You Zijinshan Composition (17 in total)
You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age
2024-06-27 06:07:35
fourth grade

You Zijinshan Composition (1)

This morning, my sister Zening and I went to climb Zijin Mountain. At the foot of the mountain, I couldn't wait to run to the old alley that I had to pass. Then I turned a corner and entered the lush bamboo forest mountain path. I walked deeper. There was a fork in front of me. One was a dirt road with ravines, and the other was a flat step. I patted Zening's father on the shoulder: Uncle, which road should we take? The uncle thought for a while and said, "Well, take the dirt road!"! I said: OK, I haven't walked by yet! let's go! With these words, I was the first to run up, with my uncle, aunt and sister Zening closely following me.

We soon assigned work for this mountain climbing task. I am a pathfinder, my sister is a lookout, my aunt is a waiter, and my uncle is responsible for asking the way. I walked in the front and was very fast. Soon I came to a place called the pillbox. When I looked back, I could not see my sister's family. They must have walked too slowly, so they sat on the pillbox and ate oranges. Soon after they came, I waved to them, and they said to me: running fast, boy! The mountain road behind is becoming more and more difficult to climb. First, I ran too fast and almost fell down, and then my sister almost slipped down. It's really dangerous!

It was not easy to climb to the main road. It's much easier to climb on the main road, turn over the railing, take a shortcut, and walk on the dirt road... Soon we arrived at the observatory. We will continue to climb after a rest at the observatory, but when we walk, Aunt is too tired to stand, so she finds a reason to go down the mountain first. Only my sister and uncle and I continued to move forward, but there was still a long way to go. We gritted our teeth and marched forward bravely. Every step we took, our legs began to ache. Finally, we reached the highest peak - Toutuo Ridge. Although we were exhausted, we felt that the sky was bluer, the grass was greener, and our mood was relieved. The cold breath turned into visible white smoke

You Zijinshan Composition (2)

Today, my mother, aunts and sisters and I went to Zijin Mountain to play. It was fun and beautiful. When I arrived at the gate of Zijin Mountain, it said "Welcome to Zijin Mountain". I was very happy when I saw the sign. We all climbed the mountain happily. There were many stalls along the road, selling cucumbers, tomatoes, drinks, and my favorite ice cream. There are birds and grasshoppers made of bamboo strips on the roadside... When climbing halfway up the mountain, there is a stone mountain that many people are climbing. But when they see such a high stone mountain, they are a little afraid. Sister Anran said, "Don't be afraid. We can climb it if others are climbing.". So we climbed up the mountain together. I dare not and can't climb. It's all hands and feet and knees that climb together. My mother said, "Xinyu, your knees will hurt if you climb like that. As long as you hold your hands firmly, your feet will not fall down if you step firmly.". So I finally climbed the Stone Mountain with the encouragement and help of my aunt and mother and sister.

I am very happy. After resting for a while on the stone mountain, we began to go down the stone mountain. The way down was very slippery, and I fell down a little carelessly. But I still tried to go down. I fell a lot, and my knees were broken. I bit my teeth and continued to go down the stone mountain. After climbing the Stone Mountain, we started to set out for the observatory again. After a long walk, we finally arrived at the observatory. But my mother and her sister still had to go to the highest mountain, but my sister and I could not walk at all. We asked to take the cable car there. My mother said that there was no cable car for us to take in the first half of the way. If we wanted to do so, we would continue to climb to the top of the mountain and take the cable car down the mountain. So we continued to move forward. My sister and I also used branches as crutches to climb the mountain. At that time, our feet hurt and our legs were sore, so tired! The sweat on my face ran down and finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, I saw that Nanjing was full of small houses. Xuanwu Lake was a little big, which made me feel a sense of achievement I had never had before. I finally climbed to the highest peak of Zijin Mountain!

At the top of the mountain, we took a lot of photos, drank some water, had some snacks, and went down the mountain after a break. My sister and I were going to take the cable car. My mother bought tickets for us, but my mother and aunt still walked down the mountain. When I got on the cable car, I felt a little afraid of being tall and cold. Later, I gradually got used to it, but I didn't feel tall and cold anymore. After this trip, I learned that only hard work can succeed. Next time I go to Zijin Mountain, I won't take the cable car. Climbing is to exercise myself and broaden my vision.

Although mountain climbing is very tiring, it also has a lot of fun! Zijin Mountain is really beautiful!

