400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (19 collections)
Dragon Warrior Rise
2024-06-22 00:43:04

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (1)

Childhood is like a song. Every note is a wonderful melody; Childhood is picturesque, and the painting outlines the childish moment; Childhood is a pure land without barnyard grass. Childhood, just like the stars, boundless; Just like stars, let the dark night shine. Open the gate of memory, and the memories of childhood come like surging waves.

Childhood is both fearless and taboo free, but more ignorance. I do not know that because of this ignorance, I have made countless stories that make people laugh and laugh.

I remember that day, I climbed out of the window, staring at the misty, drizzling rain. Suddenly, my eyes flashed. It seems that he has found a new land and rushed out of his home. I saw a cat that was my Xiaobai. Its white fur was splashed with mud and water. It looked dirty and wet. I approached it carefully, and tried to hold it, but it dodged away quickly. When he found me approaching, he immediately arched his body, his eyes were round, and his mouth purred intermittently. I didn't want to be outdone and stare back, just stand still and refuse to yield. There was only the sound of rain, but the good times didn't last long. Xiaobai suddenly gave a cry. Xiaobai turned around gracefully, cocked his hairy tail, and was ready to disappear in the rain. I thought it was bad. A brisk walk stretched out his hand and pulled his tail. He turned around alertly and quickly. Looking at me who fell to the ground doubtfully, I held back the pain and sobbed in my heart: The cat didn't catch it, I fell down. I really lost my wife and lost my army! I stood up dejectedly, ignoring Xiaobai, and ran home in confusion.

Childhood foolishness is the best memory. When there is little memory left, I still think of my stupid things in the same year.

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (2)

One thing is unforgettable in my mind. It happened in my childhood. Next, I will tell you something interesting about my childhood.

My brother and I played ball one week. We had a good time. Suddenly, my brother's ball flew over my shoulder and hit the vase. The vase was hit by a football and fell off the cabinet. The vase was broken.

When my brother saw the vase broken, he sat on the ground and tried to do something. He was very careful. I have never seen him so careful. If only he had been so careful when he was studying. Suddenly, he thought of a way. He came to me and asked me to help him. He promised to buy me a new basketball. I reluctantly agreed, and he asked me to help him "take the blame". I thought to myself: "carrying the blame", what is "carrying the blame". As I walked, I thought about it. Before I knew it, I came to the kitchen, and suddenly I thought of a good idea.

I brought a chair, stepped on the chair, held the handle of the pot with both hands, and put all my strength to bring the pot to the ground. I put the pot on the ground, turned it over, and carried it on my back. I walked slowly to the living room, waiting for my mother to come back.

After a while, my mother came back. When she saw me carrying the pot, she asked me what was wrong. I replied to my mother: "My brother asked me to help him 'carry the blame', and I am now carrying the blame!" My mother cried and laughed at me at this time. I was really confused!

This is an unforgettable thing in my childhood.

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (3)

Speaking of childhood, everyone has a childhood. Childhood life is colorful and interesting.

I also had a childhood. One thing I wanted to forget in my childhood was that when I was five or six years old, because I was still young at that time, I vaguely remember sitting on a chair and seeing a lot of money. I asked my grandpa to buy me apples, because I like to eat big, crisp and sweet apples best. My grandpa washed the apples after buying them. I put my two chubby hands on the table and waited to eat the apple. When Grandpa handed me the apple, I bit the big apple hard. Because my teeth were not full, I had to work hard to eat the apple into my stomach. Sometimes because of the force, the apple fell to the ground and cried loudly. At this time, my father ran to me and said, "Well, my grandson doesn't cry. My grandfather not only gives you delicious food, but also gives you a funny little plane." I followed my grandfather into the house immediately. My grandfather brought me some delicious candy, a beautiful little plane, and some fruit, When I saw an apple in it, I thought it was you who killed me. I had to eat you and avenge myself. I was happily eating sugar and playing with my favorite small plane. Then my grandfather came up and said, "You can't eat more sugar. If you eat more, you will have cavities. Cavities will eat your teeth and make you hungry." At that time, I stopped eating sugar because I was a good boy and obedient, Grandpa took the sugar away.

