Adventure composition 500 words (16 in total)
Kindness is my nature
2024-06-22 05:29:56
primary school

Adventure composition 500 words (1)

One day, I lay in bed and fell asleep. In a trance, I felt that I was slowly getting smaller, and things around me were getting bigger. A pair of antennae grew on my head, and the whole body became "three segments", with a pair of feet growing on each segment. I turned over, and the originally exquisite little bed looked like a square. I finally climbed to the edge of the bed and got ready to get out of bed. Under the bed is an abyss. If you fall down accidentally, you will die of ants! But my legs seemed to cling to the "cliff" like magic, like a spider man. When I climbed to the ground, I was already sweating. I quickly left this ghost place.

It is a sunny day now. As an ant, I am lying on a "big" stone and sleeping soundly. "Drop, drop, drop, drop!" Suddenly it began to rain cats and dogs. Big bean? No, it was raindrops thousands of times bigger than me that hit me. I accelerated my pace and ran into a big tree that could not be hit by rain. Suddenly, I saw an ant hole one or two times bigger than me, and there were two ant guards a little taller than me on the side. I ran to them quickly. I heard that ants communicate with each other by their antennae. I could communicate with other ants when I became an ant. After five minutes of communication, they originally welcomed me into the cave. Under their guidance, I visited the ant cave. The ant cave is really big, and all the roads extend in all directions. Everywhere there are ants carrying the grain. In a twinkling of an eye, the ants took me to a small house. The walls were all made of earth. Although not particularly exquisite, they had a different kind of simplicity. As night fell, I listened to the serenade played by crickets and gradually fell asleep.

When I woke up, everything changed back to the original. I really hope to become an ant for a while more. Therefore, the beautiful time is very short. We should cherish every minute and every second since we were young, and never let time go in vain.

Adventure composition 500 words (2)

On August 36, 2266 Universal Time, in the vast universe, at the edge of the Milky Way, the "Tiangong 9" Star City of the People's Republic of China from the earth is steadily flying around the nuclear sphere of the Milky Way at the speed of sub light

Suddenly, in front of the Space City, there was a huge lighting of about 1. 8 candela purple light ball

The intelligent supercomputer Bit of the Space City immediately began to analyze the star, and finally replied: "This star is from Sirius, a meteor, and somehow flew to the Milky Way. Its radius is about 10000 kilometers, and its weight is about 3 million tons. The density of the internal material is about 10 times that of the sun, and the surface temperature is close to 15000 ℃. Any heat-resistant missile will be vaporized. Even if it can be shot, even the power of the most advanced neutron antimatter bomb cannot shake the stars. This star has just accelerated under the gravity of neighboring stars, and its speed has reached three tenths of the speed of light, with an angle of 36 degrees. 1896 degrees, facing the sun. Because the temperature of this star is too high, Mercury, Venus, the earth, the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto will be vaporized, and the sun will be absorbed. " In other words, the meteor is only 1000 kilometers away from the Space City. " "Bit" controls the Space City to escape from the star. The city leader looked at the direction of the solar system and sighed.

Suddenly, from a light year place, a beam of superluminal plasma cooling and shrinking beam blew up the star, then rapidly cooled and shrunk into a piece of shiny ice. Space City uses robotic arms to collect ice. At this time, "Bit" receives a letter:

Sorry to disturb you, Earthman. That star was a bad person who set off a shooting star. It should have hit Sirius, but it flew away. It took us 100 years to find it. There is a lot of energy in ice. look out.

Adventure composition 500 words (3)

The ball boasts itself as a gourmet. In fact, she is just a real little greedy cat. It's not true that Ball Ball found the place where his mother tasted snacks. He rushed to get rid of his mother's vegetables and made his own delicious snacks. But the ball actually grew more and more in the snack pile.

Suddenly, the sun shone on the face of Qiuqiu. Qiuqiu opened his eyes. How could I sleep on the road? Eh, where am I? People on the road, men, women, old and young, all have "general belly".

