Taohuayuan Composition (10 Practical Articles)
Golden Maple Leaf
2024-06-08 05:10:14

Taohuayuan Composition (1)

Today, all our fourth grade teachers and students came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms and peach gardens.

I have seen pear flowers as white as snow, and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole ridge is as bright as a pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. It's really nice to see! I can't get tired of watching it. I have seen groups of pear trees, appreciated clusters of chrysanthemums here and there, but never seen such neat peach trees with peach blossom circles. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in a line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched all around, full of buds. Some are about to burst, some are about to burst, some are folded two or three petals, like shy little girls, some are fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens, like a child's red face, A gust of wind blew through the flowers and a peach blossom rain came up, which made people intoxicated.

Such trees are planted in the mountains, and such flowers are blooming in the mountains. In addition, the sky is foggy, and the mountains are green and red, making you feel like walking into a continuous picture.

It's really like walking into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoying the immortal scenery.

Taohuayuan Composition (2)

Today, all our fourth grade teachers and students came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms and peach gardens.

I have seen pear flowers as white as snow, and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole mountain ridge is as bright as a pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. How beautiful! I can't get enough of it. I've seen the pear trees in groups, and I've seen the chrysanthemums here and there, but I've never seen the peach trees as neat as peach blossoms. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched out all around, full of buds, and some of them are ready to burst, Some of them folded two or three petals like shy girls, and some fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens like a child's red face. A gust of wind blew through the flowers, and a peach blossom rain came up, which made people intoxicated

Such trees are planted in the mountains, and such flowers are blooming in the mountains. In addition, the sky is foggy, and the mountains are green and red, making you feel like walking into a continuous picture

It's really like walking into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoying the fairyland scenery

Taohuayuan Composition (3)

Hometown Taohuayuan Composition

Whether in study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. How to write a good composition? The following is the composition of Taohuayuan in Xiaobian's hometown. Welcome to learn from it. I hope it can help you.

Hometown Peach Blossom Garden Composition 1

My hometown is in Tanggu. Although it has many scenic spots, I think the most beautiful one is still the small park that is beautiful all the year round.

The park is very close to my home. It has a very nice name - Peach Blossom Garden. It is named after hundreds of peach trees planted here. This small park has four distinct seasons, and each season has its own unique beauty. What I like most is the scenery of spring here.

In the early spring, the day slowly warms up, and the peach garden is filled with thick spring, a scene full of spring.

Swallows fly back from the south to make nests here; Magpies and sparrows also chirp incessantly, as if celebrating the arrival of spring; The grass also broke away from the shackles of the earth and stuck out its head, breathing fresh air in big mouthfuls; Peach trees also woke up. They shook off the dust on their bodies and drilled some buds from the branches with different shapes. I saw the tenacity of life from them, and felt the spring full of vitality and hope.

When the peach blossoms opened, the peach trees were beautifully decorated. There are red ones and white ones There are pink......, competing to open up, trying to show their most beautiful.

The beautiful scenery of the Peach Garden attracted many people to stop and play here. They took photos and recorded the beautiful scenery with cameras. I stood in the peach blossom cluster, smelling the faint fragrance of flowers and looking at the petals falling with the wind, I felt like I was a peach flower. When the wind blew, I danced. When the wind passed, I stopped dancing and stood there quietly. After a while, I remembered that I was not a peach blossom, I was just in it.

This is the small and exquisite Peach Blossom Garden in front of my house. I love it so much no matter when.

Hometown Peach Blossom Garden Composition 2

I like my hometown Peach Blossom Garden very much. It is located in the suburb of Taoyuan County, Hunan Province.

After more than an hour's driving, we finally arrived at the gate of the Peach Garden. Once we go in, wow! How beautiful! The peach blossoms are all in blossom. It seems that a group of chubby children are bending the peach trees. They are connected one by one, just like pink students. Peach blossom is like a changeable flower with various forms. Look at this one, there is a "handstand", look at that one, there is a "sleep"...... Each flower has its own posture. I thought: If only there were peaches, we could pick peaches and eat them.

