I am 20 years after composition (collection of 17 articles)
Both wind and rain
2024-06-01 08:41:12
junior middle school

I After 20 Years of Composition (1)

Twenty years later, I have become a famous astronaut and spaceship engineer.

Early in the morning, I sat in the solar mini autonomous vehicle, and soon arrived at the Space Center. I entered the automated learning room. I sat in front of the computer, and the computer automatically carried out high-speed networking work after personnel identification. Immediately, the computer found my last learning content for assessment. After passing the exam, the computer will teach the next lesson.

After learning, I entered the spaceship assembly workshop. There is a spaceship in the workshop. That's the spaceship I just developed. The top speed is 900000 kilometers per second. This kind of spaceship uses various high-energy radiation in the space as energy to push the spaceship forward. The spaceship can carry five crew members. The shell of the spaceship uses the super nano compressed material that has just applied for a patent, and it will also send out strong magnetic waves when flying. Those space garbage can not contact the space for long-distance flight due to the resistance of strong magnetic waves. There are enough luggage compartments inside, which can hold food for half a year. After various checks of the computer, I decided to install it on the "Dongfang-2" rocket. I said to my tie, "Assemble the Type I shuttle with Dongfang-2.". Several robots assemble automatically.

As soon as the matter of the spaceship was handled, I went to the Gaoxinke design area. In the Gaoxinke design area, I continue to design the universe fast collection vehicle that was not finished last time. I designed a machine on this car that can create a gravity by itself, and can still walk like flying when there is no gravity on the cosmic planet. The long retractable hydraulic arm on the vehicle can reach ten meters below the surface of the planet to collect various stone samples.

These are my recent inventions. I will let the mysterious veil of the universe be lifted, and let the resources of the universe be developed sparingly.

Twenty years later, I have become a famous astronaut and spaceship engineer.

Early in the morning, I sat in the solar mini autonomous vehicle, and soon arrived at the Space Center. I entered the automated learning room. I sat in front of the computer, and the computer automatically carried out high-speed networking work after personnel identification. Immediately, the computer found my last learning content for assessment. After passing the exam, the computer will teach the next lesson.

After learning, I entered the spaceship assembly workshop. There is a spaceship in the workshop. That's the spaceship I just developed. The top speed is 900000 kilometers per second. This kind of spaceship uses various high-energy radiation in the space as energy to push the spaceship forward. The spaceship can carry five crew members. The shell of the spaceship uses the super nano compressed material that has just applied for a patent, and it will also send out strong magnetic waves when flying. Those space garbage can not contact the space for long-distance flight due to the resistance of strong magnetic waves. There are enough luggage compartments inside, which can hold food for half a year. After various checks of the computer, I decided to install it on the "Dongfang-2" rocket. I said to my tie, "Assemble the Type I shuttle with Dongfang-2.". Several robots assemble automatically.

As soon as the matter of the spaceship was handled, I went to the Gaoxinke design area. In the Gaoxinke design area, I continue to design the universe fast collection vehicle that was not finished last time. I designed a machine on this car that can create a gravity by itself, and can still walk like flying when there is no gravity on the cosmic planet. The long retractable hydraulic arm on the vehicle can reach ten meters below the surface of the planet to collect various stone samples.

These are my recent inventions. I will let the mysterious veil of the universe be lifted, and let the resources of the universe be developed sparingly.

I After 20 Years of Composition (2)

As Chinese people, our motherland mother is like a clear spring moistening our hearts. The motherland has paid for us without any regrets. Do we have a grateful heart to repay the motherland? I thought in a trance, as if I saw myself 20 years later

Lung cancer is known as a "health killer". In my primary school, the end of the life of a classmate's mother ended in this terrible devil. It's a pity. But today, this devil will defeat me! After 8 years of hard work by our team, we finally achieved breakthrough development! We have invented a new drug with complex ingredients, which can effectively prevent the spread of cancer cells and alleviate the pain of patients! In this way, cancer patients have the hope of supporting themselves to live again!

Junior 1: He Qintong

Twenty years later, I sat on my desk in a white coat and calmly diagnosed the patient's condition. At that time, I had already become an expert in medical science, and explored the prevention and treatment methods of incurable diseases that people could not do anything about 20 years ago. AIDS is the biggest health enemy of people in the 21st century. For several years, no response has been found. The only thing we can do is to prevent it. But now it is different. In an accidental outing, I found a strange kind of grass. I took this grass back to the laboratory, carefully did a "full body examination" for the grass, and found that there was a chemical element in the grass that we had never seen before. Through the hard work of our team, we successfully improved this chemical element, It can effectively prevent virus mutation. I began to improve the variation of this chemical element, and finally, the effort paid off. I developed a new chemical element, which can help us effectively treat AIDS! Less than a year after this chemical element was put on the market, the death rate of AIDS was greatly reduced. Hearing this news, I am truly proud of myself, my motherland and people all over the world! What an amazing thing it is that so many years of efforts have finally improved the survival rate of patients!

Fantasy is fantasy after all. I gradually return to reality from my thoughts. Although it may not be possible to achieve all this, we, as Chinese people, have dedicated our hearts with the most sincere feelings to our dear motherland.

