Looking Back at the Past (10 Practical Essays)
Move in another direction
2024-06-24 01:47:09

Looking Back at the Past (1)

Looking back on the way back

Looking back at the road in the past, I found that it was sunny. Walking on the sunny path every day, I would not feel cold, nor lonely. My parents are like angels by my side, let joy accompany me every day. So, I enjoy the sunshine carefree

When I was 5 years old, I was still in the middle class of kindergarten. That summer, I had a high fever for the first time and had to go to the hospital. Facing the nurse aunt with a mask and a syringe in her hand, I felt inexplicable fear. I tried my best to push her away and ran out unsteadily. My mother followed me and patted me on the shoulder. I turned around while wiping my tears. My mother wiped the tears on my face with her soft hand, smiled and extended the other hand to me, I felt a special sense of security. I know that as long as I hold my mother's hand, I will not be afraid of anything. When the needle pierced my blood vessel, I trembled my young body. At this moment, my father came forward, took my other hand, and held me in his arms. At that moment, I felt satisfied.

In the past 13 years, it was my parents who helped me through the spring, summer, autumn and winter with their hands. Now, at the age of 14, I finally understand that the eagle's wings are hard and plump, and it should fly into the sky by itself. When injured, I will bravely comfort my sad heart; When I fall, I will beat the dust off my body with my hands and stand up tenaciously. Let go of my parents' hands, and I will walk all the way down to the vast sky. Then, like my parents holding my hand, I will hold their aging hands with my powerful hands and walk into the beautiful spring together.

Looking back at the past, I feel more clear. What I need to do is to continue to walk my present road and the future road. To light, to joy, to move forward, to move forward

Looking back on the way back

The years passed so fast that I stretched out my hands to catch it, but found it was just in vain. Looking up at the sky and seeing the wild geese flying to the south, I feel deeply. Looking back, it seems that it has been a long time. But I was confused. What have I done on this road for more than ten years.

Along the way, I seem to have forgotten my original intention and why I left. I don't know if I made the right choice at the fork in the road. The scenery along the way is what gives me the most headache. It always used all kinds of means to lure me and lead me to the abyss, so that I only saw endless darkness when I looked back at the road.

I have been in school for eight years, but my heart has never been quiet. Games, computers, televisions, and various invitations from classmates have become stumbling blocks on the road. I know that I will get hurt if I fall down, but the scenery along the way is so beautiful that I seem to be possessed by it, step by step, and then led to the abyss.

After learning the electronic piano for several years, at first, my interest gave me strength, but later, I went farther and farther, and no matter how much interest I had, I would not be stubborn. I stood at a high place and tried to look into the distance to see if there was a paradise, but no matter how hard I tried to see it, it was just a mist. At this time, the scenery along the way shouted at me with a deep voice, which was very tempting, My mind was confused by it, and my eyes were full of longing. Once again, I walked towards it step by step like a puppet, and then I was led to the abyss.

Later, I went to junior high school and devoted myself to learning. One day, I suddenly woke up, opened the shackles of temptation, and ran all the way back to the right path. The teacher's words, "Young people don't work hard, old people are sad", have been lingering in my ears again and again, but with the aggravation of my studies, I feel physically and mentally exhausted again. "Take a rest for a while." I think so. Then, without the consent of any one, my huge body fell straight on the road to success. Soon, the students behind quickly overtook me, crossed my body, stepped on my body, and ran far away, as if the end was not far ahead. However, when I vaguely opened my hazy eyes and tried to open them wide to see how far I was from the destination, I only saw the dark crowd in front of me. I sighed and looked at the scenery along the way again. It called me again, with infinite temptation in its hoarse voice. Once again, I was confused, and with all my strength, I climbed to the scenery along the way, and then I was led to the abyss. As time goes by, I have been walking for a long time. Looking back at the road when I came, I was confused. Those who love me call me deeply with love again and again, and let me return to the right track. I look forward to the future. Some are struggling, some are struggling, some are falling. I know that if I want to succeed, I want to surpass others, I still have the possibility. As long as I stand up and take the first step bravely, then I can't help but take the next step, Then run on the road to success. So, my feet accepted the command of my brain and took the first step, then the second step... Then, I ran! Surpass them, run to success, run to light!

Looking back on the way back

Seventeen years ago, I came to this world. The first cry broke the silence, and a small life came.

Seventeen years later, I sat here. With black hair and yellow skin, I, like the people beside me, have gone from the era of crooked footprints to the present era with sonorous steps. I am growing up, and there are many vulgar statements, but the truth tells me that the most vulgar statement is the most real process of my life.

When I was one and a half years old, I learned to walk. It seemed that I was a little slower than others. So the crooked figure is fixed in the yellowed picture. With big round eyes, bald head and red face, my sister said I was like a rest.

At the age of four, my mother took me to work in the hospital. My aunt met me and asked me what your name was? I said my name is Mimi. Alas, I have forgotten all the things decades ago. I doubt that my brain is not fully developed. Then why do other people's children remember things when they are 2 years old? Why do I remember things until I am 6 years old? I also told my aunt that I had the same name as the kitten! Faint!