We walked up the steps to the frog pond. There is a small pond beside the frog pond, and there is a stone frog in the middle of the pond. It is said that if you put a coin into the mouth of a frog, your dream will come true. I even dropped two coins, but I didn't hit. Just as he was about to leave, he found that someone had thrown him in, and people were talking about him! Hearing this, I immediately walked away in a rage.

After leaving the Tianji Pool, we came to the square bamboo forest. The bamboo here looks very round, but it feels square, so it is called "square bamboo forest". They are one by one. It seems that many soldiers have formed a force and are preparing for battle. Like children who will rain, I was drenched when I shook. I also set a "trap", when my parents came, they were drenched all over.

I love peach garden.

Taohuayuan Composition (4)

Today, all our fourth grade teachers and students came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms all over the mountains.

I have seen pear flowers as white as snow and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole ridge of the mountain is as bright as pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. How beautiful! I can't get enough of it. I've seen the pear trees in groups, and I've seen the chrysanthemums here and there, but I've never seen the peach trees as neat as peach blossoms. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched out all around, full of buds, and some of them are ready to burst, Some of them folded two or three petals like shy girls, and some fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens like a child's red face. A gust of wind blew through the flowers, and a peach blossom rain came up, which made people intoxicated

Such trees are planted in the mountains, and such flowers are blooming in the mountains. In addition, the sky is foggy, and the mountains are green and red, making you feel like walking into a continuous picture

It's really like walking into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoying the fairyland scenery

Taohuayuan Composition (5)

Spring girl has come to us with light steps, don't you believe? Look, Mu Yang's peach blossoms have already opened! My cousins and I went to Muyang to see the peach blossoms. The scenery was picturesque all the way.

Muyang Peach Garden arrived. Looking far away, it was pink, like a large piece of dawn falling from the sky.

The peach blossoms are pink, dark red and light purple, which are more beautiful against the green leaves. Some just spread two or three petals, and some petals all spread out. A little red stamen stuck out its head mischievously against the bright yellow tip. Some of them are flower buds, which look like they are full and about to burst. A gust of wind blew, peach blossoms were like butterflies, flapping their wings and dancing, which made people dizzy and fascinated.

We stroll in the sea of flowers. Look at this one, it's beautiful. Look at that one, it's also beautiful. There are so many peach blossoms with different expressions: some are hanging on the branches alone, and some are close together in twos and threes. Hundreds of bees are buzzing on the flowers, and butterflies of all sizes are flying around. If you look at the scene in front of you as a large living picture, the artist's ability is really great.

There are so many peach blossoms in one 'posture. Looking at this one, it's beautiful, looking at that one, it's also beautiful... Looking at it, I seem to have become a peach flower. When the breeze blows, I dance, my pink clothes flutter with the wind, a small bee comes to tell me about my honey harvest, and a small butterfly comes to tell me the music of dancing last night

I naughty close to a flower, smell, a burst of fragrance, I reached out to pick it, cousin saw it and said: "Ah, Jingwen, don't pick!"

I asked curiously, "Why can't I pick?"

"Because this peach flower can produce a peach, if you pick one, the tree grower will earn a few dollars less!" My cousin said earnestly to me.

"But it doesn't matter to pick one. There are so many peach blossoms here. I think he doesn't need these few dollars!" I asked after him.

"Think about it. If everyone thinks like that, people who plant trees like that have worked so hard for so long, waiting for the flowers to bloom and bear fruit, and then selling them, you have picked all the flowers. What money does the tree farmer use to provide for children's school, and what money does he use to support his family?" Cousin told me a lesson like an adult.

"Oh!" I lowered my head in shame.

Happy time always passes quickly, and it's time to eat in a twinkling of an eye. I reluctantly left this beautiful peach garden!