Ball, holding a child, asked: "Little sister, where is this?"

"Big sister, I know you are not here at first sight, but I can tell you that you will stay here in the future. This is a food city, and there are countless snacks."

"I will stay here in the future," I wondered. I just wanted to ask clearly, but when I looked up, people disappeared.

"You must be confused, right?" A voice sounded beside me. I looked east and west. No one, I put my arm around my eyes, but still no one.

At this time, the pocket moved. I saw that a jelly, a chocolate and a bottle of coke fell to the ground and became a human being.

Qiuqiu retreated a few steps in fear. It turned out that they were residents here, but they became so tired of this and escaped

In the past few days, Qiuqiu was very happy. He ate a lot of delicious food. He didn't think much of what the little sister said. After a few days, he began to think of the delicious house food made by his mother. Only then did Qiuqiu understand that no one can cook delicious food as his mother does.

So she asked Coke and others to take her back. Coke told her secretly that the way to go back was to put it under the table, where King An didn't know

Ha, the food cooked by my mother is delicious.

Adventure composition 500 words (4)

"It's not enough to just laugh." The old carpenter pondered, so he carved a crying expression for the puppet

One day, the puppet came to the door of the police station. Suddenly, a man wearing a mask rushed out, holding a key, and ran into the puppet. The man quickly picked up the key, but put it into the puppet's hand and ran forward. The puppet did not know what had happened, and stood dumbfounded with the key. Just then, the officer Xiong who threw the puppet out the last time rushed out, followed by two dog officers. They held the puppet down and said, "You little puppet, you robbed the fox's backpack last time and stole the key of the old house this time. You are really a bad guy. You should be taken out of prison for ten years." Then he asked the two dog police officers to pull the puppet away and put it in the prison. The puppet was wronged again, and he was sad.

A few days later, the puppet couldn't stand to stay in the dark cell, so he cried loudly. Just then, a little mouse jumped out of a small pit. The little mouse said to the little puppet, "Little wooden man, I saw what happened the other day. You are not the one who stole the key, and I also want to tell them that you are not, but they just don't listen, so now I want to take you away from the place of right and wrong." When the little puppet heard that he was going to take him away from the prison, let alone how happy he was, So they climbed into the path the mouse had dug with the mouse.

They climbed and climbed. Suddenly, a big stone appeared in front of them. The little mouse was very strange. He thought, "It's strange that there was no such big stone when he climbed in last time." The little puppet was so worried that he almost didn't cry. "Whatever, now we should figure out how to get the stone out, or we can push it out." The little mouse agreed. So they pushed and pushed, and even used their milk strength. Finally, they pushed all the stones out, and finally escaped from the prison.

Once again, the puppet got over the difficulties and saw the light again. When he saw the sun shining on his face, he cried again. The little mouse asked, "Why are you crying again?" "I'm so happy!

Adventure composition 500 words (5)

Since the puppet can cry, laugh, get angry, and worry, he has walked a long way.

One day, the puppet came to a garden. The owner of the garden was a giant. The giant lived ten meters away from the garden. But the little puppet didn't know it was a giant, so he sat on a peach tree. Suddenly, he felt a little hungry, so he climbed to the tree to pick fruit, feeling the ground shaking. He looked into the distance and saw that a huge giant was coming here. The little puppet was startled. He quickly went down the tree and hid in the grass. The giant came over, took a saw in his hand, and he started to saw it. The little puppet saw it. He wanted to stop it, but he was afraid of the giant, but he still went. He went to the giant and said, "Mr. Giant, you shouldn't cut down trees, please don't cut down trees anymore." The giant listened, without saying a word, and threw the puppet out. The puppet was sad and worried.