In my childhood life, Grandpa was the best to me, always protecting me and taking care of me silently. Give me a shoulder when you are happy, and comfort me when you are sad.

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (4)

In my impression, many things happened when I was young, just like shells on the beach. Some shells recorded my happiness; Some shells recorded my troubles; Some shells make me sad; Some shells are unforgettable to me. I remember one summer, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house. I bought a big watermelon on the way, and I held it in the back. When I went to my grandmother's house, she fried several dishes and steamed rice for me. I ate a bowl and a half. After dinner, Grandma took out the big watermelon we bought, cut it into several pieces, and I ate 5 pieces. While eating, I accidentally ate a watermelon seed. I thought to myself: if I drink water, that watermelon seed will take root in my stomach, germinate, grow slowly, and then grow into a big watermelon in my stomach, and then burst my stomach

I sat by without moving or talking, pouting and looking unhappy. After a while, my mother came to me and asked me, "What's wrong with you?" I still didn't speak, just like that. Later, my grandparents also asked me. I suddenly cried "wow" and sobbed and told them what I had just thought. Everyone burst into laughter, and Grandma said, "You are so funny. You can put your heart into your stomach. It won't grow into a big watermelon."

Now I think about it, alas, how I want to return to my childhood. Those strange ideas in my childhood are still unforgettable!

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (5)

Everyone has a childhood, and there are many interesting childhood stories in every childhood. One of the interesting things in my childhood is the most unforgettable.

One summer, I went to catch cicadas with my classmates. When we catch cicadas, we usually find a cicadas hole and pick out the cicadas in the hole. I am the best at finding a knowing hole, and I rank first among my partners in terms of accuracy.

But one day, I failed and was passed on as a laughingstock by my partners. That afternoon, I went to catch cicadas with several partners, and I suddenly saw a cicadas hole. I shouted, "I found one." I was a little disappointed when my friends didn't come to watch. I carefully uncovered the soil. "Ah, the hole is really big, and the cicadas in it must not be small." I cried exaggeratedly. The partners came to watch one after another. So I performed my special skill. I squeezed my thumb and forefinger tightly together and squeezed them into the hole. The little friends formed a circle and eagerly stretched their necks. I mystified and said, "Well, I will soon reach it! The hole is really big." After a conference, I failed to pick out the cicadas. "Don't worry, I still have a way!" I directly came to the "water is full of gold" to prepare to use water to diffuse the cicadas. When I poured a bucket of water into the hole, after a while, it turned out to be a frog.

The partners burst into laughter, and I had to follow them with a embarrassed smile. However, my face has already turned into a red apple. Since then, I have never shown off my level.

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words (6)

Childhood is like a picture. It reflects my childhood every day. The most precious gift of childhood is the broken crystal ball.

Because of my parents' work, I went to No. 15 Primary School. There were no good friends or partners in the new school. So I look very lonely.

My deskmate once said, "My pen is out of water, can you lend me a pen?" I thought to myself, "I'm not familiar with him, why should I lend it to him?" So I said, "I don't have a pen." My deskmate said, "I see there is another pen in your pen box." "I don't want to lend it to you, and my pen is broken." I said impatiently, The student asked another student to borrow it.

One exam, my pen ran out of water, and I wanted to borrow it from my deskmate. But because I didn't borrow my desk mate's pen that time, I couldn't open my mouth, but finally got up the courage and said, "Can you lend me your pen? My pen has no water." My desk mate agreed and got his pen and ink into my pen. Every drop of ink has a priceless friendship.

In this way, my deskmate and I became inseparable friends. My deskmate said to me, "I may go to the countryside to study." I heard that tears kept falling down, and I planned to buy him a gift. I went to the shop and bought a crystal ball on the spot when I saw it. The next day, I took the crystal ball to school, but my deskmate had left, and the crystal ball fell on the ground and was accidentally broken.

The crystal ball is my most precious gift and also a priceless friendship. Whenever I see it broken, I think of my deskmate.