At the age of seven, I went to school and sat in the classroom I had been longing for for a long time. I study very hard. I go home with double hundred marks every day. At the end of the semester, I get the certificates of the top three winners for sugar. So now my mother says every day, "What's the top three in primary school? I haven't got good grades in primary school since high school, and my study is getting worse and worse." I have no choice but to let it go, otherwise it will cause a storm!

Fifteen years old, I want to take the high school entrance exam. SARS makes us not like human beings and ghosts not like ghosts. After studying at home for a month, I cancelled the exam of Wen, Li and Zong at a notice. So I lamented the passage of youth. I carried a big bag on my back and boarded the train. Only then did I know that the middle school entrance exam was coming the next day. Other people's hearts will jump out of tension, but I have leisure to go shopping. Of course, I didn't pass the exam. I played for two months. I went to high school, my best friend left me, and I only shed tears a month after the beginning of school.

Sixteen years old, I was a sophomore. I like to write something, but I don't know when I learned silence and melancholy. I often choose a sunny and warm afternoon to read a book, listen to a song and think about myself. Echoes around us are wonderful or dull scenes. I hold a lot of loneliness in my hands, those I want may never belong to me. I know that when I open my hand, it is empty inside.

Some people say that the other way to be mature is to grow up.

My friend told me that it is not too much trouble, but that our mind is not open enough, not too little happiness, but that we do not know how to live.

In fact, after a long time, you will wonder whether such a thing has happened and what the original persistence is for.

A person quietly looks back on the road when he came back, those sweet and sour, it was too late to taste at that time. In the coming days, when he casually recalls, in fact, those forgotten are what we care about.

The rain is not afraid of the wind, and it is most beautiful not to wake up.

Looking back on the way back

Time is like a galloping horse. In a twinkling of an eye, we are all far behind. Life is also like browsing a book, which is a year. Sometimes, I will follow the way of coming to recall the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy along the way.

That was two years ago. In an exam, I was full of confidence and full of confidence to get a high score. But the next day, when the results were delivered, my mood suddenly fell to a low point of "78" points! This time I lost my reputation. I was so negative for a long time. I had no confidence in myself until that day

I went to school by bus. There were a lot of people on the bus. I was so depressed that I leaned against my seat to pass the time. The car stopped. A woman on the platform took her child to get on the bus. The child caught my attention. He had messy hair, dark, but looked very tender. His small face was embedded with two small dark shiny eyes. I don't know why he was so stiff, but from time to time he was shining with an inexplicable light that made people happy and confident. The clothes are big and old-fashioned and look very cute. There are two small steps to get on the bus. It is not necessary for adults to cross two steps, but it is more difficult for a "child" who is less than one meter tall to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger! The child walked to the bus step by step and swayed to the front of the stairs. He just raised his foot and sat on the ground because of his unstable center of gravity. At this moment, he was like a overturned watermelon worm, very frightened and helpless. How he wished his mother could pull him! His mother looked at him silently with a smile of encouragement, as if to say: "My child, stand up by yourself. My mother believes you can do it, and you can stand up by yourself!" So the child used his small and tender hands to support the ground, suddenly turned over and stood up again, patted the dust on his body, and continued to prepare to step on the bus again. This time, he first grabbed the handrail with one hand, clenched his teeth, and pushed his foot hard. The other foot stepped up the first step. Then he felt relieved, stood slightly steady, took a deep breath, and grasped the other handrail with the other hand. In this way, he pulled with both hands, lifted the front foot, pushed the back foot, and rushed forward with his own inertia, He climbed the second step steadily. At this time, his face was red, his hair was slightly wet and sweaty, and his dark eyes were shining with optimism, confidence and success. He smiled happily, and his mother looked at him with approving eyes. What a great mother she was! My heart is shocked! I was impressed by the boy's spirit of fearing difficulties and setbacks, and moved by the mother's deep love for the child!

Countless times I fell down and stood up, like a traveler in the desert, stumbled to find my own way. I have learned that there are both wind and rain in life. As long as we firmly believe in ourselves, every standing is a rainbow in life.

Looking back on the way back, there are sunshine and wind and rain; There are fragrant grass and thorns; Looking back on the past road, happiness and sadness intertwined, happiness and pain hand in hand. I believe that climbing is the way of life. I must stick to it and leave a trail of struggle behind me. With dreams and confidence, I walked all the way.

Looking back on the way back

Finally, I have a chance to stay away from the noisy world and sit in the quiet corner with a faint purple halo, looking back at my journey.

Keren's smile, carefree. This is my childhood. It seems so silly, so cute, as if all the disputes in the world have nothing to do with me. Otherwise, I won't hold the toy in my hand in class, otherwise, I won't care nothing about losing to others, otherwise, I won't play with the doll and immerse myself in a person's world

The innocent smile was sealed by two thoughtful eyes. A mature face seemed thoughtful. That was me a few years later. At that time, I was the leader of my class, and my classmates were all in awe of me. However, I was uneasy and helpless because of my poor performance. I have a strange sense of dislocation. I began to think about my own situation and life, and began to seek a way out, and find my position in the vast sea of people. I know that only knowledge and wisdom can change everything, so I worked hard day and night, and finally I took the first place. I smiled, very firm, I am no longer at a loss.

