500 word composition on scenery or objects (18 selected articles)
2024-06-04 05:23:02

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (1)

Last summer vacation was a meaningful one! I saw the endless sea and kissed it! When I was young, I longed to go to the seaside to play. I know that last summer vacation, I went to the seaside with my classmates. We pick up shells, small shells like stars, colorful shells full of blue. However, I don't seem to have any impression. I only know that the sea is endless and can't touch the edge. Swimming at the seaside.

Waves reverberate in circles. Until now, I still recall playing at the seaside last year and being hit heavily by the waves. The sea is lovely. We kiss "her" all the time, embrace "her", play heartily and release our youth. The sea is so spectacular. From a distance, it is a beautiful landscape, from a close look, it is a piece of music, and the performers are young. The sea is so vast and endless. The wind is blowing and the waves are shaking. One wave covers another. The sea is cool and salty, so comfortable! On the other side of the sea, the sky is connected to the water, and the water is connected to the sky. Above the horizon, a red sun has risen, thinking of us smiling. The huge waves and the light of the red sun fascinated my heart deeply.

Enough playing, I am on the fine sand, let the sea beat my feet. At the seaside, watching the cheers of children and enjoying the joy in my heart, I seem to see the sadness of the sea. One by one, hawkers set up camp at the seaside, and one by one, big businessmen built farms at the seaside. The sea is less stable and more noisy.

We should protect the sea and leave a vast pure land in our hearts! The sea calls for our love, and we kiss the sea again.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (2)

One of my favorite sights is a big garden behind my house. It is very beautiful with green trees and flowers.

When I came here, the first thing I saw was a row of neat trees, namely pines and willows. Then I saw two large flower beds, which were densely planted with many flowers: chrysanthemum, morning glory, and many unknown wild flowers. The ground is covered with green grass and many daffodils are planted. At the back is a row of bamboos. They are all very tall and beautiful.

Spring has come, willow trees have sprouted new green buds, pine trees have grown new green leaves. The bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest pierce through the hard stones and break through the soil. The grass poked its head out. A spring rain came. The grass raised its head and greedily sucked the dew of spring. Narcissus also opened, and occasionally a few butterflies and bees flew. A gust of wind blowing, leaves rustling, like the music of nature.

Summer has come, willow leaves have grown together, it is happy to dance branches. The pine tree looks taller and straighter. Bamboo is also beautiful and tall, and its green color shines brightly in our eyes. The morning glory blew its trumpet and climbed up and down happily.

When autumn came, the willows became more haggard, and the golden leaves fell one after another, just like groups of golden butterflies dancing in the air. The pine trees nearby are still pretty. The grass on the ground lowered their heads sadly. In the flower bed, white chrysanthemums are blooming in the flower bed, and colorful small wild flowers are also blooming, which is extremely beautiful!

What a beautiful garden!

500 word composition of scenery or objects (3)

The heat of the sun radiates positively and satisfactorily, which will not make people lazy, nor will it burn the asphalt road. The mountains are green, some are still shallow, some are already dark green. There are few small flowers on the roadside, but the roses in the garden are particularly colorful. Rose is the only flower that is rich and beautiful, but people like it mostly because it has thorns. The ginkgo tree is divided into three color sections from bottom to top, which is very layered. The leaves at the top of the tree are swayed by the wind, like wind chimes or many fans. The cement ground is a little hotter than the ground, with bright round light spots reflected in the shade of trees; Some tree shadows are like girls, while others are like monsters with teeth and claws.

The scenery at the foot of the mountain is better. The flowers of tung seeds have withered, but the leaves are also ornamental. This kind of tree always gives people the impression of being graceful, not graceful, but very dignified. Those palms of Wutong are all slapping with the wind. Are they cheering for the People's Liberation Army of Wenchuan? A young man was riding a bicycle with his mother sitting behind him. The old man drank the wind with his mouth open and smiled. His white hair was waving in the wind, which was very beautiful. A small antimony pot beside the road is braising green beans, with a faint fragrance. The lid of the pot is covered with a wet pad, which reminds people of the words "warm old and warm".