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (7)

Open the door of my memory and recall the most wonderful scenes in my life. I remember that when I was young, I stayed in the hospital every day. Either a cold or a fever. Either headache or inflammation. In short, different diseases come to me every day, and they suddenly become uninvited guests.

I remember that in a cold winter, my mother took me to walk on the road with heavy rain, but for a few minutes, I could not help the cold weather and the beating of rain. I asked my mother in a low voice: "Mom, are you coming. However, he also has a sympathetic side. That day, the nurse gave me many needles but didn't give me any. When he saw it, he immediately grabbed the needles and gave me a shot. Seeing his calm eyes, I felt much more relieved. Alas -- I finally got into it. I was in short pain, I can only rely on my mother, unknowingly, I fell asleep. Lying on my mother's shoulder, I felt the warmth of maternal love again.

"Wake up, wake up," broke my dream. I vaguely opened my eyes and saw the smiling face - it was my mother! "Let's go home," Mom said. But my feet were numb at that time. My mother carried me home without saying anything. Thank you, Mom!

Childhood is an unforgettable time. In this time, there will always be two people who constantly encourage you - Mom and Dad, thank you for accompanying me to spend my most beautiful time, thank you!

Memorable childhood composition 400 words (8)

In my impression, many things happened when I was young, just like shells on the beach. Some 'shells record my happiness; Some shells recorded my troubles; Some shells make me sad; Some shells are unforgettable to me. I remember one summer, my mother and I went to my grandmother's house. I bought a big watermelon on the way, and I held it in the back. When I went to my grandmother's house, she fried several dishes and steamed rice for me. I ate a bowl and a half. After dinner, Grandma took out the big watermelon we bought, cut it into several pieces, and I ate 5 pieces. While eating, I accidentally ate a watermelon seed. I thought to myself: if I drink water, that watermelon seed will take root in my stomach, germinate, grow slowly, and then grow into a big watermelon in my stomach, and then burst my stomach

I sat by without moving or talking, pouting and looking unhappy. After a while, my mother came to me and asked me, "What's wrong with you?" I still didn't speak, just like that. Later, my grandparents also asked me. I suddenly cried "wow" and sobbed and told them what I had just thought. Everyone burst into laughter, and Grandma said, "You are so funny. You can put your heart into your stomach. It won't grow into a big watermelon."

Now I think about it, alas, how I want to return to my childhood. Those strange ideas in my childhood are still unforgettable!

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (9)

A person's life is like a movie, but what about childhood? It is the happiest and happiest part of life. As a child, I was childish, innocent, lively and innocent, but also naughty and mischievous.

The most unforgettable thing in childhood is about the beard.

When I was a child, I was not polite at the age of 4. When I saw someone with a long beard, I called him an old man. Until that day, my parents began to educate me... This day, our family went out for a walk, and soon came to the Central Garden. Suddenly an old man walked by, and I seemed to be sensitive to white beard. I couldn't help crying out to my parents: "Mom and Dad look at the old man." Mom and Dad saw that it was an old man. I thought it was time to educate me. When I got home, my father called me and said; "Do you want to call grandpa if you see a long white beard? I nodded vaguely.

On my 5th birthday, my relatives and friends came and brought me all kinds of gifts. When it comes to dinner, I must sit at my mother's table, but my mother said; " When you grow a beard, your mother will let you sit at this table. Now you are sitting at the children's side. " I was very unhappy with my mouth pinched. Suddenly my cat ran over, and I kicked it angrily and said, "Go there, you have a beard, and sit down with adults." When adults heard that, some of them laughed and some of them spat out their food. But I don't know what happened.

Childhood is happy, happy

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words (10)

Unforgettable childhood 400 words composition 1

Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warm to your heart; Childhood is like a cup of light tea, which gives you endless aftertaste; Childhood is like a rainbow after a storm, colorful and gorgeous; Childhood is also like the afterglow after the sunset, which warmly shines on your growth. The most unforgettable thing in my childhood is listening to my mother's stories, because many interesting stories are growing with me.