A few years later, the puppet returned to the garden and looked, wow! This is simply not the garden of a few years ago. Where have the peach trees gone? The little puppet went to the giant's house again, and the giant suddenly came out, knelt on the ground and said, "Little puppet, I have been cutting down trees for several years, and I didn't listen to your advice, but I threw you out. Please forgive me, sorry, can you help me?" The little puppet said hurriedly, "Yes, yes!" They began to plant trees. After planting the tree, the puppet left. A few years later, the puppet came back. He saw the flowers in full bloom and the trees in shade. The puppet was very happy.

Then began a new journey!

Adventure composition 500 words (6)

Since Pinocchio, the puppet, became a man, he began to become very arrogant. Other children were not pleased with him and often beat them. Therefore, wherever Pinocchio went, he would be looked down upon by countless people, and everyone hated him even more. Everyone should come to the fairy to punish Pinocchio who is "disgusting to everyone".

Gradually, Pinocchio became the child king more and more daring. Slowly, he even beat the adults. However, the adults had to swallow their pride because everyone knew that it was the fairy's plan.

Later, Pinocchio became more ambitious and became king in front of people. But everyone applauded when they knew the tricks up their sleeve.

So, people built a spaceship for him. The spaceship was empty and had nothing.

Pinocchio flew into space. He was very upset because he didn't eat or breathe. Pinocchio endured for a while and shouted, "I might as well become a puppet!"

"All right! That's what you said!" The fairy said, and lit Pinocchio with a magic wand. Pinocchio turned back into a puppet. Then the fairy flew away.

Pinocchio ended his life in space.

Adventure composition 500 words (7)

As a saying goes, the puppet was very happy to get all the expressions from the human beings that the fairy gave him, but he still wanted to get his red schoolbag back, because it contained its dry food.

The puppet looked for the little fox everywhere in the street, and finally found the little fox in the center of the square. It was holding a red bag to show off to the small animals nearby. The puppet became angry at once. He angrily pulled out the little fox from the crowd and shouted, "Big villain, big robber, big liar! This is my schoolbag, give it back to me, He said, "Well, if you don't admit it, let's go to the police station and let the police apply for justice for me!" Then he took Little Fox to the police station. The little fox broke away from the puppet, suddenly pushed the crowd and ran away. Because the little fox found that the puppet's face was no longer smiling, but full of anger. It would be a loss to report to the police. The puppet catches up with the red schoolbag.

Just then, the patrol came. They pulled up the puppet and the fox, and asked the puppet: "What's wrong?" The puppet said to the police: "He robbed my schoolbag and didn't return it, but insisted it was his." The fox lowered his head, threw the red schoolbag on the ground, and said: "I don't want such a schoolbag." Suddenly he ran away. The police officer said to the people around him, "Go and catch the fugitive Fox!"

Then everyone knew that the little fox had been punished as he deserved. The puppet smiled again, this time with a sincere smile, from the heart.

Adventure composition 500 words (8)

"The sun and the sky shine, and the flowers smile at me..." The happy coins roll and roll, and today is really lively! I am a coin, lying on the road quietly.

When the bad luck suddenly came, a little boy seemed to notice me, walked up to me and picked me up and said, "It's a coin. I thought it was something." Then he threw me on the road and was run over by cars from time to time. My body was very painful and I was very sad.

After a long time, a group of little girls passed by me. One of them picked me up carefully and was about to put me in the bag, but the other girl snapped it. She said, "Just a coin. It's nothing rare. Let's go!" Then they all left. I was photographed rolling and rolling, looking around at the scenery, and inadvertently rolled into the dark place - sewer!

The sewage from the sewer roared at me, and I didn't know where it was washed. When I woke up, I found that there were many insects and ants staring at me. As time passed, we became good friends. Because I have no feet, I can only let them tell me something outside. In the daytime, the watermelon worm came back from the outside and said, "It's too hot outside, and there's a huge one eye always staring at me, but it's safe and cool here." In the evening, the earthworm came back from the outside and said, "It's really warm outside, and there are colorful clouds hanging in the sky. It's really beautiful!" At night, The mosquito came back from the outside and said, "It's very cool outside. It's dark. It's the best time to eat."

