My ideal composition (6 recommended)
Huamao Chunsong
2024-06-27 07:20:23
fifth grade

My Ideal Composition (1)

Some people compare their wishes to a colorful wreath; Some people compare their wish to a bird spreading its wings, flying freely; But I think the real wish is a torch that will not go out, guiding us forward

What is my wish? I will tell you without hesitation that I am an outstanding scientist

Why should I become a scientist? Isn't it boring and hard for scientists to work in the laboratory all day long? But have you ever thought that if there were no scientists dedicated to the truth, human history would stagnate, and we would not live a comfortable and happy life like today. There are air conditioners that know the cold and ask the warm, there are telephones that communicate the sound, there are computers that know the world, there are planes that travel thousands of miles every day... The mission of scientists is great, and this greatness comes from their perseverance and dedication. So I want to be a scientist.

When scientists say it is easy to do it is difficult. Because scientists should know a lot of knowledge and have the spirit of innovation. So from now on, I will study hard, listen carefully in class, read more useful books after class, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, and exercise myself in hardship to make my will stronger, character more noble, and knowledge more outstanding.

If I really become a scientist, first of all, I will use my intelligence to serve my great motherland. Like the inventor Edison, I will invent many useful things for my motherland. What I want to invent most is a multi-functional watch, which can watch TV, report the time and weather, maintain health and treat diseases. I also want to clone an earth and let some people live there, because our earth is too crowded now. I also want to... Alas, there are many more.

My Ideal Composition (2)

My ideal is to be a calligrapher

I want to practice a good character

Carry forward Chinese calligraphy

My dream is to be a painter

I want to draw a lifelike picture

To those who need it

My ideal is to be a scientist

Develop a protective film for protecting the earth

Let the people of the world live a happy life

My dream is to be a singer

I want to use the most beautiful music

Eliminate people's troubles

My ideal is tied to the high kite

My ideal is written in the floating boat

My ideal

Like the stars in the sky


My Ideal Composition (3)

The earth is full of vitality because of ideals, the birds have wings because of ideals, and people struggle because of ideals.

Time flies. In this short life, we should do meaningful things, set up ideals, pursue ideals, and never give up. Only in this way can we realize the value of life and add a brilliant touch to the masterpiece of life.

Young people should set up their ideals. Mao Yisheng, the most outstanding contemporary bridge expert in China, saw the tragic scene of the collapse of Wende Bridge when he was 11 years old, and set his ambition to build a solid bridge for people. In order to realize his wish, he carefully observed the bridge wherever he went; When he read about the bridge, he copied the content. When he saw the photos of the bridge in the newspaper, he collected them. At the age of 15, he entered a school specializing in bridge building, and then embarked on the road of bridge construction. Later, he realized his childhood ideal and built the Qiantang River Bridge and Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, which made great contributions to the country.

It is important to have ideals, but more important is to never give up pursuing them. After Nobel established the ideal of transforming high explosives into safety explosives, he began to study nitroglycerin in the summer of 1862. This is a hard journey full of danger and sacrifice. In the experiment, he paid a heavy price: the laboratory was blown up and all five assistants died. However, Nobel persevered, and he moved the laboratory to a ship in a suburban lake to continue the experiment. After long-term research, he finally found a substance that is very easy to cause explosion - mercury fulminate, successfully solved the problem of detonating explosives, and finally transformed high explosives into safety explosives. It was his unswerving spirit that realized his ideal.

Only when we have goals and ideals can we define the direction of our life journey. If you don't know what to pursue and the value of life, you will be aimless like a walking corpse. Everyone has a holy fire in his heart. Once lit, he will feel the dignity and loveliness of life. When people accept the reality and actively create rich personal life, they will taste the crispness and sweetness of the fruits of success, and will experience the pleasure of climbing the mountain to see the beautiful scenery in the distance. If we know the coordinates of our time, we will not lose our way in the journey of life.

From now on, we should set up our ideals and strive for them. We may not realize our ideals in a short time, but we will succeed if we work hard to realize our ideals for decades, or even all our lives. Only those who have ideals and strive for them throughout their lives will become winners and happy people in life.

We should use our ideals to write words and never give up our faith to compose music, and sing a wonderful hymn of life.

My Ideal Composition (4)

Ideals are indispensable landmarks in our life. Ideals can often give you a powerful force and motivation at the most critical time. With ideals, you can have a boat that will never lose its way. My ideal is to become a mathematician. Ideals are very far away. I also want to strive to seize it.

I have such an ideal because I have always liked mathematics since childhood. I remember that in the kindergarten, there was a manual lesson. The teacher taught everyone to make origami, and the students surrounded the teacher. My brother and I felt too bored, so we quietly made our newly issued exercise books. After one lesson, my brother and I didn't pay attention to the teacher at all. We destroyed more than half of the exercise books. After entering primary school, I became more and more fond of mathematics, The kind of feeling that makes me intoxicated and unable to extricate myself, the kind of craziness and sense of honor to finish a difficult problem, is simply wonderful!