Sow seeds. Cultivate. Grow up. It bloomed. It bears sweet autumn fruits. I thought that this would be the end, and everything would be smooth, but I forgot that even if it became fruit, it would still be baptized by wind and rain, and exposed to the sun.

The contemplative eyes disappeared. There was a desolate figure standing there, alone, bearing the pain of the thorns that pierced the heart, alone against the cold wind like a knife, alone waiting for the coming night, and being enveloped with something.

Whose back is that? Before I knew it, the noise in front of me woke me up. The students were drowning someone: Hey, have you been trampled on by a donkey? First place again

I sat in the corner and enjoyed the scene without me. "The first" was what I desperately pursued, but now it is neglected. I smiled quietly, without too much pain or anxiety.

Now, I feel I can let go of some things. It's not that I don't want to make progress. I just want to make my life less hurried, less tired and less utilitarian. Just want to taste more of the sweetness of life in the insipid, rather than experience the excitement of the wind and waves.

How many wonderful things are there, but you will never be the protagonist. It is a kind of happiness to enjoy them quietly. Who can say that the plain life is not good, and who can say that it is wrong to value the process of life rather than the result? I don't want to force it, just want to go on naturally, step by step

That's it. Step on each footprint calmly and calmly, enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, taste the holy water of life, let laughter sway with the wind, and let tears drift away with the wind.

Sitting in a corner, it is very quiet, as if far away from the noise, looking at yourself along the way, a shallow smile ripples away with the smoke, very comfortable!

Looking back on the way back

On the hot and dusty road, my hair was curled by baking, and my pores were filled with gravel. I looked back at the vast Gobi, the hardships along the way, and the sweetness given by my partners.

In the first day of junior high school, we made a good marriage with our primary school graduation certificates, from introverted to publicity, from timid to generous. We witnessed the process of opening our hearts to each other in this winter and summer.

The playground is full of our childish spirit. We have dirty knees and broken wrists. We still enjoy it, grin coyly, get up and continue to run. We also saw the seniors and sisters marching seriously towards the mysterious floor, so we pretended to be arrogant, but were amused by ourselves.

After the hard wait, we finally went to the second day of the junior high school day and night. It suddenly dawned on us that the second day of the junior high school was not as tall as we had imagined. We just wanted to muddle through the year of coming down, but we were confused by abc's formula. The teacher began to prepare for the middle school entrance exam. We were enlightened. We knew what the middle school entrance exam was, but we were still not slow, I didn't care much on the way to study.

On the third day of the junior high school, the senior high school entrance exam is coming. We wake up as if in a dream. The atmosphere is tense for the first time. When we close the door, we can only hear the rustling of writing and the thoughtful smacking of the lips in the classroom. Everyone's desk is full of extracurricular examination papers for review. After class, we unconsciously become self-study, just trying our best for three years to review.

Looking down from the roof of the building, I saw the students playing happily on the playground. It suddenly occurred to me that I had left the third day of junior high school. It was the heavy pressure that brought me such a steady pace.

The tight time always passes quickly, and then we are promoted to the last semester of the third day of junior high school. This is a depressing semester. Except for books and test papers, nothing else seems to exist in our heart. Everyone knows what the high school entrance exam means. That is the shortcut and the only way in the future.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent.

We set a good posture, usher in a hundred day oath, and strive for a hundred days to make youth without regret.

Now we are about to step on that bumpy runway. Looking back at the road we have walked all the way, we are full of bitter and happy roads, and we are inexhaustible.

Looking Back at the Past (2)

Looking back on the way back

Along the way, I saw the blue sky and white clouds, suffered heavy rain, met happiness, and suffered pain. Looking back on the road when we came back, the clearest footprints were left when we cried in pain on rainy days. It turns out that the most impressive thing is the pain.

From babbling to independent life, it seems to be just a blink of an eye now, but when you are in it, you will know the long and bitter growth. When I was young, I always hoped that time would go faster and grow taller. But as we know more and more things, we are more afraid of the passage of time and the unknown future. However, all the fears are slowly receding under the promotion of time, gradually becoming calm and comfortable.

Maybe what I said about pain is nothing but moaning about illness in the eyes of others, but what I think is important is not how much pain has been, but what kind of growth has been achieved after the pain. It is because I have experienced these things that I have become stronger in the process of getting hurt again and again, so that I can no longer rely on others. After experience, I know that some things can only be undertaken alone, and others can't help, and they are not necessarily willing to help; Some things can only be hidden in the heart, others will not understand, nor necessarily want to understand. The more I grow up, the more I know that there are too few people around me who can understand me. I can't wait for others to understand me, so I learn to heal myself.

All experiences will become the wealth of my life. I will cherish the happiness and happiness I have enjoyed, and remember the sadness and pain I have suffered. I'm glad I can stick to it until now. Looking back on the way I came back, I realized that the reason why I never gave up was stubborn in my bones. It is this kind of stubbornness that makes me learn to be patient, independent, strong and cherish.

