The opponent is his own composition (8 articles in a collection)
Love cannot be old or will be old
2024-06-19 03:27:06
Senior 2

The opponent is his own composition (1)

God is just a person who has overcome his own desire.

Looking at the nearby dragon ball, I know that as long as I reach out my hand, it belongs to me; This bead has the power to make the three worlds tremble.

I saw my majesty in the future: I stepped on any living creature in the three worlds; I used to be a god, but now it's just my plaything. As long as I'm happy, I can order them as I want; For me, the so-called Devil's Palace and Temple are as casual as in my backyard.

I saw that the little younger martial brother, who was the favorite of Shifu, was trampled under my feet and kowtowed to me; I sneered, mercilessly shocked his heart with my spiritual power, and then burned his spirit into Samadhi fire - I'll see how long you can last!

The old man, Shifu, is always partial to the younger martial brother. He taught many secrets of the school to the younger martial brother alone. He also said that the younger martial brother has good aptitude, high intelligence, and can understand those profound unique skills; But our aptitude and understanding are not as good as that of younger martial brother. After learning, we will only become possessed by evil. "I don't prefer your younger martial brother. I'm also a teacher for your good. You have worked hard to achieve some accomplishments. If you ruin your efforts in this way, wouldn't it be useless?" Hum, what you said is better than what you sang; If you don't give us mental skills, how can you know that we will become possessed?

Now, the dragon ball is in front of us. As long as we have it, all these illusions will become reality.

"Ha ha ha..." I heard my own laughter, and I felt my eyes were red; I must be possessed by the devil, but as long as I have Dragon Balls, even if I am possessed by the devil, what will happen? In the frenzy of laughter, I reached out my hand and grabbed the bead that was emitting light cyan light in this blood red space.

But years of hard work have kept the last glimmer of clarity in my Lingtai, and a voice of reason came from the bottom of the heart that had been burned by the fire of desire: "Don't... don't... it's the spirit of heaven and earth, and it doesn't belong to or belong to any creature. Trying to dominate it will only bring about the result of eternal destruction..." Although the voice was weak, it was continuous, Continuously from the bottom of the heart.

At this moment, I feel my soul torn by the two forces of reason and desire. I feel unspeakable pain. My body seems to explode, and my head aches; The outstretched hand has been pulled back, tearing the hair, and the crazy laughter has become a roar.

Inadvertently, I saw the pale blue bead again, and the illusion just now came to my mind again. Suddenly, the fire of desire was unprecedentedly fierce. Just listening to the "bang" at the bottom of the heart, it seemed that a string was broken, and the voice of reason was also suddenly broken; Reason was immediately burned by desire into nothing!

Driven by desire, I reached out and grabbed the dragon ball

Later, there was a legend in Qingyun Gate: among the seventh generation of the founder's brothers, his eldest brother Ye Xing and he were the best; But in the competition for the seventh generation leader, Ye Xing died in the cave sealed with the secret treasure of the Qingyun Gate, the Dragon Ball, which has the most powerful power in the world.

It is said that Ye Xing died in his own hands. Because there is a seal of spiritual power in that cave, and no one can release spiritual power in it. The dragon ball is a spiritual thing, which can lay a boundary that can release the dirtiest and darkest desires in the soul. Only those who can suppress their own desires with strong self-control in this boundary can inherit part of his power; On the contrary, if you are controlled by your own desire, you will be killed by its powerful force. Therefore, people speculate that Ye Xing was killed by a dragon ball after being controlled by his own desire.

He died in his own hands, because he was defeated by himself, his own desire!

The opponent is his own composition (2)

I am my own rival

In our daily study, work and life, we have all written compositions. We must know all kinds of compositions very well. Composition requires a complete text structure, and we must avoid the emergence of open-ended compositions. How to write a good composition? The following is the composition of I am my own rival, which helps everyone. For your reference, I hope it can help those in need.

In my life, I have many rivals, and the most powerful one is myself!