You Zijinshan Composition (3)

On Saturday, my father and I went to visit the Zijin Mountain Observatory, which has been admired for a long time.

When I came to the Zijin Mountain Observatory, I felt like a metal was attracted by a magnet. Meteorite Museum? I'm going to have a look! I sprinted into the gate at the speed of 100 meters, which is really worthy of being the "Meteorite Museum", filled with meteorites and meteorites of all sizes. Those meteorites are like pieces of black rocks of different sizes and strange shapes. They come from the distant universe. Because the gravity of celestial bodies changes, they accidentally fall to the earth, and most of them fall to desert areas. If it falls in a densely populated city, the consequences will be unimaginable. Meteorite is very beautiful. Its smooth surface is filled with large and small yellow crystals, which look like many shining topaz from a distance.

After leaving the "Meteorite Museum", we walked to the central area. I was shocked by so many astronomical instruments! There are armillaries for measuring celestial bodies, coronas for measuring time in ancient times, and astronomical telescopes. Those astronomical telescopes are longer than my desk. Many celestial bodies were discovered by human beings through them. It's amazing.

Finally, we climbed to the highest place of the observatory and looked at the buildings with white domes to observe the celestial bodies. They were like castles among the green mountains and trees. How beautiful! Zijinshan Observatory is really a good place to popularize astronomical knowledge and observe celestial bodies. I will come again.

You Zijinshan Composition (4)

This Spring Festival, the weather is really good!

This afternoon, my family came to the Zijin Mountain Observatory, which I have been longing for for a long time.

As soon as I entered Zijin Mountain, I smelled a fresh air mixed with the fragrance of plum blossom. My uncle said that the air here was very fresh, which I think is unique to Zijin Mountain. We drove along the winding mountain road to the destination - the observatory.

Along the way, I saw verdant trees on the mountain. Although many trees were bare, the yellow leaves spread all over the ground like blankets made us feel that the Zijin Mountain in winter had a different meaning. The deeper you go, the more beautiful you feel the scenery here. The fog around the mountainside, hazy, covers everything in the distance. Those milky gases make people feel at hand and confused. The bamboo forests all over the mountains are lush and green, which adds infinite vitality to the Zijin Mountain in winter. Tourists walk on the road in twos and threes. Some take photos with cameras, some are watching the beautiful scenery here, and occasionally they can see several brave healthy riders riding mountain bikes at a high speed on the roadside.

We finally came to the observatory after walking around the mountain roads. First came a small exhibition hall. In the center of the museum is a bust of Zhang Yuzhe, followed by an introduction about him. Further inside, there are many exhibition boards about astronomical knowledge, such as "the star palace of ancient Chinese star maps" and "28 constellations", which make me dizzy.

Out of the exhibition hall, we saw a giant globe, which was surrounded by a fence, with a diameter of about several meters. It said that this was called "horizon theodolite". Later, we saw many strange instruments: the armillary sphere carved with exquisite carvings, the stone tablet experienced many vicissitudes, several detectors with complex parts, the simple instrument with strange shapes... Among them, I was most interested in the 600mm reflective telescope. This telescope is very large. Its round and vertical tubes and odd shaped parts are installed on the telescope, which is totally different from the small and exquisite telescopes.

We climbed and climbed and finally climbed to the highest observatory. I took a deep breath and opened my arms to embrace the breath of nature. The observatory is so high that I can see everything at the foot of the mountain. Smoke swirled and plum blossom bloomed. What a poetic scene

Today, I not only enjoyed those instruments, but also learned a lot about astronomy; What makes me even more proud is that so many exquisite astronomical instruments were invented by our ancestors, which has left such a bright pearl of technology in our long history.

It's good to travel during the Spring Festival!

You Zijinshan Composition (5)

Nanjing City is close to Zijin Mountain. On weekends, I happened to have nothing to do, so I was happy to go there.

This is not a tourist resort, nor is it a good time for sightseeing, so there is no one on the mountain! I stepped on the leaves on the mountain road, and some of the already dry leaves were crushed into dregs with a clatter because of my step. It seems that I have become addicted to the crisp sound, and the continuous crisp sound is particularly prominent in this mountain.

It was really quiet all around. It was so quiet that I could only hear the cicadas on the trees without feeling tired, my pattering footsteps, and even my shallow breathing. I put on my hat, looked around in boredom, and kicked the small stones at the roadside. The sky is very blue and green around, which further highlights the quiet atmosphere of the mountain. This just reminds me of a few poems: the mountain scenery is pleasing to birds, and the pool shadow is empty. All sounds are silent here, but the bell chimes.

