Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (18 Collections)
2024-06-26 01:11:38

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (1)

In the twinkling of an eye, I had already gone to middle school, and the only thing I didn't get used to was going home after dark every day.

From the station to my home, there is a long, remote little black road in the middle. Every day when I pass there, I feel very afraid. Sometimes, there will be a flash of light on the road (in fact, it may be the light of the tail light of the car). At that time, I felt that my breath was about to stop, my heart seemed to jump out, and it took me a long time to recover.

However, I have to face this "little black road" alone - my parents are all in Shenzhen, and only my grandma accompanies me at home. How can I let an old man with bad legs pick me up?

Last night, when I got off the bus, the dim street lights gave out weak and cold light. I could only hear the rustle of leaves blowing by the wind. At this time, there was a middle-aged man following me behind me. I'm scared - is this a bad guy? Does he want to kidnap me? Is he going to remove my organs and sell them? At the thought of this, I was even more afraid. I picked up my schoolbag and ran home.

Just after two steps, the man shouted to me, "Don't run, Gao Qiyan! I'm Tang Zijian's father! Don't be afraid!" Tang Zijian was my classmate in primary school. How can his father track me? After talking with his father, I learned that Tang Zijian didn't want others to know that his father took him home. So he didn't let his father pick him up at the site. But his father was not at ease, so he had to dress up every day to follow him and protect him. Today, Tang Zijian is ahead of me.

Alas! It really moved me! What a good father!

This reminds me of my father. If my father were in Changchun, he would come out to pick me up and protect me! I miss my father! However, I'm the only man in the family. I can't be afraid! I have to be strong! Isn't it for me that my parents went to Shenzhen to work?

How pathetic parents are!

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (2)

Faced with the phenomenon that young people block their parents in the circle of friends, I think young people should reflect on themselves.

A few days ago, Xiao Liu, a friend, quietly blocked his parents in his WeChat circle of friends. "In fact, he just didn't want his parents to see his circle of friends. Since his parents added Xiao Liu's circle of friends, they began to pay extreme attention to her every move, even if some of her emotions were funny, they should constantly ask and persuade" Xiao Liu said. But why are Xiao Liu's parents so concerned about his every move?

There are two reasons for this: First, Xiao Liu's parents have tried their best to join Xiao Liu's circle of friends, mainly because they want to know about the children's recent trends, such as whether the work is smooth, how to get along with colleagues and so on. Parents can't get it directly from their children, and children are unwilling to communicate with their parents. They always think that they have grown up. Parents can't understand themselves, and they don't need to know. The generation gap has formed over time.

In fact, there are many people like Xiao Liu in their life. They would rather cry and have fun on WeChat to a group of people who may not care about themselves. I don't want to talk with my parents. Maybe they don't want their parents to worry about themselves, or they think they have grown up and don't need their parents. Poor parents all over the world, they are used to solving some problems for us in the process of raising us, but facing the shielding like Xiao Liu, they can only catch up with us as much as possible.

The second reason is because their parents are old, and some have retired, and they live at home. There are fewer and fewer things around them. The spare time makes them miss you more. So take your happiness as your own happiness, and your sadness as your own sorrow. You can't get out of the life that used to take you as the main theme. So even if you work and get married, they still regard you as their heaven. When it rained, they wept, and when it was sunny, they laughed.

Poor parents all over the world, so what we should do for the excessive care of parents is not to shield the parents in the circle of friends, but to communicate more with parents in life. The seesaw of balancing parents and privacy in the circle of friends should not hurt parents' hearts, but also should have their own privacy. For example, you can register a circle of friends again, and send more interesting things to your parents in the circle of friends with parents.

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the jacket on the body of a wandering child. Close seams before leaving..." Let us communicate more with our parents and rely less on mobile phones and computers in our life in the future. Sometimes we also need to slow down and wait for our elderly parents to be more considerate in time, so that we will buy less.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (3)

In a twinkling of an eye, six years of primary school life has ended. Looking back at the campus, I am reluctant to leave. In order to let me go to the ideal junior high school and have a good learning environment, I will go to Yuncheng Dongkang School for examination.

Early that morning, my father and I set out from home to Yuncheng Dongkang School to take the exam. After an hour and a half of driving, we came to the school gate. It was just beginning to dawn, but there was a long queue at the school gate. Some children didn't have breakfast, and parents ran around to buy food; Some parents are constantly encouraging their children to relax.

My father and I also hurriedly lined up in the long queue. My father encouraged me to say, "Relax and just play at a normal level." Although my father said so, I could still see the tension in his eyes. After a period of waiting, I finally entered the school. Then, stick on the number plate, line up and enter the examination room in order.

During the exam, some students were eager to write and focus on the questions; Some students looked left and right, at a loss; Some students frowned and looked helpless; But I am calm and calm, carefully examine the questions, and carefully do every question well. The one hour exam soon ended. I felt refreshed and relaxed when I walked out of the exam room on the campus playground. Looking at the beautiful campus and thinking that I might study and live here, I feel very excited.

It was half past twelve noon when I left school. Look at the parents standing in the sun waiting anxiously, look at the growing line of parents. They don't care about eating or the scorching sun. They are waiting patiently for their children. In this situation, I deeply understood the profound meaning of the phrase "pity the world's parents". Parents want to give the best to their children, and they have given everything for their children. We must study hard, live up to our parents' expectations, and repay them with excellent results.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (4)

Narrative Composition of Poor Parents

Whether you are in school or in society, you can't help but contact or use composition. Through composition, you can bring together our scattered thoughts. So have you learned about composition? The following is a small narrative composition about the poor world parents' heart for everyone. For reference only, let's have a look.

As the saying goes, "Pity the parents all over the world." When I was a child, my life was always so carefree, so memorable. Under the loving care of my parents, I always enjoy everything alone. I didn't know what sharing was until my brother was born.

Mother is always partial to her brother. Once, when I was peeling an apple, my brother thought it was fun and asked me to lend him a chance to play. I refused. So he burst into tears. Soon, my mother heard that, my younger brother, the villain, complained first, saying that I expected to defeat him. God! I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it. No matter how I explained it, my mother couldn't listen to me and blamed me all the time. Without saying a word, I glanced at my brother, then slammed the door and went out.

While I was working on my homework, I shed tears on the test paper, reflecting the handwriting on the reverse side. I began to complain about my mother. Cicadas were chirping outside the window, and the warm wind gradually blew in, but my heart was half cold.

After a while, my mother asked me to go downstairs for dinner. I was angry and refused to go. My mother persuaded me for a long time, but I didn't listen. Then my grandmother came up and said coldly, "Don't pay attention to her, Drowsiness made me close my eyes slowly.