Day after day passed by, until one day, the earthworm dragged half of its body with a heavy expression, bringing a bad news: "The watermelon worm was crushed and died. The mosquito was beaten and killed, and I almost died." Then, a big hand reached in and picked me up. I looked up and saw an environmental sanitation aunt who wiped me clean and put me in the bag, And brought me home. After a while, I was put into a warm box.

Maybe this is my destination!

Adventure composition 500 words (9)

Ten years ago, the officer ordered me to take a rocket to explore an unknown planet to see if there were any living things, water or oxygen.

Now, I have arrived at that planet to explore for a week. During this week, I only saw a lot of sand and dust, but I accidentally found some oxygen, which is enough to keep a thousand people alive for 120 years, and also found a kind of ore, which is very valuable for research. I was about to run out of oxygen. Just as I was going back to the earth by spaceship, I heard a voice: "(in alien language)" I didn't understand "it". Fortunately, I brought a translator with me. "It" wanted to say to me, "Hello! Please take me back to your planet!" Then "it" said, "Please!" I saw that "it" was so pathetic, so I told "it" through the translator "All right!" I got on the spaceship and found that the engine of the spaceship was broken. I sighed, "it" seemed to know what was on my mind, and said: "I have a UFO, do you need it

We returned to the earth by "it"'s UFO, and I took "it" to NASA. I called the officer, and he said as soon as he saw me: "You are... Lieutenant Mark...? Are you Lieutenant Mark?" I replied: "Yes, Chief Kazan." "It is an alien I met when I returned." "(alien language)" "It" said. "It's very nice of you to come back. What does it want to say?" said the officer. "It" said: "... You... OK..." "My... name is Rocky, please give me more advice." Rocky's followers told me that it lost its way. Decades ago, "it" wanted to travel in the solar system. How did it know... "I understand." The officer said. He immediately prepared a spaceship for it and sent it back to the universe. At this moment, I thought that it had a UFO to send me back to the earth, but why didn't it take its own UFO back?

I met aliens, so are there any other aliens? I was about to ask him, but it was too late. His spaceship was already in the universe, and he went back to his home. At the same time, I buried these questions in my heart

Adventure composition 500 words (10)

This week, my mother took me to Changlu Farm, a scenic spot I have been looking forward to for a long time. There are countless interesting games there. The most unforgettable games for me are neither exciting vertical roller coasters nor childlike bumper cars. They are just bumper cars that adults and children like to play.

As soon as I entered the playground, I was overwhelmed by the bumper cars that appeared at the moment. I looked east and west, and finally chose a dark blue car. When waiting for the game to start, I looked around at others. Most of them were impatient and eager. I think this game will be 100% wonderful!

"Beep the bell --" The game began. I stepped on the accelerator and was ready to drive five rounds along the playground. However, how many meters away from me, I rushed out of a car. Seeing that I was about to knock down his car, I quickly turned left the steering wheel to avoid the car. Unexpectedly, there was also a car on my left side. I just knocked down her car body, "Bang --" My car suddenly stopped for a few seconds, and some cars that like to bump into others also ran after hearing the noise. "Bang --" "Bang --" I was suddenly stuck in the middle and could not move over the thunderstorm.

However, this difficulty could not defeat me. I carefully looked around and found that there was an unobtrusive road ahead. I was overjoyed. I turned the steering wheel to the right, adjusted the direction, and stepped on the accelerator. The whole car rushed forward bravely like an arrow leaving the chord. "Yeah! I rushed out!" I shouted happily. At this time, I was thinking of singing a song to show my contented happiness. But when we hummed a song, we couldn't help but pull aside. When the steering wheel turned, the car turned a corner smartly. I stepped on the accelerator with my foot in mind, and the car suddenly came back on the same road. "Bang --" When I reflected, the car was already deep in the car heap.

