

A gurgle of spring water flows slowly, a bright moon rises slowly, and a frog drum comes from time to time. The breeze gently blows my face, breathing fresh air, and walking in the jungle... What a beautiful picture! In my heart, there is a more beautiful picture, that is my hometown.

In spring, the flowers bloom and the swallows fly back; The warbler let go of her throat and sang loudly and cheerfully. A wisp of spring wind brushed her face, fresh and gentle. Spring girl threw the flower basket to this land, and everything was full of vitality. The grass comes out of the land. Look here and there, and be curious about everything around. Clouds play in the sky, making various shapes in the air from time to time, sometimes dinosaurs, sometimes apples, sometimes eagles... The spring of hometown is colorful.

In summer, the weather is hot and the earth is very hot. The cicada barked impatiently in the tree, the rhubarb dog stuck out its long tongue, and the leaves hung their heads in the sun. Only children, wearing vests and eating ice-cream, ran wildly without feeling the heat of the weather. When we are tired of running, my uncle will take us to swim in the river, where is really our paradise. Fighting in the water, touching clams, catching loaches... The sun has set before you know it.

In autumn, the weather is getting colder. Fallen leaves fly like butterflies, and animals are busy storing food for winter. The farmer uncle also has a good harvest. Every family is a granary. On the roof, there are golden corn, red sorghum ears, purple sweet potatoes... On the trees, there are big persimmons like small lanterns, and happy smiles on people's faces.

In winter, Grandpa Winter covered the earth with a quilt. This can make farmers looking forward to a bumper harvest and playful children happy. Uncle Farmer knows that next year will be another bumper harvest year. It's really a good harvest year! And the children? They can have a snowball fight, skate on the river, and meet a snowman in the yard... How happy they are to welcome the New Year while playing!

This is the picture in my heart, it is a beautiful picture, a colorful picture, a gorgeous picture! Hometown, you are the most beautiful picture in my heart!

Picture Composition in Heart (20)

It was drizzling in the sky. I walked in the drizzle with a dark umbrella, listening to the sound of the rain falling on the earth... Suddenly, I smelled a faint fragrance, and unconsciously the unforgettable picture came into my mind.

When I entered the gallery, the first thing I saw was a piece of green. Raindrops as big as pearls were playing on the green lotus leaves, and the pink lotus was standing in the drizzle, just like a pretty girl who was intoxicated with herself. The green lotus leaves in the drizzle are like small green umbrellas floating in the clear pool; It is also like a small stage for frogs, on which they sing. The fragrant lotus is squeezed out of the close lotus leaves. This beautiful picture cannot hide its extraordinary temperament, because it emerges from the mud and does not stain

Lotus root, born in the world, is committed to underwater life without seeing the sun and the moon. Once out of the mud, you will be elegant, clean as jade, white as snow, and spotless. Is not chaste, who can be so? It has exquisite holes and orifices, which can be called the heart of care; It is humble and unyielding; Although it is tender and soft, the lotus root bud can penetrate the green mud and clear water, vigorously hold up the jade like meridian stem, hold up the red flowers and green leaves, which can be regarded as soft but hard. It seems that I went into the painting and watched the beautiful scene

Secondly, the most exciting thing for me is that one after another lovely pink lotus blooms out of a small head in a large green disc. Some fully unfolded the petals and breathed the fresh air wantonly, while others were still blossoming. In the fully unfolded lotus, there are small yellow lotus seedings. Looking at those small lotus seedings, I like them more and more. Those flowers and bones that have not been unfolded appear very plump, as if they will crack if you are not careful. So many lotus flowers are swaying in the wind, one by one. They are blooming in the drizzle, and small drops of water fall on its pink petals, as if it is wearing crystal clear white pearls, giving it a sense of beauty!

This painting is so lifelike that I seem to be in it and deeply attracted by it

The rain stopped quietly, and then I slowly returned to reality, but the painting kept emerging in my mind