Summer Scenery Composition 300 words (17 in total)
Waiting for another day
2024-06-21 03:26:21

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (1)

Spring girl danced away, and Mr. Xia came with brisk steps.

The park is beautiful in summer. A hundred flowers bloom, competing for beauty, some as white as snow; Some are as yellow as gold; Some are as red as fire; More pink like rosy clouds. Butterflies also come to enjoy the flowers. They dance among the flowers, as if they are competing with each other like flowers. The grass has different shades of green. It's verdant near, dark green far away, and very beautiful.

The clear sky in summer is brilliant. The sky is so blue, the clouds are so white, and the golden sunlight is so strong. The sky and the earth are in a dazzling light. In a year, the sun in summer is the most industrious. I got up early in the morning. At five or six o'clock in the morning, the light of dawn was slight. At night, at eight o'clock, the moon was about to rise. But the industrious sun still lingered, and I didn't "get off work".

The night in summer has charming colors. A bit deep and romantic. The clouds in the sky, reflected by the sunset, are colorful and beautiful. The full moon, which is hanging like glasses, slants the clear light like water. In the chirping of frogs and insects, stars are blinking their glasses and enjoying happily.

Summer is beautiful, it's my favorite season.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (2)

Summer is coming, and the hot sun is shining on the earth. The earth is like a huge steam oven, and we are like bread in the steam oven, which is baked and sweating. The flowers and grass hung their heads weakly, as if they had something on their mind. Today, my father took me to my grandmother's house to play.

Just arrived at Grandma's house, I saw that the yard was full of vegetables. The eggplant is fat, dressed in purple clothes, and it still shines with crystal light! The string beans are long, thin, section by section, like long braids, hung all over the shelves. The chilies are red and sharp, like playful dolls.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the puppy was lying at the door, opening its mouth and sticking out its long tongue. I hurried to the living room, took out a long popsicle from the refrigerator, and ate it in my mouth. It was sweet and icy, delicious!

After having dinner early, we came to the field and saw the wax gourd lying on the ground, the towel gourd hanging on the vine, and the watermelon leaning against the ground, as if there was a "melon clan" meeting. The frog seemed to understand something, and everyone opened their voice and sang heartily, with different lengths and rhythms, as if they were playing a symphony! Listen, I would also like to "sing" with them.

Then my father took me to swim in the stream. I changed my bathing suit, took a swimming circle with me, ran to the brook quickly, and jumped into the water with a splash. It was cool!

What a nice summer! What a happy summer!

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (3)

"The spring is silent and the brook is flowing, and the shade of the trees shines on the water. The lotus just shows its sharp corners, and dragonflies have already stood up." This is a picturesque scene. This is Yang Wanli's summer. The summer in my hometown is as beautiful as he said, but it has a different flavor.

"Chile Song: Chile River, at the foot of the Hell Mountain, the sky is like a dome covering all the fields. The sky is vast and the fields are vast, and cattle and sheep can be seen below the grass when the wind blows." This "Chile Song" is about my hometown. I am very proud of living at the foot of the Hell Mountain. The rolling Yinshan Mountain looks like a green carpet. The green grassland under the Yinshan Mountain is endless. There is a strange stone forest in one corner of the grassland. Their unique posture is also a unique scenery on the grassland.

There are also flocks of cattle and sheep, as well as those horses with bright colors and vitality.

A group of jujube red steeds galloped on the grassland, so bold and unrestrained, which is also our feelings in Inner Mongolia. If you don't look carefully, the white sheep in the distance think they are white flowers on the ground.

This is the unique scenery of my hometown, and also the most beautiful summer scenery in my mind.

Summer scenery composition 300 words (4)

The river in summer is a paradise for animals.

Elephants, rabbits, monkeys, hippos and other kinds of small animals all play in the river. Some of them fish, some sleep, some play hide and seek, especially lively! It's really a desirable place.

The river flows slowly, and the fish in its arms are still sleeping! No wonder I can't see them. When the little elephant sucked water into his nose, he almost sucked the little fish in. Fortunately, the little elephant spit out the little fish in time, and other little fish ran away when they saw it. The frog squatted on the stone and laughed!