When I was six or seven years old, my favorite thing was to listen to my mother's stories. My mother would take pains to tell them to me until I fell asleep. One of the stories kept fresh in my memory. The story was that in a war, a group of blue soldiers were captured by the Red Army in prison. After being released, the leader of the blue army asked a blue army, "Did you see any important information?" The blue army said, "No, but it's interesting to watch them drink water!" The blue army leader said, "Oh, let's hear it." The blue army said, "They only have one bottle of water. The red army drinks one by one, and everyone drinks one mouthful, but there is still half of the bottle left. Finally, our blue army finished drinking, ha ha." The blue army leader said, "Pack up your goods and retreat to the battlefield." "Why?" "Because the Red Army is so united and friendly, just you, even killed your teammates for an Apple. It's wishful thinking to defeat our team!" From this incident, my little heart knows a truth: a team that is united and friendly is invincible.

I grew up listening to my mother's stories in my childhood. I have heard many stories and learned many truths. I become more sensible day by day. Whenever I think of my childhood, I will thank my mother more.

Unforgettable childhood 400 words composition 2

Childhood is a string of pearls, filled with childhood and laughter; Childhood is a rainbow, weaving countless innocence and happiness; Childhood is a beautiful song, beating one by one vivid and interesting notes. This one makes me laugh when I think of it.

When I just remember something, it's fun to see my father shave. I really want to try, but my jaw is so smooth that I can't enjoy that feeling. One day, my parents set out (to work). My grandparents rested at home. I was the only one playing in the yard. It's so lonely, why not? Suddenly I heard the sound of "meow". Oh, the little cat was afraid of loneliness. I had a brainwave, why not give the little cat a beauty. First, cut its beard to make it sharp. So, I got scissors, put the kitten on the chair, and followed my father's example to put soap on the kitten. However, Xiaohuamao didn't know the good will of the people and didn't want to accept my free service, so she ran away. I managed to catch the kitten and tied it to the chair with a rope. However, the whiskers of the kitten are too long. I have tried my best to shave. Maybe this service is uncomfortable. Suddenly, there was a cry from my grandfather, and he said with a stiff face: "The cat's beard cannot be cut. If it is cut, it will not be able to measure the width of the mouse hole." I didn't know until I grew up, but the scene of the cat's beard being cut is still fresh in my memory.

Ah! Childhood is like a picture, like a song... unforgettable childhood fun, people will always be immersed in happiness.

Unforgettable childhood 400 words composition 3

Everyone has a childhood, and there are many interesting childhood stories in every childhood. One of the interesting things in my childhood is the most unforgettable.

One summer, I went to catch cicadas with my classmates. When we catch cicadas, we usually find a cicadas hole and pick out the cicadas in the hole. I am the best at finding a knowing hole, and I rank first among my partners in terms of accuracy.

But one day, I failed and was passed on as a laughingstock by my partners. That afternoon, I went to catch cicadas with several partners, and I suddenly saw a cicadas hole. I shouted, "I found one." I was a little disappointed when my friends didn't come to watch. I carefully uncovered the soil. "Ah, the hole is really big, and the cicadas in it must not be small." I cried exaggeratedly. The partners came to watch one after another. So I performed my special skill. I squeezed my thumb and forefinger tightly together and squeezed them into the hole. The little friends formed a circle and eagerly stretched their necks. I mystified and said, "Well, the hole of,, and is big enough to reach it." After a conference, I failed to pick out the cicadas. "Don't worry, I still have a way!" I directly came to the "water is full of gold" to prepare to use water to diffuse the cicadas. When I poured a bucket of water into the hole, after a while, it turned out to be a frog.

The partners burst into laughter, and I had to follow them with a embarrassed smile. However, my face has already turned into a red apple. Since then, I have never shown off my level.

Unforgettable childhood 400 words composition 4

My childhood was colorful. The interesting events that happened are as numerous as the stars. The most unforgettable one for me is this one. Let me tell you something. Listen!

