How to write my friend's composition (popular 16)
The most beautiful trace is called memory
2024-06-26 00:09:42
primary school

How to write my friend's composition (1)

Peony is the national flower of our country, because it symbolizes the prosperity, auspiciousness and wealth of our country. Not only that, but also its color is very beautiful and moving: some are red, like a small flame beating, burning its lifelong beauty; Some are white, like a piece of pure white jade, which sways the skirt gently against the wind; There is also gold, which looks directly at the scorching sun without fear and shines under the sun.

Each petal of the peony flower is as soft as silk and is squeezed. It is like a shy little girl. You hide and hide among the green leaves. The stacked petals bloom around the golden stamens, letting the world enjoy its beauty. A breeze blew, and it was like a fairy lifting their petals skirt as light as mist, dancing in the eyes of envy and admiration, and the fragrant stamens were the audience of the event. Peony flower is not only beautiful, but also has many effects! After drying, it can not only be used as medicine and tea, but also can clear heat, detoxify, cool blood and stop bleeding!

"Only the peonies are truly national, and they move the capital when they are in bloom." The elegant, bright and beautiful peonies make them rich and noble among the flowers. The huge corollas they hold up when they are in bloom, in clusters, are warm and unrestrained but not ostentatious, deep and reserved but not implicit.

This is my plant friend - peony.

How to write my friend's composition (2)

Some people like elegant chrysanthemums, some people like evergreen pines and cypresses, some people like hardy grass, but I like peonies best. The east gate of our community is the little famous Peony Garden in Xi'an, where there are all kinds of peonies. Every April, far away, you can smell the fragrance of peony flowers. People are attracted by the fragrance and come together in twos and threes. Since I have to go to school and finish my homework after school, I can only visit the Peony Garden at night. As soon as I entered the door, my eyes were full of bright peonies. There are so many peonies, one after another. Look at this one, it's gorgeous. Look at that one, it's also gorgeous. How wonderful it would be if it could become a picture and stay on paper forever!

A gentle breeze blows, and the fragrance comes to you, making you relaxed and happy. The greenest peony is "bean green", its color is like green leaves; The blackest one is "the highest black jade in the world", its color is deep purple and black; The peonies with the most petals are "Wei Zi", about 600 or 700 pieces; The most red peony is the "fire refining golden peony", whose color is the red flag of my favorite "Erqiao", because there are two colors on a flower, not only because it is beautiful, but also because it reminds me of the beautiful poem of Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, "The east wind does not match with Zhou Lang, and the copper bird spring locks up Erqiao".

As for the peony, there are also beautiful legends about it. It is said that in the period of Empress Wu Zetian, the Queen enjoyed the snow in the park in a snowy winter, and only plum blossoms blossomed in the park. Feeling that the scenery was spoiled and interested, she ordered that a hundred flowers should bloom in the morning. The Hundred Flowers Fairy did not dare to disobey the order. The next day, they bloomed in succession. But only the Peony Fairy resisted the order and insisted on her own opinion: flowers have a flowering time, how can they go against the sky and chaos? The Empress was so angry that she burned the Peony Garden and ordered Chang'an to be demoted to Luoyang, so now Luoyang's Peony is the best in the world.

Peony, you are rich and elegant. You always follow your own flowering pattern. You are scrupulous, do not fawn on vulgarity, and are amazing when you open it.

Some people use cameras to record its appearance, others use poems to sing its style, and I use a pen to praise its quality and write down its beauty.

How to write my friend's composition (3)

There are many plants growing on my balcony, including the hanging orchid with beautiful flowers, the graceful rose, and the copper coin grass that looks like copper coins... Among them, there is a young lady who is my best friend, Peony.

At the beginning, her thin petals were folded together, ready to blossom. She dared not show her face and looked curiously at this strange world. Before long, she was no longer shy and showed her beautiful face. Although the peony petals are irregular, the irregular petals, like an elegant princess skirt, set off her beauty. Her stamens are yellow, like the indispensable decorations on the princess skirt.

At seven o'clock in the morning, I came to the balcony and found that the peonies were already in full bloom. I walked forward, gently stroked her, and sat beside her bathed in the warm sunrise. After a while, I was ready to water the peonies. I took the watering can and watered her for nutrition. I felt that she was more graceful and nodded as if smiling at me.