When I woke up, I found that the sun had moved to the middle, and the light was more dazzling. At this time, my mother came in. I was so angry that I turned my head and pretended to do homework. My mother patted my head: "I'm still angry. I know you are sad, but he is your brother. You should let him. This is a good sister with responsibility." Not to mention that, As soon as I said it, I became even more angry. Tears fell down and sobbed, "Then why do you blame me?"

Mother smiled and said: "If I don't do this, my brother will cry. You should help me share some responsibilities when you grow up. Well, dry your tears and go down to eat." "I won't eat!" I was still so stubborn.

In the afternoon, my mother looked at me listless and took me out to relax. When we came to the street, I shouted to buy jelly powder, so my mother gave me one yuan. After buying the jelly, I looked back and saw that my mother was gone. I rushed into the street in a hurry. At this time, a battery car hit me and blamed the shoes. I had no time to escape. I only scratched my arm when the lady braked in time. My mother immediately ran to me, grabbed my hand and kept asking: "How are you? Are you injured?" The lady kept apologizing to me, but her mother didn't blame her, Superstitiously, he said, "No wonder my eyelids jumped so fast this morning, which really scared me to death. Next time, I should be careful." Looking at my mother's nervousness, I realized that I was so important.

All parents care about their children. Beating is pain, scolding is love. We should be sensible. We should learn to understand them and share responsibility for them. This is our responsibility as children.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (5)

In the morning, I went to Grandma's house with my father and mother to eat dumplings.

Along the way, the moon was still hanging in the sky, and the sky was as black as ever. Rows of small trees seem to be playing hide and seek with me. Only stacks of ghosts can be seen

It was already past five o'clock when I arrived at my grandmother's house - --- my hardworking grandmother was busy making dumplings in the kitchen. After a while, the steaming dumplings were brought up (we have a folk custom that the people who make the dumplings should wrap coins in the dumplings to see who can eat the "money" dumplings and get the care of the God of Fortune). I was eating. My father suddenly came to me and said, "Wang Dang! Look! How beautiful the fireworks are!" I looked up and saw what fireworks there were! It's clearly firecrackers. I looked at my father doubtfully, and my father gave me a meaningful smile. I started eating dumplings again, but found two bright shadows. Sure enough, I ate two fifty cents

Back home, I thought: Yes! Which parents don't want to let God Bless their children? Which parents don't want their children to grow healthily? Which parents don't want their children to grow up and become useful people? How pathetic parents are!

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (6)

Summer vacation is the happiest time for our children, because there is less homework and more time to play. But Mom and Dad don't have holidays all the year round. They say, "As long as we have a rest, what about the food and drink expenses at home?"? How can I live without money? It's hard to be an adult. I only want to earn money for my family every day.

This morning I decided to go to the factory with my mother to do my homework. On the way, I said to my mother, "I want to ask you a question, and you should answer with your heart." My mother said to me, "Tell me, what's the matter?" I said, "Mom, if I become a bully, what will you think in your heart?" My mother said, "I will tell others that my daughter is becoming more and more excellent, and I will feel proud.

”I looked at my mother with a heartfelt smile and said this sentence to me. Alas, parents all over the world felt sorry for their children. When they were young, parents wanted their children to grow up safely, healthily and happily. When they grew up, they hoped their children would grow up well in school.

Now I study hard and hope that when I grow up, my mother proudly says, "My child is really excellent. This is the best reward I can give my parents as a daughter.".

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (7)

Summer vacation is coming, I can do whatever I want.

Unfortunately, I was not excited again after a few days. Mom and Dad will call every day to ask me if I have eaten and if I have finished my homework? Now I have really learned what is called "motherly". Sometimes, when I am writing a composition, the annoying phone rings, which interrupts my train of thought. Sometimes, when I am watching TV and the phone rings, I will miss some clips. Therefore, I hate the phone more and more. I also know that adults don't trust me to be alone at home, but this kind of care is also too belittling me, too much.

That day, I was doing my homework when I got stuck in a math problem. I thought for a long time, and finally got a clue. I was about to write with a pen. "The beep..." The phone rang again, scaring me. "Ignore you!" I shouted to the phone, and then continued to do my homework. The phone rang a dozen more times, and then there was no sound.

I began to take a nap. Just after sleeping for a while, it seems that I heard the telephone ringing again. It must be a dream. I fell asleep. Before long, I was awakened by the sound of closing the door again, when my father hurried in. He was sweating and panting. When my father saw that I was sleeping, he said softly, "Did Dad wake you? Dad has another appointment." When the door was closed, footsteps hurried away from the stairs. I see. Is it because I didn't answer the phone when my father came back from far away? Does Dad think I have an accident? "Oh, Dad! I was wrong! I shouldn't be like this." I blamed myself in my heart.

As the saying goes, "Pity the parents all over the world." Today, I really realized the meaning of the phrase "Pity the parents all over the world.".

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (8)

In the twinkling of an eye, I had already gone to middle school, and the only thing I didn't get used to was going home after dark every day.

From the station to my home, there is a long, remote little black road in the middle. Every day when I pass there, I feel very afraid. Sometimes, there will be a flash of light on the road (in fact, it may be the light of the tail light of the car). At that time, I felt that my breath was about to stop, my heart seemed to jump out, and it took me a long time to recover.

However, I have to face this "little black road" alone - my parents are all in Shenzhen, and only my grandma accompanies me at home. How can I let an old man with bad legs pick me up?

Last night, when I got off the bus, the dim street lights gave out weak and cold light. I could only hear the rustle of leaves blowing by the wind. At this time, there was a middle-aged man following me behind me. I'm scared - is this a bad guy? Does he want to kidnap me? Is he going to remove my organs and sell them? At the thought of this, I was even more afraid. I picked up my schoolbag and ran home.

Just after two steps, the man shouted to me, "Don't run, Gao Qiyan! I'm Tang Zijian's father! Don't be afraid!" Tang Zijian was my classmate in primary school. How could his father follow me? After talking with his father, I learned that Tang Zijian didn't want others to know that his father took him home. So he didn't let his father pick him up at the site. But his father was not at ease, so he had to dress up every day to follow him and protect him. Today, Tang Zijian is ahead of me.

Alas! It really moved me! What a good father!

This reminds me of my father. If my father were in Changchun, he would come out to pick me up and protect me! I miss my father! However, I'm the only man in the family. I can't be afraid! I have to be strong! Isn't it for me that my parents went to Shenzhen to work? Pity the parents of the world!