The grass on the river bank is green and wild flowers are everywhere. They make the river beautiful. The river flows like singing happily.

I was intoxicated, as if I had become a small fish swimming in the river. The river here is so clear. I'm so free!

How beautiful the river is in summer! It's really a paradise for animals. How I yearn for it!

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (5)

Summer has come, Spring has gone, and summer has made the world more beautiful. Look, there are dragonflies flying on the pond. The dragonflies will fly to the lotus leaf and the shore. Outside, the hot sun shines on the body. It's hot. The asphalt road is burning with oil. Adults don't walk out with sun umbrellas. At this time, if you can take a cold bath, it will be more comfortable

In summer, I like to eat fruit most because, in summer, it not only rains heavily, but also has a lot of fruit. There are peaches, loquats, cherries... The most popular one is watermelon. In the vegetable market, you can easily see the watermelon stall, and the business is booming. There are countless people who have returned from the west. Look at the orchards. Peaches are hanging on the trees. The bright red is like the sun.

The sun is very big in summer, almost as big as Guo. The sun shines on the branches, and the leaves seem to like the heat. The hotter it is, the more prosperous it grows, probably to give people a little cool.

Although it is hot in summer, it is very comfortable to feel cold in the river. Occasionally, I met several shrimps playing on the river like a small fish. This is the beautiful scenery in summer.

Summer scenery composition 300 words (6)

Summer is coming. With the advent of summer, we know that we will be accompanied by the hot weather again. In such a season, I especially like its night, because only at night can there be a rare trace of cool.

After dinner, my mother and I went to the lake in the park for a walk. The gentle breeze blew the willows on the bank. The willow branches ripple with the breeze. The lotus leaves in the lake are in groups. The naughty little frogs jump on the lotus leaves, like playing hide and seek. One after another, the lotus flowers stand on the lake. When the breeze blows, the lotus flowers dance with it, which is very beautiful. The cicadas who kept shouting "summer, summer" during the day were quiet now. The frogs started their concert again. They cried and sang happily. The little fish in the pond swam freely. In the park, the masters here are playing Taijiquan in order, and the wives and women there are doing music exercises. They are very happy.

The night slowly shrouded, the moon has slowly climbed onto the branches, and the bright moonlight is shining on the earth. I looked up, and now it is full of stars. I am looking for the Big Dipper, the Cowherd Star, the Vega

This is the night of summer, a sometimes quiet, sometimes noisy night, a night with stories.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (7)

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, time flies, and time passes. I believe that in the lost time, everyone will have heartache, tears, helplessness, and hesitation. In the face of these, are you brave or cowardly? Are you complaining, or are you accepting?

I firmly believe that the joys, sorrows, joys, vicissitudes and pains that everyone experiences are all arranged for us by the God of destiny. What we should do is not to escape and complain, but to face and accept. Pain is a gift from fate. Don't be surprised to hear that - setbacks make us stronger, pain is our training, and failure also reminds us: don't make the same mistake next time. On second thought, this is the truth.

What is the meaning of such a life if one only lives in the warm spring and summer and has been escaping from the cold autumn and winter? Everyone must have pain, no one will only live in happiness. People who have been in the sun will be helpless in the face of bleak autumn. When the cold winter comes, he will be more panic stricken. Therefore, people should face the wind and rain calmly.

Because, how can we see the light of the next day without going through the dark night? How can you see the bright sun without clearing away the dark clouds? How can you stand the strong wind without experiencing the cool wind? How to face the downpour instead of the light rain?

You know, the rainbow appears after the rain. Spending the cold winter is the spring when everything recovers!

Summer scenery composition 300 words (8)

The charming spring walked with light steps and left. The coming of summer is full of vitality. Look, the blooming roses in the flowers are red and gorgeous, emitting a rich fragrance, and look particularly gorgeous in the green clusters. Come closer and have a look. The petals dyed like blood are stacked and touched. They are soft like flannelette. The crystal dewdrops fall on the edge of the petals, and the fingertips touch the cool dewdrops. Dew drops fall on the green leaves along the edge of the petals. Such a graceful Chinese rose is like holding a red ruby in both hands. In this fragrant flower cluster, there is not only this rose, nor a cluster of roses, but a cluster of roses.