There are more fishermen by the river, holding a cup of tea, putting up umbrellas, and sitting on small folding stools, relaxed. Maybe I didn't sit at the right place and catch a fish in the morning, but I feel comfortable! The wind blows the birch trees along the river, making a sound of sound. It sounds very comfortable. The ripples on the river are reflected by the sun, sparkling, like a large uncut diamond, very beautiful.

When I got home, I picked up the guitar, and the notes flew out of the window along my fingertips. The beautiful sunshine outside the window also spilled into my heart.

Summer is coming, so good!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (4)

There are many beautiful places in my hometown. I like the Stone City in Yangshan best.

One day, I went to Yangshan Shicheng with my parents. When I got to the door, I saw a stone taller than my father, which was composed of many marbles. It is engraved with four large red characters "Yangshan Stone City", which is uniform, striking, vigorous and powerful.

Entering Yangshan Stone City, we saw a unified stone ladder, the same size, made of stone. On the cliff beside the stone ladder, a paunchy Maitreya Buddha smiled at us as if welcoming us. We quickened our pace and came to Maitreya to watch carefully. Its eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth are carved lifelike.

Walking in is the image of a hundred Buddhas. There are more and more stone Buddhas: Avalokitesvara, Erlang God, Barefoot Immortal, Cha Na and other stone Buddhas come into our sight one by one, which is overwhelming. Each stone Buddha is carved lifelike, adding a magnificent and beautiful scenery to the mountain.

Then, we walked up the "88 step stone ladder". Walking on this stone ladder makes people feel creepy. Looking at the two emperors, they are really tall. I feel like I'm going to fall. The stone wall is straight and steep, and seems to fall down.

Eighty eight steps later, we saw all kinds of strange rocks and "peaks". Some are like camels, some are like thumbs. The "mountain peak" pointed to the sky like a sword, as if to split the sky wall in two. It is steep and straight, people are suspicious. This peak is not a natural formation, but a work of art carefully created by craftsmen.

As the sun gradually set, we reluctantly left Yangshan Stone City. Looking back, I can't help admiring: "Yangshan Stone City, you are the crystallization of nature and human wisdom!"

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (5)

If you want to tell me what is the most famous scenery in my hometown, I will definitely answer that vast mountain.

In the spring when everything is reviving, the trees on the mountains pull out their tender green branches. When a breeze blows, the branches float with the wind, and the wind stops, the trees stand quietly like soldiers. Looking down from the tree, the grass is growing. Each grass is sharp and green. You will be pricked when you lie down. What are baa and baa? It's wild sheep. Every spring, wild sheep will destroy crops everywhere. My grandpa caught another wild sheep and prepared to kill it. It's really a free meal.

The scorching summer is coming, and the flowers are blooming. There are many beautiful colors, such as yellow, purple and red. There are also many insects. There are mosquitoes. If you wear short sleeves to the mountain, you must be covered by mosquitoes. There are also butterflies. There are butterflies. The colors of butterflies are very beautiful, like a fairy. Butterflies in my hometown are also commonly known as flying butterflies Flying flowers and so on, the mountains in summer are really beautiful!

When the cool autumn comes, people are busy. Some go up to the mountain to gather firewood, and some go to collect wheat. What do you want to do? Ha, ha tell you, the firewood is reserved for winter. Even children don't bother to gather firewood with adults. When they are tired, they pick wild fruits and eat them. What to eat is wild apple, wild peach, wild hawthorn, etc, Drink the spring water when you are thirsty. The spring water there is so sweet that everyone must drink a mouthful of spring water and eat a wild fruit when they go up the mountain.

When the bitter winter came, every family raised their stoves. Suddenly it began to snow. When the snow stopped, several friends and I immediately went to the mountain to see the snow. The white snow was like cotton padded jacket, and the spring water was frozen into ice. We skated on the spring water and played with it. It was dark, so we had to go home.

The scenery of my hometown is so beautiful!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (6)

My hometown is in Dengfeng. It is a lovely place with charming scenery and fresh air. There is a beautiful scenery - Mount Song.