Grade 5 of Fujian Ningde Fu'an Experimental Primary School Longjiang Campus: Gao Jingwen

Taohuayuan Composition (6)

Hope, hope, the Peach Blossom Festival has finally arrived. "Peach Blossom Festival" may be asked. "How come we haven't had the Peach Blossom Festival here?" Let me tell you: the Peach Blossom Festival is a special festival in Hengkou, because there is a huge peach garden in Lianggou Dongba, Hengkou, where there are tens of thousands of acres of peach flowers. In order to let more people see this beautiful place, there is the Peach Blossom Festival. This is the second session. Because my mother and I went to visit my grandfather in the first session, I felt very sorry for not being able to go to the Peach Blossom Garden. But I have long admired its name: I heard from friends that the peach blossoms there are beautiful. On that day, every school and unit had to perform, which added to the festival atmosphere.

That day, I got up early and waited at home for my classmate Wang Fang, who had already made an appointment with me. After a while, my classmate came. We inquired all the way and finally came to the Peach Garden. I looked left and right excitedly, wow! The peach blossoms here are more beautiful than I thought. I was dazzled. It's really lively here! There are many stalls under the peach trees, selling snacks, antiques, rings, and farmhouses. Buy whatever you want. I have always wondered how they moved so many things from the mountain to the mountain. Especially the food seller, it is even more difficult to move. I found that there are not only beautiful mountains, beautiful flowers, but also beautiful people. The people there are not only hospitable but also civilized. They will never remind people of the word "vulgar".

Walking, I was attracted by a small stall. It was a game player. The game is like this: let you bet 10 yuan first, and then the stall owner will give you a piece of paper to let you write from 1 to the 100th number. If you write a wrong number, you can only admit bad luck. 10 yuan is the stall owner's. But if you write them all correctly, you will be lucky. The stall owner will give you 20 yuan. With the idea of trying, I took out 10 yuan and entered the game. Finally, I really didn't write a wrong number, so the stall owner had to be convinced to give me 20 yuan. I was so happy.

Out of the stall, I returned to the bustling crowd. After a while, the performance began. They danced very well. They all performed well. I couldn't help admiring it. I admire them. "The next program is" Please come to Meili Hengkou ", sung by Wang Li alone. With the words of the host, Wang Li stepped onto the stage. "Eh, isn't that Mr. Wang, the head teacher of our primary school?" I said in surprise. His companion Wang Fang then said, "Yes, she is really our class teacher. She is so beautiful today that I can hardly recognize her." "Please come to Meili Hengkou. The mountains and water here are picturesque." With the singing, we came to a very narrow and quiet path again, leaving the noisy crowd. There are endless peach blossoms on both sides of the path. When you look around, all of them are pink. I could not help touching the blooming peach blossom and smelling its faint fragrance. At this time, I felt an indescribable sense of comfort and intimacy. So I left a beautiful moment with my camera.

Time passed quickly. It was getting dark soon. Wang Fang and I had to leave the Peach Garden reluctantly. Although I have left the Peach Garden now, this beautiful place has become a beautiful memory in my heart. Next time, I will definitely go.

Taohuayuan Composition (7)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Spring girl has come to us with light steps, don't you believe? Look, Mu Yang's peach blossoms have already opened! My cousins and I went to Muyang to see the peach blossoms. The scenery was picturesque all the way.

Muyang Peach Garden arrived. Looking far away, it was pink, like a large piece of dawn falling from the sky.

The peach blossoms are pink, dark red and light purple, which are more beautiful against the green leaves. Some just spread two or three petals, and some petals all spread out. A little red stamen stuck out its head mischievously against the bright yellow tip. Some are still blossoming, which looks like they are going to burst when they are full. A gust of wind blew, peach blossoms were like butterflies, flapping their wings and dancing, which made people dizzy and fascinated.