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (9)

Learning is a hard labor process, and achievements are the fruits of labor. Although they have also worked hard, some people have reaped fruitful results and feel the joy of success; Some people gain little and feel the frustration of failure. Every exam, there will always be someone who has made a lot of progress, and someone whose performance has slipped. It's really hard for students whose grades have declined to report to their parents and let them accept it calmly. In the last midterm exam, my math and English scores were OK, but I fell behind in Chinese. For this reason, my father and mother paid close attention to my Chinese learning, and my father went to the bookstore to buy a tutorial book for me. Hurry up all the time and hurry up overnight. These days, I am immersed in the sea of Chinese exercises, and my father has been accompanying me and tutoring me. I got the first place in my class in this monthly exam, but compared with the mid-term exam, I still fell back a little. Knowing my grades, my father and mother were very calm, without any blame, but told me to continue to work hard and get the best scores.

The greatest kindness in the world is the kindness of parents. It is worth cherishing with life, thanking with sincere heart, and repaying with practical actions. "Sheep have the feeling of kneeling milk, and crows have the meaning of feeding back". And people should also be filial. Don't wait until you want to be filial and your relatives are not there, leaving a big regret in life. In order not to regret in the future, we should thank our parents and repay them from the little things around us. The return is not necessarily non-material, but more spiritual and emotional. Even if we travel across the oceans and study abroad, we should also have a grateful heart. As Ba Jin, a century old man, said, "I am a spring silkworm who eats mulberry leaves and will spin silk." Spring silkworms pay and get, but get people's praise and love.

I remember that our parents hold us in their hands because we are the treasure in their hands; I remember that our parents dedicated their selfless love to us, because we are the crystallization of our parents and the continuation of love. I remember that you hated your parents' nagging, and unintentionally, there was a gap between you and your parents. However, we always have to wait until the failure to know what our parents said about the city. I remember that you, whose wings are not yet hard, want to get rid of your parents and fly. However, we always wait until we fail, and then we know that our parents' embrace is the warmest haven.

The wind bell in the wind rings again, as if playing a song of gratitude. Thank your parents for their nagging, because they want you to avoid detours; Thank your parents for their encouragement, because they are to remove obstacles to your progress; Thank your parents for their rebuke, because they are to encourage your wisdom in life. Let us be grateful and let our world complain less and cherish more. Beauty spreads out before us like a river.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (10)

In this world, there is a kind of love that does not require return. That is our parents' deep love for us.

Friend, have you washed your parents' feet seriously once; Did you pass a cup of hot tea when your parents were tired all day; Have you rubbed your shoulders and hammered your back once when your parents were tired from working. Now think about it, we didn't do this. We didn't even send a gift to our parents on their birthday. We didn't say, "I love you, happy birthday!" Maybe we will make excuses for ourselves: "Do I have to express my love for my parents? I love them in my heart." But what have we done for our parents who love us? Is it us slamming the door? Is it a sentence that we despise: "Don't bother! Don't bother!"? Or are we full of complaints?

I clearly remember that on one of my mother's birthdays, I gave her a pink scarf and whispered, "Mom, happy birthday." The voice was so low that I could hardly hear it. When my mother received the gift, she was stunned at first, and then heard her mother say in a trembling voice, "Thank you... Thank you, girl!" At this time, I had seen my mother's tears constantly turning in her eyes. For 12 years, I have never seen my mother cry, but my mother gave her a birthday gift for her daughter, even if it was ugly. She even left tears, tears of happiness! Since then, as long as there are guests at home, my mother will take them out. Then show off. He kept saying, "This is my daughter's birthday present!"

In the eyes of parents, we are always a child. No matter what we do to make them sad, or how much we say, they will tolerate us. They always give us the best; They gave their precious and beautiful youth to us; They work day and night for us. And why should we be angry with them? What's the reason for not studying hard? What's the reason to give them a bad look? Our parents don't owe us anything. Instead, they brought us into the world and raised us. This kindness is heavier than Mount Tai and deeper than the sea. We can never repay you enough. We are not only not grateful to our parents, but also angry with them when we are unhappy. They are like old slaves, who serve us without defects, while we are like little emperors, who stretch out their hands in clothes and open their mouths in meals.

Pity the parents of the world! We should learn more about empathy and understand the bitterness and difficulty of our parents.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (11)

I broke my bone and it hurt, but I obviously felt that my mother hurt more than me. When my mother found me in the hospital, I saw my mother's nose was red, she saw me sitting on the stool with a painful face, and when she saw my mother coming, my painful look disappeared immediately.

I understand my mother. My mother loves me most. If she sees the pain on my face, she will be cut to the heart. My mother sits beside me, with a layer of mist in her eyes... My mother took me to do two times of fluoroscopy, until several doctors said it was OK and there was no abdication, my mother was tired and took me home. The next day, we walked into the door of the hospital again... Today, I accidentally saw the diary written by my mother: In the dead of night, although I felt very tired, I couldn't sleep. Looking at my daughter who finally fell asleep, I could no longer hold back the tears. My poor daughter has always been so sensible and obedient, but why have so many accidents?

Why should there be so much pain that she shouldn't and can't bear? I really regret why I didn't bring the phone today? I can't imagine how she survived for more than an hour? My poor daughter is so strong. When I saw her, her face was full of tears, and her voice was also dumb. I knew that she must have cried hoarse in pain. But when she saw the tears on my face, she said to me: "Mom, I don't cry, and you don't cry, I'm not very hurt." I can't describe my feelings at that time in words. What she thought when she was so hurt was don't let me worry

More than 3000 days and nights spent with my daughter, including laughter and tears, unconsciously the child will soon be 10 years old. If I don't experience today's events, I really don't know that my daughter has grown up, can understand her mother's heart, and has become so strong. Over 3000 days and nights, we have had a hard journey, but I am grateful that there are so many friends around us who care about us. Every greeting call is a great comfort to me, and it also gives me greater courage to face the reality, so that I can stand in front of my daughter more strongly -——

Thank you: my friends—— On September 28, 20xx, a painful and moving day for me - I believe that all the hardships will pass, with such a clever and sensible daughter, and so many friends who care about me - I will be more strong to accompany my daughter!

Today, I understand what it means to be "poor parents". I understand, I finally understand! My friends, don't use yourself as an experimental object to test whether your parents love you, because your parents are always sincere to you, and they love you forever. You know, while you are injured, there are also some people suffering in pain.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (12)

A few days ago, I saw such a picture in a book - a small sapling growing in the ground, with two strong trees standing on both sides of it. These two trees carefully protect the small saplings, and use their strong bodies to protect the small saplings from the sun and rain. The following sentence is marked - pity the world's parents.