Literati and literati also love peonies. Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote that "only peonies are truly national, and the capital will be touched when they are in bloom." You see, the peonies will stir the whole capital when they bloom, and people will be fascinated by the beauty of peonies.

The lady Peony is not only beautiful, but also very shy and delicate. She is a good friend. I go to see her beauty every day. I am inseparable from peony. So, please remember that she is my good friend of plants - peony.

How to write my friend's composition (4)

I have a plant friend. She is the king of flowers and enjoys the reputation of national beauty and natural fragrance. She is the peony flower.

Peony flowers bloom from March to April every year. In the flowering season, the sea of flowers coming and going is spectacular, attracting many tourists to watch. The flower of peony is particularly large, with petals stacked one after another, full and rich, like a luxurious queen. The flowers are red, pink, light yellow, orange, purple, blue, white... They are as yellow as gold, as red as fire, and as pink as rosy clouds. They are gorgeous and beautiful. Such a big flower, her stem is thin and straight, the leaves are very common, green and green, as people say, of course, red flowers are lined with green leaves.

The peony demon in front of the court has no personality, but the peony is really national. Every year, I go to the Peony Garden to see the peonies. It's spring. When the breeze blows, the peonies begin to swing, like beautiful girls dancing. I approached the peony and listened to her rustling, as if to say "whisper" to me: "Children, look at the one in the middle is our flower king, isn't it particularly beautiful!" A strong fragrance came to my nose, too fragrant, as if I was dreaming, looking at this one and smelling that one, I was really fascinated by the flowers.

After April, the flowering period of the peony is over, but the fragrance of the peony can stay in the peony cake for a long time. The style of the peony often appears in the paintings of the painters, and the beauty of the peony is always in my mind.

How to write my friend's composition (5)

My favorite plant is lotus.

On a hot summer day, my mother took me to the park to see the lotus. As soon as I came to the door, a faint fragrance came to me. I walked to the railing and saw many colorful lotus flowers, some pink, some plum, and some light pink.

Look, the big round lotus leaves float on the water like a green swimming circle, and the lotus sits on the swimming circle like a person, gently rippling with the waves, relaxed and comfortable!

Looking closely, there is also a baby lotus seed in the middle who is stretching his neck. It is said that the small fruit in the lotus seed can be eaten and used for medicine. It can be used for many purposes! Just peel off the thick skin!

A gust of wind blew gently, and the lotus leaf involuntarily shook its body. With the wind's footsteps, the bouquet of flowers also attracted several beautiful butterflies to fly over. In the middle of the lotus pool, it freely shuttled and danced. A few dragonflies also came. Are you coming to be a partner with butterflies? Or do you want to play hide and seek?

Under the strong sunlight, the lotus leaf shines like a large piece of green jade.

When it rained, there were a lot of dewdrops, all of which fell on the lotus flowers and leaves. The dewdrops were naughty, sliding on the lotus leaves. Oh, they were sitting on the slide!

I said to my mother, "Mom, can we raise some lotus flowers?" My mother said, "We can raise one in our hometown."

I put the lotus in a basin and changed the water from time to time every day. After many days, the lotus is as big as my schoolbag.

Have you all seen the lotus?

How to write my friend's composition (6)

There is a poplar tree in front of my house, which has accompanied me since I was very young.

The leaves of the carambola are smaller than those of other fruits. The leaves of the carambola contain a faint fragrance. Although these smells are not so strong, you can smell the faint fragrance when you put your nose close to the leaves. The trunk of the carambola is very strong, with luxuriant branches and leaves. The branches are very thin, about 50 cm. The poplar is very tall, about two to three meters high. The carambola has beautiful flowers. Some flowers are light in color, and the small white flowers set off a light pink color; Some flowers are dark and purple. These little flowers are like a graceful fairy, hanging on the tree like very cute lanterns.

There are many typhoons in summer. After a downpour, I looked down under the carambola tree and could not see many fallen flowers. Then I looked up at the poplar tree. The beautiful little flowers had turned into a lovely little carambola. The carambola slowly matured and showed a green color. After more than ten days, it turned into a light yellow. Finally, when the carambola is ripe, it will become an attractive orange.