However, in this cluster of roses, there are many unknown small flowers, which are like clouds, diffuse in the red and green sea. Look up and see the tall and straight magnolia trees standing in the bushes. The magnolia tree really lives up to its name. Every petal and every green leaf looks like carved jade. Otherwise, it would be so smooth and shiny. The blue sky is like a piece of blue gauze, with colorful clouds inlaid with gold rims. On a reed field outside the community, the wind is turning playfully, and the green sea ripples gently.

The delicate Chinese toon tree in the garden is now green and tall; It is the spring rain that irrigates meticulously. It is the bath of spring light that has the vitality of this summer. The beautiful scenery in early summer is given by spring, and our wonderful life is given by our parents. We are grateful to our parents for their autumn harvest.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (9)

As soon as Spring girl turned around, Summer couldn't wait to arrive.

The hot sun is baking the earth, and cicadas keep singing among the dense leaves; In the rice field with bumper harvest, "listen to the sound of frogs"; The lotus pond behind the West Mountain is in full bloom like a fairy. It is extremely beautiful! The lotus leaves are like large green discs, setting off crystal beads, like crystal diamonds for the lotus fairy.

Hot summer is also the time for us to eat delicious ice cream. After school, buy a cup of delicious ice cream. It's so cool and refreshing!

Summer is also a naughty child. He turns his face when he says "turn it over". It's just a sunny day and the sun is shining high. Soon, the wind and clouds suddenly change. Dark clouds cover the sky, thunder and lightning, and rain pours down. It was just like a bad tempered child crying loudly. However, after a while, it smiled again sweetly, and the rainbow hung in the sky.

Summer, a season of scorching sun, a naughty season, a beautiful season.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (10)

Summer has come, Spring has gone, and summer has made the world more beautiful. Look, there are dragonflies flying on the pond. The dragonflies will fly to the lotus leaf and the shore. Outside, the hot sun shines on the body. It's hot. The asphalt road is burning with oil. Adults don't walk out with sun umbrellas. At this time, it's more comfortable to take a cold bath.

In summer, I like to eat fruit most because, in summer, it not only rains heavily, but also has a lot of fruit. There are peaches, loquats, cherries... The most popular one is watermelon. In the vegetable market, you can easily see the watermelon stall, and the business is booming. There are countless people who have returned from the west. Look at the orchards. Peaches are hanging on the trees. The bright red is like the sun.

The sun is very big in summer, almost as big as Guo. The sun shines on the branches, and the leaves seem to like the heat. The hotter it is, the more prosperous it grows, probably to give people a little cool.

Although it is hot in summer, it is very comfortable to feel cold in the river. Occasionally, I met several shrimps playing on the river like a small fish. This is the beautiful scenery in summer.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (11)

Summer came, my mother took me to the park to look for summer.

There is a beautiful scene in the park. Microwave waves rippled on the lake, and someone rowed a big white goose shaped boat on the lake. There was a loud laugh from the boat. The children lined up by the lake to play "walking ball". A small fish swam happily under the water. A few ducklings swam from afar, and it came to tell us: "Summer is coming, and children can come out to play." Beside the ducklings, there are pink and white lotus flowers. The green lotus leaves set off the lotus flowers, which are really beautiful! In the flower bed in the distance, there are colorful flowers. There are cockscomb, azalea, camellia, jasmine, Milan flower There are many flowers that I can't name. On the charming green grass, the grass is like a green carpet. Green like emerald, like jasper. A breeze blew and the branches waved to us as if to say, "Welcome to the park for summer."

Summer is really beautiful. I love beautiful summer.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (12)

My hometown is in Nan'an, a beautiful small village. I like the spring when flowers are in full bloom, and the summer when fruits and melons are fragrant.