Looking back on the way back

The years passed so fast that I stretched out my hands to catch it, but found it was just in vain. Looking up at the sky and seeing the wild geese flying to the south, I feel deeply. Looking back, it seems that it has been a long time. But I was confused. What have I done on this road for more than ten years.

Along the way, I seem to have forgotten my original intention and why I left. I don't know if I made the right choice at the fork in the road. The scenery along the way is what gives me the most headache. It always used all kinds of means to lure me and lead me to the abyss, so that I only saw endless darkness when I looked back at the road.

I have been in school for eight years, but my heart has never been quiet. Games, computers, televisions, and various invitations from classmates have become stumbling blocks on the road. I know that I will get hurt if I fall down, but the scenery along the way is so beautiful that I seem to be possessed by it, step by step, and then led to the abyss.

After learning the electronic piano for several years, at first, my interest gave me strength, but later, I went farther and farther, and no matter how much interest I had, I would not be stubborn. I stood at a high place and tried to look into the distance to see if there was a paradise, but no matter how hard I tried to see it, it was just a mist. At this time, the scenery along the way shouted at me with a deep voice, which was very tempting, My mind was confused by it, and my eyes were full of longing. Once again, I walked towards it step by step like a puppet, and then I was led to the abyss.

Later, I went to junior high school and devoted myself to learning. One day, I suddenly woke up, opened the shackles of temptation, and ran all the way back to the right path. The teacher's words, "Young people don't work hard, old people are sad", have been lingering in my ears again and again, but with the aggravation of my studies, I feel physically and mentally exhausted again. "Take a rest for a while." I think so. Then, without the consent of any one, my huge body fell straight on the road to success. Soon, the students behind quickly overtook me, crossed my body, stepped on my body, and ran far away, as if the end was not far ahead. However, when I vaguely opened my hazy eyes and tried to open them wide to see how far I was from the destination, I only saw the dark crowd in front of me. I sighed and looked at the scenery along the way again. It called me again, with infinite temptation in its hoarse voice. Once again, I was confused, and with all my strength, I climbed to the scenery along the way, and then I was led to the abyss. As time goes by, I have been walking for a long time. Looking back at the road when I came, I was confused. Those who love me call me deeply with love again and again, and let me return to the right track. I look forward to the future. Some are struggling, some are struggling, some are falling. I know that if I want to succeed, I want to surpass others, I still have the possibility. As long as I stand up and take the first step bravely, then I can't help but take the next step, Then run on the road to success. So, my feet accepted the command of my brain and took the first step, then the second step... Then, I ran! Surpass them, run to success, run to light!

Looking back on the way back

Seventeen years ago, I came to this world. The first cry broke the silence, and a small life came.

Seventeen years later, I sat here. With black hair and yellow skin, I, like the people beside me, have gone from the era of crooked footprints to the present era with sonorous steps. I am growing up, and there are many vulgar statements, but the truth tells me that the most vulgar statement is the most real process of my life.

When I was one and a half years old, I learned to walk. It seemed that I was a little slower than others. So the crooked figure is fixed in the yellowed picture. With big round eyes, bald head and red face, my sister said I was like a rest.

At the age of four, my mother took me to work in the hospital. My aunt met me and asked me what your name was? I said my name is Mimi. Alas, I have forgotten all the things decades ago. I doubt that my brain is not fully developed. Then why do other people's children remember things when they are 2 years old? Why do I remember things until I am 6 years old? I also told my aunt that I had the same name as the kitten! Faint!

At the age of seven, I went to school and sat in the classroom I had been longing for for a long time. I study very hard. I go home with double hundred marks every day. At the end of the semester, I get the certificates of the top three winners for sugar. So now my mother says every day, "What's the top three in primary school? I haven't got good grades in primary school since high school, and my study is getting worse and worse." I have no choice but to let it go, otherwise it will cause a storm!

Fifteen years old, I want to take the high school entrance exam. SARS makes us not like human beings and ghosts not like ghosts. After studying at home for a month, I cancelled the exam of Wen, Li and Zong at a notice. So I lamented the passage of youth, carried a big bag on my back and boarded the train. Only then did I know that the middle school entrance exam was coming the next day. Other people's hearts will jump out of tension, but I have leisure to go shopping. Of course, I didn't pass the exam. I played for two months. I went to high school, my best friend left me, and I only shed tears a month after the beginning of school.

Sixteen years old, I was a sophomore. I like to write something, but I don't know when I learned silence and melancholy. I often choose a sunny and warm afternoon to read a book, listen to a song and think about myself. Echoes around us are wonderful or dull scenes. I hold a lot of loneliness in my hands, those I want may never belong to me. I know that when I open my hand, it is empty inside.

Some people say that the other way to be mature is to grow up.

My friend told me that it is not too much trouble, but that our mind is not open enough, not too little happiness, but that we do not know how to live.

In fact, after a long time, you will wonder whether such a thing has happened and what the original persistence is for.

A person quietly looks back on the road when he came back, those sweet and sour, it was too late to taste at that time. In the coming days, when he casually recalls, in fact, those forgotten are what we care about.

The rain is not afraid of the wind, and it is most beautiful not to wake up.

