Proposal Composition Grade 5 (8 required)
2024-06-29 08:02:34
fifth grade

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (1)

Dear Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau


The earth is the mother of mankind and the cradle of life. We should have protected the mother of the earth, but we humans have been wantonly destroying it. In our article "Only One Earth", it is said that we can't move to another planet again, so it is not too late to protect the earth. I give some suggestions to protect the earth:

1. It can save electricity, water, fire and other resources for recycling.

2. It can achieve the goal of "five water treatment", sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply assurance and water-saving.

3. Try to use less disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks without spreading paper.

4. It can let anyone see the garbage and pick it up at will to protect the green space and trees.

5. Do not spit everywhere, and litter casually.

6. Try to walk or bike to reduce air pollution, and try to choose cars with smaller emissions.

The earth is fragile. We can't destroy this unique earth because of our greed. I hope the whole society will do its best to protect the earth and protect its own home. I hope I can take my advice.


good health

A pupil: Zhang Mengzhe

January 2, 2016

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (2)

Dear Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau


The earth is the mother of mankind and the cradle of life. We should have protected the mother of the earth, but we humans have been wantonly destroying it. In our article "Only One Earth", it is said that we can't move to another planet again, so it is not too late to protect the earth. I give some suggestions to protect the earth:

1。 It can save electricity, water, fire and other resources for recycling.

2. It can achieve the goal of "five water treatment", sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply assurance and water-saving.

3. Try to use less disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks without spreading paper.

4. It can let anyone see the garbage and pick it up at will to protect the green space and trees.

5. Do not spit everywhere, and litter casually.

6. Try to walk or bike to reduce air pollution, and try to choose cars with smaller emissions.

The earth is fragile. We can't destroy this unique earth because of our greed. I hope the whole society will do its best to protect the earth and protect its own home. I hope I can take my advice.


good health

One pupil: xxx

January 2, 201x

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (3)

Mr. Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau:


I am a student of Peiying Primary School. I grew up in Yantai when I was young. I have seen how Yantai has changed. From an unknown city to a green city in China. Now in Yantai, we can see the words "Everyone is responsible for environmental protection" everywhere. On the roadside, all kinds of garbage cans are beautiful and environmentally friendly. Recently, everyone advocates separating recyclable and non recyclable garbage cans. However, I think classification is not enough. We should post some recyclable garbage and non recyclable garbage on the trash can. Not everyone, like us, accepts more knowledge about what is recyclable and non recyclable garbage. Those migrant workers, who do not know where to throw them, will lose their breath. This is not only bad, but also does not play the role of environmental protection and waste classification, and it will also bring some problems to the staff of the garbage dump.

In addition, I found a very serious problem.

One day, my father and I went to take a taxi and wanted to play in the park. At first, we were happy to go out, but when we went to the roadside to wait for a car, we found a garbage can beside us. The garbage in it had smelled. Passers by covered their noses and walked around. When we passed by, we would smell a big stink. Later, when I went to places where there were garbage cans, I carefully observed whether there was odor. After a period of observation, I found that today's garbage cans are fixed, unlike the old ones, which can dump garbage, but why do they stink? Later, I learned that it was because the garbage cans were fixed. When the sanitation workers cleaned the garbage cans in the morning, they simply picked up the garbage on the surface, not the bottom. Once, I asked them why they didn't clean up the garbage? They said they didn't want to, because the garbage can is fixed, so their hands can't reach the bottom and the garbage can't be poured out, so they have to leave the garbage inside. It can be seen that the garbage can gives off a rotten smell, not because the sanitation workers are not responsible, but because the design of the garbage can is wrong. I hope that for the sake of the beauty of XX city, the healthy life of people, and the fresh air, Mr. Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau will ask someone to design some garbage cans that are practical, beautiful, and convenient, so as not to let those putrid smells pollute the fresh air of our city.

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (4)

Environmental Protection Proposal for Grade 5 Excellent Composition


As you all know, our natural environment is getting worse and worse, and the resources used by people are also decreasing year by year. I hope we can start from our own bit by bit, because everyone is responsible for protecting the environment.