The shape of carambola is very strange. It is not oval like mango, nor small like longan. Its shape is pentagonal. Seen from the cross section, it looks like a shining star.

The carambola is very delicious. I slowly picked off an orange carambola and couldn't help biting it. I immediately heard a "Pa" sound. The juice seeped into my mouth, followed by saliva flowing into my throat and then into my stomach. The taste is both unspeakable crispness, unspeakable sweetness and unspeakable delicacy!

I like the carambola tree in front of my house very much.

How to write my friend's composition (7)

My favorite plant friend is chrysanthemum, also known as rich chrysanthemum, cucumber flower. I started to raise it at the beginning of 20XX. I especially like the chamomile, because it is a perennial herb. It blooms all the year round with bright colors and likes sunshine. It is very easy to raise. Until this year, it can still accompany me, I am very happy.

When I first brought it back, its big leaves were hairy, just like a big caterpillar covered with fluff. "Oh, there is no such ugly plant!" I was happy and disappointed, but my mother said: "We should give it time, so that it will grow well." I remembered my mother's words, and felt reasonable. Therefore, I pour enough water on it every day, and occasionally add one or two drops of flower nutrition liquid. It soon blossomed. It blooms in a variety of forms, some of which are flower buds, with a small lavender hat standing on its head; Some petals are just a little bit open, like a newborn baby; Some have stretched out one or two or three petals, like a shy little girl, still holding the pipa half hidden; Some of them are fully unfolded, revealing tender purple stamens; The fully opened flowers are pink and white, especially gorgeous, and there is a white circle on the inside of the flowers.

Although the chamomile is not as refreshing as the rose, nor as graceful as the lotus, I still like it, like its beauty in the ordinary.

It blooms all the year round. I also learned that the flower language of chrysanthemum is joy and happiness, and the whole family is happy. It is so beautiful and has noble connotation. How can I not like it?

My friend Chrysanthemum, you live up to your time and work hard to grow. I also want to be like you!

How to write my friend's composition (8)

There are more than ten kinds of plants in my home, which make my home more beautiful and make my air more fresh. Among them, I like the happiness tree best. It is my plant friend.

The happiness tree, also known as maple, is a typical tropical tree species. It is often used as a street tree in large cities, and can grow up to 30 meters at most; If you can grow up to 100 meters in a fertile forest, you will really be a towering tree! My happiness tree is not so tall, it is only one meter seven. It is like a loyal guard standing quietly in the corner of the living room, guarding my home.

The shape of the happiness tree is beautiful, like an umbrella. The handle of the umbrella is a straight brown trunk, and the surface of the umbrella is a well arranged whirling branches and leaves. The leaves of the happiness tree are like feathers. The leaves are large and thick. The leaf surface is very flat and smooth to the touch. Its leaves are evergreen all the year round, but they are different in different periods. The newly grown leaves are tender green. After two or three months, they become dark green. The leaves of more than a year are green and black, like a layer of ink.

The happiness tree is not only shaped like an umbrella, but its inflorescence is also umbrella shaped, which may be the reason why it is also called "Paro umbrella maple". Its peanuts are on the top of the branches. They are light yellow and have a faint fragrance. Unfortunately, my family's happiness tree has been raised for three years and has not yet bloomed. Maybe it hasn't grown up yet.

One night, I had a dream that my family's happiness tree was in blossom, and the house was filled with a faint fragrance. The cool breeze blew, and the leaves of the happiness tree rattled, as if to say: "I am blooming, I am so happy!"

This is my family's happiness tree. I really like this friend.

How to write my friend's composition (9)

I have a good friend called Gu Jiacheng.

He is a quiet boy. He likes calligraphy and painting. Of course, he is also very handsome.

He and I are iron brothers, because I play any computer games with him, every time in school, we play together, so I have established a deep friendship with him.