Oh, what a "dutiful" pair of parents who take great care of their children. This is much like the present family, where parents help their children "shoulder" everything and think why they do it for their children. This is "love" for children? Can children grow up happily and healthily? The only children have become the "jewels" of their parents' eyes and the "little emperors" of the family. Under the excessive indulgence and protection of their parents, they live a life of clothes and food. Parents are always obedient to them, submissive, holding them in their hands, afraid of covering them, and holding them in their mouths, afraid of melting. Over time, the only children became flowers in the greenhouse. They could not stand the baptism of a little wind and rain. How could they know the hardship of life?

I remember once seeing a "joke" on the Internet - a female middle school student who was one of the best in her studies successfully entered the university. Although her study was superb, she did not know anything about daily life and housework except study. At noon on the first day of school, she cooked the eggs in the pot like her mother. When she picked up the eggs, she did not know how to eat them. When the teacher investigated, he found out that she was the only child in the family. She was spoiled by her parents when she was young. Her parents never let her do housework. They helped her with everything. They wanted to help her dress. You must laugh at this story, right? After laughing, have you ever seriously thought about how ridiculous it is for a college student with high IQ who can't even eat eggs and can't even understand basic housework. Even if you have a smart mind, how can you become a pillar of the motherland?

Not only they, but also many parents dote on their children in this way. This is not allowed to be done, and that is not allowed to be touched by children. Hold the children like a piece of gold in their hands. But they don't know: "How can the flowers in the greenhouse stand the wind and rain". They should let their children practice and do what they can to improve their ability to live independently.

Let's tell our parents: Don't spoil us too much. How can we see a rainbow without going through the storm? Let's learn to be independent! Let's go Let's do it! Dear Mom and Dad.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (13)

I hate my mother. In this hot summer, who doesn't want to be cool, who doesn't want to sleep comfortably. Why is my mother so cruel, forcing me to do my homework? I think if I don't sleep and do my homework in a muddle, can I do it well? Is it of high quality? Sitting alone on the bed in my room, I was sweating and suffering. Recalling the air-conditioner in my mother's room, I really envy it. It's a pity that my mother is as fierce as a tiger. If I go now, I will be in a tiger's mouth. I shrink timidly. At this time, I am in a mess. Sweat and tears mingle and gradually drip. I lay on the mattress, which seemed to punish me, so hot. I became listless. I think I am worthless in my mother's eyes. I was full of imagination. I wanted to kill myself, but I couldn't let go of my father who loved me so much. If my mother was not my present 'mother', she would not be as cruel and cruel as she is, just gentle and virtuous. She would not be as outspoken as she is. She would only take care of me in obscurity. She would not be like her. She would not only teach but only fight, but only teach with sincerity, I would like to say that although our family is so poor, we are reasonable and not like those who are rude and unreasonable. But this is just imagination. There is always an end to a long life. I don't think I will live in pain all my life. In the vast land of China, will there be bosom friends like me? I cried like a rain of tears. I hate those cruel parents who don't understand their children's inner world and can't say what they are suffering from. You think they are happy and happy, but you don't know what they want or don't want. Some parents, for the sake of their children's future, have signed up for more remedial classes, which puts a lot of pressure on those children. The children seem ignorant, but you don't know how sensible they are. Just like my mother doesn't know me, you hit him and scold him. They don't cry on the surface, but their hearts are crying. For some disobedient children, that is to pity the parents of the world! I would like to advise parents to treat their children with good education. Don't let them leave a bad impression on you. It's useless to force them! I also want to tell the children that parents work hard to earn money to support their families, must read good books, become useful people in the future, and go to honor their parents!

Grade 5, Class 59, Tiantai Experimental Primary School, Taizhou, Zhejiang: Zhang Yumeng

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (14)

I have a social networking account, where the words have been written for a long time: pity the world's parents.

It is the voice from the heart.

I remember that for a while, because of caprice and selfishness, life made me feel the pain of the result. I couldn't hold on to the pain, and there was no noble idea of reporting good news or bad news.

I only feel bitter and need comfort from the people who care about me most.

Now I can't feel the feelings of my family at that time. The children who are far away from home cry and complain at the phone, but they can't help but feel distressed and say comforting words. They can only touch the microphone, as if they think that the comforting can be transmitted to the helpless children on the phone through the radio waves.

The more I grow up, the more I feel that I should not be ignorant at that time.

Step on your parents' hearts every step.

Poor parents all over the world, I hope I can become more and more sensible, and let my parents worry less! May all children in the world be considerate of their parents!

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (15)

Parents' love is as warm and touching as water, as deep and thick as mountains, as tolerant and boundless as the sea, and as vast and silent as the sky. Children with parents will have a sky. From then on, no matter the storm, there will be people to block, and from now on, no matter the tears and blood, there will be people to wipe.

The lotus leaf has a deep love for the lotus, so even if it is overwhelmed by wind and rain, she is willing to go up against the wind, just to keep the lotus beautiful; The mother wolf loves her cubs deeply, so even if she wants to expose herself to distract the enemy, she is willing to risk herself, just to make the cubs safe; The salmon loves the young fish selflessly, so even if she wants to go back to her hometown to lay eggs, she is willing to travel long distances, just to let the young fish live safely; Parents have no regrets for their children's love, so even if they have to go through fire and water, they are willing to pay wholeheartedly, just for the children can be safe and happy.

Recently, a report about father love and mother love on the Internet has touched countless people. Even foreign friends are interested in it. They even leave messages to express their admiration and regret. This is really interesting. But to be fair, the content of that news is really infectious, no wonder it will resonate with the whole network.

On the simple and narrow chair in the hospital, a father held the child tightly in his arms with pity. In order to make the child feel safe and comfortable, he tried to curl up his body. He tried not to move even when his body was sore. This meticulous action was very touching. More importantly, in order to prevent the icy liquid from stimulating the child, the calm and tenacious father kept the infusion tube in his mouth all the time. Even when he fell asleep, he never let go of his hand holding the child, and never let go of his mouth with the tube for a moment. His careful and loving behavior made people cry. No, a lot of netizens said that the father's love was very strong, which would warm the world. They also said that the child was very happy and sweet, because her father was as tall as a mountain, so she was dependent.

The second picture of the report coincides with the first one. The difference is that the person holding the child has become a mother, and this great mother, like the father who loves her, is so patient, so gentle, so meticulous, and so warm. Even in a simple environment, she is willing to hurt herself and create a comfortable world for her children. Even if she is overworked and falls into an uneasy sleep for a while, she is willing to hold up one hand all the time and let the children watch cartoons to interpret dreams and pain. Her uncomplaining efforts really make people feel mixed.