Although there is no bell, it is quite in line with the artistic conception at the moment. I hummed, paced and continued to enjoy the quiet afternoon. In fact, in this era, it is rare to have such a quiet time. There are many voices everywhere, such as shouting, teaching, playing and music. It is really not easy to feel the beauty brought by this peaceful time.

The breeze is blowing slowly. I close my eyes gently and listen attentively. In this quiet mountain, I seem to hear the voice of nature. I heard the sound of insects talking to each other, heard the silvery laughter of grass swaying slightly, heard the cheerful cry of small soil particles being blown up and falling down by the wind on the ground Maybe it's too quiet around. I've discovered all the sounds that I haven't heard in ordinary days.

Wow, it's really wonderful at this time.

Whew, it's good to be quiet.

You Zijinshan Composition (6)

On a sunny Sunday, my parents and I went to Zijin Mountain to play.

Zijin Mountain has a beautiful scenery. The trees on the mountain are covered with shade. From a distance, all of them look dignified, just like rows of soldiers protecting us.

Zijin Mountain is towering into the clouds. We are heading up from Yingtuo Garden. Along the way, many grandparents, uncles, aunts and children came here to exercise. My father said that climbing up the mountain is the fastest route and the scariest route. I asked: Why? Dad told me: the road here is very steep, there are many steps, climbing is very tiring and hard, and it is also the best time to test our will. We must work with perseverance. It's time to test you!

What makes me proud is that I ran up without a drop of sweat. When Mom and Dad climbed the mountain, they were already sweating heavily. At the top of the mountain, I sat leisurely on the stone bench and ate plums. Looking down the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the whole Nanjing City. Looking to the east, I saw green everywhere. Unfortunately, I came late and could not see the beautiful sunrise; Looking to the south, the Qinhuai River winds like a giant dragon; Looking to the west, the high-rise buildings in Xinjiekou Business District stand erect; Looking north, the rolling Yangtze River is like a jade belt falling on the earth. Nanjing is really beautiful!

Down the mountain, we headed for Linggu Temple. On the mountain road, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the whole mountain and breathed fresh air. My father also told me a lot of historical stories and knowledge. We were very tired after a day's walk, but I felt very happy with my parents.

After this outing, I deeply felt the beauty of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. I said to my parents: I will climb higher mountains next year!

You Zijinshan Composition (7)

After a boring week, I really didn't know what to do and didn't read the book I should read. Just in time, a classmate invited me to a spring outing. Spring outing, in fact, is nothing more than climbing a mountain and circling a lake. But we are very interested, maybe because we stayed in the laboratory for a long time.

Take bus to the foot of Zijin Mountain in a short time. At the foot of the mountain, it can be said that there are so many people that it is almost impossible to move. Follow the bustling stream of people, climb up the wooden steps, and soon arrive at the mountain entrance. There was a main road, but in order to increase the fun of playing, we didn't take the main road, but went up along the mountain, so did many tourists.

Although the mountain is not high, some places are very steep. Due to the large number of climbers, it has greatly affected the climbing speed. On the way, people kept shouting: "Hurry up ahead!" Others shouted: "There are many people, there is no way!" Others laughed, "Oh, there is traffic jam again." "It is not traffic jam, it is people jam"... Several middle school students looked like little MM surprised, Seems to be in some danger. What's more amazing is that there are several children who are about three or four years old, but their climbing speed is amazing. The narrow gap that adults can't pass is like a fish in water. Some people take their pet dogs along the way, and the dogs help their owners from time to time, which makes them look funny... When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can reach out to touch the two iron towers of the Purple Mountain Observatory, Looking back, I could see the tall buildings and lakes in Nanjing City. A spring breeze blew by, suddenly I felt chilly and suddenly found that I was already sweaty.

It was easy to go down the mountain. I went down the main road and went to Biwa Lake by the way. It is estimated that the shape of the lake is like a lute, and the water is clear. However, there are no supporting tourist facilities around, adding some quiet and leisure. Walking around the lake, three or five people are fishing at intervals, and some people are playing poker and having lunch at the lake.

Out of Pipa Lake, everyone is hungry, but the taste is still strong.

The scenery of Zijin Mountain and Pipa Lake is just so so. The life style is too simple, so it's more comfortable to adjust them.