In spring, there are thousands of trees competing for glory in Song Mountain. In summer, there are trees in Song Mountain. In autumn, it is high and cool. In winter, it is white. The four seasons of Mount Song have attractive scenery, which makes people linger.

In spring, all the trees on Mount Song grow new green leaves. Who hung up such lovely green leaves? Oh, it must be hung up by Sister Chunfeng. The spring water is tinkling, as if Spring Girl is playing the piano. Grass jubilantly poked out her head from her mother's arms and looked around as if to say, "This is the outside world, beautiful!" The tree became a paradise for birds, and the birds chirped to play songs for spring.

In summer, the sun was scorching in Songshan Mountain. Grandpa Dashu stretched out his strong arm and let us sit in its arms to enjoy the cool. Look, some children were reading books, and some children were fighting... My brother and I rushed to the bottom of the tree in sweat. It was so cool.

In the autumn of Songshan Mountain, leaves fall in succession, and other flowers wither. Only wild chrysanthemums are blooming. The round little petals are really beautiful. Don't underestimate these small wild chrysanthemums. They are very useful. They can make tea, clear heat and detoxify. At this time, my grandma and mother's family go to Songshan to collect wild chrysanthemums.

In winter, the spring of Mount Song stops flowing, and the birds are gone. Everything is quiet and everything is quiet. Let's stop quarrelling. Let Mount Song sleep and wish it a good dream.

Look, is my hometown beautiful? Come and visit us sometime.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (7)

My hometown is in Gongyi. I like the Songling Park in my hometown best. It is a beautiful place for traveling, leisure and exploring places of interest. Let me introduce it to you!

Song Tomb Park is located in Renmin Road in the urban area. It used to be the cemetery of the Northern Song Dynasty emperor, but now it has been developed into a park, which has become a good place for us to relax and keep fit.

In spring, the breeze blew the grass that had just emerged from the soil. The willows seemed to be dressed in jasper. The flowers were blooming, red, yellow and pink. It was very beautiful. The swallow flew back from the south, and set his home on the pavilion of the ancient building. Everyone flew kites on the grass. There were butterflies and dragonflies, all kinds of which seemed to be beautiful in the sky.

In summer, trees are luxuriant, the breeze is blowing, and grass and willows are fluttering with the wind. Early in the morning, people came to the park to exercise. Some babbled and operated their voices, some looked focused on playing Taijiquan, and some danced in groups. As the sun went down, more and more people were enjoying the cool in the park. The children had a good time chasing and tumbling on the grass. Dancing music came from afar, and people were happy, forgetting the heat and the high temperature.

In autumn, some leaves turn yellow and some turn red. The autumn wind blows on my face, giving me a sense of coolness. In the late autumn night, the park returned to silence early. Only the bells on the ancient buildings tinkled, as if the ancients were saying something, adding mystery to the park.

In winter, there are many old people and children in the park. Some of them sat on the stone stairs, some stood beside the stone statues, and children climbed up and down on the stone statues, playing with ancient sheep and horses.

This is Songling Park. Every season has its own happiness. Welcome to visit!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (8)

My hometown, Rizhao, a beautiful coastal city, has many scenic spots, such as Fulai Mountain, Wulougu, Jiuxian Mountain and Wulian Mountain.

Today, during the holiday on October 1st, my father and I wanted to climb the mountain on a whim, so we decided to take my cousin with us and go to climb Wulougu together in the morning. The next morning, at 6:30 in the morning, we embarked on a mountain climbing trip. Along the way, there were laughter and laughter from my sister and me. Fresh air, in the morning, so refreshing!

We came to Wulougu, a mountain that is neither high nor low. Here, there is no wonder, seclusion, strangeness, and broadness of the Nine Immortals, no charm like Yuntai, and no grandeur and grandeur like Mount Tai. But he has his own unique characteristics!

We began to climb the mountain. Listen, the birds chirped to greet us, as if there were endless words. Along the way, there are green trees around, which is the magic of green, green is novel, and people can not forget the green at a glance. Along the way, the air was so fresh that somehow everything in the mountain had its own characteristics and was unique. Look, that stream flows in the mountain stream and flows into every corner of the mountain.