There are two villains in my body, one is an angel, the other is a devil. The angel is kind and lovely, and the devil is cunning and shameless. It is these two villains that make me grow little by little. Whenever I am wandering at the crossroads, I don't know which way to go, these two villains will suddenly jump out and tell their ideas. One day, my mother went out in a hurry and said to me in a hurry; "Peipei, be good at home, and do your homework well. Don't play around. It will take a long time for my mother to come back when she has something to do. Be obedient." Seeing her mother's back disappear in a hurry in front of me, I jumped up and shouted, "It's fun!" "No, go and do your homework!" Suddenly another voice came from my ears. "Ah! Who?" The little angel said to my nose with its magic stick, "What's the matter? What did your mother say to you just now? Have you forgotten all about it?" Don't listen to her! Don't listen to her! "The little devil took the magic fork," didn't your mother say that she would come back after a while, why not play for a while? "My heart was deeply moved by the words of the little devil, but I thought about the words of the angel, I had to lower my head and go back to my room with a pen to do my homework.

You see, I am competing with my opponent - my own growth bit by bit!

The opponent is his own composition (3)

A man was washed onto a desert island by the sea water. The only survivor built a small house with floating boards and put some of his belongings in it. Once, when he went out to look for food, he found that his house was on fire and all his belongings were burned down. Everyone will complain about the unfairness of heaven and earth. After complaining, he did not lose confidence. He firmly believed that he would survive. A few days later, a group of people found him and he was saved. He was surprised and pleased to ask: "How did you find me?" They said: "It is because your fireworks sent a signal!" Yes, when encountering difficulties, only to work hard to overcome them, and defeat yourself is the only way out. The reason why this man was saved was his never giving up confidence.

This is a story in my favorite book, "Smart Backpack". A philosopher once said, "The greatest enemy on the road of life is not others but yourself." Yes, it is often the most difficult to challenge yourself and defeat yourself. If you want to challenge yourself, you should be good at finding your own shortcomings, exploring the root of the problem and trying to overcome it. In fact, such stories are also staged from time to time in our lives. Although they are small, they are the starting line for us to challenge ourselves and defeat ourselves.

I remember one time, my mother was on a business trip, and my father went to a meeting and came back very late. Before leaving, my father said to me, "My son, my father will go to a meeting today and come back very late at night. You will go to bed early and go to school tomorrow." "Oh, no!" I heard this and rejected. Because I'm so old, I haven't had many experiences of staying at home alone, let alone sleeping alone! "My dear, today's meeting is very important!" Dad said to me patiently. At this time, I already knew that if I forced my father to accompany me again, he would "erupt", so I had to nod my head. Although there were a hundred people in my heart who didn't want to, "What has been done" had to be like this!

It was getting dark. It happened that it was a night of thunder and lightning. The wind made the window "bang bang", and the curtains became "magic carpet" and "flew" in the wind. In this dark night, I simply "spend my time like the sun". I was extremely flustered. Listening to the rumble of thunder and the sound of rain outside the window, I was extremely upset. I ran up and down and lit all the lights in my house. Suddenly, the whole house was ablaze with lights, and the TV set was turned on to the maximum decibel. I was "busy looking around" until about 11 o'clock when I gradually fell asleep in the noise.

One day, neither father nor mother came back. Because of my last experience, I am not as afraid of darkness as I was last time. This time, I only turned on the light in my room, and the TV sound was reduced by me. After a while, I slowly fell asleep. As time went by, my experience of being alone at home gradually increased.

I overcame myself and the darkness. I won. Now I can sleep alone.

In fact, not only in life, but also in learning!

I remember that it was on the eve of the annual sports meeting. I reported the 50 meter and 100 meter running events as usual, but because I didn't practice for many days, I still need to practice more if I want to compete with other strong competitors and achieve excellent results. So I made a "Iron Man Plan" for myself. I got up at 6:00 in the morning and ran 1500 meters. I ran 1500 meters at 4:30 in the evening. It's easier said than done. I haven't insisted on it for three days, but I am overwhelmed with pain and want to give up several times. But I knew that only by overcoming pain can I defeat myself. I persevered. By the day of the race, I had already had full confidence. With the starting gun ringing, I was like a horse, and like an arrow flying to the end. yeah! First place, yeah! I'm so happy!

Only by defeating myself can I defeat everything. I understand the truth from the iron facts!

The opponent is his own composition (4)

God is just a person who has overcome his own desire—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

Looking at the nearby dragon ball, I know that as long as I reach out my hand, it belongs to me; This bead has the power to make the three worlds tremble.

I saw my majesty in the future: I stepped on any living creature in the three worlds; I used to be a god, but now it's just my plaything. As long as I'm happy, I can order them as I want; For me, the so-called Devil's Palace and Temple are as casual as in my backyard.