You Zijinshan Composition (8)

Today, the sun finally showed a smile. It was still raining heavily yesterday, until this morning. At noon, I asked my classmate Ji Yuyao to climb Zijin Mountain together. We started to climb the mountain from Huatai Mountain Climbing Path. Ji Yuyao and I carefully observed the trees on both sides of the road. I found that after the baptism of heavy rain, they sent out bursts of fragrance under the sunshine. A gust of wind blowing, accompanied by the fragrance of soil and grass, is really refreshing!

Walking, ha ha, guess what we found? We found red, long and small fruits like small round balls. When we looked closely, it turned out that wild strawberries were ripe. It gave out an attractive fruit flavor and attracted many sweat snails. They were looking for food.

As we walked, we found some withered trees covered with many black things like ears. I didn't know what this was. My mother told me that it was black agaric, which had high medicinal value. So we continued to look for new discoveries. Unconsciously, we came to the top of the mountain, standing on the top of the main front 448 meters, and saw the city's urban buildings and the beautiful scenery of Xuanwu Lake reflect each other. The air on the mountain is really fresh. No wonder that Zijin Mountain is the mother mountain of Nanjing and the green lung of the city. We should protect this mother mountain even more.

On the way down the mountain, when passing the rest station, I suddenly found someone calling me. I had met my classmate Sun Yufan. He and his family also came to climb the mountain, but he couldn't move. We all encouraged him to stick to it and win! After saying goodbye, he continued to go up the mountain, while we had already gone down the mountain, and soon arrived at the foot of the mountain. Time passed without my knowing it. I found today was really a happy day, and I gained a lot.

You Zijinshan Composition (9)

When visiting Zijin Mountain, there was only one word left in my mind: beauty.

The mountains are beautiful. Seen from afar, it is verdant and green. In the morning, the sun shines on Zijin Mountain, which is very beautiful. Dewdrops are still rolling on the leaves, flowers and plants. Zijin Mountain is neither steep nor dangerous. Zijin Mountain is like a respected old man, bent over and staring at the whole Funing City; It is also like a kind mother who opens her warm arms to welcome the most lovely Funing City. At night, the Capital Hill is brightly lit, and the TV tower on the highest peak is like a king. Panshan Road halfway up the mountain is connected by beams of light, just like a long dragon. This kind of beauty is watery. In the rain, Zijin Mountain is like a graceful lady, dressed in a misty rain veil, standing in the rain, reciting the rhymes of nature.

Water is beautiful. Under the sun, the blue water is covered with colorful clothes, sparkling; It is also like a silver belt, flowing to a large lake, fingertips touch the water, and a cool joy comes to my heart. Looking down from the mountain, the artificial lake is graceful, sometimes narrow, sometimes wide. The mountains and rivers are integrated into one, which can be said to be beautiful. The water reflects a corner of the mountain, which is particularly beautiful. On the lake bank, flowers and plants are so natural that we don't know whether they are artificially cultivated. The natural big stone on the bank is so smooth that people want to sit down. The lotus flowers in the lake are scattered in groups in the breeze, and the green lotus leaves set off the lotus flowers more tender and soft. It's like dancing in the lake. Close to the lake bank, several tall reeds accompany the soft lotus flowers and extend their hands to invite a beautiful dance.

The beauty of Zijin Mountain is hard to forget. And her beauty is the beauty of the whole Funing County.

You Zijinshan Composition (10)

Today, my mother and I went to Zijin Mountain for an outing. We took the No. 2 bus and soon came to the foot of Zijin Mountain.

Because it rained a little last night, a thin layer of fog made Zijin Mountain more beautiful and mysterious

We climbed slowly up the path. On both sides of the rugged mountain road are jagged rocks. The newly sprouted bamboo shoots and some unknown weeds and flowers are rushing to send out the fragrance of soil, as if they are eager to welcome the arrival of spring.

"Ah! Mom, look, what a big ant!" I was surprised to find that the ants on Zijin Mountain were much bigger than those anywhere. They walked in line one by one, as if they were a well-trained guard of honor. What a spectacle!

After climbing for a while, I was so tired that I sweated heavily. I really wanted to give up halfway. My mother encouraged me: "We are going to the top of the mountain, and only through hard work can we win! Come on! The beautiful scenery is waiting for you! Come on! Come on!"

With my mother's encouragement, we finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Looking into the distance, everywhere is a lush green, and the beautiful Nanjing City is at our feet at this moment!