Let me give you an example. When my father was young, the Shiliu River, which is not far from my home now, was still crystal clear with many small fish and shrimp. In summer, they always go to the water to play and fight. But the pomegranate river we see now is totally different from the past. It has become a sewage river with fish and shrimp disappearing. It is full of garbage and stinks.

Therefore, I solemnly put forward several suggestions for you:

1、 It is not allowed to throw garbage into rivers or streets, but must put it into garbage cans;

2、 After washing hands, be sure to tighten the faucet to avoid water leakage;

3、 Turn off the power supply when not using it to avoid wasting power;

4、 The act of tearing off the whole sheet of paper without making a few mistakes when writing;

5、 No spitting, no noise;

6、 Try to use less disposable products and more durable products. Do not use plastic bags to reduce white pollution;

7、 We should plant trees for afforestation, take care of trees, not cut down indiscriminately, and reduce sandstorms.

As primary school students in the new era, I encourage students to improve their awareness of environmental protection. At the same time, I suggest uncles and aunts to join us and contribute to protecting the natural environment and benefiting future generations. Because it is urgent to protect the environment!

Let's protect and treasure the natural environment, otherwise, the last drop of human water will become a tear of regret!


Grade 5 Composition Environmental Protection Proposal 500 words

People to be awakened:

Nowadays, factories of all sizes around the world, cars running on the streets, and sewage pipes dotted all over the world are polluting the earth, the sky, and the sea every day.

For us humans and all earth creatures, the earth is the foundation of our survival, and clean water and fresh air are the milk on which we rely for survival. But people randomly discharge sewage. Exhaust gas, however, has destroyed the ozone layer in our sky, making us deeply hurt by radiation! Due to pollution, the ice in the Antarctic and Arctic, the treasure house of fresh water, has melted, and mankind will face the threat of lack of water resources!

Take a look! What do you think of these vivid examples? We are an important member of the earth family. The earth, like our kind mother, is responsive to our demands, while our human desires are growing like snowballs falling from mountains. If we continue to take too much, what kind of dilemma will our future generations face!? All our suggestions: protect the earth, protect the environment. Cherish resources, we know that there is only one earth, and the earth cannot be cloned!

Initiative 1: control ecological pollution, diversify trees and cut down less, not only greening the environment, reducing desert area, but also improving the air.

Proposal 2: save water resources, achieve multiple uses of one water, and develop the habit of turning off the tap at will.

Initiative 3: Classify domestic garbage, resist low fluoride refrigeration appliances and fluoride free hair mousse, and reduce the damage to the ozone layer. Protect wild animals from making noise.

We human families unite to jointly operate the ecological earth and create a harmonious home. Let's treat the earth well, and the earth will treat us well.


Proposal for Environmental Protection of Grade Five Composition in Primary School

Dear school leaders


I am a fifth grade student in my school. I have lived in school for six years. Having seen the earth shaking changes of the school, from weakness to prosperity, I know that the current campus life is hard won. But there are still some small problems in the beautiful campus.

There are many grasslands in the school, which were originally used to watch the beautiful scenery, but some students trample on the grassland at will. Some students even chased each other on the grass. Make the originally green grass wither and become listless.

There are also some students littering on campus. For example, garbage bags after snacks are thrown everywhere. Some students didn't turn off the tap after washing their hands, which caused the water to overflow and waste. There are also some classes of students who go out to have PE classes without turning off the lights. The lights in the classroom are on for a long time, and the classroom is empty.

The above things happen almost every day. In order to improve the campus environment in this beautiful campus, I propose the following suggestions to the school:

1. Prepare more trash cans at school so that students can throw garbage wherever they go.

2. Appropriately praise and criticize the students who protect or damage the environment through broadcasting.

3. Organize students to plant more trees. Let students have a deep understanding of environmental protection.

4. Remind the students to turn off the light and the tap at any time.

5. We should use practical actions to prevent students from trampling on the lawn, and we should never let the prompt board to perfunctory.

I hope the school leaders can take the time to look at my proposal as a pupil. I sincerely wish my alma mater a better tomorrow.