Climb halfway up the mountain and look around, ah! Is this a rainbow? Colorful, I can not help shouting: too beautiful, nature! There are golden yellow, light green and square. In the distance, I enjoy a layer of gauze, which brings a piece of gauze to the building in the distance. It is so mysterious, so indistinct!

I love you, beautiful hometown! I love the beautiful nature more!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (9)

Every July 30 is my cousin's birthday. In the past, my grandparents always went there. This year, I also went with them.

This morning my father went to Yuzhou for business, so we took the advantage of the car to go to Yuzhou. At my cousin's house. The aunt said, "Today we will go to his godmother's house in the countryside to celebrate our birthday." After a while, we were ready. My aunt drove to her cousin's godmother's house in the countryside. After a while, I went out of the city and into the countryside. Ah! How beautiful the countryside is! Although there are no high-rise buildings or prosperous cities, the air here is particularly fresh. My aunt parked the car at the roadside, and we came to the fields to see the endless cornfields. When the flowers just came out, a gust of wind blew. The green crops and seedlings, like billowing waves, walked forward happily. The fluttering corn flowers fell on us, emitting a strong fragrance. From time to time, a few birds flew over the sky, chirping and singing, as if to welcome our arrival.

Leaving the corn field, we went directly to his mother's house. Once we entered the gate, we saw an ordinary farmhouse. Although it is not as tall as the buildings in the city, it is also very spacious and clean. It has two courtyards: east and west. The east courtyard is a clinic, and the west courtyard is their residence. When I entered the gate of the west courtyard, I first saw a bean rack, a cucumber rack, and a small vegetable garden in the west. The beans on the bean rack are really long! I couldn't help picking a long bean and measuring it. It was more than one meter long... beside the green cucumber rack was a large and red tomato garden. At the north end of the vegetable garden, there are two peach trees that are not very big. They are full of peaches, red billed and green leaves, looming in the middle of the leaves. It's so attractive. His godmother picked a basket of big peaches for us. We tasted it sweet! After lunch, he picked some bags for us and told us to take them back for family to taste.

Beautiful rural fields, fresh air, refreshing, at about five o'clock in the afternoon, we reluctantly left here.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (10)

No, I'll play first! For what? I got it first! Ah! The students are grabbing the "Jumping Wheel" again!

Today is PE class. After gymnastics, you can move freely. Once dismissed, the students ran to the only 'amusement park' on the playground like crazy people. The so-called 'amusement park' is jumping wheels, which means that a wheel shaped thing jumps up and over, and jumping over is a victory! Failure is the opposite of victory - failure! We all lined up by ourselves, no! It was my turn, so I forced myself to jump. Ah! Sad! Who told me not to practice more in my spare time! So I jumped, I jumped with all my strength, I jumped the first one, I jumped the second one, and then... So I defeated the first, the second, the third, the fourth, and the "four heavenly kings" one by one. When it came to the "Tathagata", I could not jump. Others made fun of me. I was so angry and impulsive that I even made a mouthful of the "Tathagata Buddha"! Later I became more and more confident! Every time it was my turn, I jumped over easily. The playground is in the playground. If there is one place in the campus with the best scenery, it must be the playground!

The playground is very broad and can basically let more than 1000 people play at the same time! And the playground is also the place where we do exercises. After every second class, first do eye health exercises. After that, you can go to the playground to do exercises. After that, you can play for 10 minutes and have class. So doing exercises is very important. It can not only work hard, but also let students learn to relax! If one person does not go to the loudspeaker, it will broadcast. The teacher in which class will lose face. I think one of the scenes in the playground is really good!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (11)

Listen to Putian folk songs and watch Puxian plays. I am very proud to think about China, which is now rich.

The beautiful hometown and the increasingly prosperous motherland have no shame of the sick man of East Asia. I felt the bright national flag, stepped on the vast land, and sang the solemn national anthem. Today, the motherland is so strong, how long the culture of home. I feel deeply proud!