How beautiful! I took a deep breath. There was the smell of fresh grass in the air, not to mention how comfortable it was!

We are still going back down the mountain. Although we are tired, I am very happy!

You Zijinshan Composition (11)

This summer vacation, Li Hengxu and I took part in the "Jiangsu Province Calligraphy Grade Examination Summer Camp" and experienced Nanjing, a beautiful and historic "ancient capital of six dynasties".

We went to many famous scenic spots in Nanjing, including Nanjing Science and Technology Museum, Yuhuatai, Jiangsu Art Museum... What impressed me most was the trip to the Purple Mountain Observatory. We took a bus to the foot of Zijin Mountain. The teacher on the bus told us that climbing Zijin Mountain would take more than half an hour to get there, so students who were physically ill should do as they can. Speaking of this, I can't help but be afraid, but I can't just give up and decide to give it a try. I started a long mountaineering journey with other students step by step. At first, I walked slowly with everyone, but I thought it was too slow, so I ran alone. When I first started running, I saw many people in front of me, so I set myself a goal to be the first person to reach the top of the mountain. Zijin Mountain is verdant with trees and a green ocean. The height of Zijin Mountain is also very high. When I reached halfway up the mountain, I could overlook the prosperous scene of houses and people coming and going at the foot of the mountain. Finally, I arrived at the observatory. I was the first to arrive. I was overjoyed!

Nanjing is really a beautiful city, and my trip was worthwhile! Students should also go out more and get close to nature during the holiday, which is meaningful!

You Zijinshan Composition (12)

It snowed heavily today, and the north wind blew cold and cold on my face, which was as painful as a knife. The white roof seemed to be covered with a blanket

We are going to climb Zijin Mountain in a day of freezing cold wind and snow, and we also need to pick up the garbage on the mountain road. As soon as we go up the mountain, we see that the trees are white and the grass is white. We struggled to climb to the top of the mountain and climbed up the rugged path. On the way, I felt that we were about to fall down the mountain with slippery ice under our feet. Fortunately, my father protected us, otherwise I would die. Finally, I finally reached the top of the mountain and saw Nanjing City wrapped in silver makeup. After a short rest, we began to go down the mountain. As the saying goes, "It's easy to go up the mountain, but difficult to go down." I was walking down carefully when my mother took out a plastic bag and chopsticks and asked me to pick up garbage. Because it was snowy and the ground was slippery, we limped along. As soon as I saw the garbage, I squatted down and picked it up with chopsticks. I picked up a lot of orange peel, sugar paper and other garbage. As I picked it up, I thought: Zijin Mountain is a scenic spot shared by Nanjing people. We should all protect its environment! At this time, I heard that everyone who passed by praised me as a good boy, and I was very happy. At the foot of the mountain, when I looked back and saw a clean mountain road I had picked up, I smiled.

This is really a proud day for me!

You Zijinshan Composition (13)

On the National Day, we went to Zijinshan Village, one of the five flavors of Haiyan, where the scenery is beautiful and the products are rich, especially the hundreds of acres of sunflower sea.

The sunflower sea beside the road, like a magnet, firmly attracts the eyes of every tourist. I can't wait to get into the flowers and look around. It turns out that I am already in the sea of sunflowers. I carefully observed the sunflowers. They looked like golden suns, with secret, numb, immature melon seeds in the middle and diamond shaped petals around. Looking up, there was a big blue and white windmill in front, which was rotating rapidly in the wind like an electric fan. The most eye-catching one is the scarecrow beside! Some of them are wearing glasses, some are wearing red belly pockets, some are wearing blue skirts, and some are carrying loads, which are lifelike, attracting many tourists to take photos with them.

Out of the sea of sunflowers, we came to the farmyard. I sit on the swing, very comfortable and leisurely. There are dark red cockscomb flowers, bright red clusters of red flowers and beautiful morning glory flowers beside the pond. The trees are covered with heavy fruits, including cantaloupes, pomelos and oranges. A whole row of fruit trees are planted outside the courtyard. According to the owner, there are bayberry trees, peach trees, jujube trees and so on. Their fruits are very sweet.

Zijin Mountain Village is really a good place. It is like a beautiful garden. The air is so fresh and the scenery is so beautiful that every tourist can't forget to leave.