We stroll in the sea of flowers. Look at this one, it's beautiful. Look at that one, it's also beautiful. There are so many peach blossoms with different expressions: some are hanging on the branches alone, and some are close together in twos and threes. Hundreds of bees are buzzing on the flowers, and butterflies of all sizes are flying around. If you look at the scene in front of you as a large living picture, the artist's ability is really great.

There are so many peach flowers in one posture. Looking at this one, it's beautiful, looking at that one, it's also beautiful... Look at it, I seem to be a peach flower too. When the breeze blows, I dance, pink clothes flutter with the wind, a small bee comes to tell me the harvest of honey collection, a small butterfly comes to tell me the music of dancing last night

I naughty close to a flower, smell, a burst of fragrance, I reached out to pick it, cousin saw it and said: "Ah, Jingwen, don't pick!"

I asked curiously, "Why can't I pick?"

"Because this peach flower can produce a peach, if you pick one, the tree grower will earn a few dollars less!" My cousin said earnestly to me.

"But it doesn't matter to pick one. There are so many peach blossoms here. I think he doesn't need these few dollars!" I asked after him.

"Think about it. If everyone thinks like that, people who plant trees like that have worked so hard for so long, waiting for the flowers to bloom and bear fruit, and then selling them, you have picked all the flowers. What money does the tree farmer use to provide for children's school, and what money does he use to support his family?" Cousin told me a lesson like an adult.

"Oh!" I lowered my head in shame.

Happy time always passes quickly, and it's time to eat in a twinkling of an eye. I reluctantly left this beautiful peach garden!

Grade 5 of Fujian Ningde Fu'an Experimental Primary School Longjiang Campus: Gao Jingwen

Taohuayuan Composition (8)

Tour Peach Garden

I like, I like the colorful spring, because spring can fly the ideal kite, spring brings us warm sunshine, at the same time, it also brings us beautiful peach blossom! So my mother and I decided to go to see the "Spring Dance" in the 10000 mu peach garden.

When we came to the ten thousand mu peach garden, pear trees stood upright in white clothes. When the breeze blew, they danced. Their white clothes danced with the wind, as if they were greeting us.

We ran forward and saw a large rectangular pond with green water. An egret came and stopped on the water. Wow! We made a mistake. Egrets heard our screams and were scared away. At this time, only the breeze was blowing, and the water waves were rippling.

We walked up again. The stone steps were one level steep, and there were layers of green moss without any motley color on the stone steps.

Along the way, peach trees accompanied us on the roadside. Look, those peach flowers are so small and exquisite. Some of them have just opened two or three petals, and some of them have all opened, revealing several slender small stamens. A gentle breeze swept by, and many petals were blown off, like pink butterflies, and butterflies floated on the ground, laying a thick peach blanket on the ground.

When we reached the top of the mountain, we looked across the mountain. The opposite mountain was hazy and enchanting, like a fairyland.

This spring dance is so interesting!

Tour Peach Garden

Composition: Traveling in the Peach Garden Today, all the teachers and students of grade four came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms all over the mountains. I have seen pear flowers as white as snow, and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole ridge of the mountain is as bright as pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. How beautiful! I can't get enough of it. I've seen the pear trees in groups, and I've seen the chrysanthemums here and there, but I've never seen the peach trees as neat as peach blossoms. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched out all around, full of buds, and some of them are ready to burst, Some of them folded two or three petals like shy girls, and some of them fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens like children's red faces. A gust of wind blew through the flowers and there was a peach blossom rain, which made people intoxicated. Such trees were planted in the mountains, and such flowers were blooming in the mountains. In addition, the air was misty, and there were green trees and red flowers in the mountains, It makes you feel like walking into a continuous picture. You can really walk into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoy the fairyland

A tour of Yangzhai Peach Blossom Garden

I have heard that the Peach Blossom Garden in Yangzhai is very beautiful, so I pestered my father to take me to see the peach blossom.