I After 20 Years of Composition (3)

My composition will be 500 words after 20 years (I)

500 words of Chinese composition after 20 years

One afternoon, I was on my way home from school. At this time, I was surprised to find a blue ball in the grass beside the road. I went over curiously and picked up the ball. Suddenly my eyes darkened and I fainted. "Master! Master! Wake up quickly. It's 8:30 already, and today we are going to meet the President of the United States!" I suddenly opened my eyes and found a strange looking robot standing in front of me. I was shocked. At this time, the robot told me that it was called Jimmy, and now it is China 20 years later. And I, already 30 years old, am a scientist of the Academy of Sciences. I almost fainted when I heard it. Suddenly, I remembered what Jimmy said just now. It turned out that today was the day when the President of the United States came to investigate. I immediately took the "Flying Arrow 1" and drove to the airport at a speed of 1000 kilometers per hour. In a short time, I arrived at the airport. "Whoosh -" the president's special plane landed, and the president stepped out of the plane and said to me, "You have developed science and technology in China, and the only air airport in the world. I'm going to make a field visit this time. Please give me more advice."

First, we visited the China Science and Technology Palace. Once entering the gate, the president was dazzled by all kinds of strange robots. The president couldn't help praising. The President said, "There is an old saying in China that" seeing is better than hearing ". I really appreciate it!"

Next, we visited Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing, the islands in Qiandao Lake and Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The President of the United States was so impressed.

At this time, I looked at my watch, and it was 12:00 before I knew it. When I proposed to go to the most famous "Jinling Restaurant" in China for lunch, the President of the United States repeatedly nodded.

Soon, we came to the "Jinling Restaurant" located on the 1000 floor of the "Jinling Building". The President found that there was not a waiter or a cook here. It turns out that this is a full-automatic restaurant. You just need to report the name of the dish, and the dish will be displayed automatically. The President announced many dishes. In the blink of an eye, the table was filled with delicacies. The President was amazed.

In the afternoon, when the President was leaving, I gave him a rare colorful gem. The President said admiringly, "China is so powerful!"

My eyes suddenly darkened. I opened my eyes again. It was a dream just now. I lay in bed, looking at the stars in the sky, thinking: Although this is just a dream, as long as I study hard, this dream will come true in the near future!

Fenghuang Street Primary School

Four (1) shifts

Xie Bowen

My composition will be 500 words after 20 years (2)

Returning to hometown after 20 years, writing 500 words

Return to hometown after 20 years

"Time flies like an arrow." Time flies. Twenty years have passed in a flash. Now I am the general manager of a multinational company, and I am busy in other places all day. On this day, I took a private plane back to my hometown, which I had been away from for a long time.

Sitting on the plane, I thought: 20 years later, what will become of my hometown? Just thinking, the plane began to land. I looked down at the earth and saw a tall house. Look carefully, isn't this my home? The plane landed at my door, and my parents stood at the door to meet me. I was very happy. To my surprise, my house is not made of reinforced concrete, but of the most advanced "memory metal". The doorbell is even more distinctive and can speak! Mother said that this doorbell not only greets guests, but also guards against thieves. How advanced!

"How hungry!" I said. Mother said, "Let's go to the supermarket." We didn't go far before we arrived at the supermarket. The shopping guide lady gave us a machine similar to a tablet computer. My mother told me that you can press a number to get to several floors immediately. Oh, I see. We bought a lot of food and returned with a full load.

When I just got home, I heard a voice: "Great! My homework is finally finished." I went away at the sound. It was my little nephew Liangliang. I asked strangely: "Liangliang, why don't you go to school?" Liangliang said: "Auntie, we don't need to go to school at all now, just buy a learning computer to study at home. Also, teachers no longer have to work hard to correct homework. Our homework is done on the computer. Click Finish, and the computer will automatically correct our homework and help us correct our mistakes. "

Just as he was saying this, his mobile phone rang, "Hello, General Manager, the company is discussing an urgent matter, and the chairman asked you to come back as soon as possible." I can't help it. The work is urgent, so I have to go back.

Sitting on the plane, I thought: the changes in my hometown are really amazing! Unexpectedly, in just 20 years, everything in my hometown will become so advanced and modern. Home, I will come back!

500 words of my composition after 20 years (3)

My composition will be 500 words after 20 years (4)

20 years later, I am Shi Liang, Class 5 (4), Shanghai Yuying Experimental School, Qingpu District, Shanghai 20 years later? My mother is a teacher, she is a little famous teacher in the school, because she was rated as a senior teacher, she taught nearly a thousand students, I envy her very much. Last night, I went to bed and slowly fell asleep. I dreamt that I was also a teacher. In everyone's eyes, I was also a little famous teacher. Like my mother, I also became a senior teacher and was still teaching in the experimental primary school. I am an English teacher. I was sent to the experimental primary school after I passed CET 8 in the university. My students all praise me as a good teacher. Standing on the glorious platform to give lectures to my students is also the happiest thing in my day. The first class in the morning is my English class. My classmates like my class very much. I held a thick teaching plan in my hand and came to the platform and said two words: "Class." The students stood up together and said to me: "Good morning, teacher." I waved my hand to let them sit down. Sometimes they would argue over a question with red cheeks, chatter about a right to answer a question, and argue about a disagreeable answer. Just like this, my first class would not be as calm as stagnant water, but would be as active as a small monkey fighting for food. The 40 minute class has ended, but the students are still quiet in the class. In the second section, I counted the rigid Chinese lessons. I always visited the window and saw that they were going to sleep. One day, the Chinese teacher was absent from school because of something, so I could only take her place in class. When the students heard the good news, they jumped three feet high with joy. I ordered them to write an English composition "Afterwinteryears", and I let them think freely, I took this opportunity to go around the school, and I couldn't help admiring: "Ah, 20 years later, this experimental primary school has changed its appearance. What a big change! Now, multimedia technology has been used. Each classroom has more than 50 computers, and every student can do whatever he wants on his computer, everything. Students can also learn things that are not in books. At last, I enjoyed the greening of the school, where the flowers are red and the willows are green, the bridges are flowing water, and the students wander in it, as if they are in the nature, very comfortable and comfortable. When the bell rang, I went into the classroom and collected the students' answers to their expectations in 20 years' time. Everyone wrote about their changes in 20 years' time. It was wonderful. Looking at them, I also showed a happy smile... When I finished this beautiful dream, the sun had come out. I thought: to realize this dream, we must study hard and study hard to realize this beautiful dream. Instructor: Cheng Xiaoying