Looking back on the way back

Time is like a galloping horse. In a twinkling of an eye, we are all far behind. Life is also like browsing a book, which is a year. Sometimes, I will follow the way of coming to recall the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy along the way.

That was two years ago. In an exam, I was full of confidence and full of confidence to get a high score. But the next day, when the results were delivered, my mood suddenly fell to a low point of "78" points! This time I lost my reputation. I was so negative for a long time. I had no confidence in myself until that day

I went to school by bus. There were a lot of people on the bus. I was so depressed that I leaned against my seat to pass the time. The car stopped. A woman on the platform took her child to get on the bus. The child caught my attention. He had messy hair, dark, but looked very tender. His small face was embedded with two small dark shiny eyes. I don't know why he was so stiff, but from time to time he was shining with an inexplicable light that made people happy and confident. The clothes are big and old-fashioned and look very cute. There are two small steps to get on the bus. It is not necessary for adults to cross two steps, but it is more difficult for a "child" who is less than one meter tall to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger! The child walked to the bus step by step and swayed to the front of the stairs. He just raised his foot and sat on the ground because of his unstable center of gravity. At this moment, he was like a overturned watermelon worm, very frightened and helpless. How he wished his mother could pull him! His mother looked at him silently with a smile of encouragement, as if to say: "My child, stand up by yourself. My mother believes you can do it, and you can stand up by yourself!" So the child used his small and tender hands to support the ground, suddenly turned over and stood up again, patted the dust on his body, and continued to prepare to step on the bus again. This time, he first grabbed the handrail with one hand, clenched his teeth, and pushed his foot hard. The other foot stepped up the first step. Then he felt relieved, stood slightly steady, took a deep breath, and grasped the other handrail with the other hand. In this way, he pulled with both hands, lifted the front foot, pushed the back foot, and rushed forward with his own inertia, He climbed the second step steadily. At this time, his face was red, his hair was slightly wet and sweaty, and his dark eyes were shining with optimism, confidence and success. He smiled happily, and his mother looked at him with approving eyes. What a great mother she was! My heart is shocked! I was impressed by the boy's spirit of fearing difficulties and setbacks, and moved by the mother's deep love for the child!

Countless times I fell down and stood up, like a traveler in the desert, stumbled to find my own way. I have learned that there are both wind and rain in life. As long as we firmly believe in ourselves, every standing is a rainbow in life.

Looking back on the way back, there are sunshine and wind and rain; There are fragrant grass and thorns; Looking back on the past road, happiness and sadness intertwined, happiness and pain hand in hand. I believe that climbing is the way of life. I must stick to it and leave a trail of struggle behind me. With dreams and confidence, I walked all the way.

Looking back on the way back

Finally, I have a chance to stay away from the noisy world and sit in the quiet corner with a faint purple halo, looking back at my journey.

Keren's smile, carefree. This is my childhood. It seems so silly, so cute, as if all the disputes in the world have nothing to do with me. Otherwise, I won't hold the toy in my hand in class, otherwise, I won't care nothing about losing to others, otherwise, I won't play with the doll and immerse myself in a person's world

The innocent smile was sealed by two thoughtful eyes. A mature face seemed thoughtful. That was me a few years later. At that time, I was the leader of my class, and my classmates were all in awe of me. However, I was uneasy and helpless because of my poor performance. I have a strange sense of dislocation. I began to think about my own situation and life, and began to seek a way out, and find my position in the vast sea of people. I understand that only knowledge and wisdom can change everything, so I worked hard day and night, and finally I took the first place. I smiled, very firm, I am no longer at a loss.

Sow seeds. Cultivate. Grow up. It bloomed. It bears sweet autumn fruits. I thought that this would be the end, and everything would be smooth, but I forgot that even if it became fruit, it would still be baptized by wind and rain, and exposed to the sun.

The contemplative eyes disappeared. There was a desolate figure standing there, alone, bearing the pain of the thorns that pierced the heart, alone against the cold wind like a knife, alone waiting for the coming night, and being enveloped with something.

Whose back is that? Before I knew it, the noise in front of me woke me up. The students were drowning someone: Hey, have you been trampled on by a donkey? First place again

I sat in the corner and enjoyed the scene without me. "The first" was what I desperately pursued, but now it is neglected. I smiled quietly, without too much pain or anxiety.

Now, I feel I can let go of some things. It's not that I don't want to make progress. I just want to make my life less hurried, less tired and less utilitarian. Just want to taste more of the sweetness of life in the insipid, rather than experience the excitement of the wind and waves.

How many wonderful things are there, but you will never be the protagonist. It is a kind of happiness to enjoy them quietly. Who can say that the plain life is not good, and who can say that it is wrong to value the process of life rather than the result? I don't want to force it, just want to go on naturally, step by step

That's it. Step on each footprint calmly and calmly, enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way, taste the holy water of life, let laughter sway with the wind, and let tears drift away with the wind.

Sitting in a corner, it is very quiet, as if far away from the noise, looking at yourself along the way, a shallow smile ripples away with the smoke, very comfortable!

Looking back on the way back

On the hot and dusty road, my hair was curled by baking, and my pores were filled with gravel. I looked back at the vast Gobi, the hardships along the way, and the sweetness given by my partners.