There are many enchanting beautiful scenery in Putian, my hometown: the morning bell of Meisi Temple -- the pines and cypresses of Meifeng Temple -- Guanghua Temple, the tidal sound of Meiyu Island -- the rain from Hushan on Meizhou Island -- Hugong Mountain, and so on. Today, let's walk into Meizhou Island.

The comfortable sea breeze gently stroked my face, and from time to time stroked the cool sea water, making me feel relaxed and happy. In this way, we came to Meizhou Island with beautiful scenery in Putian. "It is said that in ancient times, there was a woman named Lin Moliang on Meizhou Island. Her family lived a peaceful life by fishing. Lin Moliang gradually grew up. One day, she was buried in the sea to save the people who were shipwrecked, ending her young life." Listening to the guide, I couldn't help crying. Then, we burned incense and worshipped Buddha in Mazu Temple, and received Mazu Fu to bless the safety of the boat. After finishing everything, I played barefoot on the beach. The soft beach teased my little feet, making me giggle all the time. At sunset, our family reluctantly left Meizhou Island under the unpredictable sunset.

Ah! What a beautiful Meizhou Island, what a beautiful hometown. Not only Putian is beautiful, but also my motherland is more beautiful. The Great Wall is one of them. Following the square bricks winding straight up, I came to Badaling. Overlooking the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland. I remember how the ancient working people who built the Great Wall condensed the Great Wall with sweat and wisdom. How precious it is!

Hometown is beautiful, motherland is more beautiful!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (12)

My hometown, Wuhai, has changed a lot and is very beautiful. To start with, Wuhai is much greener now, and new buildings have been built. The riverside area is more beautiful.

In the past two years, Wuhai has also built the No. 9 Primary School in Haibowan District: teaching buildings have sprung up, and there are plastic runways in the playground. In the past two years, Wuhai has also built a new commercial building - "International Trade City"... If you want to say that the biggest change in Wuhai is the riverside area. In the past two years, many buildings have been built in Binhe District, such as "Singapore Garden, Mengxi Century City, Wenxiang Garden...". To the west of the riverside area is the "mother river - the Yellow River". Every day, people drive to watch the scenery of the Yellow River.

At night, the scenery along the Yellow River is beautiful. At night, there are neon lights beside the rocks, lights and statues. They let their light shine freely. Speaking of this, you will ask: How can rocks shine? Because that rock is not a rock, it is made of plastic. It has a light inside, so it will light up. There are various characters of "love" on the rock, which seems to tell people: "Take care of the environment around us, start with me!" How can people not be intoxicated in this beautiful scenery?

In summer, after dinner, I would leisurely go out for a walk by the Yellow River. It was very comfortable. There is also a park in the riverside area, which is near the Yellow River. The park has beautiful flower beds, lush trees and many green grass. There are also fitness equipment in the park. I came to my grandma's home during the holiday, and every morning I would go to the park to exercise... I may not have introduced it very well, but it has changed so much, don't believe it? Come to Wuhai to have a look.

4 Changes in Wuhai, my hometown

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (13)

My hometown is in a small mountain village in Sichuan. Because the mountains there are one after another, it is called 'Changshan'.

Last year, when I came home for the Spring Festival, I met my grandparents and uncles building a road on the opposite mountain, so it would be more convenient to go up the mountain later.

There are many scenery in my hometown, such as Jiuxian Mountain, Sankong, Wanshi Mountain, Liuyi City, Dayi River, and many other places.

In summer, many people came here to play. Some people went swimming in the river, some danced on the square, and my classmates and I often went there to play. We played hide and seek, lost sandbags, and kicked shuttlecock every time we had fun. My hometown is a tourist city. People from all over the country come to visit us. My hometown is beautiful. I love my hometown more than my motherland.

Spring is coming, and the fields are green. The farmer uncle is working in the field. The children are jumping up and down, and some are flying kites on the grass. The water in the river is clear and blue, like a mirror. Adults go to the river to take a bath. It's cool. Some people are still fishing. The fish they catch is delicious. Ah, and the willow tree sprouted, and the swallow came from the south. There are all kinds of flowers. The children are reading in the classroom. If you listen, how well they read. Spring is wonderful. I like spring very much.