500 words of my composition 20 years later (5)

My composition after 20 years I am an inventor after 20 years. I invented many useful things. I also invented a dress, which is very comfortable to wear, because it can emit some warm air in winter, so that you will not feel very cold, but will feel very warm; It will also send out some air conditioners in summer, so that you will not feel very hot, but will feel very cool. Therefore, you will feel very comfortable and cool when you wear it. It can also change colors. It can change colors according to your mood. Not only that, it can also emit a variety of flower fragrance, and it is adjusted according to the color: the white is narcissus fragrance, the yellow is chrysanthemum fragrance, the red is red rose fragrance, and the purple is violet fragrance... It makes you feel refreshed. It can also send out your favorite music. When you are in a bad mood, it will send out music to ease your mood and make you feel better. "Get up!" Mom's voice suddenly sounded. It turned out to be a dream. Although it was just a dream, I thought: in order to realize my dream 20 years later, I will study hard and become an inventor when I grow up, which will benefit mankind.

500 words of my composition 20 years later (6)

I will write in 20 years

My composition after 20 years (I)

After 20 years, I am a creator. I have created many effective equipment.

I also created a dress, which is particularly comfortable to wear, because it can take back some warm air in winter, so that you will not feel very cold, but will feel very warm; It will also send out some cold air in summer, so that you will not feel very hot, but will feel very cool. Therefore, you will feel quite comfortable wearing it, especially cool.

It also changes the color, and it mainly changes the color according to your mood. Not only that, it can also give out all kinds of flower fragrance, and it is in accordance with the color adjustment: pure white is narcissus fragrance, yellow is chrysanthemum fragrance, blood is red rose fragrance, purple is violet fragrance.

It also generally takes back your love music. When you are in a bad mood, it will take back the music, ease your passion and make your pride better.

"Get up!" Mom's voice suddenly sounded. It turned out to be a dream. Admittedly, it's just a dream, but I think: in order to complete my dream 20 years later, I may not study hard and become a discoverer when I grow up, which will benefit mankind.

My composition after 20 years (2)

One day, I drove my car to the dinosaur research institute. I walked into the research room, and the phone rang "bell, bell, bell". The original purpose was to invite me to give a lecture on dinosaur resurrection.

So I got on the bus and went to the lecture hall of the research company, and began to make a speech: "During a dinosaur bone research, I suddenly found a small piece of crystal like red crystal in the skull of a titanosaur. I used tweezers to clip out this crystal, and found it was the dinosaur blood clot I had been looking for for a long time, which immediately reminded me of dinosaur eggs. So I sat on the 'broomstick' I invented with several researchers, and then said to it: 'Dinosaur egg mining area.' Within a second, we came to the dinosaur egg mining area and mined several thunder dragon eggs.

Once we hit the 'flying broom', we will immediately enter the laboratory, first inject dinosaur blood into a thunder dragon egg, first put it into the DNA ray box, and then put it into the incubator for incubation. A week later, the little dragon finally hatched, and we cheered to celebrate the success of our experiment. However, it suddenly occurred to me that after growing up, Lei Long was 21 meters long, 4.5 meters tall and 35 tons in weight! What should we do if our laboratory building can't stand this giant? So, I invented shaping pills and softeners. After eating the shaping pill, the giant dinosaur could grow as big as an elephant and as small as a bird; After a fierce dinosaur drinks a mild agent, its character can become mild, so that even the fiercest dinosaur can become our family pet. "

I After 20 Years of Composition (4)

My composition after 20 years is 600 words (1)

Returning to hometown 20 years later and writing 600 words

Twenty years later, I returned to my hometown to write a 600 word composition. Suddenly, my regular dog woke me up. Today, the company gave me a day off. The computer told me that it was the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, 2033. Now I think, I have not returned to my hometown Yao'an for 20 years

I put on my special functional shoes and jumped out of the window. I didn't want to commit suicide. At the moment of jumping, a flame burst out from the bottom of my shoes and flew from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere at a fast speed. After an hour of running, I finally returned to my hometown

Ah! I haven't returned to my hometown for 20 years! Great changes have taken place here: the small bungalow in the past has become a high-rise building. Come to the village, eh! Why is there no one? Oh, they are flying in the sky! Now the technology is developed. Watches, necklaces and so on all have the function of TV and computer. The electricity uses air energy, which can be turned into air after use. It is very environmentally friendly

There are no cars, motorcycles and other environmentally friendly cars on the street. Some use flying skateboards, some use flying suits, and some use flying tools

The water in the river becomes clear, and small fish and shrimp play in it. There is no sewage treatment plant anymore, and people's awareness of environmental protection has increased

There are green trees everywhere on the roadside. There are no loggers, poachers or drug addicts. Looking up at the sky, white clouds are blossoming, blue sky is leisurely, and no one smokes. How nice!

I really want to live here! But time flies. One day has passed. I have to go back again. Goodbye, hometown!