In summer, the waxberry planted in the field in front of the village gate is mature! During the summer vacation, when I visited my hometown, adults sat in the shade of green trees to enjoy the cool and eat the sweet and sour waxberry. Some children also played "hide and seek" under the big tree.

Ha ha, my brother and I are not willing to be outdone. The two of us took baskets and ran to the fields for a "bayberry picking contest". You see, there are more red bayberries in my basket than my brother's. Ha ha, I will win this time! I couldn't help thinking happily. But when I picked half of them, they were too hot. So, I made up my mind to eat one and never eat more! I put a red bayberry in my mouth. Ah, sweet in sour, delicious! I couldn't help eating the second and third red bayberries... I almost ate a basket of red bayberries. My brother came up to me and said with a smile, "Ha ha, are we having a bayberry contest or picking a bayberry contest?" I thought again and looked at the basket! I have eaten the bayberry! I was looking at my brother, who was dancing in the field and shouting, "I am victorious, I am victorious!"

I like the summer in my hometown, and I prefer the interesting life in my hometown.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (13)

Spring is gone with the falling flowers, and summer is coming with the green leaves in the warm wind.

The sun in early summer shines down from the dense branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with sparkling spots the size of copper coins. In midsummer, it was so hot that even dragonflies dared to fly close to the shade of the trees, as if afraid that the sun would hurt their wings. The sun was burning in the sky. On both sides of the road, mature grains bent down and bowed their heads in the hot sun. Grasshoppers are as numerous as grass leaves. In the wheat and rye fields, among the reeds on the bank, they make faint and noisy sounds. The grass, reeds and red, white and purple wild flowers beside the lake are steamed by the hot sun hanging in the sky, and the air is full of sweet and intoxicating flavor. In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers are blooming, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet; Clusters of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking the stamens and flying around diligently.

How tempting! The fragrance of flowers in early summer! How desirable! Hot summer!

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (14)

Summer is a beautiful season! She is moving and beautiful, which needs us to discover with our eyes and feel with our body and mind; The graceful lotus in summer, sour red bayberry, the traffic police who are not afraid of the scorching heat, and the hard working teachers... He brought us into the unique scenery of summer.

The pond in summer is a beautiful scenery. There are colorful fish in the clear river. There are pieces of lotus leaves floating on the water in the shape of plates. There are beautiful lotus flowers on the lotus leaves. A gust of wind blew, and the lotus was dancing against the lotus leaf, like a "fairy" who accidentally fell into the world. The green lotus leaf was like a "fairy" beautiful skirt. When people looked at it, they all admired the beautiful scene. People around the pond did not dare to move, for fear of making a noise, they disturbed the beautiful scene.

In summer, the green bamboos in the nursery are luxuriant, green and dripping, straight, straight, one section after another, straight into the blue sky; The willows on the bank of the bank, like girls, are combing their long hair in front of the clear lake water. The flowers in the garden are all in bloom, red, pink, purple and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet. Crowds of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking nectar and flying around hard.

Ah! What a charming summer day!

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (15)

In the summer night, with the lively frog sound and the warm wind, we came around. After having dinner, people who had been busy for a whole day started to go to Castle Peak Garden for recreation in groups of three and five.

The night wind is slowly blowing and the stars are shining. At this time, the whole county town is bustling! Children skate roller skating, children sit in small electric scooters accompanied by adults, and adults dance or walk leisurely. If you are in a hurry, you can enjoy the beautiful fountain. When music comes to mind, people are full of voices. Some children will take advantage of it to feel cool - play in the drilling fountain, while more people are watching the beautiful summer night scenery: they sometimes look up at the towering fountain, and sometimes clap their hands to appreciate the beautiful music.

When the night became dark, people went home. At this time, the vast field has entered the dream. The emerald seedlings, the rugged ridges, and the pleasant fragrant flowers have also closed their dim eyes in this warm summer night. Under the gentle wind, they have sweet dreams in the happy accompaniment of frogs.

Oh, this charming summer night!

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (16)

Tonight, watching the full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival and the bright stars, I feel the air is particularly fresh.