When the game ended, I reluctantly got out of the car, and everyone left the playground laughing and talking.

Adventure composition 500 words (11)

The sky was overcast, and soon there was only a loud noise, boom, boom! It's raining heavily! Light rain fell from the sky with Duoduo and his brothers and sisters.

When they came to Guilin, they saw that the Lijiang River was already very shallow. He thought that one of my raindrops must not be enough, so he flew up again and asked Brother Yun to rain more. It's raining! Many raindrops and Duoduo rushed down together! They saw pleasure boats sailing across the river in the air. They drove slowly in shallow water and fast in deep water. More and more said to the raindrop: Let's go to shallow places! So they swam to it one after another.

At this time, Duoduo saw a small silvery white fish with the same palm length and said hello to it: Xiaoyu Dian, hello! My name is Qiqi. What's your name? Xiaoyudian said: My name is Duoduo. The little fish said friendly: Let's make friends. Certainly. Qiqi asks Duoduo to sit on his back and swim slowly to the bottom of the river.

Suddenly, a big bird flew over the water and put its long beak into the water. Qiqi was so frightened that it hid behind the water grass. More and more curiously asked, "What is this thing? How can birds swim in the water?" Qiqi whispered, "This is a cormorant. It's a bird that eats our fish. It's very skilled!"!. Qiqi saw the cormorant swim away, so he took Duoduo out.

Qiqi raised his vigilance and swam for a while, when he came to a small house made of pebbles and water plants, several small crabs were crawling around at the door. Qiqi said: This is my home. Qiqi's home has a cave like entrance, which is very secluded. Qiqi asks Duoduo to play at home. There are many shells and a bed made of small stones. It's comfortable. Qiqi went outside to take a pebble home and made a bed for Duoduo. They had a good time.

Since then, Qiqi and Duoduo have become good friends, and no one can live without each other.

Adventure composition 500 words (12)

Just a short walk, a small river appeared in front of Jenny. Jenny was worried and thought, "How can I cross the river to pick mushrooms?" Just then, she saw Mr. Crocodile and asked politely, "Uncle Crocodile, can you take me to the other side of the river?" Mr. Crocodile said cheerfully, "OK, jump on my back." So Mr. Crocodile sent Jenny to the other side of the river.

After crossing the river, there are more mushrooms on the roadside. Jenny was so happy that she picked mushrooms as she walked.

I don't know how long later, Jenny has picked a basket full of large mushrooms. Then she found that the sun was going to set and she wanted to go home quickly. However, Jenny got lost in the forest. She was worried but not flustered. Jenny looked around, looking for the direction of the sun. Soon she found the sun was going to set, and ran straight in the direction of the sun.

It was getting dark, and Jenny's mother was also worried: "Jenny, where are you? Why don't you go home?" Just then, Jenny's voice came from outside the house: "Mom, Mom, I'm back!" Mom ran out quickly, and Jenny threw herself into her arms, shedding happy tears!

Jenny and her mother walked into the warm home hand in hand.

Adventure composition 500 words (13)

The little button looked around in a daze, and found that a monster would appear from time to time around, so he burst into tears, "Who is it? Don't let people rest!" The voice scared the little button. When the little button looked carefully, it turned out to be a firefly. The firefly asked curiously, "Who are you? Why do you look so strange? Why do you cry..." The little button quickly stopped the firefly and told it, "I'll take you to find Brother Squirrel." The firefly tried his best to erect the little button, "Firefly, what are you doing?" "You'll know later!" The firefly pushed the little button down the slope, fell into the water, and went in the wrong direction, Along the way, accompanied by the screaming of a small button, we arrived at the squirrel's brother's house at night.

"Brother Squirrel, the small button can't find its owner. Can you help it?". "It's getting late, you can stay here overnight!" Brother Squirrel said gently.