Groups of curvilinear figures seemed to beat before my eyes. The complicated formulas seemed to be the main way to solve problems. One question mark was the teacher. Tell me how to solve problems. Maths is really great! After falling in love with mathematics, I not only improved my logical thinking, but also made my homework more efficient. I think since learning mathematics is so beneficial, why not become a mathematician? So the idea of becoming a mathematician quietly sprouted in my mind.

In order to learn mathematics well and explore the deeper mystery of mathematics, I am determined to study in the best middle school in Chongqing. Therefore, I started my study plan early. I spare spare time every day to do more questions and research. In my middle school life, I need to expand more, broaden my horizons, understand every kind of mathematics. At school, I need to listen carefully to every math class, and at home, I need to be more careful with every math homework, and adhere to math exercises every day, After reading the books assigned by the teacher in the evening.

I will also look at the story of Hawking, the "king of the universe", to see the deeds and feats of great physicists and mathematics. I deeply understand that the experience of becoming a mathematician will be very bumpy, but if you don't try, how will you know the result? I have made up my mind to do what I promised, and I will try my best to do it! This ideal of mathematician has been buried in my heart. It is already a seed. I believe that in the next 20 years, the seed will grow into a towering tree!

My Ideal Composition (5)

Everyone has his own ideal. People without ideal are the poorest people. People without ideal have no direction, no hope in life, and no struggle. My ideal is to be a doctor, perform the sacred duty of saving the dying and healing the wounded, reach out to help patients when they need it most, and bring them hope for life.

The reason why I have this ideal is that the story happened around me: my uncle gave up treatment because he was in advanced stage of liver cancer and could not be cured in the hospital. In the end, he had to go home and use medicine to maintain his life. However, God was merciless. My uncle stayed at home for a few days and then left. My brother cried bitterly for several days.

In order to realize this dream, I began to practice from kindergarten. I used the remaining needles, infusion sets, tourniquets... from my mother's infusion to practice. I took the teddy bear as a patient, and then used water as medicine. I carefully sucked in the "drug" with a needle, and then carefully injected the "drug" into the bear's body.

Later, as I grew older, I knew that I had to study hard to become a qualified doctor. My mother knows my mind, and he often tells me that being a doctor needs to be very careful, serious and cautious, because every prescription may affect a person's life. In my daily study and life, I am strict with myself and never underestimate carelessness. I know that small mistakes can lead to big mistakes, and I never forgive my carelessness. I understand that, If I stand in front of the operating table when I grow up, this carelessness is the biggest irresponsibility to the patient.

The ideal of the stream is the sea, so it flows day and night; The goshawk's ideal is the blue sky, so it always flies towards the highest place in the blue sky. Ideal is the driving force of progress. Without ideal, life is like a pool of stagnant water, lifeless and lifeless; Without ideals, people are like birds that have lost their wings and can never fly.

Ideal people love life; Only people with ideals can maximize their intelligence and make contributions to mankind. I will strive for my own ideal.

My Ideal Composition (6)

My mother is a doctor. When I was young, I always felt that my mother was very free. When I came back from work, I would go back to sleep, watch TV without restrictions, and get praise and gratitude from patients. How wonderful! So I have a desire to be a doctor.

Once, I had a fever and blushed like a fire basin, but my mother left me and hurried to the hospital because of a phone call. I could only endure the pain and difficulty of getting to the hospital by the crowded bus. The noisy environment of the hospital made me unbearable. The air was filled with a strong smell of medicine, and the crying of children was everywhere. At this time, my mother, dressed in a white coat, and a group of nurses pushed a sickbed to the emergency room. The person lying on the sickbed was unconscious, and his pale face was bloodless. A group of family members were anxiously pacing at the gate of the hospital. I came to my mother's office, where there was only a small desk, two small swivel chairs and some small office supplies. I leaned back in the chair and barely fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up and vaguely saw my mother sitting by the office, with a group of family members saying thanks to her again and again. Mother saved another person's life. Her face was full of fatigue, but she still smiled happily. Doctors silently rescue patients from their pain every night. The profession of doctors has gradually become great and noble in my eyes. I would rather be a doctor who serves the people.

Later, I began to read some thin medical books. I nodded as if I understood. Sometimes, for a word I don't understand, I will often go to the big dictionary at home. My lethal face increased unconsciously. I can also cure some minor illnesses such as fever and cold for myself, instead of relying on my parents. When I cured my fever, I felt a sense of achievement.

I want to be a doctor. How can I lose my temper with people around me? I can patiently listen to others' answers in class. After my brother accidentally broke my beloved plane, he was scared and cried loudly. I didn't rush to ask him to compensate me, but comforted him kindly.

I am working hard for my ideal step by step. I believe that through my efforts, my dream can be realized!