In the first day of junior high school, we made a good marriage with our primary school graduation certificates, from introverted to publicity, from timid to generous. We witnessed the process of opening our hearts to each other in this winter and summer.

The playground is full of our childish spirit. We have dirty knees and broken wrists. We still enjoy it. We grin coyly, get up and continue to run. We also saw the seniors and sisters marching seriously towards the mysterious floor, so we pretended to be arrogant, but were amused by ourselves.

After the hard wait, we finally went to the second day of the junior high school day and night. It suddenly dawned on us that the second day of the junior high school was not as tall as we had imagined. We just wanted to muddle through the year of coming down, but we were confused by abc's formula. The teacher began to prepare for the middle school entrance exam. We were enlightened. We knew what the middle school entrance exam was, but we were still not slow, I didn't care much on the way to study.

On the third day of the junior high school, the senior high school entrance exam is coming. We wake up as if in a dream. The atmosphere is tense for the first time. When we close the door, we can only hear the rustling of writing and the thoughtful smacking of the lips in the classroom. Everyone's desk is full of extracurricular examination papers for review. After class, we unconsciously become self-study, just trying our best for three years to review.

Looking down from the roof of the building, I saw the students playing happily on the playground. It suddenly occurred to me that I had left the third day of junior high school. It was the heavy pressure that brought me such a steady pace.

The tight time always passes quickly, and then we are promoted to the last semester of the third day of junior high school. This is a depressing semester. Except for books and test papers, nothing else seems to exist in our heart. Everyone knows what the high school entrance exam means. That is the shortcut and the only way in the future.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent.

We set a good posture, usher in a hundred day oath, and strive for a hundred days to make youth without regret.

Now we are about to step on that bumpy runway. Looking back at the road we have walked all the way, we are full of bitter and happy roads, and we are inexhaustible.

Looking Back at the Past (3)

The way of coming is always unforgettable—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I know it's snowing outside the window. The snow that has not come this year has fallen like this. It's silent, and people can't follow its footsteps! I put on my clothes and wanted to have a close contact with Snow. Walking on the road, I lost my old life on the busy road. I turned aimlessly, and the snow was falling more and more heavily. At this time, I heard the children playing and fighting. It was snowball fights!

At this time, the falling snowflakes were melted by my breath. I didn't feel that I was covered by the snow water, and vaguely saw

"Hurry! Attack!" I saw a snowball hit my face, and I suddenly woke up. Isn't this my primary school classmate? This scene is very familiar! Oh, I remember, this is really a snowball fight between me and my classmates. Since this is the case, I will be merciless!

I took off my gloves, picked up the thick snow on the ground, and squeezed them repeatedly with both hands. The snow also turned into water from between my fingers because of the temperature of my hands. I tried hard to round the snowball, like a craftsman making a work of art. I didn't dare to make any 'mistakes'. At this time, I saw an opponent. I held my breath and concentrated, aimed, threw force, and blew my head! When I saw the results, I hid immediately to avoid being found by the enemy and retaliating against me!

After hiding for a while, I found that there was no sound of "fierce battle". I crept out quietly and saw that my classmates were missing. When my father in law lost his head, I felt that I was hit by bullets for no reason on my back. I looked back and saw a group of people holding snowballs, ready to fire at me! I'll run! But that's what happened. I died bravely

The light of the sun gradually scattered the haze of the snowy day, and the warm sun shone on my face. I gradually walked out of the memory. I looked at the group of happy children, and no doubt found myself in it. I looked back at my footprints, and there was another layer of snow on them. I gently swept the snow away with my hands, because I didn't want to let memories become dusty

Looking Back at the Past (4)


There is a cherry tree in my yard.

When I was a child playing in the yard, I saw a grass. At that time, childlike innocence was rampant. I went to water it every day. I didn't know what it was. I went to see it every day, talked with it, told it some stories that didn't match the foreword, and told it to grow up quickly.

When I was in kindergarten, it grew taller. It seemed more like a tree than a grass. Every day my mother picks me up. My first thing is to water it and tell it the story of my day. Standing by the tree, let my mother measure my height and tell the little tree that we should grow up together. Slowly, it grew many branches.

When I was in primary school, I finished my homework immediately after going home every day, and then ran to the tree to play games, calling a group of children to play. At the weekend, water it, tell it something you don't want your parents to know, and tell them some secrets in your heart. It is like my bosom friend. Slowly, it bloomed, pink flowers are all over the tree, very beautiful. At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, it produced many small cherries, red, sour and sweet, very delicious.

I was in junior high school, and my studies were much heavier, but I went to water it and tell it about my academic pressure, my failure in the exam, and my worries. It has grown much taller than me now and can cover me. Every day when I pass by it after school, I will habitually raise my head and look at the leaves, flowers and cherries of the trees, as if I saw another person.

This year, it bloomed again, and will bear fruit soon! I will soon be able to eat cherries, sour and sweet cherries, which are the taste of childhood, memory and growth.

Cherry tree, grow up with me, the way we came, beautiful memories, smiles on our faces.