It was noon on a Sunday, and my mother was taking a nap. I was only three or four years old at that time. I didn't have much fun, so I wandered around the room and came to a mirror somehow. Eh? How come there are people in front who look exactly like me? Alas, it's better not to touch me. I was shocked when I touched it. The "person" was flat and seemed to want to touch me. I hurried back a few steps. Good! How dare you learn from me? How can I deal with you. I raised my hand to fight it, but the "man" also raised his hand. This time, I was scared! He is flat and dynamic, can imitate me, and can hit people. too bad! It can't be true. It must be a monster! I quickly ran to my mother's bed and cried, "Mom, there is a monster, and it can hit me." My mother asked me what it was miraculously, but I kept pulling my mother to the mirror. It's so strange. Why is there another monster? I hid behind my mother in fear. Mom looked and laughed. I asked my mother, "Mom, what are you laughing at? Are you not afraid of it?" My mother stroked my head and said kindly, "My child, this is a mirror, not a monster at all! Look!"

After my mother said, I just understood that the mirror can "print" people inside, and people can see their own shadow from the mirror. No wonder what I do and what it does!

Now I'm not as stupid as I used to be, but I laugh every time I think about it! I believe that the funny stories of my childhood will become the most beautiful impression and the best memory in my life!

Unforgettable childhood 400 words composition 5

Childhood is colorful; Childhood, there are many beautiful reverie. Let's talk about how much I like my childhood through an unforgettable event.

In my childhood, I went skiing in ski resorts. In the morning, after a bumpy journey, we came to the ski resort. After getting off the bus, everyone received a set of skis and poles. My father hired a coach. My father should have learned from his own age. Neither Xiaohong nor I can skate, but Xiaohong can skate by herself soon. But I can't learn how. Finally, even the coach didn't have patience. He thought I was stupid and I was very sad. He sat alone and cried. Xiao Hong and his father came to comfort me. The coach was also soft hearted and decided to teach me again, but the result was not ideal.

In this way, a morning has passed and there is still a hard afternoon. I have been discouraged and do not want to move. Persuaded by many people, I was disappointed and ready to try again. After my father reviewed the skiing essentials for me once again, I slid down, and even I was surprised that I succeeded! I immediately became interested in it. I tried again and skated again... Every time I succeeded, I began to skate with vigor and taste. To be honest, thanks to my father's enlightenment!

It's been a long time, but that scene is still in my mind. It let me know the ups and downs of life, and understand a truth: life is not always smooth.

My unforgettable childhood, I love you!

Memorable childhood composition 400 words (11)

My most unforgettable day was when I was in the big class. On that day, my father came to pick me up at the kindergarten. My father told me: "My mother has given birth to my brother." My mood suddenly became elated, so I rushed to the motorcycle regardless of everything and urgently asked my father to take me to the hospital to see my brother.

After arriving at the hospital, my mother told me that my younger brother was in poor health when he was born. Now he is in the intensive care ward. Let's go to the intensive care ward. When I went to the intensive care unit, I saw the sign on the door: Please do not enter under eight years old. Eight characters, I was only five years old at that time, so I couldn't go in. Tears of sadness pierced my heart. I couldn't help feeling sad. Tears burst out of my heart and I wailed. My father didn't know what to do, so he had to take me to the small library of the hospital first.

In the library, my mood simply fell from heaven to hell. My father kept comforting me, but I kept crying and told me that she had taken a picture of my brother. My mood rose again, as if my heart had dried its tears and returned to a cheerful look. I urgently need my mother to show me the picture of my brother.

Mom, thank you for giving birth to my lovely brother. Mom, I love you. I hope you can take good care of your health. I will be filial to you in the future.

Memorable childhood composition 400 words (12)

Everyone's childhood is different, and the color is also different. Let's have a look at my colorful childhood.

At that time, I was very interesting. I remember one time when my mother and I took a bus home and arrived in Puxi, the loudspeaker played: "Puxi is here, Puxi is here..." I also pretended to call: "The hen is here." Suddenly, the people in the bus laughed their heads off.