My composition after 20 years is 600 words (2)

20 years later, I am Shi Liang, Class 5 (4), Shanghai Yuying Experimental School, Qingpu District, Shanghai 20 years later? My mother is a teacher, she is a little famous teacher in the school, because she was rated as a senior teacher, she taught nearly a thousand students, I envy her very much. Last night, I went to bed and slowly fell asleep. I dreamt that I was also a teacher. In everyone's eyes, I was also a little famous teacher. Like my mother, I also became a senior teacher and was still teaching in the experimental primary school. I am an English teacher. I was sent to the experimental primary school after I passed CET 8 in the university. My students all praise me as a good teacher. Standing on the glorious platform to give lectures to my students is also the happiest thing in my day. The first class in the morning is my English class. My classmates like my class very much. I held a thick teaching plan in my hand and came to the platform and said two words: "Class." The students stood up together and said to me: "Good morning, teacher." I waved my hand to let them sit down. Sometimes they would argue over a question with red cheeks, chatter about a right to answer a question, and argue about a disagreeable answer. Just like this, my first class would not be as calm as stagnant water, but would be as active as a small monkey fighting for food. The 40 minute class has ended, but the students are still quiet in the class. In the second section, I counted the rigid Chinese lessons. I always visited the window and saw that they were going to sleep. One day, the Chinese teacher was absent from school because of something, so I could only take her place in class. When the students heard the good news, they jumped three feet high with joy. I ordered them to write an English composition "Afterwinteryears", and I let them think freely, I took this opportunity to go around the school, and I couldn't help admiring: "Ah, 20 years later, this experimental primary school has changed its appearance. What a big change! Now, multimedia technology has been used. Each classroom has more than 50 computers, and every student can do whatever he wants on his computer, everything. Students can also learn things that are not in books. At last, I enjoyed the greening of the school, where the flowers are red and the willows are green, the bridges are flowing water, and the students wander in it, as if they are in the nature, very comfortable and comfortable. When the bell rang, I went into the classroom and collected the students' answers to their expectations in 20 years' time. Everyone wrote about their changes in 20 years' time. It was wonderful. Looking at them, I also showed a happy smile... When I finished this beautiful dream, the sun had come out. I thought: to realize this dream, we must study hard and study hard to realize this beautiful dream. Instructor: Cheng Xiaoying

600 words of my composition after 20 years (3)

My composition after 20 years I am an inventor after 20 years. I invented many useful things. I also invented a dress, which is very comfortable to wear, because it can emit some warm air in winter, so that you will not feel very cold, but will feel very warm; It will also send out some air conditioners in summer, so that you will not feel very hot, but will feel very cool. Therefore, you will feel very comfortable and cool when you wear it. It can also change colors. It can change colors according to your mood. Not only that, it can also emit a variety of flower fragrance, and it is adjusted according to the color: the white is narcissus fragrance, the yellow is chrysanthemum fragrance, the red is red rose fragrance, and the purple is violet fragrance... It makes you feel refreshed. It can also send out your favorite music. When you are in a bad mood, it will send out music to ease your mood and make you feel better. "Get up!" Mom's voice suddenly sounded. It turned out to be a dream. Although it was just a dream, I thought: in order to realize my dream 20 years later, I will study hard and become an inventor when I grow up, which will benefit mankind.

My composition after 20 years is 600 words (4)

I will write in 20 years

My composition after 20 years (I)

After 20 years, I am a creator. I have created many effective equipment.

I also created a dress, which is particularly comfortable to wear, because it can take back some warm air in winter, so that you will not feel very cold, but will feel very warm; It will also send out some cold air in summer, so that you will not feel very hot, but will feel very cool. Therefore, you will feel quite comfortable wearing it, especially cool.

It also changes the color, and it mainly changes the color according to your mood. Not only that, it can also give out all kinds of flower fragrance, and it is in accordance with the color adjustment: pure white is narcissus fragrance, yellow is chrysanthemum fragrance, blood is red rose fragrance, purple is violet fragrance.

It also generally takes back your love music. When you are in a bad mood, it will take back the music, ease your passion and make your pride better.

"Get up!" Mom's voice suddenly sounded. It turned out to be a dream. Admittedly, it's just a dream, but I think: in order to complete my dream 20 years later, I may not study hard and become a discoverer when I grow up, which will benefit mankind.

My composition after 20 years (2)

One day, I drove my car to the dinosaur research institute. I walked into the research room, and the phone rang "bell, bell, bell". The original purpose was to invite me to give a lecture on dinosaur resurrection.

So I got on the bus and went to the lecture hall of the research company, and began to make a speech: "During a dinosaur bone research, I suddenly found a small piece of crystal like red crystal in the skull of a titanosaur. I used tweezers to clip out this crystal, and found it was the dinosaur blood clot I had been looking for for a long time, which immediately reminded me of dinosaur eggs. So I sat on the 'broomstick' I invented with several researchers, and then said to it: 'Dinosaur egg mining area.' Within a second, we came to the dinosaur egg mining area and mined several thunder dragon eggs.

Once we hit the 'flying broom', we will immediately enter the laboratory, first inject dinosaur blood into a thunder dragon egg, first put it into the DNA ray box, and then put it into the incubator for incubation. A week later, the little dragon finally hatched, and we cheered to celebrate the success of our experiment. However, it suddenly occurred to me that after growing up, Lei Long was 21 meters long, 4.5 meters tall and 35 tons in weight! What should we do if our laboratory building can't stand this giant? So, I invented shaping pills and softeners. After eating the shaping pill, the giant dinosaur could grow as big as an elephant and as small as a bird; After a fierce dinosaur drinks a mild agent, its character can become mild, so that even the fiercest dinosaur can become our family pet. "

The report meeting was over, and the whole hall was applauded warmly. Just then two scientists came to shake hands with me, ah! It was my primary school classmate. We said with one voice: "Fancy meeting here!" We were very happy

Yes, they talked with each other, exchanged business cards, and took a group photo. Then I drove to the research institute

My composition after 20 years (3)

Twenty years later, I have become a great scientist and invented many things that are good for human beings. What I am most proud of is the "super garbage can" and "radar oil detector".