Proposal Composition Grade 5 (5)

Environmental Protection Proposal for Grade 5 Excellent Composition

Dear students

How do you do!

For us, life is all we have. What will we do without life? However, life is not omnipotent, it also has its own needs, just as we need it.

Thousands of years of culture has made us who we are today, but we have neglected an eternal loophole in our thoughts, that is - environmental protection!

Human beings, the leaders of the world, have created miracles, but mercilessly wiped out oases

I can't help asking: Is it human beings who created the world, or does the world make human beings?

It is the earth that gives us life! It is the world that makes us have such a brilliant today! But now, our Earth Mother has been scarred, and these are our own "masterpieces".

Unconscious pollution, indiscriminate discharge, cutting down trees, burying drugs... Human crimes are countless! Time after time of destruction, let our earth mother on the gallows again and again. The earth, the mother of mankind, has selflessly dedicated herself to us, but she has no complaints.

Let me give you an example: Do you remember our Yangtze River? The Yangtze River, the pride of the Chinese people, and the ceaseless flow of the river water, has shaken our pride and won back the dignity of the Chinese people again and again. But if you look closely at it now, you will find that there are many more spots on the river. If you look carefully, it turned out to be plastic bottles and bags of garbage. Some of the old ones can't be old anymore, they should have been thrown away a long time ago; Some are brand new and should have just been thrown away. It can be seen that people have become unfamiliar with the word "environmental protection".

The rolling river has lost its former grandeur, and who can guarantee that the Yangtze River will not become the second "Yellow River"?

There are many more examples like this. One day, human beings will pay for their own practices!

Although the earth has lost its former glory, I firmly believe that as long as we act, everything will be saved!

fifth grade

MM DD 20xx

Grade 5 Composition Environmental Protection Proposal 600 words

Dear students

Hello everyone, our new China has been established for decades, although the life is getting richer and the technology is more and more developed. However, our mother earth has been mercilessly destroyed - frequent sandstorms, serious desertification, sewage overflowing, air pollution, deforestation... We have ruined the earth beyond recognition. Because of this, we should protect the earth and let the mother earth recover her beautiful appearance!

As the saying goes, treating the earth well is treating yourself well, and saving the earth is saving the future. Therefore, I propose the following suggestions:

1. In order to protect the forest resources and make the limited resources circulate indefinitely, we should save paper. You can bind waste paper together as a draft. Don't use disposable tableware when eating out. Don't cut down trees just now.

2. Cherish water resources. Water is the source of life, so we must save water. Don't let the tap run freely. We can use vegetable washing water, rice washing water to water flowers, and also use clothes washing water to flush toilets and other water saving methods.

3. Save electricity. We can often see such scenes: sleep with the lights on at night and turn them off in the morning; Forgot to turn off the computer when playing with it, and let it start for a long time; When the air conditioner is turned on in summer, the temperature is set to 18 degrees... These bad habits must be corrected. Turn off the lights immediately when sleeping at night, turn off the computer when it is in good condition, and turn on the air conditioner to adjust it to the appropriate temperature

4. Save food. We should let mother buy only what she needs for the day, and not buy too much food, otherwise it will be wasted.


Everyone is responsible for cherishing, protecting and saving resources. Let's start from now, from little by little, from me, cherish all the resources that Mother Earth has given us, and make our home more beautiful!

fifth grade

MM DD 20xx

Fifth grade composition on environmental protection proposal

Dear people:

We are now living in the arms of the Earth Mother. The Earth, like a selfless mother, constantly provides us with the resources we need for life. But human beings are still unsatisfied. They destroy the resources on the earth again and again, making the earth so dirty, but no one cleans up the white garbage.