The next morning, they went to Magpie's brother's house early. After knowing the reason, Magpie's brother took a small button to the city. "Ah! I saw my master." Under the guidance of the small button, the magpie flew to Tangtang's head, put down the small button, and the button hit Tangtang's head. "Ouch! It hurts!" Tangtang stroked his head. "Ah! I found my button." Tangtang's face was filled with a happy smile.

Adventure composition 500 words (14)

I rubbed my eyes forward and adjusted the angle for a while. The first thing I saw was the white moon. The more I saw it, the more it looked like a big clean plate. I could not help but become intoxicated.

There may be aliens living in the sky, and the moon we see is a headlight to illuminate the world. I guess the moon is not bright at all. I turn my telescope again and find there are many shining "diamonds" nearby. But I look carefully, how can diamonds fly into the sky? These stars fooled me round and round. Suddenly, the clouds came slowly. In the blink of an eye, there was only a bright moon in the sky, and the stars began to play hide and seek, hiding in the dark sky.

I saw myself coming to the outer planet. I secretly followed the outer planet. When I landed on the ground, I was shocked by the technology in front of me. The more I walked back, the more advanced the technology was.

At this time, I was found by aliens at a corner. The aliens didn't catch me alive, but took me to a five-star hotel for dinner. I ate a lot of fish, meat and seafood. When I ate a very spicy food, I was suddenly awakened by the spicy food. Oh, it's just a dream of mine.

The night sky is really a very mysterious world. Maybe there is no footprint in the night sky, which cannot be found by us, but because we have fantasies, we can fly in the night sky.

Adventure composition 500 words (15)

When she came to the forest, she saw birds singing on the branches and tall banyan trees. "Hello, I want to be friends with you!" Hua whispered.

The stream asked inexplicably, "What, do you mean me?"

"Yes, I want to be friends with you."

"Yeah! Finally someone is willing to play with me!" The small stream pulled the flowers with one hand and began to dance.

"Flutter, Flutter, Flutter" attracted people coming for outing.

"Mom! Look, the brook is dancing!" exclaimed the child in surprise.

In the days with the stream, Hua's face often shows a bright smile.

One day, a bird flew in. When Hua was tired of playing, she said to the bird, "Can you give me a ride?"

"Well, come up." Hua said goodbye to the stream and flew away with the bird.

"Hold on!" Then the bird rushed into the sky and flew freely. Then Hua met a small cloud and said, "Can I be friends with you?"

"Well, come with me!" The flowers made the clouds colorful and integrated with them. Soon, a rainbow appeared in the sky. The flowers let the little clouds put on their clothes and held a beauty contest. The flowers made the small clouds one by one: elephant, monkey, cat, bird... It's like a large zoo in the sky.

The little flower said goodbye to the clouds, fell from the sky, fell on the tree, and became a brilliant flower on the tree.

Spring ended quietly, summer came, the flowers withered, each petal became a butterfly, flying away.

Adventure composition 500 words (16)

It was also the mother's choice that led to the interesting story.

On that day, I was having fun with my classmates. My deskmate is there with homework as a friend and books as a companion - doing homework. Suddenly, I stumbled and shook to the table. So, my deskmate's homework book had an extra fox tail. I thought, it's over. My deskmate must use his unique skill: "The Lion Roars from the East" to deal with me. As expected, she shouted: What are you doing? At this time, the playful students stopped. I thought to myself: the general trend has gone. To be on the safe side, I'd better take thirty-six measures! So I got wind under my feet and ran away. After a long time, I looked back and found that there was no one behind. Did I throw her away? When I was secretly happy, she appeared in front of me like a ghost. I was so frightened that I had to apologize to him.

So humiliated, I had to go back to my seat. But I still have lingering fears in my heart. What if she still refuses to let me go? However, he borrowed an eraser, which broke my meditation. Looking up at her face, I was surprised that she was smiling.

This is my deskmate. It is worthy of turning a face like turning a book, which has been best interpreted by her. It is because of his change that my life is full of fun!