"I am sorry for my parents. I was born hard." Parents are the greatest existence in the world. They are willing to do anything for the growth of their children, and they are willing to pay their own everything for the development of their children, but they never ask for return. This selflessness and no resentment makes people have to sigh with pity for the parents of the world!

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (16)

Article 1: Pity the world's parents

If father is a mountain, father's love is the scenery standing on the mountain, broad and profound; If mother is a stream, maternal love is the spring flowing in the stream, delicate and gentle. Since ancient times, many poets have eulogized and praised the love of father and mother, and the book "Education of Love" has made me understand the love of parents in a deeper level.

This book tells what a pupil saw and heard in the form of a diary. Among the numerous chapters, one deeply moved me. A boy named Flandi was dismissed for his bad behavior. His mother rushed into the classroom in a class. Her whole body was wet with snow and her clothes were shabby. Mother knelt on the ground and begged the headmaster to let Flandi go. But the naughty Flandi smiled and showed his contempt.

Flandi's mother is in a mess. Is it because she doesn't pay attention to appearance? No, she has no time to care so much. Her impotent son is her hope, even her life! No matter how her son treats her, she still feels that her efforts are worth it, and her children still have hope. On the other hand, Flandi was indifferent to his mother's behavior, and even thought her mother was ridiculous. He could not understand his mother's love and hardships. He did not know that he had broken his mother's heart; I didn't know that because of him, my mother was in great pain. Whenever I see this passage, I am always angry. I really want to rush into the book and punch Frandi hard? For his poor and respectable mother!

When I was angry, I also thought of the phenomenon around me. Such similar cases are not uncommon around us. Some students spend money recklessly, and their parents say a few words, then they are angry and noisy, and insist on their parents to agree to unreasonable requirements; Some students were criticized by their parents for making mistakes, so they talked back or even ignored them... We can't feel their parents' love for us, just like Frandi. Some students said that they had no common language with their parents, and their parents' love was also decreasing. In fact, there are many ways to express love: "The line in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son" is the love of parents; It is the love of parents to shield us from the cold in the wind and snow; When we were ill, their anxious eyes were parents' love; Scolding and nagging are also parents' love! Perhaps these students do not care, have turned a blind eye to it, but these all contain the parents' deep love for us, pity the world's parents!

Everyone should be filial to their parents because they have paid too much for us. But what we can return is too little, too little. People who do not respect their parents will not be respected by others. Reward does not mean doing something earth shaking. A word of thanks, a word of love, a certificate of award, and an excellent transcript may be the best return they want.

"Reading a good book is talking to many noble people." Reading the Education of Love has taught me how to appreciate love, how to love, and more importantly, how to find all kinds of seemingly insignificant love around you and how to repay love. This is the education of love.

Thank our parents for everything they have given us. Let's cherish with our lives and care with a grateful heart. Smile. Inadvertently, white hair has crept up their hair ends, and wrinkles have slowly carved into their eyes. Alas, pity the parents all over the world. As we grow up, when can we really understand that our parents are good at us?

Part 2: Pity the world's parents

When we talk about our parents' love for us, we will think of "pity the parents of the world".

Parents are the greatest benefactor in our life. From the day they gave birth to us, they were destined to feed us and let us live a happy and happy life. Now, let me tell you about my own experience!

I remember it was in my third grade.

One day, my mother wanted to buy a T - shirt for my father. In the afternoon, we went to Tiyu Road to buy clothes for Dad. When I got there, I saw that there were so many people there, and it was very lively! No one dared to obey the order of "stop" mother, even the tall father dared not resist. Mother got off the bus and walked into a shop. She turned left and right, but there was no clothes in her eyes. After a while, my mother walked into a shop again, turned left and right, but still no I'm really impatient with waiting. Suddenly, I saw a bookstore near the store, and took my father's hand and walked over. I walked around inside, and after a while, there was a large stack of books in my hand. I looked at the book in my hand and at my father standing beside me, so I had to put down the book and walked out reluctantly.

"Come on, how much is it altogether?" The voice sounds like father! I looked back, yes, it was Dad who was buying me a book. "300 yuan in total," said the aunt who sold the books. 300 hundred yuan is not a small amount. Will Dad buy it for me? My father took out his wallet and bought the book for me without hesitation. At that time, I was very grateful to my father.

After a while, mother came. When he saw that my father had bought so many books for me, he must have spent all the money on clothes, so he taught me a lesson. "My child, that money is used to buy clothes for your father, not books. What you want to buy books is the chance..." The father standing beside was impatient, and said, "Oh, why buy some books? This is also for the children's learning." Mother had to leave.

On the way home, passing the McDonald's door, I saw aunts asking children to dance. I also dragged my parents to join the dance. After a while, the dance was over. We went home.

My parents feel as if they owe me something. On the next Saturday, I was offered another McDonald's meal as compensation.

How pathetic parents are! My father would rather spend his money on clothes to buy books for me for my study. Mother, too. I believe that every child's parents are like this. We must study hard and let our parents live a good life when we grow up. Let's work hard for this goal!

Part 3: Pity the world's parents

During the winter vacation, I read The Wolf King's Dream written by Shen Shixi, a writer. He personified the characters in it and described their movements, expressions and psychological activities vividly. I never knew that there would be such a touching story in the animal world. I was amazed by the wisdom of wolves, and I was full of tears because of the selfless maternal love of wolves······

The whole book tells the story of Zilan's life as a female wolf. Her husband, Heisang, wanted to be the Wolf King, but when he was about to realize his wish, he was accidentally killed by a wild boar. In order to realize her husband's wish, Zilan tried her best to train their children to become proud Wolf King. She gave birth to five pups, one of whom died of fever when he was born. Zilan loves Heizai most, not because Heizai is the eldest son, but because Heizai looks like a dead Heisang. Zilan is confident that Heizai will become the Wolf King, but excited that he ignored the threat from the sky. Once, a young Heizai was eaten by a golden eagle when hunting outside the cave; Zilan was so miserable that she had to transfer her dream of becoming the Wolf King to Lan Hun'er. Lan Hun'er did not disappoint Zilan's expectations. He did many beautiful things with his intelligence and wisdom. The wolves all appreciated Lan Hun'er very much, but the good times didn't last long. Lan Hun'er died tragically in the hunter's trap; In desperation, only Shuangmao took over. Shuangmao and Zilan had never cared about him. He was just a grass wolf with a cowardly character, but after Zilan's strict training, he became extremely fierce. But when victory was in sight, Shuangmao's unique cowardly character was again committed, and he was bitten to death by the Wolf King. Zilan's hopes were all dashed.