Let me talk about the "super garbage can" first. In the past, our school classmates threw garbage everywhere, which made the school very messy. I returned home to study hard and finally developed a "super trash can". The shape of this garbage can is like a machine. The brain and head are square, the arms can be freely flexed and extended, and the legs and feet can be freely extended and extended. It is about 1.5 meters high. What if the garbage dumper can't reach the rim? Don't worry, the "legs" of the garbage can can be shortened automatically, so that students can effortlessly pour garbage into the bin. When I am free, the garbage can will "patrol" the campus. If there is paper on the ground, it will pick up the garbage and throw it into the bin. So we just need to put two "super garbage cans" on the campus, and the whole campus will be greatly changed.

Although the "radar oil detector" is a small invention, it has made great contributions to the petroleum industry. This kind of radar is characterized by its small size, which is as big as a match box, and its weight is only tens of grams. Put this instrument anywhere on the earth, input the program, and the oil instrument in the formation will emit a "beep" sound. Press the display key, and the fluorescent screen will immediately display the oil layer status and reserves within 100 kilometers.

In order to become a scientist, I will work hard to create something very convenient for mankind in the future.

600 words in my composition 20 years later (5)

What will I be 20 years later? Is it the so-called lower class? Every day, I get a few hard-earned money and do disgusting work. Every day, I wear clothes that haven't been washed for several months and have a bad smell. I live in a low rent house that leaks wind and rain. Every day is a way to live without the next meal, thinking about how to fill the stomach tomorrow. Or the legendary senior manager? Every day, I get rich wages and drive one famous car after another. Every minute, hundreds of thousands of people go up and down, and they are always fighting with each other, thinking about how to keep their positions or push others off the stage or climb up to others' positions. But they are counted and remembered by others. Or what people call a well-off life. I get more salary every day, and live happily with my wife and children like my parents and me now. Every day, I think about how to eat healthily and live happily. Where can I take my family to have fun and relax tomorrow In any case, the future after 20 years depends on my sweat and endless efforts. Only with the present sweat and efforts to exchange for a better future.

My composition after 20 years is 600 words (6)

20 years later

I stepped on the space accelerator and entered the space tunnel. In a twinkling of an eye, 20 years later.

Everything is different now. Science and technology are developing rapidly, and most of them are high-tech products of automation.

I saw the street cleaner. "Old man, it's half past six, we should go home!" They were talking to me. How could I be a cleaner? I went further and came to the fan meeting. I saw a lot of fans around me, "Lao Duo, sign your name, I'm your loyal fan!" "Lao Duo, I was your classmate before, but now I'm your fan again. It's great.". I was stunned for a long time before I reflected - "Oh, I have become a movie star!" Continue to move forward, and I walked to the United Nations General Assembly platform. "Lao Duo, your speech is really great!" "You have made great progress!" I am a member of the United Nations!

Going further, I met many others.

"How much money do you have today?" a colleague asked me. I'm just a beggar.

"Let's learn from each other," said one who won the Nobel Prize with me. I'm still a famous inventor!

"The game begins!" I said. I'm still a referee!


When I was still walking forward, I was drawn into the space-time tunnel and returned to the present

In reality.

"What am I in 20 years?" God knows. But God can't decide. You played by yourself.

600 words of my composition after 20 years (7)

My composition after 20 years I am an inventor after 20 years. I invented many useful things. I also invented a dress, which is very comfortable to wear, because it can emit some warm air in winter, so that you will not feel very cold, but will feel very warm; It will also send out some air conditioners in summer, so that you will not feel very hot, but will feel very cool. Therefore, you will feel very comfortable and cool when you wear it. It can also change colors. It can change colors according to your mood. Not only that, it can also emit a variety of flower fragrance, and it is adjusted according to the color: the white is narcissus fragrance, the yellow is chrysanthemum fragrance, the red is red rose fragrance, and the purple is violet fragrance... It makes you feel refreshed. It can also send out your favorite music. When you are in a bad mood, it will send out music to ease your mood and make you feel better. "Get up!" Mom's voice suddenly sounded. It turned out to be a dream. Although it was just a dream, I thought: in order to realize my dream 20 years later, I will study hard and become an inventor when I grow up, which will benefit mankind.

My composition after 20 years is 600 words (8)

20 years later

Twenty years passed in a flash. I will be an inventor in 20 years. I will invent a different multi-function door.

The multi-functional door is beautiful, firm and durable. The multi-function door has many special functions, such as automatic, anti-theft, refrigeration, etc. A grid of monitors and automates are installed inside the door. The door also has a remote control the size of a matchbox. The remote control can display any orientation. As long as you press the button in the remote control, the door will open with the button you press. Even if it is more than 1000 meters away, you will open the door when you press the button. Some people will say that sometimes they are careless when working

I After 20 Years of Composition (5)

Twenty years later, I am a scientist. People in this era love to ride the new vehicle I invented - HLK (Hailu Family) multi-function car.

This kind of car can be driven not only on flat roads, but also in other places. It can be driven on rugged mountain roads. Even if the car body shakes constantly, people in the car still feel comfortable, and may also sit in it and doze off! In the desert, it can also drive steadily. You don't have to worry about the car breaking down, because when the car is driving, it will plant seeds one after another, which can not only turn the desert into an oasis, but also make the car drive faster.