I like the big square in my hometown best. There are fitness equipment in the square, which can let us keep fit and let children play.

The square in our hometown gives us a lot of joy and gives people a good place to go.

There are mountains, streams and fields in my hometown.

If everyone could throw a little less garbage and grow more flowers and trees, the environment of the earth would be better.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (14)

This is a sunny day, leading us to the beautiful park of Dehua - Kayun Pavilion.

When we climb up the ladder one layer after another, we can see a group of middle-aged and elderly people dancing with the music beside the pavilion. The dance is as gentle and natural as clouds in the sky.

The mountain in the park is like a girl wearing a green and yellow dress for him, and a painter adding a unique and charming one to him.

The grass in the park is even more beautiful. Green in yellow, like home; Pieces of leaves are like beds of small insects.

Climbing up the mountain and passing the Longxun Academy, another scenery came into my sight. That's the tree.

The trees are like umbrellas, which provide shelter in rainy days and shade in hot weather. It's like a beloved protecting his children. Pieces of half yellow, half green and half red maple leaves floated down from the air and landed on the land of "green wine and red light". Like an immortal flying from heaven to earth.

As we walked, we came to the peak of the Kiyun Pavilion. "Wow, why is this tree so tall and big? The leaves are so green? What fertilizer does it use?" one asked.

"It's a fake tree, it's a fake tree," one student couldn't wait to answer.

We are getting closer to the tree. Look carefully, ah! It's really a fake tree! Only a layer of soil was painted on the poles and false leaves were tied to the branches. Although it is only a fake tree, it is carefully protected like an old giant.

Through today, I have gained a lot: there are many natural scenery, as long as you watch carefully, you will find something.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (15)

Unlike the passionate spring, the implicit winter has its unique way of greeting. It sends letters to the world with the north wind. Changbai Mountain, Harbin, Hainan, the East China Sea... are everywhere. Do you know what kind of letters it has? Look——

In order not to make people worried, Dong slipped several letters to Miss Qiu secretly, asked her to drop the early frost, and told people: "Don't worry, I will come."

The winter in the northeast comes as scheduled, and the snowflakes are flying all over the sky. The streets are all white at once. Even the roads on the eaves, pavilions and roofs have changed into a "white belt".

However, it seems that the south of the Yangtze River is not favored by winter. Winter just makes a few icicles form under the eaves, and the snow is not coming. Therefore, these icicles became the children's favorite. Some stand on tiptoe to reach the icicle, some pick up broken ice under the icicle, and some even pick up the ice in the pond.

Finally, the snow came. Snowflakes fell from the sky, and the children ran happily to catch them, letting them dress up as "snowmen". They were also very happy because snow was rare.

The countryside is also active. Villagers are busy one by one. Men, women and children from every household start to make sausage, wine and rice cakes. When hanging sausages, the sound of iron shelves, the sound of wine jars colliding with each other, and the sound of hammers hitting rice cakes interlaced to form a cheerful music. "Ding Dong Ding Dong" replied to the winter: "You are coming!" The children were not willing to be outdone. They looked like adults moving tables, delivering things, and washing vegetables.

Who says winter is silent? The greeting of winter is so warm. Let's respond to it warmly!

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (16)

I have a colorful campus, not only a tall and magnificent teaching building, but also a loud reading voice, which is my campus Cangnan No. 1 Experimental Primary School.

When you walk into the clean and spacious corridor, you will arrive at the internal playground. The first thing that catches your eye is not the tall and new teaching building, but the unique sculpture "Fenfei". It was a wrinkled eagle flying high, not an ordinary eagle. It raised its head and looked at the blue sky. The word "Endeavour" written below seems to tell us that only by studying hard can we fly high, and the ideal will soon be open to you. There are three big banyan trees about two floors high on the inner playground. They stood upright and raised their arms and shoulders like soldiers.