I remember once when I was playing Kung Fu Pai (Kung Fu Pai is a computer game), I was defeated by Yu Ningjie. I was very angry, but Gu Jiacheng helped me win a game. I was very happy. I thanked him repeatedly. He said it was OK. Look, Gu Jiacheng and I are such good friends! In school, when he has difficulties, I will try my best to help him. When I have difficulties, he will try his best to help me. We are inseparable friends. He was better than me, and I was better than him sometimes. When I was better than him, he was not discouraged. Sure enough, he was better than me in the next exam.

One day, when he came to school, his right leg was cut by a piece of glass. But when he wanted to eat, I helped him to the canteen and he thanked me repeatedly. I said, "It doesn't matter, who let us be brothers!"

I want to remember: I used to have a good friend in East Lake Primary School, Gu Jiacheng.

How to write my friend's composition (10)

I have a best friend, her name is Du Jinxuan.

Her skin is white and red, and her eyes are big and big. When she smiles, her eyes turn like twinkling stars in the sky, and there are two deep dimples on both sides of her face, as beautiful as blooming peach blossoms. She has a small nose, a small mouth of cherry, and two smart ears.

During recess, we will play games together and read extracurricular books together. We will do many, many things together.

One of the most profound things I remember is that one day I forgot to roll my pencil and put it in the pencil box. When I needed to use a pencil in class, I opened the pencil box and saw, wow, there were no pens in the pencil box. What should I do? At that time, I was too timid to tell the teacher. Finally, Jinxuan whispered to me, "Never mind, I have one for you first.". At that time, I happily took the pencil and said thank you in a low voice. After class, I rolled the pencil with her.

This is my good friend Du Jinxuan. I hope our friendship will never change.

How to write my friend's composition (11)

I have a good friend named wheat, she and I played since childhood.

She is very tall and stands out in the crowd. She always likes to wear fluffy ponytails. She is very energetic when walking. Her melon seed face has a pair of bright big eyes, flickering, shining like a small star in the sky. Her nose is tall and her lips are rosy.

We often have classes together, play games together, read books together, travel together, and sleep together! She is straightforward, lively and cheerful, and is everyone's joy. I remember going skating in Chongqing once. We put on skates and came to the skating rink in fear. It didn't take long to learn. We skated round and round, excited and excited. Accidentally, I fell on all fours, and Wheat laughed. As a result, she also bumped into her bosom and everyone laughed.

She is not only my good friend, but also my good sister. We grow up together and will always be the closest friends!

How to write my friend's composition (12)

I have a good friend named Yang Jun.

She has a pair of bright and intense big eyes, and that dark and thick long eyelashes, her chubby face has a lovely dimple, sweet. This reminds me of a song: You look good when you smile, like flowers in spring

We often play hide and seek, read books and play table tennis together. We especially like building blocks.

One day I asked Yang Jun to come to my house to build blocks. Soon, Yang Jun ran to my house with the blocks excitedly. So, we started the performance of building blocks. We alternately built a building block fortress together, and found that the fortress we built looked like a tiger with vigor and vitality. We were very happy that the building blocks were going to be built successfully. When the last building block arrived, it seemed that the building block fortress collapsed in an instant, and Yang Jun and I also collapsed in an instant. We stared at each other dumbfounded, and finally we could only laugh.

I like my good friend, we have a good time!

How to write my friend's composition (13)

My family has a puppy named Jinmao. It is a gift from my mother on my birthday. I like it!

The golden hair is covered with golden hair, like a fur coat, majestic. Reach out and touch the hair. It feels very smooth, like touching my mother's long hair. It's very comfortable! A pair of dark shining eyes embedded in the eye socket, like two black gemstones. Two triangular ears, sometimes standing on the head, like two small radars receiving signals; Sometimes it hangs like two patches on the head. Its nose is wet, like getting wet when drinking water, or sticking out its tongue to lick it wet.

At ordinary times, Jinmao lies motionless at the door, like a very dutiful guard. When someone comes, it will come and smell. If it knows someone, it will keep wagging its tail. What about the unknown? He raised his tail very high and barked. Every time I go out for a walk, he runs happily. The soles of his feet seem to be smeared with oil. I can't catch up with him.