I saw that the little younger martial brother who was the favorite of Shifu was trampled on by me and kowtowed to me; I sneered, mercilessly shocked his heart with my spiritual power, and then burned his spirit into Samadhi fire - I'll see how long you can last!

The old man, Shifu, is always partial to the younger martial brother. He taught many secrets of the school to the younger martial brother alone. He also said that the younger martial brother has good aptitude, high intelligence, and can understand those profound unique skills; But our aptitude and understanding are not as good as that of younger martial brother. After learning, we will only become possessed by evil. "I don't prefer your younger martial brother. I am also a teacher for your good. You have worked hard to achieve some accomplishments. If you ruin your efforts in this way, wouldn't it be a waste?" Hum, what you say is better than what you sing; If you don't give us mental skills, how can you know that we will become possessed?

Now, the dragon ball is in front of us. As long as we have it, all these illusions will become reality.

"Ha ha ha..." I heard my own laughter, and I felt my eyes were red; I must be possessed by the devil, but as long as I have Dragon Balls, even if I am possessed by the devil, what will happen? In the frenzy of laughter, I reached out my hand and grabbed the bead that was emitting light cyan light in this blood red space.

But years of hard work have kept the last glimmer of clarity in my Lingtai, and a voice of reason came from the bottom of the heart that had been burned by the fire of desire: "Don't... don't... it's the spirit of heaven and earth, and it doesn't belong to or belong to any creature. Trying to dominate it will only bring about the result of eternal destruction..." Although the voice was weak, it was continuous, Continuously from the bottom of the heart.

At this moment, I feel my soul torn by the two forces of reason and desire. I feel unspeakable pain. My body seems to explode, and my head aches; The outstretched hand has been pulled back, tearing the hair, and the crazy laughter has become a roar.

Inadvertently, I saw the pale blue bead again, and the illusion just now came to my mind again. Suddenly, the fire of desire was unprecedentedly fierce. Just listening to the "bang" at the bottom of the heart, it seemed that a string was broken, and the voice of reason was also suddenly broken; Reason was immediately burned by desire into nothing!

Driven by desire, I reached out and grabbed the dragon ball

Later, there was a legend in Qingyun Gate: among the seventh generation of the founder's brothers, his eldest brother Ye Xing and he were the best; But in the competition for the seventh generation leader, Ye Xing died in the cave sealed with the secret treasure of the Qingyun Gate, the Dragon Ball, which has the most powerful power in the world.

It is said that Ye Xing died in his own hands. Because there is a seal of spiritual power in that cave, and no one can release spiritual power in it. The dragon ball is a spiritual thing, which can lay a boundary that can release the dirtiest and darkest desires in the soul. Only those who can suppress their own desires with strong self-control in this boundary can inherit part of his power; On the contrary, if you are controlled by your own desire, you will be killed by its powerful force. Therefore, people speculate that Ye Xing was killed by a dragon ball after being controlled by his own desire.

He died in his own hands, because he was defeated by himself, his own desire!

The opponent is his own composition (5)

In life, work and study, we often see the figure of composition. Composition requires a complete text structure, and we must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. What kind of composition have you seen? The following is a sample essay collected by Xiaobian for you. Welcome to share it.

It can be said that the production of the 27th gold medal of the Beijing Olympic Games is quite legendary. Due to the last miss of American shooter Emmons and the steady performance of Chinese player Qiu Jian, Qiu Jian finally jumped from the third place to the first place, while Emmons, who has been ranking first in the top nine, fell to the fourth place, and was not awarded the Olympic medal.

My thoughts returned to that memorable game. With the last sound, everyone's eyes were focused on the target of American player Emmons, who was most sure to win the gold medal because of the leading edge of the first nine rings. But what shows us is not the 10 points, but the 4 points. Four rings! The whole audience was in an uproar, and Emmons' wife, as a special commentator on the scene, was also surprised to be at a loss.

When many Chinese people are excited about another gold medal and excited about Qiu Jian's unexpected victory, my mood is very complicated. I can even say that I am more sad about the failure of the American players.

The same scene in Athens Olympic Games was staged again in Beijing Olympic Games. Four years ago, Emmons lost his medal because of the last miss. The Czech female shooter comforted the American after the game, so that the two later became husband and wife and agreed to win both titles in the Beijing Olympic Games. Now, in the face of a husband who failed again, his wife, who won the first gold medal at the Beijing Olympic Games, hugged her husband as tightly as she did four years ago. At that time, their feelings should be hard to express.

