Composition of Refueling Athletes (7 compilations)
Falling Snow Palace Dust Lingyun Envy
2024-06-21 02:56:30

Refueling Athlete Composition (1)

In this golden autumn season, our school ushered in the 53rd school sports meeting. All the students' faces are filled with happy smiles. Some of us hold inflatable sticks in our hands, and some of us desperately cheer for our classmates. With a shot from the referee, the athletes rushed out like arrows leaving the string. Look, Zhuo Caihua, a classmate of our class, has also started to run. Beans of sweat are rolling down his forehead. Although he is small and doesn't run fast, he bravely applied for the project and tried his best to run. At this moment, all athletes are struggling hard. In their hearts, the results are no longer important. Their indomitable spirit is enough to prove their efforts! Here, I want to say to all athletes: "Come on!" In this passionate day, in this precious youth years, they will jointly write a magnificent song for youth!

Teacher's comment: This report is written by Zhuo Caihua, the contestant of this class. The action and appearance description of the 60 meter race he participated in shows Zhuo Caihua's indomitable and brave spirit.

Refueling Athlete Composition (2)

The breeze is gentle and cool in autumn. In this beautiful autumn, we welcome the long-awaited sports meeting together.

Look! The game started. With the shot of the referee "bang", the athletes instantly "fly" out like arrows leaving the string, and rush to the end with firm and powerful steps. The audience has already been boiling, holding up the refueling sign, jumping and shouting, cheering for the athletes. The athletes chased each other. Gradually, tiny beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads, and even the autumn wind could not blow away their fatigue. But they were still resolute and strode forward, seemingly unaware of the fatigue that followed. 300 meters left, 100 meters left

Finally, only a few tens of meters from the end! The sound of "refuel" and "hold on" has now become an invisible power, pushing the athletes to the final sprint! In the sound of cheers, the athletes finally strode across the finish line. Go ahead, persistent athletes! Wish you all good results! '

Teacher's comment: Although the article is short, it shows the author's excellent language skills. The language is concise, and the words are accurate and rich. A few words fully demonstrate the warm atmosphere of the Games and the fighting skills of the competitors

Refueling Athlete Composition (3)

The bleak autumn wind can't stop your spirit of broken bamboo. The vast green field is a stage built for you. Make it known, young heart, we will create a better future for our motherland. Applause, passion, shouting and applause are needed here. Cheer up for the sports meeting, cheer up for the sports meeting, not for the flowers, not for the glory of the moment, but only for the persistent belief, which turns into non-stop running, and the heart is burning with tomorrow's passionate applause

Teacher's comment: It is the students who cheer for the athletes like you who can resist the bleak autumn wind and burn the passion of the competition! The result of the competition is not important, but in the process of the competition, both the athletes and the audience have been baptized, because the value of our perseverance in the competition is far more than the result of the competition.

Refueling Athlete Composition (4)

Life needs sports, and the world needs sports. We are an ambitious generation of athletes from Class 3, Grade 2012 of the Fifth Middle School and the Primary School. We compete against unity, will and level. Three years in three classes, the tiger comes out of the mountain and strives bravely to win the first place forever. There can be several fights in life, so when to stop fighting is more important. Spell! Spell! Spell! Spell out our pride, but also spell out our fighting spirit, high spirited spirit. On the field, we are brave and brave! We stand as a monument and run as a flag. Forward! Victory belongs to us! Three year three class refueling! Class 3 for three years will win!

Teacher's comment: passionate encouragement makes people excited! Thank you for cheering on the class athletes! I believe they will play better because of your cheering!

Refueling Athlete Composition (5)

At the starting line, you are lined up with firm eyes full of confidence. The gun is fired, and you have started a short journey. On the straight runway, there are your steady footprints. The key point in the near future will leave you with a vigorous posture when sprinting. Come on, Chen Jiahao, applause will ring for you. Come on, Chen Jiahao, you will bring us laughter. Come on, Chen Jiahao, victory and flowers will belong to you! I believe you will win the final victory.

Teacher's comment: Looking at your manuscript, I can't help thinking of your cheering voice. Yes, it is because of your strong cheerleaders that athletes can fight on the field. Let's be their strongest backing!

Refueling Athlete Composition (6)

In this sunny morning, all the students of our primary school department came to the playground with excitement to participate in the 53rd Sports Meet. The players are warming up behind us, and we are all preparing refueling props. The game is about to start. With the shot of the referee, the players are running on the runway as fast as an arrow... We shout: "Come on! Athletes!" The good times always pass so fast. The morning is over. What will we expect in the afternoon?

Teacher's comment: Although you didn't participate in the competition, you were not idle below the field. When the teacher saw you cheering for the athletes, he worked harder than anyone else. Class 33 needs cheerleaders like you. I believe you will do a good job in the logistics of the class in the afternoon. thank you!

Refueling Athlete Composition (7)

Not as strong as a tiger, but as persistent as Kuafuzhuri; There is no leopard like speed, but there is Yu Gong's determination to move mountains. With the belief of winning, challenge yourself again and again. Don't be conceited in victory, don't be discouraged in defeat, and face all difficulties and setbacks. Young years, we pursue excellence; Young, we embrace success; Young stadium, shed tears and sweat... cheer for you, the hero in my heart. Cheer for you and athletes!

Teacher's comment: You compared the athletes' competition spirit with the hero in the fable, and wrote the athletes' perseverance and determination in the competition, which is really shocking. You young people need such experience to make your life full of perseverance and determination!