My dog is very interesting. Once, when I went to play with it, I pretended to throw the ball out, and it ran out to look for it with its ears up. Looking around and looking around, I didn't find the ball, so I ran to my side breathlessly. When I saw that the ball was still in my hand, I was laughing. It knew that it had been taken in by me, and it barked at me, as if to say, "I hate you and bully me." Since then, it has never been taken in by me again.

This is my golden hair, a very interesting puppy. I will play with it whenever I have time!

How to write my friend's composition (14)

Do you have animal friends? Anyway, I have an animal friend whose name is Xiaobai. He is a dog with white curly fur.

It is small and has a short tail. It always barks when it sees people, but it does not bite. Xiaobai is my uncle's dog, and his ears are very smart. Every time I go to my uncle's house, he can hear footsteps from far away, and then he starts barking, as if to say welcome to my house. Every time I enter the door, it runs around me with its small tail wagging to welcome me. When I eat, he always squats beside me, staring at me with his big round eyes and his head askew, looking like he wants to eat. Every time I see it like this, I laugh and throw a bone at it. It quickly runs to eat the bone for fear of being robbed.

Sometimes, when my cousin and I are playing in the house, Xiaobai will run in from time to time and walk around beside us, always wanting to play with us. Once, when we went out to play, my cousin chased him all the time. He ran and ran too fast. He didn't stop and rushed into the river. Fortunately, he could swim. He was wet all over. When he got on the bank, he threw himself. The water splashed on our face, and his hair stood up like a little hedgehog. We all laughed.

Is my animal friend cute and interesting? It brings a lot of fun to my life, and I like it very much.

How to write my friend's composition (15)

My grandparents have a golden retriever. Every time I go to my grandparents' house, I have fun with golden retriever.

The golden hair is larger. Under the sunlight, the fur is yellow in cash. It is smooth as silk, and it is like a commanding general wearing a piece of gold armor, with two big black and bright eyes. When it runs, its ears are like fans. Every time I go to play with it, it always warmly welcomes me with its fluffy tail, as if it were an old friend who had been separated for a long time. Golden Hair has an elegant and arrogant gait, which seems to be a leisurely and elegant gentry. Moreover, it has a gentle temperament, and it is touched every time. Always keep your head down and enjoy caressing.

Sometimes, the golden coat shows the heroic nature of the hound. Once I threw a small ball out with all my strength, and it rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, and jumped like a bolt of lightning. It caught the ball firmly with its mouth, shook its head and tail, and ran to me proudly looking at me, as if to say: "Do you think my skills are superb?" Golden Hair has another unique skill: eating ham sausage. I broke the ham intestines into small pieces and threw them away. Jinmao sat there and picked them up with his mouth, as if he were a mature, experienced and versatile acrobat.

Through consulting the data, I also know that the golden retriever can be used as a guide after training, leading the blind to walk safely. When encountering obstacles and needing to turn, it will guide the owner to stop to avoid danger. Dogs are our most loyal friends.

How to write my friend's composition (16)

"Wear a hard shell robe, shrink your head and head. Row on the water and run slowly on the shore." Do you know what this animal is? Yes, it is a little turtle with a hard shell.

The little turtle is carrying a hard shell with beautiful patterns. On its head, there are two small round black eyes, just like two black beads. Below the eyes is a sharp nose, which is very foreign. The bottom is its small mouth. Although its mouth is very small, it has sharp teeth inside! Under the shell of the little turtle are its limbs, with sharp claws, which are used to dig holes and catch food. The little turtle has a small tail behind its body, which is short, like a nail.

Usually, I keep it in a big bucket, half of which is sand and half of which is water. I find that the little turtle crawls slowly on the sand, but swims very fast in the water. It can control the direction with its limbs very well. Sometimes, I think it's not good at all in such a wet place. I take it out to bask in the sun, but once I put it on the ground, it climbs fast. Why? Later, I learned that the sun is very hot on the ground. The little turtle may think it is too hot here, so he wants to leave quickly. Another time, after dinner, I took a piece of meat about the size of my fingernail to feed the tortoise. The tortoise wanted to eat the meat in my hand, so he followed me. I wanted to tease him, so I pretended not to give it to him. The tortoise followed me, but later the tortoise became angry. When I turned to touch him, he bit me hard, and I cried with pain.

I like my little turtle.