Grandpa suggested taking me for a walk in the Chating Park in Rongcheng. I'm so happy! In order to enjoy the moon with my grandparents, I took out jam frozen moon cakes, which tasted of strawberries, oranges, apples, and peaches... Before I left, I ate a piece of milk flavored hibiscus. It was really delicious! It seems that I have come to Milk Waterfall and Lotus Garden, and I am happy to walk a little.

Soon, we came to Chating Park. Tonight, the starry sky swept over the clouds, the bright silver moon and the flying clouds looked so bright, so holy, printed in the lake, beautiful!

The dark lotus under the moon stayed quietly in the water, and the lotus leaves held up the lotus like disks holding high a grain of peach, ready to offer to the gods in the sky, while the moon in the sky was smiling and waiting! As we walked by the lake, we often smelled the fragrance of lotus flowers and leaves around. No wonder there were dragonflies flying around all the time.

There was a shrill cicada sound in the distance. I took out a bottle with itchy hands, grasped several fireflies skillfully, and made a "lamp" in a few minutes. I was so happy that I skipped all the way. Many people envied me, and I even smiled askance.

The Mid Autumn Festival night this summer is really beautiful. That kind of beauty is not only brought by delicious moon cakes, but also left a happy sweet taste in my heart.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words (17)

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words 1

Summer is a hot season. Looking around, as long as there is Xiali, the sun will shine loyally. It relentlessly makes everything listless, and then can appreciate its "masterpiece", as if to make up for Dongyang's shortcomings.

In summer, it's like taking a maglev train. Before people knew it, they had already slipped into the flowers and climbed onto the branches in summer. All of a sudden, the flowers opened and the trees flourished. Summer came to the street again. It was so hot that people took off their coats and put on short sleeves.

In summer, I was so happy that I ran to the cicada and sat down next to it. It was so hot that the cicada cried "know, know". Summer came to the park again. In an instant, lilacs were in full bloom, as if welcoming summer. The children were more than happy. They took off their heavy sweaters and sweaters and wallowed on the grass.

In summer, I went to the students' classroom again. The students don't care about summer. I just listened to my lessons attentively and left in the summer. The next day, summer came to the classroom again, and it saw that all the students were wearing beautiful thin clothes. Summer smiles happily.

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words 2

We walked along a country road and came to fields like grasslands. Rows of corn could not be seen at once. From a distance, we could vaguely see the head of corn was pale yellow.

In front of us are several western-style houses, white bricks, blue tiles, and several balconies. Look! The countryside has become rich, but the rural tradition has not changed. There is a small vegetable garden in front of the house, or growing pumpkins, or loofah, so that those vines can climb onto the trellis. There are a large number of trees behind the house, and withered flowers beside the road, all over the ground. The warm sunshine moistens the earth, and the road is shaded by the trees. It's cloudy and cool.

A mountain surrounded the field into a flower basket, and the sunken field is the child in the flower basket. Looking up from the low-lying area, fields are like stairs, each of which is dotted with yellow corn. Corn is a treasure in summer, which can be seen everywhere.

The cicada has been with us, singing its tireless songs. "Weave, weave, weave, weave..." Where did the roar come from? In the tree? On the towel gourd rack Listening to cicadas singing, we also responded, "Walking on the path in the mountains, the cattle come out to eat grass in the morning..." The singing was floating on the path in the countryside.

The countryside in summer is beautiful!

Summer Scenery Composition 300 Words 3

In the twilight, the summer wind blows, and we know that the hot sun will show its charm again.

It is another summer day. Walking on the path by the lake, enjoying the cool and rare wind, I am tired. I sit on the bench, look at the summer ants, and transport the leaves that block the fan.

Suddenly an old couple came to help each other. They were dressed in simple clothes and sweated heavily. They could feel the heat generated when they helped each other, but what made people feel most comfortable was the faint smile on their faces. They saw the bench where I was sitting, and there was no one nearby, so they sat down.

I don't understand why they can help each other in such a hot temperature and can stand it.

"Grandma, aren't you hot? They still smiled faintly when they helped each other on such a hot day, and answered me with this charming smile. We looked at each other for about five seconds, and I probably understood the strength that kept them going