You Zijinshan Composition (14)

Zijin Mountain is a famous scenic spot in Nanjing. In order to make Zijin Mountain cleaner, my good friend Tian Yumeng and I went to pick up garbage on Zijin Mountain.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, we came to the foot of the mountain. The trees on Zijin Mountain are green and luxuriant, and the birds on the branches are singing. Looking at the picturesque scenery, our mood suddenly becomes very happy. However, there is a little disharmony here, that is, a little rubbish on the ground. We put on our gloves and began to pick up the rubbish. There are many kinds of garbage. Some are bottle caps, some are plastic bags, and some are sugar paper... Some are thrown on the roadside, which is very easy to pick up; Some hide in the bushes, as if to deliberately increase the difficulty for us, but also use their hands to pull them out of the bushes, accidentally will cut their hands; Some garbage is hidden under the spider web, and it can be taken out only when the spider web is broken.

At the top of the mountain, Tian Yumeng and I were full of garbage bags. We threw the garbage bags into a garbage can on the top of the mountain. When we went down the mountain, we looked at the clean road and breathed the fresh air, which made us happy.

On this day, I had a very happy life, because I made Zijin Mountain cleaner and Nanjing more beautiful through my own labor.

You Zijinshan Composition (15)

Travel to Zijinshan Observatory 650 words - take the cable car, along the mountain road, we came to the well-known Zijinshan Observatory.

There are many ancient astronomical instruments on display in the observatory. Celestial sphere instrument and simple instrument attract my eyes most. The celestial sphere invented by Zhang Heng in the Eastern Han Dynasty is similar to today's globe, which is full of many protruding 'dots' representing celestial bodies in the universe. Turning the celestial sphere, we found that there was a large area on it that was particularly bright and smooth. Listen to the introduction: This is the position of the Big Dipper. Touching this place will bring good luck. The more you touch it, the brighter the place becomes. I heard that touching here can bring good luck. I immediately got excited. I stood on tiptoe across the fence and reached out to touch. I couldn't reach it. I leaned forward as far as I could and stretched my arms straight. Ha ha, I reached it. Mother hurried to go. "No, I need to touch more, Geely," I growled mischievously. Make others laugh. When I was walking fast, I saw a copper ball like a celestial sphere placed on the ground in the corner of the wall. It turned out that this was the celestial globe that Zijinshan Observatory wanted to imitate, but because the current casting process was lost, it ended up dead.

Then I came to the simple instrument, which was used to observe the sky and time. It is said to be "Jane Yi", but it is not "Jane" at all. It represents the highest level of ancient sculpture, and was created by craftsmen with great painstaking efforts. It is composed of vertical circle and vertical circle, and two pillars cross to hold the vertical circle. These two pillars are the prototype of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games auspicious cloud torch. There is a small hole in the middle to observe the celestial phenomena. Four dragons hold the vertical circle, and a toad symbolizing good fortune lies on the dragon, with a monster with a Xuanwu body and a mastiff head attached below, which means "monopolizing the mastiff head". Taking a picture with it can bring good luck. The tourists scrambled to take photos with it. There is also a sundial on the south side. The commentator can tell the time accurately without looking at his mobile phone or watch: "It's one forty-five." Others are confused and ask him how to know. It turned out that he could tell the time by looking at the scale of the shadow on the sundial. Others did not believe it. They took out their mobile phones and saw that it was really good every minute. It's amazing!

You Zijinshan Composition (16)