Another time, my friend and I went to the mountain to catch tadpoles. At that time, there were so many tadpoles in the water, but somehow we caught them for a long time, and we didn't catch any. Our eyes were red with anxiety, and our small hands lined up to weave a "big net", hoping to catch some tadpoles in this way. Tadpoles swam over, and we all held our breath. One of us accidentally stumbled. One by one, we fell down one by one. I stayed there for several seconds, then we played in the water. At last, they all went ashore wet, and a group of happy "drowned chickens"! Although it was inevitable to scold him when he went back, everyone was happy.

This is my childhood fun. Did you have such a happy time in your childhood?

Memorable childhood composition 400 words (13)

Childhood is full of sunshine, which enables me to enjoy the best care in the world; Childhood is colorful, it makes my memories colorful; Childhood is interesting and rich, it gives me endless happiness.

Speaking of childhood, it reminds me of an interesting thing. One day when I was five years old, my mother bought me a lovely clay figurine. I put the little clay figurine on the bike, and the children ran over and looked at the little clay figurine with envy. I proudly showed off my little clay figurine.

When I got home, I found the little clay figurine was a little dirty. I thought to myself, "Mom will clean my clothes when she sees my clothes are dirty. I will help the little clay figurine clean when it is dirty!" I said to do it. I took a basin of water first, and then I dropped the detergent into the basin. Everything is ready. I put the clay figurine in the water to clean it. But after a while, I found that the clay figurine was missing. I cried and said, "You stinky water, give me back the clay figurine quickly!" Then my mother came back and said, "Who has offended my baby?"

This is an interesting story of my childhood. Everyone has fun stories of childhood, right?

Memorable childhood composition 400 words (14)

With the passage of time, many interesting things in my childhood have been forgotten, but some things still fresh in my memory.

This happened in my summer vacation when I was six years old. At that time, I was in my hometown. In the afternoon, I did an hour of summer homework. I stayed at home and had nothing to do. I said to my mother at work, "Mom, I wrote an hour of homework. Can you go out and play now?" My mother said to me, "OK, go out and play." I ran out of the house happily and found Xiao Hong and Xiao Ming and other friends, Say to everyone: "Let's play" blind touching "together!" My friends said with one voice, "OK!" My friends and I used stone, scissors and cloth. As a result, Xiao Ming lost. My friends found a cloth to cover Xiao Ming's eyes. Xiao Ming groped around in front of my house, but none of them was touched by Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming felt for a long time, and finally found Xiao Hong. When it was Xiao Hong's turn to be "blind", he was lucky. Soon he found another child, playing, and it was time to finish eating. My mother asked me to go back to eat, and I had to go home reluctantly.

I also played marbles with my friends. One of them went into the pit almost every time, more times than I did. I was so angry that when it was his turn, I shouted loudly, which frightened the little partner, so the marbles he sent didn't enter. I always scared him in this way, so I won.

Although it has been a long time, I will never forget it.

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words (15)

Yu Dan, a professor at Beijing Normal University, once said, "The ignorance of childhood is lovely, the ignorance of youth is ridiculous, the ignorance of youth is pitiful, and the ignorance of old age is deplorable.". In my opinion, my childhood is lovely. Let me share some interesting stories about my childhood with you.

The three of us drove to Beihai on a sunny holiday when I was only three years old. We drove from the hotel to the seaside. My father and I thought the sun was too strong, so we sat in the car. My father held me in his arms and sat on the main driver. I opened the door, which was naughty and naughty. My father closed the door. I took the trouble to open and close it again and again. When I was having fun with my father, my car key fell off. So my father angrily said to me in his arms, "You naughty devil, you lost the key." So we began to look for the key. Others were looking for a needle in a haystack, but we were looking for the key in a haystack. My parents and I were exhausted in the sand, but we still didn't find it. Do you want to know where it is? Let me reveal the answer. It's under the car chair! When I think about it now, I still can't help laughing or crying.

In my opinion, childhood is like a pond. I am a happy little fish in that pond. Childhood is a diary full of memories, recording my every bit. Childhood is a tall and straight tree, rooted in my heart.