This kind of car can not only drive on land, but also in the sky and sea. When you drive on the sea, you can press the button of the "Music" button, and beautiful sounds will come out from the inside immediately. You can also put up the roof and turn it into a convertible car. The cool sea breeze blew on my face, and when I looked up, I saw several white clouds floating in the blue sky, and when I looked down, I saw the blue water. You don't have to worry about the car polluting the seawater. Instead, the car will clean the seawater while driving, so the fish will be happy and will follow you in groups. This kind of car is a piece of cake when driving in the sky. Driving in the sky, no, it should be said to be flying, very free and easy, as long as the direction is good, you can go any way. The white clouds in the sky caress your skin, wow, that feeling is really enjoyable.

This is the car I invented 20 years later

I After 20 Years of Composition (6)

Ten years later, I was nineteen years old. I think I should become a student of Beijing Normal University through my unremitting efforts.

As a young man, I was thin and tall. At that time, I was 180 cm old and weighed 65 kg. Nobody said I was fat.

Ten years later, I was a fan. I ran to the reading room after class and hid in a quiet corner, concentrating on reading while taking notes. I will study hard so that I can become a qualified teacher when I graduate.

I have become an expert swimmer. I go to the swimming pool to practice swimming at weekends. I hope I can represent our school to the Water Cube to participate in the next college student swimming competition.

Ten years later, the happiest thing for me is that Zuo Jiale, a good friend from the first grade of primary school, is also in Beijing Normal University. He studied history, and I studied sports. Although Jiale and I left our hometown to go to college in Beijing, we didn't feel lonely at all. Like brothers, we often meet in the canteen of the campus library. I often go to watch ball games, art exhibitions and climb the Great Wall with Jiale

Ten years later, I am so confident, hardworking and happy! Now I want to listen to my teachers and parents, study hard and make progress every day, and my dream will come true!

I After 20 Years of Composition (7)

Eh! Why did you post such a familiar photo in the waiting area of the bus stop, with a line of small characters beside it, "Chen Xuan's Concert"! I muttered to myself that this photo is a bit like me, with the same name. When I grow up, my wish is... I am suddenly scared. This is not me in thirty years, is it?

On the day of the concert, I was also there. The whole stage was blinded by the spotlight. There were about thousands of people in the audience. Under the stage, several "paparazzi" were taking pictures. The light went dark, and everything was dark around, so nothing could be seen. A light slowly fell to the center of the stage. A woman held a microphone with her back to us. When the music started, she turned to the audience and bowed deeply. No, it should be me! I smiled, confidently and naturally sang the first sentence. As soon as the song ended, there were thunderous applause, warm cheers and shouts on the court. This makes me sing better! The song is more sweet! At the age of 13, I was shocked, but I calmly told myself on the stage that it was true, but it was totally different from me at the age of 13. I was timid, not confident, and very nervous when things happened. But it was not impossible to change myself.

After the concert, I went backstage. I was very curious. How did I do it? So I asked me thirty years later, and she told me: "Dreams need to be persisted. If you don't adhere to these two words, you will give up halfway. Everything else is empty, and you will only achieve nothing in the future.".

I have remembered what she told me!

I After 20 Years of Composition (8)

I used to be a gentle primary school student. My father often told me to concentrate on reading, so I wrote my homework every day and listened to the lessons with concentration in class. I didn't dare to be careless, so I often didn't have the habit of sports.

When I came to junior high school and senior high school, my ambition was to be admitted to the ideal mathematics department. After many mathematical problems, I finally entered the ideal university. Therefore, I met many good friends who studied mathematics in the department. I also got along very well with them and was very happy.

Finally, I graduated and could escape from my parents' clutches, so I began to pursue my dream of a free and unfettered life, so I began to look for work everywhere, and finally found a very relaxed, relatively high new water job. Over the years, my money was enough to buy a house. After that, I began to associate with a girl with a gentle and lovely appearance. After several months, we became a couple with deep love and lived a happy and loving life.

Now I am 40 years old and retired. One day I met a group of middle-aged people about 40 or 50 years old playing chess under the shade of a tree in the park. After going to have a look, I found that they were good friends who studied mathematics together many years ago. They were also young and prosperous. So if I go back to the past, I must develop the good habit of sports every day, Only in this way can we have a full spirit and a sound body and live a fuller and happier retirement life.

I After 20 Years of Composition (9)

People often use candles to describe teachers, because teachers are "burning" their lives.

In 20xx, I stood on the three foot platform. Faced with sweet smiling faces, I felt nervous. I got up the courage to say, "Hello everyone, I'm your Chinese teacher, and I hope you can become close friends with me." In just one class, I met "book fans", "game fans", "fans", "computer game" masters "... Of course, there are also" super "naughty little" naughty bags "and" tear bags ".

I don't know what to do, but I have already made a "draft" in my mind. In the second class, I said: "Students, if there is something I don't understand in learning, I hope you can tell me how to ask more questions. If I do something wrong, please point it out to me." At this time, the little "tearbag" said: "Teacher, I... I... vuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvu, He began to cry. I was so helpless... I had to say: "What's wrong? Don't cry, speak slowly.". I had no choice but to say, "It's OK, I'll give it to you." "......"

The matter was finally settled, but I was still uneasy. I think that if a student comes to ask me about my difficulties in life after class, I will treat them as my own affairs and solve them!

I am determined to be a teacher when I grow up! Contribute to the motherland and cultivate more national pillars!