Now, with the development of science and technology, people use a large number of disposable tableware, disposable chopsticks and so on. These things really bring great convenience to people, but they also bring harm to the earth environment while providing convenience to people. White pollution is becoming more and more serious, which further increases the burden of the earth environment. The reason for these undesirable phenomena, such as ecological destruction and environmental pollution, is that people's awareness of the environment is very weak, they lack a sense of urgency for white pollution, and they are creating a large number of white pollution every day, taking a casual attitude and lacking the spirit of ownership. Therefore, the following suggestions are made for mankind:

1. It is suggested that everyone should not litter and put the garbage into the designated dustbin by category;

2. It is suggested that we should not waste resources and cherish our resources, including not wasting a piece of paper;

3. Use degradable plastic products, try not to use disposable chopsticks, disposable tableware, etc;

4. Strengthen supervision and management, and actively remind, stop and educate people who damage the environment if they are found around;

5. Expand the publicity area, so that we can have a better living environment.

As a little master on the earth, it is my urgent responsibility and obligation to improve the earth environment and save resources. If everyone around us can protect the environment every day. I believe that our Earth Mother will certainly cheer up and let us live in a resource. We should treat them well, protect them and cherish them like brothers and sisters, so as to create a better living space for us and make human beings stay on the earth longer.

I hope you can adopt our suggestions.

Good luck with your work

Suggestor: Grade 5

MM DD 20xx

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (6)


The earth is the mother of mankind and the cradle of life. We should have protected the mother of the earth, but we humans have been wantonly destroying it. In our article "Only One Earth", it is said that we can't move to another planet again, so it is not too late to protect the earth. I give some suggestions to protect the earth:

1. It can save electricity, water, fire and other resources for recycling.

2. It can achieve the goal of "five water treatment", sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply assurance and water-saving.

3. Try to use less disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks without wasting paper.

4. It can let anyone see the garbage and pick it up at will to protect the green space and trees.

5. Do not spit everywhere, and litter casually.

6. Try to walk or bike to reduce air pollution, and try to choose cars with smaller emissions.

The earth is fragile. We can't destroy the only earth because of our greed. We hope that the whole society will do its best to protect the earth and protect its own home. We hope to take my advice.


good health

A pupil: Zhang Mengzhe

January 2, 20xx

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (7)


The earth is the mother of mankind and the cradle of life. We should have protected the mother of the earth, but we humans have been wantonly destroying it. In our article "Only One Earth", it is said that we can't move to another planet again, so it is not too late to protect the earth. I give some suggestions to protect the earth:

1。 It can save electricity, water, fire and other resources for recycling.

2. It can achieve the goal of "five water treatment", sewage treatment, flood prevention, waterlogging drainage, water supply assurance and water-saving.

3. Try to use less disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks without wasting paper.

4. It can let anyone see the garbage and pick it up at will to protect the green space and trees.

5. Do not spit everywhere, and litter casually.

6. Try to walk or bike to reduce air pollution, and try to choose cars with smaller emissions.

The earth is fragile. We can't destroy the only earth because of our greed. We hope that the whole society will do its best to protect the earth and protect its own home. We hope to take my advice.


good health

A pupil:

January 2, 201x

Proposal Composition Grade 5 (8)

Hello, there used to be a beautiful river in front of my house. People can't live without it. They can wash rice, wash clothes, catch fish, swim But since that day, the river has been polluted day by day. The river is black and smelly, and flies often start to fly on it. Moss grows on both sides, which is disgusting. Over time, people gradually avoided him, and no one paid attention to him

Why is this? I went alone to observe. Originally, I found that plastic shells, garbage bags, and snack bags that people threw away were floating on the river. People also abused chemicals in the river, making small fish and shrimp dead and no one cleaned them up, so the river smelled day by day.

Therefore, I would like to make some suggestions here, hoping that we can work harder to do these things:

1. Remind people not to litter or abuse chemicals in the river.

2. Clean the river every week, remove the garbage from the river, and clean the moss on both sides to make the river crystal clear, as usual.

3. It is forbidden to pour smelly water, sewage and garbage into the river, and a sign shall be erected on it, which reads: "Do a good job in river environmental improvement for the benefit of future generations.".

4. When washing clothes in the river, use phosphorus free washing powder. Don't let the animals living in the river die.

Students, starting from ourselves, protecting the river and the environment can bring us so many benefits! So, for you, for people, for the natural environment, protect the river together and take action! thank you.

Suggested by:

January 2, 20xx