Looking Back at the Past (5)

Looking back, I looked at the bumpy road, thinking of my countless falls, and slowly fell into infinite memories.

I remember learning information contest knowledge in primary school, and the teacher will have a test every week. However, at the beginning, I could not understand what the teacher said, so I had to learn by rote to pass the teacher's test. So that time, I recited a few variables in the program incorrectly. I looked anxiously at the screen and modified my program randomly, hoping that there would be a first line turnaround.

However, the reality is cruel. I failed that small test. The teacher was very angry and said to me that I should understand what was said in class, and I should not be perfunctory. But I don't understand, I can't explain in my heart.

How unforgettable those days were. I fell and got up again and again. But this time the fall, is painful, unforgettable pain.

In junior high school, facing the ranking posted on the wall, I shook my head helplessly.

In the second year of junior high school, I got up the courage to participate in the election of little celebrities, eager to add a colorful touch to my junior high school life. I watched the students on the stage confidently talking about their achievements and honors, and watching them full of a slide of awards, I was just disappointed.

I stood on the stage, expressing myself, hoping that someone would remember me as an inconspicuous person in the crowd. But when I saw the vote, one class only sent out one or two votes, my heart cooled.

"Just throw yourself into the palm, what if you can't reach it?" Maybe you can pay for it, but the result is not important. I comforted myself.

Looking back at the road when I came, looking at the rugged road, I thought of my falling and climbing again and again.

On this road, I fell down again and again, but I climbed up again and again stubbornly. I looked at the blue sky, forgot the pain, and strove forward, walking.

Looking Back at the Past (6)

I hurried all the way to school when the bell rang day after day. With bread and English books in hand, we will combine breakfast and recitation on this hurried way to maximize time saving.

Xu was too focused on the foreign words in his hands. At the corner of the intersection, the sharp corner of the flower bed cut across the skin. A pain from my lower leg forced me to lift up my trouser legs to check. A bright red was slowly flowing down my leg. I had to slow down

Looking back on the road, there was a golden ginkgo in the flower bed that had just been scraped. In the special fog of late autumn, its whole body was covered with withered and yellow leaves. The leaves are withering, but before touching the ground, you should still dance the most beautiful dance under the irony of the cold wind! And its branches, whether trunk or branch, bare or leaf embellishment, yellow or falling leaves on the branches, are still strong, with roots pointing straight to the sky!

The big raindrops outside the window last night washed away many yellow leaves. And this ginkgo may want to catch the last warmth of late autumn - the top leaves are still green!

In a trance, only the vivid shadow of it in midsummer remained in my memory. I do not know when, it has only the last green, and the bleak late autumn for the final struggle.

The quiet scenery changes quietly with the passage of time. Looking back, the crowd, like me who used to be mechanical, was cold and hurried, completely ignoring the changes around me. Thanks for the bright red on my shin that made me stop, aware of my own machinery and indifference.

Once upon a time, I strictly controlled my life in that accurate work schedule; Once upon a time, the rotation of the four seasons disappeared in my hurried pace, but I was unaware of it; Once upon a time, my indifference and indifference made life dull like a bowl of porridge without any seasoning, without any fun.

In retrospect, the past days were ultimately my own creation. In the future, I will slow down and feel the ripples of time in the water with my heart.

Looking back, I think it's time to make a change.

Looking Back at the Past (7)


I know it's snowing outside the window. The snow that has not come this year has fallen like this. It's silent, and people can't follow its footsteps! I put on my clothes and wanted to have a close contact with Snow. Walking on the road, I lost my old life on the busy road. I turned aimlessly, and the snow was falling more and more heavily. At this time, I heard the children playing and fighting. It was snowball fights!

At this time, the falling snowflakes were melted by my breath. I didn't feel that I was covered by the snow water, and vaguely saw

"Hurry! Attack!" I saw a snowball hit my face, and I suddenly woke up. Isn't this my primary school classmate? This scene is very familiar! Oh, I remember, this is really a snowball fight between me and my classmates. Since this is the case, I will be merciless!

I took off my gloves, picked up the thick snow on the ground, and squeezed them repeatedly with both hands. The snow also turned into water from between my fingers because of the temperature of my hands. I tried hard to round the snowball, like a craftsman making a work of art. I didn't dare to make any mistakes. At this time, I saw an opponent. I held my breath and concentrated, aimed, threw my force, and blew my head! When I saw the results, I hid immediately to avoid being found by the enemy and retaliating against me!

After hiding for a while, I found that there was no sound of "fierce battle". I crept out quietly and saw that my classmates were missing. When my father in law lost his head, I felt that I was hit by bullets for no reason on my back. I looked back and saw a group of people holding snowballs, ready to fire at me! I'll run! But that's what happened. I died bravely

The light of the sun gradually scattered the haze of the snowy day, and the warm sun shone on my face. I gradually walked out of the memory. I looked at the group of happy children, and no doubt found myself in it. I looked back at my footprints, and there was another layer of snow on them. I gently swept the snow away with my hands, because I didn't want to let memories become dusty

Looking Back at the Past (8)

The 16th birthday candle was lit, and the flickering candlelight vaguely told the ancient book of growth, everything that had happened was strange and far away.