Visit Zijin Mountain, Class 6 (3), Jiangpu Experimental Primary School, Nanjing Zhou Yuang Zijin Mountain is a natural oxygen bar in the urban area of Nanjing. Zijin Mountain, also known as Zhongshan Mountain, is located outside the Zhongshan Gate in Nanjing. Its main peak is 448.9 meters above sea level and about 30 kilometers around. Since Zijin Mountain was opened to the public free of charge, citizens who go up to the mountain for morning exercises every morning have added a beautiful scenery to Zijin Mountain. Especially on weekends, people, old and young, come to climb Zijin Mountain in an endless stream. Well, our whole family has been planning to choose a sunny day to climb Zijin Mountain these days! I heard that we were going to climb Zijin Mountain this Saturday. My brother and I were so excited that we didn't fall asleep until about ten o'clock at night. The next morning, our family got up early, brushed their teeth, washed their faces and had breakfast. Mom has already packed food and water with her back. Dad's duty is to drive us. About an hour later, we successfully arrived at the destination - Baima Lake Park (one of the six mountain crossings of Zijin Mountain). "Zijin Mountain is really high!" said his brother cheerfully. "Almost!" "Hey hey! It's just what I want, the higher the better!" Looking at the younger brother's way of rubbing his fists, my mother also said, "The one who climbs up first, I will reward him 10 yuan, and the second one 5 yuan!" As soon as my mother finished, my brother and I rushed up the mountain. There were so many people along the way, including old people, children and even babies in their arms. Looking at the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road, I could not help but be intoxicated with it, and soon climbed to the hillside. My father asked me and my brother to stand on the roadside and look down, and we could have a panoramic view of the whole Nanjing City! "Wow! How beautiful!" my brother and I shouted together. "When I get to the top of the mountain and look down, it's more beautiful than this!" Dad said to my brother and me. Dad's words increased my brother and I's desire to climb the mountain. My brother and I went to the Purple Mountain Observatory with all our strength. We stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. "Really... really great..." my brother and I stammered. After a while, Mom and Dad also climbed up. Dad bought three tickets for Zijinshan Observatory and took my brother and I to visit it! There is an arched silver white building on the mountain. I asked my father what it was. My father said, "This may be the building where the observatory stores instruments and equipment for measuring celestial bodies." Then we visited the ancient astronomical instruments in the observatory: the armillary sphere, the simple instrument, the gnomon, etc. My father said, "Most of these ancient astronomical instruments were cast in the Ming Dynasty, and the most exquisite one is the armillary sphere." My brother and I nodded vaguely. After about an hour and a half, we came out of the observatory and had a good meal. Then I said to my father, "Dad, now the motherland is prosperous and the people live happily and harmoniously. In the future, our family should often organize such activities." My father jokingly said, "Here!" Our whole family laughed, which echoed in the Zijin Mountain. This climb of Zijin Mountain not only exercised my body, but also let me learn a little astronomical knowledge!

You Zijinshan Composition (17)

Dingdingding, a loud noise woke me from my sleep. "Ha, it's only seven o'clock. I'm so sleepy. I haven't got up so early since the holiday." I said to myself while breathing.

After washing and dressing, I set out on the way to White Horse Park. As for the reason, you should have guessed that, yes, it is to participate in the activities of the Young Eagle Holiday Team. The content of the activity is to climb Zijin Mountain and meet at White Horse Park at 8:30. Finally, everyone arrived at nine o'clock. Although it is winter now, the sky is sunny and the roads are lined with trees. Everyone walked briskly towards Zijin Mountain.

At the beginning, it was almost flat road, with only two or three sets of stairs, and everyone seemed very relaxed. But the good times didn't last long. After a while, I came to the endless ladder. We took a short rest and started forward. After climbing for nearly five minutes, I couldn't stand it. There was a dry and painful feeling in my throat. As long as I took a deep breath, I felt as if I had been punched in my chest. The ribs on both sides were throbbing with pain because of a fork in the air, and my head seemed to crack. A sense of soreness engulfed my whole body. My legs seemed to be filled with lead, and I could not move. My heart was beating at a speed exceeding the limit. The whole person is on the verge of collapse. I even think that if I don't stop, I will die here. I left the team, slumped on the chair beside the road, gasping, and then took a bottle of water and poured it into my mouth. Beany sweat dripped from my forehead like a shower. I thought to myself, "Alas! This is the result of the lack of exercise in general! I had known that I would climb Zijin Mountain with my grandmother once a week to strengthen my physique! I really deserved it!" I rested for a while, then climbed up again, and finally caught up with the team. Later, although I fell behind again and again, I didn't give up, and I caught up again and again. After arriving at the observatory, the team was disbanded, but Liu Yujing called on everyone to move on and go to Tuoling, the highest peak. Among the 21 people, I was the only one, Liu Yujing, Zhu Jingyu, Ma Yuxin and Xu Zide. After our unremitting efforts, we finally reached Toutuo Ridge. Standing at the highest point of Nanjing, I looked down at the whole Nanjing city and felt a great sense of achievement. If I give up at the observatory, even at the foot of the mountain, how can I see such beautiful scenery? My physique is very poor, but I stand on the top of Zijin Mountain. Those students who have much better physique can't see such scenery. Everything is because I have persevered and worked hard, not because of my physical strength.

I benefited a lot from this activity: I should exercise more at ordinary times, and I won't lose my chain until the critical moment. Successful people are not necessarily the most talented, but they must be persistent and hardworking.