Everyone may think that Zilan is too cruel, but Zilan is also a good mother. Zilan regrets that she should not treat them like this every time she finishes beating his wolves, but she must be so fierce to adapt to the cruel competition in the wolf kingdom; The child she gave birth to for her daughter Meimei was not killed by the golden eagle, and she died with the golden eagle without turning back. They also care about the fact that if they are low in status, they will be discriminated against by others, so they must struggle. In order to cultivate super wolves, they gave up their love with the strong male wolf Kaluru. Later, when his wolves died and she wanted to get Kaluru again, Zilan had become much older due to the miserable life, and Kaluru no longer liked her.

From this, I think that in real life, many parents try their best to compensate their children for the failure to realize their childhood wishes. Some children can understand their parents' good intentions, but some children feel that their parents are forcing them to do something they are not interested in, and then they can not bear the pressure and choose to escape or even commit suicide. In fact, parents are for our good. Which parents don't want their children to be outstanding? However, some parents' education methods are inappropriate, and others are that we cannot understand our parents. When we grow up, we will know how fierce the competition in the outside world is. At that time, it is too late to recall the efforts our parents have made for us. Zilan spent all her life fighting for the bright future of her children, but because of her wishful thinking, she caused the tragic fate of several children, which was not what she wanted. If she can teach students in accordance with their aptitude, the children will have a happy life.

The book "A Dream of the Wolf King" let me know that any animal has rich feelings like us human beings, even fierce leopards, cruel wolves and strong bears. I never tire of seeing it! Every time I read it, I have different feelings and gains.

Chapter 4: Pity the world's parents

Perhaps, you have wealth, spend money like dirt, spend a lot of money, and live in the envious eyes of others all the time; Perhaps, you are successful in your career, and your family has always been proud of you; Perhaps, you are as beautiful as a flower, and now you are spending a lot of youth heartily; Maybe... there are too many possibilities in life, but all these are so small compared with family affection and parents' love!

Reading the poem "Poor Parents' Heart", I was moved beyond words. "Child! When you were very young, I spent a lot of time teaching you to eat slowly with a spoon, knife and fork, teach you to tie your shoelaces, buckle up, slide the ladder, and help you dress..." The past is like smoke, but now it is so clear to me. Our parents have paid their lifelong love for us, raised us with their selfless love, and never asked for any return. "So, when I can't remember and answer the question, please give me some time, wait for me, let me think again, maybe I will forget what I want to say at last... But, you must forgive me, maybe I can remember it again soon." Our parents' today is our tomorrow, please treat our parents well! "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is blowing, and the son wants to support but his relatives are not there." Please do not leave such regret for your life.

"Child, now I often forget to buckle my buttons, tie my shoelaces, stain my clothes when I eat, and shake my hands when I comb my hair... Don't urge me, be more patient and gentle with me, as long as you are with me, there will be a lot of warmth coming to my heart..." When people reach middle age, there are parents to raise us, and children to raise us, Can we be as patient and loving to our parents as we are to our children? No, we think we have done a good job. Compared with what our parents have done for us, it is really a lot worse.

Money cannot buy kinship, health cannot buy kinship, and Ruhua Meimei will not be there one day, but kinship will last forever. Whether it is smooth sailing or rough life, parents' love will accompany you throughout your life, crying and laughing with you, sharing weal and woe with you. If your parents can see you clearly and hear you speak now; If you can spare some time, if you haven't forgotten the love they once gave you - go back and see them! Time is leaving, they hope you will accompany them for a while, say a few words, or sit together casually to see the sky outside the window. Time flies like an arrow, and the world is like smoke. I wonder if you will have such a chance to spend such time after tomorrow.

May all parents in the world be in good health, and may all children in the world keep the affection around you!

Chapter 5: Pity the world's parents

When I picked up my pen today, I immediately felt that over the years, I grew up in your swaddling clothes and enjoyed the love of father and mother. Whenever I see children in other families lack love because their parents are working outside, I feel that I am living in deep love.

Dad, do you still remember the time when I took the high school entrance exam? For three whole days, you worked hard for me, went to the exam with me, and went home together. When I finished one exam, I could always see you in a corner of the school looking around me in the vast crowd, and suddenly your eyes made me feel that you gave me powerful skills. In the examination room, I am not afraid or worried. Because I know that there is always a person who is silently blessing and waiting for me. Dad, you seem to be calling me with your hands, leading me in the direction of progress, so that I don't lose, you know? Those three days were the happiest days I spent with you. There were no worries in those three days, only your meticulous love and care for me. At that time, I really realized that father's love was discovered when I needed help most. Dad, a thousand words can't repay your love for me. I would like to turn these words into one sentence: "Dad, you have worked hard."

Mom, time has branded your face. Your face is darker than that of people of your age. That's because you were exposed to the sun when working with your father. I know that you have worked hard. Because we have more families than others, you must work. My daughter, who is studying far away from home, always thinks of you. When I finish self-study at night, I will look up at the sky. It is my homesickness. Whenever I go home by car, I wish I could drive faster and let the car take me home and fly to your arms. Everyone knows that the most beautiful voice is the mother's call. Today, I know how ordinary you are, but how great. Because I have a loving mother, a simple mother. Mom, I love you.

Dear Mom and Dad, in the days without you around, I learned a lot and became mature and happy. I immediately felt that I was happy to grow up. Now, I am wandering outside alone, and the memories that you have given me in the years are always floating. You have driven a road to success for me. Your love has blocked the wind and rain on my life. I know that this kind of love is wealth that others cannot have.

During my time at school, I didn't study as well as others, but please don't worry, please trust me, I will work hard. I will live up to your expectations, and I will work harder in the future. Because your love is my driving force. I will not give up this hard won opportunity to study.

Also, Mom and Dad, there is no one to share a little business for you now. Without me around you, please take good care of yourself. Don't be too tired. Don't worry about me. I'm fine here. I hope you are happy, because your happiness is my greatest comfort here.

In the end, let's let the years of nurturing grace melt into one sentence: "Dad, Mom, I love you." Your daughter will always be proud of you and bless you!