On Sunday, my family drove to the Peach Blossom Garden in Yangzhai. When I got there, I was shocked. There were not only pink peach flowers, white pear flowers, but also yellow rape flowers, snow magnolia flowers, red pomegranate flowers... The fragrance came to my nose, refreshing and refreshing.

I walked to the peach blossom and looked carefully. The petals of the peach blossom were white in pink, and against the background of green leaves, it was delicate and lovely. The thick branches were decorated with beautiful peach blossoms and became lovely.

And the pear flower has a light white coat, and there are a few drops of dew necklace on the simple petals, which seems to be a gift from the dew sister to the pear flower sister in the morning. The dew beads rolled on the petals like huge pearls, crystal clear and beautiful. The pale white coat of the pear flower and the support of the maroon leaves make it more quiet, generous and elegant.

Then look at the yellow cauliflower, like gold sculpture, with green leaves dripping. Where they stand, it shows their dignity. Several trees were bent by some naughty children. The naughty beetles even used them as slides. One just went down, and the other came up. Sister Cauliflower looked happy at them, and she was swinging from side to side, playing with the beetles.

The idyllic scenery of Yangzhai Village is beautiful, and it is a good place to visit. I like flowers more than spring. I will visit the Peach Garden again next spring!

A tour of Yangzhai Peach Blossom Garden

I have heard that the Peach Blossom Garden in Yangzhai is very beautiful, so I pestered my father to take me to see the peach blossom.

On Sunday, my family drove to the Peach Blossom Garden in Yangzhai. When I got there, I was shocked. There were not only pink peach flowers, white pear flowers, but also yellow rape flowers, snow magnolia flowers, red pomegranate flowers... The fragrance was refreshing.

I walked to the peach blossom and looked carefully. The petals of the peach blossom were white in pink, and against the background of green leaves, it was delicate and lovely. The thick branches were decorated with beautiful peach blossoms and became lovely.

And the pear flower has a light white coat, and there are a few drops of dew necklace on the simple petals, which seems to be a gift from the dew sister to the pear flower sister in the morning. The dew beads rolled on the petals like huge pearls, crystal clear and beautiful. The pale white coat of the pear flower and the support of the maroon leaves make it more quiet, generous and elegant.

Then look at the yellow cauliflower, like gold sculpture, with green leaves dripping. Where they stand, it shows their dignity. Several trees were bent by some naughty children. The naughty beetles even used them as slides. One just went down, and the other came up. Sister Cauliflower looked happy at them, and she was swinging from side to side, playing with the beetles.

The idyllic scenery of Yangzhai Village is beautiful, and it is a good place to visit. I like flowers more than spring. I will visit the Peach Garden again next spring!

Tour Peach Garden

Tour Peach Garden

Today, our school all went out to visit Zhijiang Peach Garden.

As soon as we entered the door, we smelled the pungent fragrance and felt the strong smell of spring.

When we came to the most prosperous place of peach blossoms, we saw that peach blossoms were gorgeous, colorful and beautiful. Some, like shy girls, lowered their heads shyly; Some are like proud princesses, holding their heads high; Others, like noble ladies, smile gracefully at us How graceful!

The color of peach blossom is also dazzling, including dark red, pink, and soft white.

I think these peach flowers will be very sweet when they grow into peaches.

After enjoying the peach blossom, the guide and the class teacher led us to lunch.

Yang Qinyi, Liu Xiaoge and I spread the tablecloth on a clean lawn, then put the backpack in the center, leaving the rest of the room for ourselves to sit down, and then ate the snacks we brought.

Look, Li Wei eats spicy dried bean curd with relish. His mouth and hands are full of oil. After a while, he wipes on his face again and becomes a "little spotted cat". We laughed when we saw this scene

After we had eaten for about ten minutes, the guide took us to watch the balloon race again.

