Leap composition (7 compilations)
Walk with ease
2024-06-17 03:25:09

Leap composition (1)

After reading The Adventures of Little Carps Leap over Longmen, I can't put it down because of the wonderful, lifelike, distinctive characters, ups and downs, and the plot of the twists and turns. The book tells of the brave, enthusiastic and persistent Little Carp Bubble, who led his partners to overcome the tyranny and greed of the mangy skin snake through thousands of hardships with the help of predecessors such as Santoufeng, gathered together the dragon scale, successfully leaped over the Longmen together, and had the power of a real dragon. The rain falls on the earth, the magma solidifies, the volcano goes out, and the water world regains its former harmony and tranquility. After reading this book, I know that although the mangy skin snake has powerful skills such as poison teeth, lightning and magic, he has a dishonest mind. He wants to be the ruler of the aquarium world, and in order to leap over the Longmen Gate by any means, he lost his reason and finally destroyed himself. Even though Little Carp Bubble has suffered repeated failures and reached the end of his tether several times, he is not discouraged and good at unity, and finally succeeds in leaping over Longmen. After reading this book, I learned that people should not only have strong skills, but also have lofty ideals, and perseverance can reach the other side of victory.

Leap Composition (2)

The leap of 08

Looking forward to the arrival of 0 8

Looking forward to August

A few days ago, I was looking forward to the return of the torch to Beijing

This moment has finally arrived!

The waiting is over!

On this day, the lights are decorated and the smiles are full of style:

Foreign people gather in Beijing

Domestic people treat each other with kindness

Isn't this a big leap?

This is a leap of the Olympic Games!

This is a leap in technology!

But in my childish opinion, this is even more


Fuwa Makes Olympic Games

Blessings are everywhere

Olympic athletes are very lucky!

What about the backbone of Chinese people?

The backbone of the Chinese people has already been indomitable!

No one can defeat you. Let's hear it all!

The Olympic Games is coming, and the athletes are going on their journey!

Stepping on the auspicious clouds to the summit----

To win the championship

Accompanied by applause, we overcame the difficulties----

Let's welcome the dawn of victory!

This sentence has taken root in my heart:

----One World, One Dream


Because hosting the Olympic Games and participating in the Olympic Games is the common dream of people all over the world!

Ah! On the clear blue sky

----The rows of doves are peaceful

Again witnessed the heroism of the 29th Olympic Games

This is a new test

The Chinese will certainly carry forward the national spirit of the country on that day! High School Excellent Composition Originality Sharing Composer Network

Leap Composition (3)

The roaring wind blew fiercely. I looked at the towering stake and listened to my mother's order that I must try every means to climb up. My body gradually lost my intuition and kept saying, "I can't climb up! I can't climb up! I can't..." But my mother stared at me coldly and said, "If you don't climb up today, we won't go home." I had no choice but to nod my head, find a run-up point, and get ready.

"3, 2, 1." My heart silently read, and then I quickly ran to the 60 ° board, but just halfway, I saw the wooden pile standing in front of me, and my feet involuntarily slowed down. Needless to say, I didn't walk on the balance beam for the first time, and I didn't even climb on the plank. I haven't climbed up for several times in a row. One time I was about to climb up and slipped down from the board. I gradually found my own shortcomings: my body is too short, my feet are not long enough, and the board is too long. My body balance time is not as long as I can climb the stake, so I can not show the same action as others. I can only imitate the snail and climb up the board in a rolling way. I finally climbed onto the stake with the help of my own method and the strength of my arm.

I'm about to start walking on the balance beam. I found that the bottom of the balance beam was not a cushion, but a hard stone. I was restless, distracted, and my body seemed unable to stand up. I slowly climbed over the balance beam. Mother seemed very unhappy. She asked me to stand up and turn around to walk on the balance beam. Looking at my mother's expressionless eyes, I felt calm immediately. I slowly stood up, turned my head and walked on the balance beam. I was still frightened, afraid of falling down. Gradually I could walk freely on the balance beam and speed up gradually. I could also say that I was "leaping over the stake".

Finally, I slipped off the board. I was frightened by the command at the beginning, but later I could easily "leap" on the balance beam. I challenged more than one stake. They also challenged themselves.

Leap Composition (4)

This kind of film is popular. The box office is very high not only because of Hollywood special effects, but also because of the struggle of the leading team. This topic is really interesting. Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, machines are still unable to have human thoughts. But ten years and hundreds of years later, when machines can do this, people born in that era may be more afraid. How can the body fight against the real steel?

However, Apple President Cook believes that he is more worried about human thinking like computers.

What is a computer? It's a cold, impersonal machine. It is coded by programmers. Under the bright appearance of its display screen, there are countless cool and boring 0's and 1's

Refer to the famous Hollywood blockbuster Terminator, the father played by Stallone is a robot. He was born as a Terminator and should have no feelings. But in the process of getting along with the female leader, he regarded the female leader as his own daughter, thus he had ideas and became a man of flesh and blood. In order to protect the female owner, Dad is determined to die with the villains. How many people shed tears when his head melted in liquid metal and peeled off people's skin to expose metal; At the end of the film, it was found that the father was not dead. When the man was chasing the woman, he revealed a kind of disgust that his daughter had been taken away like all ordinary fathers, but at the same time, he was mixed with appreciation of the man, which made many people cry back to smile. Dad is just a body made of metal. But when he is infused with human thoughts, he is not just a machine. His face is full of emotions and human feelings. He is the father of his daughter and may become a grandfather in the future.