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words (16)

In my childhood, there were many children's interests, and the most unforgettable ones were catching crickets and grasshoppers.

Once my parents went on a trip. I was only two or three years old at that time. I lived at my grandmother's house. When I saw my grandpa standing still there, I was ready to visit him. I shouted, but I didn't expect to startle me. I immediately ran to Grandma and cried. Grandma looked surprised when she saw me. What happened to my little treasure. I cried and said, "I took something from him. It's terrible. It has big wings and eyes.". Grandma said, "I'm not afraid. It's a scorpion cricket and a grasshopper.". Scared me to jump for a while, I just recovered.

Grandma said calmly, they are a kind of animals, you can fry them. It is commonly known as Luogu'er. Grandma took me to a foreign country, and I walked over carefully. When I saw such lovely little guys, they were all holding their heads high and looking forward. Grandpa, amused them to learn from tigers and roosters. They all vomited bubbles. I watched them quietly when they rested.

After dinner, my husband said that we were too happy to catch me. Grasshopper, I jumped up from the table happily.

When the night was quiet, my grandfather and I went to the yard to catch grasshoppers. My grandfather told me that he would find grasshoppers in a small hole in the ground. I was really happy to find them.

400 words of unforgettable childhood composition (17)

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words

Unforgettable childhood

There were many unforgettable things in my childhood, but one thing was deeply engraved in my mind and could not be erased. I still can not forget it.

I remember that when I was in the fourth grade, I often played with my sworn brother Luo Zihao and went home together. On the way to school on a Friday afternoon, Luo Zihao and I saw four or five people catching lobsters. We walked over to look, and Luo Zihao said, "We threw stones into the ditch and splashed water on them." I said, "OK, I really want to see them become drowned." I thought for a while, and then said to Luo Zihao, "No way! If their clothes are wet by us, they will tell their parents, and their parents will come to trouble us!" Luo Zihao said, "What are you afraid of? I will bear the responsibility if something happens. I am brave, and you dare not watch it!" After listening to Luo Zihao's words, I said, "If anyone is afraid, throw it!" Luo Zihao led me to the wrong path.

Luo Zihao threw the stone into the water at once, and the water splashed all over them. When they scolded Luo Zihao, he hit them. I think they swore at Luo Zihao and didn't notice me. I immediately threw the stone into the ditch from a distance. Ah! No, I didn't throw the stone correctly. I threw it to Luo Zihao. I shouted: "Luo Zihao, lower your head!" Luo Zihao didn't understand and didn't slow down. The stone was thrown into Luo Zihao's face. Luo Zihao broke a skin on his face and cried. I was so scared that I stood there for a while and ran home. Luo Zihao also went home crying.

When my father saw Luo Zihao like that, he asked me what happened, and I told him the truth. My father said to me, "Be careful next time!" My father went to buy a gift for Luo Zihao.

When I went to school on Monday, I saw Luo Zihao and made amends to him. He forgave me. Some of my classmates said to me, "Wang Wenhao, your martial arts skills are too high, which breaks his face." I lowered my head in shame.

Whenever I see the scar on his face, I feel deeply guilty.

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words 2

Unforgettable childhood

Love is the most beautiful thing in childhood. Love makes people warm and happy; Love is like birds singing beautiful songs as they fly through the jungle.

I remember when I was a child, I was naughty every day. At that time, I didn't understand anything. One day, I argued to ask my grandfather to pick watermelons in the field. My grandfather touched my head and obeyed me, so he left with a smile.

Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes... Alas, it's almost an hour. Why doesn't Grandpa come back? I'm a little impatient, and I'm going to go out to play. At this time, Grandpa came back with a big round watermelon. I was so excited that I almost jumped up. Grandpa held the watermelon and said, "Eat watermelon! Eat watermelon!"

Just when I got to the yard, I was startled by a voice - Grandpa fell down with a watermelon in his arms. Dad ran from the house and carried Grandpa into the house. After a while, he sent Grandpa to the hospital. Grandpa broke into a comminuted fracture. Until now, he still has a steel plate in his leg.

