The confusion dissipates
2023-05-21 17:36:26
Junior two

Innovation is the driving force of historical progress, the soul of a nation's progress, and the core and symbol of today's knowledge economy. The highest desire of human beings should be to create and expand life all the time. If it is conservative, it will be abandoned by the times.
During the reign of Qianlong and Jiaqing in the Qing Dynasty, there was a westerner who lived in China for a long time. After a long time, the clothes are worn out, but there is no place to make new clothes, which is very annoying. I had no choice but to find a Chinese tailor and ask him if he could make a suit? The tailor replied, "As long as there is a pattern, it can be made." So the westerner took a suit and asked him to make it as it was. A few days later, the new suit was ready. Westerners took it and looked at it. It was very good, but when they looked in the back, they suddenly found that one piece had been cut off and another piece had been added. Westerners wondered why this was so? The tailor said, "This is made according to your style." The westerner suddenly realized that he had patched the back of his suit.
This story is an excellent satire on the mechanical imitators. They do things according to the model. They only know how to mechanically imitate and imitate, but do not know how to innovate flexibly. To deal with problems according to this way of thinking is bound to cause endless harm.
Innovation requires courage, reflection, imagination and even more painstaking efforts.