Many people believe that Emmons's strength is a sure way to win. It is the early relaxation that makes Emmons miss the last target. But I think Emmons was defeated by himself. I can imagine that when the last bullet was about to be sent out, the unexpected scene four years ago, because of the major mistake four years ago, a stream of questions poured into Emmons's mind like a nightmare, like being imprisoned by a painful curse, making this powerful American player's four year efforts crushed by the last one.

When I saw Edmunds' wife's surprised expression, Edmunds' painful greetings after the game, the regret of his teammates, and heard the voice of the TV host who excitedly announced that the champion was Qiu Jian of China, I was so sad that I couldn't shed a tear. Before, I cursed Emmons on TV in order to prevent the United States from winning the championship, and I was worried about the threat posed to China by Emmons' outstanding achievements in the first nine rings. Now it seems how small and low-grade.

But gradually, my mood also eased from the incomparable regret and sadness. When I saw the flag of China rising on the field, I realized that the competition was cruel, just like the accidental fall of Michael Jackson, Liu Xiang's biggest competitor and the famous American 110m hurdler, on the track and field of the Athens Olympic Games four years ago. Liu Xiang felt sorry for Jackson, but he knew the truth of cruelty, so he said that he did not care about Jackson, nor would it affect his performance. The flag is raised for those who are the last to laugh. People all over the world see Emmons' strong strength, efforts to cause, and setbacks in life. But did the American flag finally rise in the shooting range? No, I used to hear others say that the biggest opponent is myself. Of course I understand, but today's shooting match made me deeply understand this truth.

Speaking of myself. I am not qualified to say to myself that "my biggest opponent is myself". The first place is always beyond my reach. But as long as I am working hard, as long as I play my strength in many tests, whether I am the first, second or dozens of hundreds, I think I have succeeded, at least I have defeated myself. Therefore, this competition also made me more open-minded to face my own learning. In particular, I am worthy of myself in terms of achievements. In this way, I think I am a successful person no matter where I am.

The opponent is his own composition (6)

In our ordinary daily life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. According to the different writing time limits, compositions can be divided into timed compositions and non timed compositions. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is my 800 character composition, which I hope can help you.

Everyone in our life has an opponent, and it is because of the opponent that we become stronger. As the saying goes, "There are people outside the world, there are days outside the world", everyone has advantages and disadvantages. If there is a perfect person who doesn't know his shortcomings when you are discouraged and desperate, he will be your strongest opponent. In this case, we must defeat the opponent! Because only in the "war" with opponents, constantly hone yourself and make yourself stronger, can you become a real "king"! To realize the true success! Only then can we know ourselves and the enemy, and win every battle!

To be honest with you, I also have a super competitor. He is no other than "Hu Da Dictionary" (Hu Haoran)! If you ask me why I choose him as my strongest opponent, is he really strong? I will definitely tell you, "Yes!"

In fact, we are at the same table. Once I was doing my homework on Basic Training, while Hu Haoran was looking at the Knowledge Collection, which has few pages. He seemed to be daydreaming there, and it was very enjoyable. I was still wondering: Is that book so beautiful? It's just a few pieces of paper, and it's all boring content. Then he turned around and said, "Let me test you." I immediately refused. I don't want to do that boring thing. Seeing that I didn't want to take this move, he deliberately provoked me: "Cut, I know you dare not, coward!" Although I know that he deliberately provoked me, but his stubborn temper came up, and he forcefully replied: "Good! Compare, who is afraid of who!" So a fierce knowledge challenge began. First, he asked me some verses, then some ancient Chinese, and then asked me the Analects of Confucius... It was endless, and I was going to doze off. In order to excuse him, I pretended to raise a white flag and "surrender". Despite that, my heart did not "surrender". Since that day, I have to read extracurricular books every night after finishing my homework, and read some ancient Chinese poems, the Analects of Confucius Allegorical sayings, idioms, proverbs... Because I always think that one day I will surpass him! I will succeed! No matter for me or for success, I will work hard! This indomitable will has been honing me.

In the "war" with our opponents, and in the "war" that is not compatible with the fire and water, we must win back that honor again. We must not arbitrarily think that we are weak. We should know that everyone is not perfect. We should also use clever methods to take advantage of the strengths to compensate for the weaknesses, use our own strengths to overcome the weaknesses of others, and use our own weaknesses to temper ourselves, Strengthen yourself, make yourself back to the "throne" to regain success, feel the taste of success again, and make yourself different and stronger!