Whenever I recall the love from my childhood relatives, my heart is full of warmth.

What an unforgettable childhood!

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words 3

Unforgettable childhood

Everyone's childhood is colorful. In the treasure house of my childhood life, there are many memories of various activities, which are like glittering.

The luminous gems, strung into a dazzling gem necklace, constitute my colorful childhood fun.

I remember when I was in preschool: how innocent and kind I was then. Cute, after school, my mother and I went home, and I took out my homework today from my lovely little schoolbag to write. After writing, I saw that my parents were sorting out the heavy furniture. They wanted to do something for them and what they could do because they were so tired. This became a big problem. Because my body was so weak, I racked my brains to think about this problem. Finally, I had a way to bring tea and water for them. I took a cup and carefully poured water into it, At the time of delivery, suddenly, a hot water splashed on my left hand. I was stunned, shook my head, and gently removed the burned skin. A pain hit me, and I cried "wow". My parents who heard the crying rushed to me, looked at my burned hand, and sent me to the hospital without saying anything. When I got home, I lay in bed and entered the dream world in pain.

Alas, since that time, I have always been very careful when receiving hot water, just like a little mouse.

Memorable childhood composition 400 words (18)

I remember one time, I could not ride a bike, but I felt super handsome when I saw someone else riding a bike! That's why I want to learn to ride a bike. Dad told me that I had to sit on the bike to keep my balance, and then I could ride slowly. But when I sat on the bike, I found that I could not balance at all. I managed to put my feet on the front pedal of the bike and fell off. I said angrily, "Don't learn! Don't learn! Even it's so hard to master balance." My father patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't lose heart. You can succeed if you practice more." My father's words gave me confidence again, and I stepped on the bike again. This time, I thought to myself: I can do it, I can do it, I can overcome difficulties. I thought again and again in my mind. I found that this time I could keep my balance. I slowly stepped on the pedal to move forward, and I cried excitedly: "Yeah! I finally learned to ride a bike!" I turned around and saw that it was my father pushing behind together. I nearly fainted in disappointment, and fell into the lawn. After learning several failed experiences, I finally learned to ride a bike without my father's help.

Learning bicycle taught me a truth: as long as you don't admit defeat, you can succeed.

Unforgettable childhood composition 400 words (19)

Last night, I opened the photo album and suddenly saw a very strange photo. I know the man in the picture. He is my father, and there is a little boy behind his buttocks - no, it's a little girl, but it's like a little boy... Oh! My god? It can't be illegitimate! I angrily called my father and asked him. His face was innocent and he said, "That, that, that's you!" "What, what?" It sounds like my father was thunderstruck in sunny days. I collapsed on the ground. "I am so beautiful, how can I... What's more, I should be bald! How can I be so miserable...~~~~" I was sad, my father's description and my own memories finally understood the story.

It turned out that on the National Day when I was four years old, more than ten people (all relatives of brothers, sisters and brothers) went to Ke Yan Scenic Area to visit. That's me, my hair is little and yellow, so my parents shaved my head, that is to say, my hair will grow more and more black in the future. I took my father's hand and strolled in the park. When I was bored, the advertising banner on the roadside flower bed attracted my attention. My father understood my mind and pulled it down. I joyfully held the flagpole, carried it on my back, and swaggered forward. Look, what a brave and brave "tomboy", with the light of wisdom shining on his bare forehead, a pair of arrogant eyes, and a dirty skirt, but with a unique temperament. Pedestrians on the road looked at me blankly. I didn't say anything, but my heart was happy; Ha ha, envy? Jealousy? How powerful I am! You can't match me! How beautiful my flag is! Who has it? Who has! Hum! At the thought of this, I could not help giggling, drooling down three thousand feet, and my clothes were wet.

With a "click", my silly style was saved and became an indelible memory.

"Shh", you have to laugh quietly. I can only tell you about this! To be honest, I thought I was very powerful at that time, and I was very proud to be in the limelight. In retrospect, I am so ashamed