Chapter 6: Pity the world's parents

Learning is a hard labor process, and achievements are the fruits of labor. Although they have also worked hard, some people have reaped fruitful results and feel the joy of success; Some people gain little and feel the frustration of failure. Every exam, there will always be someone who has made a lot of progress, and someone whose performance has slipped. It's really hard for students whose grades have declined to report to their parents and let them accept it calmly. In the last midterm exam, my math and English scores were OK, but I fell behind in Chinese. For this reason, my father and mother paid close attention to my Chinese learning, and my father went to the bookstore to buy a tutorial book for me. Hurry up all the time and hurry up overnight. These days, I am immersed in the sea of Chinese exercises, and my father has been accompanying me and tutoring me. I got the first place in my class in this monthly exam, but compared with the mid-term exam, I still fell back a little. Knowing my grades, my father and mother were very calm, without any blame, but told me to continue to work hard and get the best scores.

The greatest kindness in the world is the kindness of parents. It is worth cherishing with life, thanking with sincere heart, and repaying with practical actions. "Sheep have the feeling of kneeling milk, and crows have the meaning of feeding back". And people should also be filial. Don't wait until you want to be filial and your relatives are not there, leaving a big regret in life. In order not to regret in the future, we should thank our parents and repay them from the little things around us. The return is not necessarily non-material, but more spiritual and emotional. Even if we travel across the oceans and study abroad, we should also have a grateful heart. As Ba Jin, a century old man, said, "I am a spring silkworm who eats mulberry leaves and will spin silk." Spring silkworms pay and get, but get people's praise and love.

I remember that our parents hold us in their hands because we are the treasure in their hands; I remember that our parents dedicated their selfless love to us, because we are the crystallization of our parents and the continuation of love. I remember that you hated your parents' nagging, and unintentionally, there was a gap between you and your parents. However, we always have to wait until the failure to know what our parents said about the city. I remember that you, whose wings are not yet hard, want to get rid of your parents and fly. However, we always wait until we fail, and then we know that our parents' embrace is the warmest haven.

The wind bell in the wind rings again, as if playing a song of gratitude. Thank your parents for their nagging, because they want you to avoid detours; Thank your parents for their encouragement, because they are to remove obstacles to your progress; Thank your parents for their rebuke, because they are to encourage your wisdom in life. Let us be grateful and let our world complain less and cherish more. Beauty spreads out before us like a river.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (17)

I read about Qiu Hao in a junior high school friend's political book. We usually call this case "the second weaning in adolescence". Although it is very common, I still feel a little sad.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. When she quarreled with her mother, her mother said, "Go away, I don't want you." The little girl ran out in anger and walked around the street alone. At noon, she felt hungry, but she had no money. Go home, she doesn't want to go back to the home that has "abandoned" her.

There was a kind grandma who sold wonton and gave her a bowl of wonton for free. She was very grateful and cried as she ate. The old granny asked her what was wrong. She just said, "It's OK, I'm just grateful. My mother is not like you. I had a quarrel with her, and she didn't want me." But the old lady said calmly, "My child, I just gave you a bowl of wonton. You are so grateful to me, but your mother has cooked for you for ten years. Why didn't you thank her once?" The little girl woke up at this time, She ran home in a hurry. Her mother had been waiting for her. When she came back, her mother was surprised and said, "Where have you been? Come and eat quickly, the food is cold." At this time, the little girl's tears fell again.

This is a remarkable example. Yes, parents have cooked for you for ten years, but have we ever thanked them once? We only use them as cooking machines and eat when we want.

We are just pure consumers, not just wanton waste, nor should we disrespect our parents.

I dare to believe that after this lesson, Qiu Hao will never be so presumptuous, because he has learned this lesson. He already knows that his parents love him and are always good to him.

There is another example. There was a child whose mother wanted her to be independent and looked bad to him. She often beat him and scolded him, so that he learned to cook and wash clothes. Later, the mother treated her children even worse, so her children hated her very much and never wanted to see him. At last her mother died of illness.

My father married a stepmother, who was very kind to him. She gave him five yuan a day as pocket money and often bought her new clothes. One day, his stepmother was ill. He was very worried and asked a doctor for her. He was relieved when the doctor said that his stepmother only had some minor diseases. He thought only his stepmother loved him.

Later, he learned the reason why his mother took him like that: his mother was terminally ill. In order to improve her son's self-reliance, she took him like that.

The child came to his senses. No matter who he was, he could not compare with his mother. But it's too late. What a pity for parents.

You can think, how many years can our parents take care of us? We are now dutiful to them. We can't go out with them in anger to make them worried.

Boys and girls, let's think about it. If you think it through, please show filial piety to your parents from now on, starting from helping them do housework every time, and washing their feet. I believe that you will not disappoint your parents' hope for you.

Composition of Pitying the World's Parents (18)

Poor parents

Just a few days ago, I went to the cinema to see a tear jerking and moving film - Being a Mother and Child in the Next Life.

The play tells the story of a strong willed child, Xiao Di, who is suffering from a terminal disease, and under the careful care of his parents, in his short life journey of XX years, he fought against the disease tenaciously and made great achievements in learning. Xiaodi's achievements are inseparable from his parents' deep love and care for him. It was his parents who raised the sails of life for him.

Especially Xiaodi's mother, in order to have money to treat Xiaodi, she spared no pains to send flowers and become a tutor; In order to give Xiaodi a chance to live, she would go around looking for a good solution; For the safety of Xiaodi's life, she did not hesitate to risk her life and try medicine for Xiaodi. It was she who gave Xiaodi a colorful life; It is she who has shaped a child with a disabled mind. How great is Xiaodi's mother!

There are all kinds of emotions in the world, but there is no emotion that is higher than the sky and wider than the sea. Family love is the greatest emotion in the history of China and even the world. "The thread in the mother's hand and the jacket of the wandering son's body are sewn closely before leaving, and they are afraid of returning late. Who can say that the grass is willing to repay the three spring rays?" The ancient poem reflects the deep maternal love; Zhu Ziqing's "Back" made me feel the greatness of fatherly love.

The little hero is unfortunate. The evil disease has taken away his young life; He is lucky that he has parents who love him, and his life is colorful. All of this is inseparable from his parents' care.

Father and mother love are great. We should be glad that we can care for our parents, and we should also seek how to repay their love for us. But some people don't know how to enjoy this love, let alone return it. What are they compared with Xiao Di? Xiao Di has only a life of XX years, but he lives more fully and meaningfully than those who live longer than him but don't know how to cherish them. What was his wish before he died? Friend, have you thought of it? To live to 60 years old was his last wish, that of an 11 year old boy. For what? Not to live longer, but to repay my father and mother. What a great child Xiao Di is!

Have pity on all parents. From the day when we were born, we received the care of our parents. Our growth can not be separated from the careful care of our parents. It is their hard work that brought us up. Who is the cutest person? Who else but our parents?