The contestants are divided into two teams: the red team and the yellow team. Each team will send two contestants to participate in the competition. The two contestants need not hold the balloon in their hands and carry it back to back. They will carry the balloon across the obstacles and go to the basket on the other side to "throw" the balloon. When the time is up, the referee will judge which team wins according to the number of balloons in the basket of the two teams. The winning team will receive balloon prizes.

Time passed quickly. The teacher led us reluctantly to get on the bus back to school. Our thoughts were still in the happy trip to the Peach Blossom Garden.

Tour Peach Garden

Today, all our fourth grade teachers and students came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms all over the mountains.

I have seen pear flowers as white as snow, and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole ridge of the mountain is as bright as pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. How beautiful! I can't get enough of it. I've seen the pear trees in groups, and I've seen the chrysanthemums here and there, but I've never seen the peach trees as neat as peach blossoms. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched out all around, full of buds, and some of them are ready to burst, Some of them folded two or three petals like shy girls, and some fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens like a child's red face. A gust of wind blew through the flowers, and a peach blossom rain came up, which made people intoxicated

Such trees are planted in the mountains, and such flowers are blooming in the mountains. In addition, the sky is foggy, and the mountains are green and red, making you feel like walking into a continuous picture

It's really like walking into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoying the fairyland scenery

Tour Peach Garden

Today, all our fourth grade teachers and students came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms all over the mountains.

I have seen pear flowers as white as snow, and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole ridge of the mountain is as bright as pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. How beautiful! I can't get enough of it. I've seen the pear trees in groups, and I've seen the chrysanthemums here and there, but I've never seen the peach trees as neat as peach blossoms. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched out all around, full of buds, and some of them are ready to burst, Some of them folded two or three petals like shy girls, and some fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens like a child's red face. A gust of wind blew through the flowers, and a peach blossom rain came up, which made people intoxicated

Such trees are planted in the mountains, and such flowers are blooming in the mountains. In addition, the sky is foggy, and the mountains are green and red, making you feel like walking into a continuous picture

It's really like walking into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoying the fairyland scenery

Traveling in Peach Garden

That day, I got up early and waited at home for my classmate Wang Fang, who had already made an appointment with me. After a while, my classmate came. We inquired all the way and finally came to the Peach Garden. I looked left and right excitedly, wow! The peach blossoms here are more beautiful than I thought. I was dazzled. It's really lively here! There are many stalls under the peach trees, selling snacks, antiques, rings, and farmhouses. Buy whatever you want. I have always wondered how they moved so many things from the mountain to the mountain. Especially the food seller, it is even more difficult to move. I found that there are not only beautiful mountains, beautiful flowers, but also beautiful people. The people there are not only hospitable but also civilized. They will never remind people of the word "vulgar".

Walking, I was attracted by a small stall. It was a game player. The game is like this: let you bet 10 yuan first, and then the stall owner will give you a piece of paper to let you write from 1 to the 100th number. If you write a wrong number, you can only admit bad luck. 10 yuan is the stall owner's. But if you write them all correctly, you will be lucky. The stall owner will give you 20 yuan. With the idea of trying, I took out 10 yuan and entered the game. Finally, I really didn't write a wrong number, so the stall owner had to be convinced to give me 20 yuan. I was so happy.

Out of the stall, I returned to the bustling crowd. After a while, the performance began. They danced very well. They all performed well. I couldn't help admiring it. I admire them. "The next program is" Please come to Meili Hengkou ", sung by Wang Li alone. With the words of the host, Wang Li stepped onto the stage. "Eh, isn't that Mr. Wang, the head teacher of our primary school?" I said in surprise. His companion Wang Fang then said, "Yes, she is really our class teacher. She is so beautiful today that I can hardly recognize her." "Please come to Meili Hengkou. The mountains and water here are picturesque." With the singing, we came to a very narrow and quiet path again, leaving the noisy crowd. There are endless peach blossoms on both sides of the path. When you look around, all of them are pink. I could not help touching the blooming peach blossom and smelling its faint fragrance. At this time, I felt an indescribable sense of comfort and intimacy. So I left a beautiful moment with my camera.