I After 20 Years of Composition (10)

Time flies like an arrow. Twenty years later, I am now a famous architect designing an apartment in the office.

Today, I have designed many new intelligent buildings for people, such as: air stadium, undersea laboratory, deformable football field and so on. Recently, I also designed an intelligent prison, which can monitor every move of prisoners anytime and anywhere. The exterior wall of this building is a new type of automatic identification plastic, which can identify different people entering the gate by itself. If someone wants to enter illegally, the automatic identification plastic will lock the face of the suspect and trigger an alarm and send personnel to arrest the prisoner. It is even more impossible for prisoners to escape from prison. This building uses a kind of reflective glass as the window. This kind of window is black and opaque from the outside, but you can clearly see the outside from the inside. In addition, this kind of glass can also be zoomed in and out. The interior of the building is guarded by robots, and has advanced systems such as electronic prison doors. The guards can monitor all situations from inside and outside. The gate has a face recognition and fingerprint recognition system, and such an intelligent monitoring system can be said to be foolproof.

It is through years of hard work that I have achieved my current results. After unremitting study and countless examinations, I finally became an outstanding architect. When I first started my career, I went to various places to visit and study famous representative buildings, and visited famous architects at that time to learn advanced design methods from them, and absorbed them into my own design philosophy. In the end, I finally stood out and became a successful designer.

Recently, I was invited to participate in the International Architects Competition, and my design of the offshore mobile vacation platform won the gold medal, which made me very proud.

Although this is just my dream for myself in 20 years, I believe that as long as I study hard and forge ahead, my dream will come true one day.

I After 20 Years of Composition (11)

Twenty years later, I have owned a luxurious villa. The design of this villa is very advanced, and there are many facilities in it, such as garden, swimming pool, gym, golf course, etc. I usually work out in the gym, or become a fat man again. At night, I always walk in the garden to breathe fresh air; In hot summer, I can swim in the swimming pool; In autumn, when the weather is cool, I can play golf. There are several big trees in front of my villa, which can give off a good smell and make the yard very fragrant. It also has a function, that is, super security. If you are malicious to my house, it will attack you.

Twenty years later, after my efforts, I started a company to take risks in the universe. Anyone who wants to go can go as long as he pays our company enough money. I guess you will think: so much money! I tell you that 20 years later, people's lives have been greatly improved, wages are much higher than before, and technology is also very developed. As long as you work hard, you will have a chance to explore the universe.

In my company, my office is very good. There is a desk and a computer on the desk. The computer has a lot of information about the universe, as well as the monitoring system of the universe. If you damage or take something away while playing in the universe, the computer will warn you at any time and punish you.

I have a good daughter 20 years later. She studies very hard in their class and gets certificates every year. Their school is very different from our school before. For example, stationery has become a broomstick and magic carpet. How awesome!

Students, do you want to play in the universe? If you want to, study hard. My company welcomes you at any time!

I After 20 Years of Composition (12)

In 2025, I will be 33 years old, already married and established, and become a middle-aged woman. At this time, I am full of fantasy about life, pursuit of career and desire for happiness. I, an angel in white, stir up my own "wings" and hurt myself with every feather.

In the hospital where I work, some of my colleagues are my old classmates. We help each other in our work, learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses, and relieve the pain of every patient who comes to see a doctor. I, an angel in white, serve every patient and every doctor. In my work, I worked very hard to help everyone. I try my best to show my talents, hoping to be promoted and put in an important position one day, even if I can get some bonus.

In life, I want to be strong. Everything needs to be perfect. As long as I can do it, I can do it, or others can do it. I believe I can do it, and I can do it well. I am brave, optimistic, calm and calm. When I go through difficult choices, I will calmly find the favorable side and pick out all the favorable conditions.

In my family, I usually live frugally, and use the money I save when I change my use. I live in harmony with my family and do all the housework. In the morning, I encourage the whole family to go out and do sports to keep their weight balance. After the exercise, I will certainly make a table of rich breakfast, so that the nutrition of my family is balanced. Occasionally, you can take your family with you and play outside to enhance the harmonious relationship between them.

After 20 years, I will be an angel in white, struggling in my own position. After 20 years, I will be based in the society and become a strong woman in business. After 20 years, I will gain prestige in my family... After 20 years, my future will be bright.

I After 20 Years of Composition (13)

In 20xx, I embarked on a flight to the United States. That was my dream for a long time, and now it has finally come true. After ten years of hard work, I haven't failed. I am now an excellent professor at Peking University. I want to go abroad to study high-tech knowledge in the future.

In the past five years, I have lived and studied together with teachers and students at Peking University. I have a unique interest, experienced the unique academic atmosphere of Peking University, and personally experienced the charm of "turning into spring mud and protecting flowers".

Although I am the director of the Department of Physics of Peking University, my teachers and students regard me as a friend and share the same feelings with each other. Therefore, I try to turn my youth into a source of knowledge and flow into the heart of every student.

Never forget the lovely campus and teachers and students of Peking University after five years of hard work. Never forget the farewell scene when I got on the plane just now... It suddenly occurred to me that Peking University is the cradle of my growth, the world of my career, and the autumn of my harvest. After I finish my studies in the United States, I will return to the motherland and Peking University. I will do my best to nurture the elite of the motherland, so that they can become the pillars of the motherland and the pioneers of high-tech in modernization.

At this time, the voice of the Chinese stewardess sounded in the plane: "Please pay attention to the passengers, the plane is about to land, please fasten your seat belts..."