When I tried to look for the lost time with my childhood mood, I didn't have the original feeling. Maybe it was really the past?

Is there only the eternal sun and moon, without the feeling of permanence? Isn't it true that the ancients and modern people are like flowing water, and all of them are like this when looking at the moon? I thought hard.

Maybe I was wrong, the past time has already gone with the wind, but I still obsess and seek, leaving only complex feelings and some bitter memories.

Looking at the childish face in the mirror, there is already a trace of depression and heaviness. Did life change me or did I adapt to life? The facial expression in the mirror is still blank.

When I was a child, I longed to grow up quickly. At that time, the future was a magical universe for me. Now when I grow up, I often miss my childhood life, carefree, simple and happy. Perhaps, people are just like this, always know how to cherish after losing.

Maybe growth is like this, banishing hope and flying dreams between gains and losses.

Someone once said: "Without the sun, we still have stars; without stars, we still have dreams."

Once the dream is lost, what else do we have?

Countless times I fell down, and countless times I stood up, like a traveler in the desert, stumbling to find my own way. I have learned that there are both wind and rain in life. As long as we firmly believe in ourselves, every standing is a rainbow in life.

After a period of life, I gradually understand that detachment is not escape, it is a realm of transcending oneself and being cautious.

Although the road far away is long, I am no longer confused. Carrying my luggage, I also carry countless hopes.

Get out of the upset state of mind, accumulate all the strength, like a wounded eagle, with the desire for the sky, fly again. I have no reason to give up easily. Since I have chosen the front, moving forward is my only direction.

Ignite the flame of life, and my sky resounds with the declaration of a man: Sail -- Sail!

Looking Back at the Past Road Composition (9)

The 16th birthday candle was lit, and the flickering candlelight vaguely told the ancient book of growth, everything that had happened was strange and far away.

When I look back, it has been 16 years. Looking back at the road, the footprints once left are also like footprints on the beach, becoming blurred in the ebb and flow of the tide.

When I tried to look for the lost time with my childhood mood, I didn't have the original feeling. Maybe it was really the past?

Is there only the eternal sun and moon, without the feeling of permanence? Isn't it true that the ancients and modern people are like flowing water, and all of them are like this when looking at the moon? I thought hard.

Maybe I was wrong, the past time has already gone with the wind, but I still obsess and seek, leaving only complex feelings and some bitter memories.

Looking at the childish face in the mirror, there is already a trace of depression and heaviness. Did life change me or did I adapt to life? The facial expression in the mirror is still blank.

When I was a child, I longed to grow up quickly. At that time, the future was a magical universe for me. Now when I grow up, I often miss my childhood life, carefree, simple and happy. Perhaps, people are just like this, always know how to cherish after losing.

Maybe growth is like this, banishing hope and flying dreams between gains and losses.

Someone once said: "Without the sun, we still have stars; without stars, we still have dreams."

Once the dream is lost, what else do we have?

Countless times I fell down and stood up, like a traveler in the desert, stumbled to find my own way. I have learned that there are both wind and rain in life. As long as we firmly believe in ourselves, every standing is a rainbow in life.

After a period of life, I gradually understand that detachment is not escape, it is a realm of transcending oneself and being cautious.

Although the road far away is long, I am no longer confused. Carrying my luggage, I also carry countless hopes.

Get out of the upset state of mind, accumulate all the strength, like a wounded eagle, with the desire for the sky, fly again. I have no reason to give up easily. Since I have chosen the front, moving forward is my only direction.

Ignite the flame of life, and my sky resounds with the declaration of a man: Sail -- Sail!

Looking Back at the Past (10)

Looking back at the road in the past, I found that it was sunny. Walking on the sunny path every day, I would not feel cold, nor lonely. My parents are like angels by my side, let joy accompany me every day. So, I enjoy the sunshine carefree

When I was 5 years old, I was still in the middle class of kindergarten. That summer, I had a high fever for the first time and had to go to the hospital. Facing the nurse aunt with a mask and a syringe in her hand, I felt inexplicable fear. I tried my best to push her away and ran out unsteadily. My mother followed me and patted me on the shoulder. I turned around while wiping my tears. My mother wiped the tears on my face with her soft hand, smiled and extended the other hand to me, I felt a special feeling - safety. I know that as long as I hold my mother's hand, I will not be afraid of anything. When the needle pierced my blood vessel, I trembled my young body. At this moment, my father came forward, took my other hand, and held me in his arms. At that moment, I felt satisfied.

In the past 13 years, it was my parents who helped me through the spring, summer, autumn and winter with their hands. Now, at the age of 14, I finally understand that the eagle's wings are hard and plump, and it should fly into the sky by itself. When injured, I will bravely comfort my sad heart; When I fall, I will beat the dust off my body with my hands and stand up tenaciously. Let go of my parents' hands, and I will walk all the way down to the vast sky. Then, like my parents holding my hand, I will hold their aging hands with my powerful hands and walk into the beautiful spring together.

Looking back at the past, I feel more clear. What I need to do is to continue to walk my present road and the future road. To light, to joy, to move forward, to move forward