Time passed quickly. It was getting dark soon. Wang Fang and I had to leave the Peach Garden reluctantly. Although I have left the Peach Garden now, this beautiful place has become a beautiful memory in my heart. Next time, I will definitely go.

Taohuayuan Composition (9)

Today, all our fourth grade teachers and students came to the Peach Blossom Villa to visit the peach blossoms all over the mountains.

I have seen pear flowers as white as snow, and smelled chrysanthemums with rich fragrance, but I have never seen so many peach flowers; There are so many peach blossoms! Covering an area of more than 100 mu, it covers the whole mountain ridge; How fragrant the peach blossoms are! The fragrance made the industrious bees come to sing for her, and the beautiful butterflies were dancing around the peach blossom, as if they were competing with the peach blossom; How beautiful the peach blossom is! Under the soft sunshine, the whole ridge of the mountain is as bright as pink ruby. When the spring breeze blows, the peach blossoms will rain. It's really nice to see! I can't get tired of watching it.

I have seen groups of pear trees, appreciated clusters of chrysanthemums here and there, but never seen such neat peach trees with peach blossom circles. The peach trees are planted in rows, neat, not crooked, not slanted, like soldiers in a line. The peach trees are very short, but the branches are stretched all around, full of buds. Some are about to burst, some are about to burst, some are folded two or three petals, like shy little girls, some are fully opened, revealing bright yellow stamens, like a child's red face, A gust of wind blew through the flowers and a peach blossom rain came up, which made people intoxicated.

Such trees are planted in the mountains, and such flowers are blooming in the mountains. In addition, the sky is foggy, and the mountains are green and red, making you feel like walking into a continuous picture.

It's really like walking into the Peach Blossom Garden and enjoying the immortal scenery.

Taohuayuan Composition (10)

Along the path of the park, several peach trees are sending out their attractive fragrance. I saw a flower petal on the branch moving in the wind, and then it fell quietly. A beautiful memory also fell with it. I gently took it and bathed it in the warm sunshine. Squinting my eyes, I saw a series of dazzling lights. In a moment, I seemed to change back to my childhood and the peach blossom garden that gave me happiness in my childhood

When I was nine years old, my mother took my brother and I to Longgang Peach Garden to see peach blossoms. When we walked into the Peach Garden, peach trees were everywhere. The branches were covered with dense peach blossoms. The flowers were white and pink, red and pink. They were crowded on the branches, bathed in soft sunshine, and bloomed heartily in the breeze.

In the Peach Blossom Garden, I seem to be a part of it. Wearing floral clothes, I played with my friends on the branches. When a gust of wind passed by, I gently shook up with the sound of "whoop". "Oh, look!" Bees gathered honey on me and butterflies came to dance here. Oh, what a happy little peach flower I am! Although I am not impressive among my partners, I will live happily and sweetly with sunshine, partners, rain and dew, and soil, and try my best to make it big and beautiful... "Let's go, let's climb the mountain!" My mother's loud voice interrupted my infinite beautiful reverie. We walked to the hillside. On the way, I was still recalling my dream. I thought it would be good to be a flower and devote my life to mankind in obscurity.

Unconsciously, we came to the foot of the hill. From a distance, there was a statue of the birthday star on the hill. My brother and I could not wait to run up and shuttle through the crowd. The warm wind rushed in the face, and the clothes and hair flew back with the wind. When we were tired of running, we lay on the grass and basked in the sun for a while; After enough rest, he got up and continued. I suddenly felt that there were only two of us in the peach garden. We seemed to have the whole small peach mountain. We could do whatever we wanted. We were very free and happy.

We stayed in the peach garden all day, and then reluctantly left. Whenever I think of that day, I can't help giggling. Since then, I have a new understanding of peach blossoms. They are not only beautiful and fragrant, but also represent a trace of purity, containing a beautiful reverie