When I got off the plane, I stood and looked at the East. That was my motherland, my Peking University. How many students were waiting for me there. I said to them silently, "Don't worry!"! I will definitely come back to Peking University

I After 20 Years of Composition (14)

Time flies like an arrow. Twenty years later, I am now a famous architect designing an apartment in the office.

Today, I have designed many new intelligent buildings for people, such as: air stadium, undersea laboratory, deformable football field and so on. Recently, I also designed an intelligent prison, which can monitor every move of prisoners anytime and anywhere. The exterior wall of this building is a new type of automatic identification plastic, which can identify different people entering the gate by itself. If someone wants to enter illegally, the automatic identification plastic will lock the face of the suspect and trigger an alarm and send personnel to arrest the prisoner. It is even more impossible for prisoners to escape from prison. This building uses a kind of reflective glass as the window. This kind of window is black and opaque from the outside, but you can clearly see the outside from the inside. In addition, this kind of glass can also be zoomed in and out. The interior of the building is guarded by robots, and has advanced systems such as electronic prison doors. The guards can monitor all situations from inside and outside. The gate has a face recognition and fingerprint recognition system, and such an intelligent monitoring system can be said to be foolproof.

It is through years of hard work that I have achieved my current 'results. After unremitting study and countless examinations, I finally became an outstanding architect. When I first started my career, I went to various places to visit and study famous representative buildings, and visited famous architects at that time to learn advanced design methods from them, and absorbed them into my own design philosophy. In the end, I finally stood out and became a successful designer.

Recently, I was invited to participate in the International Architects Competition, and my design of the offshore mobile vacation platform won the gold medal, which made me very proud.

Although this is just my dream for myself in 20 years, I believe that as long as I study hard and forge ahead, my dream will come true one day.

I After 20 Years of Composition (15)

"DidDidi" A luxurious car honked its horn, a beautiful lady got out of the car and wore a pair of sunglasses into the dance room. That person was me, Ma Shiqi. Twenty years later, I became a dance teacher.

Before the students came, I sat leisurely on the glittering sofa and said, "Yuan Yuan!" The robot Yuan Yuan came over five seconds later and said, "Master, please tell me." I stretched out a finger and said, "A cup of tea is OK." The robot immediately brought me a cup of steaming tea. After drinking the tea, the students arrived again and again, I raised the watch on my wrist and looked at it. It was time for class. I got up and immediately changed into a luxurious dance dress. I slowly walked over and said with a smile, "Hello, students, today we are going to practice kicking. Who would like to try it first?" "I, I......" Just heard the students say in unison, and then I called a little girl named Zhang Mawei, I held her leg and shouted 123 kicks. Her legs were straight and straight, and her main leg was not bent at all. He was really good at being a dancer. "Next..." With the slogan, all the students finished. Seeing that they were so tired that they fell down, I let them rest for ten minutes. When the time came, we continued to learn the next content, and time passed by, The students sweated from practice one by one, and their dancing clothes were soaked.

After class, the students waved goodbye to me one by one and left. I pressed the red button of the dance room, and the dance room was immediately cleaned. There was no smell of sweat before, but also a faint fragrance.

Out of the dance room, I got into the driverless car and went home.

I After 20 Years of Composition (16)

Twenty years later, as a Chinese living in a foreign country, I smelled the smell of mango and thought of my hometown, Tiandong.

After breakfast, I set foot on the road back to my hometown, and returned to my long lost hometown. I was amazed by the scenery in front of me. I took a spaceship to visit the scenery twenty years later. The houses are strange in shape, including mushrooms, apples and multilateral shapes. One of the characteristics of these houses is the earthquake prevention system. As long as there is an earthquake, the alarm will sound. As long as people press the safety button, a propeller will protrude from the roof of the house, taking the whole house to the sky. When the earthquake stops, the house will fall to the ground again, and people will start a new life. I also found a garage beside each house. I went closer and looked carefully. It turned out that there was an airplane inside, but it was a mini brand. People called it a small airship. Its body shape was about the size of a van, but its speed was not inferior to the current plane. Its speed could fly 800 to 900 meters per second, and it could fly more than 1200 meters, Moreover, it is light and foldable. It does not need an airport or runway. It can take off and land anytime, anywhere. It is very convenient to go anywhere. What amazed me most was a suspension bridge. The suspension bridge had three floors. The first floor was a sidewalk. There were two large televisions on both sides of the bridge. When pedestrians were tired, they could sit down to watch TV or enjoy the scenery and relax. The second floor is the world of cars. The cars here are solar powered and very environmentally friendly. The third floor is the airport. I can't believe it. This bridge can grow bigger and smaller, and can hold 50 small airships.

Seeing the changes in their hometown, people are living a well-off life, and their hearts are blooming with happiness. It is the Party's policy of enriching the people that makes everyone live a happy life.

I can't imagine what my hometown will be like in another twenty years. However, I believe it will be better. I left my hometown with tears again.

I After 20 Years of Composition (17)

I will be a top inventor 20 years later. I have invented many things. Let me introduce them to you!

Because of the advanced science and technology, many people have bought cars, and many areas have air pollution. I invented a machine, which I named "exhaust gas processor". Put it at the rear of the car. It works 24 hours a day. It sucks in the exhaust gas. After disinfection and processing, it emits fresh air. Do you know where its energy comes from? It absorbs waste gas and converts energy. It is not afraid of rain because it is waterproof. In this way, the "exhaust gas processor" I invented has eliminated air pollution in the world.

I also invented a house that can move by itself. With it, you don't have to worry about moving. It can move there according to where you like. It can also protect against the wind and rain, and can also prevent earthquakes.

I also invented???

This is me 20 years later.