The song "Go home and have a look" has made a great impact on China, but when it did, did people really go home and have a look? Go home and have a look at your white haired parents? Go home and see your father walking slowly beside the phone? Go home and have a look at your mother who looks up at the stairs?

From childhood to adulthood, we grew up under the wings of our parents. There was no wind and rain, only a rainbow after rain; There are no stormy waves, only singing and dancing; There are no weeds and thorns, only Qingqing Paradise. We grew up with free demands, but when we grew up, we forgot the well diggers, thanksgiving and rewards. The expectation of a thousand miles home letter from parents is a silent response, the meticulousness of "the line in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son" is a bleak indifference, and the selfless, fearless, endless and unrequited efforts are all received according to the order of "reason is solid and appropriate", and will not be returned.

In the commodity society, it seems that everything is clearly priced, but only the love of parents is worthless; Financial crisis, soaring prices, but only the cost of living parents to maintain a steady pace; The roads are smooth and the traffic is developed, but none of them leads to your childhood home. "Falling red is not a merciless thing. It is better to protect flowers when it turns into spring mud." The withered branches and withered leaves have not forgotten the feeding of flowers. They turn into spring mud to feed flowers. However, we who are thoughtful and intelligent have forgotten the human nature of raising parents. "The black birds have selfish feelings, and I wish to beg for them." By contrast, how can New New Humanity feel?

Poor parents

I remember seeing such an example on a talk show that an 80 year old man was frozen to death by his son in the cold winter. When the reporter asked him why he killed his mother, he just said faintly: I was so tired just after work, and she didn't even cook for me. I was angry and asked him to stay at the door. Who knows, he forgot the time, My daughter-in-law died when she went to see people the next morning. " He is quibbling. He doesn't want to admit that he did it, but the law will tell him; He did it. At last he was sentenced. There are also a series of cases. Every time I see such cases, I will be indignant. I am indignant that those who have been raised by their parents for decades killed their parents because of indifference. I am indignant at those who are ungrateful, and I am indignant at those who are indifferent to their parents. There are more variety advertisements on TV. When I see these advertisements, my heart is agitated, I am silent, I am infected, and I am moved by simple and simple language. When I came to the world more than ten years ago, my parents gave me a healthy body, making me a normal person;; It was my parents who taught me to say the first sentence, letting me know that there are still languages in the world; It was my parents who gave me the first smile and let me know that there is something more beautiful than language in the world.

Now there are many lonely old people. I remember seeing such a scene. The grandmother sent his son back to the county. His son said, "Mom, come to the county with us!" The grandmother stumbled to her son's side and patted him on the shoulder and said, "No, I'm fine here alone." His son drove away. I looked at the grandmother's trembling body, and I gasped and said, "Is your mother really enjoying herself? This is just an excuse that she doesn't want to make trouble for you! I didn't go home until that grandma walked into the house as hard as a snail. All the way, I was thinking, I think! Think about it! I think I will not be like that son when my parents grow old! I think I will use all my love to repay them!

With the passage of time and the vicissitudes of time, even this city has some grand ambitions. The photos of decades ago have also turned yellow. The building of decades ago also has several cracks. People are worried that it will collapse in the next second. The trees of decades ago are even more sparse, losing their exuberance. I can say that my parents have made a good start and set a good example for me. My grandpa has serious "Alzheimer's disease", but I know that he is lucky. In my eyes, he is a hundred times happier than any old man. My grandpa has three daughters, and my mother is the eldest. My mother often tells me how good he is to them, I wept, but I didn't care about the cowardly tears for a long time. I was moved. I knew that all parents in the world were great. Their love for their children was selfless, and they didn't need any exchange of interests. I also knew that all parents in the world had the same heart, but the way of expression was different from the way of education. I thought of my father. I got up with me every morning to send me to school, but I never said, "Thank you, father." Every night when I came home tired, I never poured a glass of water for my father. I said, "Dad, you are hard." Every morning, day after day, year after year, I told me: "Slow down on the road, and be careful when crossing the road." When I was young and frivolous, I laughed off without hearing it, but I never said, "Thank you, Dad.". When my classmates talked about my father again, I suddenly knew that my father was the best father in the world.

Some people say that their parents are neither officials nor civil servants. They are just workers who earn only a thousand yuan a month. Even if they earn only a little money a month, they will not let you stay out as a homeless child! Even if they can wear two or three pieces of clothes a year, they will not be unfair to you for letting you wear mended clothes to school! Even if you are a bad child, but they never give up on you! Maybe you will say why your parents are not officials, but I will say to you in a dignified manner: "Your parents also want you to be like those who learn well. But you didn't do it?" We always give ourselves what we love to eat, and give our parents what we don't like to eat. We don't like fat meat, and we will let our parents eat it regardless of their feelings, But do our parents really like to eat? Maybe not!

People with parents around should accompany their parents more! They have taken care of you for so long, wrinkles represent the long time! Cherish every day your parents are here! The happiest thing in the world is the time with parents and relatives! Don't forget your parents because of your career, don't wait until the day when you succeed in your career to realize the fact that your parents are no longer there, and don't forget the existence of family ties for the sake of money and interests. It's priceless!

My parents will grow old with me many years later, but I will not let others say in front of my parents: "pity the world's parents."

Poor parents

When talking about their parents' love for themselves, people can't help sighing: "Poor parents all over the world." My parents are no exception. My love for me is like a trickle, slowly sending me forward. Once, I went to Jiefangbei with my parents to buy clothes for my father. Passing by Xinhua Bookstore, I proposed to buy books. Because I liked so many books, I chose more than ten at one time. I couldn't put down each of them. I really wanted to buy all of these books, but felt they were too expensive, so I put them back on the bookshelf. At this time, my father saw it and hurried to her and said, "You can buy everything if you like it!" When paying, the cashier aunt smiled and said to me, "My little friend, your parents are very generous. They bought you more than 300 yuan books at one go." Listening to what my aunt said, I thought: I must live up to my parents' hopes for me, study hard, and repay them with excellent results.

Out of the bookstore, the money was almost spent, and Dad's clothes were not bought. When passing the door of KFC, I saw that the waiter was inviting children to dance. I could not help but walk to the middle of the team and jump up. After the dance, the waiter asked each of us to pick up a gift. After that, my parents took me home. I soon forgot about it, but my parents seemed to owe me something. They felt that I had danced with them for most of the day, but I didn't eat KFC at last. I felt very guilty. On Sunday, I took me to KFC for another time. My parents smiled with satisfaction when they saw me eating with relish.

The love of parents for their children is like the gentle spring breeze, like the warm sunshine, like the earth feeding the seeds, without seeking return, pity the parents of the world!