However, the "throne" is not so easy to sit on. Sometimes, when you are still there trying to climb the stairs step by step, a "king" will be knocked down by a stone from behind. So in the future, we must remember to be careful in the "war" with our opponents! Always remember, "Perseverance is the greatest success!" It is as beautiful as the rainbow after the storm, but it is so short. If we want to keep it long, we must experience those storms, and we must use our efforts to gain its beauty!

The opponent is so mysterious, you will never know what he will do next, of course, he will never know what you will do next, but as long as we try our best, we will know ourselves and know the enemy, win every battle, enjoy the sweetness of success, and also see the colorful rainbow bridge! Let's cross the Rainbow Bridge, walk the hazy road, and drive towards success!

The opponent is his own composition (7)

As the saying goes, two tigers cannot live in one mountain. Although the hermit had lived in seclusion for a long time, his martial arts skills were still superior to those of the general, let alone his own banner of "fighting all over the world invincible". It seems that the general will not be able to give up until he fights with the hermit.

What the Wulin Challenge Arena wants is to win the competition and find a suitable opponent, which may be the real stimulus. Therefore, the general broke into the mountain forest alone, hoping that one day he could compete with the hermit.

The general overcame the difficulties and obstacles and crossed mountains and rivers to find the legendary hermit. The forest was so large that he didn't see anyone for half a month. Every day he hunted rabbits and picked wild fruits for a living. He also felt a bit anxious. Is there any legendary hermit?

One day, when he passed a stream, he saw an old man with a bamboo hat fishing by the stream. For a long time, he did not see the old man pulling the fishing rod. The general was very strange, so he went to ask the old man and told him about finding a hermit. The old man did not answer him immediately. After thinking for a moment, he said to the general that he knew the hermit, and was willing to tell the hermit the general's intentions. He also set a contest with the general. When the old man left, he pulled up the fishing rod, but the general found that there was no hook on the fishing rod.

The time for the martial arts contest has come, but the hermit still does not appear after nearly half an hour. The general began to worry. Later, the old man came to tell him that the hermit would trouble him to wait for another half an hour. The general was impatient, but he still insisted for half an hour, but still did not see the hermit. At this time, the general was so angry that he didn't know what medicine the hermit sold in the gourd? He asked the old man to urge the hermit. The old man came back to tell him that the hermit asked him to wait another half an hour and said that he would be there in half an hour. The general's lungs would explode when he heard about it. He fidgeted, kicking stones with his feet, climbing branches with all his strength, and his face was red, his veins were blue, and his anger was high.

It was almost half an hour before the old man began to speak. The old man told the general that he was the hermit the general was looking for. The general wanted to tear the old man to pieces immediately after hearing this, but he could not break the agreement. So he had to brave the battle and open up the battle with the old man. Because the former general was anxious, the battle was full of holes. Some of his strength was not enough. It was less than five rounds, The old man easily knocked the hermit to the ground.

In fact, everyone knows that a powerful and tall general should not easily lose to a weak old man. Even if he has the highest ability, the general will not lose to others, but to himself. The old man had been delaying the match time to test the general's endurance and see if he could keep calm and calm. However, the general was eager to win and restless, and his chances of winning were ruined. Therefore, if we want to defeat the other party, we must first defeat ourselves, overcome our cowardice, cowardice, impetuosity, overcome our own shortcomings, and respond calmly and calmly with an ordinary attitude. No matter how powerful an opponent is, it will appear insignificant in our eyes.

The opponent is his own composition (8)

The opponent is his own composition 1:

In life, your greatest enemy is not others, but yourself.

In life, you always think that you and him can not be friends, only enemies, that is because you do not have a broad mind, courage to face.

I am such a person who dare not face it. Please listen to my story!

I have always been the favorite of teachers. Few people do not envy me.

Senior one got to know him, a boy who got better grades in chemistry than me. In terms of achievements, we are almost half a kilogram. In terms of popularity, I still want to win a little. In the eyes of the old class, our status is equal. But in the eyes of the chemistry teacher, he seems to be the best.

In fact, his chemistry performance is really excellent, and his thinking and problem-solving skills are beyond ordinary students. Every time, the teacher will praise him in the class, saying that his thinking is different. I can't understand why the teacher never praises me? The score is higher than him, the volume is cleaner than him, and the chemistry experiment is never careless... No matter how I do it, the chemistry teacher does not "favor" me, let me be favored by wishful thinking.