In contrast, in today's society, when a person has lost his belief, compassion and a single way of thinking, he is just a shell. He has no soul of his own, and his blood is no different from bones, machine oil and screws. If human beings really become like this, the society is doomed to be indifferent. Perhaps only the continuous accumulation of interests is left in people's minds, and the traditional virtues no longer exist. No one will have the lofty sentiments of "repaying the king on the golden platform, carrying the jade dragon to die for the king", and no one will know "the old and the old, the young and the young"

Is such a society more terrifying and chilling than artificial intelligence with human thoughts?

In the process of technological leap, remember not to lose yourself.

Leap Composition (5)

This winter vacation, my parents and I went to Chiang Mai, Thailand. We participated in many interesting activities there, among which the most unforgettable one was the last day of Jungle Leap, which was the activity of sliding from one tree to another after putting on safety equipment.

When I put on my equipment and climbed onto the platform, I was a little scared, but when I slid to the third platform, I found that it was almost the same as the sliding rope in kindergarten, but it was a little longer. As a result, I overestimated myself. Even if the coach took me along with the fifth slide, I was scared to death. You know, the fifth slide is the longest, which is 600 meters long. The seventh slide rope is very different. It let us ride a bicycle. After careful observation, I found that there are two small wheels on both sides of the car with two safety ropes, which reassured me a lot. I sat behind my mother. As soon as the coach loosened the rope, the bike ran past with her mother's screams.

The happy day is over, but I haven't played enough, so I agreed with my mother that I would play again if I went there later.

Leap Composition (6)

After an hour's drive, we came to the place where the jungle leaped. We saw a lush jungle in front of us. Walking into countless towering trees and looking up at the sky, you can vaguely see thin iron chains in the gaps at the top of the tree. Is this the jungle leap? It's too dangerous! I am afraid of heights. I am so tall that I am not scared to death! I was very nervous.

Wearing the safety rope, I walked gingerly up the shortest tree. Looking down from a height of 20 meters, my feet could not help shaking: "Will you fall into the sky so high?" I was very afraid. However, looking at my friends, my parents slid down one by one, showing a cheerful smile. I also plucked up the courage and thought: Since others can do it, I can do it too! So I closed my eyes and jumped out of the platform. "Hoo hoo" I slowly opened my eyes and found that I was flying in the air! The wind blew quickly in my ears, and I felt like a clever little monkey, swinging around among the trees. I reached out a hand and let the wind blow my body as if it had blown away my worries. I thought the terrible jungle leap was so interesting!

In a twinkling of an eye, I arrived at the end point. Looking back, I found that the iron chain was very simple. In fact, if you think you can't do something, you can only do it when you take this step. Only then will I find it is just like this!

This is really a pleasant first experience of forest leap!

Leap Composition (7)

On the day of departure, I got up early because I was full of curiosity and expectation. When we got on the bus, the scenery was endless and green fields were everywhere. When you enter the primeval forest, you will be amazed by tall trees everywhere. Unconsciously, the car stopped and arrived at the destination. I can't wait to get off the bus to see how the Jungle Leap flies. However, I didn't even see the shadow of the person who flew. Just wondering, a caretaker asked us to enter a room. When I got into the house, an uncle began to dress me in clothes with chains. It was not only noisy, but also very heavy. Later, my uncle helped me put on my helmet. My friends and I looked at each other and bent over with laughter because we looked funny. According to my father, we were like an air force in distress - poorly equipped! After wearing the clothes, the management staff let us get on the bus again, and then took us to the depths of the forest.

After getting off the bus, we climbed a small hill in line. Then I saw a big tree platform. In the middle of the platform is a tree, which is tied with two thick iron chains and extends to the distance like a wire. At the end is another big tree platform. I saw the person in front was pushed off the platform by the coach and quickly slid to the opposite side, screaming. My heart was full of fear. My mother seemed to see that I was afraid, and comforted me, "Don't be afraid. People younger than you have passed by!" Dad answered, "Yes, are you a coward?" I don't want to be a coward! In order to show my bravery, I had to brave my way to the front of the team.

It was my turn. I watched the coach put the chain button on my clothes on the iron chain above my head. I was more and more afraid, and my heart was in my throat. I was about to say "I don't want to fly", but I was pushed off the platform before the words were uttered. My body sank suddenly, and then the whole person hung in the air. I screamed in fear, because there was a cliff below, and if I fell, I would fall into the slime! After gliding for a while, I felt the wind blowing through my ears. With green mountains and trees everywhere, everything was so open and beautiful. Suddenly, I was no longer so nervous.

Jungle Leap is to fly from one platform to another. There are also links such as cable bridge, air bike riding, rapid descent, which are full of excitement. Although I felt a little afraid, I still challenged myself and completed the whole journey.

Leap in the jungle is an unforgettable experience, exciting and happy. I think I will come again!