Out of the playground, came to the plastic playground, red and green, like a large red and green carpet. Standing on the flag raising platform in the center of the playground, we saluted under the flag raising platform and listened to the magnificent national anthem of the People's Republic of China every Monday when doing exercises. There is a small table tennis court near the flag raising platform, where many students play table tennis after class. There are girls skipping rope in PE class.

We also have a back garden, which blooms in spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are colorful flowers. In spring, Bai Ying opens her smiling face as if to say hello to us. In summer, the purple crape myrtle flowers opened, they leaned together without any gap, as if connected together. In autumn, orange and osmanthus are dazzling, but not big. Like children, they need adult care. In winter, the flaming wintersweet bowed its head, just like a pupil bowed politely to us. There are also those poor grass on the lawn, which are trampled by others every day. They are like ordinary people in Lilliput, like the "green elves" in the forest.

I love my campus, she brings me a lot of knowledge.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (17)

My hometown is in Guizhou, where there is a small hillside. At the foot of the hillside is a spring called "Yuer Spring".

There is a lot of water and fish. The water is very deep, and the lake is clear, so clear that you can see the rocks and water plants at the bottom.

There are countless kinds of fish swimming in the water. Some fish wear colorful clothes; Some have long whiskers; Some have a pattern all over their bodies; Some head with a fan like gills; Some of them have round tails and are swaying when they swim; Others have big eyes. No matter how far away something is, it can see clearly

The Yuer Spring in my hometown is the paradise of fish and the home of water!

My hometown is in Hainan Island, where the scenery is beautiful and the products are rich. Every summer vacation, our family would come back from Yongzhou, Hunan Province.

Coconut trees on both sides of the road can not be seen at a glance, and the sea is blue. Seagulls fly in the sky, and giant ships sail on the sea, just like a beautiful picture.

Hainan is rich in tropical fruits, such as golden mangoes, yellow bananas, bright red lychees, carambola, green jackfruit, lotus mist that looks like a trumpet, etc. All kinds of bright fruits make people drool.

You know what? The seafood in our hometown is very famous. The conch is delicious, beautiful and fun. It is also rich in lobster, flower crab, grouper, which tastes fresh, delicious and cheap.

There are also many tourist attractions in my hometown. The famous Tianya Haijiao, Nanhai Guanyin, Tropical Botanical Garden, Boao Forum, Su Dongpo Temple, etc., will definitely make you linger.

My hometown is so beautiful! Welcome teachers and students.

Composition of scenery or object 500 words (18)

It is often said that the most beautiful water is the hometown water, and the most intimate is the hometown people. My hometown is a beautiful and rich place. I am deeply impressed by every plant, mountain and water there, especially Donggu Lake, which is my favorite place.

In spring, the air in Donggu Lake is fresh and fragrant. All kinds of flowers, plants and trees are planted around the lake. In spring, colorful flowers are blooming, red, pink, white, yellow, purple... It's simply beautiful!

In summer, the tree lined path on the lake bank and the open space on the bank are full of people who get up early to exercise. Grandmothers and grandfathers are playing Tai Chi, uncles are practicing swords, aunts are dancing square dances, brothers and sisters are running, and the quiet Donggu Lake adds a lot of vitality and fun. The pavilion beside the lake is full of people enjoying the cool. They are talking or whispering, and their laughter echoes over the quiet Donggu Lake.

In autumn, the most people climb Wenfeng Tower. There is a brick Wenfeng Tower on the top of the hill beside Donggu Lake. The six sided seven tiered loft style brick and wood tower is more than 30 meters high. The tower body is black tiled and whitewashed. The eaves of the tower are up, and the wind chimes are hanging. It is light and flexible. There are escalators inside, which can spiral to the top of the tower.

In winter, the leaves of the trees near the lake have withered. When the north wind blows, small leaves fall on the lake like golden boats. Only the pine trees are not afraid of cold, and the pine needles are still so lovely. A cold wind blew, and the dew on the leaves reflected various colors, flashing like thousands of swords interlaced, dazzling.

If you are interested in visiting Donggu Lake, you may fall in love with it from the bottom of your heart!