So I began to hate him, hated the chemistry teacher, and thought that his "heart" was biased. In chemistry class, I always said "Teacher, wrong!" intentionally or unintentionally, when the teacher stopped to look for something, he made a roar of laughter. After class, I always made mistakes to him, hid his chemistry homework book, asked him to be taught by the teacher, tore up his chemistry papers, and asked the chemistry teacher to say that he didn't clean up. Even so, the chemistry teacher's "enthusiasm" for him remained undiminished. I began to turn from disappointment to despair, and totally lost confidence in the "favor" of chemistry teachers.

In chemistry class, I no longer listen carefully, no longer do experiments seriously, copying homework has become my daily routine. With the acceleration of the decline of chemistry grades, I only thought that I had eaten broad noodles for the earnest teaching of chemistry teachers. In this way, when dividing subjects, I became a member of the liberal arts class, saying goodbye to the days of learning chemistry.

Now think about it. If I hadn't been jealous of others, abandoned myself and indulged in degradation, wouldn't I be a science student today and have the opportunity to continue studying chemistry? However, I was overshadowed by the clouds of jealousy, and could not walk out of the shadow of jealousy.

My friend, don't go my way, the price is too heavy. Keep away from jealousy and make yourself stand out and independent.

The real enemy in life is not others, but yourself.

The opponent is your own composition II:

It is said that in ancient times, a military general in the Central Plains was powerful and powerful. He knocked down dozens of opponents with high martial arts skills on the challenge arena in one breath. He became famous in the Wulin overnight with his famous reputation of "beating the invincible in the world". One day, someone told him that there was someone who was highly skilled, and I'm afraid he was above him. But he has already lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, enjoying leisure and freedom alone.

As the saying goes, two tigers cannot live in one mountain. Although the hermit had lived in seclusion for a long time, his martial arts skills were still superior to those of the general, let alone his own banner of "fighting all over the world invincible". It seems that the general will not be able to give up until he fights with the hermit.

What the Wulin Challenge Arena wants is to win the competition and find a suitable opponent, which may be the real stimulus. Therefore, the general broke into the mountain forest alone, hoping that one day he could compete with the hermit.

The general overcame the difficulties and obstacles and crossed mountains and rivers to find the legendary hermit. The forest was so large that he didn't see anyone for half a month. Every day he hunted rabbits and picked wild fruits for a living. He also felt a bit anxious. Is there any legendary hermit?

One day, when he passed a stream, he saw an old man with a bamboo hat fishing by the stream. For a long time, he did not see the old man pulling the fishing rod. The general was very strange, so he went to ask the old man and told him about finding a hermit. The old man did not answer him immediately. After thinking for a moment, he said to the general that he knew the hermit, and was willing to tell the hermit the general's intentions. He also set a contest with the general. When the old man left, he pulled up the fishing rod, but the general found that there was no hook on the fishing rod.

The time for the martial arts contest has come, but the hermit still does not appear after nearly half an hour. The general began to worry. Later, the old man came to tell him that the hermit would trouble him to wait for another half an hour. The general was impatient, but he still insisted for half an hour, but still did not see the hermit. At this time, the general was so angry that he didn't know what medicine the hermit sold in the gourd? He asked the old man to urge the hermit. The old man came back to tell him that the hermit asked him to wait another half an hour and said that he would be there in half an hour. The general's lungs would explode when he heard about it. He fidgeted, kicking stones with his feet, climbing branches with all his strength, and his face was red, his veins were blue, and his anger was high.

It was almost half an hour before the old man began to speak. The old man told the general that he was the hermit the general was looking for. The general wanted to tear the old man to pieces immediately after hearing this, but he could not break the agreement. So he had to brave the battle and open up the battle with the old man. Because the former general was anxious, the battle was full of holes. Some of his strength was not enough. It was less than five rounds, The old man easily knocked the hermit to the ground.

In fact, everyone knows that a powerful and tall general should not easily lose to a weak old man. Even if he has the highest ability, the general will not lose to others, but to himself. The old man had been delaying the match time to test the general's endurance and see if he could keep calm and calm. However, the general was eager to win and restless, and his chances of winning were ruined. Therefore, if we want to defeat the other party, we must first defeat ourselves, overcome our cowardice, cowardice, impetuosity, overcome our own shortcomings, and respond calmly and calmly with an ordinary attitude. No matter how powerful an opponent is, it will appear insignificant in our eyes.